The FULL Story of Miquella - So Far | Elden Ring Lore Before DLC

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to the north of lale there are lands that are sealed branded as forbidden and guarded by malak's followers a path that few would dare to trade however for the desperate and determined lies a land shrouded by blizzards known as the consecrated snowfields consecrated because these are the holy lands of Lord MCA the unalloyed and master of the halic tree Micha is one of the many demigods and in the base game we never interact with him directly and yet it is clear the influence and wisdom this imperion wielded taking in those outcasts and overlooked by the golden order Michela would establish an unalloyed gold order with a halic tree to oppose the Earth tree seeking to purify the perceived faults found within his father's regime his love for the meek is eclipsed only by his love for his sister melenia who's been afflicted by the curse of an outer God of rot since birth it is little surpris then that this would be God is concerned with Purity to shrive clean the hearts of men and to purge the world of its corruption and interference from outside gods in this lore video we will be doing a comprehensive analysis on micha's lore thus far in preparation for the DLC and so that this video may serve as a reminder of micha's lore before we got new information in the DLC and so I hope you'll join me this week as we analyze the lore of Micha The unalloyed at the onset of this video I'd like to do a few shout outs first I'd like to give a shout out to Eugene Eliza an extremely talented environment artist who gave me permission to use her srina mockups as background for that chapter massive shout out to Eugenia and her Channel and socials are linked below and next I'd like to thank a few creators who discussed the subject of Micha with me publicly and privately that allowed me to cement my ideas on the subject firstly rascar who discussed Micha with me on a podcast which I will link below as well as creators cyob and monster maze who discuss these subjects with me privately these are all great creators so please check them out we know enough about micha's early years that we can paint a somewhat interesting picture of how was shaped in his youth morgot in his preite rant refers to Micha and melenia as the twin prodiges the twin prodiges Micha and melenia this is an interesting detail about their birth that adds further context to their close Bond intertwining stories and opposing attributes which exist in balance with one another we of course know that he and melenia were born of the am Radigan Union as millenia's remembrance reads the following Micha and melenia are both the children of a single God as such they are both imperion but suffered afflictions from birth one was cursed with eternal childhood and the other harbored rot within I've discussed this before in both my prior Micha and Millennia videos but for the benefit of new viewers the term a single God is not just a reference to America being the only God in the relationship rather the language used here is referring to the single physical being that is the am and rigan Union to confirm this content creator last protagonist was kind enough to translate this remembrance for me and it reads the following Micha and melenia they are the children of the one person God therefore the two are God men with this understanding in hand we can see that the remembrance is telling us that the special circumstances of their birth I.E being born from a single Divine being of two egos was what led to them becoming imperion this is why the wording of millenia's remembrance suggests a causal link between their birth and becoming imperian as it says as such they are both imperian however we also know from the Lord that this isn't just an automatic process you aren't just born an imperion as imperion seems to be a status that is bestowed upon those being considered by the greater will to replace the preceding God we learn this of course via rany an imperion herself who says the following I was once an imperian of the demigods only I Mika and Melania could claim that title each of us was chosen by our own two fingers as a candidate to succeed Queen Marica to become the new god of the coming age so each of them were chosen by a two fingers and thus in the case of Micha and Millennia they were chosen by their two fingers because of their auspicious birth indeed it is quite the Heritage to be born from the current God and the separate ego that inhabits her body millenia's great Rune lends further Credence to the idea that the nature of the twin's birth should have made them great as it reads melenia is the daughter to Queen Marica and Radigan and her great Rune should have been the most sacred of all we can of course apply this special status to Micha as well given he too has the same parentage being born from the single bodied God and that should have made them special and they are they are two of the most powerful and impactful characters in the lands between their childhood does indeed seem to be celebrated at Halo tree town where the Town Plaza supports a statue of Micha and Millennia as children being embraced by a third figure I've always believed that this is a statue of mar America embracing her children but I know many disagree on this and believe it's more likely to be Godwin I could also buy this given the connections between Godwin and Micha that we will of course look at later but either way I still think this statue celebrates their youth the twin prodiges that could Herald in a new era yet the nature of this birth also seemingly came with some defects as Millennia remembrance also tells us about the other defining elements of the twin's birth that they were born cursed melenia of course was born with the Scarlet rot within her and Micha was born with eternal childhood these two being cursed at an aesthetic level certainly does feel like a reference to the rampant inbreeding among medieval royal families which of course would give rise to many defects and given this is the earthree Dynasty and essentially their Queen is a single physical being who has mated with herself the illusion does seem clear however while that might be a Matic implication we know that in the case of melenia at least this isn't the literal cause of the curse that she has the curse of the Scarlet rot this was nothing to do with the conditions of her birth rather it is the result of the meddling of an outer God the outer God or rot who has clearly chosen melenia as its new vessel and if that's the case what is the cause of micha's Eternal childhood well we could speculate a little on this firstly regardless of Millennia situation we do of course need to consider his parentage and genetics his mother is anuman a race we know precious little about but what we do know is fascinating the Character Creator allows a num appearance preset and the description for this preset describes the race in the following way the face of the Newman supposed descendants of Dennis of another world long lived but seldom born so amica's people are beings Who Came From Another World they are alien to this one and indeed as I've discussed before the Japanese name for these beings are marabito in Japanese folklore marabito are supernatural beings or Spirits Who Come From Another World bringing wisdom or gifts this is of course interesting in regards to what we've heard about America and her relationship to the Land of Shadows the setting of the upcoming DLC both the Bandai Namco website and the interviews with Miyazaki tell us that these are the lands where America first set foot in this world does this mean this is where the Newman first arrived From Another World perhaps but returning to the relevance this has to Micha his mother's people are no ordinary beings they are long lived and as such this is why I've always assumed that America is called the Eternal and why the Eternal cities are also called as such given when they are inhabited by the num offshoot known as the nox and again I refer you to my nox video if you'd like to understand why these are numen therefore perhaps micha's Eternal youth is a genetic Heritage from his eternal ancestors it's also said in that preset that the numen are rarely born this seemingly lines up with miyazaki's concept of more advanced or powerful beings being less fertile than lower forms of life for those unaware this is an idea explored in the story of bloodborne where the highest forms of life in this world the great ones are essentially infertile a lot of the game's main conflicts revolve around these great Cosmic beings seeking surrogates and children with Miyazaki himself confirming this in an interview first published in the future press guide so it seems as though the Newman inherit this thematic exploration of birth rates by being a more powerful and longer living race they also struggle to reproduce as quickly as the regular human races is it therefore possible that micha's curse is a combination of all these genetic factors Eternal but thanks to some genetic instability via the self- breeding and inherent issues with Numan reproduction he was born eternally young rather than just Eternal perhaps and that is the most likely to me however I could be wrong and he too was afflicted by the curse of some outer God or greater weal itself let me know your thoughts in the comments below indeed the few images that we have of Micha present him as a youthful figure the statue of him in melenia the statues of him throughout the halic tree and in ordina lurgical town and there's of course the opening slide to the game of mog kidnapping a young Micha and then finally we now have a glimpse of him in the new trailer for shadow of the earth tree and again he appears to have that youthful appearance yet it doesn't seem as though micha's Eternal youth has affected his wisdom as it's clear that Micha is one of the wisest among his kin in millenia's armor set she says that he has the wisdom of a God and the fact Micha helped his father develop golden order fundamentalism speaks volumes of his intelligence if he was able to match or exceed his father's wisdom himself a scholar and of course what Mel achieves with the halic treat and his own leadership is extremely impressive so clearly he isn't childlike in intelligence but what about his Outlook what about his morals I would argue that Micha has retained a sort of childlike innocence or naivity an idealized view of the world he is someone who wants a world free from the midling of the Gods a world where even the meek and the outcast can be embraced it does seem very idealistic and perhaps some would consider it to be the naivity of a child again let me know your thoughts in the comments below as I mentioned in the intro to this video a large part of Nicholas's formative years will