EVERYTHING you need to know about St. Trina | Elden Ring Lore

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with the recent release of the shadow of the earth tree official trailer you might have heard mentions of someone called srina and before you ask if this is some obscure NPC miss talking to don't worry you haven't this figure takes on a much broader encompassing role in the lands between and I will tell you everything you need to know about s Trina to start this tale we will begin with a flower Trina's Lily this is no ordinary Lily it has elong Ed and trumpet-like petals hundreds of different Lily species exist in real life and one of them that bears a resemblance is the lilium candidum or Madonna Lily the Roman Catholic church has long considered this Lily a symbol of Purity partly because of its pristine white coloring you may often find artwork portraying the Virgin Mary alongside or holding L resembling the lilium candidum there's even a prayer that is very fitting for introducing srina to day into this mix of symbols and characters it goes as such Hail Mary white lily of the Glorious and always Serene Trinity the word Trinity usually refers to a trio of people or things often used when describing the Holy Trinity the father Son and Holy Spirit but to Cle this back to S Trina the word Trina is also very close to the word Trinity Trina May stem from the Latin word trinus meaning triple with this name the title of Saint and the symbol of the Lily there are unmistakable religious undertones here that are too great to ignore as a final point to link the Lily and the number three take a look at this emblem this is the Flur de French for lily flower and is commonly thought to depict a stylized Lily with its three petal segments this symbol has appeared in various forms throughout history in art architect cure and heraldry while its origin is heavily debated it is widely associated with French sovereignity and is used in its Royal coat of arms all this is to say that the Lily is simultaneously religious political and artistic although similar in appearance and symbolism to Madonna's Lily Trina's Lily is explicitly stated to be a water lily in the item's description water lies are entirely different from their land dwelling relatives mainly as their name suggests they only grow and submerged in water and am I going to split hairs here over a flower you know it there are around 130 of Trina lies in the game most of which are not submerged in water a couple are by Rivers but for the most part these lies grow on land but to give them the benefit of the doubt we will say these are indeed water lies not related to Madonna's Lily so what are they then the Lily is described as pale purple and the next best real life Lily I could find is the NY elegans or elegant water lily this one has the same delicate white to purple coloring and a stem long enough to droop just like Trina's Lily described as being on the brink of wilting and this is relevant because srina is heavily associated with sleep there are quite a few items in the game that either apply or cure the Sleep ailment here are some of the I could find from looking at them what do you notice they all have in common they all have purple coloring in their design purple is the established color in game to signify sleep when an enemy accumulates enough of the status effect they will succumb to sleep becoming incapacitated for one minute or until they take damage you can tell if you've applied sleep successfully by the purple streak of light that will appear around a victim's head accompanied by what looks like spectral feathers or falling leaves one way to create sleep is to mix mushrooms and Trina's Lily and seal the Magic in a cracked pot Enchanted by the incantations of St Trina like a lullaby or a quagmire its light purple haze irresistibly draws its victims down into sleep sweet dreams the comparison to a lullabi is comforting however it's shortly followed by the alternative of a quagmire a quagmire is a soft bog likee land that is perilous to walk across as you can very quickly sink and drown in its muddy depths coupled with the game sleep mechanic this adds a Sinister perspective C Trina's magic seems to ENT trap individuals compelling them to struggle against the dense murky Embrace of sleep the conclusion of sweet dreams is almost derisive suggesting that while sleep may be restorative to some it also holds a dangerously tempting Allure so where C tr's incantations designed for malicious purposes originally or was this an abuse of the followers not the Creator a record of crafting techniques left by a man who was utterly capsulated by srina he continu the search for her in his Slumber The Mention Of Being captivated by Cina raised intriguing possibilities was she genuinely captivating drawing individuals to her with her otherworldly Allure or was there a purposeful magical element to ens snare followers and bend them to her will the name of the item that gives you this description is also intriguing fever's cookbook initially I misread it as further with