Rode | RodeCaster Duo | Unbox and Setup

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hey YouTube It's Manny so I've been using the go XLR for the last four plus years right probably about four years uh and it's it's really good but I don't think it's a perfect solution for a dual PC setup so I've always been looking for something uh that fits that build a little bit better so what I did was I just purchased myself Road Caster Duo uh this actually has two USB outputs so we're gonna take this out we'll unbox it we'll set it up and we'll see if it can actually uh usurp that go x a lot alright guys onto the unboxing [Music] all right here's the road Caster Duo nice box um so it's got a sleeve on it so we're gonna cut the sleeve oh I missed I cut the Box sleeve slide it out this way you get to see exactly what's in here is that uh and this is a picture of it fairly plain white box but seems decent welcome Next Level audio this flips open and uh obviously some advertisements we have all right a little damage right here on the uh just a plastic bag though a little damage on there this is all hand done if you look here there's actually hand printed so whoever checked this out quality checks that's kind of cool that this is hand um check I haven't seen that in forever so uh obviously July 7th this year is when it passed the test whatever test these are so let me uh all right well let's take this out real quick this is the actual product itself it's actually not that heavy I feel like the gold XLR is a little heavier than it is so as I said so this bubble this is just um this is just the pass card for the uh thing whatever they do uh Power firmware load analog audio connections digital wireless connections touch screen buttons and controls C card internal memory smart pads maybe they left a card in there that would be nice display screen encoder knobs faders buttons smart pads top body body base serial number label connectors text graphics and artwork rubber feet everything checked serial number well that's my serial number all right and then lift here the back side to see what else is in there oh it comes up like this and here is all the hardware you get with it so you get there's obviously USB the USB uh cable there's probably six feet I'm guessing uh this is Regulatory and safety guide so that's just all the safety information this looks like um Power I'm gonna guess it's power all right so power is also USBC um I assume the power the rest of the cable is in here this is obviously yeah and that's it right so uh let's take this away so what we get with a road caster and what you're probably gonna need to purchase all right so obviously you got the power cable we've got the power cable we need that you have USB the US USB C to USBC I'm going to need two usbcs USB A's I took on my PCS now I could run these uh I could run this to my PC they both have USBC but I have stuff run already and I just plug them into the existing line so um that's what you get there's no setup instruction no manual anything like that so obviously you gotta download that and get it from the internet alright guys let me get this set up and uh see what everything's all about all right guys let's take a quick look at this though before we uh set up and plug it in obviously get the four sliders um these I'm actually not sure what these These are buttons but I'm not sure what the button presses do um this is obviously a mute button for this channel uh these are slightest before channels uh this is probably monitor this Channel or something like that only I've seen photos of it like this is green red green red green red green red sliders uh we'll see if we can uh change the colors and things like that this this uh these are like just four additional um buttons that you can do things with obviously you can switch groupings so you can change them there uh this is I believe these are the volumes for your uh headphones you can have two two sets of headphones plugged in here and this I believe is just for uh changing things on the LED LCD now in the front here we have a three and a half millimeter Jack for your uh headphones and then now the important thing is on the back there's plenty of stuff we've seen plenty of stuff so you have your power switch here your power switch and then your power plug which is USBC right here uh we have ethernet um this is your SD card Port so you know ethernet this does have Wi-Fi as well I plan on using Wi-Fi I'm not running any ethernet cable um this is USB One USB 2 so these product uh connect your computers usbcs uh this actually shows the SD card so I guess it goes it you can upload it to USB one I guess I'm guessing that's how that works it shows a little line uh you have headphones one headphones too now these are one of uh one and a quarter inch Jacks so if you're like me and you have like a three um three and a half millimeter then you're gonna have to get adapters for it and then um head these are for monitors or speakers monitors speakers for us streamers monitors for people in music industry so you have left and right but this is one and two so I I want like we'll have to I'll have to play with this I do have I run speakers and I have headphones so I like to use both of them which is nice and then there's two um XLR ports for your uh mics or if you're a music guy you can plug a instrument all right guys let's go on I'm just going to plug in the power