X-MEN 97 EPISODE 9 FINALE FULL Breakdown, WTF Ending Explained, Cameo Scenes and Things You Missed

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Welcome back everyone, it's Charlie This will be my full X-Men 97 episode 9 video It went so hard There are so many comic book Easter Eggs So many Easter eggs for the original series, for some other TV series to like some classic pilots that never wound up making it to air. there was like a laundry list of connections and Easter eggs to a bunch of other things. so we'll break it all down. If you're brand new to the channel, be sure to subscribe to get all the episodes. Like I said before, we know we're getting at least season three and season four now. We could go beyond that. It sounds like Marvel is actually going to be doing new seasons back to back to to try and get them out even faster. careful for spoilers if you haven't seen the episode yet, because we'll be talking about everything. There's so much to talk about to starting at the beginning. The episode title is Tolerance is Extinction, Part two of three. They're doing that multi-episode arc like they did during the original animated series, one of the cool details, too, is that at the time that these originally aired back in the day, is that that wasn't really common for children's programing, like cartoons to do multi-episode serialized arcs like that. generally the title, like I said last week, is meant to be a reference to Operation Zero Tolerance with bastion storyline The Prime Sentinels, but they also based this week's episode on a couple other major comic book storylines, like very seminal comic book moments, WTF moments, largely from the Fatal Attraction storyline. Beau Demayo, the showrunner, even told people that was like the homework for this week. Like, everybody read up on Fatal Attractions, and they definitely did all the big stuff from that arc. my early prediction is most people will walk away from this episode. Even if you didn't read the original Fatal Attraction storyline, just talking about Magneto ripping all the adamantium out of Wolverine's body. Usually when people refer back to the Fatal Attraction storyline, that's what they used to refer to it. Like the time that Magneto ripped all the adamantium out of his body. Don't worry. We will talk about that when we get to that part of the episode, because there's some heavy implications based on that storyline and where things go after this. everybody looking forward to onslaught is just cheering in the background now. Like as crazy as it is now, it's only going to get even crazier. the other Easter egg here too is the fatal attractions in the comics came right after the asteroid M storyline, which they did in the original animated series in that also heavily inspired part of the plot of this episode because Magneto literally brought back the wreckage or the remnants of asteroid M. but in the original comic book version of this, it was just the X-Men fighting Magneto. There was no bastion part of this. that's all from the Operation Zero Tolerance storyline. In the Second Coming storyline. this time they let Wolverine do the previously on. They use the standard X-Men theme song over the Marvel Animation logo. They also change the intro a little bit. Storm is back now in the intro, but she's in her black suit from the comics. They also use the asteroid machine again, because they adapted that part of the Fatal Attraction storyline that happened right after asteroid M was destroyed, and they also literally brought asteroid M back in the episode. in the coincidence, is it right after the asteroid M comes back, the Brotherhood of Mutants Magneto fight the X-Men? That also kind of goes down that way. In the episode two. The only difference is that a couple of the X-Men seem like they've sided with Magneto. Dora. We'll get to that, too, because that might be part of a ruse based on the way the original Fatal Attraction's comic book went down to. There were some betrayals that happened during that, but they were all ruses. the actual opening scene just picks up the next morning in the wreckage of the X mansion with professor X waking up in his old bed, his wheelchair is there, none the worse for wear because his yellow chair has basically been destroyed. Elsewhere, Magneto dons his old suit that he used to wear when he was thought of as the villain. You have to remember, though, he never thought of himself as a villain. Bastian takes his mother, still in prime central form, back to their old home on their street, past all the other disabled Sentinels that Magneto just took out. Notice that he's crying. He is part human, so he can cry. I think they want to show that he does care about his mother, so he didn't turn her into a prime Sentinel because he hated her, even though he's completely insane. but I think the crying here just implies that she's perma frozen. Not dead, though, but not really alive either. Just kind of. In this figure's state, waiting until Forge and Beast can figure out a way to disable the Prime Sentinel nanobots. but it is a bit of a teaser. The idea that they can bring all these humans around the world back to normal. there's a bunch of friends of humanity and writers that come after Jubilee and Sunspot. This guy in the jacket