Rodecaster Pro II Masterclass - Setup Wizard

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okay so everything's now connected let's get started by using the setup wizard on the road Caster Pro 2. so what you'll notice here is that the road Caster Pro 2 has a beautiful color display screen and this is actually a touch sensitive computer screen just like a smartphone so we're going to zoom into here and you can see that the little blue arrow on the bottom right corner is basically the next step so let's click on that one time and you now have the choice of choosing different languages so I'm going to choose English and then from this next page you're going to set up the date and the time this has already been set up for me it's August the 1st as I'm recording this it's nine in the evening the only thing you will want to do is you'll want to change your uh your actual time zone so go ahead and touch the time zone you'll see it circled but with the green line and now use what we call the rotary encoder which is this dial here the bigger dial not the four on the top but this bigger dial so you're going to go ahead and move this dial so that you can you change over to your actual time zone so I'm in the Eastern Time Zone and I'm just going to go ahead and click on that there we go once you have Eastern Time Zone set now you have the option of showing 12 hour or 24 hour options and I'm going to choose the 12 hour option uh it's actually PM 902 pm and then here show date and time on the home screen I do like to see the date and the time so I'm going to go ahead and make sure that this has a white circle around it that means it is selected so once the date and time have been confirmed on your system here go ahead and hit the blue arrow now this is the opportunity for us to connect your road Caster Pro 2 to the internet as I had mentioned your first option is Wi-Fi your second option is the wired ethernet connection and the third option is by connecting it and using the rode Central software application now I have my unit connected hardwired so I'm going to go ahead and click on this middle button here now if you are connecting to Wi-Fi I really do suggest that you have a very strong Wi-Fi signal so that the road Caster Pro 2 does not lose itself on the network so uh make sure that you're uh you know if your phone is working really well in that location then the road Caster Pro 2 should work fine as well so just just a little bit of a tip of an advice there so let's go back to the road Caster Pro 2. once you're set here this will determine once it sees the internet connection does it have the latest firmware and it does as of the current moment where I'm recording this it's 1.0.7 so let's click on get started here now on the analytics page here you can see by default both of the options are selected remember the circle with the white circle around it is does mean that it's active or selected so if you want to share your usage statistics or your resource statistics with Road uh uh the parent company then you can go ahead and enable both of those I personally want to keep my information and all that stuff private so I'm going to disable those and go ahead and click on next now you have the option here of using just the basic default settings and you'll have to set up everything from scratch this middle option here which is highlighted in blue is the setup wizard which I totally recommend you do and the third option here is to import a show or really importing all of the settings that you have saved from a previous show which is really really cool by the way this is unique to the road Caster Pro 2 not available on the previous version as well I don't even think it's available on any other compatible or comparable alternatives to the road Caster Pro 2. so this is a really really neat option here so I'm just going to show you through the Wizards we're going to click on this wizard here and you can see that all the all the items here actually started lighting up you actually didn't see it on the camera but it was actually really neat now the setup wizard will provide you step-by-step instructions on how to configure your device so we're going to hit on the blue arrow to continue now this option tells you this equipment features headphone outputs that can produce very high volume levels listening at loud volume levels may damage your hearing so this of course is a warning so just be careful please if you are putting headphones or earbuds on that you've connected to the back of Port 1 then you'll just want to make sure that kind of leave them off first as you adjust the volume itself alright let's carry on so I'm going to click on the blue arrow button here now this screen here I need to move all of the faders or sliders to this place where it's called unity and you'll notice that on the on the actual dials themselves each of these little notches there's this section here that has these more bolded and larger White Lines this area is called Unity so as per the instructions on the actual device screen itself you want to now move all of your sliders up towards Unity so you go ahead and just do that and if it's not perfect that's okay don't worry about it but you know they're all they're all here now Unity so once that's ready you go ahead and click next okay The Next Step here it now says to turn all of the volume connections down so these are the ports one two three and four on the back of your road Caster Pro so one is where your headset's connected to two three and four are the headsets of the other guests that you're going to have if you have a multi-person podcast alright so we're going to go ahead and click next now here you're going to go ahead and connect your headphones into Port 1 which we already did so I'm just going to go grab my headphones right now and I'm not going to put them directly on my ears I'm just going to kind of keep them off my ears because remember just in case it gets too loud I don't want to blow my eardrums out right so once you've got your headphones connected into Port one you're gonna go ahead and you're going to turn dial number one which