RoboCop Rogue City - The BIGGEST Hidden Gem Of 2023!

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no problem do you take singles get back in line the pimp hand is strong folks the pimp hand is strong if you were a kid that grew up in the 80s or the early 90s there was this weird phenomenon that Hollywood had where they would be like let's take an R-rated movie and then make it applicable to children because we want to Market these characters and have them do different things to make them appealing to a younger audience now one of the franchises that definitely was a culprit of this was the RoboCop franchise I remember watching RoboCop movies when I was like a wee young lad and then there was a bunch of different things that ended up happening with it RoboCop ended up getting a cartoon he ended up getting a bunch of action figures and if you're getting action figures and you're getting cartoons you're also going to get video games as well now on the video game front it was kind of a bit of a mixed bag the arcade games were pretty freaking fun because I mean they were arcade games and you could do more with them but the Home console game games weren't quite as enjoyable they always seem to be lacking something as far as you know just feeling like RoboCop now I will say Robocop versus Terminator was a pretty fun game but that was kind of an offshoot game and then RoboCop just kind of disappeared honestly there were some direct to DVD movies that came out in the early 2000s I've watched them they're not very good RoboCop of course ended up getting another video game though on the Xbox and the PlayStation 2 it was done by tittis the amazing people behind uh Superman 64 so uh yeah not a great game not a great game there was a Robocop film reboot and then he just went away so it seemed like we were never going to get a proper Robocop game where you actually felt like you were playing as RoboCop but Nostalgia is a hell of a drug with old is new again and RoboCop Rogue city was announced as coming out on Modern platforms I kept a skeptical eye on this game because I was like you know are they really going going to make it good is this going to be a disappointment like the Robocop game was done by tittis and no this game is freaking awesome I am having so much fun with this game this is one of my favorite games of 2023 and in this video I'm going to tell you why so in case you're not up to date with your RoboCop lore there was three movies that are considered canon in the RoboCop franchise really the first two movies were like the the good movies RoboCop 3 was a bit of a departure the original character who played Robocop was not reprising his role in that film and it just wasn't really all that great storyline wise but the first two were absolutely awesome so with this game they decided to take the source material but build upon it and this game actually takes place between the events of RoboCop 2 and RoboCop 3 films you of course play as Alex Murphy who is RoboCop why is he a robotic cop because in the first film he gets like brutally murdered in like one of the like most disgusting murder scenes of like all time and like kids were watching this stuff like you know we didn't grow up to be like weirdos maybe some of us did but like it was absolutely disgusting so they decided hey his heart and his mind are are still okay like let's uh let's put him in a a robot suit and he could be a robotic cop because of course this is taking place in Detroit it's an old Detroit which has been condemned and it's considered where the common folk live and it's run rampant by gangs and violence and drugs the whole police force is whining to quit but this robot cop RoboCop gives everyone a sense of hope and a sense of potential stability because you know he can take out the bad guys now in RoboCop 2 you're introduced to a character named Kane who is supplying old Detroit with a drug called nuke and everyone's getting hooked on it and all this sort of stuff well Kane meets his demise at the end of RoboCop 2 and that's where this game takes place after the demise of Kane a new high roller is now funding all of these gangs and trying to take control of the nuke properties so you have to find out who it is and when you find out who it is if you're a fan of Robocop it'll automatically trigger a memory in your mind because they have implications in previous RoboCop movies it's actually pretty brilliant how they managed to you know incorporate the older films into this and take stuff from it but make it for this modern game if RoboCop 3 never existed and this was the third film I think everyone would be happy with it of course you see old faces and familiar faces hanging around the Detroit police office your teammate an Miller is still with you it's all very well done and I feel like they did the story in a manner where if you just take it for what it is and you're not really like a Robocop fan and you don't have much memory of these films or anything like that still very enjoyable something that is easily digestible but if you are a fan of Robocop and you're a fan of the first two movies like this is just like a love letter overload to you because of all the source material all the references all the things it's just very very well done but one thing that I was worried about with this game was definitely the gameplay because let's be real RoboCop I mean the dude's not a gymnast he's he's not a ninja or anything like that he's slow he he's plotting he he's a robot he weighs a lot you know he doesn't exactly have the biggest personality in the world because he's kind of half man half robot but the way they did the gameplay in this game is definitely very