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today we are reacting to Roblox weird straight grandma in real life oh it's Roblox weird straight grandma look she's cursed this is a real life Roblox Adventure video where three players are trapped in a weird straight grandma's house and have to survive until 6:00 a.m. just like in the game Grand no jump scare they have to cook food drink water and refill generators to survive but some of them get oofed and jump scared along the way who will survive and who will in Roblox weird strict grandma in real life stick around to find out let's go weird stri grandma in real life oh somebody's at the door I wonder who it is that's the [Music] grandma what brings you here my daughter Mom I have a business trip to go on can you babysit my kids for me I'm so excited I can't believe grandma's going to babysit us I know this is going to be awesome as long as Billy doesn't ruin it yeah right I'm not going to ruin it Grandma lets me have my iPad so I'm going to stay up all night playing Roblox yeah buddy yeah buddy that's me I'm iPad kid I'm iPad kid every hoodie kind of similar I'm iPad kid I'm an iPad kid and I do be playing Roblox and I do be watching Coco melons bro you already know it's about to get litty bro hey shout out this video it will be linked down below let's go and they sh their classes last time so please make sure they study hard oh don't worry about that sweetie I'll make sure they Mom are you serious you said you would to tell Grandma that we failed our classes Billy who cares do you really make a study yeah just shut up and wait for Mom to leave and then we can have fun all right bye boys sure you're good for Grandma I'll be back Bye Mom love you have business trip Bye Mom make sure you buy me lots of souvenirs so guys everyone it's three it's three brothers and they're staying with their Grandma but little do they know it's their weird strict Grandma let's find out this is based on the game Roblox where's your grandma which we have played we'll put a clip on screen let's go all right guys mom's officially gone let's go have some fun boys will one of you do me a favor and grab my medicine for me oh I'll get it for you Grandma time me and see how fast I can get it I bet you I'm faster than Sonic ready go Sonic I'll get it Grandma [ __ ] kisser o I bet I'm faster than Sonic watch his grandma he is so annoying where is it where is it oh there it is I better hurry up and get this to Grandma here you go Grandma I got your medicine thanks Billy let me take my medication real quick all right you boys can watch TV and do whatever you want for now but make sure you study after I'm going to go to bed sweet let's watch a movie what happened to Grandma Grandma are you okay good going Billy the medicine you gave her killed her oh no are you serious I'm going to go to jail for the rest of my life what am I going to do huh oh never mind I guess she's okay good night boys see you in the morning no guys that's what happens in the game she doesn't she's not okay the medicine actually curses her and turns her into weird stri grandma that's what just happened right there bye Grandma that was a close one come on let's find a good movie to watch nice the new PAW Patrol movies out can we watch it no we're not watching the new PAW Patrol Billy go play on your iPad or something we're going want to watch the new Hunger Games now how do I turn this TV on oh I got it it has been over 2 years since I found my perfect SpongeBob pop breaking news we interrupt your broadcast with some breaking news oh man what is this I was just about to put our movie on it's on every channel oh no maybe Michael Jenkins escaped again we got to hide Billy they got Michael Jenkins locked up in a Maximum Security Prison trust me he's not escaping now be quiet I want to see what this is about some pills made for testing purposes in a lab have been leaked and are now being sold in stores oh no they contain poison and made poison the person who took it uhoh that looks a lot like the medicine I gave Grandma yep guys this is what happens in the game you give Grandma some pills some medicine but then you see on the news emergency broadcast the medicine is actually cursed it's going to hack them this is the origin story of Roblox weird sh grandma yep flashback are you serious Billy that's the medicine you gave to Grandma so everybody please be careful and keep an eye out symptoms of this dangerous pill include red eye color and the person banging their head against the wall and other weird actions and now back to Doug deadone with the weather I'm going to go check on my grandma good going Billy see we knew he would ruin the night somehow what it's not my fault I was just doing what grandma asked me to do you guys can't blame me for this listen I'm sure everything's going to be fine let's just go upstairs to the bedroom and we'll figure this out come on is she okay they're going to check on their Grandma see if she has red eyes or she's hitting her head against the wall that's what they said oh that's weird do anybody hear that alarm going off yeah I hear it too it kind of sounds like Grandma's alarm that means Grandma's up we got to hurry up and get to the bedroom so we can start doing our homework come on oh [Music] oh Michael next time just use the door handle click everybody make it look like we're doing our homework nice oh hi Grandma hey we're just in here studying Grandma Mak can sure we pass all our classes oh man this isn't good oh it's Roblox where's your grandma look she's cursed look at her mouth guys she looks just like she does in the game this video is awesome oh thank