RoboCop Features Cinema’s Smartest Shootout in a Cocaine Factory

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome to the cix top 100 our quest to eliminate all crime in Old Detroit by the time we watch 100 of the greatest movies of all time I'm Clint Gage and with me as always cix's Chief cyborg arm designer Alex Stedman how's it going Alex me hello hello happy to be here talking more cyber cyberg cyborgs cyborgs Cy we'll take either one we might have time to cover for both cyborgs and cyborgs uh but meanwhile also the creep whose move it is Michael calbro how's it going man good man who cares if it works you know we could get 30 years of Parts contracts here exactly the temporary set all that really matters I for one am real excited to talk about the movie that we're talking about today so excited I actually wore I I have a Robocop t-shirt on not to to spoiler we're talking about RoboCop oh look at this Dad wears his band t-shirt to the conc I know it's not the coolest thing to do to wear the T-shirt of the band you're going to see to the concert but I it just it was looking at me when I opened my my t-shirt drawer today so uh so here we are we get the best of both worlds the fastest reflexes modern technology has to offer onboard computer assisted memory and a lifetime of on the street law enforcement programming it is my great pleasure to present to you RoboCop am I the only one that's this excited to talk about RoboCop no I am ecstatic okay M let us of excitement might be less than yours however I was happy to revisit it I'm I'm not not excited well that's fine that's all I ever ask of anybody is to not be not excited right anyway let's get into it RoboCop okay 1987 Paul verhoven uh I'm going to go ahead and call it a masterpiece uh I don't want to be Bush there love I adore this movie starring Peter Weller as officer Alex Murphy who gets just shot up into hamburger meat at the end of act one of this movie in the violent dystopian streets of uh Detroit uh only to be resurrected as a Robocop uh and I guess that at that point he goes on a journey to ReDiscover some of his Humanity more or less I mean what I love about this movie is like verhoven often says it's like an allegory for like Jesus you know like the uh the shotgun scenes that a uh you know a cruci eviction and yeah he makes the point that RoboCop is walking over water before he shoots the dad from that 7D show in the end so it's like like you know it's just thumbs up on you know the greatest religion story to yeah and Paul Paul there Hoven up to and including his most recent film just constantly doing doing wonders with Christ imagery on film so getting I mean when was Alex you mentioned that that you you kind of had to to revisit this this movie again it's not not one of your favorites of Alon but like uh yeah it's you know for as much as I do love cyborgs we've established uh no it's not one of my favorites I first watched it kind of in this era of my early 20s where I was catching up on a lot of film and I kind of had this group of friends where you know every night would turn into oh you've never seen this you've never seen that and RoboCop is one of those oh you've never seen that uh ging and clutching at pars how dare you have never seen RoboCop a crime on ver Hoven in this house uh no but so I watched it then and I feel like while it might have been the ideal way to watch it for fun because it was just a bunch of drunk 20s somethings watching it and someone's shitty apartment um I don't know if I fully appreciated the other things that I that it had to say until I rewatched it alone in my apartment uh like 10 years later after having lived a lot more life and experienced more capitalism uh so like I said I'm happy to revisit it I I enjoy it more than I thought I did yeah listen this this movie taught me how to cuss when I was a kid so I am forever indebted to this film um and it's just it's it's a blast every time I go back to it but um we we've touched on verhoven a little bit but the you know in terms of the pedigree of this movie I I think a lot of it has to do and we run into this all we've run into this Bunch with with some of the movies that we've already talked about but a lot of it has to do with uh I mean there's a satirical element but then there's also the the production and the the special effects kind of side of thing which like where it's sort of the hardware part of its pedigree comes in like it did uh it got a nomination for let's see what did it it won a special Achievement Award a special achievement Academy Award for sound uh nominated for best editing and best sound and got a few bafta nominations as well including one for special effects but it ended up losing to our our palet Who Framed Roger Rabbit uh which you know can't really argue with with that no um but then Awards wise that's that's pretty much it but the the this is another one where the roster of people that worked on this movie is is pretty incredible there's there's Rob Boton uh whose work on the thing is just stupidly legendary uh Phil tippet is probably the biggest n here's here comes another another I another plug for Mad God if you haven't seen Mad God yet go go get your Phil tippet fix kind of arguable who is bigger Rob botin or mad guy or Phil tiffet you know like these guys are both at the top of their game yeah the the fact that they were working together and even uh stepen D who who we talked about on uh on the Fly episode he was on this this movie as well um so there's a lot of really good behind the scenes Talent working on this movie yeah mhm and I think you know when it comes to what holds up and what doesn't there's a lot of stop motion that maybe look looks a little off but and I'm sure we'll talk about this scene the toxic waste scene at the end oh we'll talk about that that holds up that is terrifying that is a good long tease for that scene because we will uh we we're going to have to talk about that but um which by the way so this it came out in ' 87 just to run down some of the other movies that came out in ' 87 because we kind of we we sometimes talk about like what you know the the great years for movies and ' 87 like I need to nominate that to be part of the conversation but Princess Bride Space Balls Full Metal Jacket Running Man Wall Street Raising Arizona Dirty Dancing Lethal Weapon Monster Squad Beverly Hills Cop 2 Predator Lost Boys uh there were some there were some bangers in7 that's a murderer's row for sure yeah we I feel like that should be an episode at some point we should start just doing movie years CU that's a killer one that lineup's nuts Ronnie Cox has got two in there he's got two of them that's right yeah it's a hell of a year yeah it's a good year for Ronnie Cox man I I would argue I Having learned this information I would argue that is to P you for Ronnie Cox Peak Ronnie Cox okay I don't think there's any competition for that I think that's his just go ahead and give it to him Ronnie Cox champion of 1987 congratulations Ronnie but it was the start of quite the quite the few years for ver Hoven too cuz after that you had Total Recall in 90 show Girls 95 Starship Troopers 97 I mean owned that era not completely forgot about Basic Instinct Basic Instinct there Basic Instinct in '92 yeah also a great year 92 but like this is the beginning of Paul ver hovin like right like he direct he directed a couple of movies like in Europe first but then like here's the first time they got a budget and like dude he figured out the Paul verhoven formula in like round one of money and like this has this is clearly the best Paul verhoven film but everyone else like Total Recall and Starship Troopers they come really really close but nevertheless it's it's all it's all here I mean those movies might be tied honestly for for first place like I Total Recall I will put in third place and I think it's a coin flip between it depends on my mood I think honestly between Robocop and Starship Troopers I think because like I I think they're both we we'll talk more about that the satire in both these movies is so so overwrought to the point where it's like oh my God you're just making fun of us all like it's the way that he about it yeah it gets so silly and and we there's there's a couple of moments uh in particular that that I Flagg that that kind of speak to that but the satire in this in this movie is is so good and so so heavy-handed and on the nose that it becomes something else entirely it becomes it's so stupid it becomes smart again kind which isn't the case but like that's that's sort of the that's sort of the effective kind of feel that that it first lands on you with right yeah I mean that's why I kind of I think I wrote it off initially it I compare it to almost kind of like a trojan horse where it kind of rolls in in this kind of veil of silly satire and then the more you watch it you're like oh actually this is kind of smart I just actually have to watch it and think about it but yeah there is um not a lot of subtlety here which is why Starship Troopers grows on me every time I every time I watch it I think every time I watch it I'm like this is smarter than I thought it was last time see that's my favorite ver Hoven my my ver Hoven ranking is very different than yours this is like three this one does it two though yeah yeah oh it does I'm convinced that like um this is the best like this is the best one of these for me I think it's a coin flip between Total Recall and Starship Troopers but what I do think is like the best part about Starship Troopers is like he like totally inverts the meaning of the novel like the novel is all about like civic duty and like doing your part for like the government the novel is more or less a recruitment poster but yeah but this is quite the opposite and oh God it's so good so good I mean it's true there is no Starship Troopers without RoboCop I mean so many of those same themes pulled through yeah no for Basic Instinct the one the one movie that I forgot that's like my my second favorite for Hoven erotic Thrillers yeah go erotic Thrillers we love um we do we do in this house we support erotic Thrillers um you still do the erotic Thriller game he is yeah oh he sure