ROBOCOP (1987) Breakdown | Easter Eggs, Symbolism, Hidden Details & Things You Missed

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so I think that RoboCop's one of the greatest movies of all time everything about the film works well and it balances brilliant satirical comedy alongside its tragic story of a man made into a machine throughout this video we're going to be going through the entire film scene by scene to talk about all the cool details in it and also some of the things that you might have missed whilst watching it now there's so much to love about the movie but originally it wasn't actually an easy sell that was primarily due to the film's name which was seen as being extremely stupid look it's a Robocop it's a robot cop it's it's you get it straight away but American directors were turning it down left right and center and thus this group was sent further afield to people like Paul verhoven initially he hated it too and The Story Goes that he read a couple of pages of the script though it was ridiculous and threw it away without hitting the Thumbs Up Button however his wife picked it up and read through it and she managed to convince him there was this gray comedic undertone that she thought that he'd be perfect for and so began with valving jumping on board the project to make what I think is probably his Masterpiece now we begin our journey out in the far future and pick up in Detroit during the year 2043 the city has seen better days and we see it in the midst of a financial and criminal crisis everything has gone to hell and this actually mirrors our own world and unfortunately what happened with the city the creative team correctly predicted that Detroit would fall on hard times and in the year 2013 the city declared bankruptcy there's lots of prophetic things throughout the film and in order to understand how they managed to predict this we have to look at the way the world was when the movie was getting made this was during a time in which the Japanese had just started to take over the car industry in America machines were seen as being riddled with issues if you even start typing on Google why were American cars you're gonna get an auto completing to say so bad in the 80s deuterizing feel emissions and safety standards introduced at the time the automobile industry in the US like behind a bit leading to other countries dominating it the heroven has a lot of fun with this throughout the film and we of course meet at 209 who has a number of let's say issues designed by Phil tepid this is the guy who built the 8080 and atsd which you can definitely see Echoes of here when crafting the machine tip it pulled in elements of a killer whale and also a Huey helicopter as that had its own elements of satire to it the designer wanted to create an allegory of how the military-industrial complex played into the Vietnam War and there's very much this idea of combat for profit in ocp's mission ozp is just the word cop rearranged told you that'd be good Easter eggs and they act as a way for the creative team to comment on how they envisioned a corporate control feature you have to remember that this was created during the height of the 80s Wall Street movement and that was made popular in movies like Wall Street that was released the same year as Robocop and it clearly commented on Corporate America just as much as this did the Hoven was basically imagining how bad things were going to be in 60 years time if they were already at this point with Society in the 80s they of course also pulled in several real world Illusions in the characters too 2 the CEO of the company is simply called The Old Man and he's supposed to be a play on Ronald Reagan the old man is kinda ignorant to everything that's going on and he just bounces about smiling and being Pleasant during the time there was a lot of attention on the Iran Contra Scandal which involved the US going against the arms embargo to secretly sell weapons Reagan was pulling in question about this and he acted aloof and just said he didn't recall any of those meetings I don't recall with these people I don't recall a few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages my heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not I'd say if you want to see it or there if you don't and I think RoboCop's greatest strength is that it works on these satirical levels whilst also being just a solid movie now a really cool line in the film gives away that ocp were putting policemen in dangerous positions so that the corporation could quickly get their hands on a candidate when we meet Murphy we discover that he's just transferred in and this is because he's someone who'd be perfect to undergo the experiment a throwaway line we hear Bob Morton say we've restructured the police department and placed Prime candidates according to risk factor I'm confident that we can go to prototype within 90 days and these shows that he's been using his power to restructure the police so that one of the ideal officers will get killed and then they'll be able to use him this is also touched upon in the opening news report when we get this section three dead police officers one critically injured police union leaders blame Omni consumer products ocp The Firm which recently entered into a