Rock Church - Mind Your Business - Part 4, The Father's Business

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I feel like I'm going nowhere. I will never be fit. I wish I could be more attractive. I'll never find love. I'll be single for the rest of my life. I'll never be wanted. I wish I could be more popular. Everyone thinks I'm boring. No one cares about me. Nothing ever works out for me. I haven't achieved anything. You have been so good to me Lord. I have had some great success. God is on my side. I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. Today is going to be a great day. God's timing is so perfect. I am so loved. These friends such a blessing to me. God you are so kind to me. My friends are awesome. Thank you, Lord. [Applause] Amen. Let's give the Lord a big hand, come on church. [Applause] I want to say hello to all of our campuses and all the people watching everywhere. God bless y'all. Can we stand up, we want to say a quick prayer. And acknowledge some sad news we have. I am sure all of you know that John McCain passed away yesterday, yes, give him a round of applause for-- [Applause] It has been encouraging to see people no matter what your political view is to honor him as a patriot in this country. And spent five years in prison as a prisoner of war. Two of those years in solitary confinement, was tortured and served in our government for 40 years and sad as he is laid with the Lord. And we also have some news closer to home, there was a car accident on 805 this week, there were three people killed by the driver driving the wrong way, and a woman and her young daughter went to church here, they went to City Heights campus. We knew their family, she just got baptized, 12 and baptized in July here and her mother served in the single ministry and served in the bookstore. Her two brothers played in 2010 as little kids if you remember them. We want to remember them in our prayers. I want to pray for their family and I also want to pray for any of y'all that lost somebody recently. People die every day and we don't want to get used to that fact. Especially when it happens to you. I want to say a prayer for their families. John McCain's family, and also for your family. If someone has passed away and your heart is heavy. That God will comfort us, we have hope beyond the grave, amen. That's what we are here for, amen. [Applause] Let's pray. Lord, thank you so much that you give us hope beyond the grave. Thank you that you died and rose from the dead to prove your power over death. And we hold on to that promise, when we pass with Christ in our life, we will live again and that life will be better than this. Thank you for Eileen and thank you for Ariana and thank you for what they meant to our family and church community and pray for their two brothers that you encourage them in Jesus' name, amen. Hey, give someone next to you a big hug and tell them you love them, amen. You may be seated. Get your Bibles out. Get your Bibles out. We got to go, we got to go. On the count of three, lift your Bibles up and say word. One. Two. Three. Say word. One more time, say word. Turn to second Corinthians 10, New Testament, the sixth-- number 6--eight, eight of the New Testament. Book 8. Second Corinthians 10:4-6, say amen if you are there. Say amen if you are still looking. Say amen if you are in the Old Testament. [Laughter] Should be in the last half of the Bible, last third of the Bible I should say. Second Corinthians 10:6. All of my life I have always wanted to rock climb. Not out like in Yosemite, I don't have the courage to do that and I see people climb those rocks with no wires and I think they are CRA-CRA, I want to climb this high. And I was in a hotel with my wife, we love to go on dates. And there was this rock this high and I want to go to do it. And I made an appointment and went up there and the lady taught me how to do it. She said, you need to find all the crevices in the rocks on the wall and get your foot and hand in the crevice and brace yourself and find a tiny crack and hold your weight and pull yourself up. And I was going up and some really little and don't think they can hold you and all you need is a tiny ledge to get a couple of fingers in or toes in and pull yourself all the way up. A stronghold is an incorrect thinking pattern. And what the devil does he finds one bit of truth in your life and he hooks a lie on to it. And he gets a lie on that one truth and then grabs another truth with another lie. And all of a sudden this incorrect thinking pattern starts crawling through your head. You fail a test. And it may be true that you failed the test. But the lie is that you are never going to pass a test in your life. And the devil will get his claw, his lie in that truth. And then get his claw in another unrelated truth. You are never going to buy a house. And get that claw in another unrelated truth--it's not a truth but a lie, that you never have a family. And you may have an incorrect thinking pattern are you may be fired from a job and