we're going to power it up at first and uh just boot it and check out the LCD all right all right so we're gonna plug in the cord and we're gonna press the power button then wait for the magic to happen now it does the initial boot does take a little time so sit back and relax unfortunately had a lot of glare on the LCD which is not the most popular I try to shut some monitors off what was going on see what was causing the glare I was 100 sure it could have been the overhead lights and things like that and the lights come on it Powers up and then uh you get the uh the first thing you gotta select your language which for me it's English then you set the date and time um so this is where I was messing up a little bit uh figuring out which knob moves it it's actually the big knob underneath the two as I mentioned earlier the two um yeah those are headphones they don't do anything at the bottom knob that one controls the LCD so that's how you adjust the phone it's a touchpad it actually is very responsive which is nice so didn't have any problems with that so far there it is so now that I have the right time zone hit the little blue arrow goes next thing this is how to connect to update firmware for example so you get Wi-Fi ethernet and Road Central I'll go to Road Central a little bit but I'm going to use Wi-Fi and we're going to skip this part because you can figure out how to set that up and once uh it's connected then you can actually go ahead and update the firmware and we'll fast forward through this it takes a little bit of time all right guys so once it finishes firmware update it'll reboot a couple times and then you'll be presented with the screen from here now we have to configure it so I'm going to use rode Central which is a Windows based application I'll send a link I'll put a link in the description below where to find it you can do the LCD on screen wizard but I prefer rode uh Central because I'm going to be mainly PC anyway so I'll show you that all right the first thing we're going to do is download Road Central like I said I'm going to put a link to this description below so we'll go there you have the option of doing Mac or Windows uh I'm gonna do it windows so if you're a Mac User it is what it is all right so just click the button download it I've already downloaded it I don't need to do that again so just go into wherever you downloaded it I'm just in downloads and uh it is a ZIP file so you have to unzip it once you unzip it double click it and just go through the defaults except license terms Central install and you can see it already put a shortcut which I don't like and we're gonna launch it all right so as you see we did not connect to our road that's okay you can either connect it ahead of time or you could do it now so go ahead and take your USBC plug it into the back in Port one and then plug that Port plug the other end into your computer discover the device there it is Road casted Duo firmware one two two all right so we're going to select the device and you presented this this setup screen so this is the audio setup uh these are these four right here represent the four sliders on the front this is microphone this is actually this is chat for PC One USB this is USB one and there's a USB 2. now I am a little disappointed and I'm going to tell you the first issue I have with the rode Caster Duo and I believe the road Caster Pro 2 has the same issue there are only three channels for USBS USB one has two channels USB two has one channel so I'm actually very disappointed in this uh and what I'm hoping is in the future is they add more Channel virtual channels in here that we can split more up on this USB there's no reason not to it doesn't take any hardware this is uh all through firmware for the USB so I'm hoping they do that so as I said this is microphone one USB uh one chat USB 1 and USB 2. this is uh sounds and whatever else I have nothing else plugged in here and this is uh Bluetooth so you can actually do like your cell phone or something like that in here uh down here these are the actual mics so you actually see I brought this one up here say you had uh mic two you would put it up there and now this is my two instead of mic one I want mic one that's what I'm gonna use if you have uh headphones with a mic you'd use these and you could put this somewhere to configure it that way but I'm not doing that and as I said these were the sounds so uh it's just a virtual slider it's not really anything you it doesn't show up on the actual machine itself so uh you can change the colors uh and this will change the color on the um the actual device itself so whatever you like I like the blue for my one so that is how you do that and then I believe where is the audio setup oh here we go so uh now when you first set up your mic so as you can see I just uh clicked on the uh double clicked on the cogwheel right here and you come up here now the wizard will walk you through some of this stuff but basically what you have to do is what do you have plugged in there are some pre-configured stuff in there such as the road uh pod mic broadcaster mic pod broadcaster nt1 nt1a re20 and the s p seven of course is a very uh sure is microphone I do not have one of those I have an at2020 which is a condenser mic so I chose condenser um you go through and do your uh levels your gain on here plus minus uh this works for me uh this is the phantom power I do need