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today I play the goofiest game ever pretty much I'm on house arest and I've got to find a way out this is an endings game so we're going to try and find every single ending there is from robbing a bank to nuking the police station it's absolutely hilarious make sure you stick around Sunny I'm on house arrest right now and I've got to find a way to escape bro let's try and track down every ending for how to escape our house we're literally in prison but at least there's TV I think first things first we try to get out of here your house arrest ends on 7th August 9:00 a.m. front door is locked press e to interact things try to get all endings police watch you from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. so at 3:00 p.m. the police aren't watching me anymore which is right now bro it's 400 p.m. wait you're right the door is locked I've got to find a key to get out of here uh I'm thinking maybe you'd store the key next to your bed maybe I'm going to take this money though at least ooh oh bro you are making bank and you got a baseball bat smack a window out that's exactly what I was thinking yeah anyway Sunny we we've now escaped our house we already did it yeah but be careful bro if you get caught by the police they're going to throw you in prison for a long time think so so I think the most logical thing to do is to go say hi at the police station I mean I was thinking you go rob the bank but this works too all right yeah let's go do that instead let's go rob this Bank Sunny yes you can't arrest that which is already on house arrest wait what is this there is a vault hint time clock what's the time say is there a clock somewhere yeah right there bro but it's ticking so how does that help you with the time um there's got to be a clock somewhere that's static does the ATM have a timer on it no I don't think so maybe someone's wearing a watch check the manager's watch no maybe I just got to time it up with the time ready 20 40 Enter okay that didn't work yeah I'm pretty sure you're going to need to find somebody's timer be down here somewhere Yo cool Town station wait I can just buy a ticket out of here you actually paid thanks bro he's such a Chad I'm not actually happy I'm just pretending that is so sad what the heck and he didn't even give you a ticket for the train he just took your money oh ow hey that's one way to find an ending I just got electrocuted by the train track bruh you found it what an awesome ending all right Sunny that's it that's it I want to get out of here give me my baseball bat and let's do no bro the cops are watching you I'll just sneakily run away and I should be okay right bro how are they this oblivious uh I got caught Sunny wait is this one of the secret endings um nothing nah bro you found an ending you going back to jail dang it he really hit me with the skull face emojis that's Savage blood thinks I don't have eyes bro is getting arrested no chill please yeah you're going to prison bad ending cat face all right let's try this again I think there's got to be something that you can do in your house to distract the police yeah maybe or do I just wait I'm just trying to click everything I can wait time out bro why is the toilet facing the window that is a good question nice view what sit on it sit on it this is a nice view I I I got no words for this this is probably the greatest thing ever I'm just going to collect all the money for now can I like change the channels no go on my computer go on your computer maybe you can shop what does that say password is qu 1 2 3ty 1 2 3 hey let's go you're in dude uberit uberit oh you think so get me some chicken ooh I can get some chicken actually wait get me the beans get me the beans all right what is sus sandwich I'm going to get that I'm going to get some beans I'm going to get some yo it's coming through my chimney now we get the point of it bro that's what that is for what I'm if I eat the beans I think you're going to fart explosively beans beans the magical fruit the more you eat the more you toot the more you toot the better you feel so eat beans at every meal maybe if you sit on the toilet and eat beans something happens who knows bro all I know is I want to check out this scam page totally real iPhone 30 ducks dang it I'm broke also melon I just realized you have a hunger bar and a happiness bar oh bro that's why I need food what do I get here dude that's pricey I'll take it and then eat that sussy sandwich will I'll eat everything Sunny sussy sandwich consumed gross bro there's like monster leg coming out of it it looks disgusting we're fine bro is there like a specific time something happens in this game what about your computer buy the bank for $500 nuke police admin commands that's so much money maybe you can pay to win I wish sunny but I don't know I think I got to rob the bank if I want to get admin commands I know I know but it's so complicated we've got to figure out this password dude let's explore a little bit more around here don't go to the train station you already did that there's got to be a way to jump it I think yeah yeah I did it nice now let's see what's back here there's got to be some cash money or some type of secret ending clue sunny I think I'm about to die from depression sussy sandwich give me the sussy sandwich that's going to give you depression bro I don't think that's going to help very much no I'll be fine I'll be fine these are all the other games you could play but I don't really want to play them yeah we want to find the secret endings what if one of the endings is to just die from this well well well look what we have have here dude I wasn't actually trying to get on I swear challenge to rock paper scissors yo I got to do that definitely M Stone oh my goodness why now we have negative money dang it bro and I missed the train and we're bankrupt great wait what does that say to the left bad town in 22 hours I don't know 210 what if that's the password bro it's 210 right now now it's 2:30 oh you're right you're right maybe you should explore the police station I guess I will I'm about to starve and be very very sad well there's nothing you could do cuz you're all broke yeah this is not the best case scenar and I died you starved to death bro that's a secret ending all right Sunny I've just got to wait for the police to go back to sleep I think I know how to hack into the bank this time I've got a plan yeah what's the plan I'm pretty sure the hint is the current time I've just got to time it correctly yeah you've done this before but I guess you messed it up to be fair yeah I don't know I didn't really do it very specifically this time I think you can pull it off I believe we've just got to wait a second and while we do that I'm going to collect a bunch of money 2 hours later and now they should be gone now smack your way out of here and let's Rob this Bank let's do this thing Sunny except one minor problem yeah what's that Sunny the bankers are still awake you have to wait for him to fall asleep you're right bro I think we have to wait till like 7:00 then he's going to be sleeping on the job 3 hours later all right Sunny the bankers have finally gone to sleep now all I've got to do is type in the current time 1 1930 wait for it enter yo it actually works what does this button do oh it just opens the door I see now don't mind if I pickpocket this worker take his money melon we're about to get rich and now Sunny with this key oh what the heck bro there's a freaking laser door 5 hours later all right sunny it's 2 in the morning and it's time to Rob this Bank uh what do you think the password is probably something stupid like don't rob the bank please thank you goodbye don't rob bank please no way it actually worked disable the lasers disable the lasers go go go go bro the lasers they're gone money so much money give me all of this give me all of this please please yes oh wait there's only 19 seconds left I don't want to get trapped in the vault melon hurry up bro you need to get $600 so you can buy the bank wait you're right I can do that okay collect all of this and I need to reopen the door you could probably open it whatever just get to 600 bucks do I need 600 I thought I needed 500 the bank said 500 I think it said 600 melon I'm pretty sure it said 500 do you really want to risk it fine I'll get $600 click click faster click faster B we need this money we're so close you don't have enough yet yes you're rich yeah I got enough I'm out of here I'm out of here you got to get back to the house before it's 9:00 a.m. wait I got to get back bro that's going to be so close you got this you got this you have 1 hour uh do you remember which window I broke yeah I have no idea oh no oh freaking no come on I think it's that one in the kitchen please be this one no it's not it's not no come on melon get in the house you could do it not like this not like this it was the one it was this one ah you made it bro just before the cops got back dude dude I can't believe they didn't arrest me for that and now check this out Sunny go to money and I buy the bank for $500 or do I nuke the police station oh that's what cost it 600 was the police station uh what do I do Sunny what do I do I think you explode the police then you're safe forever true you're right let's go look at this ending this is so dumb Ellen this is probably going to blow up the whole world including your house yeah but at least I won't be on house arrest anymore exactly anytime now it's beautiful sunny it's really beautiful you might die from starvation while you watch this cut scene bro this cut scene does not end this is so slow they did this to troll you you're going to die from depression no way bro wait wait it out maybe you can get two endings in one come on and splat I want to see this bomba this bomba is taking its sweet time did it explode super swag ending let's go nicely done and you know what else would be super swag if you guys all press the like And subscribe button do it right now have you guys ever wondered who is the smartest NPC in all of Roblox it's Carl he may not look like much but he's smarter than all of us combined our goal is to find as many endings as possible and it gets insane yo what's up Carl bro Carl don't worry I'll help you pick up the gun melon what are you doing bro you going to jack Carl's weapon yo I got GL in the floor what's going on hey my gun I'm going to shoot you Carl oh what the heck I killed him I just got an ending hold up hold up I'm going to shoot him troll ending I was not expecting that bro that was so fast okay fastest game ever rejoining speedrun any percent yo melon this time let's just talk to Carl I'm going to say hi Carl you got a nice bald head bro don't roast him like that he's talking to me is that all you got Carl