an R which means a burning intense feeling however it is written without the r as feev which implies that it's a name their name is feev and this is their note there is probably a play on words here as according to the description feor was so deeply enamored with srina that he ventured into the realm of sleep in search of her did he know there was a chance of seeing her in the Sleep realm had he seen her before how did he even know if she was real clearly none of that mattered to one so driven by fervent devotion hence the name the cookbook image depicts what looks like fe's drawing of trus lily breaking down its Anatomy essentially what I was doing in the first section of this video but based on his studies he concluded that he would have to willingly suum to a potentially Eternal sleep this was a huge sleap of faith in the name of science knowledge but probably more because of his intense obsession with Trina feather is undoubtedly not the only devoted follower of Trina other item descriptions hint at the Saint's prolificness Arrow carve to resemble a withered water lily afflicts targets with a powerful sleep effect Priests of s Trina use these arrows to spread their teachings the sweet Oblivion of sleep can become quite the Habit the fact that there are also dedicated Priests of srina shows that there are enough followers and religious hierarchy to follow and dedicate their lives to this Rel this brings me to the case of Trina's title Saint according to the Roman Catholic Church criteria sainthood requires a formal process before you are officially recognized to briefly sum up this process you must have lived a holy devoted life having demonstrated multiple virtues you must have performed at least two Miracles or have had a history of miraculous interventions some examp examples of Miracles are scientifically inexplicable healing resurrecting others and being able to float extraordinary phenomena however one of the most exciting criteria when considering this in the context of s Trina is that to be a saint you must have died to my understanding you cannot be recognized as a saint while alive at least not in the modern day system thus according to real life classification since Trina must be presently deceased unless of course she is a living Saint the term living Saint sounds paradoxical yet it does exist in fiction and other game universes like the Elder Scrolls and Warhammer funnily enough the sisters of battle faction use a flooded leas in their Insignia anyway one cannot simultaneously be living and a saint a minimum of 5 years post death is typically necessary for canonization although exceptions do exist for example the pope waved this rule to bestow the title of Saint upon Mother Teresa just 2 years after her passing in the lands between it's conceivable that specific rules may be bent or adapted to Grant S Trina this esteemed title but most importantly there is no explicit mention of Trina's demise it's plausible that her status as deceased is not common knowledge perhaps intriguingly srina remains among the living or maybe Fe was on to something when he dove into the Sleep realm maybe srina only exists in the sleeping plane to circumvent her possible death in the living plane but as I said earlier how do we know that srina is a real being that exists and not just some shared group hallucination the description of Trina's significant sword can help shed some light srina is an enigmatic figure some say she is a comely young girl others are sure he is a boy the only certainty is that their appearance was as sudden as their disappearance so a couple of things here there are witnesses who claim to have glimpsed Trina alth the very fleetingly Trina appeared suddenly and then vanished these accounts describe srina as young young but debate over their gender this ambiguity might hint that Trina has a more androgynous appearance blurring conventional gender distinctions hence bystanders couldn't agree on what they saw it's also plausible that s Trina did imp as a girl and a boy on separate occasions they're capable fluidly manifesting their form and biological sex that is why in various item descriptions Trina is referred to as she they and he all seem to be established ways of referring to srina and from here on I will refer to srina with female pronouns partly because of clarity and for reasons later in the video she can appear as male female young and old intriguingly there is a portrayal of s Trina as an adult the appearance of Trina's torch has a carving depicting srina but in adult form somewhat unnervingly it's un if this is an artistic interpretation by the sculptor or if it is true to life made directly from reference what is for sure is that srina has something quite Eerie about her the description calls the adult form unnerving most likely this refers to the long curling Tresses of hair obscuring the upper half of the face and in the center of the forehead sits one unblinking eye this looks like a third eye a symbolic representation prevalent in many spiritual practices like Buddhism and Hinduism the