contract with the city to fund and run the Detroit Metropolitan Police Department it shows just how cold and heartless that the corporation is and we get this idlas throughout all of the figures in the boardroom one of the guys Bob goes up with in the lift is the same person who gets killed by at 209 but instead of being shocked Assad he just sees opportunity pitching his idea allows him to take attention away from dick Jones who becomes another one of the film's big characters we learn later on that he's been working with the villain Clarence bottica showing how he's managed to manipulate the situation to his Advantage too we learned that the police force has been privatized so that ocp own it and in order to make more money the crime rate has to be higher thus by funding the criminals this is causing more chaos meaning more drastic measures have to be put in place they are also looking to replace the police as well and rather than having officers that can quit and go on strike they want robots on the job instead really the movie also predicted a lot of fears around AI with us even getting police at the shooting range saying this guy is really good he's not a guy he's a machine what are they gonna do replace us we even get a line about how robot cops in on GD 24 hours a day officer that doesn't Tire asleep this was actually based on The Day the Earth Stood Still with a robot gourd also being described as this now what I love about the film is that the two villains in the piece both represent the two sides of crime that can exist in our world we have the sleazy street level crime encapsulate and body care and then the elite white collar crime embodied in Jones really shows how efficient that RoboCop is at tackling it and it allows him to be a hero that rights the wrongs in both areas now Peter Weller originally wasn't supposed to be the character and instead they wanted someone like Michael Ironside in the role however they realized he was too big to fit in the suit and thus they ended up looking for a Slimmer actor to become the man in the machine another stipulation was that they had to have a strong jawline as most of the time we'd only see the actor's mouth well that definitely brings that and in preparation for the role he took on mime lessons in order to learn how to move like a machine however upon getting to the set he's saw the suit was way bulkier than what he practicing and most of his moves ended up being useless he had to relearn everything using the suit but that didn't make things easier because of how bulky it was there was a ton of issues when filming and this plagued numerous scenes whenever robo cops riding around in the car well that doesn't actually have any pants on and this is because they were too big to fit in it during the moment where RoboCop catches the keys at the police department they also kept bouncing off the gloves thus they had to film this 50 times until well I managed to grab them however I think that this suit looks incredible and that iconic poster it just sells the movie I love the way that the light bounces off it and you sometimes get a purple gleam amongst the blue that really makes it stand out now the seat itself was designed with a production team looking at comic book characters Judge Dredd was seen as the basis and we also get two other ones who appear in the movie when the mugger is going into the convenience store he passes by a comic book stand and he picks up a copy of none other than Iron Man this is of course about a man who makes a robotic suit for himself and next to it also an issue of ROM the space Knight now we begin with the Orion logo which instantly takes you back in time there's actually a really funny joke in RoboCop 2 and we get a moment where a list of texts appears on screen with avoid Orion meetings right in the middle of it this is because the studio were notorious for demanding rewrites which the second film had to heavily undergo anyway from here we could have the skyline of what's supposed to be Detroit but this is actually Dallas but Harvin just loved the skyline of it and he decided to head there instead due to being able to superimpose things because of how flat the city is huge in ads they're now playing podcasts for talking about the history of Dallas and they said that Architects loved the build there because there's no mountains or structures that draw the eye away from their work anyway from here we get to some news reports and commercials highlighting several products that either show up later on or ones that have payoffs in the upcoming reports during the 80s we saw saw a major change in how the news was reported and both CNN and fox were networks that were launched during the decade whereas in the past the news had been centered solely on delivering information here it switched to delivering entertainment the now playing podcast also pointed out that one of the reporters's entertainment tonight's Lisa Gibbons who was nicknamed sleazer at the time known for her tabloid journalism and let's say lesson reputable reputation the tagline that the news uses instantly sets a tone for what's going on this is Media break you give us three minutes and we'll give you the world obviously you know this isn't going to be a deep look on the world and instead