is right I he never he never quit that um but let's talk about uh so it it made $53 million that year uh on somewhere I saw 11 million or I saw 15 million somewhere in there I think it was a little more expensive than whatever the numbers were reported on so it did it did well right it wasn't like a runaway success but it it did Well it merchandised Well that's for sure well and it got sequels and remakes and it's you know we're still talking about so Frank Miller wrote the comic books and Pen the sequel which is just like you know outside the scope of maybe our discussion about RoboCop one but nevertheless it is like this it's weird that $50 million can generate this much runway for like sequels and just IP like I don't know if today you could build the new IP off of a $50 million box office I don't think off of $50 million dollar but maybe four times the budget yeah for RoboCop was it did so well on home sales like that's what I read it had a hell of a home sale campaign I remember seeing like when I was looking into this movie seeing some kind of campaign in a blockbuster that was like this is protected by ocp I think that's where a lot of people discovered it not not the box office so you know lots of movies have new life once they once they leave the box office I did did I did read a thing too that it was it had the longest waiting list to be rented on VHS uh that year see it was doing the fact that the fact that in the late 80s we were tracking that just makes me so happy like I just remembering those and also it was a $90 VHS well that was like when they were still figuring out VHS tapes like like it was right on the right at that entry point of like how are we going to make money on VHS like I don't know charge 90 bucks for him um I also wonder how much of that was kids who couldn't see it in theaters because it was rated R and they're like no it plenty it was for me so I like I remember watching it at home so I don't think I saw it in the theaters I was probably too too I Saw diard 2 in the theaters but I don't think I saw RoboCop did you see RoboCop 2 in the theaters probably I think that's the one they shot in Houston so that was there was like a little extra they Dallas Dallas right yeah yeah which I I like I don't want to get I don't want to this will be our our our teasing the torf section later the dirt bag city of the future the Dirtbag city of the future it's it's a little bit of where where you know Houston Dallas rivalry is concerned I am happy to know that one of the reasons they decided to shoot in Dallas is that there were parts of the city that they could just blow up and they did they just blew it up which is a hilarious thing that I read it's like yeah we chose Dallas because they had some skyscrapers but also there were parts of town we could just set bombs off in which I was like yep that sounds [Applause] [Music] right all of that kind of speaks to to verhoven and and what he what he thought was important about this movie too because apparently he had to the budget being what it was like he had to make some some concessions so picking a place uh you know in Dallas that you know they didn't have it wasn't a Union state and like they they could blow up parts of town for on the cheap and like apparently he had to choose between an expensive production designer and a good Robocop costume it's it's things like that that Heely he knew what this movie was and to your point K you already said it too like he like nailing down the verhoven formula right out of the gate with him like he knew exactly what was important about this movie and put all of the resources in that direction which I think is is incredible yeah and I don't want to blow too many torfs here but it very uh almost wasn't verhoven verhoven was not super Keen to take this script he thought it was a be movie uh but his wife talked him into it so listen to your wife boys thank you Mrs verhoven we should all be so lucky to have a Mrs verhoven guiding our decision making like that Robo Cop who is he what is he where does he come from he is ocp's newest soldier in their revolutionary crime Management program ocp spokesman claimed that the Fearless machine has Cooks on the run in Old Detroit today kids at leak coka Elementary School got to meet in person what their parents only read about in comic books Robo excuse me robo any special message for all the kids watching at home stay out of trouble let's get into uh to brilliant moments the cable news let's just start right beginning it sets the tone it sets sarcasm like everything that this movie is going to do is embodied right in those first couple of minutes that's the one that I had on on top of my list to talk about too like the the it's so so wonderfully satirical and so and and like the the writing of it is is really sharp too because it's it includes things that in the 80s we were familiar with there's a joke about Star Wars which was the Reagan Era thing you know space defense thing it was a very real thing the um uh you know obviously the Cold War and and countries becoming nuclear powers and like there was a a joke about that and they're they're all just saying it with a grin on the Evening News you know and and then they cut to this bananas like heart transplant commercial uh and then straight back to Omni consumer Products Corporation privatizing the police force and so it's like they they sneak it in with like goofy things about real Concepts so there's just enough truth in the bananas sort of satire that they're doing that by the time we start talking about a corporation creating a robotic cop like we're we're on board we're ready to buy it and we know what what we're doing here it's it was really skillfully done in the first what three and a half minutes I mean think about it right like so like to your point right that movie opens up with like you know like well to-do news anchors complaining about like civil rights activists the space weapons thing is the only thing that I don't think particularly holds up because that just you know like never became a thing but all that really is is a vehicle to make fun of the president for falling which is something we still do today right like happens happens about every four years yeah you know like like everyone Biden fell down the like the stairs of like Air Force One so like that's a story right then it cuts to like the new like then it cuts to like the movie commercials which is all about privatized medicine and the fact that like you know there's financing available for your new heart and then like do they do the Nukem commercial here did I do the Nukem commercial later that's later but the Nukem commercial is fantastic yeah it's a board game about you know thermonuclear war like it's cold cold war the board game it's incredible and then it's and then it's to your point right it just goes right into om like omnicon just buying the city and it's just like oh yeah by the way we're buying the city and like we're into it and I mean it's it's such a great illustration of the slippery slope that leads to a corporation owning all of us I will say because I think this is set in 2039 right oh I didn't even I don't know I don't think it's that far ahead I think it's just vaguely near future which is frankly my favorite setting for science fiction vaguely near future is the best because you can really shoot yourself in the foot if you say like oh I'm setting my movie in 2030 and then it's you need to do yeah yeah you just need to be like you just need to be like plausibly attainable with within the next like de or so and it could be whenever you know yeah but I will say as far as like now that we're watching this movie so many years later I'm like you know what it's not so farfetched none of it kind of well that's the great that's the great thing about not putting a date to it right is like this could all happen tomorrow at whenever you watch this movie like this could happen tomorrow outside of you know the you know the tube TVs that everybody's still watching but you if you can look past that like thematically this movie is is never going to not be relevant yeah I mean I feel feel like so many movies go for the hoverboard approach where it's like oh we'll all be flying and do no this movie is just like actually everything will be privatized and corporations will own us and it's like oh that actually goes very well in 2023 yep and they're going to uh to you know inact a plot to to make part of your cities so crime ridden that they can buy them up cheap and put a new development in and like yeah the Reagan 80s man the Reagan the Reagan 80s Wild he was it was great back then guys you have no idea they produce some of our best dystopian sci-fi you know like they live is making the same kind of commentary as this truly and the Running Man The Running Man Too is one of my favorites from this was a that was one that I rattled off from the the list of 87 bangers right like I'll put the you know in the lineup of 19 the murderer row of of 87 movies I'll put I'll put the Running Man on the bench but I don't know that it's in my starting lineup but um it's great it's and it's another one of those like yeah this is probably all going to happen like we're constantly just just like what four bad decisions away from the Running Man actually being on TV and I will say or a rer strike or a rider strike yeah there's a lot of Union talk in this movie too that I I just because of the moment we're living in really struck me yeah that's just the the whole talk about the cops going on strike and know well you can't go on strike we owe it to you know which it was weird because I feel like the film sincerely believe that also well you know you know that that's a hold on when was the Reagan when did Reagan fire all the air traffic controllers oh I don't know you look that up I'm looking that up we'll continue to talk but like the the way that that the police captain was ranting against unions and against like you can't don't even talk about unionizing you know we owe it to the people here to protect them and like him taking the job of a police officer the civic duty of a police officer seriously felt felt like The Stance of the movie