the devil says you will never keep a job. These people will always be against you and you will be powerless. Sitting in a jacuzzi with a man and sitting in his jacuzzi and telling me of his fear to be homeless. He knows everyone in San Diego but some thought got in his head and led to another thought, and he's homeless. Brother, we are laying in your jacuzzi, right now bubbles. And bottle of water, it's sunny out and in San Diego, how are you going to be homeless? Because the devil is a liar. And you could have someone break up with and not only that person broke up with you, but you never will be in love. You will never have a relationship or family. You will die alone, scared and sick and no one there at your deathbed. He can take that pattern all the way to the bank. And by the way, last week we talked about neurological pathways in your brain, when you think these things over and over again. You create a new logical physical pathway in your physical brain. That processes that thought process automatically. In other words, once you establish that thought pattern, that incorrect thinking pattern, it's a physical pattern in your brain. So someone can look at you wrong at work and all of a sudden, you are going to be fired and homeless and never get a job. You start thinking--say amen if you know what I am talking about. You wake up fearful and for no reason all of these thoughts in your head. You are going to fail your test today. And once you fail your test, you're not going to get the job. And then you're not ever going to get a job and ever own a house and have a family. You are going to be a failure just like your father said. And it's one thought after another and you lay there and dwell on negativities. It's a stronghold. Now we are talking about changing your thinking. Minding your business, having your mind on God's business. And we are talking about controlling your thoughts. Last week we talked about the neurological physical pathways in your brain, your three-pound computer in your head. But there is a spirit component to this, that we are going to talk about today. And today we are going to deliver you--we are going to do a prayer of deliverance, to kick the devil out of your life. Because he's lying to you and cast him out of your life, can I get amen. Cast the authority of heaven and get the devil out of your life. Get your booty straight, say I am ready. If you haven't been here we are declaring truth over your life. There is seven declarations and I encourage you to say them every day or something similar to them, why? Repetition. The more you repeat specifically out loud the stronger the pathway in your brain will be. So you can process the information, why is that critical? Because if someone says you are doing great but if your brain is wired you won't do good, you won't receive it. There is a physical component and you want to continually tell yourself what is true. We are not talking about positive thinking but accurate thinking. There is a difference. Positive thinking I can fly. That's not accurate thinking. You following what I am saying. I can get that woman. She's already thinking and you don't know what you are thinking about. That's positive thinking. Let's talk about accurate. You are made in the image of God. Everyone say I am made in the image of God. Let me encourage you to establish a system, routine that is not just routine where ever single day you spend time with God. And as part of that you declare God's truth over your life. Read the Bible. That's great too. Declare his truth over your life. Look yourself in the mirror and say, God loves you. Tell yourself, why? Because the devil bombards you that God doesn't love you. You have to put in your head, declare this truth over your life. It's not only information it's spiritual. Okay, trust me. And get up in the read and say I read this. I do this and have this list next to my office and read it and other stuff. Spend time. Be deliberate. Next one, God has given me a sound mind, the mind of Christ. The more you declare it, even right now and the louder you declare it, the more it's engrained in you and believe it. 3, I comet to be mindful of the father's business in my life today. Don't worry about the devil's business in your life. What does God have for you to do? When you leave here, am I doing what God has me do. If you walk in someone's apartment and before you go in the apartment, you do. This you are going in the wrong apartment. [Laughter] Oh, Lord--say I denounce selfish and toxic thinking today. Shut up. There are just some stuff stop. Number 4--I mean number 5 say, I will take my thoughts captive and think like Christ today. Everyone do this--give me your hands, all of your hands say hand. So when you get a thought in your head, you're ugly. Say, I'm beautiful. Say HA--you are dumb. You ain't going on make it. That's not truth. You can hear it all day long. How many of you hear negative stuff all the time? Raise your hand. It's part of life, the devil is against you. People will look