it for the at2020 so that's what we have on there now I'm not going to get into how to configure everything because honestly I'm not very good at it what I would suggest personally get your microphone configured get a Noise Gate set up I set mine up I found a great um I'll actually put a link to the description below on the tutorial on how to set it up it's actually from Road and I'll have to refine it but it shows you how actually to set the Noise Gate out properly from there and then um and then what Noise Gate uh to do where was the other one it was I was LDS or the de-esser is the other one I would suggest setting up and figuring that out to get rid of that his sounds and stuff when you say s's so those are the two I would do first uh the other thing I was a little disappointed in is the uh equalizer this this is like very minimal as far as Equalization like like what you can configure and change I was actually a little disappointed in that so um it's not a huge hang up for me um right now my biggest hang up was the fact that there's only three USB channels and two two on one one on the other I think that's weak so that's basically this setup part um as I said USB com communication point one it's really chat you can see a little chat bubble so then we're gonna go back and device configuration there's a whole bunch of things in here um outputs and stuff like that uh depends on what my headphones you have I have uh sennheisers that are very low sensitive so I have this setup where it actually pumps more power through it so it's a little louder versus high sensitivity and they already have the rode and th100s uh pre-configured in there then you have monitors as far as um if you have monitors basically speakers for us uh streamers who might not know that much about it um so basically when able to monitored output will be muted so in other words you won't you won't hear yourself through the speakers which is good you don't want to do that uh fixed level output I'm not really sure um I haven't played with it too much um this is I have mine set I'm not I'm sure I'll have to I have to figure that one out routing this is also this is now the other important part like what you want to uh set up main mix means everything all channels are routed through this so your headphone one headphone two I don't care necessarily and then you have um the monitors of speakers you have Bluetooth you have record channel you have USB one so mix minus what this means is I'm going to send everything to my uh my gaming PC which is my first PC minus the mic all right and then so that's mixed minus so main is everything this is not not the mic everything else but the mic and then custom you can actually change it and we'll show you that in a second so this is the chat one so you see I did custom the only thing I have going there is my microphone because this is going to um like for example say you want to go to Discord and I'll show you this in a second on how to set this up in Discord and then the sounds if I want to play sounds into Discord or whatever else that's what it is and then two is main mix so I'm sending everything into two because two is my stream PC all channels will be included in the USB secondary output exactly right so if I did mix minus they wouldn't hear me talk on stream so we want to send everything there and that's what custom so as you can see mixed main is everything all the like and the other thing that's nice about this you can have individual uh so if you want your say I want my sounds to be played a little bit less than they do in the main one you can actually turn things down like um you could turn Chat down and different things like that so we're gonna stick a main mix listen honestly I don't know a lot of this stuff uh go through this read this multi-track this is for recording uh USB alt off this is stuff you can figure out I don't know a lot of this stuff and maybe I'll play with it later on but I think the big things to uh do is your routing and like I said unfortunately only have three channels to mess with uh and if you're like me two is your stream PC one is your gaming PC and uh your chat so your chat's gonna be just your microphone and I'll show you how I set up my Discord so it works and mix minus four year one for everything else all right uh display this is just metering uh this is kind of cool this actually so the default one doesn't have this this actually has the um the the values on the side uh it has the the gain or whatever you call it the we'll include uh dbfs markers on the channels that kind of just looks neater to be honest so that's why I did haptics this is a matter of when you use a LCD is it going to give feedback or not I said no uh record I don't actually plan on doing recordings the voice recordings to this so I'm probably not going to use it anyway system uh midi controlled bi-directional midi communication between your computer and Road Caster uh send sounds back and forth I guess I don't really know much about it figure it out information Network blah all right uh that's it race basically as far as setting this up uh oh here's a smart pass I haven't played with this yet uh we'll be placed into transfer mode I'm not going to mess with this right now but as you can see you can play different um sounds you can set sounds up effects uh sounds effects mixer midi so a bunch of different things I haven't played with it yet I was more