Robocop Rogue City - the BEST thing about it

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RoboCop Rogue City let's talk let's talk about this I I took my time on this video because I really wanted to savor this game you know like I I put out the first impressions on the game ranks before you buy but I really wanted to like completely 100% go through it and sit and think about it before I popped off and made a video here because uh if some of you don't know RoboCop is a big thing for me I've been a fan of Robocop since I was like 6 years old or something like that so this is going to be a very personal video I know over here on this channel like I do just kind of talk about stuff I love and with RoboCop RoboCop's always kind of been up there for me with like Star Wars Matrix like just like those things you love things you have kind of nostalgia for but RoboCop's a little different and I I definitely want to talk about why and I got a little surprise something I want to show you guys towards the end of this video so the game I was very excited for I had made it on my uh top 10 like most anticipated list last year and uh now that it's out and I played it I I love it I had a great time with it I said this on the podcast gu but uh I it's like my critical brain can clearly see a lot of things wrong with it it is a very flawed game but it also delivers most of what I want from a Robocop game pickles this is specifically I think because my standards are are very weirdly specific so what I mean by that is like hang on hang on a sec so in my little Cabinet of Curiosities I'll have this more on camera eventually this this is what started it for me uh with with RoboCop this is RoboCop for the NES now I was a '90s kid I I wasn't like old enough to just experience the launch of the NES or anything but I guess I was like what you would call classically trained uh because maybe it was like financially or what we had available but my first console in the 9s was an NES not a PlayStation or a Nintendo 64 that that came a little bit later so for me I had a bunch of hand me- down games I had like you know Mario 3 I had the the the Top Gun Game the Battleship game I had duck hunt a lot of the Staples but I also had Robocop and this is what exposed me to the character so with this game like being exposed to it RoboCop for me was just cool robot guy with a gun who shot bad guys and there was a cool music playing that was it it had the theme it had RoboCop it had the gun it had the intro [Music] this would play and like seven-year-old me would be like hell yeah I was a simple kid and I was easy to please whether it was robots with guns uh laser swords Space Battles or superheroes I was in and I mean yeah call me emotionally like growth stunted or whatever but I'm still into that stuff today and I don't care the thing with RoboCop though is that it's not really Nostalgia I think RoboCop falls into a category that a lot of special things that we love falls into uh specifically the fact that you can be exposed to it at a young age arguably too early uh you know it was a couple of years before I actually went and saw the movie but you can be exposed to this thing on a surface level and and fall in love with it as a young impressionable person so Terminator is another perfect example cool robot that looks like skeleton right like that's just sign me up there were comic books there were toys all about it so you have that love for it you have that like surface level fun appreciation for things uh but then these things like like Terminator and and really RoboCop uh have so much more to them that as you get older you see the movie uh and then even as you get even older and maybe watch it again and really process it the appreciation grows not out of nostalgia for oh how cool is RoboCop but for all the other thought the stuff really put into the end result RoboCop is really special because it's like on the surface like yes very cool robot cop shooting bad guys he's he's he's a former police officer stuck in like a robot body and it's awesome and there's there's iconic bad guys and all that you know it's a little smarter it's got a little bit more to say it tackles Humanity versus machine of course but then also just totally Lampoons it's like a total satire on American culture at the time and it knocks it out of the park not to mention how it toes a line of being absurd and cool and badass and serious when it needs to that original RoboCop movie that ver Hoven original RoboCop walks a perfect line and is is like lightning in a bottle I feel like you can't really recreate that so for me again in short it was really being exposed to dumb s silly Robocop on a surface level as a kid growing into RoboCop the movie the films and and and the concepts therein and just still being in love with it to this day so RoboCop Rogue City although it is flawed yeah it does do a really good job balancing that walking that line you know having the level of it that appeals to goofy dumb little video game Brain Jake right like you there's Gore the shootouts are great there's destruction it is simple it delivers exactly what you want right but then it tries to really actually go after some of the higher concepts of the original RoboCop film and you know that to to VAR the success is like varying of course on that level but still they go for it they understand it they try it and I really just appreciate that specifically the shootouts you know RoboCop does take damage and further on in the game you don't feel as indestructible as maybe you want to but I commend them still for making a slow plotting character into a firstperson shooter the visual the HUD uh the destruction just really feels distinctly RoboCop that's where they sell it the auto 9 doesn't sound quite right but it's like almost there and the feedback and the guts and you know everything the the Flack of the bullets the feedback really works it is a very simple first-person shooter but as it goes on you get a couple of skills you feel more and more badass like ricocheting