you in the eye and tell you negative stuff. Number 6, say as my mind is renewed, my physical brain will be transformed. Every thought you have is a physical structure in your head. Every thought you have is a structure. It's a neurological structure. A thought is either you mentally engaging in an event or a resurrected memory. A thought is either you engaging in an event mentally, something happens and you see it and think about it. Or it's a resurrected memory. So you have a neurological formation, every thought has a neurological form to it and it resurrects a memory. If it's negative, hypothetically it looks like that. And when positive it looks like that. When you think negative you reinforce this shape. Every time you have a thought you can do one of two things. You can change it or reinforce it. One of those two things. You either say yes I believe it, or no, I don't. You change it. If a thought comes in your head that you will fail, you go yeah. Or no! And if you change it, it has to change. So when you renew your mind your physical brain will change. Very microscopically but it changes. And read that one more time. As my mind is renewed, my physical brain will be transformed. This is going to sound freaky, freaky, freaky. This is what I am doing, take it for what it's worth. Not necessarily in the Bible-- well it is, I go around thinking what does my brain look like and I will change the pathways in my brain. I don't want to have a neurological pathway that says, you can never be courageous. I don't want that pathway. I want that pathway that says you are courageous in Joshua 1:09 I want that pathway. I say change it Lord. Create that pathway so if something happens I can easily process courageous as a lion. And I don't easily process you are going to fail. 7, say I choose. Say I choose, to dwell on positive thoughts. Say HA--come on give me your hands, raise your hands in the air. Say HA--grab that thought, I choose to dwell on positive thoughts and only speak life today. Because all God's promises-- give me your hand, all God's promises. One more time, because all of God's promises, say it. All God's promises. Say it after I say it. Let me finish it. Then you say it. After all of God's promises-- say it after I say it. Oh, Lord. Because all of God's promises-- in my life--are yes! That does not mean oh, Lord give me five wives. That's not what that means. It means that every promise that God has for you, not what you ask for. Remember when you prayed in Jesus' name, I pray this--in Jesus' name. That's another way of saying this, I want this and this that as long as you want me to have it. That's what that means. It doesn't mean you can ask and throw Jesus' name on it and so you are going to get it. That's not what that means. Okay, it means according to your will. Jesus was praying Lord do I have to die on the cross. Not my will, I don't want do it, but your will be done. Okay. Okay. Let's review. Real quick. Everybody say body. Soul. Spirit. We're all body. You see your body it's physical and you know what it looks like looking in the mirror. And soul is conscience and mind and emotions and you can't see them and spirit is where the Holy Spirit lives. And when you are saved and perfected in Christ, the Holy Spirit lives here and this is where the spiritual battle is, right here. What are you thinking? Every decision you may, you have to decide I am going to trust the spirit of God or what I feel. Am I going to trust what I think, am I going to trust what happened in the past. In other words, because I failed before I'm going to fail again. Because they didn't ask me out, he's not going to ask me out. Or am I going to trust God. This is where the spiritual battle comes in. Where the devil has a stronghold and gets you to believe a lie. You have no opportunity to believe these things are true, because you bought into the devil lies and get to that in a minute. Number 1, get out your notes. Strongholds are self-destructive thinking patterns. There are some of you in here, if you don't recognize it in yourself, some of you here who have people in your life that all they do is speak self-destruction or negativity in your life. Can I get amen if you know what I am talking about. They are several destructive thinking patterns and subjecting on you and you allowing to plant in your head. People in your life, negative, negative, negative. They have self-destructive thinking patterns that comes out as what they say. That proves something negative in their heart. The Bible says that the mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart. Stronghold says are negative self-destructive, decisive thinking patterns. Second Corinthians 10:4... In other words, the knowledge of God says, you are loved. A stronghold says you are not loved. Knowledge of God says, the Bible says you are marvelous. Everybody say, I am marvelous. That's what the Bible says. If something says you are not marvelous, that's a lie. If God says you are marvelous, and this says you are not, you choose