have been spent around his twin it's clear that these two became immensely close as is indicated by the rather moving statues of these two embracing found around the Halo tree there are also other reliefs found around ilale which show two babies around the tree and this is likely representative of Micha and Melania as well of course their bond is further illustrated by the fact that melenia and imper in herself with almost unmatched strength puts aside any of her own ambition to lead and becomes her brother's blade she respects and loves her brother so much that she is happy to serve him as his blade despite her own ability to lead an incredible power of course this love is reciprocated in kind as micha's entire life goal seems to be at least partially inspired by his desire to free his sister from the clutches of the outer God of rot rigan rings of light imply that finding a cure for his sister was the reason that he explored golden order fundamentalism with his father in the first place meaning that him leaving the golden order and founding the unalloyed gold order is a direct response to the perceived failings of the golden order and how it couldn't help his sister it's also worth noting that Micha seems to have carried over the Miracles he developed for the golden order fundamentalists into his own unalloyed order as we can see his Miracle being used by followers of his and his sister we see it in the clean rot nights some of them carry the Halo Scythe which has the weapon art micha's ring of light clearly a unalloyed variant of those original fundamentalist incantations additionally we see similar Miracles wielded by the Alban Orcs found in the snowfield clearly followers of mea their eyes tinted by his gold it's just another great storytelling detail illustrating how mola took what he learned under golden order fundamentalism and applied it and reworked it for his own unalo order but it is very moving when you consider that the beginnings of micha's entire New Movement was in part inspired by his love for his sister and his desire to cure her indeed millenia's very armor is made from unalloyed gold as we learn of this from its description a further kindness shown to his uffing sister providing prosthetics for her rotted limbs while the gold helps forestall the rots progression as melenia desperately clings to her Humanity of course some of these efforts will have come later in his life but the point being is that his sister was an important factor in the God he would become one obsessed with scaring the earth clean of outside interference it is this concept of self-determination that Micha fights for all those downtrodden outcast and persecuted by the will of the Gods all the Lives who have been predetermined by the interference of faceless Cosmic entities will be welcomed under micha's Reign freedom from cosmic oppression an ideal developed watching his sister suffer the pawn of an outer God her life decided by something inhuman as a young boy this must have had a massive formative effect on him what I like is that we get further hints that his concept of an unalloyed gold order that house his ideal surrounding Purity and freedom was something that took root in his mind early on in his life the description of micholas Lily reads the following a delicate water lily of unalloyed gold that has started to fade and welt a flower signifying faith in the Halo treat thought to be beloved by the imperian Micha in his youth so Micha loved this Lily in his youth far before he created his unalloyed order yet it is clear that the idea of unalloyed gold was important to him from a young age it therefore makes sense that when his father's order failed he thought back to that unalloyed gold Lily of his childhood and A New Path was chosen so with that said let us talk about the concept of unalloyed gold and what it means for the current golden order the term unalo is used a lot regarding Micha his miracles and his aims and this this does make perfect sense when you learn more about the emperion the word unalo is generally a reference to Metals indicating that it's not an alloy and is pure gold is important to the current order so it's hard not to see the term unalloyed gold as a direct response and criticism of the golden order itself Micha seeks to establish an unalo golden order one free of the impurities and failings of the golden order itself but what are these impurities well if we go by the description of the unalloyed gold needle a creation of Micha his aim seems to be freeing Millennia and more generally removing the meddling of the outer Gods from the world Micha clearly sees the medling of gods as something that taints the purity of an order this of course brings us to an overlap which no doubt some have already considered the unalloyed gold of Micha and the perfect order of gold mask gold mask's Quest is something I have detailed in its own separate video and I would recommend that if you want a full analysis but for this video I will go over the cliff notes gold Mas comes to the lands between as a fundamentalist attempting to find out why the golden order has failed to the fundamentalists the golden order is a perfected order holistic and a complete philosophy that should not have failed golden order fundamentalism is not just a philosophy but also scholarship as is described by the golden order seal item description as tarnished archaeologist has pointed out numerous time in many videos the golden order totality gesture the one that Radigan is usually posed in has Echoes of the vetruvian man of Leonardo D Vinci Leonardo was a man of the high Renaissance and the vran man is his version of the idealized male form a blend of scientific and I istic ideals this thematically lines up with Radigan a man who wanted to combine the scholarship and intellectual learnings of the Sorcerers of real Laria and karia with the faith-based traditions of the golden order and the urry peoples indeed his icon tells us that he tries to combine these two skills of thoughts to perfect himself and of course a massive shout out to tarnished archaeologist for making this AP comparison so it isn't surprising then with it scientific thematic underpinnings and logic that golden order fundamentalism could also be understood in a mathematical sense and indeed this seems to be the way that gold mask tries to unpack the golden order to seek out its flaws indeed brother Corin seems to interpret gold mask's gestures as a sort of calculus and in the middle of this computation gold mask stumbles across a curious anomaly the Master's Reflections had heightened as we neared the Earth tree while still a precise calculus The rhythms grew increasingly wild until he simply ceased now the master is facing quite the puzzle the golden order is founded on the principle that Mar is the one true God however the name of Mar's second husband King consort Radigan also appeared who exactly was Radigan the master is stomped his finger has remained still ever since radigan's name was discovered America is Radigan Corin tells us that the golden order is founded on the principle that Marica is the one true God but gold mask's calculations reveal this doesn't work or hold true because Marica holds another within her with this Revelation that the golden order is founded upon a lie gold mask trust in the gods is shattered and he travels to the Forbidden heretical Mount of fire much to corin's dismay I've been gripped by a terrifying thought the rhythms and calculus of the Master's finger betray a suspicion of the holism of the golden order a conceit I am afraid that cannot be overlooked but how could this be I dread to even entertain the possibility but somehow I cannot cast aside my doubts about the master tell me have I simply lost my head only if the master were true to the golden order why would he think to breach this forbidden Mount of fire the implication is clear gold mask sees the gods as the issue it's their very lies and very human actions that caused the failure of the system the golden order as it stands with the gods as part of it caused it to fail and the Elden ring to shatter as I've said Corin believes that the golden order was founded on the principle that am is the one true God and it's this founding principle that gold mask takes issue with it is no surprise then that gold mask eventually conceives of a new golden order one perfected by banishing the gods from it forever as his Rune of perfected order reads a rune of transcendental ideology which will attempt to perfect the golden order the current imperfection of the golden order or instability of ideology can be blamed upon the fickess of the Gods no better than men that is the fly in the ointment from a visual standpoint I've always seen the Halo that surrounds this mending Rune as a barrier that Wards off the influence of the Gods and indeed if you do choose to use this mending Rune in the ending cinematic you will see that this Rune takes up a position of a shield that surrounds the entire Elden ring so long tangent aside it seems that on a surface level there does seem to be a great deal of similarities between gold mask and micha's ideologies so where do they differ well to me it's quite simple gold mask still sees the golden order as worthy of salvaging it just needs to be perfected and tweaked however Micha clearly does not this is evident in him creating his own brand new her tree separate from the current one a new order root and stem for something truly pure one must start from the beginning at least that is my speculation based on his action in moving away and starting something entirely new fresh and uncorrupted this is in line with what I've previously suggested about the outer gods in the likes of my outer God lore video in this video I suggested that the term outer God isn't just a reference to their Cosmic nature but is also a commentary on their current status the fact they are external to the current order and again shout out to mirle a translator that works with saac noo for first bringing this Theory to my attention they are currently outside of the order and yet they are not necessarily something that the greater will would exclude melenia was born with the Scarlet rot within her she was chosen by the outer God of rot to Herald in a new order of rot becoming its God Queen Marica and her King consort Radigan were blessed with twin demigods and melenia was one of them she was born an imperion carrying the Scarlet rot an imperion is no mere demigod in the age of the Elden ring and queen manica the precious emperion was born a new God to forge a new order since Melania fought red and the great Scarlet flower blossomed in aonia I have dedicated myself to her and to the resplendence of the order of rot the cycle of Decay and rebirth and yet the two fingers vassals of the greater will still chose her to be an imperion despite