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today sunny and I play cart ride around nothing but we hacked the game how did we do this you might ask well they added a new hacked card to the game which goes insanely fast has extra stability and you can even spam Rockets this cart makes the game easy and with it we're going to do a lot of trolling melon why' you bring us back to another ride a cart game you know how toxic these are I know I know they're toxic and almost impossible sunny but that's exactly why we're back because we're here to hack the game are you serious how are we going to do that oh there's a cart right here that is called the hacker game pass for real it's that easy give me this it's only 200 Roo sunny and you literally have a hack all right got my purple corrupted hacker cart coming in hot check it out bro look how fast this thing is wait can I jump on with you oh wait I don't know what just happened there sorry oh thanks for the card wait what let me back in uh hold on I got to spawn a new one Sunny wait you actually got it back on the track I did but it doesn't move forwards it's just freaking out are you sure this thing works yes it does Sunny can you move so I can spawn another one in I'm trying ah thanks melon bro it's a hacker game pass card please come down Sunny I'm trying to use it all right let's see you use it bro I have a bad feeling that this game is still going to be toxic here we go spawn it in what the heck where are you going I think it's cuz I needed to switch my generator on that must be why oh maybe you're right can you turn my Jenny on too I got you Sunny bro you're right I'm zooming now let's go okay I'm stuck melon can you hack me out of here with your hacker cart give me a second Sunny turned on my generator I should be able to drive now yeah there we go now it's actually controllable now clear the track destroy this cart come on it get exploded all right well I got to do this Mel I didn't have a choice it was in the way I was so far back too I don't know how he got me all right I'm going yo this thing is literally a hacker cart Sunny I'm zooming and I'm staying on the track that's lovely but someone just spawn this in I got to back it up you can shoot it shoot it dead Sunny okay let's see get myself a fresh hacker start the generator yep started the Jenny oh my God I I went so fast I was not ready oh my did you fly off the edge no I rammed into my race car in front and exploded it oh my goodness I just wrecked this guy hold on this guy has no idea what's about to happen happen infinite shots die bro this hacker card is insane melon it's too fast I can't control it bro it has extra stability just press it tap the W key and you'll be good I flew right off the track instantly dude just slow down a little bit I'm zooming right now and I'm staying on well it must be nice to be you it is actually quite nice I'm going to go extra slow cuz I'm in a hacker cart I could speedrun the whole game bro not if someone parks on a corner then you're dead no I'll just shoot him that's what happened to me I couldn't shoot him cuz I'm so fast I rammed into him before I could turn the corner hey Sunny you see me all the way up here up where right here just look straight ahead going back and forth run in front of you oh there you are what's up melon yep I'm about to get my first checkpoint speed limit of 10 but I've got the hacker cart so it don't even matter oh yeah watch this I'm going 20 oh I'm zooming now wait no there's a cop chasing me I've got a zoom I'm going too fast I'm going too fast I'm going too fast oh I almost died bro this thing is so oh quick the acceleration is unparallel let me blow this guy up get out of here oh that is satisfying but you need to make sure you shoot people from a distance I barely touched one of his tires that was already exploded and it destroyed my cart Sunny I'm going to have to destroy this guy he's right ahead of me okay here we go this might kill me I swear if this kills me please move sir I have no y I have no it actually killed me are you kidding me and how did you even get so far did you have invincibility on or something no bro the hacker card's just op no it's not I'm telling you it's trash look I'm going to blow this guy up here and then it's going to somehow explode me from 20 ft away did you die yes his little cart exploded and a piece of it hit me from really far away and I died Sunny get your hacker cart and stick behind me I'll clear the road yeah yeah yeah you clear the road one second can I start the generator thank you I just got to make sure this guy dies can't have him getting ahead of me yeah can't have that oh whatever I'll feel bad for him I'll go ahead of him oh oh my goodness Sunny that was the most insane explosion I've ever seen you know what you think you're cool with your hacker car goats I need this the she still exploded everything this game explodes whatever I need the flying car somehow wait what the heck got me off the track there okay now I'm still chilling here we go potion of flight all right here we are zoom up oh my goodness the hacker card's insane it goes so fast Zoom how do I still explode after all this oh my my goodness son you need to get better at the video games I'm Bing chillin with the hacker cart you haven't the slightest clue what I've been going through all right this is tough times I don't know it seems pretty easy there we go I have control now I figured it out melon where are you I don't know I'm on the track bro you got to catch up all right I'll catch up and when I do you're going to regret telling me to why oh you will you will know when you see I've literally got a hacker card nothing could possibly be stronger than that you're right nothing could possibly be stronger than that except for a flying hacker cart wait what are you doing Sunny no take that one why what did I do to annoy you huh you were successful while I failed and I'll be successful again Sunny I'll show you how it's done load the cart up in front of you no nice one bro you sure showed me no I can do this I can do this it's the hacker cart it's overpowered it lets you beat the game for free pretty much yeah you got this bro you got this why don't you spawn a new one in here we go go spawning it in what's with this trash over here is your cart still alive why are there bits of it here it says switch generator yeah I don't know it's loading in I think something is bugged right there melon that is not normal uh it's fine my hacker card's got to come back right right or you could hop on the big train let's go switch that Jenny looks like this guy's driving no I'm driving all aboard and fly no what the heck is that Sunny I'm the real haur did we keep any of them with us yeah we got a homie with us all right fly us to the end Sunny get us the dub where is the ending I don't know you're the pilot all right let's seek it out here I feel like I'm Santa Claus and this is my sleigh feel like we're weighing you down a little bit yeah it's not great really I wish I could unattach it and watch you guys fall into the void but I got a better idea I will locate another player who's having a good time driving their car wait what happens if I activate my flight potion well it looks like this person did right here I'm the captain of this ship now Sunny no you're not on my screen I am no we're not moving we're standing still oh I'm moving on my screen I think I'm glitching the game a lot right now probably and because of that I'm going to RKO yo what the heck I destroyed those players they were trying to have a nice peaceful time well Sunny the hacker cart got corrupted and now it no longer works no it's right here bro you just got to figure out how to sit in it is it actually yeah look switch generator it's revving up dude it's broken yeah this is really weird I don't know what to tell you melon well you know it's not weird Sunny pressing that like And subscribe button do it now today sunny and I are playing cart ride around nothing yep we're going to be spending hours and hours of Our Lives failing over and over again to never make it to the end until we do a little bit of pay to win that might help us out also goats comment down below if you beat this game and how to beat this game cuz I'm a little bit confused Sunny are you ready to do a cart ride around nothing bro this is so much more than nothing if we can get to the end of the game we'll claim victory and become the very best that no one ever was now Drive son I'm kind of forgetting how to drive this you know what I'm getting my own cart Mel get out of the driver's seat son doesn't does someone have to get in the back oh yeah we have to turn the generator on that's why Sunny good job turning that bad boy on thanks by the way wait wait wait wait wait did you turn it on yeah steer to shoot bro we could fire off bullets if we need to yeah but we don't need to Sunny dude I went too fast I'm sorry that's it I'm starting up my bad boy and I'm moving all right you drive this time you drive I'll show you how to drive you got to be careful on these tracks my bad dude I thought we could go fast can you slow down shoot the wall shoot the wall I shot it sunny don't you worry I don't think anything happened there except there's another car behind us moveing melon oh no oh no slow down I have slowed I've slowed but I got to go faster than this guy maybe maybe nothing will happen if it touches us it'll probably be fine oh no it's definitely going to explode us Sunny there's no way I'll hold it back with my feet I'll kick it come on and then that little bus just rammed us off the edge nice oh how are we supposed to beat this game it's so hard just be patient we need to look at our available game passes and we could buy more stability want to have a rail magnet and improve the stability of your cart on turn turns this game pass is just for you oh yeah give me that I want that hold on unlock all upgrades without having to complete the game every single upgrade yeah you do that Sunny I've got the improved stability that's fine I'm going to summon in the golden winner cart congratulations Sunny you won by not winning I hope you feel prud to yourself look bro that's the winner cart you're just jealous that you don't have it yeah if you're actually a winner Sonny why don't you meet me at the end oh I won't cuz I'm already jammed up I got to get a new cart okay don't fall off and it's time to accelerate a little bit up here o this thing must go fast let me try this one how do I get this out of here bro I need to remove these bro I create how do I get these things out of here I'm creating a traffic jam I don't know Sunny maybe just touch the butts together I'm ramming it oh my gosh melon be careful yep I heard them explode Sunny I'm actually making it pretty far right now I'm not going to cap well just wait for me I'm I'm going to catch up wait no you have that magnet on your cart I need this honestly I don't think it's doing anything my cart has almost fallen off so many times maybe you need to re what what just happened to me where's my car going it's leaving me behind oh it's dead that was so weird okay did I get a checkpoint here you see me up here Sunny hey where are you melon I'm right above you no way dude I'm going to catch up good luck with that syny speed limit of 10 I don't need luck bro this thing is so slow oh no I went above the speed limit and now I'm getting chased by a cop stay away stay away need to slow down need to slow down need to slow down need to slow down you slow down yeah I wonder if the magnets do stuff can I Full Speed Ahead the cop just fell off nice one bro I'm pretty sure the magnet lets you go full steam ahead I don't think so sunny I don't know about that why don't you just hold W and try it no bro I got so far it's definitely letting me go faster than normal I got to be very careful right now I don't even know if my magnet's active mine is definitely working I'm taking some Corners a bit faster than I should these tracks are getting skitchy s holy smokes I should have flown off there don't blow up no what just happened I hit another car bro you got to slow down sometimes Sunny you know what I'm putting this to the test I'm not slowing down W only I might actually beat the game right now I'm going crazy okay you were right the magnet helps but it's not not invincibility okay yep I need to hit this switch here uh what did that do are you kidding me how did that why I'm literally living at spawn this is my home now how does this switch work I'm so confusion did you actually get a checkpoint though by the way no I didn't but I I'm just I'm on a track that just wants to send me to my death oh that sounds like fun and I can't get off of it I think as long as I'm at 20 speed or less I won't fly off the tracks I think yes it actually no it sent me off the track I was going so slow put my engine back on engine come back on please please are you kidding me did you lose my cart got destroyed Sunny how I was going so slow maybe that's the problem you needed to speed up yeah maybe I just needed to pop my flight potion huh maybe that's what I needed to do how did you get a flying potion hey Sunny oh my gosh I'm spinning uncontrollably right now sunny sunny help me I don't even know where you are I see you what are you doing over there uh I don't want to talk about it bro no no no my cart is wobbling a lot it almost fell off the track