just says hi Big Man sunny I'm not going to say hi Carl I'm going to say what is your favorite color let's see how smart these NPCs actually are wait he actually can respond to you yeah what'd he say what' he say he said not like I know that's it he didn't add to it nah bro Carl ain't that smart yet he ain't sentient hold on let me ask the ultimate question who is more goed sunny or Melon question mark what he doesn't understand unrelated ending it just my game's over bro that means melon was the goat he just didn't want to say it in front of you yeah cuz that's embarrassing to say out loud it's such a lie bro whatever dude I'm going to go talk to this other NPC hey what's up dude I got to find groovy and bring it to this girl I think her name's ABY all right where is groovy maybe it's the pineapple bro no bro it ain't no pineapple you can actually pick up the pineapple where'd it go dude I turned the pineapple into a jackal what is this I think I found groovy this groovy yeah I found groovy dominoes melon I pressed something there's a bunch of people running in asking if I want free chicken nuggets no I don't want your chicken tendies dude the town Sirens are going crazy what is this place bro what have you done I activated free chicken tendies it's the ultimate end boss bro you're crazy I'm bringing this dude to Avy right now come on is this going to give me an alternate ending hey AA send a sub ending oh sub ending I see melon should I let these free chicken nugget guys capture me do it bro you're going to unlock an ending probably not a good one but it's still an ending come to me ow he's trying to kill me he's stomp it on my head dude this is not how you give out free chicken tendies this is so weird that's it I'm escaping I'm going down the tunnel get me away from these chicken nugget vendors hey it worked where am I did I escape what is this place what's going on Sunny you don't understand I found a bunch of money whatever the chicken nugget guys are going to kill totally not tango mango release button wait Sirens are going off bro Tango mangled ending bro that's the chicken tender guys dude I did the same thing as you know what do I do let them kill you melon it's the only way out no just take my soul but not my chicken tendies I got tango mangle okay let's f figure out a new secret ending so I could change this button here if I change the pineapple repeat negativity what does that mean I'm just going to keep pressing it I'm going to talk to tango mangle yeah you talk to tango mangle I I'm I'm out here repeating this thing seven times I'm pressing a Jacko Lantern until something changes this guy said you need 50 B Buck to buy free chicken nuggets are you kidding me he's a scam artist I'm just going to keep talking to him yeah this has got to be seven times now I'll do it one more for good luck whatever bro I got to collect a bunch of of bow Buck there's a bunch of random money around the map not this again get me in the bunker did you get tango mangoed yeah but I got in the bunker I'm safe this time yo let's go melon inside of this place is some weird weird stuff it's telling me don't press y ydp I already did what does y ypd do what' you do I'm playing a song nothing happened bro I got so many B Buck to find yo look at this beehive ow ow the bees are back at me no chill hey melon question for you yeah could I talk to fortnite funny 85 or should I go deeper into the alpab based bunker you should always go deeper Sunny never half send something yo I made Carl's secret bunker yo did you find anything there any B bucks perhaps no the free chicken tendies they broke in they're in here they're dropping chicken tenders from the sky I'm dead you got infiltrated oh was that you were wrong going deeper got me killed death by chicken tenders I told you not to go deeper Sunny you literally said always go deeper uh since when what happens if I talk to this guy unprovoked he'll just stay asleep interesting bro I got so many more Bob bus to find where the heck else am I supposed to go can I go into these houses I haven't even tried yet oh there's money everywhere you're right let me get these bobu can I go in this house yo I can go in this what the heck was that uh sunny why are the colors inverted why is everything pink what is going on what have you done melon bro I'm in the upside down what the heck is this over here are you talking about the guy who's sleeping over here is that what you did groovy dominoes me when the imposer from Among Us uhoh no what the hecko what is this what is going on what do I do bro I just walked into one of the houses hey melon question did you mess with the Beehive yet uh I got killed when when I did that hey I got back to the normal World leave me alone leave me alone bees all right kill me I'm allergic to bees guys no hey I'm in fortnite Funny's house yo what's up fortnite funny talk to that boy this dude's playing fortnite is he cranking some nasty 90s he's mad at me cuz I'm in his room while he's playing fortnite at least bring him some tackle Bell nah bro I don't want him to poop himself while he's gaming wait I found a bunker is this the same bunker you were in Sunny yeah and if the chicken tender guys are chasing you they drop chicken tenders everywhere and kill you I want to activate this thing repeat seven times no it just opened this again bro come on how do you get in this house I know but I'm playing piano and not press y ydp I didn't mean to release the chicken nugget boys wait maybe I can shoot them yeah Carl left his gun behind I'm picking up the gun melon oh my God I'm going to shoot them yes I'm killing the chicken nugget guys let's go bro I got the Sands ending also hey don't stand a a chance boom head shot oh wait he's catching up and he's dead hero ending I'm the hero for saving everyone from free chicken nuggets that was beautiful not the hero we needed but the hero we deserve yeah but is that how it goes or is it the other way around whatever I'm Batman yeah sure we'll go with that now where the heck do I go to get 40 bow bucks that doesn't make any sense that's a lot of cash to find I found 20 of it sunny I've entered the upside down once again maybe there's more money there I'm so confused what's different about this what happens if I shoot Carl hey my gun what if I don't shoot him he's making fun of me oh he's trolling me back yo he shot me Carl just sced me uh melon I see what you're talking about with this whole upside down thing now this is weird yo what is this I don't like this very much I look weird yeah bro I don't know what we're supposed to do in there maybe we can do the negativity feature where you press the p pineapple and it won't release free chicken nuggets no it still released chicken nuggets I don't want free chicken nuggets wait I'm climbing all the way up escape the map I made it out of the world bro when I press this pumpkin it changes what the button does repeat negativity seven times that's what I'm saying I was trying to do that one but it never ended oh I almost Tango mangoed melon I'm out of the map what have you done how did you do how did you get out of the map bro I used the free chicken nugget Tower to climb out now I'm stuck oh oh no I accidentally Tango mangoed myself again get to the bunker hey I'm in the bunker let's go I fully escaped the map I don't know what I should do with all this power huh yo there's a half pipe jump in oh wait it's just outside of the world bro this should be a secret ending I escaped the whole game bro I'm getting Tango mangled in the bunker what do I do hurry get tango mangled out and lock the door on get out get out bro wait that was an ending what the heck did you trap the chicken nugget dudes in the the bunker yeah that's what I did bro I just left and locked them out I guess I'm going to jump in the void I am the goat I wonder if this is a secret ending here we go it was what you were supposed to escape oh no it gave me the Tango mangled ending I tricked the game into thinking the chicken nugget guys killed me bro you unlocked this super secret ending that even the Creator didn't know about true super glitch Easter egg ending top secret oh my God it just made me tango mango I repeated negativity wait maybe negativity is the house thing bro wait you think you go in and out of the pink room seven times I'm trying I'm trying I'm getting Tango mangled at the same time I did it twice three times four times but wait I'm so confused why is that considered negativity and it just goes back to normal I don't know bro I don't know what else would negativity be I don't know either oh no I'm going to die right on the seventh time too no oh no come on I swear I did it seven times please I'm doing laps with you bro please maybe there's an ending called negativity maybe you're right bro I'm going to have to get tango mangoed again what is negativity mean maybe I have to do wait what do the does the button change when you go through bro it becomes blue but if you press it I tried this it still releases the chicken boys H we got to get to the bottom of this sunny I agree I can I'm going to check out this other house though I haven't done it yet hey there's no Bees hey creative Earth where am I this house is just empty wa it's all backwards base bunker Alpha spelled wrong wait I can't go in there what is the point of this house I don't know maybe we need to just talk to the NPC a little bit oh I found negativity where this door it's called negativity you just got to go in and out wait but I don't know what repeat negativity means which door bro the house that's orange next to the house with the red button has nothing in it it's called negativity how do you even get in you go in it says creativity ity or creative verse and then on the inside it says negativity but how do you repeat it how'd you get in I can't get in oh maybe you got to be in the upside down Dimension that's what I am bro I tried walking through the door nothing happened you have to press e to open it oh I'm pressing e it should it should have a popup when you aim at it bro oh it worked I'm no longer in the upside down did I repeat negativity seven times did it work what is going on what is happening my whole game is freaking out it's turning gray bro what is going on the world's coming apart what is happening what is this I didn't even look up trees everything is destroyed uh I'm a super slow motion what is going on hey we won time stop ending I don't know what's happening Sunny everything's coming apart yo maybe I can hop on one of these platforms what is going on I'm so lost it's just going to end bro you're going to get a secret ending nothing's happening bro the world's just coming apart are you frozen yet no you're not in slow motion no I think you need to go through the negativity door more times I can't even go in I I