who you believe. The Bible says that God has a plan to give you a future and hope. And look at this failure, look at this stuff in your life. What are you going to believe? So your weapons of warfare are not carnal but mighty in pulling down the stronghold to say, no, that's a lie in my life. I am not a failure. By the way, even though I lost three jobs, God is going to get me through. I had an opportunity to speak to L.A. Chargers two days ago, to the whole team. And when I played during the training camp, which is right now. Every week about 10 guys lost their job. Would sign about 90 guys and every week they would cut/fire 10 guys or so until they get to 53 Now they don't do it that way and keep them until the end, and all others will lose their job. I was cut three times and talk about my book or testimony, I have been cut three times and I know that next week a lot of you are going to lose your job. It's not a mystery but a cloud over those guys. Let me tell you something, you will be sad and mad and blame the coach. It ain't the end of the world. It's just an event. God will get you through. And don't be sad and work out again. Understand it's not the end of the world. When you hear voices that your life is over, don't believe the voices. I was trying out for the L.A. rams, I cried. And then God said--I wasn't walking with God at the time. And two weeks later I was in San Diego, and been here ever since. Thank Jesus I was cut. And this happens negativity, and hold up I know that God always takes care of me. And I don't understand what is going on now, I pull down that lie of devil. And look at what it says, the weapons of warfare are not carnal but mighty in pulling down those arguments. You are not going to keep me down--I reject that. You are ugly. I reject that. You are over weight. I am just big boned, I reject that. I just have more to flow, all that means. Don't hate me now. Don't hate me now. It says, pulling down strongholds casting down arguments and every high thing that acknowledges itself against the will of God. What does God say? You will constantly for your whole life hear voices from people and the spirit telling you, what did God say. This is bringing every thought in captivity. Come on three, HA. Say it again. The more you say the better it is. One, two, three, HA. Yeah, I like it. I'm not hearing a lot of you. One, two, three. HA. Yeah, that's what I am talking about. I'm a failure- what? yeah-- You are going to go to Starbucks, do you want a frappuccino latte, Ha--I want all the caf-- Come on now. Okay two weeks ago we had Dr. Amen here and talked about killing automatic negative thoughts. I want to run through the rules. You have to do this. It's awesome. Let's put that up real quick. Now this is in your lesson plan, but these verses are not. Please write the verses in. When you have an automatic negative thought. I'm never going to make it. Those people are against me. The world, the sky is falling. They don't like me. Are you following what I am saying? Here's what you do. Describe the automatic negative thought in detail. Write the whole thing out, every word. The Bible says to bring the deeds of the devil of evil out of darkness into the light. Bring it into the light. Be accountable. And then ask if it's true. Is the thought coming from God or coming from the devil? Is it really true? You are never going to be anything. Really, what does that mean? What does be anything mean. Who is saying that? What determines you being something means. That you have five houses? Or that you are just happy. You know what I am saying. That you have five wives or can you just handle one. Let me tell you something, just handle one. That's a job right there. Can I get amen, fellas. Amen, amen. Ladies, can I get amen on you handling one man. All being knuckle heads, okay. Can you be 100% sure what you are thinking is true or not, most likely now. How does that make you feel? Write down what you feel. Anxious, fear. Fear is not from God. God his not given us a spirit of fear. Spirit of fear is boogie, boogie every day. But if you are walking some place in the parking lot at night, you have good reason to watch what I am doing. But if you are walking around, I don't know what is happening in life and everyone will hate me. That's a spirit of fear. How does it make you feel? Write it down. This makes me feel anxious, little and insecure. Write it down. Can you imagine not having that thought. By faith I am not going to worry. By faith I am not going to live in fear. By faith I am going to believe I pass this test. Even though I hate math--not talking about me, but y'all, I love math. Even though I hate math, I am going to get an "A" on this test. If you got a "B," wouldn't you be happy. But I am going to believe because God gave me a brain. Next one. Describe the opposite of the ant. In other words I am going to fail this test. Heck no, I am getting an "A" and not only get an "A" but I will sit there and enjoy this test. Even though I can't stand tests and I will be whistling