why is it falling off I didn't even go fast it's okay sunny I'll save you where are you uh melon I have an emergency hurry I don't even know where you are sunny sunny I'll save you bro you're like Santa Claus you were nothing like Santa Claus oh my goodness dude dude I'm sorry it was an accident you just exploded the both of us well it's okay sunny because I've got a hack that allows us to get an instant win yeah let's see it what is this how where is the end how did you unlock this I unlocked it a long long time ago sunny in a galaxy far far away yeah I just can't find the ending anywhere it's not this way what about way up top there is it this thing over here there's some signs this looks like the end of the road warning this button changes your team back to starting one if you try single try badge win you permanently persist upep for be join I don't know sh I'm going to press this button and I'm going to press the green one let's go nothing happen I don't know what they do I'm so confused well just take me on another Journey I'll take you away so far away and then we'll say wait a second melon what about this interior spot way down the track where do you see that what if it's like a hidden Factory oh I see what you mean yeah let's go in there give me a second that was close melon uh Sunny I'm losing a little bit of control yeah I can see that oh my goodness what is happening what is happening hold on let me see if you can even get in there no it's not looking good melon melon wait s where did you go into the void I'm falling forever dude I think I sent you flying actually you're right I'm way above the map I could see it down there it's so tiny no I'm now falling for real Goodbye World I'm dead well let me just send you flying one more time Sunny yeah you thought you thought and goats make sure you press that subscribe button right now do it quick cuz I'm about to send melon flying get over here get over here nice one today we play cart ride delivery service pretty much we have to deliver these packages using railroad carts but it's really really dangerous anything could kill us from cannons thieves traffic and worst of all other players also could we get 1,000 new subscribers from this video that would be awesome yo Sunny are you ready to deliver some packages to some random people yo somebody called a mailman I got a package yo look at this stack right here bro it's like Santa Claus C in my cart dude you mind if I bring my pack packages in your cart bro can you be stopping so sus all right I'm in drive we got to read the sign the beginning drop off packages at delivery points and reach the end to raise your score okay the roads are well you don't have to read that part Full Speed Ahead move it melon move it you just literally have to hold W in this game that's it w key dude you're actually flying can we fall off this track Yo watch out oh we done dly how can I trust you to drive this thing my brother I promise I'll be safe this time you chose the bumpiest road how is this going to be any better wait get that package don't worry about it we're going to pick up this package and everything's going to be good stack them all wait what's that sign bump yo melon what did you do bro I I had like no speed coming into that you hit the bump why all right let's try this road out maybe this one's better this one is the key to success let's go oh you're driving this time let's go no bumps will slow us down I think we actually need some Pace to do this keep it up Sunny I'm doing the best I can and whatever you do don't press any of those stupid buttons like sabotage that would be mean where's that don't even think about it yo watch the dip oh my God Sunny you did something I didn't do anything bro I actually think this first track was probably the best let's go back here you mind if I buy a rocket launcher real quick it's actually a projectile launcher yo chill that thing's going to explode probably I think wait does it even do anything or did I get scammed got to get some speed going up here here pile around that cork screw pile around that cork screw let's do this thing we got to slow we got to slow we got to slow we're actually doing it sunny don't worry we're good we're cheing oh my God we might have gotten stuck no no you got this back and forth easy does it bro you're going to have to get on the tracks and push us Sunny okay I'm on it oh my God I'm not on it bro what the heck was that I slipped down the crack I'm sorry I can push it I can push it no I fell I was coming to pick you up bro all right get back hop in pile on in and we're going to cruise over trust me slow and steady you got to keep those Wheels tight to the track let's go now we can get a little more speed so we can get through this section without problems now this is where things can get a little bit complicated you got to go slow over these my God it's actually working I know I'm goated making progress we're doing it this is the furthest we've ever traveled I really hope we don't go to the right we're good we're good now I need speed am I going too fast I'm not even sure no you're going good you're going good keep up the speed you're going to get stuck I can't get stuck this track pulls you up bro how much longer do we have to go we're almost at the top and by that I mean we have like A4 to 1/3 left another package yeah let's go god dude we're so close to a checkpoint though is that a checkpoint yeah we just got to go caution thieves go fast okay let's go I'm going fast don't go too fast sunny it's s to go fast so I'm going fast oh my God Sunny wait we're good we're actually good okay I hit the brakes I hit the brakes look out what the heck bro Sunny why would you slow down like that I didn't know the thieves were an exploding mine cart did you even see that coming yes I did then why didn't you warn me I didn't see it because it was too late I turned around and they were coming to kill us your job was to watch our back we'll speedrun all our way back yeah let's not do that track with the whole swirly thing that was too slow slow chill chill let's go D we got a long slow road ahead of us this time we're not going to die from those stupid thieves I believe you just go full steam ahead I thought I had to slow down when we got to those orange caution signs did you go full steam here yes I just held it down I'm watching our back okay the thieves are way behind us keep the steam keep the steam yo like this too much steam Sunny more more it's fine the packages are holding it's gaining on us go slow down slow down holy crap we did it sunny let's go we're at the drop off wait what's going on with our cart though I don't know dude we're doing the helicopter we're let that thing thing touch this to go back to start what do we do we're winners I want to get my checkpoint 200 points per package melon we never actually dropped them off how are we supposed to drop them off no I think you need the cart oh no well the cart's not on the track so I'm pushing you hit those brakes drop them packages let's go all right let's get a new cart this dude's a big fan yo when you got that sus Aus fan bro that guy is sus all right let's roll melon let's roll oh he's messing with us wait he can't stop us both just drive go did you see that oh my god oh you oh yeah you're you're the pilot Full Speed Ahead yo get out of the way buddy oh my God we're on a one trip way to the void all right I have an idea you take your cart I'll take mine and Let's Race duel with friends and don't get tilted I got the homie with me though get ready to rumble let's go oh my God what happened I just did a spinning move and I'm dead the rematch melon wait my engine didn't start let's go I don't want to go too quick this time I need to go a little oh my God why it just launched me into the void for no reason it's like I just missed the rail and when straight through the tracks I'm actually speedrunning I can do this oh my God if these cannons shoot me stop oh my God oh my God Sonny I'm actually doing it I might make it to the next checkpoint you got this you're upside down bro I'm going what am I supposed to be doing here oh my God bro it's doing a 180 I Believe In You melon get there bro no oh my God that Cannon almost shot me no let's go come on come on my turn to shine we got this hny okay when do I hit the brakes now slow down oh my God that was close and then I don't oh my God no way bro what melon it's time to get through the traffic jam the ultimate test of every delivery man take us away all you got to do is just go at like a reasonable pace and then accelerate he's right on us Rush shower every delivery man's worst nightmare EAS up EAS up EAS up you got this you got Pace you got Pace man I'm actually too goated with the SS you know what's actually good about this they show you exactly no okay melon this time I'm driving what I was trying to say before you crashed into the car in front of us is the good thing about this level is it shows you exactly how fast to go you just got to go slower than the car in front and faster than the car in back that's it all right well easier said than done Sunny have you seen me crash into anybody yet I was heavy on the pedals okay look at you look at you look at you that was barely even a kiss I'm driving you know what we're both driving oh my God this guy's on my tail well I'm Coming For You Melon No More chefs kiss from me wait I just switched tracks chill chill chill this is a tight U-turn got to get up this here ramp and then hit them brakes yeah boy okay I got a green light let's go yo wait wait wa wait wait wait wait hold the green hold the green yes I'm through it is a red light but I'm still going wait there was bumps there no bye Noob that's why I always go slow and steady yeah I don't think they should really have a green light they're kind of just going into the void that's a dangerous traffic stop oh they have a stop get over the bumps hit the gas let's go I might make it I might make it I'm such a peaceful respectful driver um melon there's a slight problem here what happened Sunny I'll just wait here for you I think when you you see me you'll you'll understand you're right on the edge of dying you idiot it's not my okay I'm an idiot all right get over here just hope that the game has invisible train tracks is that it well I'll be the test dummy let's go oh my God it has invisible train tracks let's go I knew that that's what I was going to say okay yo slow down melon melon there's invisible bumps oh my God oh my God if you attacked me with road rage you would have actually died I was about to bump into but then I remembered we explode if we do that I thought you were trying to do that but imagine if I already crossed the bumps and then you hit them going fast that would have been Instant Karma yo we need speed we need speed oh I'm going too fast I think and then I slowed it no Slow Down slow down slow down melon I made it let's go I'm so proud of you yo I made it totally legit and not by spending Roo get in this car this C it's been old and greased up it's my lucky cart it's seen things this cart you know how like some NBA players don't ever change their socks yeah well this cart's about to change you get ready go all right we need speed for this sunny I'll show you how much speed we need this much speed okay melon a little bit less speed I guess you went too crazy with it I'm going to get my own cart I've got a Need for Speed melon and my speed is taking me right into your cart why would you do that sunny I thought it'd be fun funny all right get ready go I'm going too fast I'm going too fast okay I made it let's go yes I'm through loop-de-loop baby uh-oh no oh let's go I'm move no why didn't you move out of the way I couldn't go forward time to let an adult Drive oh you know what take it I don't I didn't want it I didn't want it what the heck Get Wrecked bro let's go slow down good I just made our cart beautiful oh my God it's the banana boat cart Sunny mobile banana cart need some speed here good melon you're goated actually with the sawce goated this time I'm checking the track for bumps I don't see any so far oh God oh my God he's quick he is quick move I'm going fast just keep going don't slow no I should have slowed oh that happened Sunny bring me to my what is going on get off my head I'm doing good the thieves are behind us this is the best I've ever done all right sunny sunny chill you're going way too quick am I oh shoot sorry yeah chill chill chill chill chill chill here I'm chilling but I can't chill too hard can I all right yeah yeah keep going Gas Pedal Gas to the pedal I'm putting gas to the pedal he's catching up quick no he's not that's other ones we're good we're good come on make the jump let's go let's go goated absolutely goated look at us we're number one and number two do in the whole world let's go the totally legit not a private server make sure you guys like And subscribe today's sunny and I spend thousands of roox to create the most overpowered cart and create your own cart ride so guys please make sure you drop a like right now we're trying to get 3,000 likes on this video thanks and enjoy Sunny are you ready to take these carts into the next Dimension I'm so ready Mel you've got no idea all right all right all right chill chill get in get in in get in I'm entering I'm zoom in baby Sunny you're going too fast and we're dead good job you said the next Dimension so