here is also featured in the intros Magneto then uses his power to raise the wreckage of asteroid M from the ocean left over from the original animated series. It's just been chilling there at the bottom of the ocean. Then Storm and Forge show up to help Sunspot in Jubilee. during this part of the episode, they visit a couple different rooms in the expansion, and it's all been turned into Swiss cheese. But like I said in my previous episode eight video, I think the idea is that eventually professor X will just use his vast wealth to rebuild the expansion. It gets destroyed all the time in the comics, in all the time in the movies. no worries there. Professor X is a very rich person. He can rebuild it as many times as necessary. He doesn't care. Cyclops in Jean gray catch up with him when she says the world will end in 12 hours. the idea is that when Magneto made his big electromagnetic pulse around the world, he weakened the Earth's electromagnetic field. basically weakening it to the point the Earth only has about 12 hours left till it completely loses that. it'll stop being able to shield the earth from harmful radiation coming from Earth's sun, from space. Just in general, basically cooking everybody on the planet. So repeat everyone in about 12 hours. that's basically Magneto's plan. Just let the earth fry. It is a pretty good plan. Like it is pretty hard core. but this episode just in general goes really hard. Probably harder than any other episode that we've seen so far. even harder than episode five when Gambit died. that episode is probably one of the high watermarks of the show. This episode is also right up there with that. We'll see if they can top it with episode ten, the actual finale. Cyclops kind of has it out with professor X, especially the fact that he didn't leave the X-Men to him. Like he basically thought that he didn't believe in him. But then Professor X explains the reason why he did things that way, why he left it to Magneto instead is because he wanted Cyclops to be able to have a life with Jean gray and their baby cable. He wanted them to be able to leave. Here's the thing about that. That implies that he was also fooled by Mr. Sinister with Madeleine Prior, and he thought that it was the real Jean gray, which seems kind of unlikely, but I think that's what they want you to believe here. but if you remember during episode one, Cyclops was actually ready to do that. They were about to actually leave. but he also correctly tells professor X that even if they had left and done that, then everything still would have happened. they still would have had to deal with Mr. Sinister with Madeleine Prior in that reveal, the real Jean gray coming back, also having to send cable to the future like they did during episode three. everything with bastion would have gone down the exact same way. Nothing would have changed, so it would have made no difference. but I think the real big moment here is Cyclops hearing from professor X that it wasn't that he didn't believe in him, and that had been his fear this whole time. Love the way that Cyclops just kind of walks out the giant hole in the wall, like I'm not talking to you anymore and just leaves by walking through the wall. Rogue finally wakes up calling for Gambit. So they're addressing that there's a lot of her processing her grief in the episode, kind of on speedrun, because things are happening so quickly. Nightcrawler catches her up on everything that happened since Trask turned into a prime Sentinel. Basically, the world is about to end in 12 hours. That's what she needs to know. Jean Gray finally gets her real reunion with storm. Because remember, storm was also fooled by Madeline Prior, and then she left. Then all the stuff with the real Jean gray coming back happens. So storm was not around for that. forge explains that he developed a defense against Magneto's electromagnetic pulse, which I also think is going to defend against Bastian's powers and will help defend against Magneto's powers, too, even though obviously things kind of ended in a really specific way with Magneto. We'll get to that in a second. Mostly, though, you have to remember forge is trying to deal with bastion, so I think it'll be more useful for dealing with bastion, basically shielding to protect them from his techno pathetic powers. they also confirmed Magneto's electromagnetic pulse, took out all electronics around the entire world. The showrunner also said that it wound up killing a bunch of humans too. And that happened like he killed millions of people. this is also something that happened in the comics. But the reason why Magneto did that electromagnetic pulse around the world in the comics was because of the Fatal Attraction storyline, where they use the quote unquote Magneto protocols, which they actually talk about later in the episode, but in a slightly different way. when Cyclops divides the X-Men into different blue and gold teams. Those are from the comics, the classic comics, and they did a version that more recently to the actual members of the different teams, are also meant to be similar to the teams they were on in the classic comics to Blue team goes after Magneto. Go team goes after bastion at his base, which they've located in the Galapagos Islands. They're