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woo look at that look at that look at that which is no yeah let's go uh okay abilities will be locked we got 30 minutes guys hey everyone it's your friend think noodles and welcome back to Roblox today we're playing death ball and as you can see there's a uh a pendulum this is like blade Ball but um obviously a little bit different uh we do have like you know our usual uh deflection we also have like abilities but there's also fake ball phase Dash blindfold and astral portal I mean I guess we're going to we'll figure out what those are there's a bunch of different abilities uh the collisions are on the maps are like dynamic they actually move uh they oh wow I dude look at it jeez I oh oh and there's lives I'm like what how is this person getting hit and not dying yes you have like three lives when you play so it's like blade ball except for noobs like me who need extra lives so uh yeah so this map you see these gears so this oh okay so it's it's I don't even know why it just turned blue but yeah it's the same as you guys remember uh in Blade ball uh that the the ball is is red okay I didn't I didn't lose a life there dang it moves fast oh also there's like this hold on if you do oh I was not okay I was switching but okay so there is come on stop it so uh yo okay um hit it I I hit it I don't know why I didn't go anywhere uh what's a fake ball what does this do can I oh oh oh I can holy cow what what am I doing what am I doing I I don't want to do this I don't even know what I just did there but this ball cam uh actually twists your camera to match the ball because the ball moves fast and it can deflect off walls and stuff jeez it's super weird to have it grab your camera like that I don't know if I like it but I think it's kind of necessary oh wow how did he jump so high phase death what what what was that fake death oh wait no wait no phase Dash I don't know what I just did there but dang okay this thing okay get it out of here blindfold uh okay astral portal what does this do did it did it work I don't know I did it right when the ball came I don't I have two lives I wish I knew how many lives everybody else had okay okay here it comes let's go whoa oh jeez I thought I died okay no no wait what do you what ability what ability oh I got hit I got hit I can't see I don't like this I don't know if I like this ball cam dude wait face off between me and him what he won nobody I hit him dog on it I was doing okay I I was doing better than I thought all right two one let's go okay so yeah look at okay completely different map I turning off this ball camp for now I I don't know that I like it I I I like I like setting my own view like I can watch the ball I think let let's see how this goes oh see no okay yeah oh got him got him sorry buddy it's just that like when it grabs my camera it's like so unexpected that uh it really disorients me H it takes too much getting used to it's probably really useful if you play this game a lot it does give you an arrow where the ball is though if it's outside of your screen so you can get an idea I mean I probably should turn on shift lock did did that just okay oh I was not see okay that's when the ball cam would have helped whoa what is going on there he's like dude is like okay yo it's moving it's moving see and when this turns blue I don't know is it chasing me I can't really tell no it's not okay does the ball actually oh okay all right don't just use the wait that guy's got lasers literally holy cow wait what what die get it out of here I don't want it I don't know what's happening with the ball that's really I don't know what was happening there but dude literally had a okay now okay so he's got like bro okay these abilities are ridiculous they the guy had like Shields okay I was trying to like I was trying [Music] to basically that I got 21 minutes to get get my win I need to get a win or else this is a complete failure of a video and I'll title this video uh like death ball sucks compared to Blade ball uh but if I win well maybe death ball is better than blade ball I don't know I will say it is way more intense with the uh direction that the ball goes uh like and with all of the abilities I should confuse people we're going to do a fake ball right away game not started what do you oh we got to watch out for that okay yep there we go hey oh jeez I didn't I didn't oh my this is already going way too fast this guy's shooting lasers this is very unfair I don't know what's happening astral portal what I'm going through the portal should I stand in this what I don't know what am I doing broh hey oh jeez wait am I okay finally I got actually got hit I didn't I wasn't even sure that the ball was coming toward me all right ball cam let's try it see look at the it's it ah it's a little buggy like cuz Okay I'll keep it going I don't know that gives me Shields or something I don't know what dog G it wait did I I I can't see I don't like it get that ball cam off it's like going in my face funny okay ouch that sucks get okay that thing can't hurt you I thought it could or I assumed it could look at this guy with his Shields why you bully me ridiculous oh maybe red is the person being targeted by the ball that's what it is okay got it now is blindfold is that what this is like that's what makes it red this guy's got lasers I'm telling you this is ridiculous oh he tried to go behind me dude