through the test and I will distract the students and I will be the first one to walk out of the class-- bam, walk out of the class and get an "A." Next point. Next point. Strongholds are based on wrong view of God. Acts 17. A lot of you people believe the lies of the devil because you don't understand the grace of God. Paul stood in the midst are Areopagus, men of Athens I perceive that you are very religious. As I passed through and considered the object of your worship and found an altar to this description to unknown God. Therefore the one that you worship without knowing it, him I proclaim to you, God who made the world and everything in it since he's the Lord of earth. If you think God is a God who rewards you when you do good, you will have a relationship with God based on a merit system. And when you do something that you don't think is bad, the next unfortunate thing that Hans after that you think that God is punishing you. That's not how God works. God never will reward you what you deserve, you will never deserve his death. It's called grace. You will never deserve his death and forgiveness and goodness. So stop trying. Just love him. For all of who have kids, you do not want your kids to love you so they can get something. That's insincere. You want them to love you because you are dad and mom. I remember when my first daughter was born, I couldn't wait for her to talk. So she could tell me she loved me. I felt so much love for her and coming from her and to her, I wanted to communicate that to her and her to communicate to me. Then she started talking-- well, she couldn't talk-- only kidding. Someone said, two things you don't want to pray for, your kids to talk and walk, and once that another level of headache. I wanted to have a relationship with her. I didn't want her to say, daddy, if I say this, will you give me something. God doesn't want that relationship with you. You have to understand who God is and how much he loves you and how much he wants to bless you. And how much he wants to bless your life and walk in your life. He doesn't want you working to try to prove anything to him. That's not the kind of God he is. But if that's the kind of God you have in your mind, as soon as something doesn't go your way and then the devil hooks in that lie. You will never be good enough or perfect. Why even go to church? Why even go to Life Class? Why get in an rGroup or tithe. Doesn't make a difference, because you are never will be perfect. And yeah, look at them, and not as good as me. And you get all of this nonsense in your head and God wants you to love you back. You pray because you want to and serve because you want to. And blesses your heart and God blesses you. And you are not tripping and trying to get something from it. Unselfishly how to be a blessing. Because you have a correct view of who God is and a relationship. Strongholds happen when you don't understand who God is and you get in bondage trying to earn his life. You cannot earn his life or forgiveness. You can just receive it by faith and walk in it. Number 3. Strongholds are based on established through vows and legal agreements. I have a whole sermon called the satanic agreement. Turn to Matthew 4. First book of the New Testament. If you are in Corinthians seven books before where you are at. Matthew 4, I will ask you to raise your hand in a minute. How many of you by show of hands would consciously decide to make an agreement with the devil. I don't see any hands. You would? Devil, I want to agree, me and you are going to make an agreement, okay. How many of you, anybody? Make agreement with the devil, the devil wants to destroy your life. Matthew 4, the devil is having a conversation with Jesus and look at what he says... I'll make a deal with you Jesus, I'll give you all of this, if you worship me. Jesus said, PSST--please. Away with you Satan. It is written you shall worship the Lord your God and serve him only. You know what the devil tells you, hey, if you watch this pornography, we can have fun. If you say yes, you are telling him God I don't trust your ways and believe the devil and trust his way. Of devil says if you tell a lie and this job is your idea and nobody know and can get a promotion. Okay, devil I will make a deal with you and lie. If you write this number on your tax return versus the real deal and get a bigger check and buy G.I. Joe, okay, devil I will lie on my taxes. Raise your hand if you see this #NAME? your skirt here and raise that and instead of Mary Poppins, we will go bandaid bandana sized. Instead of flowing, we're going to shake and bake, okay. So if you make the deal, if you make the deal with me, I can get you what you are looking for. Okay. So you are making the deal. You are agreeing instead of trusting God, am I saying that God is not telling you to do this? You get what I am saying. You have to do your wardrobe, but if God says I want you to down here. I want to go straight--I want you to be down here. You have to trust me. He said, the devil said, Jesus if