that's where we went Sunny relax relax hit the shop let's just take a tram and chill yo wait melon what are you buying right now I know you're doing some pay to win this is going to be so weird cuz this is called create a cart bro what did you buy Sunny hop in the tram boys we're heading out let's go I'm trying to sit down let me sit did you not even get in bro there's so many uhoh bro it's a solo ride good luck Mel I can go as fast as I want when I'm in a tram let's go yo I'm actually zooming if you're doing pay win I'm doing pay to win let's find the ultimate cart so many options so many choices hey melon yo what up Sunny I'm buying your favorite toy what's that check it out and time to spawn it in look at it it's a rubber duck bro yo chill I'm still trying to do this on my tram bro yeah I see you zooming up there I'm taking my sweet time what what just that I'm dead that was so stupid wait melon melon Hop On Hop on I'm chilling right here for you wait for me wait are you going to die oh hey let's go let's go how did you get this by being the goat bro I stole it from melon's bathtub by spending a whole lot of wuck dude you are cringe for keeping rubber ducks in the tub like that Sonny we need speed we got too much speed chill no that's on you that's on you sunny I tried to warn you I think the only thing that's going to smake us win is this what are you doing give me it I'm going to do this just in case guys cuz melon's really freaking me out let's go wait wait wait I want to get on ah I'm dead where's the co-pilot seat hey let's roll I'm getting real close all right take me away how does this even work we're not attached to the track at all we're levitating bro it's a new system but then why are we even on the track why don't we just fly directly to the Finish just get it right and boom what I slowed down oh melon you should have hit the brakes quicker here's your punishment die ow what why do you have that because I'm a beast the rubber duck is actually the best in the game uh we're about to fall off the track oh that was close wait what do you mean you're about to fall off I'm the one driving all right all right I trust you I trust you and we're going to make it to level two this time I feels it I feels it holy breaks yo what the heck I let go of it and this thing got gas power this thing goes crazy with it yo we're almost at level two yo let me off let me off checkpoint checkpoint no the duck the duck it's okay hop in this bro no I got the rubber duck it's the best in the game oh I got stuck I'm coming Sonny let me in yeah no way you grabbed that from so far let's go zoom in and we slow it down a little bit oh soccer ball soccer ball oh oh man my laser is trash I got to say yeah you kind of suck there oh you missed again hold on hold on and reloading reloading why is he alive and it doesn't even work that stole my robu I should have been able to assassinate people checkpoint ah oh I almost flew off that was not good almost melon you were very dead on my screen your body has exploded everywhere well I'm still alive I'll have you know I think you need to reset it's time to use the ultimate car I'm so rich what's the color of your Bugatti melon where are you I'm on level three uh you don't see this Bugatti no I I do but where are you hold on let me in I'm in the Bugatti yes we rolling now rolling rolling rolling rolling shortcut yeah I can get us to level four in the Bugatti you think so with the bugat and the bug hold let me that bug let's go you think it's going to work oh it just killed me it killed me dude dude I think you need to get the tram install the tram I think there's a chance that thing goes quick with it you're right you're right all right chop whip the trim and I'm dead oh I'm here all aboard All Aboard let's go zoom zoom oh we had it what the heck dude I think there's an invisible wall there I think you're right actually let's see these carts melon it's time for a fresh upgrade y wait my tram's still on Sideways tram what is happening melon I'm going to abduct you sunny I don't know what is happening right now I must ooky spaceship wait what why I'm dead and jump off oh you can go on the train tracks yeah they do kill you maybe you could buy SL fly and really cheat hey yo my spaceship why wait it worked I did it let's go melon please come back for me fine Sunny yo guys I just found the ultimate pay to win I am going to buy track magnets which makes my vehicle GL glue to the track and turbo so that I go super fast let's go give me that give me that boy right there guys I'm buying Nitro it's even faster than turbo speed all right Sunny the Trap is leaving let's go boys Ellen I'm trying to buy the fastest cart of all time dude you can't get any quicker than the trm no you absolutely can all you need is hold up hold up hold up uh get out one right there I don't think you're ready for this melon I don't think I am either this is the fastest pizza in the west watch it I'm zooming woo dude the pizza's op I think the cheese has got me glued to the track I'm not fly oh I'm flying off why am I flying off Sunny you went too fast dude it's not all about speed sometimes it's about the motion what are you talking about the motion you got to slow down at the curves oh we almost went off this girl is clutch for get slowing down maximum speed Acquired and next checkpoint let's go which checkpoint are you on now check. 5 that is so unfair dude I'm going 200 20 230 Pizza why I think if I stay at like 120 I'll stick to the tracks I don't want to go too quick with it if I go too quick it's going to fly away M where are you I'm on checkpoint 5 bro I told you dude you're a hacker hold up I'm on the way dude this level is so tough you got to go oh I went too quick don't I don't want to fly off I want to stay on the tracks this is a nice pepperoni pizza The Flash would be proud quicker than Barry Allen you want to just hurry up and catch up bro I'm doing my best yes get me off give me this checkpoint dude I think there's a glitch I can't get past this level I'm on the way bro I'm on the way let me help bro this girl can't get past either how are you supposed to do this oh I see you down there yo Sunny you are so fast how are you not falling off I'm goated bro the pizza is glued to the track it's op wait there's upgrades turbo better what track magnets yo give me them track magnets don't do it it's a rip off I promise yo no way give me the checkpoint right now hey track magnets let's go what do they do they're trash bro I just flew off the map for no reason a bro this is working great are you kidding me 160 190 yo I didn't I just took a full uturn at like 200 km yeah and then go on a circle jump and see what happens I went flying bro track magnets are op yeah until they're not until they're not I'm going to go slow up the ramp I'm scared and nervous yes get me my checkpoint I'm Coming For You Sunny I'm winning right now you're not even going to get close to me I wouldn't be so sure about that man my pizza be flying bro what is this level this level is insane I'm going to give you a pizza these nuts yo chill Sunny you're sus bro you left me the dust we're supposed to be best friends and brothers and that's what you do to me you just abandoned me well you took too wait what how did I fall that's right oh you've got to be kidding me right at the end look who's caught up to you now would you like to get on the world's fastest pizza yeah sure would then hop on let's go and we Zoom this pizza is too fast for jumps loop-de-loops no problem back flip no no Sunny you're too slow it takes you a long time to get there I know yo shut your mouth Sunny hey as long as you win as long as you win I'll be happy hey just hold down W that's the key to Victory is it cuz you're slow hey chill chill if I hold down W I fly off the track we go make it yo what is this part oh I just barely made it up dude I pressed F I feel like I'm on a real life roller coaster now W chill bro this is insane loopy loop this is hurting my brain this is hurting my brain I can't do it anymore back to normal we're going to make it no no no you actually just cooked me I died too sunny you are the worst but you know it's not the worst pressing the like And subscribe button today in Roblox melon and I go on an adventure into the unknown all you have to do to join us is spawn in a cart jump in the driver's seat and ride out but here's the problem if anyone else touches your cart ride we'll all explode so can we make it to the end of this world or does it go on for Infinity let's find out okay Broski follow me on an adventure into the unknown let's do this thing Sunny yeah so pretty much melon choose oh no what is going on we might need a private server what are these people doing no Sunny come up here come up here I got this i got this i got this i got this hop in hop in go go go go go all right you're the conductor I'm in the back seat now just D I can't believe we made it out of there alive sunny and I just turned us into the watermelon mobile I'm trying to take this real slow all right yeah cuz we don't want to go back to spawn yeah all right shny I'm going to take it real slow starting one more time yeah maybe be a little more cautious cuz there are Maniacs exploding things everywhere pick me up pick me up Chief okay k k I hooked you slow melon slow how am I what am I stuck on okay oh bro this game is hilarious all right so this is all part of the game all right all right all part of the experience yes okay uh we're going to wait for these people yeah this is the safest place pick me up Sunny pick me up I got it and let's go wait I'm stuck back forth back and forth back and forth I'm good you made it who the who just messed with the rail oh no uh Sunny we're going to die no no melon melon melon melon someone someone messed with our Wheels I can fix this I can fix this I don't think you can fix this sunny okay hey from the top I will grab the locomotive in the front oh this is a chance this is a chance oh no he stole it no just let him go just let him be bro we got off of the start one time here here here come here Sunny no melon back up they're about to explode come here they're about to explode we got it we got it sunny do we NOP this guy left without me I tried warning you this is the hardest part of the game is just playing the game okay I got the seat go go go go go go go go Sunny oh no I'm trying my wheels are already glitched they spawned another cart in the cart are you kidding me all right Sunny one more try and then I think we're going to need a private server that's what I was about to say I'm going to steal this man's cart I got it sunny spawn in the cart behind I'm trying let's go let's go just drive just drive just drive just drive don't even worry oh my goodness melon hop on my locomotive I'm hopping on you got to pick me up though I got you and we go around the bend you can't you can't give me a second give me a second there you go thank you for that and then full speed into the unknown son you might want to slow down a little bit especially on the downhill doesn't this look a bit different than the last map uh I can't really tell to be honest I thought the last one went downhill first no it definitely went uphill first and then there was a downhill oh okay okay how did you fly off and kill us anyways were you going too fast or something I do think this is a different map because I don't remember it going this much uphill me neither bro we're on an adventure I think every level is random into the unknown oh no sunny I don't know the whole game glitched cuz it was loading in a map for me yeah same same here hold on maybe if I repaint the car it'll work dude are we stuck hold on I'll push push with me melon push hold on let me I got to I got to move it oh it's good all right all aboard hold on do we want to go this way or do we want to go this way I think that's why it was messed up okay I'll change the rail change it it's changed you're good it's definitely not changed I don't think Sunny oh you're right changed it there we go full steam ahead let's go bro biome to biome from the summerlands to the winterlands this is what it's all about Sunny this is Roblox the ultimate game of locomotives and Chaos sunny I think this is the map we were on before this section right here maybe except it's super bumpy we've reached another Rusty track what does the rainbow track mean I don't I don't know but I got to be careful I can't get distracted by silly nonsense you're right bro stay focused don't let the seethrough Rocks confuse you okay now I'm kind of getting confused slow down bro you almost went flying off the track we've got to stay alive a little longer maybe there's a checkpoint coming up I don't know if there's checkpoints in this game I think you just go forever no melon we will find out what's at the end of the unknown Railway oh okay good recovery good recovery yo goats comment down below if you know what what's at the end of this game does the railroad ever end no slow down oh my goodness I thought we were dead dude you're Frozen on my screen what is happening we're going backwards yeah this is really laggy it's loading in some new chunks do you want to take the rainbow path or the other rainbow path I say we go straight ahead Full Steam Full Steam Full Steam full turkey hold W melon don't ever let go of w I'm going full Turkey right now Sunny full turkey no this is why you don't go full turkey no