couldn't get through the world just started coming apart oh and it's not in slow motion no that's weird oh I'm just going to get tango mangoed I don't know what's going on I'm going to try and find 50 B Buck to get these chicken tendies can I harvest these carrots I guess not I got 15 bck I just need 35 more what the heck where am I going to find this money I could only find 30 dude yeah I don't know about getting 50 I will try BR I don't understand this door I can't do anything with it oh now I can go in I see what you're talking about shy yes just be careful the time's going to stop and the world's going to get wrecked bro what the heck's going on in alphab base how do I get in yeah don't enter alphab base Alpha base enters you dude I can't even find 30 B Buck there's no way there's 50 my guy is sleeping on the job repeat negativity six times five times now it's saying six times what the heck you just have to go in and out of the house a bunch melon it's pretty easy I've been doing that nothing's happening well it worked for me wait it brought me back to normal oh that's not normal melon that's not going to be normal oh wait you're right everything's turning gray bro oh my God time's slowing down maybe I can shoot Carl Carl no and I'm frozen I stopped time forever well done melon I'm going to go steal money from fortnite funny he's got to have some cash in here somewhere where's your money at bro you got streamer money in here somewhere give me that sub money give me that Dono bro where are you supposed to find the rest of these bow bucks I don't know bro I'm going to check this guy's house got to be some money somewhere I got beef spray I'm going to go figure this out I'm also going to turn on this bathtub and flood his house this is so good yo you're right bro I'm turning it on too what else is going on here I mess with the shower nah that's good good enough though we'll let the tub fill up now what okay yo I got bees spray yes I can go spray these stinking bees now yeah let's do that one together I'm going outside bees you thought you could hurt the melon now the melon hurts you let's go spray them hit them with the repellent die bees oh they still killed me oh no what wait what the heck bro I'm in a beehive you're right what is this this is crazy what is going on I still got the be spray so we good though that's it repel them repel them all melon what the heck are we going to meet the queen bee I think we're going to have to fight her yo she got a cute face look at this bee yo what's up queen bee and she says hello hi I am B what brings you here I'm going to say to kill you yo chill you tried to kill the bees that makes me angry angry no I'm getting be wait I killed them I killed the bee I killed the queen bee bro and she exploded be feated ending yo that's crazy I'll try typing something else I'm going to say to learn about your beautiful honey let's see what they say you tried to kill the Beast no I didn't I wanted to learn no I just wanted to know about your a you're honey did you die no I used my spray on the bees and she dead bro I want to see what happens if you don't try and kill them and she's nice but how do you go in the hive I think you just got to be eaten by the bees consume me bees I offer my melon for you it's perfect for pollination oh NOP I just died never mind yeah there maybe there's another item you can bring in there so you need the repellent to go in and then you do something else once you're in it maybe you can get honey or something that's why I said I wanted to to try your honey I wanted to learn about it and then they got really mad and now I have zero bow Buck All Over Again yo Sunny that's it bro I'm collecting all the bow buck and doing this ending yeah I'm with you bro but I just don't know where to find them all I've got 20 bow buuck and I'm out of ideas I entered the upside down maybe there's some here bro I already got 10 and I just started bro chill I got 20 and I'm giving up already this is too hard wait is this a different person wao he's just blue now I found bobu in the Park Bench though there's no bobu on the park bench for me wait when you go on the upside down there's more bobuck yo I when I said park bench by the way I meant the bus stop but yeah oh yeah bro it's not there for me anyways bro I got 25 B buck in the normal world the other 25's probably in the upside down I'm keeping my eyes out for it but I only saw the one so far bro next to tango mangle there's a bob box there yeah there's five Bob in his shop just waiting for you to steal let's go then I grab the park Pence and I bet you if we check in Mr fortnite gamers room we can find some extra B Buck oh good idea he probably left some lying around yo I found some bro yes give me this I'm at 35 I'm at 45 how do you have 45 melon and now I got 50 let's go whatever I'm just going to play the piano go outside wa it spawn Sans in bro you didn't do that one yet you nerd I thought it only worked if you're in the upside down my bad now I pay this man and get my free chicken nuggets yeah I got my free chicken nugget yes I got an ending what I just die food poisoned ending what the heck bro make sure you guys like And subscribe right now in this video we're playing this game called Panic pretty much we're all trapped in a grocery store with this killer robot who's trying to eliminate us will sunny and I escape also if this video could get a whopping three like no more no less just exactly three likes we'll give everyone free Robo yo Sunny you ready to play panic yeah boy I've been wanting to try this game for so long it's so pretty in this grocery store y get on my way get on my way bro get on my way yo let me clap you I'mma clap you dog bro I'm going to push him oh my God no but look he's so friendly right now this guy's chill he's chill right now but wait when the lights turn off bro he ain't chilling more he ain't chilling he loses his marbles when the lights turn off this guy goes insane oh no we're locked in oh no I'mma clean up the competition come on make me the killer make me the killer okay I'm not the killer I should avoid this guy oh God uh melon I'm scared in 7 seconds he enters elimination protocol I need to Sho BDA water bottle I don't even haveen even found one scanner yet dude you're a noob there's two in the meat department I think that was the meat department uh don't look this way dude I'm just grabbing water bottle this thing is so creepy he's trying to kill people SC scanning their items I'm hiding don't come this way don't come this way you stupid mop yeah chase them chase them chase them meat bone and whatever that is why is this person laugh oh this person's so dumb they're ruining it for everybody now he's chasing me oh he gave up on me is bro camping the scanners dude he was he was but I'm depositing okay we get these other scanners yes I'm through this is not at all what I have you got to go to the fruits and veggies my bad I need butter ice cream and steak oh my Lord dude he's so scary yeah it's creepy dude don't let him mop you up melon I'm here I'm here let's work together where you at you're bailing on me dude oh my God okay fine bail on me good luck dude I'm out of there I haven't found anything I need yet you're such a noob dude yes I got it scanned oh I'm actually the goat oh look how he's in the fruits and veggies yeah he's trying to get me right now oh he's actually on me he's actually crazy he's going after this guy he's trying to scan let's go I got one scanner down nice let's go let's go let's go is butter in the frozen section I've never went to the grocery store just don't confuse it for so they might look the same but they taste totally different really yeah know it comes as a surprise to me too where's the steak at why is there nothing in here I need soap and cereal the last steak cereal yes I'm going to be the first one out as long as I don't mess this up oh God he's on me no he's not he didn't see me no he's after me he's after me keep him distracted melon keep him distracted I'm scanning my items right under his nose yes yes no you're the first one to escape bro I still have two scanners left I'm going to be so let's go oh bro I'm actually the goat last one last one I just got to go to the meat section spectate let's see you melon you got this let's go dude I'm about to Ace this I'm about to be third dude I wish you got second place so we could have been the top two watch this watch this Oh no you're going to get me let's go nice dude we run this Lobby bro I'm swimming after the cookies this is my game I'm the king of panic H actually uh you I you're right you can be the king but I'm the goat Sunny run in this player mode quick I'm coming I'm coming three 3 two one I'm in let's go bro I hope I'm the killer I want to kill some kids no I deserve it I deserve it I got the dub but I came in third you know that's fine you still worked hard here where you at I'm going to wash your mouth out with some soap he don't do that but you're filthy where are the scanners at well it's still daytime our friend the grocery store vacuum SL mop is still happy once he goes crazy then you got to worry uh-oh 7% chance same that's trash bro oh oh oh 7% I have the go oh no but you'll spare me if you see me right yeah yeah yeah yeah definitely definitely definitely oh I feel so good I feel so powerful I can't believe I'm the happy vacuum let's go bro this person's done come here I'm sucking him I'm giving him the suck bro chill dude I've got this guy cornered this lady's done for take the bramage no no no Sunny hey Mel we can talk about it let me just see let me just see how this works I want to test this I want want to just test suck him give him the suck get over here all right I'll let you off the hook this time I yeah let's go cuz I'm better than you I've got other customers I've got to take care of other happy customers I can't believe I escaped with my life no Shoppers Will Survive Z oh I'm actually so goated but everyone has three hearts this is so hard oh my god oh M how did I not Bop him yes double kill I'm feeling the power now I'm feeling the power now where is the Gus where's the aspir Gus oh you're trying to scan this guy's trying to scan some items get over here oh he's already dead Sunny didn't see me I don't need to see you what are you looking for melon sorry what items I can help you shop I am your happy grocery store attendant I would be more than thrilled to help you locate your required groceries today no it's okay it's chill dude I I got everything good I can't get any Kos until now oh I see where these Shoppers are heading to I can't stand for this let's go one scanner complete people oh they're done yes that's an elim yes go for the scan got one going for the double kill oh my God I just heard a neck crack yeah I I may have shattered their dreams oh double