that's not how I play dude I got him once ah I got him again that's the laser dude yeah wait I can't see nothing okay it's red it's red it's good we're good we're good we're good bam I when you're blue when it's blue I thought maybe you couldn't see what color the ball was [Music] okay how is this guy flying there that work that do anything hey let's go where's the ball all right here we go let's go ah okay O Okay so yeah okay this is the one that gets smaller where is it where is it okay there's the laser guy bam yep oh you want to you want to go huh oh wait which one's real okay someone sent a fake ball don't be doing that although when you're like one V one someone that might be like that might be useful oh I oh jeez did I okay okay okay okay I heard somebody I heard somebody dang look at the reflection D dude that red disc on your back makes me think it's the ball coming from me holy cow this is an this map is terrible because when it starts bouncing okay oh man hit me from behind no he hit me in a butt twice what a turd dang yeah okay all right here we go here we go and Bam what did I did did I do the fake ball Oh weird so he just did that H thing himself and it reflected everything off of it which is no stupid is that a clown stupid clown can we what do we how much do these thing can we get like a different oh five oh oh we could buy whatever we want I got 5,000 gems oh but will we get the abilities so let me switch can we switch equip oh no but no okay cuz like he's got like no abilities well he's got extendo arm let's let's try let's try Okay so so we've got but do I want I mean I don't even know what my abilities do let's see what the extendo arm does cuz like the fake ball I can't even tell what it does it looks like it puts a shield on me and I don't even know 29 Robux is not a lot you know for 90 levels well how quickly do you get through the levels I kind of want to earn them okay let's see oh game not started okay there it goes oh that's the okay that's cool so that's the laser beam it's the extendo arm and you can use that every once in a while I guess and you can actually intervene when other people are hitting it because uh I think even when it's not Target getting you you can still hit it and I screwed up why is everybody swinging at me huh let's go dang this sucks woo look at that look at that look at that it's so fast okay got him you know the thing about this one too is that even when you get hit and it takes off some health uh the ball doesn't slow down and start over you have to be ready to get hit again and that's something I'm not used to too so wait so if I do yeah see it actually changes its direction it might not change the person that it's after but man I always feel like I have time when when I'm when I after like somebody gets hit wow why did it slow down so much but you really don't oh oh don't hit me dude don't hit me I'm out of here I'm out of here whoa whoa whoa why would it take that direction to anywhere okay I can't see anything dude I could not see see that's what I'm talking about like I hit one of the guys and I I knocked somebody else out but like it came right back to me like it bounced off of them and came right back to me dang uh I should have used the extendo arm uh because I had mistimed that because of the direction that it came but this is uh interesting because it has obviously like five abilities instead of just one I think everyone has Dash uh but then these four are different depending on the hero that you've chosen or the champion oh and I see that glass wall Shield that they put up that's a level 50 ability for this uh Champion oh yes he used yeah that was smart so maybe the time hockey or maybe gum gum balloon is what makes him fly up and then he used the extendo arm to like knock the ball back really quickly uh unexpectedly can we get out I want to get like out and hide one of the strategies I well I suck at blade Ball but one of the strategies I use in Blade ball is like well one don't move a lot at least in the beginning and two like get out of everybody's view so that they just damage each other constantly and stay away from people that uh have the ball there we go it's a lot harder to keep track of the ball in this game I would say that like if you're good at blade ball you're probably going to be good at this game but it is very different and I think it's harder woo dang it's moving now hey come on I did extendo arm I did extendo arm man and it should have worked I don't know why I didn't maybe I didn't do it quickly enough that sucks but I did get I did eliminate that person though but only because I I only because I took damage and it like retimed the ball from wait what's he what is he doing what bro's playing I don't know man he's playing against the wall that's a dangerous death ball you're doing it too wait what why are they bouncing it against the wall there how do you even do that all right I I don't even know where okay there good thing I did that when I did cuz I didn't even know where the ball was Wo okay I don't know where it is I don't know where it is I don't know where it is bouncy bouncy B now it's going to come for one of us wait maybe that's maybe that's just the level like they're they're they're hitting it off the side of the ramp it's not an ability it's just the where they're standing it actually the ball can't get around the obstacle that's what's happening and once it gets around