Revenge on Admin Zioles for Hacking Me

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all right as you may or may have not seen zis hacked my account and he made a complete and utter fool of me see your account what what do you mean you see your account that you use every single day why am I logged out it's gone it's mine now next time you log in you won't be able to log in no more it's all get my account you're done it's GG it's WS zis there are very few lines on this playing field but you crossed all of them Z exposed some of my secret outfits hey yo made me dressed as a blueberry and a diaper this fits much better oo you should used this from now on trust me got rid of a lot of my fruits in my inventory last fruit bro's inventory just got destroyed and even changed my title to his I mean look when I type in the chat now I still have the gold but look L crazy editor and I can't here's the thing I can't even change back if even if I wanted to I like to State the fact that I now have to go directly to the owner Indra to get my title situation fixed because it was coded in specifically for me but now that he changed it I came would change it back in the title menu because he changed it to his what the heck I mean I wouldn't have to bother him if I had my own YouTuber title that's not the issue here the issue is that Z's made a complete and utter fool out of me and we're here for today's video for Revenge we're going to make him wish he had never even begun to hack into my account before we get started make sure to like the video and comment down below who else you might want to see me hack into next cuz I learned a lot from admin fud let's just say if some of you piss me off I might have to hack it to you I'm just kidding I don't know how to hack don't take this as a threat I'm just kidding all right with enough time wasted let's get started zis are you ready cuz I am hey zis does this ridiculously long password look familiar cuz I I I I think it does I think this really stupidly long password really does look familiar to you you know what would you look at that we're in oh you know what it actually took us to the to his character screen this is the perfect time to make him an outfit as well yeah wait hold on z z what's this hey yo why do you have a girl outfit bro I mean I have some strange outfits too but they're not for what you think it is zus what are you doing behind the scenes what are these deleted outfits all your little cosplay outfits okay okay whatever you know what let's make you a quick outfit real quick though I'm going to cook something up real nice for you 12 hours later YY Z you look pretty nice here I think I like this outfit I think this suits you a lot lot better let's just save the Roblox new Roblox outfit oh a lot of these You Don't Own that's too bad all right okay so we going to get the real package we got your a beautiful new outfit for zeolis without further Ado let's start heading into the game the real game there's a lot we got to do what if I just canceled all your private servers oh that' be too messed up I'm not that evil wow zis you look dope who made your who's your tailor who who who put this together for you ah right you're right you're right it was me all right so what are some things we could do to zeist that to the point like the next time he logs into the game he just wants to quit forever oh what can we do oh you have 30 million Bounty hold on let me just uh negative one look at that I don't ask me why I tried negative Noob I thought I was going to change the text for some reason but look at this you're now the lowest bounty in your own crew you're negative Bounty how does that work is the Marines paying you oh we also got to do to the Marine side you know that hold on now instead let's do -1 a look at that no Bounty having that we got to we got to go harder there's way more we could do oh first of all your title some reason you're on the Vanquish but you know what's a more deserving one instead of your own title I know something way better officially a noob look at that it's very fitting for someone like you you know what let's try let's try a dooky color like white let's do that ah you look like such a plain player oh you you oh bro I had I had a genius idea let me let me let me roll your foods I got to wait 1 hour and 20 minutes you were online recently okay you know what we'll come back to that we're going to wipe every cash that you have you have $1 billion we're going to make sure you go down to $1 towards the end of the video first I like to notice that you have wait I was going to reset your entrance but you don't have any you don't even upgrade your weapons what the heck is this all right guys unfortunately he got me there but you know another thing I could do do look at that you got a lot of foods buddy I wonder what would happen if they just went missing I truly Wonder All right you know what start here you like your leopard fruit I like leopard fruits that's why I'm going to eat one oh look at that kind of famished I kind of want some more though ah n i could I could use a little bit more you know what hold on I got a really big appetite today we're going to do a 12 Sleepless hours later all right let's see it let's see where we at oh he has one of every fruit left except for the common fruits yo this took me a mad long time but here we are we're now here ready to get rid of the rest of his fruits his physical fruits that's one leopard oh look at that no more leopards Last Dragon bye-bye Dragon Last Spirit you don't need this no more I mean I don't see you do any more giveaways after this oh the control rework is coming all right let's just let's just let's eat this for now oh but Venom is kind of strong too so I don't know uh maybe I should eat this oh but I'm really good with the shadow fruit as zeist would say I I learned a lot about the shadow fruit in PvP let me eat that real quick oh but those kind of meta it's those really broken though so let me you know I kind of want that instead but yeah I do want to experiment with gravity too so I kind of for forgot about that fruit and then the [Music] rest and the last fruit the flame fruit all right let's look at your inventory from before and then let's compare it to after holy crap we left you with only your comets and then 19 pain fruit as a reminder the pain you inflicted on me yo oh man we also got a bunch of oh oh you have some permanence too yo should I go that far is that too crazy