Robocop Rogue City All Bosses/Boss Fights & Ending 4K 60FPS

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I know you're listening there is still time to stop and turn back the street vultures are Territorial and vicious you wouldn't want to be caught on their Turf especially by their leader Spike you know I'm I'm reading that he's known to be exceptionally Savage apparently none of his enemies got out of Highland Park alive I will be the first uh I'm going to get fired Murphy you got the cop killer you decided to trespass on our turf and that [ __ ] doesn't fly with us what's that noise please put down your weapon you have 20 seconds to comply the situation is under control you now have 15 seconds to comply stand back I'll do one better cop I'm out of here you now have 5 Seconds to comply four I said everything is under control I am now authorized to use physical [Music] Force hey what's going on over there I am under attack from Ed 209 what oh okay okay let me see if I can help I'm pretty sure I saw it documentation here in the precinct be right back okay listen to this apparently Ed 209 speaker cover is often reported compromised after field Duty why don't you try making that your target you now have 15 seconds to comply [Music] [Music] that's sh [Music] oh [Music] he yeah what the hell happened here Ed 209 malfunctioned is is he still alive I am afraid not ocp sent us a malfunctioning unit I bet they did that on purpose and what about the other cop killer where did [ __ ] go wherever he went Justice will find him Alex Murphy the one and the only I'm here because you have something that belongs to me you have my badge Lewis gave it to me Lewis is hurt because of you because you keep insisting that you're something that you're not you think that you are a fusion of me in this metal armor but you're not me not even a part of me I'm dead and I want to finally rest but you won't let me your delusions keep tormenting me and my family you need to let us go I want my badge back I have it so I remember remember what the LIE Lewis knows us she would not lie give it to me it's mine but Lewis I want it back this is my badge then I'll have to take it back myself you are strong enough enough to take him don't forget you have a partner who's counting on you take this gift don't forget who you are Alex Murphy get up Robo get up for God's sake that's it Robo keep going where's the chopper the cops will be here any wend enter owski haven't you had enough yet you are under arrest you have the right to remain silent relax I I'm not your enemy if I were you would have already you have the right to an attorney I I wanted to help you release you from the burden of your past life of your memories but you don't want to lose them right now I get it anything you say maybe you used against you I can give you back those memories all of them we should help each other we have the same boss police God damn it you again people need to see this cuff him he is a cop killer hands behind your back can you have EMP me my lighter it's a family heirloom I wouldn't want to lose it you mean this trinket it'll be safer in the prison depository you'll pick it up yourself in I don't know 150 years plenty of time for rehabilitation is that so everyone stand down what are you doing why did you stop that is not what I pay you for turns out you don't pay us at all what the money transfer didn't go through we will settle [Music] this have your machines fight your battles for you you we don't work for free no hard feelings RoboCop just business I have bigger fish to [Music] fry you ungrateful [ __ ] you close the door on the most ambitious project in this goddamn City surrender or there will be trouble I still have an army that will fight no matter what what so RoboCop prepare to meet your demise now there is trouble this isn't over stay away stay the hell away Dead or Alive you are coming with me you will regret throwing this opportunity away useless [ __ ] machines C you see ocp is lying to you I was the only one who was Frank with you from the [Music] start you can't win this not while ocp still stands there is nowhere else to go wend antonowsky that's not even my real name ocp gave me that identity they knew evoking your past affects you they wanted you emotional to better manipulate you you keep sacrificing yourself and that's admirable but at some point you have to ask yourself for what for the city that wants to witness your downfall or for the company that keeps sabotaging you join me together we can hold ocp accountable another empty promise you hunt criminals down oh let's make a stand against the biggest criminal of them all it's time for you to stop obeying ocp and start putting yourself first locking you up is putting myself first oh that would be a mistake I am only human then why don't you die like one what do you want from me RoboCop my number one guy there seems to be a misunderstanding RoboCop I wanted to leave you a message before I undergo this procedure it has been a long and laborious process but it has given me the opportunity to observe you closely the old old man that you I I didn't know I I didn't mean to only now do I truly understand and what others see in you I realize why they cheer you on root and it is because they can look past your metal exterior and