you trust me, I'll bless you. When you make an agreement with the devil, what you are telling God, God I am signing on to his contract and I am trusting him to please me. To satisfy me, to fulfill my need. I am no longer trusting you in this specific area and as soon as you do that, you empower the liar and the liar has his hook in you, and from that decision he will lead you down a series of other decisions. A stronghold. Incorrect self-destructive thinking pattern. Because if you got to watch the pornography and follow through on the next thing and next thing and you are so mentally addicted and your brain is rewired. Pornography will rewire your brain. Take this to the bank. A sermon called X-men we did online, check it out. It will rewire your brain and disabling your ability to bond with another human. It's deception. The devil is going to leave you alone, he's rewired your brain and jacked you up. And let me say this real quick, one of the biggest customers of Viagra are guys 25-30 because naked women don't do anything for them, why? Because their brain is so rewired from pornography. What. What. That brother is so slick. Number 4. Just for the record, if you are watching online there is really quiet in here right now. I'm just saying. Strongholds are--by the way, pornography is watched by one of two guys and one of six women. I do not watch pornography and the day that pornography is watched than any other day is Sunday. I am just saying. Turn in your notes to declare Satan inoperable in your life, cast him out. And exercise the authority that Jesus secured on the cross. He did not die to give you jury, he died to break the authorities in your life. Do you want this authority. Do you want to access and exercise this authority in your life. The devil is not going away if you say, devil leave me alone. The only way he will go away, I'm in Christ and exercise the authority that Jesus Christ has given me, secured on the cross. You following what I am saying? Okay. Sit up in your seat. We will declare this out loud. Put this on the screen. We are going to speak to evil. You are going to speak to evil. I encourage you every day as you walking through whatever you are walking through, in Jesus' name, Satan get behind me. In Jesus' name I rebuke that thought, in Jesus' name I rebuke that feeling. In Jesus' name I claim that God loved me and has a yes on my life. I believe that Jesus died for my sin and never leave me and forsake me. And the spirit of God has anointed me. I claim that the Bible is true and believe it. I feel--because you will feel discouraged at times and God will get you through. And Jesus was praying before arrested and sweating blood, so stressed out. I doubt any of us to that level but if you were, Jesus was sweating blood. Father, I am so stressed to the point of death, any other way to achieve salvation. Nope but I'll get you through it. As a matter of fact, son after you die, you will be exalted above every name. And Jesus said, okay. Are y'all ready? You have to say this every day. You have to acknowledge the spiritual battle you are in every day. Don't think I go to the rock, and God is going to bless me. I'm a Christian, God is going to bless me. I look good, God is going to bless me. Nope. In fact the more you walk with God, the more generals--I was talking about my book, racism is one of the most powerful tools of the devil. And I was talking to somebody, because you wrote that book, you are getting ready for generals to come after you. But I have people praying for me. Everyone say in Jesus' name. In Jesus' name, I break all agreements and contracts I have made with the devil. Think of the things that you believe that are contradictory to the Bible. I don't have to go to church to be blessed. That's a contract. I don't need to be in rGroup. That's a contract. I don't need to go to Life Class or tithe to be spiritually blessed. That's a contract and lie. That's a contract. You are believing lies. Okay, say it one more time. Say in Jesus' name, I break all agreements and contracts I made with the devil. Think about what they are. Say in Jesus' name, I break the power of evil spirits involved in my mind. Get out of my head, devil. Come on, say, get out of my head devil. Say in Jesus' name, I repent of the sin of rejecting God. And believing lies about myself. And/or God. Hey, we're going to have the simulcast on the 15th, y'all need to come to the simulcast for God to root out stuff in your life. It's optional but I challenge you to do this, and be better Christians. On September 9, the series starts, start the series on September 9, two Sundays from now. Let God do something in your life, powerful and set you free from stuff you are inundated all of your life. Family and friends or media, so we can love better. We can always love better, amen. In Jesus' name, I forgive all grudges I hold against anyone I know. And I choose to think about them as Christ thinks about them. There was a guy, I was standing probably second or third year in our history of the