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today we're pretending to be sick in Roblox so we could skip school we need to pretend to have a fever so we can convince our dad to let us skip but he keeps checking our temperature we need to make ourselves hotter and hotter to convince him that we have a fever we need more heat oh Sunny I've got to pretend to be sick I don't want to go to school today bro I'm an expert at that first walk over to a light bulb and put your head on it uh I don't think I can do that sunny I think I first just got to try to fake to be sick uh where there is Father oh bro this house looks hilarious look at that dog photo father I feel so sick father perhaps it would be an arous decision to allow me to be a potential disease spreader at school may I suggest staying at home instead H let me see temperature check 36.5 de C son you're burning oh wait no you're okay actually get ready for school I'll be here if you need me dang it I need to find a way to convince him I know if I turn off all the lights on in my bedroom my body temperature will go up and father will allow me to stay yes see that's what I told you literally put your face on a light bulb you're right check this out I'm up. 1° C yo stick your face in the computer uh in the computer bro hey yeah wait you're right I can actually do something wait what the heck uh how do I get more heat melon I think I know the answer it says turn on every light in your room two out of three there's a third one somewhere oh there it is it was the ceiling light and now it's time to try again Sunny I've got more heat father I reckon the thermometer displayed the wrong temperature earlier could I perhaps suggest trying one more time okay child temperature check 37° C it's a bit more than before but nothing to worry about get going to school you you insolent child I need more heat let's turn on every light inside the house bro this is not the greatest strategy why don't why don't you just pretend you threw up or something no I need need more heat Sunny more heat you've got to cook wait go to the kitchen bro and turn on the oven and just like sit in it for a little bit I don't think I can do that yet Sunny I've got to slowly work my way up by turning on every single light wait even in his room even in his room bro especially in his room it turns out um there something I'm missing oh there was something on the table oh that's a book a cool fan art made by players I need more heat this is is so awesome anyways I can't be distracted I need more heat Sunny wait maybe the fireplace you think so no never mind sorry did you get a light in the garage area I don't think so but I didn't see one maybe behind the door there's a switch nope never mind oh on the roof yeah it's down below look at the switch on the wall hey you're right Sunny you're right I know I'm right I'm the goat now I must remind father that I'm sick father I truly am convinced that I am indisposed today G willikers temperature check 37.7 de you're fine go have some breakfast and take a bath oh that's a wonderful idea father wonderful indeed have breakfast and take a bath first let's start with breakfast sunny it's on the table you buffoon oh grab empty mug put chocolate pot microwav heat up that is my breakfast just chocolate milk yeah but it's warmed up and drink Sunny I'm pretty sure I'm getting to the point where like You' genuinely be dying you're getting so hot you're 37 and 1 12° or you know 38° wo plus two you're cooking now really what is a lethal body temperature at Celsius uh if you get to 43° that is normally death or serious brain damage okay so if we get to 43° we surely should be able to skip school yeah you'll be dead you'll be in the hospital father I must request if you kindly take my temperature again ah okay child temperature check 40.2 de something's not right here dude that's pretty close to the lethal limit no problem here you must go to school go change your clothes I'm pretty sure it's a problem all right father I will I'm close to dying and he's still he still freaking wants me to go to school what if he just doesn't like children and wants you to spread this and I would Now remind my father once again that I'm Ill father I sincerely believe yes I know your temp okay kid I get it you want me to check let's see here 40.7 I don't care go to school oh dear this is going to be harder than I thought maybe I need to keep the heat inside the house close those windows hello father let me just close this window yep no suspicious here I love how the entire game is just getting your body temperature hot so that you literally cook your brain yeah bro we're trying to skip school that's the whole point I think I've got to close this garage wait use the gasoline and burn the house oh that would be smart but I think that's a later on strategy and turn the heating on oh here we go is there another heater somewhere he yeah two and then one in dad's room I bet M father I request another measurement of my temperature oh come on here we go temperature check and it says 46.7 de this is not good you're going to die Sunny that is 3° higher than something that is normally causing death at 43° it says normally death or they may be serious brain damage use convulsions and shock so I should be dead right now yeah but let's see what Dad has to say you are fine melon you're chilling bro you are a fruit you sit in the sun all day dude I'm not fine I'm really not fine and it looks like you're finally ready to go to school so get out now or you'll miss the bus I will skip school one way or another bro you're going to flood the house the house is already disgusting you see how everything's red bro I think that's my brain getting damaged for how hot I am right now yeah but I also just realize something you're heating up the entire house so dad's brain is also frying which means he doesn't realize this is a problem dude that's probably what's happening you're right Sunny melon the kitchen faucet dude your brain is smooth I did the kitchen faucet okay I'm just blind sorry my brain is smooth where else would there be a sink I don't understand is there like another stove I missed fireplace this time maybe no it like that would be the only place where there's faucets oh next to you bro there is another sink what the heck bedet why do they have a bedet and why would the water be scorching hot on your butt bro that's not