the movie didn't feel like it was taking a pro Union stance or even in like I I don't know it was I guess it mostly it was just like it it's a hard it's an impossible place to be for everybody I don't know if it's Pro Union it's very anti-corporate so if you look at anti-corporate as Pro pro-union you could look at it that way um no but I think the line he says like really early on is just straight up like cops don't strike and you really think what are we plumbers what are we yeah that's what it is so the Reagan thing happened in N the re when Reagan fired all the air traffic controllers that happened in 1981 and I like that whole concept like they cut awayed that one guy he's like what do you mean they strike they're civil servants like they have job security like what are they fighting for like that was kind of like the r like that was come of like kind of like the more conservative anti-union rhetoric back then and I think like incorporating in there is great especially since like these cops are you leveraging their Union to fight against a corporation that is trying to like overtake the uh like overtake like overtake the city's like Civil Service civil servants and city like city services it's nuts I I personally land on the thing that I think it is very pro-union and I agree with you that like it's an overarching anti- capitalist message but like nevertheless like all they could do is stop their labor in order to stop like Omni Corps from trying to like take over the city like that's all they have left yeah is I mean I guess to it was you know that that thread was just kind of floating in the background like it was a subplot but it wasn't it wasn't a terribly vital one I guess no I IE but either either way yeah I mean the the anti-corporation uh is is super front and center um and the the union part of it is is kind of off to the side but yeah it's either way I mean like the the satire and the and the the social relevance of Robocop is the thing that always gets forgotten you know like I mean that's the that's the danger with Paul verhoven stuff right it's so pulpy and goopy and bloody and its action stuff and everybody like you know I mean lines like [ __ ] leave you know it's favorite lineu stuff like that is so on the nose and so heavy-handed and he paints with such a broad BR brush if you stand back and look at but like if you actually you know you got to look a little bit closer and it's so it it's so smart it's so smart and that's why I think it took me a while to appreciate it I mean back when I first watched it I wasn't thinking about any of this I was a stupid like 21-year-old not really well some of it um no but I I think that's why a lot of people including myself wrote it off at first because yeah it is silly gooiness um but gosh and it's called RoboCop it's called Robocop and guess what it's about it's about a robot cop about Rob great uh no it's about it's it's a scathing takedown of Reagan's America in the late 80s it's what it's about and it's about a robot cop Red Alert Red Alert Red Alert you crossed my line of death you haven't dismantled your MX stockpile Pakistan is threatening my border that's it Buster no more military aid Nukem get them before they get you another home game from Butler [Music] Brothers I wouldn't mind moving on to meeting Ed 209 yeah that's that was my next one too I love that to move move into that sequence yep I love this sequence but I only have one thing I want to actually say about it which is like the length of the squip I think like this is the first time when you get the the satire of the violence right and I think like like Ed for Ed 109 is like just shooting him for like 15 to 20 seconds like it just doesn't stop like it it keeps on cutting back and forth and like they reset the squibs and then cut back and it's like it takes so long to the point like if it was any kind of short if it was any shorter it would actually be violent and have the unintended consequence of being horrifying where this just goes on so long that you're like he this is still happening and that's what kind of makes it that's like that's like the versive humor and the violence in this movie and this is like the first time that you see it and I think that like same kind of like dis violent Act is still happening also echoes in the in the like the shotgun scene where they're where they're where they're shooting where they're shooting Murphy and I I think that I just think that that like extend those extended sequences of violence are very well timed and like it's weird to think of having good comedic timing in something like so uh horrifically violent death yeah yeah but it's in that timing and knowing that you just need to let it like extend that long is is honestly one of the film's like small Strokes of Brilliance well like you said it's the first time you get that violence and it's not where you expect to get that violence I mean yes the Murphy death scene was in kind of this like grungy warehouse but we're in the middle of a corporate office and he just G dick Jones just gave a big speech about uh privatization and all of a sudden this clean office becomes an absolute war zone and like you said it goes on so long um but I think what really struck me about this scene is how indifferent so many of the uh corporate workers were I mean I think in particular the old man kind of just like puts his head in his hand and is just thinking about it in terms of like you just wasted so much money and we're probably going to get sued because we just killed this poor man but no it's it's really introduces you to not only like the big themes as far as corporations and privatization go but yeah it's where the the very over-the toop violence starts cuz up until then we'd gotten plenty of the we gotten the news broadcast stuff we've we've seen some of the interaction like at on the ground at the police station and and we've we've been introduced to what kind of satire this movie is going to be but yeah until they just blow away this dude with just a goia squibbs this is where I will put I'll give Total Recall points or over the robo like what you know learning to to to crawl with squibs uh in in so they could run RoboCop so that they could Sprint with him in Total Recall I think um Sprint up an escalator justy just liquid full on it's the squibs are incredible in in this movie and in that scene too and like I can imagine sitting there watching it and you don't really like oh man this guy's in trouble and then all of a sudden he's just getting blown away for way too long until the point where you're laughing at how how much he's getting shot which is a bizarre place to be and then yeah the I I I agree with you Alex I think the I think the most telling part about this this scene in general though like there's the the Brilliance of all of the squibs for as long as it was but the most telling part is yeah the indifference and it's like these people do not care about human life like the old man is off there to the side being like I'm really disappointed in you dick Jones for kind of screwing up this project uh and that's what I'm mad about here not that there's a a man that's been murdered by a by a robe piece of you know Tech in my office dick I'm very disappointed I'm sure it's only a glitch a temporary setback you call this a glitch we're scheduled to begin Construction in 6 months your temporary setback could cost us $50 million in interest payments alone it might be the most important early scene in this movie like in terms of ter with Murphy's yeah and I think too and it like you were saying it it goes on for almost comically long and the other thing that really unfortunately made me laugh in this scene was I believe the line after he's been shot for like we said about 30 seconds someone says someone call a goddamn paramedic I think he's I think he's out I think he's thoroughly gone and that's I I do also want to mention the that how blissfully kind of detached everybody is in that boardroom like some of those characters there's Bob there's um uh Miguel ferrer's character uh Bob Morton I think is his name and then his two little cronies that are the younger generation that they're going to you know they're going to go over dick Jones's head straight to the old man and all that stuff and um but the way that those guys are just grinning idiots the whole time and that are completely you know unequipped to deal with any of this stuff is hilarious like these these people are they just a bunch of bunch of Stooges wandering around going like oh man I hope he doesn't shoot me next like that's that's really all it is you know probably my bit player of the movie and this is the first scene where he uh makes a great expression is Felton Perry as ocp employee Donald Johnson uh he is not an important character he just appears throughout but he always just has the silliest facial imp expressions in this scene is one of them where he's kind of just oh what's this well that's that's another part about ver hovind that that's always you know it's always the trick with him it's like that sort of performance is so like it's easy to to just be like well that's bad that's just bad acting go look at how bad that guy's acting but it's like no that's it's all part of it's not it's not a yeah it's not a it's not a glitch it's a feature like it's you know like that that kind of thing all it all adds up to like this is this world that we're looking at is bizarre and it's not too different from ours like that's that's satire and that's why it's so great it's even little guys like that also from a technical perspective of this right like the stop motion animation in front of the live action right so it's like the rear projected people freaking out in the background as like Phil tippet is animating this this is not the moment I want to like really highlight light Phil Tippets uh stop motion I want to do that later in the showdown between uh Ed 109 and RoboCop but like still like this just comes in and it's just like this is this guy's first time doing this and he's just like working with like Phil tibbit Rob Rob botin like like to do these scenes that are so technically complex and what we're sitting here