Roblox IP Banned Him..

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do you know what it's like to be hated by every single person on a website let's just say this right I'm a YouTuber when I like quote unquote Flex or whatever people hate on me like crazy now it's not a lot of people that hate me like there's been times where I've got doxed my address got leaked and people sent food to my house and stuff but that's not as bad as a legit Corporation hating you so basically there's this YouTuber name I'm Trix he has 2,000 subs and he posted a video explaining about some of the top five or top three or top 10 most hated people on the entire platform of Roblox and you know me I got a react to it where there's talent I watch so here here let me let me let me just show you guys his channel real quick all right so this is his channel right here I'm going to leave the video link down below but his name is I'm tricks all right now let me watch it wait do not send hate to anybody mentioned in this video this is mainly for educ in Ed edutain edutainment purposes okay okay you know what we're just going to okay okay uh hold on let me make sure all right all right we going to watch this let's see when it comes to hated Roblox players most of them who whoa why is this loud did I like it okay why is that so loud that is loud what the heck all right there we go and people who are heavily despised by the community and only the community some examples include Mr Obvious Sonic the Hedgehog xx and Lisa gaming but whoit whoa whoa whoa whoa wait who who are these people Mr Obvious okay I've I've heard heard about him I've heard about this guy I don't Sonic the Hedgehog I've never heard of this guy before in my life I'm going to be honest Sonic the Hedgehog I know the game Sonic the Head I've never seen this guy before XX wait wait wait dang it just said a little brief description as to what he did a gaming but what if I were okay to tell you that there have been some individuals who have done so much on and to the Roblox website that Roblox staff seem to hate them more than the players today I'll be explaining who these people are and how Roblox wait wait okay so I is this linkman is this lucky maxer I don't know who this is I don't know who this is absolutely despises them let's begin Jared Valdez 4 Jared valz bro I was off I was off by a mile what the heck was one of the most infamous players during roblox's early years throughout his time playing Roblox he had made over five accounts and several of them would get terminated he was first banned after buying a lifetime outrageous Builder club membership with money from his mother's credit card after this he would wait wait wait wait wait all right all right for those that don't know lifetime outrageous Builders Club is no longer thing I believe they discontinued that what back in like 2013 or so let how do I put this right life like okay so outrageous Builder well Builder Club in general is like the Moder day Roblox premium right now imagine having the highest Roblox premium but a lifetime supply of it meaning that on that that that Roblox account like has it permanently that's what outrageous Builder Club was and at that time I believe you get ticks every month or roblo every month by having one of those so would make the Jared valdo 4 account reuploading all the published games from this old one onto this new one after making this account Roblox discovered that Jared had made a website called faceblock tocom which was basically Facebook but Roblox themed Jared was forced to take the website down due to Roblox threatening to sue him but despite this he would get banned for a second time his third account Jared two vas 4 would also get banned but this time it was for good reasoning Roblox had discovered that Jared was selling limiteds for real life money something that is highly against the terms of service but the main reason that Jared was so hated is simple he was a massive game stealer he had stolen over 10 games throughout his Years playing on the platform and claim that he was the original creator of all of them from doing this no that's some devious work I ain't yo imag like imagine imagine you you spend like years making a game like dude there's so many developers on this platform like like that's made like really good games for example um you know there's Phantom Forces there's um there's blade ball there's adopt me there there's a whole lot of games now a lot of these games take years to create and imagine like you're this developer that like took like a long time to create a game and then someone comes and steals your exact game all the assets the uis everything and then they're like yeah man I just just made this game it didn't take it it didn't take me long to make it bro I would be heated I would be heated no wonder why this guy was hated I I've now the thing is I've heard of this guy before Jared Valdez but I've never knew why like anyone hated him I never knew the story like now I know the story though Jared became the first ever Roblox user to get 20 million visits on a game 20 million visits that he never should have gotten other notable things that Jared did includes selling scam items copying groups and lying about his age to avoid hate today Jared uses a new account called lost two time and seems to have wait whoa whoa whoa whoa who wait wait wait wait wait wait wait he's still on this platform hold on what today Jared uses a new account called lost two lost two time there's no way that's him hold on let me go to rymon now the thing is I personally I've never heard of a a guy named lost two time but I want to see like okay does he still play his play Roblox lost two time is that two oh lost two time let's see this does he still play Roblox last scene online two days ago what what wait wait 2017 wait Studio jar Dev yo this is that's actually is that wait is that actually him what is Twitter that is yo bro win and got a whole new life bro graduated college founder of Studio J entrepreneur grassroot activist computer science game dang Bros doing all this stuff now yo it's so weird that people started recognizing me in public from Tik Tok because some stupid F wants to keep making videos about when I played Roblox as a kid what the f keep making these videos about me I'll sue you for everything you got for slandering me what is going on bro