a couple quick shots here, too. I didn't mention it. So sunspot here is wearing his classic suit from the New Mutants comics in forge is obviously wearing his X factor suit. we get a little pep talk from storm. And professor X explains his own history with bastion going way back to the original X-Men team. When Cyclops, Jean gray, all the others were young teenagers, he claims that he knew about bastion long ago. When bastion was a child. Cerebro picked up on him when he was looking for different mutants around the planet in assumed that he was a mutant because of the way his techno path powers worked. meaning the bastion almost became part of that very first X-Men team that's depicted in the picture on the wall, which is also based on the original comic book first X-Men team from the 60s. But at the time, Bastian's mother hated the thought of him being a mutant at all. Wouldn't have any of it, and professor X didn't try to force it by using his powers to make her let him come. Magneto also references later in the episode, like professor X, no longer afraid to do the thing that needs to be done. Whereas previously he was very careful about the way he used his powers on other people. Beast and forge modify the original power damping color they used on Jean gray when she was full on Dark Phenix to disable her Phenix powers, which they claim will do the same thing for Bastian's techno empathic abilities. Apparently the normal mutant collars don't work on him, just the way his powers work and the fact that he's a Sentinel hybrid. Notice that storm actually does bastion a salt lake. He shows bastion a mercy when they say that they're going to permanently take away his powers and storms like, oh, no, no, don't do that. Hell, no. Because that literally just happened to her. this also implies that they might find some sort of non-lethal way to deal with bastion. professor X also kind of implied that during his talk to, like, if we can stop the threat of bastion, he doesn't say kill Bastion. He just says stop. Bastion is a threat. we get a little scene with professor X talking with rogue about Gambit, about running from your past like Gambit did moving forward with your life? What things from your past you carry forward with you? This is all her processing her grief. Like I said, as speed run pace because they're moving so quickly through the plot. Then I love the way that Magneto literally shows up on their doorstep with asteroid motto. Mind if I park this here and look at how much mass it has? It's generating its own Aurora borealis effect. That's how big it is. Magneto also correctly reminds him that the X-Men kind of belonged to him. Like you gave all this to me in your will, in the will still stands. Technically. the day in the bar that Magneto mentions is from before professor X created the X-Men. Before Magneto founded the Brotherhood of Mutants when they were still very young. Magneto mentioned this event in an earlier episode. I think it was episode five when he talked about it, about the dream for what generation eventually became. then he tries to get a couple of the X-Men to turn in, join him on asteroid, and saying that he's going to replace Kenosha with asteroid. And like new generation, he actually did that during the original series until Cortez tried to hijack it from him, like asteroid M was originally meant to be, which, you know, show was supposed to be. Magneto also echoes Professor X's catchphrase, saying my X-Men. Also, what he said in episode one to. then. Here's the thing with this rogue betrayal, so rogue makes it seem like she accepts Magneto's proposal and turns her back on the X-Men, joining him on asteroid and like turning her back on humanity. Essentially. sunspot kind of does the same thing to. But here's the thing. This might be a ruse if they're also adapting that part of the Fatal Attractions comic book, because a lot of the episode is inspired by that storyline. part of that story involve Colossus pretending to leave the X-Men to join Magneto's team, but it was really just a ploy to infiltrate his group. So maybe rogue is doing something similar, But the way the fights go down on asteroid M where she's actually helping start the X-Men kind of make it seem like she's either really trying hard to actually sell the lie or maybe she really did briefly turn her back on the X-Men, but I still kind of think that it's meant to be a ruse. Like, that's why she's not trying to hurt the X-Men. you guys can let me know in the comments. Like, do you think that rogue is actually just secretly lying to Magneto trying to fool him in? Professor X knew the whole time? they go to Muir Island and they show you the shot of the hangar bay here. All this is meant to be old X-Men gear they used in previous episodes of the animated series and the original X-Men team. During the 1960s. like in the context of the series, this is meant to have been the gear that the original X-Men team used and some of the more modern versions of the team, But also it's an Easter egg for those original comic books to for example, these two chairs are old ones that professor X used in the past. These are they're old cars. They're old craft. This is an old model of the Blackbird from the 60s, I think. I think the idea is it's meant