the fact she had the Scarlet rot within her and this to me speaks volumes the greater will has no problem with there being an order of rot in fact it seems as though the greater world does not care what form order takes as long as there is order this is an argument made by rascar in a really great video which I will link below but before am and Godfrey there was places sax as Elden Lord it hasn't always been the golden order that was in charge and a depiction of the Elden ring found in Far maula makes it feel like this was a very different configured Elden ring a different order altogether it also doesn't matter how you repair the Elden ring whether you implement gold masks perfected version of the golden order or you curse the Elden ring with dong eater's blessing of Despair or if you even Herald in the age of the dustborne bringing in those who live in death who were previously excluded you are still anointed by the greater will as the Elden Lord in each of these cases the greater will doesn't care as long as there is a New Order and therein lies micha's issue with the current way of things this is why there is no cure to be found for his sister in the current golden order because it allows for the outer God's interference in micha's purified unalloyed order there would be no such tolerance for this interference and so he has to start from the beginning for him there is no salvaging the current golden order Micha seeks something new and purer and with that understanding of what unalloyed really means I want to talk about micha's character I had previously mentioned that Micha May possess a childlike idealized vision for the world and this brings me to the inevitable heroic concept discussion ratas or does a great series on this and I would highly recommend that you check it out and I will link some of these videos below but to summarize ratat tasar references a quote from Miaki that comes from a pre-release interview with PlayStation where Miyazaki said the following he created these very heroic and grandio Designs essentially these demigods from the history of Elden Ring's world so we wanted to take what he provided us and create a new core for these characters and how we design them from the Boss Designs that we've revealed so far the one that I feel is a good match for how we take a heroic concept and twist and misshape it due to the power of the Elder ring shards is godre the grafted he is an excellent example of this because he encompasses that feeling of sadness and frustration when a Lord comes to the end of his Reign trying to cling desperately to the power he still has left in this way godric is a great embodiment of that new design approach in another interview with gameinformer Miyazaki elaborates further on how it was up to from software to warp the heroic templates that George had drawn up to break these Grand Heroes twist and distort them something Noble that has become tainted in ratas ceri on the heroic concept he takes the idea Beyond godre trying to identify the nobility of each of the demigods a nobility that has now been Twisted into something perverse for example in rat tasker's video on Reichard he identifies Reichard as a hero of rebellion of agnation and there is certainly something Noble about rebellion and that desire for Freedom dependent on one's perspective of course indeed even the gilir knights who initially followed him believed it was a noble cause despite its inherent Blasphemous nature while this was initially reichard's goal a noble one it has been consumed by his desire to gain power to achieve this end you see Reichard desired power to beat the AR tree to defeat it and as such he allowed himself to be devoured by The Serpent of gmir and now that hunger for power has become the aim in of itself he is no longer the Lord of rebellion he is the Lord of greed so let's apply this Theory to Mah himself that Micha Is possessing a noble Spirit but through the shards of the Elden ring that could become corrupted and perverted somehow well for me Micha is someone who is concerned with purity of course as we've discussed the term unalo itself evokes images of something that is pure Micha wants an unal World a pure world free from the taint of meddling Celestial entities how could this become Twisted could micha's heroic element become warped and he is the final hidden boss of the DLC well yes absolutely because when does one's quest for Purity become a purge certainly some interesting Concepts to ponder as we approach the DLC there is another idea though regarding micha's heroic element and what he stands for what his new order would stand for Micha really has a problem with outside forces influencing the lands between in the case of melenia it's pretty plain to see why he would not like this she does suffer but there's something more important melenia fights her entire life to retain herself her sense of individuality the ability to make her own choices but the Scarlet Rock forces her down a path that is not of her own choosing by the end of her story it doesn't matter who Millennial wants to be the Scarlet Rock will always out she is being robbed of her own right to selfdetermination so while Purity is important to mclaw that might just be a means to an end that end being individual's right to their own self-determination the idea of choice fate Free Will and self-determination is one of the biggest overarching themes in Elden ring from rannie shedding her imperian flesh in order to free herself of the control of the two fingers to the decision of the tarnished themselves for if Mar predicted our return in eventual succession and if we are Guided by grace and we are armed by amica's blacksmith did we actually make a decision at all if we choose to become ELD and Lord no matter our reasons for doing so have we just been pawns the entire time or is the only true decision we can make of our free will to burn it all down despite this system of control or are we just being manipulated by another Cosmic Force even in this choice there's also the tragedy of blly a warrior defined to the Fate he was born into he chooses rannie he chooses her Rebellion but at the very end he is still undone by his own nature his pre-ordained fate he is punished by the greater will for daring to have free will and as we've already said the most pertinent example of Free Will being explored in Elden ring is that of Millennia a woman who wants to have her own identity as a warrior and yet is forced to become the goddess of rot the goddess of rot is just a tool of the outer God of rot and Millennia and her identity that she crafted through her long life is erased in a moment so it isn't just the greater well that manipulates Mortals for its own ends each of the outer gods that we encounter seemed to be manipulating Mortals to achieve their aims a sort of Game of Thrones between them without the interjection of these outer Gods these mortals might have lived very different lives they are being manipulated and their Free Will stripped for the use of a cosmic being what I find really revealing about micha's view of the outer Gods is the wording used in mola's Needle as it reads the following one of the unalloyed gold needles that Micha crafted to Ward away the meddling of the outer Gods the term meddle suggests that michola sees them as beings who interfere in the life of Mortals and interfering with their ability to live truly free he certainly developed this view by witnessing what happened to his sister how her entire life has been dominated and directed by the influence of a cosmic being she did not choose this and she's not free to live her own life and make her own decisions so Micha seeks to remove the influence of the outer Gods from this world so that we may be the masters of our own destiny to protect individualism and to protect Free Will so in short I believe that micha's heroic concept is one of Purity or freedom but his order the unalloyed order that he wants to implement could be seen as the order of free will at least that's my interpretation although this is quite ironic when we look at micha's more alluring and bewitching aspects in the next chapter but it seems seems as though under micha's Reign no outer Gods would design the course of Fate for the world only the Earthbound Lord and ruling body will do what is best for their people and already at this early point in the discussion regarding Micha we can see why serving him might be so appealing and with that said let us now talk about the lands of Micha his regime and his followers we've mentioned micha's history with the golden order order The discus of light and rigan's ring of light item description tell us a narrative that narrative being that Micha helped his father develop the Miracles of golden order fundamentalism and that he had a motive for doing so when no answer could be found to cure his sister he abandoned the golden order to find a new way to banish the outer Gods this was the start of unalo gold we can presume then it was at this stage that Micha moved to the land where the halic tree now stands and we learn a little bit about the birth of this tree via the halic tree Crest cirat which reads the following the cirat Bears the crest of the halig tree though watered with mola's own blood since it was a sapling the halig tree ultimately failed to grow into an her tree so Micha grew this tree from when it was a sapling into what it is now and there's another important factor to consider here something I identified in my m video two years ago there are two Earth tree avatars present here at alale at the Halo tree which has big low applications for the tree itself these avatars play a special role in the lands between the staff of the avatar the weapons that they wield read the following the avatars emerging in the wake of the Elden ring shattering were determined to protect the weathering 's Offspring so these avatars are are usually found in locations around a minor her tree or the her tree itself as is the case with the Avatar found in lale if the avatars are here at the Halo tree defending it that can only mean one thing the Halo tree itself is a minor her tree Micha either took it as a sapling or a seed to this new site planted it and watered it with his own blood the description of the Circ says it failed to grow into an earth tree implying that this was the goal to grow a new AR Trey it makes sense in that Micha would choose a minor AR Trey if this was his goal watering it with his own imperian blood to No Doubt help it grow and Infuse it with his power and it did grow it is far bigger than any other minor Earth tree this is also likely why the halig tree is called the halig tree which basically means holy tree as for those who worship and follow Micha a tree grown from his blood wouldn't indeed be a holy thing indeed Micha The unoy has a following unlike any other yes