we can fix this let me do it let me do it hold on I got this unlucky we'll have to continue on foot dude there's no way we're going on foot well how else there's no turning back now dude we could be miles away miles away from what it's all about the unknown bro I can't believe you told me to go full turkey bro you know you wanted to go full cheese turkey mode on it I did but I knew I should have slowed down melon I'm hopping in the void I say we each get our own locomotive own locomotive yes we race oh I like the way you're thinking sunny all right Sunny for my whip I'm going to have the long wagon not a bad idea I think I'll do the exact same thing just got to hold on boom bing and then I'll slam into you no Sunny dude why are your tracks out you're so annoying I just wanted my long wagon yeah well you're going to have to get through me all right that's pretty easy no I tried to get get away let's go my favorite part of the whole game wait a second did Your Wagon fall off the track I can't really tell Sunny but what I can tell is that I'm smoking you in this race bro you actually left garbage on the track here I just want you to know that I want you to know that it's very very dark right now I cannot see anything good because you're journeying into the unknown did you even start yet yeah watch out the sunny mobile is on the way bro you ain't going to catch up to me you ain't no way you're going to catch up oh there's a way I just need to yellow paint job there we go what the heck I just exploded what just happened like I said of course I'd catch up to you all I had to do was wait for you to mess up bro you haven't even left yet shut up I'm stuck hold on I got to clear this out I got to clear this out no no don't touch the sunny mobile it's time for the sunny mobile to be not sunned why oh wait the sunny mobile is alive no it's definitely broken see you later loser oh yeah get back here you square head I'm not a square head I'm a melon head we'll see about that I'm going quick with it too you ain't never going to cash me I got to get my whip red you're right I can't see anything here it's so spooky wait what the what did I just hit oh did you fly off the track again no there's a dead end here there's no you can't go anywhere what is this game yeah well then that means the sunny mobile is going to say hello dude why sunny all right real talk let's make some long caboa but I got to clear this out so get ready there's still One cart yeah you want to clear that out nah all right I'll do it it would be an hna oh you can chill you can chill Mel what are you doing not cool bro see I'm doing you a favor I'm clearing out the path thank you and now I will go straight forward yeah but you need to make a long Caboose that's the secret to the unknown Railway I did I can't even move with my long Caboose wait really oh yeah it's cuz my back fell off I think oh sorry Sunny hold on I got to I got to straighten the track out once melon okay okay you got to clear that out you got to clear that out all right hold on I'll clear it out don't worry no not there starting from here please don't do it please don't do it I'll clear it out fine I won't do it I feel too bad oh Sunny I'm sorry what'd you do I didn't mean to and you still have to clear out the front all right I'm on clearing Duty no problem all right now I straighten the track out a little bit for myself and I make a nice long locomotive I'm going to give it a good paint job too look at that it's a caterpillar bro that's so cool Sunny thanks bro I've been working on this be careful don't knock your back thing off don't back up too quick yeah I'm not crazy bro why would I do that cuz that's what happened to me I'm just warning you yeah but you're crazy I don't know how to get past this rock I think it randomly generated and made it really messed up okay let me get up there and take a closer look Sunny I'm going so slow I don't know about you I'm going 67 mph now 80 I'm going 10 I'm going zero I'm going backwards I'm going backwards I couldn't go forwards anymore bro you need to just get in my cart all right just just get over here no no I'm getting in my own and I'm not getting any Caboose I'm getting just a locomotive all right fine dude why' you mess my track up see you you're so annoying tell you what's annoying the darkness dude I can't see a thing but I am going full turkey mode right now no breaks 100 mph seems is ears what could possibly go wrong a whole lot of things probably you can see you mean the dist you're right there is a rock yeah how do you get around that carefully melon would you like me to show you yes please show me it only works for green cars I'll show you how to get her no release the Kraken I think we glitched it when we spawned in later chunks and now our world is completely broken it's been corrupted well Sunny no well what melon well what you know what I've had it with this game I'm out of here no melon don't leave oh he actually just Rage Quit goats press that like button and subscribe if you thought this video was funny and let us know if we should try riding a cart into the unknown again soon today sunny and I play a cart ride game as balls we move around a lot so it makes this cart ride almost impossible stick around to see if we make it to the end Sunny are you ready to ride this cart as balls you know it brother what are you a baseball a tennis ball maybe a bowling ball what type of ball you think you are I cannot say what kind of ball I am sunny but I can say let's spawn in a cart ow what just hit me all right I'm regenerating this cart into the void I go okay great click to regen a cart and then this is my cart okay I'm locked in go go go wait which way is go go turn it on Sunny am I really locked into this cart I feel like I'm not sitting down at all yeah I don't think we are I think that's part of the challenge ah ah stay in the cart what why this is so hard bro how am I even on it anymore okay I need a fresh cart and uh ooh safe cart game pass yeah that sounds like a good idea you're boring sunny I live my life on the why is this guy stuck here no no move your stupid car yeah that's what I thought melon that's what I thought how exactly do I get my safe oh someone's trying to steal my safe cart no let me in yes I'm in dude look at this guy's got a whole tram with laser beams this is so stupid Z I'm trying to push this ball out of the way move it I might have to self-destruct to kill Kevin the boss goodbye this guy's card has laser beams in it Kevin move it I got to reset Sunny let's go I'm dead too what the heck just happened oh everyone got reset I think yo Sunny I'm going to regen a no they took my card it's okay I'll spawn a safe Card wait why isn't my safe guard respawning whatever I'm taking this one mine now oh not mine oh melon melon respawn bro there's one of these big tram carts with laser beams I'm going to try and grab it no I missed how do we even get in look at it we could steal it we could steal it ah I overshot it oh I was there hey I'm dead again it can be ours melon it can be all ours hey I keep overshooting it dude this is so tough no I don't know about this one Sunny I'm just going to go spawn in a normal cart yeah that's a good idea Okay so I touch this and then it says touch to spawn and it spawns in my safe cart nice ah why bro you blocked me bro it doesn't even let me go in your cart bro it just blocks me off and I can't do anything good it kills people when they go in my cart I like that wo I just bounced so high what the heck bye melon I'm on a journey oh that's good for you Sunny good for you oh wait this guy is in the way dude move it I got to ah he lasered be my cart what is his problem why ah this is so much better sunny no cards to get in our way Peace at Last now I'll go in my extra safe car and press go that's what you get trying to get in my car get out of here you better not clog it up I'll be so mad why would I clog up the pathway I'm going to be the best wait what the heck what was that yep that's what I thought I think I'll go a little bit quicker actually let's increase the speed shall we and I'm dead wow this is so fun so fun faster faster I don't know if I go any faster I kind of pressed as much as I could what the what what is this cart sounds like you're having a personal problem there I'm having a great time riding on this track right now melon I just wanted you to know I'm glad for you Sunny I'm so happy yep I'm zooming past this I'm going to get to level two in no time yeah same same here did you fall off again dude you don't understand playing this game like a real Pro like an actual ball like how the game supposed to be played is so difficult I am a ball and I am rolling around in my little cart so I appreciate that also melon you clogged the track with one of your roller coaster carts that looks like trouble oh what do you mean what do you mean wait what does this thing say I'm on an electric track bro there was a warning sign I don't know what it said uh you're probably going to die that's all you got to know wait did you get the checkpoint I hope so I've just been zooming y y yep yep that's what we want to see that's what we want to see I'm actually going crazy oh no slow down don't hit the red ball oh it despawned thank God no oh it despawned as well what the heck the red balls are Vanishing just before they touch me that is awesome I'm glad you aren you so lucky sunny only we could all be so lucky yeah turns out I am the greatest cart Rider of all time I'm actually going crazy though Sunny I'm going to catch up to you playing with no safe cart I'm not playing with a safe cart okay this is a Minecraft mine cart you literally have walls and everything on you I'm just on a flat surface yeah you're on one of those old hand crank carts where you have to crank the lever back and forth I've got a sophisticated mine cart straight out of the shafts this is going to be hard get me to the next check Point wait am I at the end game no way yo that was insane melon I'm almost at the end I think oh wait no I'm not even close I don't know where I am how do I check my zones I've left you behind you mere mortal I've left you behind and then no did you see what I tried doing I didn't see it but Sunny I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared no welcome back are you kidding me bro I made it to zone three and then I saw you underneath me so I tried to jump down and Sumo Slam you bro that's it I'm getting the safe card I can't do that again hey melon fun fact a banana will spawn on this plate every 10 to 120 Minutes well isn't that a not fun fact if only it was every 10 seconds that is so weird where are my checkpoints I just did so much work for what oh my God that's it I will have to do this all over again oh yeah I got a pay attention to my ball formation just don't speed up you just stay at the consistent speed and you're chilling yeah but what if I wanted to go quick with it okay I just did that and now I'm going to slow down again speed up honestly the problem with going quick with it is it's hard to press the slow down button I know that's the problem dude wait why is my cart there no no no no no no no no no no did you die why is my stupid cart here wait get rid of it despawn it quick I'm almost there too wait you could just press go on it I'm trying Sunny I'm trying go go speed up speed up ah y appreciate you thanks for self dest oh no I'm stuck oh my gu no I fixed my cart but it went without me it's leaving me behind come back see you later Sunny well I might as well clear the track a little bit why is it so dark here bro look at the moon it's got a creepy face on it just like us bro I can't spawn it in what the heck it's so dark and spooky here now you have to touch it and then touch it again you got to double tap get in the safe cart and go this is so dark out here right now Sunny yeah crank the speed just keep cranking the speed he you can crank the speed on this boy I don't know just keep pressing the forwards button well I'm just chilling now because I don't even have to do anything to win are you kidding me what nothing you'll you'll see when you get here oh Sunny would you mind destructing that Cart please what Cart please could you please destruct both the carts before I I die a horrible death I don't even have a destruct button my cart is just stuck oh wait I could drive no what just happened thank you for very much sunny and I will now continue on my way just make sure you get the checkpoint I'm going to try Sunny for science how did you get past that crossroads it laser beamed me and destroyed my cart I don't know bro i' never seen the laser beams I pressed your button now okay if I jump off here wait you pressed mine wait this just longs to a nuclear missile I can't come back from here are you kidding me wait did you not even get a checkpoint no I didn't I didn't why did I just hear tactical nuke incoming uh don't worry about it me what have you done no uh nothing nothing nothing important there's a giant bomb about to explode and we're all dead together why are you like this but now Sunny we'll play the game legit we'll roll out as a unit yeah great there's still a huge explosion on my screen okay we're chilling now all right I'll get the first car hey what that happened to me too what the heck was that hey you destroyed the world you put a hole in the ground way to go no no no we being chilling don't worry get in