it's just going to be the headline and attention grabbing statements that tell a fraction of the story it sent me a journalist now regularly use on the internet and a lot of time people just read their headline and don't actually get into the story like what we have here now in one of the reports we learn about the Star Wars satellite malfunctioning in space which caused the visiting president to experience some weightlessness due to the lack of gravity later on we also learn that there's a peaceful platform that we find out malfunction and shut out some lasers that actually killed three retired presidents back on Earth who cares if it worked or not we even find out in the boardroom that ocp Dublin space exploration which could hinder them being behind these two things hospitals prisons space exploration I say good business is where you find it now the house themselves also smile away as they deliver what should be devastating news showing how sanitized they want to keep the entire thing now the use of commercials and of the top goal was actually used for a specific reason and verhoven was making Digs at how much people relish violence especially when it comes to the cinema the take pointed out that RoboCop himself is supposed to be a reaction to the pistol-packing heroes such as Clint Eastwood and Charles Bronson when RoboCop saves the store owners he probably causes more damages than what was in the safe but everyone so caught up in enjoying the action that we simply don't care things get more and more extreme the more the movie goes on and it also works as a parody of what movies are devolved into during the 80s which is elevated by how stupid the name is RoboCop it's basically what chat GPT would come up with if you typed in write the script for an 80s movie but it's well aware of what it is and that's why it works so well and there are actually two versions of the film of available and originally the movie had to be submitted to the MPAA over 12 times they forced them to cut out several of the violent ports and eventually this got a cut down from an x-raying to an R the main things that had to go were things like how long had 209 blasted the guy for and some of the more graphic and gory sections we get now you're gonna be hard-pressed to find that theatrical cut these days and and verhoven's fully behind the more Goring graphic director's cut I picked up the release from Arrow for this video and whereas with the Alien movies you got both here it's just the one I can't really show any of these scenes because YouTube keeps demonetizing the channel whenever we show blood but when re-watching them bother I think the director's cut works way better because it prolongs the violence the satire here is that it's meant to go on forever and be so over the top that it just shows what audiences want from a movie like this when it's go down it actually feels more violent because they don't get to drag it out at the point of being funny so yeah to me having a longer version works way better and it's easy to see why that's the one that's stayed in circulation anyway from here we go to the police station and instantly get just how tongue-in-cheek some of the dialogue's gonna be I take this murder it's not like he killed someone anyway we see Murphy introducing himself as a transferring officer and he watches a dead man's Locker is cleared out signifying how dangerous the job is the harman wanted to have a Cohen Locker situation here where both genders got changed in the same place and this is what he Invasion the future is being there are little nods to it but they go by so fast that you'd not really pick up on them and we actually get something like this later on in the director's career during Starship Troopers in that we have both men and women showering together which he inserted to build off the back of this scene anyway the police Strikers also mentioned too which becomes a big thing later on privatization by ocp has left the department on the back burner and we've often seen things like this happening with companies in the real world just a couple of weeks ago transpennine had to be brought back under government control and this kind of thing highlights the way these deals tend to work a national service goes private and then when the profits dry up they call in the government to help come pick up the pieces it's a sweet gig for those up at the top and we see just how cold and careless at those in the corporate offices are to them it's just about business and money and they don't really care that people are losing their lives now we often hear of insurance horror stories where people are denied life-saving claims because someone somewhere signs it off without actually looking into the case people can detach themselves from things they don't have to deal with personally and I think it's smart to show both sides of this in the film now from here we're introduced to Nancy Allen's officer Anne Lewis the creative team purposely tried to make her as masculine as possible because they didn't want the stereotypical Kind of Love Story attached to this film later on we get a nod to this when she nurses RoboCop back to help after he's put through the ringer and left a dead store we see him shooting at cans of baby food and on the director's