this was recent too yo yo this this is actually crazy no I'm not going to lie this is actually kind of crazy like seeing like what hold on let me see this yeah using my name is considered slander and harassment any official posts are made wait any officials any official posts are made by Studio J anybody slandering me like a ugly toad has an ugly bro now look from my from my stpoint I don't hate on no one all right all right I don't hate on no one the reason why I don't hate on no one is because there's really no one important enough for me to hate on them I'm going to be honest but this is actually kind of crazy to see that he's still on Roblox though dude wait what's his YouTube dam is this yo bro got yo bro got yo bro really moved on with his life started turning up dang yo I'm okay all right all right so this really is him all right cool what games does he be playing favorites front okay okay all right all right let's keep watching cuz I'm getting side trck right now this is just wild to me what the heck all right time and seems to have learned his lesson and changed his ways he's also relatively active on his YouTube channel with over 5,000 subscribers where he makes IRL wait my thing is wait how wait don't know if I can show his face bro I mean if he made the videos I'm pretty sure you could show his face my wait my thing is how old was he when he did all this stuff like now it looks like now he just graduated college I'm assuming he was like 10 or 11 or something videos and talks about politics and his past on Roblox there are lots of people who have forgiven Jared and respect him for changing but I doubt Roblox is going to forgive him anytime soon bro bro why would Roblox not forgive him that happened what how many years ago like two decades ago or a decade ago or whatever a learn it aler was a successful game developer that was also active in roblox's early years he was mostly known for making a game called rob the bank and ended up getting over 1 million visits however one day he discovered a glitch that allowed him to access the Roblox admin panel I'm going to try and EXP this as best as I can but basically I'll learn it logged into a testing site with an admin's name did a bunch of stuff I heard of this I heard of okay I didn't know it was this guy but I've heard I've literally heard of that ability and I believe that's why roblox actually removed that like I'm pretty sure you can't even type in Roblox test site anymore let me see like bro I cuz I I even remember in 2015 that there was a test admin site now they no longer have that yeah or or honestly I'm pretty sure they still have it but it's under a different domain that's crazy though F the data in cookies and then hacked his way into an admin's accountnet then showed this glitch to his friends Caleb 244 and it trapped and together they would bring chaos to the Roblox website in an event that was dubbed as the 2012 April fools incident with this power they went on to do several different things that would affect tons of users and the website they tricked an admin into giving them a domino crown worth 12 million Robux framed people to get them terminated caused a famous step to lose their account released the infamous face and put it on stickmaster Luke's account unbanned hackers made people say inappropriate things in the forums lower the price whoa whoa that was Dang hold on that was him and his group wait I didn't I react to something like this like a few weeks ago or a few months ago why did they not mention the name what what whoa whoa bro bro did all like yo yo bro got a yo look like bro is listing off a list of stuff they like that these people did look at this it is of users and the website they tricked an admin into giving them a domino crown worth 12 million Robux framed people to get them terminated caused a famous St to lose their account released the infamous face and put it on stickm Luke's account unbanned hackers made people say inappropriate things in the forums lowered the price of limiteds and so much more this caused a lot of panic amongst the players but thankfully in Adon was able to terminate aler it I trapped an Caleb 244 and most of the damage was fixed it's pretty obvious to see why Roblox doesn't like a learnet because I mean he did lead the largest attack on the website and despite being IP banned aarnet still plays Roblox on his main account and I'm guess wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what wait wait wait wait so all these people that got banned by Roblox are still playing it still plays Roblox on his man now bro bro what type of name is that um let me see if I could actually find that what what the heck type of name is that who who types in yo bro like this should this should work at least right oh my gosh that joint actually worked that I don't think this is him is this him I have no idea if this is him yo like who okay wait that is him this guy's wearing a red banded Top Hat this has to be him dang yo like yo oh yeah 2011 bro imagine set like hacking down an entire website a corporation that's worth like billions of dollars and you can you can say that like that's kind of tough okay I'm guessing he's using a VPN or something he also not not not saying that I would ever do that I have no plans of doing that and I'm pretty sure Roblox is too secure of a platform for that to even be allowed anymore uh I would never do that okay I am a regular civilian when it comes to this type of stuff however outside of Roblox and stuff I'm a Max Level superhero recently used some username glitch to give some alt accounts the alerna and John do usernames but other than that he hasn't done anything extremely bad and as for Caleb 244 and it trapped I have no idea what happened to them Reuben Sim I'm sure the majority of you know about the legal feud between the Roblox critic Ruben Sim and Roblox themselves and if you don't know allow me to explain everything Ruben Sim is a YouTuber with over 1 million subscribers and has gained popularity for his experience and documentary videos relating to Roblox he is very well known for calling out the moderation and exposing horrible groups accessories and people and questions why Roblox hasn't done anything about it but then one day Roblox went and decided to try and Sue Ruben for all of his online earnings how much wait didn't okay wait wait wait hold on didn't