is where your headphones are on you're going to turn that up slightly with your headphones on by the way so you're going to turn this on until you hear the sound or music that's playing in your headset until it gets to a comfortable point I find that you know my my volume setting I like it somewhere around that 9 30 10 o'clock position it's not too loud not too soft so once you've done that you can go ahead and take your headphones off and you can go ahead and click on the next button on this screen you can now see that you've got ports one two three and four and these are combination inputs meaning that you can either plug in an XLR cable or a line input and the line input would be another quarter inch Jack that goes into the center of each of those little ports that means you can connect microphones instruments and other line input devices such as your smartphone through you know through the headphone Port directly into the line input as an example now we've already connected your main XLR microphone to port number one so we can just go ahead and carry on through all right so now here you're going to select which devices are connected to which ports now because we only have one XLR microphone that's connected and nothing else on two three and four I'm going to go ahead and leave microphone selected for Port 1 but on Port two three and four I'm going to go ahead and select none and once that's ready go ahead and click on the green check box to confirm and now is the opportunity for you to select the kind of microphone that you've connected to port number one on the road Caster Pro 2. and so one of the cool things about the road Caster Pro 2 is that it already has a bunch of presets you've got Dynamic microphones condenser microphones and then you have a number of very specific Road microphones that have been pre-selected and pre-configured in the droidcaster Pro 2. so if you have the Pod mic go ahead and select that one if you have the rode broadcaster or the pro Caster or the nt1 nt1a re20 and sm7b because those are two other unique very common microphones that people use they've also pre-configured the road Caster Pro 2 for those I've got my nt1a on the road arm the psa1 plus already so on the road Caster Pro 2 I want to make sure that I pick the nt1a and go ahead and connect and click next so now this is where you're going to take your microphone and you're going to place it where you would be best in optimally placing it so you can see here a broadcast microphone usually tends to need to be anywhere between two and six inches from your mouth basically no more than a one hand span away closer if possible right depending upon the microphone you use the nt1a is pretty good it picks up instruments it picks up voice so and I know that right now it's about three inches three and a half inches or so away from my mouth just below so that you can still see my mouth on camera and this is the one I'm going to select so now you can see here it's already preset to 31 decibels of gain now decibel of gain basically it's a unit of measurement of the sound level or sound volume okay so now the nt1a rode already knows how it's configured and how it would normally be in terms of the average voice that's speaking to the microphone so what you want to do is you want to aim to to speak and have it hit in this green zone here now you don't want it to go too high or else your microphone is going to be clipping it's going to be making some sounds and you don't want it to go too low because then the you know you're going to be cranking up the gain on the sliders and the faders yet there's still not going to be enough volume for your applications so I know that 31 is pretty good for my voice if you have a softer voice you may need to increase the gain by a little bit now word of warning here that all microphones are really really good when your mouth is close to them it's a proximity effect is what that's called so if you have your microphone very very far away what's going to happen is that your voice is going to be lower and you're going to need to increase the gain but by increasing that gain or the sensitivity of the microphone you start to hear more noise from inside of your room you can hear the air conditioning or the vent or a fan or you're the lawnmower outside you can hear all of the different sounds that are happening in the environment so you do want to pick the right microphone for the right purpose now since I've got this now configured just right I'm going to go ahead and click on the Green Arrow and this next section here is the microphone presets now the presets are essentially the effects and the the sound tone and quality of what you're going to be putting through the microphone so on this page here you actually have a neutral option you have a podcast Studio option and and a broadcast option typically most people will be choosing either the neutral or the podcast option but you can go ahead and play with this and you can actually change these later on if you want to I'm just going to go ahead and hit podcast studio and leave it there and go ahead and click on the green check box to continue now this is where you get to connect your Bluetooth devices such as your smartphones and tablets and that allows you to play music or audio directly on those devices and it comes through the Bluetooth Channel onto the road Caster Pro 2 and into one of the channels or virtual channels which we will get into in another video so I'm not going to be connecting any Bluetooth devices so I'm just going to go ahead and click on later and carry on so the USB inputs now remember I was telling you there are basically two different USB connectors on the back of the road Caster Pro 2. however USB one which is the mandatory connector connection connection that you have for your road Caster to your computer system there's actually two inputs or two channels that play over that USB connection and then USB 2 is a separate channel so you can see here USB 1 and USB one chat are two virtual channels that run off of usb1 and USB 2 is a secondary channel that runs off of USB 2. now I did mention