third eye is a metaphorical Doorway to accessing things Beyond regular vision and locking more profound wisdom insight and Enlightenment the third eye also has a fitting connection to srina theosophist blavatsky theorized the third eye is a partially inactive area of the brain the pineal gland this tiny component is part of your endocrine system and is responsible for secreting the hormone melatonin might be able to see where I'm going with this the pineal gland helps regulate your circadian rhythms which are your cycles of sleep and wakefulness therefore the third eye is a representation of the pineal gland the pineal gland regulat sleep Ergo C Trina's third eye is an extension of her sleep inducing abilities whether Catrina possesses a physical third eye or if this serves as a symbolic representation remains open to interpretation we may find out more in the DLC especially with this distinctive character they appear to be sleeping on the ground in a room with a purple glow which as we established may be a hint of sleepy time and this character also seems to be wearing a porcelain like mask it may be the angle but this for forehead space seems larger than average I'd like to theorize that this character may be a boss fight or an enemy type and during the battle a third eye may appear in that forehead space and put you to sleep returning to the torch and focusing on the hair part something about this might look quite familiar a partly obscured face with long branching strands tree branches I heard speculation Mika embedded himself in the head tree but before he could finish someone cut the tree open and absconded with his infant form as part of micholas plan to make his own her tree he attempted to grow his own from scratch watering it with his blood and eventually surrendering his body to be engulfed by the tree it's unclear if he did this before or after the outcome of his helic tree failing to grow into an her tree however what is clear is that the tree branches grew in response to this twisting into the shape of long hair and a youthful face bearing a similarity to that face on Trina's torch that is not the only connection between these two characters C Trina and Mika both possess a level of ambiguity with their gender and age C Trina is described as a young individual of Uncertain gender with depictions ranging from a young girl to a young boy and existing portrayals of an adult form with an undetermined sex this fluidity of identity is mired in Mika who was born Afflicted with the body of a perpetually young child Mika's long flowing gold hair and androgynous appearance due to his prepubescence further reinforced this notion of ambiguity and parallel srina as a side note much of this is reminiscent of gwindel from Dark Souls 1 specifically the topic of gwindel and's gender Mika and gindin have very similar appearances young androgynous both fair and golden with long hair and dressed in white wendland's law mentions that he was born male but raised as a daughter this is partly because of his frail body and affinity for the moon a typically feminine Associated symbol another item of interest from DS1 is the reversal ring an item gifted to gwi to make his demeanor more feminine for the player it means that if you made a male character equipping this would swap you to the female animation move set and vice versa for female characters to relate this to srina if you remember the elegant Lily species I mentioned at the beginning of this video a fun fact about those is that they are proteinous this means they are functionally female when they first flower their female gametes mature before transitioning to produce m male gtes in the following days this natural phenomenon gives new meaning to C Trina's symbolic lies and the concept of gender fluidity as seen in gwindel and Mika returning to Elden ring and the similarities between TR and Mika both of these characters command a devoted following with cous priests clerics and admirers captivated by her mysterious Allure at the same time Mika is revered and loved by many partly due to his mysteriously powerful compelling presence they also both have lies to signify their cause Trina's lies are used to calm and symbolize faith and Tranquility this mirror micha's Golden Lily which signifies Devotion to the halic tree and the promise of Salvation both characters arguably provide a sanctuary one in the halic trees Haven for the meek and the other in the enveloping realm of sleep moreover a location in game further blurs the lines between srina and Mika in alter's Plateau there is a statue that depicts Mika and his twin sister melenia this area was initially called Trina's Hideway what better Hideway is there than in the arms of one's beloved sister srina and Micha could be two sides of the same coin partly why I refer to srina with female pronouns I wanted to differentiate between the two because all of this fits into one of the game's most prevalent themes Duality dichotomy breaking and mending golden and tarnished life and death light and dark male and female so are Micha and