your cart bro I'm trying to spawn it in there we go I feel feel like I have no control over my ball anymore all right Sunny I'm going to wait for you okay wait wait I'm pressing oh this game I get in my cart and I press lights camera action now we roll out as a unit Sunny we're going to win I feel it I feels it as well I'm right behind you I'm cruising in at quick speeds how are you going so fast just keep pressing the triangle I have been I'll boost you oh no oh no melon what are you doing to me I didn't do anything all right I'm slowing down I don't understand how are you going so quickly trying to slow down it won't let me click it I'm zooming up don't worry okay thank you I think we should stay at this speed shy you're faster than me now I think exactly why am I glowing red I don't know why what did you do now move oh no uh oh no Sunny that's really unfortunate of you uh I need you to die I need you to die please please please no no why why is your ball still here no see you buddy we're going to go down together I don't need no cart Sunny I'm a ball a ball ball ball I guess me too roll out why did you sabotage us I'm just trying to beat this game H in zone 2 what does this say warning activate oh my ball died no nuclear Silo can we not sabotage each other please I'm just trying to actually see what's at the end of this game all right fine fine let's just press the button and then AFK okay that's the safest plan I'm literally not waiting for you anymore I don't trust you no no but I'm going to press the triangle three times and I'm going to go get a snack okay I'll be right back guys I'm going super fast right now this is crazy what have I done what have I done what have I done am I going to win am I going to secure that fat dton yes ni wait what just happened what killed me why oh my God this game is so stupid yo I'm passing another platform I must be getting close to the end game now melon Sunny I'm catching up I'm coming back for you dude you are absolutely zooming chill what I'm not going quick enough that's the problem oo that was spooky I almost got blasted by a red ball yeah that's crazy sunny but I'm coming for you I'm coming for you what are you doing I just see you going so fast I'm Coming For You sunny I have a bad feeling you're going to die to the red balls going that Quick N I can't possibly die like this let me pause are you kidding me go I got crushed by a red ball it's spawned on me I just knocked the Red Bull off come on melon that was crazy come on melon you got this it's all up to you now it just said my cart fell off but I'm no why it just I don't think this game is beatable it just got rid of my cart I was right at the end I was so close Sunny yeah dude a red ball spawned in my cart how do you think I feel you should have been more aware of where the red balls were spawning idiot oh my gosh I just want to be a cool ball like this guy dang it make sure you guys press the like button if you want to have good luck when you play ride a cart in a ball let's go this is Roblox ride a cart into nothing but melan and lock cheats and trolled other players it was so funny so stick around until the end to watch him destroy noes also we're trying to catch up in subscribers to our first channel so please subscribe to get goed and smack that like button let's try for 1,000 likes yo Sunny dude are you ready to cart ride around nothing you know my dude I'm ready let's get goated out here wait bro what is going on that does not look safe or to code I don't know about this I don't know bro let's uh let's let's open a cart yo let's get an extra large get a extra large I got one right here for you oh thank you thank you I'll start the generator for you bro oh thanks buddy I got the Caboose STP back here brother what I just sat down I didn't turn it off what's going on I think we pressed it at the same time all right roll us out of here melon let's go go all right I'm steering you got to take the cone as slowly yeah I got that Caboose all right so don't flip me off the map or I'm dead I'll try my best oh God I went a little faster do you think this is an electric vehicle that's a lot of smog we're putting out this is not eco-friendly bro move dude oh my God what just happened you got us killed bro you destroyed both of our carts I just touched him and we just like it went into the stratosphere all right let's get a fresh one let's get a fresh one this is big enough I got the Jenny I got the Jenny all right bro you want to steer us this time uh I guess I will steer us this time how does this thing work steer to shoot wait shoot what am I shooting bro there's troll in the back maybe she'll turn it on this time N I don't I don't think they're going to turn it on fire it up fired up and roll out let's go full steam full steam ahead we're going to fall off no I'm trying to flip them off yes I got her what were you doing I I I killed her bro dude hurry up hurry up start this and I'm violating dude I don't trust all right pilot away bro get them out of our vehicle can we uncp the Jenny um I don't know if we can they're just trying to F yes they're gone we did it let's go all right melon slow and steady slow and steady oh very important wall please don't shoot I beg you this is so important you won't believe how important okay so don't shoot anything uh melon this crazy guy's trying to catch up to us he's trying to shoot you how do you even shoot I think you pressed the forward button no I don't know shoot to steer it says I don't know cap this person dude blast them off the tracks I don't know how I'm doing doing this dude I just think it randomly shoots oh well shoot and P at this person already no no yo get on theirs get on theirs no what I think it shot bro I think it shot No Cap bro let's go this direction let's let's go the other way you can steer this time I got the Jenny I got the Jenny you want me to steer again no no I got this I'm an expert I'm leaving you in the dust bro all right take the corners nice and slow nice and easy Easy Does It 18 is my speed 18 is smooth I'm going to slow it down a little bit though we got to we got to go to 12 10 9 8 full steam ahead okay I won't I won't go crazy I won't go crazy how's the Jenny the generator's chilling dude it's a little bit smocky but it's all good all right slowing down e bra yeah I press the E bra I think I maybe uh got my wheels off of the track a little bit let me fix this I got this yeah we need the repair man melon your Caboose is freaking out no well I guess without all that extra weight I figured out how to fix it no never mind still stuck wait I found the way to do it dude you just don't even need a c dude yeah meet me out here I'm going just going to jug along this dude hey bruh nice carart bruh I'm riding the rails I'm riding the rails parkour God no I'm not a parkour God no what happened to you oh he ran into the Gart and we exploded get in front of Mirabel we can't let her drive block it block it I'm taking her cart I'll clear the tracks I'll clear the tracks come on melon you got this why aren't they starting it start those engines I think they're trying to blow you up bro all right let's go let's go let's roll I know to take these speed runs perfectly bro I'm going on foot you want to see a speed run I got you oh wait this was way too fast this was way too fast no our old cart is still parked here and it's going to get somebody killed she's about to get killed bro she's at our old cart she's going to hit it they're just stuck I'm waiting here at the bend we got a traffic jam here BR I don't know how people play this game has anyone actually beaten it why does this keep happening oh my God he shot and he blew up the carts this man is a menace to society how do you shoot I don't know melon but I'm watching a crazy man at work he's stuck where are you melon I'm on my way I'm on my way hey he released the traffic jam this guy knows what's up I got to make money moves I don't want this guy to shoot me I know he's going to please move it sunny boy move move it he's on your tail we're actually making steady progress right now melon I'm above you I'm a level up I really run it up this guy's crazy yo I'm jacking his vehicle I turned his Jenny off I think it's going to blow up you've got to shoot it how do I shoot it just wait what are you going backwards for what are you going backwards for build that momentum up and get the shot right die it's didn't work oh no I'm making the jump let's go holy goat s wait for me bro we're doing this on foot that was a crazy jump melon oh my God I got hops this is way easier on foot I know that's why I'm on foot with you slow down dude slow down I'm almost there jump Oh I thought I fell are we starting a new meta bro there's two people behind us running on foot as well let's go they know what's up dude speed limit of 10 okay well I don't think we're even going half of that where you at though I'm just R front of you dude dude look at how many places your carts can travel dude what the heck man wait there's a car here I can take yeah I want to get in that green Jeep get in the green Jeep oh no it's gone where' do you even go I don't know but we got to get one of these vehicles oh you bounced me I'm taking this car I'm taking this car melon I'm jumping I'm jumping H can you even get inside of it I don't think so dude where should we go I don't know wait there's a card up here let's take this cart okay wait for me oh it's up there that's crash landed dude no no it's good dude trust me it's good oh I know where I'm going I'm going to explore something I am a great Adventurer of the cart I will find the secret ending yo I think this cart's actually good it's working dude I want to join you but I want to check this place out real quick oh God the tracks freaking out why is the track vibrating yeah that is sus that is super sus oh no I can maybe push this thing to the side I crashed it melon I'm going to the edge of the world there's a little box back here I got to find out what's in it where oh all the way over where I'm going I don't know way deep I think I can make this jump if I'm gooded enough let's go my God I was not even close okay I'm dead I just saw the little red guy fly nice one melon if I could walk 5,000 miles I would walk 5,000 more just to be the one who gets the goat with the sauce baby oh uhoh oh this guy crashed it okay that was a great start melon I almost made it I think I can spawn new vehicles back here what is this place what is this place why are there spawn pads teleport to spawn you get a cart and teleport to checkpoint you got a cart oh checkpoint sounds good but it it doesn't work what are you kidding me I came all the way here for what to control dude that's the whole point of the game can I get back up I can do this oh yeah goed be a troll or deal with trolls using this expensive flight potion Game Pass I know where where are you even finding these game passes nowhere yo I can ruin people's days this is sick yo holy crap I'm coming back melon I'm coming back what' you do you trashed his vehicle why would you do that cuz I'm goed like that check this out check this out I'm the goat now oh what have you done melon don't worry let's go what is that I'm trying let me back in I'm get on to Caboose I'm going get on to Jenny let's go let's go yo Chitty Chitty Bang bang yo yo they think they're safe oh my God melon you're a menace you're a menace oh my god oh I just ruined their day bro they were trying so hard to do it again do it again we're going on a trip oh my God this is hard to control right now you're dude you're whipping it you're whipping it what is going on what have you done what have you done oh I don't know that's it I'm going to beat the game legit yeah you have fun with that any on no it's happening again why did my cart just explode yo let's go to different sections oh my God okay what is my guy doing bro what are you doing okay okay okay sunny we're going to we're going to go to different parts of the map and try some jumps out there's something I want to try all right kind of terrified I'll turn the Jenny on no you don't need to turn away no I just wanted to have extra power all right take us away take W I'm upside down whatever you do don't jump I won't jump okay where are you taking us where are you taking us oh let's go we can spawn more carts in here yo extra large ones too race cart game pass hold up it ain't even working oh yeah none of these buttons work trash I guess we really do have to ride this cart and do nothing maybe I can get it back on the track man this is really hard to control what is going on more importantly melon there's some people down there making progress get them where I can't control they're way up to the left up and to the left take him out yo oh my God it's so hard to control you've got to win whip him with the Jenny a come on you got this boom that guy has got to be so mad he just quit he just disappeared on me I'm riding out with the homies it'd be a real shame if a wild melon were to crash into us I'm trying to communicate with my boy cran will he answer melon quickly get over here and blow us up all right I'm on my way bro I'm on my way where you at [Laughter] no bueno it's no bueno make sure you guys like And subscribe so I can blow more people up today sunny and I ride a Grimace again pretty much we ride this Grimace as fast as possible and to do that we spend a lot of roblo to pay to win but