shots off of walls and ping ping ping and they're hitting dudes explosive barrels are everywhere you're shooting them guts are flying everywhere when it really clicked for me mentally was not too far into the game but when you go with like the biker gang stuff in the Quarry and you're fighting a biker gang that is riding on motorcycles and you can grab dudes off the motorcycle and throw them uh you can also pick up the motorcycles and throw them at other bad guys on motorcycles and they'll explode and it's just pure zany insanity and to the perfect degree it reminds me of the over to the toop ridiculous violence of the movies yes but also comes back to NES RoboCop where some of the early enemies you encounter are you know motorcycle gang guys on motorcycles they're pixel ated sure but you punch them and they explode so we're kind of Full Circle here and that really worked for me again mechanically simple but like it's got some good feeling shotguns again I can't emphasize like a shootout in a room and then the room after the shootout is all broken up falling apart glasses busted you know sheetrock off walls that stuff just really hits but it also just appeals to that like video game fun brain thing like there is skill trees there there is Collectibles and all that stuff but if you just Bo it down it's like fun scripted little firstperson shooter you get the experience you feel enough like RoboCop in my opinion and I even was someone who was looking at this game like being like why didn't they make it third person I want to play as RoboCop in third person after this n I'm still in especially because in that original movie you see so much through Murphy's eyes the perspective that it makes sense for the game to be first person it actually feels like a better translation I know some some people aren't going to agree with that but go back and watch the first movie and then play the game the first person perspective actually kind of makes sense ultimately with the other stuff like Murphy's humanity and a lot of the questions you get to like ask and answer throughout the game I don't know if they hit as hard but again a lot of it for me is the fact that they're trying when they announced the Robocop game I was like oh they're not going to get it they're not going to get the other angles of it and story-wise I'm still kind of 50/50 on it but it's really the journey that I liked it's it's finding a radio and hearing a radio commercial for like sleeping pills but they're sleeping pills for your annoying kids if you're a parent like just [ __ ] like that that really pokes fun at consumerist culture of the time like the fact that there's little humor hidden anywhere you go you can find NPCs that just Mumble funny things uh to some of the writing which I was shocked to see at some point like RoboCop making ankle breaking basketball jokes you are not the only the only ankle breaker on this basketball court and that's letting you off easy I've seen him do way worse for Less uh to the fact that they got Peter Weller the voice actor the actor of Robocop to say pickles why do you think that pickles is involved in your husband's disappearance I'm glad the game was somewhat comfortable with like letting the freak flag fly it has that levity it has that goofiness to it that I really came into it looking for and then again with the more serious stuff with Murphy himself I'm 50/50 but everything else in the world I really like and the world design itself I mean man it's got a lot of detail it makes walking slow through everything really worth it because you are slower so it helps that everything looks pretty from the meticulously recreated police station which in my opinion was actually pretty jaw-dropping going through a lot of it to the little details they got like the car hitting the bump as it's pulling out of the police station little things like that to just old Detroit looking so detailed with brick and Rubble and garbage Highway overpasses that feel realistic grimy rain convincing lighting I was just surprised how hard this game flexes like level design and and the visuals of it all because for me the environments sold half of this thing from the World building stuff uh and smart choices of what they cherry-picked from other RoboCop elements like Nuke being the primary drug on the street uh nuke is an element from uh RoboCop 2 and I I just really like seeing stuff like that integrated here the Billboards for Delta City you see all that the World building is really really good to the therapist that you speak to and the conversations back and forth again like you know with what you can choose to say as Murphy like having the choice is kind of weird as as the player like I care about the lore I get but it doesn't it doesn't really matter at all but you know with Olivia Branch uh being a victim of police collateral damage and having a missing arm because Ed 209 like tore through that's interesting like they they put some thought into stuff here I think Peter Weller does an okay job here his voice is still so good uh it's the other characters that really kind of fall a little short for me like the captain of course um an Lewis is extremely robotic and stilted and that's a shame uh the the bad guy the big bad I actually think it was very cre I won't spoil the whole thing but the big bad I found to be pretty creative not to mention some of the enemy types that come along with him uh and how that ties into little references from RoboCop 2 made me extremely happy but you know a lot of the characters kind of wooden like an was disappointing but it's offset with like the moments that are good like when she's injured in the hospital and RoboCop comes to visit her uh he just talks work he doesn't even think twice it's great but then coupled with like a side mission where you're going around the police precinct asking other cops to sign the get well card for Lewis like that that's good I love that I love the video game Dumb drudgery side quest for RoboCop actually kind of working I think that's such a good example