hit Killer's been shocked I was about to get somebody are you kidding me let's go you're dead for 10 seconds I can't move I've been scamers oh this dude's trying to scan time for me to scam him give him the suck give him the suck why I'm right on him do the damage yes I got him I broke his neck yo you're going to get me you're going to get me don't worry I'll save you for last someone already won dude you're trash cuz you're you're literally like farming me you're like oh my God sunny I got I mean got to kill melon I haven't hit you once oh I just got all my items time to escape nice try no no no no no I didn't see you no stop it stop it yes yes yes yes yes yes come on get get him at least once yes you're never scanning you're never getting the scan this guy's dropping food for me what is he doing he's done I just broke his head you just let me go I just killed two people bro sometimes I got to make sacrifices all right well I just uh I won Wait Don't Escape don't escape you have to have them in the right order I don't know about that no I needed ice cream cones you're so bad my gu is looking for ice cream I've got some ice cream oh my Lord yes I do know where you're at bro no I cream in these aisles I just Jed you so hard oh my God I just juked too you're pathetic you're sad you're sad you're that's fine that's fine hey Sunny you're going to get me you're going to get me sunny oh you're so close come here come here let me just give you a little hug let me let me let little Panic give you a hug come on come on you you're so close though wait where where are the gates to escape sunny sunny oh no yeah yeah I didn't even try bro you're trash yeah bro you're mid you're mid dude where are these final players I've actually wrecked so many of them only two people escaped dude I want to beat up on 5-year-olds please show me the 5-year-olds hey bud oh I found both of them they're at the scanner they just showed me where it is they're so done I'm pretending I'm letting this person scan cuz they're trying to work together oh no they're going to totally scan it yeah run away that's right that's right be afraid this is mine one of them's going to have to take the hit come and get the scanner I won't attack I won't move I promise I'm a man of my word I actually won't move never said I wouldn't Zuck though never said I wouldn't Zuck you're weirdo dude what I wanted to make them think they had a chance they still have 5 seconds can they get there imagine if they both make it and I lose I would laugh I oh got it the the W let's go bro you didn't even damage the boy you know what I'm saying nice all right I'll give you credit where credits do melon you escaped with all three hearts GG well played dude this game was a lot of fun I think we should play it again in the future I think so too man if you enjoyed this and want to see more panic in the future make sure you like the video and subscribe this is Roblox ABC land a really crazy story game where we have to save our Auntie who looks like our great great great great great great great grandmother ugly bro don't question the video just leave a like on it to help us win and if you're one of the first 100 new viewers here make sure you subscribe quickly otherwise this guy's going to get you yo melon it's getting lit here in ABC land bro my brother this is absolutely fire let's do this it's getting groovy oh the song's off that means we got a bail we got a bail enter enter enter let's go uhoh no no do not go to bed ever she's so creepy Auntie smarty look at her face face what is up dude she kind of looks like a monkey I was going to say she looks like she's carved out of wood she is a little bit sus do not go in my bed ever I'm kind of scared bro don't worry Sunny I'll hold your hand thanks that's what real Bros are for yeah dog hold my hand as we get through ABC land hey look at me walk I'm walking in the cut scene oh my God that's crazy you glitch out bro you're crazy oh wait there's a block up there can we grab that give me that block give me that block boy hey I got it let's go oh God my God she got that pancake face bro she needs a retexture off to bed soon tired of watching ABC land you are lazy so lazy fine I'll let you sleep daries just a little though dude she built this wait why is she call Auntie she's definitely too old to be that she's a grandma for sure good night all grab these blocks I think that's what we're supposed to do yes give me these blocks Mo she making me fly I think we should do it jump on the big bed and say Pogo Pogo ABC Pogo Pogo 1 23 bro that's the secret pass code this is bad what did we do we just woke up the spirits the Lights Went Out finally we can get some sleep BR you look goofy yo get in bed dude lie down I did the lights are back on why am I sideways bro it's a profile of you sleeping look at wait she's gone where is Pogo Pogo come back actually don't come back don't come back please boogo stay away uh I don't like this sunny is that a hand in the door bro is that you melon you want to hold my head no that ain't me dude that is gross that was Pogo let's get him why are we chasing him let's go find the homie bet you we have to get that key and go in that door oh my God give me these ABCs kids I hear you you bet to be in bed wait melon where did you go did you get the key I went in the bedroom I'm sleeping you better be in bed go to bed I was looking for Secrets hold on let me check one more you have 7 Seconds okay there's nothing behind I've oh the door closed why would the door closed I was right there Sunny why would you do that you literally just died you only have two more lives I had 5 seconds left and the door slammed in my face you're a fool I didn't know it would happen like that I we can get some sleep I feel like I've seen this before we need to get the key and release this monster pogo yo look at this little dude is that Elmo I guess it's Pogo but it looks like Elmo did pogu just run by pogu let's get him yo PG's in the chat right now guys PG's in the chat I hear you you better be in bed 10 seconds just get in bed I'm not ring it good night you all heard ant smarty finally we could get some shut ey I guess but I feel like Pogo going to come slap this door again what are we supposed to do there's like no red key oh I'm already out there melon I glitched out I don't know where I went I know you have been out of bed sunny I don't know where I am what are you doing hey help help come on Pogo Take Out Ant smarty I think she died let's go help a smarty how about you give us the dang key all already I'm so confused melon I don't get where we're supposed to go come to the TV hello television oh no oh my God yo chill yo that man got some moves though look at that dance help I'm here I'm stuck in the TV in ABC land with poo andt smarty get out of there Hugo is evil evil is fun why don't you all go back to your beds and sleep bro I'm tired of sleeping well I have so much fun learning in ABC land with Pogo Pogo is actually going Super Saiyan the TV is off one of these portraits has to be the way I don't know man I've tried every door did you click all the candles you can click on the candles that's what I'm saying did you try I don't know maybe one of them's a secret lever oh the big bed the remote's under there bedroom door it's stuck let's Force the door open Ram it bro Ram it with your melon it's a demon's mouth it's disgusting there's the big bed the TV remote should be right under it how are you sure about this hny you go first melon I'm going I'm too goated something is wrong with the big bed it's shaking not like this what the big bed is alive and it's growing bro what is it doing it's dancing oh okay sunny don't touch it you got stomped on bro it's not even under there it's missing look up it's way above the big bed how do we get up there can we bounce off the big bed I think so going for it oh my God I made it no I died I can't die again or I'm out you're trash bro all right take me up let's go I made it how high up is this remote controller where's the next way up it's right there I can taste it I don't want to check it it might kill me I'm going for it yes give me the TV remote with the big Furious eyeballs you found me dang right bro why are his eyes looking like that he's kooky click scared of pogo so click hit up here don't worry click we got you click want to help big sunny and friends let's go yes you can now enter let's do this melon jump all the way down be careful of the bed got to go in this weird intestine mouth I want some bonus blocks oh wait there's spikes oh my God I'm under the bed oh he Jes them I didn't realize there was spikes in here me neither please don't eat me spikes please let me pass peacefully I respect you greatly oh I almost died I made it though oh God no something is wrong with the couch it's shaking it's alive the cooches are alive not the cooches yo he he's busting down those moves again did you really think I'd let you into ABC land so easily I'll send the big TV way up high oh no melon not like this I really hope you didn't kill me in this cut scene ah ah ah we can just jump from the balconies but he's going to turn those alive now too huh then I'll send the big TV away far back [Music] no okay no you almost did get me killed okay well we got to do some Parkour luckily he gave us some good parkour we can do yeah I'm with you don't slip or he's going to kill us ah bro ski wouldn't do that he sure would melan I'm at the big TV watch for the couches I'm going in look at ant smarty breaking it down with the ABC Monsters it's big man melon's first time here what type of smarty toy does Big Man melon deserve the smarty toy will be letter ABC 1 2 3 toy Box open sesame hey I got B what it bro I'm getting a color I'm getting a color open sesame I got a red fidget spinner you can unlock my locked door now I have the power of Roo the fidget Spinners wait I made it to ABC land does that mean I won bro we're weers wait did I win like what just happened bro it sent me back to the main play screen it's over for me yeah it was over for me too but wait now we can open this locked door let's go you have a smarty toy show it to me yes yo and smarty has those moves okay I will share My Little Secret with you bonus blocks what's up over here y melon I'm in her chamber where you at I'm talking to Lenny but anunt smarty keeps me locked in this room please help me open the next door you will need three smarty toys how do we get smarty toys we have to keep beating the game melon there's only one thing we can do we've got to help Lenny and open the secret ending let's do it dude make sure you guys like to help us open the Secret Door let's go wait sunny I just realized come in this room yo let's go pay to win we don't have to keep playing those cutcenes yeah buddy I'm buying some blog bro 250 toy blocks