it's worth it because we Zoom faster than any other Grimace melon it's time for more ride of Grimace bro I'm going to absolutely Crush you check out my speed charge it up well we'll see about that one Sunny let me just get juicy real quick yeah you think you're getting juicy look at how many shakes I'm drinking bro my Grimace is from the void Dimension he's crazy well I'm going to go faster than you yeah you wish zooming what dude you're so fast bro I'm actually dusting you no one's even close to me there's this one guy wait no he's catching up to me are you kidding me he's going to pass me how dude he's way quicker than you son you're slow he start started off so slow and then he went quick he's got insane acceleration melon we've got to figure out how to boost our grimaces to become the fastest most quickest in the world wait why are you going faster than me wait yeah why are you so slow Sunny bro you are what's your top speed 1 million oh mine is way lower than you I only have 168,000 yeah but I I'm only traveling at 130,000 right now or something like that I can't speed up bro why are your acceleration so trash bro this is not cool I was quicker than you at the start but then you started going crazy fast I think you're catching up though sunny I ain't going to lie I don't understand how you did this whatever I need to claim my prize give me this and this more milkshakes I need more milkshakes yes I need the event egg hatch for free or hatch for $99 why don't I just oh I can't hatch it yet wait where's the event egg I really want this y he Sunny after this 30 seconds I'm going to power up my Grimace like you wouldn't believe it we'll see about that one Sunny yeah we sure will bucko I'm investing 350 Robux into my acceleration for double the speed come on it's better help start zooming dang it I'm not zooming Sunny you are trash my boy did you rebirth is that why you're so quick with it I have no idea honestly sunny I just rebirthed I just sacrificed everything well that sucks to be you now I have have 761,00 wins by this 500k egg let's open it up baby what the heck I have 500 wins I just wasted my wins and I got the common one it's all right though don't know what this does uh let's buy an overpowered magic book yeah this should be good um how many times current rebirths one I have One Singular rebirth activate the tap Master wa increases clicks by 15x that's huge except I am not going to go very fast melon do you have the auto clicker or something how are you so quick I don't have an auto clicker sunny I don't understand maybe none of your pets give you acceleration let's see pet Boku plus 20 ft Boku Crimson plus 80 what are yours do you don't get like I get like 100,000 ice creams yeah I have a million ice creams on Boku Crimson I get plus 15 ft plus 20 ft and plus 6 feet what I have more feet than you and way more total milkshakes I don't get it I don't don't understand either I'm entering the starter Island Sunny you've changed Islands how are you doing this oh wait this is the oh we went into the next World I forgot now I'm going back to Candy Island you absolute rat I need to get more speed I require it how do I get my acceleration through the roof guys I think I should probably buy the luck boost where is it where is it Mega lucky plus 100% pet hatch oh yeah oh yeah give me that boy Mega lucky and now I'm going to farm up some wins hey Sunny you're going so quick that's crazy yeah and you're probably going to zoom on by me I know I'm unlocking VIP that's probably why you're going fast I don't know if that's why sunny I don't think I even paid to win in anything yeah I don't believe you actually instead of VIP I'm going to become a pro it's 1,000 Robux it's probably not worth it but let's do this please like the video I'm spending all my wuck and it hurts bro this thing is garbage 30% wins this was 100% bro I got scammed bro you are trash my dude my void Grimace is already better than this other one what the heck and he's blue he's not even shiny he's just blue how do you have a void Grimace I don't understand oh I should have been clicking this whole time I got to charge up my milkshakes yes charge the shakes my milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard they like it wasn't even yes bro I'm I'm why wait is it cuz I'm not holding W have you not been holding W the whole time sunny I didn't know I was supposed to hold double you you are so stupid dude that's why I was so slow look at me go I'm actually crazy good for you Sunny I'm happy yeah and I'm happy if you're happy and I'm happy if I'm zooming past you and making you eat my Grimace Shake let's go so quick with it so quick Sunny you might be one of the dumbest players I've ever met bro it's not my fault I thought it just ran automatically by itself you are so dumb my dude yeah well watch this rebirth oh that's a good point I could rebirth On The Run that's what I'm doing and then I'm going fast I'm going to rebirth again yes I'm actually insane how quick are you going dude can't tell you it's top secret I got an OP Boku pets let's see best yes two Bokus are better than the St Patrick's pet oh yeah I have two Bokus now too melon that's another rebirth I'm even faster with my acceleration and top speed let's go chill Sunny bro I'm going so fast the floor color is like blinking and disappearing it's glitching out I might be the fastest Grimace in Roblox you might be but just wait till I catch up to you I've achieved maximum speed of 1.13 million yes gaining more speed as I run I finally understand how to win all I had to do is press W on my keyboard yes honey it's like the first thing you would probably think to do on this game Yes W for winner you're probably pressing L for loser that's not cool man and now I have have 2 million wins to invest let's see where the eggs are yes 500,000 don't mind if I do common new pet discovered let's see how good this pet is oh it's actually you know what I'm going to do melon I'm going to go to the store I'm going to buy something I should have bought a long time ago what are you buying Sunny Mega lucky no Sunny no no no no don't do that don't do that that's my thing please don't buy it too late I own meal lucky dang it sunny and I got a vanilla ice cream dog and I'm getting another egg I'm acquiring the Epic pistachio cream alien oh I'm awesome and a garbage dog okay whatever I'm out of money to spend pets equip the best ones hold on let me uh how do I like get out of the run you can't I'm resetting my carer yes now I will purchase the 500k egg give me something good please dude I bought double luck and you still gave me the worst pet yeah my magic spells are pretty awesome I got the dice roller which gives me a chance to increase my WI by 100x I also have this epic one for the tap master that I'll use the next race we do wait what did you buy that increases your wins by 100x it's a 5% chance relax it's not even that good oh okay still increasing my speed I could use extra acceleration to tell you the truth I could use triple speed yeah buddy yeah buddy give me triple speed yeah melon I won't even cap I have over 10 million wins already how how are you so op it's actually that new 5% thing it's giving me so much more cuz it's 100 times bro that's crazy from every single wait wait wait did you buy it in the store no it's a rare chance that it activates but where did you get that thing from the claim prizes it was the magic book dude are you kidding me kidding are you joking I have 18 how you're so overpowered and now I would purchase so many eggs must buy the triple hatch it's the only way all of my RO Robux have been now spent please like the video and subscribe oh he gets the legendary waffle cone let's freaking go yes I need more must buy more eggs melon I'm leaving you behind now yes I get it you're way stronger than me sunny I don't even know what you did another waffle cone yes and I will craft these eggs into something way more magnificent soon bending all my winds dude Sunny what is your top speed right now give me a second still opening some pet eggs let's see top speed says 1.2 m million only that's actually not even that much I know but do you have a gold alien a gold pistachio no I don't sunny I have nothing I actually now have a shiny pistachio oh it's so precious gold waffle cones yes equip my best pets they're so beautiful melon time to zoom hey Sunny I'm faster than you yeah I see that it's going to take a little bit of time for me to build up my speed here but my pets do look awesome oh I think you're faster than me now no no you're going to lap me oh I think you la me yep you la me bro I'm not even at top speed yet neither am I I'm only halfway I actually feel kind of slow I'm not even going to cap No Cap no feel like it takes me so long to build up speed yeah it does it really Dooby though really doob be like that that's it I need the auto clicker it's the only way I've acquired the auto clicker and enabled it so I should have maximum speed now Sunny you're too op there's only one thing I can do please give me something good from this Mythic egg give me something good you're going to need a lot more than that I'm using my 15x click value right now and it's going nutty with it bro I got the Epic are you kidding me what does it mean 120% chance I get the Epic that makes no sense I'm going quick melon my acceleration it's unrivaled I'm still so slow my Grimace is the best Grimace yeah let's rebirth why not rebirthing while you run is actually so perfect cuz you don't lose any acceleration you just get to invest all of your wins let me do it again check it out oh wait no I need 10 million for this next one that's okay I'll be there soon Sunny what did you do to get so strong I did a lot of buying of paying to wins yeah I just spent Roo really oh my God Sunny increasing another rebirth I could hatch this egg for free come on give me something good give me something good space egg legendary wait that actually looked good that actually looked good 30 oh that is huge that is huge equip best guys I'm I'm going to go into my pet inventory and buy some more space plus two pet slots where'd you get the space egg is this it here oh right princess the Mythic Queen alien you got the Mythic Queen alien sure did 255,000 shakes bro how are you so lucky how am I so awesome you mean dude that is not fair oh time to go a little faster I wasn't pressing W that's my bad melon I have 20 million wins I'm going to see what the next world looks like medieval Island let's check it out how much do these eggs cost 20 million for one egg let's buy it w amethyst Dragon pets are so powerful Sunny I'm still so weak I don't get it it's okay melon it's okay you never will win potion maybe this is my chance potions use win potion two x wins for the next 30 minutes it's barely doing anything I hate to break the bad news to you melon it's not even close I have a Queen alien a super overpowered Goku and now I even have a dragon how much is your top speed I'm dragging these nuts across your face dude not cool I asked a question oh sorry 1.6 million bro I'm never going to catch up what's your top speed 700,000 oh poor little baby shut up I have 40 million wins already should I rebirth yeah why not let's do it how do you have 40 million wins that doesn't even make sense just rebirthed immediately got to 5 million 6 million 7 million 15 million bro sometimes when it hits the 5% bonus I'm getting paid multi-millions bro I don't understand that book is so op you probably have books that do good stuff too no I don't sunny it's not even that rare it's literally only rare the other one I have is called epic tier I have I will check my inventory how do I check my stuff press the magic scroll button you Noob oh yeah I have the egg Hatcher and the runner oh wait I didn't equip either of them yeah that's not very smart Runner increases your speed by 75k wow 75,000 that's crazy that is crazy Sunny I'm going nuts you actually you're accelerating pretty quick now holy smoke I'm catching up to you Sunny wait I'm going quicker than you no I'm going 1.6 million oh I'm not going that fast yeah I'm zooming past you so fast you can't even see it on your screen dang it bro you are so quick y all in a day's work it do be like that oh another gift the op demonic Dominus don't mind if I snag that and see if I equip the best what happens yeah it's not even good where did you get that got a lot of acceleration it ain't too bad but I'm not using it was in my gifts dude I think I'm going to try opening a bunch of these okay give me something good give me the 02 you're out here nope got got got nothing again oh it's okay why did I even pay for that luck boost yeah the luck boost seems kind of trash not going to lie now let's see if I do some pet crafting what I get Midnight Dres and equip the best what happened golden midnight Drake one of the best pets in the game melon how do you know that I don't understand bro I'm just too goated too goated with the sauce you're so annoying I need to get some op pet that's my only chance of catching up he wants to trade with me except what is he going to give oh he's got trash uh what are you going to offer me buddy okay I'll give you this are you trading some guy some garbage pets yep and he's giving me a golden pet and a demonic Dominus oh he's giving me all his pets no way are they even good good though I don't know I'm about to find out no he's he's not