that if you connect your road Caster Pro 2 to a second computer and you're using the second USB connection to that other computer system that computer system will see you Road Caster Pro 2 secondary it will not see Main and it will not see chat so do keep that in mind all right let's go ahead and click on the blue arrow to continue now this is where you get to assign the channels depending upon the different mixers or the uh the faders that you have on here so you can see here we have six different faders and we have six different channels to assign to each one of those one two three four five six and then these little three semi-grade out ones which we'll talk about later these are actually virtual channels that we can use the rotary encoder to configure so since I only have one microphone connected I don't really need to stray from any of these other different options here so this first option here means that it's a microphone and that's my nt1a that you can see in the video right now the second one here is the Bluetooth devices that may or may not be connected right now but once I do connect to a Bluetooth device I'll be able to use one of the faders to increase or decrease the sound coming from that device the the third slider here is USB one it's called USB one main or Road Caster Pro 2 main this is Road Caster Pro 2 chat at USB 2 or Road Caster Pro 2 secondary and this is the sound effects so the sound effects are simply the pads that are on the side these are called sound pads we can play different types of sound effects or songs or Clips audio clips by directly touching one of these so using one of the sliders allows us to modify the volume that that sound effect is playing at so I'm not going to change any one of these so let's go ahead and click on the Green Arrow to continue now these are the smart pads so remember I was talking to you these are eight different smart pads on the bottom and then you've got the page turning buttons at the bottom right so these are really really cool and fun things that you can do you can either play sound effects or you can actually change the way that your audio is coming through by doing some voice effects through your microphone so let's go ahead and click on the blue arrow to continue now the shows essentially if you know that you have different shows that are set up and you may have different sound effects or you might have actually different microphones that are being used and then you can go ahead and save multiple different shows and that will save all of the preferences so if you've got you know the show about shoes and then the show about shirts two different locations two different sounds to different people sets of people then you can go ahead and save them as different shows and then save them to the memory card that you can install on your road Caster Pro and reload them as needed so when we click the next button by default you're just going to name it default show you can go ahead and name it whatever you like I'm just going to leave it as default show and click on next so here you can choose from the different types of icons this first one here is obviously it's the rode logo it's the zero or the unity symbol that they have and all the different other icons that you can choose some you can go ahead and click on the arrows to you know scroll through them all but I'm just going to leave it as the rode Unity symbol and on the top right corner I'm going to go ahead and click on the Green Arrow which can confirms it so it's called default show and I'm set and ready to go so that's it your road Caster Pro 2 is now set up using the setup wizard um when you first booted the thing up now you can always go ahead and go ahead and reset the device and start the wizard over if you would like and that's really simple let me just show you really quickly how to do that because the first time that I first started this road Caster Pro 2 I actually reset my unit probably three or four times just so that I can get used to it and get it right so let's see how to do that okay so to reset your road Caster Pro 2 to factory defaults you're going to click on the little Cog wheel at the top right section you're going to click next on system you're going to go over to information and then at the very first option view device information and the bottom button here erase and reset device when you click on that button it will ask you to confirm one time and then it'll go ahead through the rebooting process and a racing process and everything will be confirmed from there and it takes about two to three minutes did you know that you could have had access to this entire Road Caster Pro 2 Series first like a month ago but you missed out because you weren't on my streaming platform called nebula and it's not just me it is all my Creator friends we are putting an amazing amount of content on nebula let me show you you can see all the latest videos from all the creators on this platform hey look epos box and you get original content that isn't even uploaded to YouTube from your favorite creators you've got nebula first extended versions maybe bloopers or extra additional information that you don't get on YouTube nebula first things that are exclusive Early Access on this platform there's so much great stuff here and here's the cool thing usually nebula is 50 but with my exclusive link it actually goes down to 333 a month for you so you can find that link in the description
Channel: Live Streaming Pros
Views: 26,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rodecaster pro ii, rodecaster pro 2, rodecaster pro 2 masterclass, rodecaster pro ii masterclass, rodecaster pro 2 tutorial, rodecaster pro ii tutorial, rcp 2, rcp ii, rcp 2 tutorial, rcp ii tutorial, rodecaster pro tutorial, rodecaster pro instructions, rodecaster pro 2 instructions, rodecaster pro 2 guide, rodecaster pro ii guide, how to use the rodecaster pro 2, how to use the rodecaster pro ii, rodecaster pro 2 ultimate guide, rodecaster pro ii ultimate guide
Id: 8UE55mVcbYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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