Cina the exact same person are they two beings that just happen to inhabit the same body like Mar and Radigan or are they separate and entirely different individuals who just happen to have a lot of similarities it's entirely up to you to decide however I do have some extra information that might sway your decision this part will now delve into cut content which is data mind characters dialogue and items not implemented in the base game at the time of this video there may still be a slight chance these could pop up in the DLC so if you want to avoid that please skip ahead to the next chapter so one cut character is an NPC named reeling Rico whose Quest is to do with sleep Rico's hobby concerns the creation of dream brew a potent elixir of the demigods set to unveil Hidden Truths to concoct this drink weo tasks you with Gathering the most essential ingredient a component known as dream mist or Slumber fog as he calls it to collect this ethereal substance Rico gives you a special tool to do so s Trina's crystal wall the art of this asset is beautiful at the top you can see a carving of Cina signature Lily and on the side a figure presumably another depiction of her due to the long flowing hair and Youthful face based on Rico's dialogue and the cut content you could approach a sleeping enemy or NPC with the crystal ball and interact to collect the dream Mist I would highly recommend this video by seoi where they restore and recreate what the dream quest line would have looked like many other characters are involved in the Sleep Quest but most of their dialogue and presence was sadly cut from the release version dream Brew's importance lies in its ability to draw forth Secrets within a victim's subconscious Rico liken secrets to Fine Wine the longer they mature in the dark the Richer the flavor interestingly enough there is a fair bit of removed dialogue from many of the friendly NPCs like e Bach and rodor Rica to name a few implying that you could have offered them dream Brew the dialogue suggests that they were unfamiliar with its effects but recognized it as a special alcohol they would drink it and fall asleep allowing you to peer into their sleeping minds and glean some of their personal Secrets what Rico wants to use the dream Brew for is on Mika we know this because Rico's dialogue hints at his pursuit of Clues regarding micha's abduction he moves to the consecrated snowfield after you unlock the secret lift and tells you he is following bloody Footprints if you go to the Western portion of the consecrated snowfield you can actually find a trail of blood in the snow leading to a teleporter and if you teleport yourself you'll be in Mogan Palace and a bloody Trail will lead you to Moog the abductor and captor of Mika a small note is that close to this teleporter you have both trainers and micha's Lily growing so why is Rico so fixated on Mika after reading between the lines of the cut dialogue when you have defeated Moog Rico will now appear by micha's cocoon and he will say finally I have found it Sr is no Lord micha's kadava this slip in phrasing is really intriguing does Rico know for a fact that they are the same entity was it a genuine mistake or does Rico acknowledge that Mika is currently in his male form rather than the female form of srina either way this is the most damning evidence that that supports that they're the same person in some regard however this content was cut for a reason based on other cut content this could be due to several reasons perhaps they didn't have enough time to implement the quests before the release deadline or technical issues arose during development whatever the reason for the decision to remove the content will continue to be a mystery all of this content isn't like an Easter egg it's not just a mysterious jpeg or an out of bounds object these are entire character arcs by narrative designers thought out NPC appearances and personalities by creatives these are voice actors who put in their passion and soul who either had their character removed entirely or were reduced to a generic NPC their dialogue now only a shadow of what they were initially dreamed up to be I don't want to sound salty or ungrateful about the final product which is Elden ring I'm just sad that these things were cut and we will never know why but and there is a but these things could have been cut to give more time for them to be fixed and then included in the DLC which is entirely possible in a recent Igan interview with Mia Zaki he stated that the DLC will commence when the player interacts with the arm coming out of the Cocoon Mika has gone to the land of Shadow and we will follow him there several characters in the world have also been following Micha k we will also encounter on the journey so we may encounter Rico at the end of his cut Quest it seems that he is also interacting with Mika's cocoon he says speaking to Mika I have partaken of Untold Secrets such that I might Aid you oh Lord so please I hope you can welcome your humble servant Rico into your dream the world of your heart after he finishes