giving me his good pets wait he did give me his pets what am I going to get please tell me they're good please tell me they're good okay pets no okay he not oh the Demonic Dominus uh was in my best pets so he did kind of help me a little bit melon I can claim a new event egg the magma wao this looks crazy if you get the overpowered egg you're going to be nuts yeah but a 1.02% chance I got the infernal dragon which was uh not sure whatever Sunny most common yeah you suck but I'm about to get the op pet give it to me never mind I got the common one nice hey melon I got an idea why don't we say first to 10 rebirths wins Sonny you're going to win bro yeah with that attitude dude okay fine first to 10 rebirths wins let's do this thing let's do it you're going down bro you're going down down all right time to run how much do I need 160 million oh this is going to take a while yeah shny I'm only at three rebirths well I guess that means I win guys there's still a chance I could buy a rebirth this is my chance to Victory skip skip skip them all oh that's going to get really expensive ah never mind bro my number go up I'm so close to 10 rebirths this is crazy I'm going so fast getting so many wins so rapidly I just need 30 million more come on make it 15 seconds it's so close 3 2 1 dang it I'm 5 million off going to have to run again yeah Sunny I'm about to win I'm about to get to five four rebirths wow very impressive melon very impressive it's time melon I just need a few more wins yep that's it and rebirth time 10 let's get cated I got a brand new skin let me guess it's still worse than my op skin yep sure is still pretty cruddy but you know what's not cruddy pressing the like And subscribe button do it right now and let us know what simulators we should play next time this is sliding down 999 bajillion feet Roblox first we slide from outer space second we team up in bob sled together what could possibly go wrong and finally we do a one versus One race in a slide Obi map can we reach over 999 likes on this video and if you're new here make sure you subscribe let's go melon are you ready to slide 999,999 1999 ft no I'm only ready to slide 999 m 999,999 shut up and jump in the Illuminati box let's roll wait where'd it go give me that oh that's mine no that's mine dibs dibs yo we got jacked wait I jacked it dude I'm in behind you bro roll out we're through space bro we rolling oh oh I made it I made it oh my god dude we're actually in space right now incoming waterfall yo you're riding on your Dome too I saw that yeah I'm running on my cap oh we riding dirty let's go we're going to get back to planet Earth maybe maybe not oh my God I'm right behind you bro I'm going to catch up I'm going to catch up did you take the right or left lane I hang to the right I'm already right too dude cruising through Lava oh I almost overshot it that was too close too close I'm actually just vibing big vibing bro I'm spinning like a teacup no I'm good now go make the yes I made it let's go oh my God I got some speed right now what your speed at yo at 390 oh I'm losing speed just 300 I'm at 400 700 holy crap how are you going so fast I'm at 200 oh no I'm gaining speed now oh smoke dude almost there wait we're almost there yo Yan cat what's good do the PTO is almost there yo I see it the huge squid guy please please make the jump make the jump wait caution authorized personnel only no I fell off are you kidding me right at the end come on let me make it through oh that's so cringe bro I'm at the caution as well I'm at the caution as well we're holding we're holding 700 our speed is at 900 almost go go I'm goated yes did you beat him man yes I did it bro I can't believe I died right at the end that's so cringe yeah that is a big L bro what a fail man I look good out here with the Doge dog yo give me this Cheeto dog yeah wait what is going on I transformed I thought I was going to ride it I don't think I like this anymore get this off of me get it off no I don't want to go back to the start I'm in the Winner's area cuz I'm goated wait wait for me I'm coming back I'm coming back I'm feeling it this time dude bro I got mad speed dude um oh I I died okay I give up prepare to slide to Victory hop in bro hop in hop in how do we go though yo I want I wanted the yellow seats okay bro I'll take my red seat W get in your seat let me sit let me sit oh thank you bro you just got in dude oh this like a water slide bro we're on rainbow road right now don't fly off stay on the track bro Sunny lead to the right lean to the right I'm leaning I'm leaning lean to the left lean to the left bro Cool Runnings we're a Jamaican bob sled team now let's go yo yeah this is hype will we make it though I wonder how big this slide is are we going to get to the end yeah bro like this goes on for a while it's kind of goated though I swear we went down this exact same thing no no you're you're imagining it bro we didn't go back to the start yet oh my God stay on the track stay on the track oh big loopy loopop b a bing oh that was hype scoo oh this is new this is hurting my eyes it's an eyeball searer but it feels kind of good it's waking me up it's making me feel alive yo 360 dude what's going to be the end of the slide um more slide yes dude it's literally the same this map maker is lazy dude no no no no no no no no no we're imagining wa come on what's going on no keep going no way oh my God right at the end bro you had to go and call the map maker lazy bro we really have to do all that over again oh my God yeah dude way to go just be quiet enjoy the ride you made the map maker angry bro I'm going to even out the weight distribution I'm sitting in the back you're too heavy bro we better make it through this time no no way bro oh my God again all right bro I'm going to race you dude new game plan it's on you think you got the lead bro come on yeah I think I do brother I'm going to bump you out of this track yeah boy I got the sauce bro and I'm coming for you come on what I just died how'd you die bro I have no idea my body just exploded that's a scam what it's a free dub for me dude are you kidding me it's like I hit the side of the wall there's a little tiny crack and I exploded bro that's crazy what the heck bro reset your character get back over here we're restarting that was a scam I'm literally winning right now bro that was literally fake news I don't know what you're talking about dude are you resetting or are you continuing I'm dude I'm going I'm winning this oh my all right let me know when you get to the neon area at least okay I got you my god dude that's crazy bro you killed me I didn't do anything bro you really sabotaged me you're that salty no you can literally check my screen I didn't do anything bro how did I die did you actually die yeah I just died out of nowhere you exploded yes that's epic cuz I didn't even do it oh my god well I'll be honest I did it too you coward you knew I was going to beat you that's why did you actually not do it to me no I didn't but I'm going to try something now don't do it oh my God you're cringe you definitely did and I just discovered something about this game do you want to know what you don't have to pay the robo how once you press the sabotage button it kills you and you don't even spend the roblo Bro wait I was paying roox that whole time that's dope yeah that's why when you said did you sabotage me I was like well I didn't I didn't pay for it but I guess it worked hey yo melon what are you doing over there oh my God I went down the slide dude bro oh I made it oh my God I fell off are you kidding me let's go let's see you make it y oh I made it that was easy bro are you kidding me I got scammed dude fidget Spinners can't stop me bro checkpoint let's go come on come on oh yeah I'm the Godus go so epic rainbow jump oh dude we're jumping through a black hole get ready brace yourself into the Vortex impact are you kidding me oh wait I made it it looked like I flopped at first yeah me too wait what I thought I was dead yo is this mini golf get me in the hole oh it's a checkpoint yeah that was was easy peasy Dude Where's the sabotage melon button bro put me in the stupid bucket and leave me in it keeps kicking me out oh my God I am going so fast wait what's this portal ooh another checkpoint let's go yo what through the clouds this is crazy what is going on oh hey sunny boy yo what's good melon what's good good luck yeah what pressing the cart button oh that was really hard well I I'm in front of you so yeah cuz you were way ahead of me dude it's cuz my melon's bigger dude it's not about the size wait can I stop your cart yo what get out of here no oh it actually works bro that's sick get out of here I can't even click on your thing to restart it I knew it I knew you were going to do that that's it I'm goated I'm goated oh no wait it's neck and neck give me this checkpoint free give me the free Jeep yes oh this is mine this is mine get out of here Sunny yo drive drive bro let's go bro there's only room for one of us no wait I'm dead you Noob I'm going now bro what just happened why did I get set what am I what's going on did you get reset to the beginning no I'm flying away from the map I'm flying so high in the air what is going on bro what what did you do where am I dude how did this happen how did this happen hey yo give me a lift give me me a lift I'll just keep going up then no yes yes yes leave him in the dust leave him in the dust here I'll wait for you I'll wait for you how could you do this how could you do this okay thank you thank you bro thank you bro yo yo yo chill bro chill wait wait why you so rude see you hey yo yo hold up hold up you got to give me a lift bro no I can't dude sorry I'm liter buy admin commands and flick you off the edge I do it then do it I actually can't believe you made me do this you're the worst kind of person bro no way you actually just paid that many Robux you're done dude look I'm coming straight for you I'm coming straight for you dude bro you really bought that huh oh look how cute he is in his vehicle he thinks he's fast oh my God you actually bought a Magikarp but you're cringe yo I'm fast actually I wouldn't say cringe I say quick with it oh my Lord you're all the way here yeah nice gun dude shoot me you can't even hit bro oh wait I'm actually almost dead bro that's right you run you run bro you run like a coward dude bro you're literally cheating I'm just checking you out I want to see what you're up to bro boom Take the Lead stop shooting me dude we have to work together here okay okay I'll stop it's not like I'm doing this to you oh my God bro you're cringe man I got to be real bro this is too slow I'm out of here bro what like look how many more stairs there still are I ain't walking them I PID Rob for this commit to the Grind dude bro stop stop drop it yo commit to the Grind commit to the Grind how's the grind down there melon bro you're weird you're weird drive that jeep for me thanks bro oh God it's so hard to drive up these stairs what the heck yo stop I see you trying to dump me off nice jeep have fun and I cruise on out yeah boy I'm waiting on my sorry melon don't do what you're thinking you're going to do don't do what you think you want to do but I want to I really do dude stop look how far you came melon look how far you come stop stop it let's go bro I stopped shooting you we were at the end of the game I wasn't trying to kill you I think we should stay away from slide games for a while yeah agreed let's stay away from the slides for a while don't forget to like And subscribe I challenged melon to the ultimate race we each have a onewheel vehicle known as the unicycle and whoever goes the fastest down a hill wins upgrading speed and re birthing is how you could travel faster and faster every one like and new subscriber this video gets is plus one speed in game let's get goated bro we've got a one wheelie you a cycle down this hill melon let's go let's go Sunny Land that front flip I dare you I'm not doing it bro I'm a coward I want to see how far down I can make it yo melon get the red thing it's good for you all right I'm going on the red thing what does it do what what was that bro why did I die yo I just did a double flip I made it bro what the heck that was so weird Air Time stick The Landing let's go melon I'm in Goat mode right now yeah yeah yeah time to buy myself a speed multiplier let's go bro we just started and you're already using Pay to Win whatever bro big flip no I landed in the void are you joking wait can I make it across here yes I can let's go I'm going crazy Super Sonic yo I'm actually getting air time that's crazy what is a rebirth cost 10 SM what is an SM even worth bro that's a lot of guap I don't know what that is oh no not in the void flip it land the flip yo I flipped and landed it yeah I flipped and went into the void but what I'm going to do now goats while melon's riding down the hill I'm going to open up the store two time speed for 30 I'm out of Robux oh oh my gosh I am a broy yo bro I'm actually killing it we got a new high score I'm buying Robux melon I'll see you in a minute yeah I'm about to enter a new Zone shy you see that I'm in the yellow zone right now I'm always in the zone oh I had to do a front flip land it yo double Sunny I'm going to keep going I'm going to beat this game right here I know you're going to leave me in the dust if I'm not careful this is so unfair can I make