there are other leaders who demand respect like Redan or melenia but Micha is seen as holy and is worshiped as if he is a god already this is why so much of the language associated with Micha and his domain are related to Holiness for example the snowy lands that Mark the entrance to his domain are the consecrated snowfields the halic tree is is the holy tree and the town that marks the entrance to the halic tree itself is called ordina lurgical Town part of the reason that the consecrated snowfields might be considered holy is because they are the lands that pilgrims must travel through to reach ordena and the halic tree beyond the map for the area reads the route through this land crossed east to west by a frozen River leads to micha's halic tree this is the path taken by those unchosen though it is a all the same suggesting that Passage through this land is a trial for those who wish to prove themselves worthy of entrance to the hel tree indeed we do see what appear to be pilgrims traveling through the blizzards in the consecrated snow fields and it's why his Warriors are more zealous than any other even the city ail may have holy connotations as far as I can tell there is no word elil however it Cleaves very close to the Biblical name elal which means God has judged or whom God judges mea's men also bear a sacred Crown at top their heads so named by the helmet of the same name the sacred Crown seems to take the form of a golden wreath of branches and it's hard not to see the comparison to Christ and his crown of thorns to me Micha very much occupies the Messiah or Chosen One archetype in Elden ring to those who follow him there is an inevitability about his eventual rain and indeed his act of attempting to grow his own Earth tree is audacious in its intent and statement even the Warriors of mola have the honor of bearing a holy tree upon their breast in opposition to the forces of lell micha's order is a direct challenge to the order of lell what Micha has achieved at lfil is extremely impressive a capital that can very much rival lell especially given some more time it is impressive aesthetically of course wrapping around the halic tree much as lell surrounds the Earth tree however what is more interesting is that there is a real culture here A Town Plaza in halik Tree Town religious spaces and chapels outside gazebos and other social spaces as well as evidence of burial Customs elil has been made to stand independent of the rest of the lands between preparation for it becoming the new capital under micha's order it's clear that Micha seeing the Deep flaws in the golden order has established his own to rival the gods themselves instead of an nerd tree stands the halic tree and in opposition to the golden order stands the unalo gold order the golden order is impure and cannot be fixed a new one must be built from the ground up to replace it it would be hard to resist such powerful symbolism especially if you were one who felt excluded or downtrodden by the dogma and rules of the golden order indeed Micha is seen to be a protector of the weak as is described by the sacred Crown Helm the helmet worn by michola foot soldiers which reads flanged iron cap adorned with a crown of unalloyed gold worn by foot soldiers sworn to the halic tree who is it that micholas shall bless if not the low and the me for me this is why we find the likes of the aloric and the Mis begotten seeking shelter in micha's lands as he is gracious enough to offer them Shelter From the persecution of the golden order if mola outright rejects the golden order it makes sense that he would also reject their prejudices we find the Mis begotten all around Halo tree town and I personally believe the Mis begotten have been granted shelter here given we find at least a couple of them seemingly kneeling or praying for Micha statues as if they venerate or worship Him however it is worth noting there is a different Theory one that was posited by tarnished archaeologist in the video on Omen and Mis begotten tarnished archaeologist proposes the idea that the Mis begotten found here are Invaders and this is why we have a Mis begotten Crusader in the consecrated snowfields and I would recommend you check out that video if you'd like to see the reasoning for that theory the Alan Orcs are among the most hated and oppressed life forms in the lands between and it all stems from their artificial nature this is best described by the greatest lore item in the game the aloric blood clot which reads the following alinor are life forms made by human hands thus many believe them to live impure lives Untouched by the AR tre's Grace because of the golden order's dogmatic view on life and all of it being connected to the Earth tree the Albin Orcs are considered to be impure as they are not natural life forms that would be connected to the Earth tree and its burials we can see they are hunted for sport in Leonia via the aloric pot crafted by the cucko as a weapon its description reads the following the Knights of the cucko do declare Behold thy defiled blood unlike any humor that flows in our grand realm this level of hatred is most likely quite common throughout the lands between seeing them as nothing more than Vermin not true life that is worthy of empathy we can see the level of prejudice that's directed at the tarnish for example another group of people lacking Grace and we can only assume how difficult things would be for a fully artificial race however the outright disdain by the aloric shown by the cuckoo here is no worse than the Casual disregard that others show towards them I of course refer to the massacre at aloric Village which we are told by latena was perpetrated by the all- knowing and his goons gon is searching for access to the consecrated snowfields the lands of MCA and he has heard that the Alban Orcs hold the key literally and this is literally the reason why Gideon massacres an entire Village of people he wants to know more about Mecha that is it he has massacred an entire Village of people just so he can learn more and seeing such cruelty it is no wonder that the alinor people look to the consecrated snow fields and Micha for their salvation as there is good reason that the alinor hold half of the seal that leads to the consecrated snowfield as micha's lands are essentially a fabled promised land to the alinor people the promised land to which they will one day travel and be free from the brutality of the lands of Grace a chosen land awaits us aloric The Medallion is the key that leads to the city it's only a quaint treasure for we who cannot make the journey but for dear latena it is needed to fill her purpose this is what Micha is for these people for the outcasts he is hope he is a future and he is freedom the Obin Orcs are indeed present in micha's lands some even imbued with his unalloyed gold and are able to practice his miracles the female Archer variant also seemed to guard the entrance to the the helic tree itself being in and around ordina lurgical town perhaps a service to their savior most importantly Micha Harbors the Alban or's best chance for the future in the form of the terring sister filia oh young yet towering sister of ours let the birthing droplet in and create life for us for all the aloric the fabled lands of the aloric were lightly discovered by the caran Knight known as Loretta who now acts as a knight of Micha and guardian of alale we know this thanks to the description of her helmet which reads the following Loretta once a royal caran Knight went on a journey in search of a Haven for Albin orics and determined that the Halo tree was their best chance for eventual salvation this narrative is reinforced by the description of Loretta's Mastery and ultimately together they paint a picture of someone who is deeply sympathetic IC to the Alban orics and was ready to sacrifice for them a rarity in Leia the hunting ground of the cucko after all there is a good chance that Loretta is merely an empathetic Soul a human seconded by the cruelty of the cucko that she likely would have witnessed firsthand however the description of the mirror Shield the one that she Bears alludes to another possibility of the source of her empathy towards the aloric as it reads Shield of Radiance silver funed with Amber and carried by Loretta Knight of the Halo tree the shape is said to imitate that of a sacred drop of you which inspired the Absurd rumor that Loretta herself was an aloric now firstly as a bit of background why does this suggest that she may have been an Alban oric just because it shows a drop of due well this has to do with the origins of the Alban orics themselves which is hinted at Via the description of the Ripple blade which reads unique weapon wielded by Young Alban orics this sword is modeled after the ripples that are thought to be the origin of their species this alchemical origin is also represented by the design of The alinor Shield the item description for which reads tall oval shield made of metal carried by Young Alban orics the ornamentation represents the primordial drop of D from which they are said to have been created now again I discussed this in a lot of detail in my alinor lore video but there is some content that heavily hints that the Alban Orcs are creations of the nox of the Eternal cities this mainly comes from a cut dialogue from tops who outright told us that these were creations of the Eternal cities and this makes sense as the Eternal cities are well-versed in alchemy and artificial life there was also a cut quest with the silver tear a silver mimic tier called aimi would have asked us to go to the origins of her people which would have been a chalice found in the Eternal cities in the game The Eternal cities are also known for various alchemical concoctions such as the puppet draft and the celestial duw and given the Alban orics are artificial in nature the implication of all of this is that the Alban orics were created from an alchemical concoction of some kind most likely originating in the Eternal cities as such the aloric weapons the Ripple blades seem to emulate the origin of their species and this is why Loretta's Shield is suspicious to some of course we also have to consider where we receive Loretta's Shield we get it at the location of the conclusion of lenna's quest the apostate derlet Church near the Towering sister herself it is hard to ignore the significance of this location to the Albin orics and thus it could be seen as circumstantial evidence that Loretta is an aloric and there is more here that could maybe Ty Letta to the aloric species that under that armor is indeed an aloric whilst the vast majority of evidence points to the Eternal cities being the creators of the alinor at least in the first instance there is a cut item description for the silver blue armor the armor worn by the female Alban oric and this was detailed by