to be based on the original version of their Blackbird. and, you know, it also kind of looks like the blackbird that they used during X-Men pryde of the X-Men, which I'll talk about in a second. Like the previous Blackbird they use during their previous show, and they also stored all the stuff from their previous show inside this space. it's almost like they're trying to canonize pryde of the X-Men two, X-Men The Animated Series and X-Men 97. some of you might recognize some of these toys too, because they were sold as toys. This motorcycle was a toy they sold in stores. It's Wolverine's motorcycle. But this is also why all their super suits are meant to look like the classic versions of the suits. Because all this gear is their old gear. Essentially. Cyclops and cable have their father son chat, and he gives him his yellow and blue X-Men suit. They make that Fox X-Men Bryan Singer joke about the black leather suits from the 2000 movie. Almost forgot. Am I going to war or a circus? What do you expect? Black leather. isn't that joke so much more apropos now because of what's happening in Deadpool and Wolverine, with him doing the live action version of the yellow suit. even though technically he's meant to be a different version of Wolverine, not the one from the main X-Men timeline. I do not think they did that joke knowing that Wolverine would be wearing his yellow suit in Deadpool and Wolverine. I don't think that was announced till well after they'd actually written this particular episode. notice professor X is chatting with President Kelly inside the astral plane, and he's made it look like they're in the Oval Office just to make the president feel more comfortable. he just did the same thing to the SR High Council to. when they mentioned the magneto protocols, this actually comes from the Fatal Attraction storyline. And it's the reason why in the comics, Magneto did the Earth wide electromagnetic pulse, but he did that in retaliation for the Magneto protocols. those are basically something that the U.S government cooked up to use to try and stop magneto from being able to use his powers on Earth. But in that fatal attraction storyline, they're unsuccessful. Any retaliates by creating that giant electromagnetic pulse around the entire Earth, disabling all electronics around the planet. so you can see how they're adapting some of that storyline in slightly different ways for the TV show. like a lot of the same stuff is happening but for slightly different reasons and slightly different places. they had their suit at montage, all putting on their classic versions of the suits. Now, all these suits are from different eras in the comics, but the showrunner also said it's meant to be more of a direct reference to the unaired pilot episode of pryde of the X-Men, based on an X-Men TV show that never wound up making it to air in the late 80s early 90s. it basically got canceled after the pilot back in 1989. Like it's got the Australian version of Wolverine. Everybody sounds different because there's different voice actors, too, in the plot is generally pretty silly, like it was criticized heavily by fans at the time. And if you watch it in present day, I think it's on YouTube right now, so you can actually go watch it. it's not nearly as good as X-Men the Animated Series was and the reason why it never wound up actually making it to air is because at the time, Marvel started having a bunch of financial problems in real life, like this was right before their big bankruptcy. basically at the time that that show got canceled, all their animated programing from the 80s basically got wiped out. couple years later, though, you have X-Men The Animated Series starting, and then you have all the 90s animated shows, like a completely separate universe, which now they kind of brought back through X-Men 97 with all these different cameos. but they got Cyclops in a version of his classic blue suit from number 39. In the comics, this is his old school Wolverine in his classic brown suit, Jean Gray in her classic Marvel Girl suit, Rogue is wearing her X-Men legacy green suit. Jubilee is wearing her black suit that she did when she was a vampire. Briefly in the comics. cables, Blue and Yellow suit is from his solo run in the 90s in the ID. Also in the context of the show is it's meant to incorporate his pouches from his original suit and looks similar to Cyclops, his previous suit. so. Part of the idea is the Cyclops is giving his son a suit based on his own suit. Papa bless. When they say goodbye. Cyclops and Jean gray seem like they made up. Also later in the episode, Jean gray tells him that she loves him then we see bastion again. It seems like he's jacked himself into all of his systems and is basically finger puppet in all of his defenses, which mostly consist of a giant force of classic Sentinels. But that's really just meant to be the beginning. Like, obviously they wanted you to focus more on the Magneto ending than the bastion ending. In this episode, most of the rest of the bastion part of the episode in the finale, I think will be based on the Second Coming storyline. this thing, and then trying to avoid all the Sentinels, trying not to get shot down is meant to parallel the scene from episode one, when something similar