then it goes after the person that's kind of funny dude it makes this last so much longer can you guys stop it you guys seriously this is dumb you know what yeah that's exactly that's exactly what I think you should do thank you for sending it towards some no no no don't okay at least he got at least one of these guys is going to get hurt enough to die I think oh he extend armed it I don't know I can't see anything I'm blind is that was that someone using blinding blinding oh it's not to me it's not to me it's not to me it's going to come to me no not to me oh there they go get him get him woo dang okay I got one life left and I plan to well I don't know try and not die that's what I plan to do yes you were so annoying dude get him I don't know where you are oh there I thought it was face off I didn't okay dang what I press yes that was a long round dude did not win you know I I like have a really bad habit of running toward the ball when it's coming at me I just need to stand still and let the ball come like it's a really bad habit cuz that's what's like mistiming everything I've just got to stop doing that yeah see it's better oh wait what just happened I don't know what just happened dang see I don't know what's happening dude I don't know what just happened there but I feel like we're playing like literally dodgeball like we're on opposite sides and we're always hitting toward like the other side instead of like our own side I don't know just seems like actual dodgeball here what come on such a lie did I get him no I don't think so oh I got myself you idiot I feel like you have your shield for for longer on this game than um than you do on uh blade ball especially when it gets above you I'm I've been uh swinging early just because I don't know when it's coming down oh wow so he used the arm did you see wow that's the most effective use of the arm I've seen because the ball is moving fast and it bounced off like three walls before it came to him um which really messed up the timing where is it where is it where is it where is it okay all right see now is when you wait where is it where is it okay we got to get it going fast first though then you want to use it when the walls are narrow come on where is it oh oh jeez there ah it didn't it didn't use it properly didn't use it properly I should have shot it sideways but I didn't okay cool thanks for that oh he held oh no he took a hit I thought he held it oh face off okay okay here we go oh he's okay uh he's uh I don't know what he's doing wait wait I thought it said okay I was I going to say how are there three people here that doesn't make any sense did I get him oh I got him once I got him once with the extendo arm come on come on come on come on come on come on come on ah no oh oh GG on that one that was close that was my closest yet I I thought maybe I would get him with the extendo arm but it didn't my heart's made really fast I can do this I can oh it's the same map okay all right I did well on it last time let's hope that it you know transfers like that you see you see oh didn't screw up anybody's Tommy but I bounced it sideways off the wall as it went past me I actually really hate this map a lot it gets way too tight in I mean I guess that's part of it right but I don't like it yeah it's dodgeball again but it's going to be insane when this guy dies cuz it's going to be all of us against each other we kind of need to separate guys whoa see that's what I'm talking about it's going to get insane when it's against each other like did you see how many times that thing changed direction we're kind of giving the guy an advantage oh no never mind there ain't no Advantage now he did now look we split off again to two sides it's just like inherent in this game that it goes to like dodgeball what dude did I couldn't even tell like the amount of times that that thing bounced there was no timing that shot okay so it's 2v one right now oh no it's not oh okay now it's one V one I don't know how many he's got left how many you got bro I did it too early I was stupid he like held it or something I don't know how he made it go slower yeah let's go wo I got my win oh man W let's go oh man that was so fast I was clicking like like nine 10 time CPS right there I need an auto clicker for that that was so fast oh that was epic all right I just want to do one more round probably won't win this one but I got my win right there 11 and one 11 kills one win oh and I'm not paying attention I'm I'm oh dear I hope you guys enjoyed the video let me know if you have played it and how long it took you to get your first win uh it took me like what 11 I don't know I don't know how many but but I would bet long enough for uh what was this this one yeah to have expired so at least 30 minutes now I know some of you in the comments going be like I going to try because I play blade ball I'm a pro and this game is too easy but uh I'm not like you but let me know if you've been able to get a win in Blade ball or death ball or whatever clone uh that there is I'm sure there are tons of them now and if you know of any other ones that are like these uh they're pretty fun to play and I would love if you suggested them and I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 396,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AEgmUN8Xflg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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