zulie the witch in their albor video this old description attributes the creation of the female Alor nors to the academy of real Laria this is cut content so we are free to disregard it however I do think we can still make this fit with the Eternal City Theory as well and I do need to give credit to Loki here because it was in a private discussion with me that Loki first presented this Theory how we can make both of these fit the idea that it was the Eternal cities that first created the Alban oric but real larians later tampered with it let's speculate that the Eternal cities did create the Albin Orcs in the first instance but abandoned the project as it didn't have the results they were hoping for the Alin Orcs are flawed the first generation seemed to have to crawl on their hands and knees and the second generation cannot speak they then migrated above ground and now exist in Leonia at which point real aaria in the vicinity attempted to perfect this failed formula and the female Alban orics were the result a slight modified version of the first generation ones that are far more useful and that Loretta was the best the Pinnacle of this period of experimentation and was given to the carens as a new Royal Guard it's just a theory mind you but one that makes all the pieces fit indeed there are elements of Loretta's design that do line up with the Alban oric the female Alan orics one can't help but note we never see her on her feet does she also have problems with with her legs like the female Alban Orcs do and have to ride a mount and of course both Loretta and the alinor females are both excellent mounted archers albeit Loretta uses a more powerful magical only bow as often is the case with speculative subjects I leave it up to you to decide what you believe but either way it's clear that Loretta is a gallant character and a powerful Ally for Micha what is interesting is that Loretta clearly offered her services to Micha upon finding these lands for the Alban orics and we can assume that in exchange Micha would allow the Alban ORS to come and settle here another thing that's interesting is that Loretta clearly sought to bring her caran nightly practices to the Hal tree Loretta's War CLE reads the following originally given for service as a personal guard to carry in royalty the weapon blue glint Stone has been replaced with unalloyed gold this caran Knight replaced her blue Glenstone of caro with unalloyed gold signifying her change of Allegiance from the house of Kara to the halic tree as I've also argued in the past I also think the tree emblem found on her helmet is a later adornment grafted on to her original caran armor meant to signify her allegiance to the halic tree but she clearly hasn't abandoned her caran training altogether she still has her silver armor and there's evidence she tried to bring the practices of the caran knights to the Hal tree the caran knights who Loretta once served alongside were all well armed with their signature blades well made and imbued with glint Stone so they could also be used as catalysts for their signature carrying spells this is why I find it so interesting that we find a melin sword at the Halo tree that is very similar in design to the caran night sword and its description reads the following sword forged by Servants of MCA of the halig tree with a design modeled after those carried by carrying Knights instead of Glenstone however Amber from the helic tree is embedded in the blade a Sumptuous piece yet it has never been offered to any Knight an l- starred sword with no master MCA has regular Knights ones that follow the template of other Lords but the Karan Knights are in A League of Their Own above any of the other factions an elite order that were a match for the forces far bigger than theirs it's clear that Loretta wanted to repay micha's kindness with a new order of elite caran style Knights but sadly this did not come to fruition for whatever reason there are other refugees found here at the Hal tree such as the Sorcerers of the HMA discipline who we can assume have entered micha's service just because of the promise he represents or perhaps they had fallen out with their fellows at raria either way they are another powerful Ally from Micha to add to his ranks in alale we can also find putrid crystallion I've argued in the past that these could possibly be here for melenia rather than Micha given they are of the putrid variety and thus infected by the Scarlet rot and perhaps this compels them to be near the goddess of rot and serve her we don't know that for certain however crystallion are inscrutable inhuman beings perhaps they were infected after they came to the Halo tree and they were already here to serve Lord Micha perhaps seeing something in his promise future and fate I would also like to take a moment here to discuss ordina lurgical town and its significance as well as its inhabitants as I mentioned the term lurgical has religious undertones and as it is the final stop on one's Journey to the sacred ha tree it would be considered sacred to the faithful it is ultimately the entrance to the holy tree we've already offered an explanation as to why there are Alban Orcs here they are likely guarding the entrance to micha's realm in return for him offering them Sanctuary here but there's another unique aspect to the lurgical town there is a seil that blocks off the teleporter a seil with Micha symbol on it and this sale is actually protected by four candles that exist within an Ever jail ever jails in general appear to be a sort of pocket Dimension that especially exists outside the terrestrial Realm this is commonly used as a sort of prison like The Phantom Zone from Superman a place where dangerous beings can be removed especially from the lands between without the potential issues that a conventional prison may offer Micha implementing an Ever jail here is a unique use of it as it is instead used as an additional layer of security for the halic tree meaning the tree cannot be breached by conventional means it is likely only a secret share to the faithful perhaps the final part of their pilgrimage after all what you do in the ever jail does feel religious you go around lighting candles of a statue of Micha it's very ritualistic but my main reason for bringing up ordina now is to talk about its other inhabitants the black knife assassins now my first Theory as to why they are here is in line with what I've been saying in this chapter that they too have been offered sanctuary in the lands of Mah following the night of the black knives they would need such protection why would they need Sanctuary well as I've argued in my rany and KN of the black knives videos I suggest that rannie hung the assassins out to dry following the assassinations we know from ta's ashes that the Assassins were hounded and hunted following the murders taii herself dying protecting her mother during their escape indeed we find a battered and blooded assassin in Sage's cave in alus Plateau near lell as if they fled here barely escaping with their life after being hounded from the capital and in general we often seem to find the black knife assassins in the hidden and deep places of the world as if they have been driven into hiding yet we find their ring leader electo imprisoned in ranny's domain of moonlight altar to me it suggests that rannie wanted to sweep the conspiracy under the rug and her connections to it following the assassination as she had got what she wanted from it I.E the shedding of her imperian flesh and without rany's protection the black knife assassins were just left to be hunted down I've also suggested that this betrayal is the reason that black knife assassins seemingly come for rany and her vassals near the end of her Quest killing e and the others being killed by blly at K A Manor suggesting they were here for the princess herself so these are definitely a people in need of protection would it not be better to act as guards for a benevolent welcoming Lord than to be hunted in the lands of Grace I certainly think so and these assassins do seem like they are patrolling ordina as if they are guards working alongside the aloric in Prior videos I've also even gone as far to suggest that they may have been the ones that built orena lurgical town for Micha it shares the same architecture as Celia and as I suggest in my black knife assassin video I believe Celia was the place that the black knife assassins were armed given its connections to the Eternal cities and its connections to assassination magic Magics that can conceal the assassins from sight but what do you think do you agree that these black knife assassins are people that have been granted Sanctuary by Micha and in return they act as his guards or do you think he trapped them here when they came for him in the night of the black knives let me know your thoughts in the comments below overall however it's clear that Micha has a great following and it is easy to see him as a kind and Ben vent Lord who protects anyone under his ages His Arms Wide Open to those who are not used to such kindness it's certainly a compelling notion and it's easy to see why people would be drawn to this idealistic cause but of course Micha is well aware of his ability to incite fervent belief in him and his cause this is of course a reference to the description of the bewitching branch which reads the following the imperian Micha is loved by many people indeed he has learned very well how to compel such affection and of course it's worth noting what this branch is actually used for it's used to turn people against their senses and against their allies obviously the word compel here adds a rather Sinister element to micha's otherwise rather positive depiction in the lands between the source of the Branch's power is unalloyed gold the description for the branch says tree branch blessed with an incantation of unalo gold and it's a craftable and when you craft it you have to use one of micha's unalo gold lies so yes unalo gold micha's power is the source of this bewitching curse we can emulate this power using this Branch but it's implied that Micha just naturally has this power that he can compel people at well it also ties back to the item description of millenia's armor set this item description contains a quote from melenia in this she says he possesses the wisdom the Allure of a God he is the most fearsome imperion of all we've already discussed his wisdom but now we start to understand what millennium means when he has the Allure of a God he can literally compel people draw people in with his powers indeed this would make him the most fearsome of all some of micha's Warriors are so fervent in their belief of the emperion that they detonate themselves as an offensive power we see this at elale and it is described in the halig tree Soldier ashes which read spirits of common