church. We were having church at San Diego State at Montezuma Hall and I was shaking people's hands and this lady, I need to confess to you, what? I have been mad at you eight years. I said, what is your name, like who are you. I don't know what are talking about. For eight years she was taking poison thinking it was hurting me. When you don't forgive somebody and you argue with them in the head and talk with other people and taking poison and thinking it's hurting them. It's killing you. Let it go. They are no longer responsible to heal you, God is. Set yourself free, that's what that means. Amen. Read that again. Say, in Jesus' name I forgive all grudges. Everyone say AHHH, because that is going to be hard. I forgive all grudges I hold against everyone I know. And choose to think about them as Christ thinks about them. Say in Jesus' name, I choose to only believe and think about the life-giving yes and think about the life-giving yes, God has on my life. And reject the toxic no. Look at the person next to you and say yes, one more. Can you imagine if you are a yes-speaker and not a no-speaker. Be a yes-speaker. Don't be a no-speaker. Don't speak no to people. Don't speak doubt to people. I am going to be president next year. Well, there is no election, but I think you can do it. [Laughter] Say in Jesus' name, I break all strongholds, everyone lift your hands up. We are going to receive the spirit of God. We will ask for the spirit of God. Lift your hands up. By the way this is an act of surrender--put your hands up. Surrender. And it's also a funnel. Spirit of God just pour it right here, pour it right here, are y'all following me? Are you tired yet? You better not, it's only 20 seconds. Say in Jesus' name, I break all strongholds and ask for the Holy Spirit to fall upon my life. I agree with all my heart to think like and follow Jesus. Bow your heads and close your eyes and put your hands on your knees. On your knees. Your own knee. Lord, there are people right now who need to surrender their life to You. Just pray this prayer in your heart. If you are ready to give your life to God, your burden to God. You want God to renew your mind. In the privacy of your heart, pray, dear God, I surrender. Satan in Jesus' name I speak directly to you be gone out of my life. I break all agreements, I don't believe you. I'm not going to be tricked by you anymore. And we will have this conversation tomorrow. And the next day. Jesus, I surrender my life to You. I trust that You love me. That You have a great plan for my life. Thank You, God. As our eyes are closed and heads bowed. If you prayed that prayer in a minute, I will ask you to stand in all campuses. One of the lies that you need not believe that when you stand up people will look at you and think bad. But when you stand up you will believe that God is honored in your life. You don't have to worry about anything but the Father. God will give you new courage like a lion right now. If you prayed that prayer, stand and if you want someone to stand next to you, tap their leg. If you prayed that prayer, I want you to stand. All campuses and microsites. One, two, three. If God spoke to you during that sermon and you feel like you want to ask Christ to be your savior, it's as simple as A-B-C. Admit and accept that you are a sinner. The Bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord, and He died for your sin and rose from the dead. Then, confess yourself a sinner and say, "Jesus, please forgive me of my sin." If you would like to ask Jesus Christ to be your savior, just look at me right now and pray this prayer with me in the privacy of your heart knowing that God knows you and loves you very much. Say, "Dear God, I believe that I am a sinner." I know the penalty of my sin is death. I don't want to die and go to hell. I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, that He died and rose from the dead for my sin. I confess myself a sinner and ask Him to forgive me of my sin. Jesus, please forgive me of my sin. and fill me with the spirit of God. In Jesus name', amen." If you prayed that prayer, if you just asked Christ to be your savior, we want to know. We want to email you some resouces. If you just prayed that prayer with me, to accept Jesus as your savior, click on the link that just appeared. We want to send you some free resources. God bless you and we will see you in Heaven.
Channel: Rock Church
Views: 6,368
Rating: 4.8796992 out of 5
Keywords: rock church, miles McPherson, San Diego, message, sermon, volunteer, volunteerism, leader, leadership, pastor, Christian, Jesus, Bible, God non-denominational, mega-church, southern California, preacher, worship, Sunday, point loma, ministry, outreach, news, stories, transformation, heroes, inspiration, devotional, small group, testimony, disciple, mentor, parable, satellite church
Id: yQBA2SHKk90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 53sec (2933 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 27 2018
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