doing is talking about how long he let the swib squibs go as the moment of Genius but then is this like technical Foundation of work that is just you know underlying all of this the guy that made Imperial Walker scary is also working on Ed 209 and like the because I I did listen to a uh a thing with Phil tip was talking about the scene and the way that yeah the shooting when they shot the plates that were the rear projection for his I mean because he did it this the same way you know arow and did it and Jason and the Argonauts and all that stuff like um cuz he shot it on they shot the plates of the actors first that he would then rear project and shoot through like mats and you know all all kinds of stuff like that but the oldest school trick that there is as far as that goes um but then apparently verhoven was directing the the plates and he was standing in front of the life-size model of Ed 209 like acting as Ed 209 and getting everybody to react to him like he was like screaming at everybody and that's that's what everybody was reacting to in the plates if actual at 209 was Paul verhoven which I I think is just because you also he yeah that that guy that guy was not not afraid to get his hands dirty for the for the art that makes the Expressions on all the employees faces uh a lot better I think with that context yeah flopping the body onto the model of the town that they're about to build like literally spilling blood onto what will become their plans for new Detroit I didn't put that together but yeah that is very on the nose there's a very real chance that it was just the table that was there that he could flop on and that's what looked the best but also like I'm I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt to verhoven about doing doing that on purpose but just like splattering all that all that wonderful goopy blood onto their vision for the new new city is uh I think pretty pretty sharp that poor janitor at that corporate office kind of building off of this scene the the movie did actually had like it had an X rating for a minute well it didn't actually get one it was the npaa and am I torfing too soon by the way no that's not my T torf oh great so the npaa kept wanting to give it an X rating and so they had to rework it eight or 10 or something like that times to where it was finally like the 11th time um that they submitted it to the NPA that they actually got the R rating uh which scenes like this and were part of what they had to kind of dial back a little bit to make sure that they got the R rating instead of the X but uh apparently some of the news broadcast stuff that that shows up in the middle of the movie was placed just so that they could kind of lighten the mood a bit in spots uh so that they could get away from that X rating and get to get the R rating as well but which I thought was interesting but this was one of the scenes that was flagged as being like Oh God holy [ __ ] this is X huh I would like to see that I don't know if I would actually like to see it but I wonder if that X version of auor I think this is it this is probably it yeah we might have we might have watched if you're watching if you're watching the director's cut I'm assuming that is as close to get because this is the UN like the unrated direct you know yeah and the way those the way that horse trading works though with the mpa is kind of fascinating because like it's probably you know there were three what's like well maybe if you cut away you know if you cut to the squibs four times instead of five maybe we maybe that'll be our it's it's stuff like that that's like the tiny little minutia that that they sort of have to debate oh it's the same thing to do with swears like you get one F bomb and you're able to keep 13 it's a decently arbitrary thing and sometimes sometimes they'll even be like and I think this is probably what they had had to move some of the the broadcast stuff the commercials and the news and uh and those sort of things to kind of lighten the mood a little bit sometimes there's nothing you can do sometimes it's just like a I don't know the whole thing just feels like it's an x-rated movie and there's no like concrete note that they give you it's like oh that's the one shot that makes it x-rated instead of r or anything which is arbitrary and silly and it depends on who's watching it you know but whatever they the NPA has got a good little racket going so who who am I to argue with them I just like that it sets up one of my low-key favorite parts of the movie which is this kind of like corporate uh battle between Bob dick and old man kind of in the background a little bit um but you really get the idea I think immediately that at one point dick was Bob and he bobbed someone out and Bob is trying to become dick um and you also just get the idea that they're both terrible people and this really set sets the stage for that but that that's all I think on that scene yeah Bob swooping in and sort of like oh I I've got a Robocop program that can be ready to go in 90 days it's just like right it's just like oh you're you just witnessed the most gruesome death you could have witnessed and you're like oh but what about this and there high-fiving on the way out of the room about it too that's the funny yeah yeah like no one needs to decompress after that he and your your facial expressions guy are just like yeah that's how you do it man I don't love them such Bros perhaps you wereare of the RoboCop program developed by myself at security Concepts as a contingency against just this sort of thing thank you for your concern Mr Morton I'm sure this is something we can take up in my office at a get me out of maybe what we need here is a fresh perspective tell me about your plan Mr Morton how long will it take we're ready to go sir we've restructured the police department and placed Prime candidates according to risk factor I'm confident that we can go to prototype within 90 days good very good get your staff together Mr Morton I'll expect a full presentation in 20 minutes thank you sir what's the next thing on your list got be Murphy's death right well you get in between that you get the whole introduction to him and Lewis um they go into this Warehouse that I mentioned Lewis gets separated and tricked because that one guy was peeing and was smart about it uh which actually made me a little mad cuz I was like come on you're you're better than this Lou yeah and she is she is she she redeems herself but in that moment it's like oh come on but yeah no the the hilarious you know Christ imagery by way of verhoven of him getting his hand and just shot and just the just a hose of blood I think everything we said about Ed 109 just like totally applies here too it's just like just copious copious Squibb and just like overdoing it and it's it's so good well give the man a hand it's even worse than the previous scene because they just draw it out for so long because like you said first his hand goes and then they shoot off his arm and then they shoot his torso for however long and then yeah yeah he's still alive like the fact screaming yeah the fact that he's still he's our hero and he's still alive and screaming and there's no like literally a room full of people wielding shotguns run out of ammo shooting him and and he's still like ah you know on the it's so absurd the the links to which they shoot this guy uh and for him to still be around long enough to get shot in the head and still not die is also absurd and and like you it's it's so nuts that it's like you have to be working on some something else here Paul like what what point are you making with this well it's like we've been saying it is very Christlike like he is even like kind of standing with his well one arm out um and instead of a crowd around him he just has a bunch of cackling villains and the cackles make it even worse wor because he like again just the sound design of this scene is just like but it's also kind of so over the top that it's not that disturbing in a way good night sweet prince hey wait up wait up wait up and I guess we can talk to about this this is as good a spot as any to talk about kurtwood Smith dad from the S70 show as Clarence boder it HS one of my favorite villain performances of all time like oh it's great he is he's he's insane like he's it'd be just so big and can you fly buddy like before he throws one of his own guys out the back of a car onto their windshield and like the lines he is just I mean he's he's a wild animal in this in this movie and and there's no real Rhyme or Reason to it other than like I feel like the direction that he got was like just be 10% bigger than you think man go ahead that was that was pretty much it you know like there's no he's just like there's he's he's a psycho and that's it full stop he's a psycho and he loves killing people um and then be be louder could you do that one more time just just louder can you fly Bobby no hit [Music] it not only kurtwood Smith but they cast a good they cast like I'm a good murder of psychos on this right so like like kurtwood Smith is a awesome but uh Paul mccraine as ail he is incredible he also like is gonna be we're gonna talk later about like you know like the U the melting scene melting man yeah yeah like like he's great and real early Ray Wise you know free like pre- Twin Peaks you want to talk about a man that could go ham as being of being [ __ ] psycho like like it's him too so like all of these guys are just running the drug trade in Detroit and even what's his name the guy that was the guy that was peeing like the way his cackle his like Hyena's laugh is just so perfect it's like it's they they were all just they were all just having a blast I also read that apparently they were the group that um Peter Weller hung out with most on set like they were all good friends apparently like I bet the group of actors is a fun a lot of fun to hang out with when they're not I would love to be on that group text that would be great I do like the ju toos of the two main villains which is of course dick Jones and Clarence I mean they're both just complete remorseless psychos in different fonts one is in a corporate office and one is shooting