you know what for the content it's worth it all right since there's no exact way I can get rid of all his fruits we're going to be giving some out to the fan in public servers and then also wearing this stupidly beautiful outfit of his all right let's go to a main server all right guys hello officially Noob rib zeolis guys yep it's me zeolis hello guys oh there we go who wants a free fruit from poop Lord Zeus himself come on guys who wants it who wants it who wants it guys I know you guys want a free fruit from the poop Lord zeolis himself first come first her zis help fruit zeolis my new name is holis what I can't say that okay whatever sit come on sit I got to trade you something I got something for you okay here we go here we go all right what do we give him all right we should give them nothing too expensive nothing like that'll make Z go broke let's go with go with dragon and then let's also do Spirit Shadow and then let's do Venom why not I mean it's nothing too expensive right is this a fair trade yep guys me the Lord zeolis is giving away my best fruits because I am such a nice guy cuz Ze is known for giving away permanence so why wouldn't I give away free stuff as well let's do permanent venom lizard leopard and then a fruit Notifier let's do it hell yeah there we go all right how about this guy guy wants let's give him leopard fruit Notifier Shadow this guy's trying to give me a kit soon I don't need that that's too much actually second thought this might be a fair trade this might be a fair trade let me know in the comments below is this a fair trade I think so I mean permanent fom sh through Notifier permanent leopard for all this ah is fair right ah we only have two more trades left okay how about this person guy wants scroll can I have Scrolls please yeah why not uh let's find some Scrolls wait zos you mean to tell me you have all these fruits but no Game Pass Scrolls what the heck how do you not have any Scrolls to give away oh okay uh on second thought I'm going to have to give him Spirit Buddha oh no he already has that Rumble Shadow and then where's dragon let's give a dragon again all right one more person who wants it let's give him a dragon Buddha and control and then what else what's a good one what's a decent one portal let's do portal now this is a profitable trade this is what I'm talking about all right five out of five trades complete he still has a lot of game passes though so I got to oh we got too many fruits now oh you know what we got to let's get rid of these we don't we don't need these let's eat this kit soon this pepper we don't need that I mean we're already we're zeolis we don't need these fruits we're already strong enough as it is so why in the world what I need these spirit all right we're back where we started I really don't like the fact that he has so many permanence but there's one thing I know what I can do I know one way I can hack this out I'm going to hack the system and get rid of all his permanent fruits without trading them I'm just going to delete them he doesn't do deserve to have these anymore oh my God okay guys I think I really messed him up here if I did this right he should have nothing left in his inventory except maybe one thing that I left using my super complex and outrageous hacking abilities Z should be broke by now but we're about to load in and check all right A Moment of Truth is zeolis broke now is he officially broken oh oh okay let's see he only has 16 Treasures but I don't think I left that many all right he has his uh pain pain fruit still oh okay so oh my God he's broke now only thing he has left it his bless Scrolls 18 permanent pains as a another reminder of the pain you you you basically dealt to me but now we're just reflecting it back to you uh we kept three fruit stores I didn't mean to do that I forgot about it but there it is that's all he has left 20 of each common fruit 19 paint fruits 18 permanent pains I don't know what you're going to do with that uh hope you figure it out though and three food storage uh actually you know what you don't you don't need these you could just use these for yourself yeah why not I mean do you you don't need to be holding them anymore so what's the point to make you officially broke I can't make you broke broke until like I can't reset your money until 20 minutes from now so in the meantime we're going to be going to the public servers and trolling we're going to be acting out as you seeing how people react and unfortunately I can't just reset your fragments I think so you're lucky there you're saved I'll spare you this time but you know what just to see like how people react as zolas we're going to be jumping into a public server and waiting see what happens and blah blah blah blah blah all right public server all right we already got recognized hello guys what's the best fighting style let me ask them let me see if they truly know what's the best fighting style they answer wrong cuz I'm not uz off anymore I'm zeolis so if they if they know the answer I might have to reward them okay zeolis is not a fighting style what are you talking about Mr Ooma Loompa yo is this an NPC server what am I can I get a response my talking to open AI hold on we got to we got to oh wait God human or sanguin art that was the wrong answer where is he that was the wrong answer zetu with the godum all right let's bring you both nice answers here so we're just going to go to the bottom of these stairs stay here I'll go up there drop the fruit whoever catches it keeps it cool they don't know is I'm going to absolutely destroy them no no no go back down go back down go back down what are you doing zenu what do you know the rules I kind of explained it very clearly all right three two one catch it oh wait wait wait oh oh oh oh he didn't store it okay oh shoot oh I feel so bad I'm server hopping I'm server hopping I'm server hopping oh dude oh he's crying I'm so sorry he's a NSU um but unfortunately Z is evil so that's why we got to portray as an evil character so good luck no I feel so bad oh I feel awful but this is kind of fun though yo why was he not in combat I could have just made it more Swift a that that guy's going to hate Z for the rest of his life but you know what it doesn't matter because we're zealous we can do whatever we want right all right where's everyone in this server know the server is dead so we're going to find a new one hello look there's already so many people here oh yeah there we are