commentary they talked about why this was picked they said they wanted to completely eliminate the possibility of them hooking up so robocopier is literally shooting the baby now originally Stephanie zimbless was supposed to play Lewis but she was contractually obliged to film five episodes of Remington Steele and thus Nancy was cast in the role instead it's a similar sort of thing to what happened with Tom Selleck who was supposed to play Indiana Jones but we all know how that turned out and it was probably it was for the better let's be honest now Beethoven apparently thought Alan looked too feminine and thus he kept making her go and get a haircut shorter and shorter until it appears like how we see here Alan two went with the idea of being as desexualized as possible and she apparently even woman's underwear to get into the role anyway after the board scene plays out we see Murphy twirling his gun he says uh yeah well my son Jimmy watched this cop show TJ laser and this laser guy does this every time he takes down a bad guy so naturally my my kid thinks I have a good cop should be and you don't want to disappoint him yeah well this is the play on the cop show TJ hooker which is about a detective who demotes himself to tackle crime on a street level that kinda glamorized at life too but we see with Murphy how dangerous it can be with Clarence buttercare you watch him and his gang coming off the back of rubbing a bank and Clarence instantly let us know how threatening he is he tosses one of his own men out the back of the van and I kinda saw the parallels here with the Cobra people who were willing to throw each other under the bus just to get ahead and normally the Instinct with a character like this would be to go with a big bulking henchman but barika breaks the mold this is because verhoven had witnessed elements of the Holocaust first hand and he thought that when kurtwood Smith wore glasses that he resembled Heinrich Himmler Smith wanted to be the villain that seemed like he couldn't be outsmarted and therefore they added glasses to make him appear more intelligent he definitely comes across that way too and watching him brutally murder Murphy Hammer's home just how much of a bad guy is now inside we see some of the gang watching TV and this spawned the infamous catchphrase this is actually a play on the 1950s sci-fi Story the marching which said I'd buy that for a quarter it's been adjusted for inflation and it kind of speaks to the moronic comedy garbage that people lap up in their masses much like how they do violence but um I must be a as well because I quite enjoy that stuff shoot him some more now Murphy eventually gets caught leading to his torturous death scene at the hands of body care I'm not sure how much of the death scene we can get away with showing but it's sort of like the crucifixion with Murphy being spread out on a christ-like pose and getting a metaphorical nail through the hand later on we will watch Robocop walk on water and he of course goes through his own Resurrection now we see further parallels between the low-level criminals and the white collar ones as Bob Morton says that they should just cut off his other arm because it's not going to be of an ease to them lose the arm well don't really care and they're happy to mutilate someone just to get what they want are there Clarence doing this in some way brings about his own end as the honey blows office the same one that RoboCop uses to stab him had he not blown this off then they might not have removed the other one and I'll fit them with these little gadgets that RoboCop uses as a weapon really nice way to bring it all full circle with bodako also standing over him again with Murphy at his Mercy a movie shot through the back of the head and we watch as the camera goes from his face to the other side so we can see this pop out this was achieved through using a dummy which we can see in the second we get before it turns around and from here Murphy's rushed to the ER where we see a medical team dealing with him he's on actors and they're having got the group in turn the cameras on and said act how you'd act if someone like this came in it adds such a feeling of authenticity to it and we see Murphy's life flashing before his eyes as he passes away in the Visions he sees the TJ laser clip with TJ himself somewhat resembling rubber cop due to the helmet and black visor even his death has this idea of coldness to it as rather than him getting an impactful goodbye with his family we just here all right I think that's all we can do let's call it what's the time I think it shows out when you're dealing with people in professional positions how everything can kind of just turn into being a job and it continues the idea of how little life means in this world not slagging off doctors and nurses yeah before you start but I think this film is trying to show how detached everyone can become now from here we cut a rubber cops prv which uses real-life Ms Stars coding to show the system according to Reddit when he's first beat it up we get hexadecimal numbers along the bottom which when translated with ASCII spell Ed Solomon a producer on the film we get the idea of time passing due to them celebrating and it also draws out the reveals so we don't see what he