someone in a warehouse but neither of them have any Humanity no I mean it's all the all the flavors of of corruption that you can get right there's the the you know corporate act white collar crime kind of corruption that is sort of you know accepted part of the society versus the you know uh the insane boots on the ground psychopath I mean they're the same you know he even later when Clarence actually shows up to the office and he's in like a suit or whatever he looks like he belongs there as much as any of the other people too which is like they're the same people yeah like the one is just wielding a corporation and the other one has you know a bunch of guys with does they like you know high-tech future rifles there's so many lines that I feel like we have to highlight throughout this movie and one of my favorites is you probably don't think I'm a very nice guy do you and I think you're slime buddy like loved that line it it is not an overwritten movie no like I what you get and I'm going to throw one more tease in for the melting man before we talk about it but after after he Splats all over the windshield the line is [ __ ] like it's just everything is so just comically understated with like oh no and there's Al there's also the real good like you know like thematically satirical line in this too right where it's just like when they're talking it's like why do we why do we rob banks but never get to keep the money it's like takes money to make money we steal money to buy coke then sell the coke to make even more money capital investment man and he's just like but why bother making it when we could just steal it and then you know this this line sums it all up which is no better way to steal money than free enterprise I yeah and again not subtle just harly telling you what you're getting not not subtle but like plainly smart like it's a clever that's a clever line it's not um can I really quickly flag the shootout in the cocaine Factory the shootout in the cocaine there like there there there's a there's a cynical thing about this movie that it's like that what is what is more 80s than a shootout at a cocaine Factory and the answer is not much you know maybe a shootout in a cocaine Factory in uh a satire that's that's taking down corporate gried which we also have here but like the fact that like two bullets into this shootout there's the room is just filled with this cloud of cocaine and everybody's just wandering around through a cloud of cocaine just blowing each other away and that but it's I don't know it's it's just awesome like there's like on on its surface don't dig into it even a little bit but like something like it's so funny this is a ro a robot cop in a shootout at a cocaine Factory is what we're dealing with here and it's like it's that sort of imagery that verhoven is just like shoving at you the whole time and it's brilliant it is absurd and it is brilliant shootout at the cocaine Factory is a good name for an album yeah yeah as soon as we get our band going let's let's that'll be our first EP yeah uh no but I one thing that did make me laugh is I was like oh I think he's maybe wrong about how prominent cocaine will be in the distant future uh but it's part of the charm there's so many one the sequels didn't they do like Nuke or whatever what was the drug in Robocop 3 I think is what it was forget they they went they went full future drugs at some point in the franchise they learned they were like Okay C yeah they took that note how about Ed 209 falling down the stairs so that I think is like that is is Phil tippit's particular Mark of Brilliance right so if like you like if you look at that first scene right like that's the first scene is the anim is like the stop motion animation of that is very clearly like you know the at STS and the at-ats but this this scene where he's it's like an animal right like he's trying to step down like it's it's exactly like a dog trying to walk down the St like a puppy trying to walk down the stairs for the first time and it can't quite get its buding and you're like this is the scene animated by the guy who who had to animate the death of the ran Corp in like the last or in the uh Return of the of the jna yeah and like you know it's just like it's like at that point it's like Ed 109 is just like that sad puppy who just kind of like falls down the stairs and like a turtle on its back can't get back up and it's it's really interesting how like animalistic that is compared to the uh rigidity and um you know measured movements of Ed 109 in the beginning of the f I just think like that J position is just like that's all Phil tippet yeah and it's so good well that's a good point too because I like to your sad puppy uh point I almost kind of felt like bad for the for the Ed 209 when he was trying for the guy yeah I felt bad for the guy yeah yeah uh I was like oh you can do it you can you can go down there stairs buddy but yeah it is a very oddly I don't Charming is not the right word well maybe it is it's an oddly Charming moment where there shouldn't be one it's it's a humanizing thing too right because there's one thing that that you know RoboCop himself never grunts or has any sort of audible pain right like he's getting shot up and he just kind of you know whatever but then as soon as Ed 209 falls down the stairs you get this like he's like screeching and and it seems like he's panicked and he's in distress and like and I'm referring to him as he right now like it's it it's a robot like but but that's the kind of personality that you can sort of project onto it when it's falling down the stairs Oh I thought it sounded like a baby crying I was like oh someone comfort him it's such a stupidly simple foil for this robot it's like his Archen enemy stares yeah but it's so it's so disturbingly accurate right so like not only am I watching that thing and I'm just thinking to myself like wow Phil tippet such a such a great animator like it looks so good he's like instilling Humanity into this like robot you feels so bad because you can't get out get on stairs then I just start thinking about like oh man you remember that Boston Dynamics video where like the guy is just kicking the robot and you just feel bad for the robot I'm just like my God this is so real this is this is just 30 years ahead of its time like like this is a Boston Dynamics creature right now it's it's disturbing how accurate this is yeah well there's a those first couple shots of it sort of like testing this this he puts his foot out there and like there's nothing there he's like what and then he just tumbles slick so funny but it's also realistic too cuz I feel like that's what a robot would like or like some kind of manufacturer would Overlook it's like what do you do about stairs yeah R yeah we know that now you literally look at any of those like old Boston Dynamics video like those Boston Dynamics videos of like those like those robots spot I think it's called something like that it looks exactly like this it's it's creepy uh while we're on the Ed 209 the Ed 209 uh segment though did you guys ever see that clip from the 88 Oscars with ed2 well he like rescues PeeWee Herman or whatever yeah it's very silly and stupid but I would highly recommend looking it up because I just found it so funny yeah there there is something too that's you know and and again this is one of those situations like how much credit do you want to give this this movie and the thought behind any given little detail but the fact that so much of this movie is about you know Murphy sort of finding his Humanity again after he becomes RoboCop to where one of the ju positions between between him and Ed 209 like the other option that ocp is looking at is is something as simple as a person can walk downstairs and a robot cannot like and so there's there's something in that that's a little bit of a foreshadowing for Murphy's going to find his way through this whereas Ed 209 is just not a viable option at all um there's no Humanity left or a present even in fact even if he is screaming like a a you know an puppy or something like that once he hits the ground like uh but the whole the whole deal like it's it's a weirdly if you want to give this movie all the credit in the world which I do I'm wearing the t-shirt it's a thematically on point bit of hilarity it's funny it's just funny and it works with the story because Ed 209 can't walk downstairs buy that for a dollar exactly I buy that we have we mentioned him yet I don't think we have we mentioned go ahead and finish go ahead and finish that up I was going to say like to talk about how much this movie holds up I mean I didn't even really think about the whole fact that you know a robot can't walk downstairs but a human can it's the same conversations that you have with AI these days it's like yeah sure AI looks like it can do cool stuff but there's a lot of humanity that you're missing there so again holds up holds right up be I'd buy that for a dollar guy incredible H just so good this is one of those things that I I remember hearing somebody say I'd buy that for a dollar and then when I finally saw RoboCop I was like oh that's what that's from do you think that that's the most famous quote from the movie from a certain point of view yeah if you put the kind of mustard that that guy puts on that and set it around people they'll know what you're talking about they'll know exactly what movie you're talking about yeah it's not my favorite my favorite is leave [ __ ] but it is good [ __ ] leave yeah no the um [ __ ] leave yeah the uh and your move creep is you know somebody's bound to think that's dirty hairy um but yeah it might be I'd buy that for a [Laughter] dollar let's talk about the melting man Liz we've teased it several times now let's get into the melting man this was Robin's whole thing like well this is the Robocop costume no that was a different guy that was uh yeah yeah that was tippet and tippet had guy working with him Chris Hayes I think is what his name is okay did he do he might have just done the um he actually might have just done the full-size model I don't know I I I get the feeling that they were all working under the same trailer um