goodness she's finally gone guys this isn't good grandma was definitely poisoned by that medicine Michael's right that medicine made grandma go crazy we're going to have to stay up all night and wait for Mom to pick us up in the morning yep guys in the game you got to survive until 6:00 a.m. but you guys can see now we see there are health bars there's the water That's The Thirst meter we got uh food food they're getting hungry and they got energy so it looks like they're going to have to eat really soon guys but Mom's not picking us up till 6:00 in the morning I never put an all ner before I'm never going to make it is anybody else getting hungry yeah I'm starving I could go for something to eat I'm hungry too I got an idea how about you two go downstairs and grab me something to eat and I'll stay here and do my homework come on let's sneak downstairs we'll get some food oh man I don't want to sleep over grandma's no more all right guys the coast is clear come on and be quiet we don't want to wake Grandma up bro let's see what Grandma's got to eat was it noodles let's see oh man I don't think Grandma went food shopping all she has is PAW Patrol soup no way are you serious I love Paw Patrol soup take it please please please please yes sir that is also the only type of soup that Justin will eat if my mom gives him regular soup he will ask her to send it back and get Paw Patrol soup it's awesome guys I sent it back to the chef I have Paw Patrol soup and I have Marshall and it's lit lit please all right Billy just be quiet you're going to wake Grandma up fine I'll make us all Paw Patrol soup yes maybe today's not to bad after all yummy all right everybody the soup's done let's eat this is some good soup thanks Michael ah you're welcome cheers hey wait a minute why do you two have white balls and I have this pink one oh that's because you're not eating Paw Patrol soup you're eating princess soup are you serious it's princess soup oh man I don't want to eat princess soup I'm not eating it oh well then I guess don't eat it a I'm too hungry fine I'll eat it but I'm going to get you back for this Michael oh no do you guys hear that it's Grandma's alarm we got to hurry up and get upstairs Everybody Run homework time uh-oh hey guys that's not fair wait for me Harry oh no oh no oh no oh no hey slow down I don't Grandma to catch me what is wrong with you guys did you really leave the lights on Grandma's going to freak out we're wasting too much energy nice and that's when George Washington crossed the Delaware River oh hi Grandma we're just over here doing our homework oh so guys everyone place your your bets who do you think is going to survive I don't think all three brothers are going to make it I think some of them are going to get OED I think if I had to guess Billy is going to make it I agree the guy with the the the young guy I I agree I agree I agree and the iPad guys that was a close one we got to get back downstairs there has to be some way to help Grandma we got to figure it out she would do it for us you're right Grandma would risk her life to try to save us it's the least we can do for her come on maybe if we save Grandma she'll give us a re water something maybe she'll buy me robu I'm down to help let's go save Grandma all right we start [Music] looking got my robu what are they looking for what are they looking for whoa no way candy I do that was so funny I'll save this for later I can't tell my brothers about it so did anybody find anything no I didn't find anything and I looked everywhere me either but I did find the Statue candy that none of you would know about oh man then there's nothing we can grandma what is so funny man Billy is such a funny character me I love Billy this video is crazy he found a bunch of candy and he will not share it sounds like last week for me my Rob I'm crying my Robux and there's nothing we can do to save Grandma does anybody hear that phone ringing whose phone is that oh celon where is it I don't know but we better hurry up and find it it's going to wake Grandma up we can't let Grandma wake up find that phone yeah guys in the game the phone rings and if you don't turn it off it's going to waake Grandma up what is so funny man you just remind me just a little bit of Billy no I don't you have an iPad yeah you watch CoCo melon yeah and you love Paw Patrol soup yeah yeah true and you know what you remind me of what how do I remind you you you you know what you remind me of okay what big doooo head oh man where is it where is it there it is guys guys check it out I found the phone guys uhoh they're get OED oh COC melons where did everybody go Michael hurry up and close the door okay okay can you stop laughing serious video man all right all right all right I'll stop guys we're going to put the pudding Emoji over Adam's head right now that is what he reminds me of bro that is how he reminds me of what I really am yeah guys Adam is a doooo head dude that was a genius idea to leave Billy down there do you think he'll be all right though we had to do what we had to do I'm sure he'll be fine come on let's hover up and go do our homework they sabotaged him right I can't believe they left me I'm telling Mom when she gets home they're going to get in so much trouble I hope this phone didn't wake Grandma up uhoh what's that [Music] noise run here why aren't you doing your homework what's so funny man guys I love this video so funny the Billy character is so when Billy was running up the stairs going that literally Adam laugh because that reminds me himself when he got to run to the toilet when he's got a dirty diapy yeah yes he is yes he does uh-uh yes he does what