of Robocop stomping around a police station walking up to Cops and being like will you sign this Getwell card it it really works presentation wise it's not always all there it doesn't feel like as like late 8s 90s as I was hoping it doesn't feel as like fuzzy uh and the music there needs to be more music but where there is music it's pretty great of course the original theme fantastic but I wish they just played it like all the time I'm biased but like I I want that music blasting every time I'm in a shootout I get it will get repetitive but for me it wouldn't because again I'm coming to this game I came to this game because I just wanted to be Robocop and blast stuff and it really gave me that all the other stuff I just talked about does make me happy Lewis giving Murphy like gifting Murphy his original badge the really really cool thoughtful stuff that slides in but ultimately for me it's about like the fun Factor and and that's what this game has because again graphically presentation wise you can point out all kinds of flaws and I know I'm probably contradicting myself in this video I don't care I still just had so much fun I was glued to the game when I was playing it and at this point I really hope that they can be trusted with a sequel I actually want would want to see them do more of this like the developers have taken on Terminator before this I think they did an even better job here and I'd love for them to like flip-flop and do Terminator games and RoboCop games and just get better and better and maybe even eventually build to a Robocop versus Terminator game now I'm getting crazy but seriously for a sequel honestly I just want more situations more focus on on the shootouts and stuff uh the conversation dialogue stuff I do like I do like exploring the environments they are gorgeous uh but I just want more chaotic shootouts I want to feel slower I want to feel even chunkier and more like Robocop and when we see RoboCop I think my one complaint with this game is that and it's a testament to Peter Weller Peter Weller's movements as RoboCop were so incredible that even a video game where they can just build a actual robot man from the ground up the movements the animations in the game pale in comparison to Peter Weller walking around in a suit in the movies so again like that's a that's a knock on the game but really a compliment to Peter Weller and RoboCop I love the Ed 209 stuff I would like to see more of that and with how they got a little creative with the bad guy here I think they could go even further with that in a sequel I I I just think they did a pretty good job here and I think part of it is again coming from the fact that like I I didn't have the highest hopes but also I am simple again it keeps coming back to this where I just wanted to be RoboCop feel like Robocop and blow [ __ ] up mission accomplished and thankfully it also managed to sell some of the smarter elements it was a busy year with a lot of games games that I can argue are better than RoboCop City from their construction uh to how they hook you to whatever it does doesn't matter for me this was like video game comfort food I was looking for it's simple it's a good time it respects the character that I love for the most part yeah that's that's that's really it I actually sat down and like I I took my time making this video and like coming up with some notes thinking that I would have a lot more to say but it's actually pretty cut and dry I love RoboCop clearly the developers of this game also love love RoboCop you can feel it when you play it and that pleases me also because it's relevant I'm going to talk about this more in another video soon but I do want to share what I've been playing RoboCop Rogue City on this is the Falcon Northwest Talon uh they sent this to me so I've I've always Built My Own computers I've never went with like a building company or anything like that but when I worked with Falcon Northwest uh I did challenge them to give me something that reminds me of some of my favorite things a DeLorean and Robocop and they delivered this is their Talon mid Tower but uh they went the extra mile for me and gave it an actual stainless look like they they actually blasted off uh the anodized you know treatment and gave me this clean bare stainless look it's also got a 4090 in it holy [ __ ] so uh yeah I'm working on a PC gaming Centric video uh and talk about what I have built in the past and uh my plans with this puppy and really all the details and specs about it so keep your eyes peeled for that uh but for now I do want to hear what you guys think about RoboCop Rogue City but really just RoboCop I'd love to talk RoboCop with you guys um let me know if you'd ever want to hear me do like a a longer video on the movie the original movie because I I've gone in depth about like Spider-Man Batman Begins like some of my favorite movies and I would love to tackle that with RoboCop so let me know but let me know your experience with RoboCop Rogue City if you're waiting for a price drop I think that makes sense too but like if you bought it day one how are you feeling on it let's talk anything RoboCop down in the comments thank you guys for listening to me Yap about this one for so long I appreciate it but uh clicking the like button helps me if you get it either way I'm Jake balino see you guys next time pizzas on me subscribe because video games pickles i' buy that for a dollar
Channel: Jake Baldino
Views: 48,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robocop rogue city, robocop game, the best robocop game, robocop before you buy, before you buy robocop, robocop Jake Baldino, robocop rogue city PC, robocop fps, robocop third person, robocop, robo cop, robo cop games, 2023 games, robocop 2023 game, robocop character, Alex murphy, robocop easter eggs, robocop game ending, robocop game spoilers, robocop game story, robocop game graphics, Jake Baldino, robocop game review
Id: FdfE0ITtgVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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