there they go how do I choll these guys how do I troll them I think the best course of action is just making zeis look like a bad person to his fans because how zeolis treated my account it's only fair right listen we're here for the ultimate revenge against zeolis so don't come after me you started it first who wants a fruit rain but what they don't know is the fruit rain is going to be a bunch of bike fruits all right if you want a fruit rain come over here stand below this Archway jump down Hey listen if you don't want to jump down I can make you I can force you to move go down there yo this guy's bugging out ooh if you want fruit rain go down there yo do these kids listen I'll Tepe you guys away if you don't want fruit oh my God yo no fruit rain is that why you guys don't want one cuz clearly oh maybe maybe they don't speak English maybe I'm just like maybe I'm the one bugging out okay hold on hold on hold on listen I I know I know some Spanish too yeah maybe this will convince them listen if you want this kit soon I got to drop it but I'm not dropping it while you guys are up here stay on the ground yo look at this person trying to cheese it I won't drop until everyone's on the ground yo I warned them I said yo okay dropping fruits if you want it come back and stay stay still it's like teaching classroom with K kitten gardeners ready all right we got four people down here they're ready for this food drop don't jump don't jump anyone jumps they die and don't get the fruit cuz this is a very special kits soon okay are you ready three two 1 yo look at this kid look at this kid no jumping all right cuz he jumped let's go Spike fruits Spike fruits for days there you go guys there's your fruit rain uh hope he can store all of it there is your fruit rain y he pissed look at him bro oh thanks oh he's happy with that if you want a kit soon answer the question right what is the best fighting style Dragon Talent yes he got it yo he actually knows okay he got it he got it nice you won it yo this this kid is kind of smart that's actually another thing I think I could do you know what he actually has too many Scrolls that I just don't like seeing I have an idea we're going to upgrade his first first weapon his first ever upgraded weapon it's going to be the slingshot upgrade that thr to Tiki and you know what we're just going to be using up all his Scrolls maybe not all of them because that'll take forever but all right first one bless scroll goodbye ah we don't care about all this we don't we don't care about the stats we're going to be replacing it anyways third blessing oh that one had a unique too bad we're replacing it that one had a blessing and a unique too all right don't need that okay now we got the curse Scrolls get that out of my [Music] sight and then we're going to finish it off with a common scroll Perfect all right we're not going to do all the Scrolls because this will take me way too much time but at least he doesn't have his best Scrolls anymore he doesn't have legendary Scrolls the Epic Scrolls the dragon Scrolls whatever he has nothing he only has rare and common Scrolls I mean what are you going to do with that and we kind of we I think we've done enough damage oh there's still one more thing we got to do we got to deplete his money here's what I'm thinking this is my plan what's the most efficient way to spend a billion money in Block shs well here's an idea so I'm ready to roll fruit again but I need to be a certain level to spend a certain amount of money because whenever uh you're a certain level the price of rolling a fruit goes up so like for instance my level is 9 billion it's going to cost me I don't know 1 tril 350 billion I can't afford that right now I need this to cost almost whatever this amount is as close as it can be so I'm thinking number I need is about 8 800,000 is this enough is this close oh no we we're we we're way too low so let's do 3,500,000 let's see is that close Okay that's closer but we need to spend every penny on this account so he has no money left let's do 7 million level 7 million oh that's a little bit over hold on how about still a little bit over hold on let me go 6 million all right we're almost there later that night all right guys I finally discovered the exact level I need to be to spend this much money in one roll let's see if this changes the luck of what our fruit could be so look you currently have 998 m41 2016, 980 you are level 6,655 47 so the next fruit you purchase is going to cost you blah blah blah blah blah uh we're going to have $80 left are you ready I am cuz he's going to have $80 after this he's going to have nothing left there's nothing he can do all right let's do it yes holy he has $80 left he has no fragments oh my we only got a we got a spin fruit for that that costed us a spin fruit there's no way whatever he he can't even keep that I don't I'm not going to allow it I think I've done somewhat of enough damage to Z here sadly I couldn't do more like take his admin away for a day or maybe reset his Mastery on all his weapons fruits and whatnot but even still I think deleting $10,000 worth the game passes from his inventory was enough damage and changing his Avatar and changing his Bounty and like resetting his a billion dollars in the game and changing his title to officially a noob and making him look bad in front of his fans and public servers and all that I mean I think I did I do enough damage let me know but sadly that's to end this video before zal catches on I don't want to stray too long and get caught so yeah anyways that's going to be it for this video you want to see more stuff like this then comment down below some suggestions or whatever you want to see me do and yeah thanks again for watching and see you in the next one bye [Music] oh
Channel: Uzoth
Views: 606,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, admin, dragon talon, blox fruits admin, roblox, new fruits, noob, trolling, troll, indra, blox fruits update, blox fruits troll, update 20, gamer robot, mygame43, no cursing, family friendly, blox fruit, anime, race v4, 3rd sea, 1st sea, dragon talon trainer, challenge, exploiter, cheater, sanguine art, leviathan, guide, Kitsune, New Fruit, Giveaway, Dragon, Update 22, Blox Fruits Update 22, Admin, Trolling, Troll, builderman, roblox storytime, perm fruit, epic, ban, exploit, banning
Id: u5ViBZ2uW1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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