happened. storm makes another Phenix reference when talking about Jean Gray's strength, then goes full omega level and creates this giant storm around the volcano. notice all the sentinel heads lying around to this isn't the Savage Land, but it has a very Savage Land kind of vibe to it. when the Sentinels find them, notice they speak with Bastian's voice because he's basically finger puppets. All of them. Then we finally get our Hulk cameo scene and it's morph changing into Hulk. So instead of saying Hulk smash, he says morph smash! the other thing going on here too, is that he doesn't lose his intelligence when he changes because he's just mimicking the Hawks powers. I know there'll be a lot of questions about this too. Like, does he have all the Hulk's powers? Like, can he get as strong as the Hulk? Like, well, his power just continue scaling is against matter. The answer is no. It's temporary, and it doesn't work that way. So I think he only has a fractional amount of the Hulk's power or anybody else's power that he mimics. He doesn't have their full power. like if he mimic professor X or Jean gray, he wouldn't have their entire level of power. they also reveal another Easter egg here, too. This is the diner the tracks visited Mr. Sinister at previously in. It's called Demarco's Diner, named for Bo de Mayo. The former showrunner, A little bit awkward now too, because he also got fired before episode one aired. Mister Sinister and Jean gray have a bit of a rematch, fighting each other for the first time since she escaped and he cloned her basically. he also claims he used all that time to learn all of her weaknesses, which I totally believe. they're a couple of visual gags with their fight here too. Like she throws him down a bowling alley, knocks over the bowling pins, then throws a bunch of bowling balls at him. then, as the X-Men blue team arrives on asteroid and notice Magneto has turned the remnants of the three headed wild Sentinel into his new throne, which is dark. Very dark. Even for him. Like I said, when rogue tries to stop Wolverine from killing Magneto or stopping him, I'm not totally sure if she's faking it to try and fool Magneto because it doesn't look like she's trying to hurt Wolverine, and it doesn't look like Roberto is trying to hurt Jubilee either. some of this might be for show, and like they just didn't tell all the X-Men what was really going on. basically Professor X's plan is to remove Magneto's helmet so that he can use his psychic powers on him to force him to use his powers to restore Earth's electromagnetic field. So everybody on the planet doesn't fry in the next 12 hours. back at Bastian's base, he detects Morph in Mr. Sinister form because his heir wasn't actually saying that he cared about Bastian, and Mr. Sinister would never care about anybody else. Then he catches beast. He also takes out Storm in Forge with the Sentinels. So part of the idea is that he has Team Gold X-Men dead to rights, and Mr. Sinister almost seems like he has Jean gray dead to rights. With cable. because next big WTF? He also reveals that he genetically implanted controls inside cable with his crystal, just like he did from Madeline prior. So he's trying to finger puppet cable to kill Jean gray. and they use it to reveal all of cable's telekinetic powers. So the idea is that he has all the same powers as Jean Gray and Madeline Prior. He got all of his powers from Madeline Parker in the comics is a little bit different, but on the show, Madeline Prior's meant to have all the same powers as Jean gray, except for the Phenix force meaning telepathy and telekinesis. About on the same power level too. So the idea is the cable is meant to be just as powerful telekinetically as Jean gray is, so it's meant to be pretty even fight. She makes it seem like she's about to die. When she reaches out to Cyclops, psychically saying that she loves him. But here's the thing. There are a couple ways she could actually come out of this. On top in one of them involves the Phenix force manifesting again. that is the one thing that Mr. Sinister in the comics was not able to replicate. when Mr. Sinister clone Madeline prior in the comics, he was doing so so that he would have somebody with access to the Phenix force. But when she didn't get that access, he considered her a failure. so the Phenix Force is like the one thing that Mr. Sinister can't counteract. so if in this moment Jean gray can manifest the Phenix force, she should be okay. then we basically get the end of that Fatal Attractions comic book, like the most WTF wtf moment that we've seen in the show so far. Next to Gambit dying Wolverine gets Magneto's helmet off briefly. Professor X starts making him heal the Earth with his powers, but Cyclops stops him so that the Gold Team has time to stop Bastian Mr. Sinister so the they don't restore all electronics on Earth while Bastian is still alive, because then he'd be able to use the entire Earth against them. But that gives Magneto enough time to recover. Wolverine skewers him also right out of the fatal Tractions. Bucky basically guts him with his adamantium claws. He was trying to kill him in that moment in, just like the comic book. In the next moment, Magneto retaliates, nearly going insane by ripping all the adamantium