that's what I want to believe anyway so according to the robo archive it it was designed by bot well that's that's where I got my information about the melting man too so I I can't I got to trust it for all of the things if I'm going to trust it for one thing point is this guy Emil trying to run over RoboCop with a van drives into a vat of toxic waste just which not again not subtle cocaine we were back at the cocaine Factory in a lot of ways um which is the fact that he drives a van just through a giant vat of of a a thing labeled tox waste drives the van directly through it and it's still full of this abandoned warehouse that tank is still full of toxic waste apparently rushes him rushes him straight out of the back of the van and immediately he starts to melt what I really like about that too and maybe I don't know if you could call it a lamp bump uh but you see it you see the process of it like you see it wash over him and you kind of see it at the back of his head it starts and it's kind of almost pulling away the skin a little bit so they could have just had it wash over him he pops up he's now essentially deformed uh no but you have to sit there and watch it and I like I felt bad for the guy yes he's a terrible terrible person but as a human you're like oh my God that's like the worst possible way to go and again they draw it out like they draw out all the shootings they really like make it they make you feel it yeah and he he wanders around for a little while and then he comes across um uh he comes across our guy Ray um that he's just like what get away from me um it's incredible so apparently botin did it in he did do it in like a couple of phases like he sort of grad he graduated the the melting that he had a couple of different makeup looks um the my favorite part about it is so when he gets splattered he the um this is another one of my favorite lines is is when boder runs him over and just goes [ __ ] um but so he runs him over and he's he's just completely liquefied at that point and you can see the head kind of roll over the the car which apparently was an accident like they had a dummy set up to hit with the car and the head was loose but it was a total Stroke of Luck that they actually saw it tumble like across the car but when they cut back to inside the car and you see all of the goop Splash across the windshield apparently this was stuff that was made out of leftovers from catering they they just just whatever the caterer had left over they put it in they called it 's pot they just kept a pot off to the side and they put like soup and chili and like whatever else there what are they eating just drink lasagna yeah yeah just lasagna all the time uh but it was all um they called it a meals pot and they just put put old food in there and left it for days and then they put it into water balloons and they chucked the water balloons at the windows it just splatter it across the window and that's how that's how they got that was the melting man's insides getting splattered by a car was just rotten food and water balloons I think it would be a lot of fun to work on RoboCop somehow I feel like that was a real silly set it was it was the same yeah I bet it was fun honestly I bet everybody's having a blast but it was the same um a similar approach to what they did in Scanners when they head blows up in Scanners like half of that is like old burgers that that they didn't eat yesterday and stuff like that which is you know old ways are the best ways you know just just put some bad food leave it out in the sun for 3 days and we'll figure something out put it in water balloons put it in water balloons it kind of makes sense though it look it just is a big hodg podge of gross stuff flying everywhere it doesn't need to be that well thought out it just looks awful that's the only thing it needs to be yeah and it was [ __ ] we're to the end now and I mean we we saw him take his take his helmet off his his makeup when he takes the helmet off is is just it's really cool high evolutionary owes it a lot of uh very much so a lot did have the line that made me think the most it was when uh they were talking about his wife and child and Lewis tells him that she started a new life and moved away at which also is like wow we've been here a while like I didn't realize how long uh of time period this movie takes place over uh but he has this line that's uh I can't remember them but I can feel them it's like that got weirdly existential what does that mean it really made me think yeah it's like the data isn't there but uh you know the feeling is that which is a distinctly human thing maybe that's the yeah I don't want to give it too much credit but like some of the existential come on that's what we're here for give I don't know I don't know why we not giving this movie all the credit no but I just didn't expect it to get that deep in terms of like what does it mean to have a soul it's not something that I when I first watched it in the environment that I did it's not something that I thought about but I was like no those oh what what happened those the you forget about right like the the scene where he's walking through his old house and having those those flashbacks and like those are scenes that you kind of forget about um when you think about the movie but like they're they're they're in there they're just as important yeah they they really matter oh the uh other funny thing that I read about uh speaking of just cruising right past those scenes um going back to the uh uh the melting man thing apparently that was one of the other scenes that the mpa wanted them to cut because to to make the rating but at the test screenings people would write what was your favorite part about the movie and they're like would that dude got splatted by the car uh so the melting man was one of the most popular parts of the uh of the the test screenings um apparently it also and they left this part out of their argument with the and that that was kind of the turning point where they kind of started to draw the line with the NPA we like you're you're going to take everybody's favorite part of the movie out like that's insane but apparently also the milting man was one of the uh the part that rated as like uh grossest like people would the other question is like what was your least favorite part and a lot of people also put the melting which they just kind of like left out so polarizing deal but like very memorable so it's a it's a high bar to be the grossest scene in this movie but that is 100 % the grossest scene and I totally believe it was the most popular because we brought it up like seven times before we actually talked about it you can't not think about it it's actually one of the few scenes that I specifically really remembered for my first watch I forgot so much else but it's like oh no like it just sticks with you it's so terrible and it again holds up really well those practical effects just hold up well and and that's the thing too about you know you maybe this is this is the way to come down on RoboCop is like proper it's it's just proper science fiction you know like there there's it's got It's got that near future stuff uh it's it's projecting present day situations onto future scenarios um it's dealing grappling with things like what it means to be human and what it means to you know where can the line be drawn between machine and man and you know projecting current greed onto other like there there's so much stuff going on that's traditional sci-fi stuff um and it's it this movie does it all just really really well takes on a lot and it yeah yeah it kind of succeeds it's so smart too um like one of like one of the scenes that I like really like that you know doesn't have a lot of action in it but the bathroom scene where like uh dick Jones and Bob like confront each other there's like that line where like uh dick is just like is it the line where he's like we used to call the old man names boner yeah it is called I called him Iron Butt it is but that's not the that's not the part that like really boner the part that really stands out to me it's like like you know I had a guaranteed military sale with Ed 209 renovation program spare parts for 25 years who cared if it worked or who cares if it works or not right like dude we've spent a trillion dollars on a fighter plane that doesn't work and like that's that's the other thing there's a but I also don't know if he's a very good businessman sometimes because it's like he's an excellent business by by 1987 standards he is the perfect businessman because that's that's the thing this like what this quote does is just it points out like the uh agency issue with the military industrial complex where it can actually be more profitable if the thing doesn't work because he's just like we're gonna like they're going to pay us to develop it all it has to do is like continually develop and we could just keep on taking that government check and taking that government check which is again like he didn't know it at the time but that is exactly what like we're doing now like what like these military defense contractors are doing with things like the F35 fighter plate and it's just it's wild it's just wild how accurate this movie was 30 years ago y I think the funny thing is about it two you're laughing at Iron Butt and then it just drops a a philosophical bomb on you it's what movie does throughout I I mean there there's little this movie is littered with funny little things like the 6000 suxx car like that's the fact that they named a car the 6000 sucks is so remarkably wonderful and on the nose um dick Jones falling out of the window at the end the very end of the movie that's the one thing that looks legit bad oh yeah his arms the weird stretchy arms strange No One's Gonna do no one's going to do it as good as Hans grber it was on the thumbnail of top 10 satires of all time as it should be um yeah so so that's uh that's really and other otherwise like we haven't done I think it's gotten some some mentions in like our sci-fi list and heroes top 10 Heroes I think I got to mention as well um but then there's uh and I'm sure I called out boder in villains uh I didn't