they want to sue him for like something that happened at RDC or something I I'm not entirely sure I think it was RDC 2022 or 2021 something that happened I I thought that's why they wanted to sue him from what I heard I don't know about none of this though how much money was this $1.6 million this was all the whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa money that he had earned from YouTube his patreon whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa and his other social media account whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa 1.6 million whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on hold on $1.6 million you made hold on whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait how did how did how did Roblox even get that information to know all this what type of background hold on you made 1.6 million yo my boy like hit me up bro this was because Roblox wanted to silence Ruben and some of the reasons they were using to sue him were true but lots of the claims they were making were completely false the good news is that Reuben didn't get sued but the bad news is that he still needed to pay over $100,000 in court fees and was permanently banned from using a Roblox account ever again Roblox has also started monitoring Ruben's social media accounts in order to find anything that they could use against him but instead they just found Ruben giving out links to things that broke the to this would make the Roblox employees actually take action against these things and remove them from the website so despite being banned from Roblox Ruben has still been finding ways to clean up the website so Roblox hates him because he was calling out their Moder wait so so was that bad what he did am am I tripping am I am I being I don't get it wait wait actually wait what the heck I don't get it hold on look I don't I don't think I've ever actually like looked at his channel before not out of like not no disrespectful thing I just don't really watch Roblox videos hold on I I don't I'm I'm kind of confused though I don't what did he do wrong girl sus huh okay ranking every type of Roblox player to wait I think we got to wait I don't get it where's the uh weird stuff un uncovering roblox's nastiest community so wait why did they want to huh so oh okay okay you know what now that I think about it if okay okay okay now that I think about it if if someone had a channel that was dedicated towards looking at all the bad stuff towards my thing like for example like if if I own Roblox and someone was constantly making stuff daily like making videos or like constantly making hate videos about the site or calling out it I would lowkey want to shut it down because that that looks bad on corporations and I'm pretty sure this was around the time when Roblox was actually going public on the stock market or whatever I don't know I I would say that it's because it makes them look bad that that's all I could say I don't I don't really know the rest team said a lot of bad stuff about them gotten some drama with an admin and a lot more I really don't think Ruben deserves this hate from them because he has literally gained a reputation for properly moderating the website when he doesn't even work for Roblox and last but not least quacky yes I'm talking I mean he could have like he could have like sent an email or something you know like got in contact with an admin directly I mean unless if he actually tried that and they didn't reply then yeah okay yeah I don't know what to say can about the Minecraft Youtuber with over six million subscribers I heard about this guy I heard about it and I seen it I was there when it happened if you're unaware quak used to do a series on Roblox called Roblox sucks and these videos in the series were basically just quak recording himself playing games that were popular at the time and then adding in AI voices memes and other things crazy thing is I believe that these videos never hit it was um it was when he did the raid it was when quy did the raid on the forums page on Twitch while he was live streaming on Twitch that that's when like everything went berserk I like to think of them as early Roblox meme videos the series was relatively popular and most of the videos gained over 500,000 views however because of this series Roblox decided to give quy a 3-day ban and I'm guessing this was because they didn't like the stuff that he was doing in the videos even though he stated they were mainly just for jokes quak didn't take the ban lightly and he ended up doing something that would cause the Roblox forums to be temporarily shut down to take revenge for his ban quack ordered his fans to spam the quote unban quack over and over again in the forums this only ended up making things worse and quack's 3-day ban was lifted to a two-e ban he however didn't care and continued to have his fans spam the forums until the problem got so bad that the forums had to get shut down which ultimately resulted in Roblox IP Banning him after this happened cck still continued to upload videos this time mainly focusing on Minecraft it is pretty understandable why Roblox doesn't like quack but I feel like straight up IP Banning him is a bit much compared to some of the other things that other players have done quack has a new computer now though so he's able to play Roblox again these were four Roblox players that Roblox staff absolutely hates and if there are any others that I missed please comment below I hope you enjoyed and sorry that this one took so long that didn't take long that was actually insane all right wow dude W video all right all right W video Hold on let me see what the comments has to say Ruben Sim is just speaking facts honestly I traps wait I trap nowadays is a developer on a ripoff game called brick what bro this is what the heck all right you know what anyways thank you guys so much for watching this video W om tricks yo this video was actually fire wow it gave more insight to stuff that I didn't realize but anyways thank you guys so much for watching this video subscribe if you're new to the channel in the out guys wait wait wait wait [Music] wait all right bye
Channel: ProjectSupreme
Views: 81,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eGfJKkjx6dI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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