out of his body. they even animated the scene on the show to look just like the comic book panel. and even though they end on this cliffhanger like boom Slam to black will pick up in the finale right after this moment in the comics, the reason why people are really hyped up about onslaught coming is that after this, professor X wound up lobotomized Magneto, basically with his power and then that led to the creation of onslaught. So it is totally possible now that either in the finale they do a version of onslaught, or they tease that in to do onslaught during season two, But also there's so much happening in this moment. Like Wolverine will now have to start season two with no adamantium in his body. the other big thing to come out of this moment in the comics is that Wolverine learned that his claws were actually bone claws. Before this, he just assumed that he got his claws when the adamantium was bonded to his skeleton in the weapon X program. they did the Bone Claws and the live action movies with Hugh Jackman's version a bunch of times, though. but part of the idea is that we're going to head into the finale. Obviously, they have to finish dealing with Magneto. think the way that goes down is going to be very similar to the Fatal Attractions comic book, like what happens after this moment in the book all the Bastian stuff, I think is going to be closer to the Second Coming arc where Bastian basically came back as the final boss form version of himself. more of, like a direct confrontation between the X-Men and Bastian as opposed to his other forces, like the Sentinels that he was using as a defense. So generally, there's still a lot of hanging plot threads here. Like, did Rogue and Sunspot really betray the X-Men to join Magneto? What is going to happen to them on asteroid? And after professor X seemingly retaliates by lobotomized Magneto, how are they going to help Wolverine Keep in mind he's going into a coma here, but his healing factor keeps him alive. So he's still alive here. But think about how they're going to begin season two. After all this wreckage. It's like a string of WTF moments. and this is just the beginning. Like the finale is probably going to go harder than any other episode before. there been a couple of teasers in previous episodes about where they might pick up in season two. Like there's William Stryker. He was on TV. They might do some of the purifier. Or at the beginning of season two. maybe a little War of Kings, maybe Messiah Complex, maybe Dark Reign, Avengers versus X-Men. They were teasing that too in previous episode, with the Avengers being really pissed off with the X-Men particular, Captain America being really pissed off at rogue. maybe. Maybe teasing how apocalypse is connected to a lot of this. Too little? Really. Seen any hints of him in this episode just because they were so focused on Magneto in the Bastian storyline? and there's still the theory that Gambit will come back in the finale. There'll be some teaser for him returning. I'm still wondering if they're going to turn him into the Horseman of Death. Like apocalypse will resurrect him as his Horseman of Death. There's so much to talk about. So much going on in this episode. So everybody just post all your favorite moments and if there's any, like big Easter eggs or references that you spotted that I didn't talk about in the video, just write them below in the comments. one of the reasons why X-Men 97 has been so much fun to watch is because it is so dense with references, Easter eggs in nods to other different things, not just the original show, but also the classic comics also a lot of real life stuff. Other TV shows. generally hoping they continue to make this for as many seasons as possible. Like please do not stop. Just keep going. Is crazy how good this show has been in some of the other animated stuff that they've done recently has been so mid. if you have any special requests for bonus videos before episode ten airs, let me know in the comments. There's also a couple videos I had planned after the finale and because we're heading into June, June is going to be stacked with shows like We have the Boys season four, House of the Dragon season 2, and the Star Wars Acolyte Show So it is going to be crazy this summer Make sure to enable alerts for my channel so you don't miss any of that Everybody click here to learn about Gambit becoming the Horseman of death and how that went down previously and click here for all those brand new trailers from this past weekend Thank you so much for watching, and I'll see you guys in the next one!
Channel: Emergency Awesome
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Keywords: Trailer, Emergency Awesome, X-Men 97 Episode 9, x-men 97 episode 9, Deadpool and Wolverine Trailer, X-Men Trailer, X-Men 97 Spider-Man, X-Men 97, X-Men 97 Trailer, Deapdool Wolverine Trailer, X-Men 97 Episode 1, X-Men Episode 1, X-Men 97 Hulk, Deadpool and Wolverine, deadpool and wolverine trailer, trailer, Marvel, Wolverine, Movies, emergency awesome, Charlie Schneider, 2024, Deadpool, X-Men, Fantastic Four Trailer, X-Men 97 Episode 10, X-Men 97 Episode 10 Finale, x-men trailer
Id: SXC6cFkk8tI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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