looks like except for on the poster and in the trail out that everyone watched beforehand but you know what I mean it drags out that reveal now back in the police station we get another great line I am what you call a repeated Fender I repeat I will also I think that we get a cup in the bottom right looking over criminal profiles with us ending on bodica bit difficult to make out but this could tease that the guy is still at large either way the revealer RoboCop is dragged out further and I love the way they use those bass booms to Signal his footsteps coming in we watch him blasting away his gun and originally they wanted to use it as an eagle which Wella even practiced with however upon putting it in the suit they realized that it was far too small for the gloves and thus they added stuff to a Beretta automatic pistol in order to dress it up a bit rubber cop heads out and we get Morton saying yeah go get him boy again this ties into the idea that he's very much a lap dog for Morton that's under his control and from here we go to the right scene in which RoboCop saves a woman originally they were gonna shoot past the victim's cheek but verhoven had the idea to shoot the guy in the junk whereas normally the scene would have a heroic shot of the Damsel in Distress thanking the hero with a kiss we see just how I'm feeling RoboCop is and it adds an undercurrent of humor to this horrific event Madam you have suffered an emotional shock I will notify a Rape Crisis Center clearly this guy is in a classic charismatic hero and instead he's just a stone cold robot that feels absolutely nothing anyway from here we go to the hostage scene which is based on a real life event X San Francisco's supervisor Dan White wanted his old job back and he ended up killing supervisor Harvey Milk and mayor George modscone this was documented in the movie milk and it also led to the legal term Twinkie defense being coined this and I'm not sure yeah this would be because white yeah he argued that he had diminished capacity and that he should be charged with manslaughter because he was suffering from depression due to switching his die to Twinkies we see a little nut of this in the scene but the characters eating a Baby Ruth bar instead of the sugary snack I'm pretty sure the police offered to give the guy one of the cars we see advertised throughout the movie and we also get some clear parallels to The Dark Knight Returns rubber cop burst through the wall to grab the guy and this is similar to how Batman did it in that book Frank Miller created that comic and he was actually brought on to help write RoboCop too stuff was changed hence the Orion reshoots comment but Frank Miller's robot cop can be found in comic form if you want to check that out weirdly Peter Weller would like to go and devise Batman in The Dark Knight Returns animated movie which too features the hostage situation and the book itself is also filled with news reports and this movie adopts a similar framing device in order to tell its story Aruba cops able to grab him through the walls because he has infrared vision back in the day yeah this wasn't exactly something you could buy over the counter and the Hoban realized he did up a lot of the film's budget just to buy a camera with an infrared spectrometer thus they did things on the cheap and instead just used fluorescent body paint on the actors and filmed it using a black light you'd not be able to tell though unless of course you knew that and it works so well to show us what RoboCop can do now next we see RoboCop being introduced to kids at school on a report where the reporters chuckling away at him telling the kids to stay out of trouble when making the movie now playing said that because verhoven had witnessed the rise of Nazism first hand that he wanted to lay fear of fascism is an undertone to the film however he called it liberal fascism and stated that though they were aiming to achieve a Utopia they'd have to do it through creating a police state that has excessive force use throughout it's such small commentary and we then cut to two ads in between the reports the first of these is Nukem which is basically Battleship but with nukes instead during the 80s there was a lot of fear surrounding nukes but this is trying to take that and commercialize it to make it fun for the family you can also appears in Back to the Future too with it being a nice little in-joke about what the future could hold in store for us and we watch as Morton makes his way to the top and even gets access to the executive toilet this is seen as being the height of luxury and it's where dick Jones and his rivalry starts to really begin Morton was supposed to be arrogant and unlikable however I think everyone would probably admit to liking Miguel ferreira's performance as him realizing this would likely be the case verhoven did rewrite elements of the script to make him seem more pleasant but he still definitely doing a lot of shady stuff and some really good lines here again I used to call the old man funny names Iron Butt boner once I even called him but there was always respect yeah I don't know if there was respect there mate now if you respect the work that went into this video then please hit the thumbs up button and don't forget to subscribe for breakdowns