for 50 Robux that sounds like a steal you a FL I bought 1,200 I'mma to buy one of these boys back here another fidget spinner give me something good letter C wait I should have gotten more blocks Wait I messed up please give me a different toy don't do Roo no another Roo are you kidding all right I'm going to spend 100 and get 50 toy blocks I'm getting me a letter right here I don't have this toy at least the letter c get me something good B I already have B you might be screwed I might be screwed I think maybe I can still go and unlock the door wait for me wait for me I'm going to wait for you sunny I got letter C I have two Ros and two C's bro this is unfair let's go upstairs though let's check maybe we can still go yeah we got smarty toys you already know open up wait for me melon I want to talk to that man's Lenny too you have enough smarty toys to pass let's go ABC open sesame what's behind the secret ending door oh God it's another secret ending I'm Ned I love to teach numbers but ant smarty keeps me locked in this room please help me open the next door you'll need 10 smarty toys you only have three smarty toys BR this game is just a scam what the heck it's just a Robux spending simulator too bad man I'm not opening that door you're locked away forever bro make sure you guys like And subscribe this is Roblox but every second we gain plus one jump power we start off with trash bags for legs and can barely jump at all but eventually we'll be able to jump over the entire world let's try and smash over 2,222 likes and if you're new to our Channel get goated by subscribing right now let's do this yo Sunny bro I can't jump at all I got 90 jump power let's go wait what how are you jumping I can't jump bro you literally are glitched out then cuz I got some hops on me dog every 1 second we gain one jump power let's go are you telling me I have to rejoin yeah buddy you're probably a bit of a noob out here all right I'll show you how it's done let me stretch the old legs and jump oh yeah bro I'm climbing this all the way up yo melon you look like a little peon down there dude you're like a tiny little nut I still can't jump how are you jumping yo what up G are you pressing space bar like what what is going on yes press space bar you nerd I'm resetting my character yeah that's right if you don't have a jump button respawn oh oh okay there we go now I can jump welcome dude welcome let's go okay we just got to make it up this giant Tower bro we need more winds so we can get these sick bedrooms oh my God I'm doing it no I can't make it past this yellow level yeah yellow the goated color we know you selling here on the toilet bro dud chill oh I made it let's go I have no chill wait yo see if you can hop on me ready go can look yo get boosted jump me up let's go yo pull me up though H that sounds like a you problem hold on get down here let's see if we can glitch jump py each other and we can maybe get all the way up all the way up how do we do this okay so I'm going to jump like this don't jump yet don't jump yet oh I wanted to land on your head all right whatever just Spam jump see if we both jump see we both boost you're going to leave me no a I was trying to pull you up with me cuz you know sometimes they glitch out and stick together yo I found something boing check this out no I missed what are you doing dude there's a little platform over here look secret oh you want to make it to that it's easy it's like this let's see it then oh no I'm I'm going to miss yeah it's easy huh bucker and you got to commit go oh my God I wasn't even close oh I bumped off the edge wait maybe I can make this there's all kinds of secret Islands bro yo check me out yeah I'm coming down please have a reward I need a goated reward hey I got a badge Limitless void I was hoping it would give me more jump boosts key plus lock what is key plus lock uh I don't know but it equals a troll face apparently this is a creepy troll face too I don't like that how do we get out we're trapped we trapped no dude not like this oh my God I'm freaking out well when a doubt die yep I like it so we have zero candies as well how are we going to get these candies wait there's candies in this game yeah dude look at the sidebar zero wins and zero candies hold on let's read this read this jump to the top for reward 2500 stud jump how the heck are you supposed to jump that hey melon I got a question for you Candy's nuts sorry I couldn't help myself oh my god dude you're so cringe come on let me in oh dude I found a secret I found a secret come on no I wanted that portal I'm going to do it what happens if I do this melon come with me I found something yeah trust me trust me trust me you'll actually like it dang I can jump real high now who cares about jumping we can't get to the top yet there's no point I'm literally at the top no you're not I just was are you kidding me oh my goodness you have 12 wins and two candy wait what I made it bro you paid to win obviously no I didn't no I didn't what are you talking about how do you have 12 wins uh by being the goat okay now I've got to get no why dude this is so hard where did you go I would show you but you already paid to win so now I don't want to well let me just go to my 10 wins area yeah how's the bedroom treating you what a lavish lifestyle you must be leading oh yes it's quite lavish yes indeed yeah so good good good good good stay over there don't look at me don't look at me in my secrets what's this thing oh what is this I don't know what I just found but I'm doing some random Obby can we work together I don't know where you went uh I went in my 10 wind Zone oh it's exclusive okay my God how do how do you do this oh my God this is actually really tough bro it's so glitchy oh you're telling me dude I'm trying to pass the impossible laser beams right now how can I do this let's go I got a key out of that melon remember that spot where you needed a key wait you found a key I have the key but I need a lock don't I need a lock too how do I use this key plus lock bro I need the lock where do you get the lock from you do your dumb stuff I'm going to actually beat the game no oh no this is so stupid you're right you are shut up oh your boy found it pretty sure do not enter sure I went inside of a toilet let's go now I'm in the Dark World wa chill melon you got to catch up to me here okay hold on I got to to finish this for my sanity I did this the farthest I've ever gotten please please what is this reward at the end what is this yes I did it that's it I got nothing oh my God congratulations you got disappointment oh my God where are you Sunny okay go to the edge of the map and drop down into a toilet okay I've been waiting for ages okay I'm on my way I'm on my way it's right near spawn there's a little platform with some poop in a toilet I don't see it it's down a bit you got to look down on the edge there's a poop in a toilet H I'll come back back okay now check it out it is located right here where I'm landing oh I bounced I don't want to bounce okay right here oh this this is not a toilet no in here that's a toilet oh what the heck do not enter and then go into the Dark World now we're in the right spot yo what is this yo it's like the same world but dark I know but we need to find ourselves the lock here there's a lock yeah dude I got the key you didn't get the key cuz you're dumb and you were too busy exploring your bedroom Obby BR there's more off the edge here I got to check this out run run run uh okay what does that mean it just brought me back to the normal world that's not what I wanted are you sure there's a lock here I don't know I'm imagining it why why would it be here well I've checked everywhere else on the main island I was a lock I would probably be hiding in the same place the key was but in the dark world I'm going to the back of the Obby oh it's patched up dude what they actually covered it up with planks I'm at the top here uh I don't see a key are you sure you went everywhere in the old world oh this is that little building on the side oh my god oh no what the heck everything here just says run I feel like something bad is going to happen wait wait wait there's something on the side what is it it's like it looks like I could go through it oh yo what is this where are you somebody call 911 shy fire burning on the dance floor oh yo chill I want to see this what you doing drop down and go in the wall going I'm in yo disco party let's go oh hit him with it hit him with it yo what what is this though wait there's a red button oh my God don't press the button don't press the button oh my God what happened I flew so far out of the map and into the void so do you have a big black key above the help button right now no that's what I thought but I don't know where to get the lock from I'll show you where to get the key though I'll show you where to get the key check it out probably in the normal world hold on I'm going back yeah I'm in the normal world and you follow this white string to the back of the giant Tower and then there's another one of those where you jump into the wall you have to get past the laser beams that's how I got the key but I don't know where the Lock's hidden have you oh there's a little secret over here I just spotted it over where behind this we did this I swear I saw another bridge that goes out oh fell nice one dude you saw another Bridge there's a path that goes underneath maybe I'm just tripping maybe you are just tripping by yeah that sent me back to spawn and gave me nothing did you check the thing behind the tower yeah I went in there that's where I got the key oh I actually know where the lock is is I'm certain of it remember that platform we tried jumping to and failed it's for sure there it's for sure there you positive I will bet DN on it DN these nuts come on don't bounce just chill yes yeah there's a door here no I messed it up is it like an Obby in there or what is it no look where I landed we got to go into it oh a I need Les Beed oh dude I just bumped it from underneath there's a cowboy in here holding a freaking Katana what is going on Cowboy ninja yo what wait that's not a katana what is that is that nunchucks what the hell what the hell boy what he holding there oh I got the cowboy award but I still don't have the lock can you jump the whole thing yet oh yeah I can jump straight to the top like it's easy mode come on yes sticks The Landing okay there's a green portal I can sit on a no I sat on a couch and to get off I had to jump how is your jump looking how's your Hops uh not as much as yours but pretty decent you jumped through the green portal I'm out to I was just making sure I wasn't missing anything no you have zero drum power let's go no why would you tell me to do that bro now you have a win I don't want a win I wanted to jump