soldiers who carry the sacred light when weakened they explode to deliver a last ditch attack this was the bitter Revelation discovered by the desperate soldiers who awaited the return of their lord to the rotted Halo tree May the flash of our deaths guide mola's return I personally have no doubt out that a large number of micha's followers do follow him legitimately without being compelled as we've discussed throughout this video a lot of micha's philosophy is very compelling and for others there's no choice but to follow Micha like the Albin Orcs And Miss begotten who have no place anywhere else however the extreme and fervent belief that his followers have in him does seem to suggest that micha's power may have something to do with this it's hard not to question all of micha's relationship with these powers in mind was melenia affected by this power a powerful demigod herself she is so devoted to her own brother is this Beyond her true feelings did she devote herself to him as his blade because of his power we'll never know but what is clear is that Micha is the most fearsome imperion of all he may not have the physical strength but he has Millennia and Loretta at his side as well as a huge force of fervent zealous followers who would do anything for their Lord but perhaps the most interesting thing about his bewitching powers is perhaps the irony it has for mola's character and goals it clashes in an ironic way with what I discussed earlier that Micha seems to be concerned with self-determination and removing the meddling influence of the outer Gods yet here we have evidence that Micha has the power to effectively take away the Free Will of others to achieve his his ends this does very much fit into what we'd expect from Miyazaki and the corruption of the heroic concept Mela so obsessed with reading the meddling of the outer Gods himself begins to meddle in the Free Will of others now we have at length discussed the followers of Micha and his regime however there's another relationship we need to discuss before moving on and that's a relationship between Micha and Godwin I've spoken of how Micha is seen as a guardian for the outcast of AR tree Society but there is of course one final group that falls under this category those who live in death and it does seem as though micha's sympathy extends to them as well or at least to their Master Godwin the prince of death one element I skipped over regarding micha's childhood in the earlier chapter is his potential relationship with Godwin Godwin was a Scion of the golden lineage a product of America's first marriage to Godfrey we know from a war memorial found in lale that Godwin would become renowned during the capitals war with the dragons as this Monument reads the routing of the ancient dragons Godwin the golden fought to the last earning the Friendship of dread forac Not only was he loaded for his courage during the conflict but he's also responsible for mending the gap between the dragons and Lindell becoming a friend to fortox fortox and his sister LX would go on to establish the Dragon Cult of Altus Plateau which would become an important part of the warrior culture of lell Godwin's epithet the golden not only signifies his relation to the golden lineage but to me shows how highly regarded he was given the respect he inspired in Micha of all people this speaks volumes about his reputation with all that said it becomes clear that Godwin was still present in lell by the time Micha and melenia were born there is a particular sword which hints at the closeness between Godwin and Micha The Golden Epitaph which reads the following a sword made to commemorate the death of Godwin the golden first of the demigods to die infused with the humble prayer of a young boy oh brother Lord Brother please die a true death the young boy of course makes us think of the youthful countenance of mola and Micha fits the identity of a young boy who is also brother to Godwin a more concrete piece of evidence that this sword is tied to Micha is that the golden epap's weapon art produces the Sigil of Micha when used leading us to conclude that the prayer on the item description is from Micha and its intent is directed towards Godwin the connection between Godwin and Micha is reinforced by the fascinating location of Castle Saul which seems to be home to those who venerate the eclipse I explained the eclipse and its relation to death in more detail in my death Bird video and I would direct you to that if you want a more in-depth dive on that subject but in short the worshippers of the eclipse believe that the eclipse can be beckoned to swallow the Sun and thus return life to soulless bones hence it seems this entire Castle has become one that worships the eclipse as is evidenced by the legendary weapon found here the Eclipse schotel which reads in Saul the sight of an eclipse inspires Dreadful awe preventing an onlooker from averting his gaze Commander Nile the current military commander of this castle and the boss that you face here also seems to lead these Spirits found here presumably in defense of its mission of course this is the same character model as Commander O'Neal founding kid who have speculated before of being a commander in redan's Army given his Red Lion Banner it's likely that NY was once in a similar position yet he has now chosen to be a custodian of this Castle as his prosthesis reads Commander Nile veteran of Castle Saul offered this prosthesis in exchange for the lives of defeated Knights held prisoner he went on to lead these men as an army of no Nation however Beyond Nile is the NPC of true significance here at Castle Saul the spirit whom Nile was presumably guarding the NPC where we get the connection to Mika as this NPC at the top of Castle Saul says the following [Music] this ghost directly addresses Lord michaw and alludes to an arrangement between the two this Castle's custodian wood researched the eclipse as a way to return micha's comrade soul and in return this custodian would gain access to the halic tree which is obviously why he's in possession of half of the halig tree Medallion given the golden epap's description and its hint of micha's ties to Godwin it should be no surprise that the soulless individual being spoken about here is none other than Godwin Micha has effectively tasked the people of this Castle to use the eclipse to find a way to return Godwin's soul to his body this is a Micha backed operation it serves to highlight micha's empathy for those more brutally discarded by the golden order the fundamentalists see those who live in death is nothing more than a pollution to be killed and Purge whereas Micha appears to want to undo the damage of the death route and restore the soul to the soulless this of course could just be because he feels love for his brother and the fact he would go this far to try and help his brother really does get the imagination going as to their relationship when he was a young boy I would direct you back to that statue found at the Halo tree that many believe is Godwin embracing Micha and melenia perhaps he was an important nurturing figure in their formative years and that is why Micha is trying so hard to restore Godwin's soul but perhaps I am wrong and this is less an act of empathy and rather it's just further evidence of micha's quest for true Purity unlike the golden order Micha is not content to sweep the issue under the rug rather he seeks to solve the issue permanently removing this flaw in the system for good this is definitely possible as Let Us return to the golden epith it is a weapon that deals holy damage which strikes stronger against those who live in death and its weapon art one that is associated with Micha I'll remind you seems to be most useful in killing those who live in death death as this weapon art Buffs holy damage and prevents them from resurrecting both can be true of course it can be partially out of a desire for Purity and out of empathy for his brother and I leave it up to you to decide what the truth is there's of course another rather interesting subject we must tackle when talking about Micha and this is of course the mysterious figure known as Saint Trina before we tackle the potential connection between Trina and Micha let's unpack what we do actually know about Trina the most interesting item related to the Saint is the sword of St Trina which reads the following silver sword carried by clerics of s Trina inflicts sleep ailment upon foes St Trina is an enatic figure some say she is a comely young girl others are sure he is a boy the only certainty is that their appearance was as sudden as their disappearance this is an interesting item description and it tells us a few things about St Trina the first thing that catches my eye is that this is a sword wielded by clerics of St Trina this means there are people who worship St Trina and there's a religion based around her and indeed as we'll look at shortly there was some cut content regarding a monk of St Trina but again we'll get to that shortly the description of the sword mainly focuses on the appearance of St Trina which is interesting for the discussion in regards to MEA we can see the appearance of s Trina depicted artistically on the srina torch as well and we could certainly see how the ambiguous depiction of srina could be mistaken for the young Micha indeed it is s Trina's appearance where the first overlap between the saint and Micha occur Micha too has the appearance of a fair young boy and one could mistake him for a young girl especially in the depictions we find of him around the halig tree the main takeaway from The Sword and the depiction found on the S Trina torch is that the appearance of St Trina very much lines up with the appearance of Mika the crossover between the two characters continues when we look at another item associated with srina the srina Lily which reads the following a light purple water lily that is on the verge of welting a symbol of faith in srina dulls the senses preventing agitation the wording here clearly mirrors that of micholas Lily and the design is pathetically of both lilies are more or less the same just with a color change and it seems too close to be coincidence and to me even at this point srina either has to be Micha and Alter Ego of his or as is the case with Mara and Radigan srina is literally another Persona that occupies the same body as Micha what srina stands for also has an interesting thematic overlap with Micha as well as St Trina appears to be the DAT or saint associated with dreams and sleep the effects of s Trina's sword Arrow pots are to put the target to sleep the dream elements of St Trina would have been far expanded in some cut content in the NPC Quest surrounding Rico and if you like a more in-depth look at said Quest I would direct you to Lance McDonald who was able to recreate elements of this Quest from