see that somehow you haven't lost your Humanity that puts my mind at EAS you made me realize that I do not have to fear what is about to happen I can remain human as you have selfless and devoted to something bigger than myself uncorruptible and that is what I always strive to be good luck Murphy I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for us you sold the city's future that leaves one question trap yard or prison creep Murphy what the hell was that just an old friend do you need backup I repeat do do you need backup negative copy that a those sounds are making me nervous are you sure you're all right the building is starting to shake we're nearly done with the evacuation [Music] [Music] you will not win this [Music] h where the hell are you I've lost visual we went downstairs what wor we got everyone out be careful the building will not hold you need to get yourself out of there I in the middle of he here go he going somewhere Robo I don't like what I'm seeing the building's actually shaking get out while you still can [Music] what [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] f Murphy you need to get out of there it's about to collapse the building's evacuated there's no one else inside you need to save yourself [Music] [Music] is [Music] does anyone see him I can't see anything move closer negative when the building collapses the dust cloud will choke the engine oh my God Murphy no no no wait I see something is that him talk to me it is me NOS it has always been me another week passed since the ocp's Magnificent giant has fallen ocp's new CEO assured us that the destruction of its headquarters will not stand in the way of finishing Delta City Japanese corporation kanamitsu has already shown interest in ocp's most prominent project we at media break welcome them with open arms teriti y from the city of Wonders we're back to Detroit John Mills goes down in the history of the city as its shortest serving mayor excluding premature death he offered his resignation on his very first day of office according to a reliable source Mills expressed and I quote I did not sign up to run this dump are the new elections ahead of us and has the city recovered after the previous ones now it's time to introduce a new segment you the detroiters where we share Feelgood stories from our local communities an escaped python terrorizing the local neighborhood has been reunited with its owners but that wasn't the only thing that was returned x-ray of the reptiles insides has shown the stolen watches together with the remains of the thief himself pickles a local addict was so intoxicated with nuke that the drug was absorbed by the python which explains its bizarre behavior isn't that food for thought finally we know what is more dangerous than the lack of an ozone layer sunblock 5000 model Torn to Pieces by an ed 209 after not adhering to its instructions the only witness to the tragedy Dr Olivia blanch was left Delirious after the incident she stated that mechanical Lawman was not to be trusted Ed we will miss you Melissa soon on Channel 9 the Samantha Ortiz you didn't know after recanting her unfounded accusations against ocp our brave Reporter ends her fieldwork and becomes Channel 9's newest morning show host her first guest a woman with the world's biggest hands welcome back Samantha a new world record has been set in Detroit a man called funeral Bob attended his thousandth funeral this year the record-breaking funeral belonged to Max Becker a former ocp executive as it turned out Bob was its only attendee the ocp delegation did not arrive due to a rescheduled business meeting we hope the meeting went well and now from hero to zero a corporate employee saved the life of a policeman in the Holy Cow restaurant but he did not do it for free while performing the abdominal thrusts ulyses Washington stole the officer's badge caught red-handed Washington claimed that the badge once belonged to him committing crimes while aspiring to be a cop we've heard it all one question Still Remains unanswered what happens to RoboCop's human status we've been informed that due to Mayor mills's resignation the matter will not be pursued by his office RoboCop's efforts have prompted a public conversation I hope ocp doesn't take him off the street who will protect us then it's RoboCop Robo I love you skel speaker pure P of money to many more years on the force RoboCop it's been a busy time for Detroit but the cloud that lowers Over The City Is Lifting as police end their strike we're ready to serve said officer Anne Lewis who returned to duty despite her recent injury what heroism Detroit can sleep soundly tonight the question is for how long that's all for today this was Casey Wong until next next time
Channel: GameClips
Views: 555,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Robocop Rogue City, Robocop Rogue City All Bosses, Robocop Rogue City All Boss Fights, Robocop Rogue City Boss Fight, Robocop Rogue City Ending, Robocop Rogue City Boss Fights, Robocop Rogue City Bosses, Robocop Rogue City Gameplay, All, Boss Fights, Boss Fight, Bosses, Gameplay, Boss, Fight, Ending
Id: UXdSg4wrA0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 1sec (1861 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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