really high yo go to room one did you even go to the top of the 2500 stud one yet yeah I think maybe I don't remember honestly oh my God what happened okay well I'm dead I almost made it to the dark world holy crap I almost jumped across dude you could have been GH but you're not at least I'm doing this Obby here green or pink oh this is going to suck oh this is going to suck a lot oh my God if you jump you get reset what yeah this is annoying you did this I did like the 10- win one green oh I'm dead it's not green for the first one excellent so we know one of them very good all this for a badge we need the badges bro we're collectors connoisseurs of the badges oh I guess three in a row yeah which three pink oh my God I guess four in a row melon tell me I'll do the last one for you I did it all no and then I died at the end dang it melon what was it uh I don't even really wait hold on hold on I'm almost there no way you don't remember it's right move it's right again yeah oh you weren't lying okay sorry am I blocking you dude you're so toxic bro nice and then it's right I'm not moving I'm waiting it's right trust me dude no you're wait it probably actually is that's oh it's not boom I don't even know I didn't even give me a badge I don't know what the point of that is yeah it didn't give me the lock either weird I'm going to see if there's a dance floor on this one too there is oh melon come to the dance floor there's something different here there's a Raging Bull with a Medieval sword he's wearing a suit too he's a business bull did you try in the Dark World finding the lock in the same place you found the key yeah cuz there's nothing there well I guess I didn't really try it it was patched up but maybe you could still go through I'm going to try it I'm going to try it okay oh I got the lock the lock was with the bull oh sweet what' you get I I don't know but I got to go to the troll face now let's go do you have the lock and the key no I don't have either I'll wait for you then you nerd I want to watch you suffer actually I'm going to cheat it what how okay I died no you tried to jump over didn't you I tried to go through my side good luck with that bro I'm almost able to do the yellow one what's the yellow one the yellow thing where you go in the tube when you jump all the way up bro I already was so much taller than that before and then you made me die did you even do it no well maybe I don't remember he I got this i got this come on melon oh I did it let's go nice all right now let's go to the troll face how do you know we have to go to the troll phas because that's where it said key plus lock equals question mark you nerd but the troll phas isn't a question Mark oh that P plus lock I'm through yeah goated let's go what is this this is weird oh my God don't jump I just got sent to the dark what the heck um I jumped I didn't die I don't know what I just did I got to go back to the normal world I'm kind of chilling bro I'm in the water out here or the blood oh this is weird or it's jelly but what are we supposed to do here you can swim in the water yeah I'm vibing in this oh where did I go you went to the Dark World right no I'm in a different location I went into lack of better words de nuts on that statue and now I'm under the map the heck oh my God okay I just okay I flew okay I'm dead and now I'm in the Dark World what the heck is going on okay I got to do this yellow jump I got to see what's at the top cuz you didn't do it I didn't do it through the tube I definitely jumped to the top of it though but I did not do it through the tube you have to do it through the tube it's the only way come on yes I made it all the way up is this portal going to reset me please don't reset me no nice reward bro it gave you four wins and candy though like that was crazy how much you got yeah but what's the point of this I don't understand what's the point of candy I don't know I don't really care but what I will say is don't forget to like the video and subscribe this is not your typical Roblox Obby it begins and everything was looking pretty normal but as we got further into the levels stuff started to get really weird and then at the end there's a cursed surprise so stick around to see what happens let's go yo Sunny what kind of Obby is this the typical Roblox Obby definitely not going to be full of twist turns and trolls yeah I really hope not hey just make sure you stay on course and whatever you do don't wander off I wouldn't want you to get hurt melon Sunny don't you worry I'm the Obby Pro yeah well we'll see about that melon that's all for the helper okay I guess we will go have fun all right start the Obby here look for tips for me I got you bro dude Lev level one was crazy bro I can't believe we got past that so was level two man this helper is actually quite nice careful when you're walking across you don't want to accidentally Plum it to your demise yep that makes a lot of sense actually I thought there was going to be a troll where the blocks disappeared but you just walk in a straight line yeah Sunny this Obby isn't a typical troll Obby it's actually a non-roll Obby for now melon just for now this is a truss you can climb on it but try not to fall off okay it's like a ladder got it bro is this going to to get harder at any point I have a feeling all the very easy stages are actually very easy so let's just speedrun this sunny it's time to get a move on yep speedrunner mode and melon if you get left behind you are taking the L and paying me 5,000 Robux yo yo they introduced some kill bricks dangerous stuff Sunny slow down on this level bro might be a bit too difficult for you for me bro I'm absolutely cooking you right now and I think we're about to upgrade to easy levels you think so great job you're a natural all that's left is to reach the end good luck wait is he done giving us tips I think so Sunny once we pass very easy it's actually lonely yeah lonely bro you literally have me you're not alone definition of lonely alone you can feel alone with the wrong person Sunny dude that was uncalled for let's go and I'm ahead of you bro eat my dust ooh ah jump this Gap jump kill bricks and and checkpoint 15 easy bro it's like the Roblox icon you're right bro I wonder if you can beat this whole game with just pressing W um I probably can I'm only allowed to jump from now on no changing directions let's do this thing Sunny I'm going crazy same here straight line and there's no stopping either you can only time your jumps of course of course Sunny we're now entering the normal difficulty melon things just got a little different yeah sunny things are dark and a little bit scary now I don't actually like this even the music changed the whole tone of the game is different Sunny I'm still having my finger on W constantly but I am kind of pressing DNA I won't lie yeah you have to press other directions dude otherwise you're going to die here so it's fine we can mix things up as long as you're keeping the forward momentum oh I'm going absolutely bra Sonny ah you think I'm scared of a couple of Red Blocks yeah you do seem kind of like that type of guy bro they don't even kill you you can just touch them they do a lot of damage Sunny bramage isn't death I'm not afraid of bramage bage you're not afraid of any bage not afraid of no bramage I have a feeling it's going to get really haunted at stage 30 yeah Sunny R entering difficulty why can't I go past this what is going on oh wow I have to wait for you wow oh it's been upgraded melon this is so cursed guys please make sure you press the like button I don't know if I'm going to make it through this look at our bodies they're freaking out yeah Sunny this is not a stereotypical Lobby it's getting very scary I don't like it I don't like it one bit I don't even want to know what extreme is actually I capped I I really want to know what do you think happens at the end bro maybe Grimace is even there bro I don't think so but it might be the Kool-Aid man cuz they seem to like the color red oh I like red too oh yeah that's what's going to happen when we get to the end he's going to bust through a wall H that doesn't sound very scary but whatever is happening right now Sunny is terrifying dude our heads keep bobbling it's so weird they're twitching it's so corrupted oh no wait don't tell me this is corrupted pibes what I just saw myself self there that was terrifying you okay bro I watched another melon wave at me and then disappear I didn't see that for me so I think I'm okay things are getting really creepy I'm starting to get worried I'm not going to cap bro it's way too ominous come on just make these jumps I thought this was going to be a nice and chill Lobby me too and then I thought maybe there' be some trolls like invisible Bridges or impossible jumps but instead it's just creepy Sunny we're getting close to the extreme difficulty see wa yeah I just saw myself wave at myself that was weird bro I don't like this what's going on it's like we're inside of a static television what kind of Dimension are we in right now ah what is this melon this is so cursed I feel like I'm inside of a microwave are you seeing what I'm seeing is everything all red and fuzzy and freaking out things aren't red and fuzzy Sunny okay then I'm having a different experience right now I don't know what you're seeing brother it's very cursed very cursed I'm just trying to do this Obby ah what is happening to you what do you mean what's happening to me sunny you're disappearing you look like you're in a microwave bro I'm not in a microwave man what are you talking about everything on my screen is normal melon when this happens to your game you'll understand Sun my game's normal right now it's a clear day out dude you're capping right I was capping about that it is pretty spooky but I'm not experiencing what you're seeing I'm sending you a screenshot you're telling me your game does not look like this no Sunny that is so creepy what the heck what was that text on my screen it said why did you Tab out oh no I saw a monster it's right there sunny I don't like this I kind of want to Tab out again I'm curious tabbing tabbing I'm back why did you Tab out this is so weird bro how did it know yeah this game is a bit terrifying Sunny I'm not going to lie at least my game's back to normal is right now it's not normal but it's better than just being microwave red yeah I did not have that Sunny I'm kind of scared to get to the end of this Obby what kind of creepy thing is going to happen I don't know bro there's lightning behind me again what is this death or we no we're meant to be here melon this is normal the thing I don't like about this is I look red I kind of look like you I should be yellow it's an upgrade honestly it's not it's a huge downgrade a big L melon this is getting weirder and weirder