the network test and the fact that this was found in the network test version of the game shows you how close this was to being in the actual game this was something that was cut very close to launch and therefore in my opinion we can't as easily disregard it as we would other cut content this is something that was almost in the base game as it is now and I think we can give greater Credence to the lore found within this quest in short this Quest would involve an NPC called Rico Rico would identify himself as a follower of srina and ask you to help him Brew something called dream Brew this would require you to gather Slumber fog a sort of dream Essence that would be gathered from dreaming creatures and you would do so with the item s Trina's crystal ball there are a lot of cut icons for this particular quest line that really highlights the vast variety of creatures that could be harvested for this purpose though I note these icons are from a previous iteration of the quest but I digress it just shows how many creatures could have had their dream stuff harvested now while this is interesting in of itself because it confirms s Trina's association with dreams but Rico says some other things that hint as to what the use of such dreams could be and ultimately how terrifying s Trina's domain is in Lance's video he illustrates that if you say no to Rico in helping him Brew dream Brew he would try and entice you by saying the following well suit yourself but I'm sure you'll be after a drink before long perhaps you'll t of this crumbling world or maybe you'll wish to uncover someone's deepest darkest Secrets but what does this mean well in his video Lance illustrates the use of dream Brew on Cali after Brewing some he gives it to this NPC upon drinking they then fall asleep and then during Callie's sleep dialogue the subtitles reveal his deepest nightmare as if we are watching him dream and it's about him being scorched by the frenzied Flame the NPC Rico is actually revealed by Lance to be a monk presumably a monk of srina thus we can assume that the act of brewing a dream brew and reading dreams is almost a religious process which does seem to be confirmed by another of his dialogues where he would have said as you surely know my comper I am but a humble man of the cloth and I must profess the study of alcohol is but another form of worship oh srina my faith is in alcohol and the hearts of men to me this implies the sheer power of s Trina's connections to dreams that she's able to freely find out anyone's secrets and deepest desires seeing into the hearts of men by scaring the unconscious mind this is of course A fitting counterpart to Mika who appears to have the power to control the conscious mind through his bewitching powers of compulsion if Micha and srina are one and the same good grief he would really be a God to fear a being who is able to manipulate the conscious and unconscious minds of men while these are mere thematic overlaps with Micha however there is an outright connection to Micha in this cut Quest Rico eventually moves to seek s Trina himself and so he heads to the Hal tree there he would track Mo's kidnap of Micha from the snowfield through the bloody portal and into mwin palace here Rico comes across a revelation of his Saints true identity as he would have said finally I have found it s Trina's no Lord micholas kadav I have partaken of Untold Secrets such that I might Aid you oh Lord so please I hope you can welcome your humble servant Rico into your dream the world of your heart indeed I beg you grant my wish that when you transcend from imperion to God allow me a place by your side so this outright states that Mela and Cina are one and again like I say whilst this was cut late in development I think we can consider this is still the direction that the lore is pointing in even if the details of this Quest didn't quite mesh with what's in the game I still think it's clear that we're meant to think that srina and Micha are one the extra part of his dialogue seems to again reinforce the idea that s Trina's powers and the benefit of them are to be able to scour the unconscious mind that no mortal man would be able to hide a secret from their powers over dreams there is one final facet of s Trina's cut quest lines that help reinforce the idea that Trina is just another Persona of Micha because the saint has similar objectives to Micha Micha is of course concerned with the wording way of the outer gods and it's therefore fascinating that cut content regarding C and the fren flame would also have featured a reference to srina and it's thanks to the extraordinary work of Securo duby that we are able to see this as SEO duby has again partially restored this deleted Quest Lane and I highly recommend you check out this fantastic video which will be linked Below in this cut quest line the nomadic NPCs would have had a far bigger role and Seco duby shows us how one of the cut Merchants would tell us that the reason they play music is to calm the frenzied flame within his people the merchant would also explain how this music the music they play is is derived from an old lullabi that used to be sung to them within their tomb now that he mentions it there is certainly something of a lullabi in the melody that the merchants [Music] play following this CI would give you the sent Trina crystal ball SEO du explains that this version of the srina quest must have predated the RICO one giving the Rico one still partially existed within the network test which would explain why the srina crystal ball and the dream Gathering mechanic is present in both of these cut quest lines they're from different stages of development with that said the item description for the srina crystal ball shown both by Lance and SEO duby seems to have more to do with this previous quest line as it talks about Cina of the Cradle song I.E of the lullabi and the rest of the item description talks about calming the frenzied flame it's clear that in this iteration of the srina quest you would gather dream fog in order to help CI calm the frenzied flame of his people that the calming effect of dreams would calm the frenzied flame of the nomadic people seiro duby believes that the implication here is that s Trina was the one who used to sing the lullabi to the nomads within their tomb to Cal their Spirit and the flame within them given her epithet of the Cradle song and the massive role that s Trina plays in this quest of harvesting dream fog indeed this also lines up with a description of Trina's Lily that is still in the base game as its item description tells us that it cams the spirit and prevents agitation but again I highly recommend you check out SEO du's full video on this quest line as he goes far deeper into the lore than I am here however my main takeaway from this quest line is that again even at this point in development sent Trina likely an alter ego of Micha was concerned with forestalling the frenzied Flame the power of an outer God and with all of this evidence in mind I think it's pretty clear that srina is Micha whether it's an alter egole or like I suggested earlier another personality altogether much like Marica and Radigan is Up For Debate we talked about michola parentage before and how it's quite unusual and it likely led to him becoming eternally Young so it wouldn't be too surprising if he then had another alternate ego existing within him given his mother and father who are both his parents in one body also have a similar situation I hope we get some answers regarding srina in the DLC and it does seem at least that we will be getting some more content regarding srina since as pointed out by quag here on Twitter there is a scene in the trailer that shows a sleeping person among s Trina's lilies so I'm very excited to see what happens next but overall the story of srina very much augments that of Micha and if St Trina is a hidden personality of Micha it would make sense that he keeps this a secret after all some may view s Trina's habits of harvesting the thoughts and fears of the unwilling as surreptitious and against micha's vow to read the world of Ming Gods but let me know your thoughts on srina in the comments below Micha had everything in place for his Ascension to godhood he had his own version of an her tree and he had his own Lanell in the form of elale filled with devout followers and loyal soldiers Micha commanded a fearsome Army and he also commanded respect with the greatest swordswoman in the land at his side his Ascension appears to have been inevitable the best suited Poise to take the shattered and vacant Throne so what happened well the DLC trailer does offer some new insights into micha's actions but let's try and assess what's left in the base game before we touch on that we looked at the halic tree Crest circot earlier that tells us that the halic tree failed to become an Earth tree and the helic tree Crest Great Shield wielded by micholas Knights reads the following yet now with the helic tree misshapen this wondrous rendition is a fleeting fantasy so something failed with the Hal tree it's now a broken misshapen husk a far cry from the earth tree itself for me there are three main factors that we must consider when we tried to understand the fall of the Halo tree number one Micha simply misunderstood the process of making an her tree and thus it failed two Moog interfered and three millenia's rot infected the tree let's start by looking at Factor number one shadow of the AR tree promises to answer some of the questions surrounding the gestation of the earth tree as in an interview with famitsu Miyazaki said the following in fact the Land of Shadows is the place where Mara became a God and the golden tree was born given the ominous Twisted tree in the Horizon of the lands of Shadows it becomes clear that Mar had did something here to create the golden tree therefore Micha growing his own AR tree maybe isn't as simple as cultivating one of the minor her trees and watering it with his own blood we don't know what ritual or process America used to create the golden tree in the first place whether or not this is true or relevant there are two other aggravating factors that clearly contributed to the downfall of the halic tree and the first is of course the actions of Moog and his interference indeed when you reach the halic tree and report this to Gideon ofir he has a dialogue that suggests the reason the hel tree is as it is I.E mapen is because Micha is no longer there as he says but with the haly tree as it is I suppose Mika must already be I heard speculation Mika embedded himself in the helic tree but before he could finish someone cut the tree open and absconded with his infant form one of the first images we see in the entire game is MOG stealing Micha from his cocoon and of course we do eventually find the body of Mika resting in the clutches