speaking he goes silent perhaps now peering into micha's slumbering mind the help of his Ultimate Dream Brew I think we will be going to a dreamlike world for the DLC whenever people refer to the Cocoon they always refer to it as being Mika and him being in a sleep-like state Miaki clarified that we are tracing micha's path as if we are watching the events of his dream it was also revealed that the DLC area will occupy the same space as where the lands between exists but they are physically disconnected kind of like a dream is from the real waking plane the base game contains a couple more small features that may or may not be linked to srina there is an abundance of Trina's lies at the apostate derel where you find the giant aloric filia there are 13 of them in this small area to put this into perspective you usually find one two or at most three lies at a time so 30 of them must indicate something of significance in this area and that thing is filia more specifically the fact that filia is sleeping could this be a sign that srina visited filia here and blessed her with sleep the lies growing here remind me of the Trope where a character would walk and bring forth nature as they did so grass and flowers growing underf foot C Trina's influence could manifest her unique lilies as a sign of where she has dwell similarly in the leonian swamp you will find the second densest cluster of Trina lies on a small dry patch of land you will find an abundance of these flowers and also crabs small and large they seem to flock to this particular area if you get into combat with the adult ones they actually have a sleep move spraying a Mist in front of them which can cause your character to stumble as you regain lucidity and there may be a good reason why these crabs have this ability if you watch their non-hostile behavior you can see them scavenge for food in the swamp they Feast on FAA and Flora appearing to eat Trina lies they may have been able to absorb the soporific properties utilizing sleep as both a defense mechanism and a means of sustenance after all you can use Tres yourself as the main ingredient ingredient for crafting sleep items what's to say that consuming the flower raar won't give you the same power to harness yourself further observations of Lily's growing near sea creatures like land octopi also hint at Trina's involvement while these creatures don't induce sleep like the crabs they are very vulnerable to Slumber and resemble s Trina physically as this comment suggests the flowing hair of Trina's adult depiction is reminiscing of tentacles and her third eye is akin to an octopus beak this is a fun Theory and it reminds me of Medusa her hair of snakes hiding both Beauty and Peril with an equally unnerving but also Charming appearance instead of turning people to Stone srina would turn them to sleep in conclusion we don't know much about srina we don't know what she wants her motives or her objectives to her sleep may serve as escapism or restoration but it could also be wielded as a weapon for manipulation or control in the case of Fe was he captivated or recruited did Trina establish herself as a prominent spiritual figure or is this a case of mass religious catry and most importantly is Trina alive or not there's a good chance we will get some answers when the DLC comes in June as there were a couple of hints in the trailer about srina for example this figure is one that we covered earlier and there are also other references like this part of the trailer you have a dark purple hazy cave area with one of my favorite enemy designs I've seen so far but I bring this up not only because purple is linked to srina but also because in the background it looks like Trina's lies are growing here or they could be micha's lies they both have that drooping flower shape so we may be getting more on srina or this is just a reuse of the flower asset a girl can dream thank you everybody so much if you made it this far watching this video I hope this helped cover srina um as it would be really exciting if we get to see her in the DLC thank you so much for watching I really hope you enjoyed let me know your interpretation of the item descriptions and the information I presented I'd love to hear your interpretations and a special thank you now to my channel members and [Music] patrons [Music] [Music] for
Channel: Miss Chalice
Views: 72,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring, elden ring dlc, elden ring shadow of the erdtree, elden ring lore, lore, elden ring ending, miss chalice, chalice, asmr storytelling, elden ring lore cosplay, chalice lore, loreplay, miquella lore, miquella quest, miquella elden ring, shadows of erdtree elden ring, elden ring trailer, elden ring trailer explained, shadow of erdtree explain, st trina elden ring, who is st trina, trina miquella, st trina lily elden ring, st trina where, st trina lore elden ring
Id: DyfH2yLMdRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 14sec (1814 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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