yeah I thought our little helper was a good guy and I'm starting to think he's a psychopath I'm pretty sure he's an evil villain and he set us up on this trap like some kind of demon or something I think melon if we have to make a sacrifice he should eat you I think he should eat you you're the sun you have way more calories yeah but I don't think I would taste very good you might though no I'm an unripe water there's no chance bro you're definitely extra juicy I feel like we're exploring his house in there yeah should we go back and look around he's got a lot of kill bricks these kind of look like dumpsters yeah let's just touch them ow let's just get out of here bro we have like six more levels and we should be free static ah I'm in the microwave again I'm not in the microwave I don't know what you're seeing right now what the heck just go just go just go just go go go go go don't look back don't look back don't look back I don't want to be here anymore melon I want to leave I want to leave I agree it's a just me or do these look like a bunch of tombstones they look like a yo there's like a lightning person that appears behind me every once in a while yeah dude when I tabbed out they showed up three more levels Sunny till we're out of this place it's so haunted I will say this this is not a stereotypical Lobby no it is not jail sales I don't want to go in jail like one of these guys well you have no choice melon we got to follow where they broke out jailbreak jailbreak ah be careful you might slip melon you should not play this game at 3:00 a.m. Sunny good try trying to scare me well it's not 3:00 a.m. so you'll be fine why was myself waving at myself Sun two more levels left we can do this we're getting close I just don't want to get microwaved again I really hope it ends on stage 50 what if it keeps going I don't understand how yo I waved at myself with a big smile I did not like that okay ah what is it saying just run turn back no I refuse I we'll keep moving we did it melon we lost connection reestablishing connection uh-oh I I was happy to leave that place dang it I don't want to go back is this normal no it says stage 50 something doesn't feel right Sunny yeah he can't talk anymore is that a YouTube video link what is that I really don't like how his smile looks if you're right it is cursed what are these links Sunny let's just keep moving melon nothing to worry about here yeah we'll pretend like everything's all right this all looks the same to me seems pretty safe there's no more happy music Sunny wait there's another level is there another level you're right there's something after extreme well ah wa what is that sun we're being kidnapped by the helpers we're a part of their weird ritual I don't like this what have you done you made this now you will pay no pay for what we were just trying to do the parkours are we dead is that it sunny oh no where are we bro this is getting stranger and stranger ah what no we got the bad ending and melon that was definitely you getting sacrificed sounded pretty juicy when the Monster ate us oh I didn't like that Sunny that was so cursed yeah Sunny let's never do that again please just end it please so in this Roblox bedwars I'm trolling my friend in the new game mode by spawning in wool blocks using landmines trapping him with a portal gun and then finally magma blocks until he rage quits melon it's time for another Roblox bedw Wars 1 versus one the new updates here it's gun game are you ready look here sunny boy you're already going to get wrecked relax you know what I'm clapping you now it's your it's your fault you did this 360 where'd he go where he go where oh head shot come on let me hit you let me hit you fine hit me I'll Stand still I'll Stand still you still can't hit me oh my gosh I was literally standing still you you got me you did do it you did do it I mean I don't know what you expected to happen there I just still thought you'd Miss I thought you were that bad you know sometimes you just feel like it I'm going to bum rush you and kill you i' really rather you didn't do that come here here oh you're so done now one more shot easy how am I supposed to beat you with this weapon you're not dance on them dance on them oh wait I have the same weapon now rush rush rush rush get him off the edge twirl blade come on oh yo melon dude the third weapon's crazy I have a carrot launcher and it gave me all of these wool blocks dude you're done how did you get wool no no no you're just cheating there's there's no blocks in this game mode it gave me these I mean this is my first time playing but there's no I know there's no blocks bro no way dude carrot launcher is crazy Get Wrecked dude oh my goodness and how am I supposed to kill you I have a I have a sword and you have wo you can just build up and I I can't so like I I don't have a pickaxe I can't break it dude the excuses they're going crazy right now it's fine look I don't have the wool anymore it comes with the carrot launcher I think you're capping I never cap that's Cap all I do is slap oh my gosh that twirl Blade's crazy there we go I don't have wool what are you talking about I just have a carrot launcher oh it must have glitched I don't know why it glitched for you that's weird oh my god oh that's some damage I'm take cover take cover take cover take cover take cover I'm going in get this nerd get the nerd get this nerd get this nerd oh there we go two ease two ease he's nasty with it you're done now though you're actually so finished oh my God wrecked absolutely wrecked and I guarantee you're going to think I'm cheating this time but I'm not I'm never cheating I always beat you legit One V one get wrecked Get Wrecked okay I'm going to kill you here I'm going to kill you here I'm going to kill you here Fireball do what you going do that is exactly what I'm going to do obliterated this is whatever I'm killing you this time melon what are you doing over there dude come on fight me I couldn't find you I couldn't find you no you're just afraid of my bear claws actually I'm kind of afraid of that diamond sword the diamond sword looks sweaty it's fine I'm fine charge it up charge it up charge it up go claw him yo yo yo what the oh my God what was that what was that what just happened what just happened does the bear I just got send flying in the sky explosive bear claw oh go nice one yeah that that did happen sometimes I uh I'm a little bit cringe you're very cringe this reps no my wolves got me covered Get Wrecked easy I have an RPG G as in get good oh my God yeah now what you're so lucky look at you you're running away and you have a better weapon than me no I'm going over to my wool this is my home Island I just like to lock it down what you want where are the mines what where are the mines I know you have the mines what are you talking about oh my God we you do have the mines I was just joking dude you suck my God I I was just making a joke like where the landmines that's how you trolled me last time but you actually plac landmines down yeah of course I did you're just cheating you're just blly cheating dude it came with that weapon oh my god dude you're done you're done you're absolutely finished what am I supposed to do you have all these guns and I have a claw tank versus caveman yo back up I'll Bubble Blast you what am I supposed to do I don't want to do this ow ow ease ease melon you're getting dusted here dude I'm going to stick all these bobas to you come on back up back up oh you're done you're comfor in you're comfor in you're finished what he lived I lived on one Health you've got to be kidding me oh my god get owned now you have to fight me close up you're done my next one is fist of cuffs this is so stupid how am I going to ever kill you like this this is not fair oh finally I get a free round oh my God you're so gullible you just baited me what like is that even a gun in this game what do you mean you're set back to RP ow okay you're angry I get it now I'm back okay good job dude salty boy good troll yeah it's okay I'm back too I have a crossbow oh it doesn't even matter I'm not even scared you can't even keep up with these get shot off the edge ooh what ooh kill him oh what you can do with your little iron sword now little baby slap you dude well maybe not too easy even with all these cheats it's still tied up up okay I never cheat dude stop saying things like that it's so ridiculous okay you literally had wool I never got wool what else did you have you had a portal gun which I never got yeah and there's one other thing you did no I didn't I didn't do anything look you had landmines too you had Landes dude this wool was part of the map stop making that up Get Wrecked dude see if I was cheating how come I can still outplay you so easily you can't that's like the one time you've ever beaten me back up or I'll sh you I'm giving you one chance oh no what am I going to do oh oh oh almost hit your shot oh you almost hit it you almost hit it there nice yo are you on this bow bow V bow One V one me ow you know it's so cheap you know so cheap I can just hide and heal and you can't do anything about it such a baby no I'm just outplaying you I'm just using my brains you only have melons to work with my melon's big my brain's bigger so much bigger oh no one more shot oh no oh no one more shot for you don't let him heal yes Get Wrecked it just makes me want to dance yo I'm trying to dance on oh my gosh he's actually owning me where you going to go where you going to go just got to dodge and heal Dodge and heal no you're too close back up wait wait wait chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill one Health one Health in a dream one Health in a unlucky this is so close not for long not for long you're right you're actually getting destroyed by this ban dude I'm clobbering you I'm cooking you in this kitchen oh my god dude this last item goes crazy what the heck it's a baguette I can literally see the last item it's a baguette no it's not it's clearly not what is that yeah what is that not the last item how do you have more building blocks I've never seen that block what do you mean is that these are this is the last item dude what what is that stay away from me you stay away from me oh you're back to the bow nerd you're back to the bow poor dude why do you have that you're just sending me back this isn't fair what are you talking about these are just cool building such a troll you're literally cheating oh my goodness well I guess I got what I deserved back to the frying pan baby no no no no that's fine I'll heal it's okay I'll heal yeah you heal you go for it so I spent the next few minutes hitting melon with Magma blocks until I set him back to the very first weapon warning he's super salty are you kidding me we both had a frying pan 14 V4 then you get this block