how a bedet works it doesn't just come out from a normal faucet it shoots up into your butt father huh still here I thought you left already kiddo is everything all right father you appear distraught yes yes I'm fine anyways it's just a little bit toasty in here temperature checking let's see here my idiot kid is 52.7 De C bro you shouldn't even be alive you're fine yeah no no no you're fine just go you're fine what the heck what else can I do I know the fireplace guys my father really wants me to go to school I'm going to die at this rate you got to go grab your homework and burn it in there oh I need to burn my homework in the fireplace today's homework bro it's extremely heavy too I can barely walk with it if I had that much homework every day I would not want to go to school either and now I have band it 5° yo did you see my face yeah you're cooking now love how we aren't even talking anymore yeah he's just fed up 57.7 de there's nothing wrong with you that's it it's getting serious now put a fork in the microwave it's time Sunny we're going crazy grab this fork and place it in the microwave let it cook electric fire let's go+ 10° Sunny we're getting serious bro you should be not just dead you should be like incinerated 67.7 de you are not sick well he's right you're not I need more heat you're right I'm not sick I should be dying burn the car down yes yes I'll skip school no matter what I feel like your dad would have responded better if you just puked yo no way I guess when you're that hot you could just fart Flames yo that is crazy bro 30° okay you've got to be done now surely surely he won't care now temperature check 97.7 de you have to go to school what are you talking about I'll burn all the trees down I'll burn this city down if I need to burn the trees in my surrounding area it's time Sunny we're starting a forest fire what the heck your touch is so hot you just caused the entire Forest to go on fire surely surely that's enough nah bro I'm pretty sure Dad doesn't care 1097 bro what the heck I should be melting go to school you must he's not wrong bro school is a much safer environment goodness gracious we're going to fill the pool with lava now Sunny oh my goodness dude yo where are you even getting this are you going into the Minecraft shafts and finding some lava to pour down like what is this not for long empty pool pray I'm going to pray for lava what Mighty Ignus master of flames I beseech thee hear my prayer what is happening Sunny sup oh Noble ignotus I implore thee to Grace my humble pool with the heat of 1,000 Suns what please fill my pool with lava ah okay I got you bro okay bye why why'd he die yo chill plus 825 de C Sunny surely I should skip school now I'm pretty sure you'd be incinerated and there'd be nothing left hello father you are over 1,000° C dude you're getting close to the surface of the Sun my goodness that's a lot of fever is that so father wait no I misread that you're actually fine go to school uh I don't even know what to say I'm so Bamboozled I can't think of anything to increase my temperature maybe there's something on TV that can help me all right it's time to turn the remote control on need less heat fantastic no I don't need less heat I need more heat nice to see you order some ice now is your house on fire did you miss your school bus it's not too late get a bus ride by no I don't care I don't want to go to school this is perfect sunny do you want to convince your father that you have a fever and must stay at home but you've run out of ideas to increase the temperature of your house that's exactly the situation I'm in well then call us to hire a dragon and burn down your home 3 21- 456 here we go here we go yo what this dragon is reading books at a daycare what is happening he's getting a call from his main job of caretaking to his side hustle of burning down houses let's go go okay my children Mr Dragon has got important work to do I'm I'm pretty sure that's what his voice sounds like when the work is done we will finish reading the book now ride wait he's bringing the kids to cook your house uh I think he'll just be right back oh wait no he is the babies are on there no way what is going on we're getting real hot sunny real heat nurse the work is finished the house is crumbling and now I can go back to take care you reading this book plus 2000° C surely now surely now bro 3,000 at 22° CSI that's almost the temperature of the surface of the sun no freaking way and he's still saying that's nothing to worry about I think something's wrong with him I did not want to do this but you leave me no choice father pull the Sun closer with a rope okay yeah we're bringing the surface of the sun down here makes sense nothing else was hot enough how does one just pull the Sun closer you're going to find out melon this is your task this is your challenge this is Destiny coolest people in the world uh maybe there's a rope here somewhere uh do you see any rope somewhere nah I didn't notice ropes earlier I think the rope's just outside chilling it's outside or maybe in the garage but it's got to be out here somewhere ropey dope is there any rope hello oh Sunny we are idiots bro it's right here well there's technically no rope so we're not that dumb but we didn't realize there was a popup there anyway sunny it's time to pull you closer to the Earth grab me let's Wrangle that son so it's come to this yeah you forced me to do this father I'm not going to school pulling the Sun closer I uh melon that's a really dangerous idea won't go to melon don't do this don't do this SK Skool bro you melted the entire planet so you could avoid going to school also what do you think that rope was made of M probably just like leather father what is my temperature no way no way bro 8,500 de that is hotter than the surface of the Sun oh dear son you were right all along you have a mild fever I guess you could stay home today all right father Yes yes that's the good ending what the heck is wrong with this game but that was hilarious oh question mark well at least you did not go to school that's funny dude that is such a weird ending this game was awesome but not as awesome as pressing that subscribe button do it now
Channel: Sunny and Melon
Views: 340,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Cq0C3Z9b1_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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