like this every week you wanna support the channel you can also check out our merch store Linked In the description below which has a range of heavy spoilers t-shirts hats and a lot more I like it anyway at this point RoboCop starts to have flashbacks of his past life and this is made worse by Smith recognizing him and telling him his name could do a meal out and about and we see him toying with a gas station Clerk I bet you think you're pretty smart huh I think you get out how smart for himself as he wore glasses and studied maths and one day adorning him that someone could just shoot him and that all that's studying would mean nothing it happened to say by RoboCop though who says Dead or Alive you are coming with me Dead or Alive you're coming with me foreign [Music] and this of course calls back to the line earlier but it's also meant to be a nod to the sheriffs of the Wild West who'd say the same thing again this leads to a gigantic explosion and a meal crashing into a car which leans in with the idea that he's destroying more property than he's managing to save tracking bodica through a meal he then recognizes from the memory flashes that he had in the chair coming face to face with himself he attempts to go home but he finds it abandoned and now on sale now originally they had a different scene planned out for this and he'd arrived there to find his son wife and his old dog this was supposed to be similar to The Odyssey where Odysseus returns home and no one other than his dog recognizes who he is that would be the case here too but verhoven decided it was too sentimental so it was scrapped however they did end up bringing something similar across in RoboCop 2 where he passes by and his wife recognizes him the scene was somewhat also adapted for the 2014 RoboCop remake when he had something along those lines when he returned back to his home anyway from here we go to the club and and get a little Cameo by Paul verhoven he was trying to show the extras how he wanted them to dance and did a manic little jig which they then left in the film now from here we jumped to Bob Morton with two ladies verhalvin actually referred to all the actors by their character names and apparently he dressed these actresses by their name which okay moving on now butterka arrives as a messenger of death it shows just how ruthless Jones is and Morton is killed so that he can make a power play anyway we could do a drug Factory and see further similarities between baracker and Jones as they both say this think about it John good business is where you find it I say good business is where you find it the deal is bussed up by Robert Cobb and we get a nice little detail here that happens in a blink and you'll miss it moment when borica is at the top of the stairs RoboCop has the same on him but he shifts us to the side in order to shoot men instead Rubble cop had him dead to rights but he changed the Target because he wanted to deal with Body Care on a hand-to-hand basis now another nice detail happens when RoboCop doesn't actually start recording until he reads him his Miranda rights he throws him through the glass throughout the scene but he doesn't actually hit record until after he's finished reading everything in the end he wants to kill him but his prime directives hold him back which would teased that earlier in the movie these laws are actually and no to the three laws of robotics which are dreamed by science fiction author Isaac Asimov in the short story run around it's easy I'd save dick Jones and he of course knows that the secret Port directive protects people like him he so lacks about RoboCop arriving that Jones even Taps his fingers this actually nicely lines up with the film's score thank God [Music] Jones is above the law and this is clearly a common in corporations in how ownership leads to control if the police are privatized then the law itself can be controlled leading to him unleashing Ed 209 such a good scene and you can see the rocket traveling along a little line to keep it on course but a movie Magic that anyway it falls down the stairs and tip it achieved this by well just pushing a model down the stairs now they also integrated Pig squeals into the screams and we get the idea that it's like a little chicken rolling around [Music] it shows just how useless that the machines actually are if they can't tackle stairs unless humans are relied on to take RoboCop down though the police try and help out it's the SWAT team that does it and you might recognize their leader as being the guy who worked in the hostage situation before anyway RoboCop has left at death's door and Lewis comes in to save the day from here we get the news report announcing the strike in Lynn Jones's plans for Delta City all the residents will be people he and bodaka can sell Vice to allowing them to go on and make more money we then see the iconic scene in which Murphy removes his helmet and he finally shows off his face it's such an incredible effect with them using Prosthetics on the side so it seems like his skins pulled over the helmet they did a similar thing with a high evolutionary and it adds the idea there's a man in there or at least the illusion of one now he sees the city descends into chaos and watches the bad guys get their hands in a 6000 