Rodecaster Pro II Masterclass - Ultimate Tutorial Guide 2023 - Setup Instructions

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welcome to the road Caster Pro 2 Master Class you're going to go through a series of different videos all about the road Caster Pro 2 how to connect it how to use it how to configure it for the different scenarios that you're going to be using whether you're live streaming recording videos on your computer system recording podcast audio episodes or being on Zoom I'm going to show you how to use the road Caster Pro 2. stay tuned okay so you picked up the road Caster Pro 2 which is this amazing piece of Hardware that literally should be worth way more than what you can buy it for so let me go through the explanation of how to get this thing first started and set up now in order to get to this step the first thing that you need to do is you need to connect the power cable to the road Caster Pro 2. so you'll notice that inside of the box at the road Caster Pro 2 came in there is a power brick and then a USB cable so you're going to want to connect this directly into the power port connection that's located beside the red button on the back side of the road Caster Pro 2. now the next thing to connect would be the microphones so you have four different channels available on the road Caster Pro 2. and you can see them right here one two three and four now that allows you to connect up to four different XLR devices or line input devices things like instruments and so forth but primarily most people will be connecting microphones so if you have one XLR microphone two three or four go ahead and connect those to the back of the XLR ports on the road Caster Pro now channel one is the first one or the primary microphone that you'll want to use so that directly is this first channel slider here and it's the port that's directly at the back so that's called channel one and then you can use channel two three and four separately for additional microphones or instruments that you may have now that you've got the power and your microphone connected to the road Caster you can now go ahead and plug in the USB cable into your computer system and then to USB one port on the back of the road Caster now you'll notice that there are actually two different USB ports on the back of the road Caster Pro 2. USB 1 and USB 2. at the very least you will want to use USB 1 connected directly to your computer system now USB 2 can be connected to a completely separate computer system so you can be multi-streaming your audio from your road Caster to two different computer systems or you can connect USB 2 to the exact same computer that the first USB connection is on and that allows you to Port different applications to that specific channel on the road Caster so that's a little bit more advanced and we'll get into that in some of the other videos you now have to connect your road Caster Pro 2 to the network or to the internet because it does need an internet connection in order to initialize itself and also keep itself updated with the latest firmware so you have three different options to connect your road Caster Pro to the internet the first option is through an Ethernet cable so this is that corded cable that you have to connect from the back of your router or your modem directly into an ethernet port kind of looks like a big fat telephone port and that's on the back of the road Caster Pro 2. so that's the first connection an Ethernet or wired connection the second way that you can connect your road Caster Pro 2 to the internet is by Wi-Fi and that will be available as we go through the setup process last but not least the third way to connect your rode Caster Pro 2 to the internet is by the USB cable that's connected directly to your computer system through USB one that will require you to download the rode Central app which is available on Windows and Macintosh computer systems and once that computer software is running and your computer detects that the road Caster Pro is connected by USB you'll be able to update the firmware and initialize the road Caster Pro 2 directly using the rode Central software one more item to connect are your headphones now I here have the rode nth100s which is a phenomenal headset uh for you know 150 US dollars I find that it is extremely comfortable and really matches well with the road Caster Pro 2. however you can use any type of headphones that you want except you just have to make sure that if your headphones do not come with the quarter inch adapter you need to make sure that you use the one that comes uh either with your Headphone set or you need to buy another one online so when you know that you have that quarter inch adapter you can go ahead and plug your headset into port number one on the back of the road Caster Pro 2. okay perfect so now you've got all of the minimum cables required to get your road Caster Pro 2 set up so go ahead and click on the red power button at the back of the unit to power on the road Caster Pro 2. so you'll see here that the screen will turn on and then a little bar will start to load this is basically the operating system of the road caster and it's loading up now once the road Caster Pro 2 has booted up you'll see that all of the lights on the unit appear and as well on the screen now you'll see the road Caster Pro 2 logo and the little blue arrow telling you to proceed did you know that you could have had access to this entire Road Caster Pro 2 Series first like a month ago but you missed out because you weren't on my streaming platform called nebula and it's not just me it is all my Creator friends we are putting an amazing amount of content on nebula let me show you you can see all the latest videos from all the creators on this platform hey look epos Fox and you get original content that isn't even uploaded to YouTube from your favorite creators you've got nebula first extended versions maybe bloopers or extra additional information that you don't get on YouTube nebula first things that are exclusive Early Access on this platform there's so much great stuff here and here's the cool thing usually nebula is 50 but with my exclusive link it actually goes down to 333 a month for you so you can find that link in the description after you've got your road Caster Pro 2 connected with all the cables now you gotta click here to watch the next video or click over here to get to the playlist
Channel: Live Streaming Pros
Views: 49,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rodecaster pro ii, rodecaster pro 2, rodecaster pro 2 masterclass, rodecaster pro ii masterclass, rodecaster pro 2 tutorial, rodecaster pro ii tutorial, rcp 2, rcp ii, rcp 2 tutorial, rcp ii tutorial, rodecaster pro tutorial, rodecaster pro instructions, rodecaster pro 2 instructions, rodecaster pro 2 guide, rodecaster pro ii guide, how to use the rodecaster pro 2, how to use the rodecaster pro ii, rodecaster pro 2 ultimate guide, rodecaster pro ii ultimate guide
Id: ASig6tSjpHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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