go back and check but um but otherwise like we've covered it with you know we've done a handful of of um you know homemade movies and things like that and and then there's the the interpretive dance version of Murphy's murder that I'm intensely proud of uh that we did years ago uh but otherwise it's not on in really many lists for us so like how do we fix that what lists do we need to put into production now just just as an excuse to talk about about RoboCop Gunslingers Gunslingers that's a good one they have the whole leg well I was also thinking of like character Transformations like I don't know if we have that list but the from Murphy to Robocop and even from Emil to hunk of toxic was best Detroit movies best Detroit movies sure Detroit as a dystopia I think is is is been apparently a dystopian in American ca for like the last like 50 years yeah yeah poor Detroit old Detroit old Detroit new Detroit when we built it did they ever by the way did they ever finish that RoboCop statue for Detroit I don't know if that because I remember I mean that was 10 years ago I think they announced that um that they were going to dedicate a statue of Robocop in the middle of Detroit like was it like in front of city hall or something like that according to Michigan live Detroit's massive RoboCop statue May finally see the light of day permanently I don't and this was from 2022 this was from last year okay so I don't think it's uh completely out yet still working on it yeah that's good all you know what it's if it takes forever it's worth [Music] it okay well I mean shall we torf uh so Peter Weller didn't fit into the police car in full costume when he needed to be in the car he wore the top part of the costume and sat in his underwear true or false I I true at minimum at minimum it's true about the top part of the costume because those legs would not fit behind a steering wheel that's true uh no yeah yeah that is true even the underwear part even the underwear part yeah I know he a ship I know he was losing a shitload of weight cuz it was like 120 degre like 120 degrees in that suit and I was like they shot like it off all day the hottest dankest part of this like Dallas summer yeah yeah he totally didn't need to be in his underwear though I appreciate no that feels like a really specific Flex that's I was like no I could wear pants but I could wear like give me a pair of basketball shorts or something no no no I'm good I go with the underwear um another thing is too just as a side note to this uh another thing Robo can't do is walk up the stairs which is interesting cuz he can walk down the stairs uh the suit acts strange and the butt Wiggles in an oddl looking way amusing perhaps but not what the robo team wanted so the scene had to be cheated huh RoboCop like sh shaking it up up uh up a flight of stairs I love it that's the cut I would like to see yeah give me give me the the booty shake uh cut of Robocop please well I'm goingon to move on to the next one because K already knows it but I'm going to try to uh adjust it on the Fly this one's going to be this one's going to be half half true So Cal was right in that he was losing a lot of water weight uh Peter Weller was because the RoboCop suit was so hot give me a give me a guess about how many pounds a day he lost due to water weight four I'm putting my number out four four uh I I'm going to I'm going to go uh Price's right rules with just one well ked's closest it's three he lost three pounds a day noint price rules yeah I claimed the prices right rolles but that that was kind of a cop out I'm happy to give that one to you uh for the record they eventually uh installed air conditioning in the suit because that is that is brutal love the idea they they finally installed air conditioning in after he was completely dehydrated they're like lost 35 pounds yeah a fan in here that poor um true or false Sy Stallone was briefly considered for the role of Robocop false false yeah I I mean short of like him showing up on a list that they made when they you know when the script got bought like I I think it's false it was never a big enough budget for Stallone you guys are correct that is false but I I'm sure you guys have heard of who was actually considered right I I thought they were considering Arnold but he was just too jacked and he wouldn't be able to fit in a suit in a meaningful way yep that's what it was they thought he'd looked like the Michelin Man yeah he they didn't want and it kind of makes sense because Peter Beller is not super jacked he's a lean dude I think they right I mean the fact that he's he's kind of a regular guy makes makes the movie like why like if he's some sort of weird Superman before he's RoboCop like what's the point yeah I mean we talked about star roles in the the Third Man episode this is a really interesting one because it's not one that you get a lot of face time with but I think Peter Weller did what he needed to do here well it's very I I also thought about Batman about Keaton as Batman from ' 89 a lot in this just because they're like and it was during this the scene where he's walking through the house and like being struck by the amount of acting that Peter Weller was actually doing just with his mouth and Chin like I yeah I bought his emotion in those scenes just you know as robot cop with just his mouth which by the way why did nobody ever shoot him in the mouth good only it's the only part of him that's not Robo and they just they just never shot him there I don't get it real Miss opportunity Clarence Clarence get well that would take a lot of precision to be fair he might have tried yeah there was too much cocaine in that warehouse too much cocaine it was yes not really shot in Detroit um but true or false there is not one single shot in this movie that takes place in Detroit uh fall false I no I'm just going to say torf on this because I think that they're um I mean there were there were some like second unit establishing shot they yeah I don't think I don't think verhoven was ever in Detroit but there there are shots of Detroit in the film is what I'm saying is what I'm thinking there is one ha yes uh the opening scene is a stock shot of Detroit and it is the only it's the only shot in Detroit and the only stock shot in the in one more torf uh depending on who you ask it took anything from 8 to 11 hours for Peter Weller to put on the suit for the very first time that is true that is very true yes I I also I I did I read that they that also that um and it's hard it's hard prepping for these and trying to stay away from torfs because you just come across some of these random little factoids all the time but like I had also read that at some point they got it down to like like half an hour or something it started at like nine or 10 hours getting the suit on but they got so good at it like halfway through production that it took like half an hour or an hour or something like that so I I just remember reading when you got so skinny maybe that's what it was yeah I just remember reading about how like it took like 11 hours and then like they all he also had a MIM coach to teach him how to move like a robot and then all of the stuff that they practiced totally didn't work when he tried on the costume for the first time so they had to like stop production for a couple of days so they could relearn new robotic motions so he could he could learn had a robot in in a robot costume yeah that's great uh I know I I lied I have one more that I just didn't scroll down far enough uh true or false writer Ed nterm had originally pitched RoboCop as a comic book to Stan Lee before he sent the script to producer John Davidson I want to say FSE false I say false it's true ah yeah I I thought that was going to be a trick question about because it became a comic book they did comic versions of it but I didn't I didn't think it was pitched as one first uh yeah he said I I took Michael Miner and funny enough yeah Stan Lee to a screening of it uh screening of Terminator at Paramount we had pitched RoboCop as they comic to Stan hoping we could make it into a movie after seeing the Terminator Stan said boys you're never going to top that uh so it never worked out in the comic book The True influence of James Cameron's movie was that it had not been a hit for Oran or had it not been a hit for orian they would have not made RoboCop uh but still the Terminator RoboCop relationship remains good good on those folks that are Ryan knowing knowing how to you know Double Down double down on robots yeah have we mentioned that that Orion did both Terminator and RoboCop they were really just we just know they were really milking that and if it worked you know well especially if if they wanted Schwarzenegger to to be RoboCop 2o like I can imagine Schwarzenegger was like really did kind of I just did that I kind of just did this typ casting is one thing but this yeah yeah it was a bad guy sure but I mean come on huh huh I love that guy who's your MVP for this movie seriously yeah it can be a quick answer yeah I mean I'm gonna I think we can all probably agree right on the count of three we'll go one two three name it ready one two three ver ver yeah I really tried to think of someone else like and I was thinking like oh could it be could it the script none of the actors really stood out to me as like totally no it's for hen there's no other answer I'm happy to give my my Jud Hur also ran award to uh to kurtwood Smith uh just because of how much I love boder and I think that like that mindless Jackal kind of violence uh that he that he does um I mean it sells the satire on its own way like if if he wasn't so around the bend with his bloodthirstiness like I I don't think I don't think the satire Works quite as well if the if the that pack of villains isn't quite so quite so nuts so uh but that's all coming from verhoven so I mean it's a great performance but I the satire part of it everything we've been talking about over and over again is just it's it's veren that's kind of what makes this movie Timeless and you know I like when I was when I was watching this this time around and like I mean we're g I'm gonna just like also double in on the Reb bootable