out of nowhere and you send me back to the first one here try it again what is oh my God what's the point of playing if you just cheat and everything what's the point like why do I even show up to the videos I'm having fun I don't get paid you guys understand I don't get paid for this I just I just show up and get get I'm like the butt of the joke it's not even funny anymore yeah but everybody else thinks it's funny I think it's funny I have a great time every time we play Roblox together dude it's a great experience it's a great time it's a great time get over here so I can at least kill kill you one more time all right come kill me one more time you deserve this melon you deserve this I do back go all right I don't want to back yet oh my God such a slime ball I don't even want to play anymore just hit me off please just hit me off please please just end it end it here oh my god dude now you can respawn again hit me off please end it you want me to put you out of your misery yes do it what do you say what's the magic word please just end it please okay only because you were so polite oh my [Music] God that was the easiest gun game I've ever played dude dude you're always capping I'm I'm not doing your cringe outro anymore you just did though today melon and I are going to react to the funniest Garden of band band animations ever comment if next time time we should do a try not to laugh challenge let's go hey melon look what I found today yo what' you find Sunny Garden of band band secret chapter 4 conversations with the characters check out this story let's go already already bro chapter 3 just came out fixes your brain what were you even eating before hello to you sir my dude it's green from Rainbow friends yo chill out it's tall Victor and he's going to help Stinger Flynn get a better diet oh see he's got to eat broccoli why don't you finish your food we do not waste that what is going on yo he ate the plate and now he's mutating oh no he had too much broccoli guys don't eat broccoli this is crazy he's a monster This World by destroying all meat starting with you filthy meat creature [Music] what he's trying to eat Stinger Flynn run bro this is crazy Captain fiddle save the day no oh he [Music] out yo what is going on oh jumbo Josh got him he's going back to normal let's go I willon miss my lights how's Captain fiddles doing uh I don't know man wait oh thank you chef pigster and Coach pickles as well what bro what are they up to drinking potions where did he put that I think he ate a peanut is he allergic to peanuts oh no oh no what happened to coach pickles yo he turned into a monster he's trying to catch up singer Flynn run bro lnn get out of there take the potions and dip oh no oh no jumbo Josh is the goat for real yeah I think it's cuz when he was super big he got injected so many times so now he's the pro you're probably right why uhoh stinger FNS in therapy about your needs isn't it I don't know what you're saying I gave you all I had what is happening tall Victor is getting so mad at the [Laughter] doctor come to me like a man talk about being tough all the time can't even look me in the eye which one got him so good got him run Victor stinky Joel oh hello monkey what is going on dude this is the funniest animation wait Dr Fluffy's eating them did he just did he just eat Joel I think he is eating them all what just happened I don't know melon but Captain fiddles is back from the elevator oh no everybody mutated they're all so creepy looking this is weird melon is that Joel what character mutated into that it's jumo Josh got your nose he doesn't even have a nose I don't understand looking alien wait what yo Sheriff toadster looks so creepy dude they both ah n a genius what is going on in this video melon what did you find dude it's beautiful she's growing plants and trying to hide from balina her weakness was water oh my that is so cursed that is so cursed you're right I was saying Apple what yo Apple eat the apple yummy oh he's dead oh was too healthy for [Music] him hello melon this is the most random video you've ever sent me dude you're the one that found this no no I found the first one and then you found the rest of these weird ones all right bro you're just jealous cuz it's cooler don't blame others what is oill even talking about uh-oh uh slow Seline please leave a pill say but your teeth are like what hey what I'm so confused boss [Music] fight oh no are they going to mutate the mutants they're going to put him back to normal this better transform them to normal please yes that was too damn close watch it oh it's cuz stinger Flynn accidentally threw all those potions on everybody I get it oh I see a a cute little bug princess uh-oh r r oh no oh no hit him with the potion quick do it do [Music] it oh what is that portal what is it looks cool it looks so cool though Chef pixster what did you do what have you done Chef piggy [Music] pigster uh-oh oh no oh no oh singer Flynn's going to go crazy uhoh yeah good job scare away that little [Music] spoter that's a bad idea don't do it what I'm dude what is going on yo melon what did you send this is the goofiest animation they just climbed up skeleton Mountain don't worry about it they're getting back home yeah sure buddy what are we going to see next alphabet lore maybe look at these goofballs so melon I got to ask you a serious question yeah what exactly does any of this have to do with chapter 4 um it will all make sense in time Sunny yeah you think coach pickles has a cute little daughter you will see uh-oh uh-oh oh no she's going to get really weird looking now she's going to mutate she's for sure going to mutate that was way too much juice for Stinger Flynn maybe this is how we became so evil in chapter 3 wait he's nice again he's got to stop her from crying yo and he got squished I got Stinger Flynn B man's going to win Batman's going to win stop that stop that steady go come on Batman win this arm wrestle win this arm wrestle R do it for the eyeballs come on bandman oh no going to win of course I'm going to win okay yo what meel what is going on BL play him like a fiddle like a captain fiddle yo and then he's polishing him off after he's like yo you got some burn marks let me get that Qui too quiet you want that child melon this is created by an evil genius this is the craziest but funniest animations ever yeah dude it's so all over the place yo what being chilling being chilling he's being chilling with that ice cream uh-oh oh no party I'm bored I'm I'm going to kill you stinky Joel no okay at least we got the Nibbler here now are you I am the one who knocks y melon what really important I have a suy GI for what is it it's amongus oh no not amus not Aus today we are going to find our that's to sa come on Nibbler you win the battle Nibbler oh my gosh he destroyed him that wasn't even close flying wait how was coach pickles fast he's an elephant elephants are quick man they can run it like 40 km per hour really the one the end wait who's the winner can't we just be friends okay hey they're friends now bro I don't know what I'm watching this is so weird they're doing a bank heist now they're doing everything or are they guarding they're guarding it let's just enjoy always something hey are you crazy get out of the way uh-oh He Slipped he's mutating again again again and again dude he slipped on potion [Music] juice he's crazy now whoa child run Stinger Flynn Flynn get out of there come on Flynn come on Flynn Escape Escape yes yes yes yes yes this is good most you f you've got to do it you must make the Great Escape Mr Flynn smacking him uh-oh he's scared jumbo Josh saves the day as always he's the goat he's the goat for a reason yeah his his name's actually Dr [Music] Josh uhoh no I have a bad feeling they're going to actually go to the lab again yo he's going to fight nabnab yo what they're brawling why are they fighting sunny I I don't know what's happening me neither dude I think it's cuz they were supposed to lift weights and get strong it we heard the scre silence it's actually pronounced silence Steve yo they saved the day they got the impostor that's what okay he's making a laser Ray what are you doing trying to make a ray gun evil again huh come on get away with it you guess right doc uhoh no oh she's a normal bug is he going to squish her uhoh duck the duck the go whoa she's too powerful she's far too strong that was your fault that's crazy op pil Bird's a goose nowu y she has the power of the cosmos she's actually a space alien what just happened she turned herself into a plant pot no Mo down watch out no it's Hunter Tim Hunter Tim is crazy oh no he's going to snipe Chef pigster uh-oh he's a piggy never mind yo they're transforming into normal creatures maybe this is the origin of Garden of band ban they were all once normal creatures shoot me yo he's going to be huge now easy coach pickles Saves the Day awesome look I'm flowy howdy howdy howdy well how to who um it's pretty clear who this is shut Y what should I do act natural they're acting natural hello young lady what are you eating for me I really like con what do you like about cor it's cone I love this song corn got the juice is tasty too uh-oh she's mad now oh you ate the corn you don't eat the corn and then he was never seen again and then he died that's a lot of potions melon something tells me to s oh and Y uh-oh not nabnab mutant nabnab he's going to be too strong oh no oh no e he's so creepy yeah he just pooped his hot dog out oh he doesn't want Captain fiddles to know him maybe a story will cheer you up it's called The Ugly Barnacle yo Chef bster just called nabnab an ugly barnacle oh no that is a terrible story yeah that did not have a happy ending how you do it no they're playing board games and everything else is going crazy I think Captain fiddles is going to find out he needs to wear a suit I think imagine he puts a tuxedo on dude I don't know how would he put that on I don't know he would look sharp he would look good oh no he's going to go see the mutant oh no this has gone too far now it would be great if I could explain it that's his explanation I've had it with you now uhoh this is the weirdest thing but so perfect dude he handled that like a boss yo he fixed nabnab up quick you're lucky I'm in a good mood melon that was so funny I think you found some of the greatest Garden of band band animations ever thank you bro I know I have a special talent and you know what else is a special talent pressing the like And subscribe button and clicking the next video on screen let's go
Channel: Sunny Melon World
Views: 407,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fWFIS8b3-Ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 39sec (5619 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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