well suited for RoboCop because really there's like two main gameplay styles that take place in this game and I think they're both honestly very well done of course you have the main meat and potatoes that everyone wants to know about and that is the combat the combat feels honestly very good now you are super you know more powerful than the enemies you're facing against because you have all this armor so in order to sort of offset that they have a lot of different enemies come at you all the at once so that way it's almost like not necessarily overwhelming but it makes you feel a bit more vulnerable than you should be because if it's a one-on-one situation and a guy has a gun like you got a robot suit you're going to be Gucci but if there's like six guys all shooting at you at once it could take down your armor a bit faster RoboCop can throw things he can throw projectiles he can shoot projectiles he can pick up weapons off of people it's all very crisp it's all very well done and one thing I truly truly appreciate about this game play is just how much stuff is destructible in this game I just came off of playing Modern Warfare 3 which felt like a movie set where everything was glued down but there's tons of destructible elements within this game and it really makes it feel more alive you really feel like RoboCop when you're going throughout this adventure on the flip side of things when you're not in combat you're usually doing stuff that's kind of not really detective work but kind of is detective work you're like casing different scenes you're trying to figure figure out where you need to go next as far as missions are concerned and doing certain things now most of the missions are pretty straightforward but there's a lot of side missions that you can discover that have you doing a little bit more that's more of a bit of a downtime sort of thing scanning environments looking for certain documents trying to figure out stuff like that it's a change of pace from the maniacal shooting in the game but I really liked it honestly it it kepts things interesting throughout it kept things fresh throughout but it wasn't necessary to the main story you don't have to do these side missions if you don't want to do them it actually tells you when you're about to go to a point of beyond return with these things it's like hey do you want to do these side missions or not I always chose to do the side missions though and it didn't really feel like it was padding for the game but it was kind of giving it a bit of a more human sense meeting other people meeting other characters that are intricate in the mainline story of the game but maybe seeing a bit of a different side to them I thought it was really well done you have these sort of pseudo ish open times where you're just kind of going around looking for like random crimes you can like I ticketed a car once cuz the parking meter like ran out and stuff like that like it was so petty but it was like Hey you know there was a graffiti guy that was tagging something so I went up on him and he took off running and then like you have a choice there's a choice system in the game too where you can choose to either like ticket the dude or you could just let him go I ticketed the dude and it said that I made him angry but it's like yo don't be don't be spray painting on the side of this building dude like what do you think this is Spider-Man 2 or you know people are spray paint and stuff and Spider-Man's cool with it I don't know that seems weird to me like RoboCop he'd freaking shoot that little girl or something like that God I can't say that but like yo RoboCop don't play around man like that's what homeboy does so I definitely like the game play in this game the shooting feels very nice it feels very tight very precise the various weapons that you pick up can be really fun and everything just feels very alive and that's something that a lot of first-person shooters aren't really doing much of nowadays RoboCop can also throw people he can punch through people he can grab people lots of fun gameplay to be had with this and it makes for some very very cool and extremely brutal Death Scenes I I know YouTube hates Mortal Kombat I hope they don't hate RoboCop the same way that they do Mortal Kombat now we have to talk about the presentation because this was another area of a bit of a concern for a lot of people because it's like well how good is a presentation really going to be and while it's not perfect I think it suits the game very very well gu the enemies you know they kind of all look a bit similar because they're all kind of in the same gangs and stuff like that but there's like really good physics in the game and there's really good dismemberment and of course the aention destructible environments really lead you to believe like you're in this world now sometimes there are some graphical glitches sometimes RoboCop will be speaking but like his mouth won't move which is kind of funny because if you've ever played the NES Robocop game there's a scene where RoboCop is like and like the text is already done so it's like I'm considering that like an inverse to something like that and just kind of an Easter egg but there are some like Shadow glitches and stuff like that once in a while you'll see like something in the environment that's not doing what it's supposed to be doing but for the most part I think the presentation is very well done all the voice acting is very well done too like I said the original um Alex Murphy RoboCop reprises his role in this game and it really adds a layer of authenticity to it there are a few characters in the game that it seems like their volume was turned up a little