of mog alongside this broken cocoon M's intentions are well known at this stage but just for the sake of completeness let us look at the description of his remembrance which reads wishing to raise Micha to full godhood MOG wished to become his consort taking the role of Monarch but no matter how much of his bloody bed chamber he tried to share he received no response from The Young imperion MOG wanted to Institute a new order of blood in which he would be the Lord of blood to replace the Elden Lord and Micha would become the god of blood of this new era Moog needs a god of blood and hence he seeks out an imperion candidates for godhood and he corrupts the physical form of Micha with his Omen blood and yet he receives no response from Micha I discussed why I thought Micha was catatonic in my Micha Lord video from about 2 years ago I suggested it is to do with his cuning process that had been unnaturally interrupted by MOG thus he was in a coma because this transformative process had been Disturbed it's clear that Micha coulded himself the aforementioned image of him in Moog shows that Micha has insect-like wings again suggesting an insect-like process of metamorphosis brought about by a period within a cocoon in the wall of the Halo tree where we fight melenia there is an impression or relief in the wall that looks like Micha and there's a large gap beneath this relief the perfect size for micha's cocoon as I suggested in that old video there is a good chance this is where micha's cocoon once rested before it was ripped out of the wall of the Halo Tree by Moog I suggest that this Micha imprint we see in the wood of the helic tree is evidence of Micha becoming one with his helic tree his attempt to ascend to godhood by becoming one with his holy tree perhaps Mo's Interruption of this process contributed to the Halo tree dying that at least was my thoughts 2 years ago of course the trailer for shadow of the earth tree has changed my perspective on this somewhat the Bandy namal flavor text for the DLC tells us that Micha devasted himself of his flesh in order to come to the Land of Shadows indeed Micha even appears at the end end of the trailer in his youthful and radiant form despite his corrupted flesh left behind in M's Palace his Spirit has somehow transcended into this other realm leaving his Caporal flesh behind it was a purposeful act because he wanted to come here therefore I now speculate that micha's cuning process was less to do with him ascending and becoming one with his tree and more to do with his transference of spirit into the Land of Shadows perhaps this also explains the cocoons of his followers found around the halic tree those desperate to join their lord in the Land of Shadows multiple times throughout this video we've looked at the quote from melenia that comes from her armor set as I said in my trailer breakdown video I used to believe that this was just a vain hope of melenia some copium to help her deal with the fact that her brother is gone however I now believe that melenia is not delusional in the belief of her brother that she knows his true aim was to travel to the Land of Shadows this is why she knows that despite the loss of his body Micha is not out the fight yet and in fact his body is now largely irrelevant his Spirit has departed his body and it's basically a useless cadav now this is why Mo has never been able to get an answer from Micha he is just in the possession of a useless body and if you think about it this makes Mo's delusions of grandeur even sadder as it was all pinned on M who was never going to awaken as the god of blood Micha is still in control and his plans are still in motion even 2 years ago I did Ponder whether Micha was somehow turning this to his advantage and yet micha's story isn't finished we don't know if Micha himself is finished while obviously things aren't great we have to consider that Micha compels all of those around him to love him and it appears that m is no different M isn't immune to his effects and we see how much he seems to in his own psychotic mindset love and care for mola is it possible that deep within his Slumber mola is still pulling the strings when I said that however I obviously didn't know what exactly that could mean I certainly didn't imagine that Micha had already left his body and transcended to another realm I was mainly referring to the fact that Micha seems to be wise and too wise to be defeated in the manner that he was fatti recently released a video called the lore of Elden is cursed an excellent video which for some reason if you haven't watched I highly recommend in this video vatti made a fascinating suggestion he highlighted the fact that the DLC flavor text tells us that Micha divested himself of his flesh and his grace to come to the Land of Shadows vatti suggests that in order to divest himself of his grace mola allowed M to defile his flesh with his Omen blood pointing out the fact that the omen are graceless beings and by defiling his body with Omen blood and The Omen infection so to speak the grace would be removed from his body I really like this idea and it would be really Next Level 4D chess if it turned out to be true so yeah please check out vat's video and if you also wanted an explanation as to why the omen are considered to be graceless beings then I do go into this in my dunger and The Omen curse video which I'll also link below as to how the lands of Shadow play into his greater plan of freeing his sister and banishing the influence of the outer Gods we will just have to wait and see perhaps Micha seeks the ability to finally make the halic tree a true her tree by discovering amica's secret and how she first created the golden tree or perhaps he simply seeks to undo her works so that a true unalloyed order may be established but returning to the fall of the halic tree the final aggravating factor is of course millenni is rot in my Millenia lore video which I would refer you to if you want more detail I argued that millenia's ionian bloom at kid was the first time that she bloomed and unleashed the Scarlet rot goddess within her which would explain why prior to this millenia's Presence at the halic tree didn't afflict the tree at all she was able to keep the Scarlet rot under control however after her fateful duel with ran and the subsequent rot cataclysm we know that she is rendered Ed unconscious and carried back to the haly tree by Finley as Finley's ashes read Finley was one of the few survivors of the battle of eonia who in an unimaginable Act of heroism carried the slumbering demigod melenia all the way back to the Halo tree she managed the feat alone fending off all manner of foes along the way melenia was unconscious upon her return and so I suggest that her rot began to seep out and infect the Halo tree and it does so root and stem even at the top of the tree at the branches we can see evidence of the rot and within the inner reaches of the halic tree we can see there are great waterfalls and rivers of rot the people here are infected by the rot even the crystallion and the Halo tree avatars have fallen to its influence so whatever else led the Halo tree to fail I think it's patently clear that millenia's rot was the final blow infecting the tree from within the rots consumption of the halic tree goes beyond the physical as well it's also symbolic as in a lot of ways the tree has become less about micha's unalo order and more about melania's order of rot on the trees branches we find the Oracle envoys the spirit ashes for the Oracle envoys tell us that these mysterious beings appear when they are here to Herald in a new God or a new age they are here for Millennia who is on the verge of godhood indeed the lower levels of the helic tree now belong to the Scarlet rot and the Kindred of rot the Kindred are gathered here in worship of their mother guarding her sanctum and celebrating her nigh Divinity this is not what Millennial wanted and yet it is what the helic tree has now become micholas people thus clung to this dying husk of a tree and with their lord absent it seems as though they have little left and yet they are still here their faith in their lord remains despite the terrible state of their people and it looks as though their faith is well warranted as the most fearsome imperion of all has still been advancing his plans this entire time despite his disappearance I can't wait to see what happens but all we know for certain is that Micha is a being of great intelligence and influence and we should go into the DLC respecting him but also fearing him so thanks guys that is my take on Mika as it stands before the DLC I've wanted to do this video for a while as the Micha video I did was a long time ago and my style has improved since then and my ideas have changed somewhat about Micha I also wanted to do this before the DLC drops mainly to get people caught up on the lore of Micha as there's a lot to it but also so it can stand here before the DLC changes everything I like this moment in history so to speak before we go into the DLC everything regarding Micha will definitely change then and I thought it would be an interesting project to do a full in-depth analysis of Micha as it stands now and I will be doing more of these catchup videos in the near future so again like And subscribe if you'd like to see more first of all a big thank you to The Talented Eugene Liza for allowing me to use her srina project as a backdrop for the Cina chapter as it's a great visual aid for that aspect of micha's lore shout out to to rat tasor monster Maze and cyob for discussing the subject of Micha with me in public and private as it allowed me to reinforce my existing ideas I already had in the subject and come to some certain conclusions so again thank you to you all and they're all linked below and finally some thanks to last protagonist for those translations that were quoted throughout the video but until next time guys let me know your thoughts in the comments below about this imperion and his lore and until next time I will see you in the land of Shadows take care and have a wonderful evening
Channel: SmoughTown
Views: 317,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring, elden ring lore, elden ring story, elden ring explained, elden ring lore explained, elden ring story explained, marika, erdtree, godfrey, the lands between, fromsoftware, from software, radagon, maliketh, ranni, the nox, godskins, greater will, carians, rennala, liurnia, altus plateau, the tarnished, morgott, mohg, miquella, malenia, godrick, golden lineage, elden beast, elden lord, limgrave, placidusax, fortissax, Miquella, st trina, haligtree, unalloyed gold, shadow of the erdtree
Id: 8fWgqogLUuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 16sec (5836 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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