section like is it reable sure they tried right but when like when I was thinking about this movie to like the 2014 reboot all I can think about is doct Strange Love and fail safe which I don't know like I'm I don't know if you guys know but like Doctor Strange Love and fail safe are based off of the same Source material which is this novel that I think is called fail I think that's like the actual name of the book anyway uh whatever whatever the book is called well if you could Google that that would be great but yeah kubri read that book and was just like this is so scary that the only way you can like think about this is in is like in an absurdist kind of like comedy and he gives us Dr Strange left which is EXC like which is just excellent satire on like the concept of mutually assured destruction whereas like fail saafe treats it as like a very serious like we're gonna be at the brink of war with the Russians and it that movie has just not aged well it just doesn't have any kind of like the real appeal of Doctor Strange up and I just think that like RoboCop is like the Doctor Strange Love of like you know Reagan Era like Reaganomics and like corporate greed just with dick jokes right like the clo like the closest that you'll get to a dick joke in Doctor Strange Love is just like but the fluids man Drake where it's like like you know verhoven it's gonna probably take a day of shooting just to shoot a guy in the dick which we also haven't talked about yet and it's still one of the greatest shots in that film which is just just like when like those guys are trying to like rape that woman and it's just like he holds them up and then just like shoots through her dress into his dick like that is the kind of low brow just like Dad humor that like this movie gets so right but can also simultaneously make make very very poignant observations on the military industrial complex and like how gentrification and like corporate greed are ruing are like are ruining our um like Society yeah yeah and then those are those are things that don't go away which is to um to answer the question before and I I I knew it was inquired because I I've done the what's the difference on Doctor Strange 11 and I knew but that's based on a book called red alert and fail safe is based on a book called fail safe uh so they but more or less I mean it's the same you know fail safe is the straight Doctor Strange uh Dr Strange Love so I mean it's the same more or less the same story but yeah no that's an interesting that's an interesting comparison too between the two remakes cuz like RoboCop as a remake felt like a remake that didn't get it no it didn't like I I feel like it it got it you know I think the Total Recall is that that remake is one that just straight up didn't get what was great about the first one I think the RoboCop remake understood what was great about the first one it just didn't do it as well like CU there was that whole Samuel Jackson character you know that was kind of the the media figure that was it just wasn't it was it was too serious it's a real shame cuz I think this movie is so remakable like you could do it every every couple decades with just different them that's the danger right it's just like the it's it's forever relevant um but also like because it's so relevant forever like number one it stays around like just the original sticks around but number two like it it tricks you into thinking that it's rip for a reboot because it's still relevant like it still makes total sense but like I you know the total we don't need to do it again I don't think the total Reb the Total Recall reboot also suff suffers from the same thing right which is like they forget to have like the verhoven sarcasm and then people sit there and wonder like why doesn't this thing work it's like oh yeah because it's like Paul ver hovid could like not only do the action but he can also just do this subversive humor that is just so uniquely H and such a larger part of the DNA than more people than most people realize this is for you happy New Year so we're we're running short on time so let's hustle into calbro our last segment here please so if Nicholas if this movie was to be remade with Nicholas Cage who does Nicholas Cage play easy Nick Jones dick Jones yep that's it's such an obvious answer it's obviously unanimous choice I feel there's part of me that would like to see him as boder uh or as as Miguel ferrer's character as as Morton um you know one of those sort of younger angrier kind of louder villains but to see him kind of like quietly stew and rain it in a little bit as as a more sort of an older and more controlled evil corporate guy like dick Jones that would that would be great well that's why it's what that's why it's dick Jones and not Bob because I I toyed with that to I toyed with it no it has to be that older seasoned very evil yeah no you'd be very very quietly threatening yeah I thought about him as Murphy too that didn't work no it's it's dick Jones no it's either dick Jones or it's the I'd by that for a dollar guy but that part's too small maybe it's both dick Jones division president ocp every policeman knows when he joins the force that there are certain inherent risks that come with the territory ask any cop he'll tell you if you can't stand the heat you better stay out of the kitchen let's talk about where this movie ranks where where did you guys have it Cal where's it on your list 38 38 okay top half this is this is a classic for me it's top half uh Alex not on my list not on your list at all I I again probably spoiled it by my introduction to it but I still I I appreciate it it's just not in my it's not in Alex Deadman's toah hundo and after revisiting it and talking about it as much as we have Still Still Still Still outside your top 100 yeah and you know I've gone I've gone back on some of the movies like third man I actually may want to put in my top 100 but RoboCop I think it can it has enough help help from you guys I think you can stay out of my it doesn't it doesn't need yours but I liked it more I liked visiting it more than I thought I would so I'll say that this is one for me that I was surprised at at how low I had it I had in 79 which feels uh lower than how I've talked about it this whole time certainly like I can't believe I'm buying t-shirts for a 79th best movie all time you know it feels like it ought to be higher um Dan I'm told had it at 13 so that's that's a that's a and knows what's up I'm enjoying learning Dan's taste yeah exactly I just like going I just like when it doesn't align exactly with mine um I just want I am glad I 13 might be more where I should have where I feel like I should have ranked this movie in terms of how much I like it but uh but 79 for some reason who knows um so C you've got the envelope there where's this let's figure out how the algorithm works at some point we should attempt to crack the algorith no we shouldn't do that that's silly no where Dan will just Dan will just change the algorithm and then we have to just start all over again yeah he'll go full YouTube on us um I'm convinced he just made up the list anyway yeah cop he just copied mine um okay 79 many Independence Day t-shirts do you on none it's bizarre um although I do still have the the little uh what is it called lenticular thing where when you move it the image changes the the one that came with the VHS copy of it oh oh those like I do still have that here in my off I can I'll have to take my headphones off to grab it but I'll show it to you later anyway all right so where's this rank this so the cix top 100 episode this is number 22 number 22 that's surprising thanks to 79 38 13 and not on the top 100 gets you to number 22 22 number 22 okay I thought it was going to be higher or lower or bigger number bigger number yes 22 you know what 22 I don't know I'm not going to complain about that that's no that's pretty high it's not top Point damn close also yeah no that's that's up there that's really up there um and also considering that I'm sitting here thinking that I should have had it ranked more in that neighborhood anyway like this could have been a top 10 I guess if i' have done that I was trying to get it into my top 20 but I couldn't I couldn't I couldn't get it in there so you couldn't find 18 movies to displace to get it in your top 20 no I was going to say it wasn't that close to your top it's 10 it's 18 below I mean it's like twice as many I did them by like chunks all right you do the first 20 and then everything kind of shuffles back then you try and do like 20 to 40 and you're like one of these days we need to we need to have a real talk about how we crafted our own lists um but we don't have time for that today unfortunately for now we just have to sign off thank you guys for talking about RoboCop and letting me wear my t-shirt and not making fun of me too too much about it um so thanks for watching that uh and also thank you to our producer tyo Oaken thank you to Marion FR and our technical producer and for Jamie parso for making us look good Cal Alex thank you also I guess just go straight to Hell Dan um [ __ ] leave just [ __ ] leave is that how we should tell our audience to to click to something else now [ __ ] leave [ __ ] leave thank you for your cooperation good night I'll buy that for a dollar next week we are going to get into some equally goopy stuff when we watch The Exorcist So come back for that
Channel: CineFix - IGN Movies and TV
Views: 25,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action, Blu-ray, Criterion Collection, DVD, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), RoboCop, Sci-Fi, Theater, UMD-Video, Cinefix, ign, ign movies and tv, robocop, paul verhoeven, 80s action movies, sci fi movies, satirical movies, best satires, stop motion animation, practical effects, best squibs, peter weller, best 80s movies, cyborg movies, best movies of all time, top 10 movies, top 100 movies, cinefix top 100, clint gage, michael calabro, alex stedman, movie lists
Id: kT71d1WrAnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 37sec (5077 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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