he does man oh no oh no are you kidding me sorry Billy we can't help you we're doing our homework sorry we're not allowed to open the door to strangers why aren't you doing your homework yeah you guys lock the door open up hurry up Grandma's coming open the door Grand no jump scare oh man do you hear him screaming do you think he's okay dude who cares look on the bright side grandma just got rid of Billy for us he's always getting us in trouble trust me life's going to be a lot better without him wow guys they sabotaged their own brother so guys we were wrong Billy did not survive he actually got OED first first one down who's going to make it oh yeah I forgot about all that I don't feel bad no more oh hi Grandma we're still doing our homework Billy went downstairs we told him not to but he wouldn't listen to us dude that was a close one Grandma almost got us that time we got to be way more careful yeah we got to be a lot more careful come on we only got a couple more hours till Mom gets home 3 a.m. but they're thirsty they need water okay Grandma's gone let's go refill the generator what up Micha are you okay what happened ouch yeah I tripped on something oh oh so that's what happened to Billy hey check it out we can revive him for 40 robu should we do it eh nah that's too many Roo let's go do our task yeah you're probably right I like them better like this anyway yo Tommy I'm getting really thirsty yeah me too how about we split up I'll go refill the generator and you get us water all right sounds good meet me in the kitchen as soon as you're done all right now where's that generator at oh there it is refill it nice shoes uh-oh get water hurry go faster okay it's all filled man why am I having some serious Deja Vu right now I better go meet Michael in the kitchen yo I'm all done did you get me a cup of water good job yeah it's right here here you go thanks uhoh wait a second you hear that noise let's go find out where it's coming from she's awake it's [Applause] Grandma oh mushrooms this isn't good she must have woke up every Tommy run we got to go do our homework run hey why areen you boys doing your homework get over here come on Tommy hurry up you boys better do your homework boys where do you think you're going oh no Michael she got my leg help me Michael help sorry Tommy I can't help you we can't all get caught just do something get her off of you I got you you should have been doing your homework now come with me get off for me grandma get off I was going to do my homework get over here you got to go do your homework leave me alone oh you are definely not getting any money in your birthday card this year but at least it worked come on let's go do our homework that's not in the game is it I can't remember no I don't think it is that was crazy dude you boys better be doing your homework she's back up Harry go go go go go go Tommy I can't believe you broke a glass over grandma's head and knocked her out you're going to get in so much trouble yeah I knocked her out I wasn't going to end up like Billy plus she's all hopped up on that medicine she probably won't even remember now be quiet before she comes in I think she's coming you better hope she don't remember oh no please don't please oh hi Grandma we're still doing our homework ow thank goodness I thought I was a goner and check it out it's 6:00 we made it mom should be here any minute I cannot believe we made it all night why don't we go watch some TV till Mom gets here they survived good idea we got a little bit before Grandma wakes up again all right let's see what's on TV we interrupt your program to bring you some breaking news on the poison medicine huh they're talking about the medicine Grandma took let's turn it up I will let the scientist die doctor in charge explain more Hello everybody first we would like to apologize because it was our fault with the poison medicine no way check it out it's Mom she's on TV no way what's mom doing on TV we have figured out a cure and will be releasing into the public as soon as possible once again we are very sorry for what happened dude did you ever know Mom was a scientist doctor no I always thought her job was being Mom yeah me too that's weird since Mom saved the day and she's going to be here soon we should probably go revive Billy or we're going to get grounded a man fine I'll go revive Billy right while you're doing that I'll keep watching and see if there's any more breaking news oh man I can't believe I'm about to waste 40 Rob books on this what happened where am I Billy we did it it's the morning moms should be here any minute are you serious we made it through the night oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah you're so annoying I should have just left him dead wait Michael what's that noise I don't know kind of sounds like it's coming from the hallway uh-oh what uh-oh I don't think Mom's coming anytime soon we're going to have to spend another night at Grandma's house no calling
Channel: LankyBox World
Views: 735,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lankybox, lankybox world, lankybox reacts, weird strict grandma, lankyox weird strict grandma, weird strict grandma in real life, lankybox weird strict grandma in real life, lankybox reaction, weird strict grandma in real life lankybox, weird strict grandma lankybox, roblox weird strict grandma, lankybox plays weird strict grandma, lankybox roblox weird strict grandma, lankybox plays roblox weird strict grandma, roblox weird strict grandma lankybox, weird strict grandma roblox
Id: Ljzl32b4axY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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