sucks which was shown in the advert they also mentioned about how Clarence has this car still got the got the dick around it Clarence Joey's got a car just like yours man another one we see here gets blown up another FPS at the factory because it belonged to Clarence anyway heading out to the abandoned Factory we get the final confrontation and the toxic way scene that I think stands out as one of the most memorable moments in the movie The npaa we're actually going to cut this scene because they thought it was too graphic but in test screenings they scored the highest so they left it in toxic waste was such a big thing in the 80s as well they're constantly being reported corporations had been dumping it so I think it's playing on that and the location itself also has deeper ties too on the commentary the creative team said that they chose the Rust Belt setting to tie back in with the whole automobile parallels we talked about and RoboCop is also kind of going back to basics The Showdown happens with borica surrendering criminals prey on the law and its rules and he knows that he can just be taken in and then freed again how about RoboCop isn't there to arrest him which causes us to seem afraid for the first time however bodica gets the upper hand and he has him at his Mercy once more he Stakes him through the heart almost like he's some kind of Undead vampire Murphy kills barika though and he then says they'll fix you they fixed everything feels sort of ironic and uh tongue-in-cheek thing as well especially after all Murphy has gone through making this one of the movie's most memorable lines now from here we go to Dick Jones giving another boardroom speech and watch his RoboCop destroys the Ed 209 on the driveway I love how we get this tease of its legs coming in like it's still on the hunt but then it wanders further into the frame to show that it's now gone appearing in the boardroom echoing the arrival of Ed 2009 before we watch his RoboCop reveals the truth about dick he goes just like the mayor did before but upon being freed Murphy is able to act dick falls out the window and yeah we know it's a dummy but it's all right Die Hard would of course do this shot way better the air after but it says goodbye to dick and he goes off when he's Jones another interesting parallel that shows the corporate industry level thing is how both Jones and Buttercup are brought down by the USB thing in his hand but it's done in different ways the footage is shown on TV through it and it's of course also what RoboCop used to stab barika with the street level stuff is taken down with violence whereas the corporate side is taking down electronically which also mimics how these two sides of crime are often carried out now in the end the old man asks RoboCop his name and he says Murphy now that's the perfect way to end the movie and it's showing that he's now getting back in touch with his Humanity I love the little charming smile too and it gives the idea that the once metallic man is close to being the person he once was what about the Easter eggs don't end there and at the end we get a little joke and the copyright disclaimer it says this motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States and other countries and it's an authorized duplication distribution or exhibition may result in civil liabilities and criminal prosecution by enforcement droids so yeah I mean I like that and all in all I'd say RoboCop is I'm gonna say it it's the perfect movie can't think of any way that it could have improved or bettered this as the script super tight and the satire still works well today it's easy to see why we've had things like the shot for shot remake created and the fan communities kept coming back to this film for a reason it's a brilliant piece of work I already feel like watching it again and I hope that you've enjoyed going back to it with us I am trying to release these breakdowns early for members on the channel so if you want to watch them before anyone else you can support us for as little as 99 cents a month and see these as soon as we have them ready go to males to watch then make sure you check out our video on Alien 3 in which we go through the initial drafts the director's cut differences and all Easter eggs that we could find in it huge thank you for all your support and hopefully I'll see you on our next one where we're gonna be tackling the Terminator I'll be back for that and thanks for sticking through the video I've been Paul you've been the best and I'll see you next time take care peace
Channel: Heavy Spoilers
Views: 430,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robocop, robocop 1987, robocop breakdown, robocop explained, robocop ending, robocop ending explained, things you missed, movie breakdown, robocop film, robocop movie, robocop review, robocop facts, robocop vs terminator, peter weller, robocop 2, robocop 3, robocop 1987 trailer, robocop 1987 reaction, robocop 1987 scene, robocop 1987 ending scene, robocop 1987 full movie youtube, ed 209, robocop analysis, robocop movie details, robocop easter eggs, robocop making of
Id: Cj9qQseaP0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 18sec (1998 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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