bit more than other people when they were recording and it can be a little bit jarring but it's nothing like super serious or anything like that RoboCop can also upgrade himself within the game there's a skill tree where you can do different skill points on various things to upgrade your armor how often or if you can recharge at certain areas upgrade your pistol upgrade your standing within the community to make people like you so you can kind of suit the game to suit your gameplay style when you are choosing which abilities to upgrade and whatnot you can also upgrade your pistol as well that you have in the game that's kind of like your stock weapon that you always have and kind of make it you know have a larger ammo capacity uh faster fire speed um more fire power with it so that's pretty cool as well you basically find these sort of chests in areas and then it has different component parts that you can use on your gun as far as complaints are concerned with the game you know besides like the sound issue and the some of the graphical glitches like once in a while I did have some sort of weird things happen like one time my controller it like when I was moving around and like looking around it was like super slow like I was in the focus mode but I wasn't in the focus mode I had just came out of the focus mode and I guess something ended up happening with that I just reloaded a save point and it automatically fixed it but I definitely did notice that you know it does feel a little bit volatile in some situations like there was one mission where I think things didn't go exactly the way they were supposed to go and there was kind of a little glitch with that but it's honestly pretty few and far between with this game but I do have to mention these sort of things because it's not a perfect game and for a lot of people they might not see the charm within this game but I do I completely see the charm within this game and I think this game is absolutely fantastic I asked for a review code and they did not give me one for whatever reason and I it felt like I you know should I be bitter about this no I'm just going to buy the freaking game because I want to play the game anyways and I'm so glad I did if you're on the fence about this game and you're a Robocop fan you're an idiot hop off the fence buy this game immediately immedi no questions asked immediately this is purchasable by you whether it's on Playstation whether it's on Steam whether it's on Xbox I bought it on my Xbox I like to play my third party games on the Xbox this is an awesome purchase if you're unsure about the RoboCop Universe I think if you like what you saw from the gameplay of this game I think you'll like this game like it's very fun it's a very satisfying game not the longest game in the world you know you could probably beat it in about 9 to 10 hours if you're not doing the side missions and stuff the side missions will elongate things but there's multiple difficulty settings and of course you could do subsequent playthroughs of the game to do the skill tree in a bit of a different manner but overall I I this to me is like the Ghostbusters the video game was for the Ghostbusters movie franchise because that was essentially that third movie that everyone had been waiting for you know having the original cast come back having a great visual style for the game and just having a well-written story to go along with some really fun gameplay and this RoboCop Rogue city is just like that this should be considered the third movie in the franchise like it's that damn good and it's that damn enjoyable so as a Robocop fan I am more than satisfied with my experience with this game I think it's super fun and this is a game much like Ghostbusters the video game that I think I'll pick up you know a couple times a year just to play through it again because it's that damn enjoyable so those are my thoughts on RoboCop Rogue City I I would say a true Hidden Gem of 2023 nobody really knew how this game was going to turn out but it turned out really freaking well man so hats off I hope I hope you do another freaking Robocop game like yo give me more DLC whatever man whatever I'm down I'm down for whatever with this let me know in the comments section down below if you have checked this game out plan on checking out this game I'm sure come Black Friday you might see it for like 10 20 bucks off or something like that but I do hope the game sells well because it deserves it it's a very fun game and it just gave me a feeling that not a lot of games have given me in 2023 just a sense of enjoyment and a big stupid smile on my face and as always guys thank you for checking out this video if you are new to the channel make sure you hit that subscribe button like comment and share hit that Bell notification as well or don't and dislike the video I don't care you know it doesn't really matter at the end of the day it matters to some degree but you know a like or dislike it's all the same in this world and as always I'll catch you guys on the next video later
Channel: RGT 85
Views: 66,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RGT 85, robocop, robocop rogue city, robocop rogue city review, robocop rogue city xbox, robocop rogue city xbox review, robocop xbox, robocop xbox series x, robocop xbox series x review, robocop rogue city xbox series x review, xbox robocop rogue city, xbox series x robocop, robocop rogue city review xbox, rogue city review, robocop game 2023, robocop new game, robocop rogue city gameplay, robocop rogue city ps5, robocop rogue city ps5 review
Id: _Y8_wQGA5iA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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