concerned with getting it set up and being able to stream with it so yeah so like I said basically set this stuff up your mic one I don't need a mic two but you can if you want to uh chat mic is up there so I can adjust that uh this is my game game system this is my uh stream PC all right now let's go uh open up Discord real quick and uh show you how that is set up all right guys so here is Discord so you're gonna go into uh user settings you're gonna go down to voice and video and in here you're going to actually set your microphone to Road cast a Duo chat and speak as the road casted Duo chat that is that so those are that's what you want to set up microphone and speaker and you will be all set with Discord all right and that's it right now for setting up your gaming PC all right so now let's set up our stream PC so I'm on my stream PC right now so excuse me I only have one monitor so we're gonna have a little Inception here just for a second so what we want to do is uh go ahead and plug in your second USB in the back of your go XLR XLR plug in the back of your rode uh Caster Duo and then plug it into your PC then we're going to actually go ahead and add an audio uh input capture Channel I actually have some in here already so mine's going to be called it's just called line uh line in okay and now we can see it right here and we're going to actually change the properties of this so it's set to default so whatever your computer default is but what I'm going to do is come down here in desktop microphone roadcasted Duo secondary so it says desktop microphone but it's actually capturing everything that was included in um the routing table that we saw earlier so you're going to use that and essentially that's just going to pick up everything on the road Caster so there we go all right guys before we close this video off I just want to show you the um I did plug some of this stuff in without telling you guys what it was or what's going on but uh so obviously we got the XLR plug into Port one the first one uh we got a headphone jack and I do have a one and a quarter um to three and a half millimeter or three and a half millimeter to one and a quarter Jack for my headphone one this is my headphones and then right below it is actually this is my speakers um I just plug in headphone too so that way I can control it with the second knob I could just turn the head the the speakers right here you can kind of see one of them up all the way and I could just control it here which would be nice I could turn them all the way down so it's off and nothing's coming through then we see the two USBS um this is uh This Is My Stream PC this is my gaming PC and this is the power so that's all I have plugged in right now for my like I said the big thing was headphones one headphones two and that way I can control them using these two um I gotta neaten this up now and uh and then uh very to stream with this all right guys so there you have it uh that was uh my setup process uh for setting up the rode Caster Duo right so I'm mine setting up for streaming streaming only so that's what I cared about mostly um I did mess around with like I said the eqs I don't know that stuff so I don't want to give you too many videos all right guys there's plenty of videos out there to um get that worked out so um so a couple things like I said is the Noise Gate set that up the Esser is the important one the eqs they're actually it's not you can't really mess with them too much so it might sounded pretty good it sounded just like my go XLR so I was happy with it uh and like I said the only thing I was a little disappointed in was the number of channels on the USBs um it's disappointing now like I said it is that can be all changed with firmware so hopefully rode comes through and adds more channels specifically I would love to have a uh a separate mic channel on usb2 so at least two channels on each one I would minimum so I could separate the microphone that way I like to do closed captioning on my stream PC so they they just hear my voice and not like Discord or even in-game things like typing text while I'm typing and then the closed captioning looks weird because it's intermingled words as opposed to just me speaking so that's kind of what I was looking for I'm gonna run with it so guys if you're interested in hearing how it sounds during stream pop on by my stream guys you can uh hit me up on Twitch at maniocrity where I stream Friday Saturday and Sunday evening starting at 8 pm Eastern Standard Time guys alright so if you want to check this out and hear what it sounds like on stream hit me up then all right so I hope you enjoyed the video and found it helpful if you did make sure you hit that like button and if you have any questions about the road like I said I'm not an audio file so I'll do my best to answer them um definitely common questions like if it's streaming and setups and routing I get that part down the equalization that's a different story all right um and guys make sure you hit that sub button and you know hit the like button too all right until next time YouTube Take It Easy
Channel: Mannyocrity
Views: 8,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rode, rodecaster, rodecaster duo, rodecaster duo setup, rodecaster duo unbox, rode caster duo setup, rode caster duo unbox
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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