this jump I don't know if I can make this jump oh I just barely made it let's go oh oh I almost hit that red button okay pay now take my money oh I got to type more information bro it never ends dude how am I still alive right now you're entering the goat Dimension yeah I'm in the lava buckets wait no don't touch this button oh that was so close you I don't know if I'm going to be able to make it up here this no wait flip it yo clutched clutched it worked I bought time Su speed I have Robo and I'm acquiring 2x rebirths yes I didn't break my neck I didn't break my neck rainbow Dimension yo I just went super speed wo buddy boy I'm getting speed now yo no I broke my neck melon how many coins do you have how far did you go I only got 6,000 coins there don't worry what I have 2,000 that's it upgrade my speed all the way can I have rebirth now dude how are you rebirthing I don't understand what you just did how many SMS do I have what is an SM I don't know you have seven SMS though what the heck wait maybe that's flips I think it's your speed bro hold on I want to test out my speed one time it makes sense speed multiplier melon SM yo you're right yo I'm actually going quick now you have 12 SMS yeah bro and I'm about to buy 2X rebirths and go crazy I'm right behind you melon check this flip goat mode I don't see you Sunny I'm leaving you in the dust right now yo triple flip no you're not I just flipped like crazy oh I'm in the desert triple flip yo I died make it yes oh no don't go out of the map wait no the sand it slowed me down slowed me down a lot actually time to buy 2x rebirths this is awesome the unicycle it'll take me all the way over let's go what is the rebirth giving you melon uh we're about to see wait only 35 Robux wait how much does it cost for double coins 35 Robux I bought all the upgrades bro that's nothing let's go oh he sticks The Landing clutch I'm in the nether not the void spin spin dang it I fell I died oh I was about to kill you I won't lie I just rebirthed let's go all right I need to buy speed multis and I need to rebirth give me this double coins are so mucho Bueno yes they are indeed melon rebirthing does that set my speed to zero or am I it does set my speed to zero and my coins to zero o but I get double coins now uh I'm so slow now ouch I broke it in my neck you broke it in your neck already Shanny I sure did it it collapsed in on itself ooh those are some speed multis right there ooh come on why am I so slow melon I'm waiting for you at the top why don't you just wipe out so we can race okay hold on let me do a flip I died perfect do you see me no I'm right over here you've rebirthed twice and so have I let's do this okay yeah yeah yeah let's have a race you're buying speed upgrades aren't you no all right let's go Sunny no no no you ruined it now I'm getting a goated one oh that's 35 re re births okay melon they know that VIPs get the golden Sunny bike let me grab that one no no if you're going to do that then I'm buying VIP yeah then you're going to look like Sunny so you'll finally look goated no I refuse to use that unicycle wait how do I swap what oh my gosh yes yes give me it all give me all the loot so much coin dude it's so hard to control myself what the heck yeah I know I'm skidding everywhere screw skirt skirt T skirt skirt T I think this is less money than just playing the game uh you might be right Sunny I'm not going to lie but at least we got to check it out but I want to change my vehicle give me a second reset no it's still red what the heck where do I get my cool unicycle uh you just do you get it what you do you do what you get you get what you do yeah you get what you do you get what you don't let me step on this again and yes there we go goated got the sunny bike I want this yeah give me that trail wo you think you're in rainbow friends I know I'm in Rainbow friends that's it I'm going down the mountain melon where are you I'm right here Sunny start your engines let's go goed double flip yo son you're so slow yeah that's what you think bro does the mine kill you by the way yes it does okay no I might land on one oo that was close super wait how are you faster than me you are slow brother really no that was close that was close oh no oh I almost died there why are you are you so fast I don't know maybe it's my super duper VIP bike no way it makes you quicker it probably does cuz I'm the goat and it's yellow like the goat air time that's a that's a no no that was Big Air 74 air double jump yeah hit that quad flip yeah let's go melon who's going to make it to the next area first you dude I don't know why you're so quick no I mean after the nether we don't know what's next this is the furthest I've been oh no I went to the rainbow area oh wait I think I just died oh yes I barely clutched up oo hey Sunny catching up to you buddy what's the lava do hit the jump no no I did the same thing okay I'm going to buy a bunch of speed multis and time to rebirth I don't think you can bro what are you talking about I got a lot of these what 22 what do I what do I have right now you're at like 10 15 only got 15 uh you Brokey bro I'm at 16 you ready to do another race H can I not get two times like speeds or something I guess not you got to actually upgrade all those son you ready to do a raise yeah yeah I'm here I'm here I'm here let's go let's go oh you're one level higher than me but I'm still faster bro wait what the heck see you nerd no how did I get oh I almost got that Gap wait you're dead no I almost died oh me too wait why is my bike red again I want the VIP yellow one oh that's crazy air time that's crazy what the heck is that I'm going going backwards yo that was the craziest trick ever oh that was nuts missed the tree missed the oh my God I hit the tree it's not supposed to be like this what is going on my unicycle it broke it broke what broke I have infinite air time I can't land I'm at 250 in the air what did you do Sunny how are you so far ahead wait you're going backwards why are you going backwards I hit a palm tree and it ruined everything I'm in the void where is it sending me what what is this Mel what is happening bro what are you doing look at the bar yo I'm goated look at me go you never seen nobody unicycle like this bro how are you you're going to the end and back in light seconds man I am in oh yeah I died too um it said air 0 seconds I spent the whole time in the air what do you mean that was so weird that was goed can I even upgrade anything only once wow I should have had like a million coins but I didn't stick The Landing he I'm level 20 now Sunny I'm too fast for you whatever bro I'm right behind you see if you can glitch yourself out though I don't know how you did that Sunny run into a tree when you're going really fast I'll try my best it's totally worth it oh I'm zooming past you again no I'm going to hit a tree again oh no I'm good how are you so quick I don't understand I don't know did you buy times 2 speed there's times 2 speed oh that answers the question you never bought times two speed you are broke where do you even see that store times two speed oh 35 Robux yeah give me that yeah dude it's a bargain out here oh he stuck the jump that was goated and now I'm going super speed it's over I made it to the rainbow Dimension this is my first time here bro I got there with four speed trash boy I'm happy for you boy I'm zooming now hey I'm out of the map oh I'm in the rainbow dimension for shows I went out of the what the heck bro you're dead already get that super speed super speed boost let's go let's go let's go oh I'm one off how did I break my neck I didn't even flip oh my g golles g golly me give me these here coins so I can buy myself another speed boost W G's golly I'm about to rebirth again me too I'm trying to catch up let me go rebirth just need coins this better be enough for the rebirth no I lost all my coins yeah that's how it goes come on get back in the world oh my Lord I jumped in the void all right while you do that I'm going to go farm up some more Juicy J coins I want to race you there we go I can rebirth I'm waiting for you Sunny hold on I'm rebirthing okay now I'm ready hold on let me get a new bike I need some better Wheels I don't see you okay I was at the bottom I won't cap I got the green bike bro you think this one's going to be quicker hey it's the melon bike for sure it's going to be quicker are you kidding me you got the melon bike on yeah all right let me grab the sunny bike then we could really get a race Noe get this red nasty one off of me there we go you ready Sunny oh yeah buddy 3 2 1 eat my gas let's go yo you that was a bad start sunny it's okay I stuck The Landing with my forehead I'm fine hey hit that flip did you get speed boosts how are you so fast uh I don't know what do you mean you paid for some speed no I didn't dude what are you talking about I'm checking the sidebar no wait how did I survive that wait what the heck did I just do what was that what's going on bro I don't know what happened in there that was so weird I don't even know how to describe it are you dead yes I died okay I'm going to die too and air time okay now I'm alive so I can get a couple of these if I could just move around better okay I'm ready to speed boost you ready you see my Mech out check my Mech out check my Mech out quad flip to Triple Dusty 360 1,800 in the air and let's go Sunny let's do it whoever gets further in this race melon is crowned the champion all right all right Shy Boy wait wait is our speed the same or is this unfair you have one extra speed uh that sounds like it's fair to me I'll still beat you hey someone just crushed me bro what the heck this Nico kid landed on me and ruined my run yo I just hit a palm tree oh now I lost all my speed no I almost hit the bomb oh no oh no oh no no I won you want a rematch yeah I want a rematch all right I'll rematch you let's see here melon this time I've got more speed than you let me just get my my goated bicycle okay oh whatever the blue is fine you ready yeah let's do this whoever gets at least to the rainbow realm is crowned the winner all right sounds good how are you so quick I got that mechanic down boy just got to Center myself up so I don't eat the edge of the world and go in the void there we go this is good Dodge the sand yes big bounce oh no no it's okay I can still beat you no way you just died it's fine I can still catch up yeah okay buddy it's whoever gets to the rainbows first wins all right I'm almost there yeah then what if I go further than you at the nether right now doesn't matter dude don't mess up don't mess up melon I don't mess up bro I'm a goat oh I was zooming and then oh no no no no no go forwards why am I init the for no I broke my neck are you you died oh you're buying more speed no what are you talking about speed cola none of us made it to the rainbow so there's no winner yet Speed Cola I got to make it there spe Cola Speed Cola Sunny first one to the biome after the rainbows how about that wo let's see a new land I like it oh I am actually speeding so quickly right now yeah me too me too come on Dodge all the palm trees I had to flip oh this is bad please not the void yes yo I'm flooring it no yes yes I survived oh oh that was close that was close not the void yes oh we're bouncing air time oh this is crazy no oh you're so going to die Sunny oh you're on the Edge bro you're on the edge do you see me I'm flying I'm doing it again what the heck no not the void not the void no what is going on oh my I broke my unicycle again bro I can't believe that just happened uh melon does this count as the next biome if I kind of get there on the mini map no it doesn't bro we got to see it legit yo what just happened I just broke my bike too oh I don't have a I'm dead I'm dead what was that bro what was that that was insane no why I can't even start I just keep dying I'm off the map again bro what is going on how do you have 22 speed I don't understand how you're so quick with it sunny can you like leave like look check this out do you see me yeah I see you check this out check this out yo what what the heck why does that keep happening that is crazy hey I I got passed it yes I can go legit just press reset on the side it might fix it it's okay I'm going legit now oh wait no no I'm wait I'm stuck now what the this robloxian get out of my way why am I so slow I should have 22 speed here we go pick it up okay I have amazely 18 speed that's fine honestly I don't even think going faster helps we're too quick already nah more more speed I was born for it yeah dip the jump okay we need to power through this now set a new world record what comes after I feel so slow the rainbow Dimension melon I'm gaining on you bro why am I I'm resetting my character I'm so slow what was that oh I voided dude I can't start I literally can't start I'll find the next realm see you melon oh I'm coming back sunny and I'm coming back with speed with a Need for Speed oh I broke my neck instantly it gave me a lot of coins though that's kind of cool I'm gaining on him now I found the cheat code melon I just got to glitch you and then I can win what the heck why I'm getting glitched still am I too fast too quick with it yo yo yo it sent me again bro what are you supposed to do I'm going to go really slowly getting paid to do it at least nope it's like what well I guess we'll never find the next biome melon I will do this for us I'm getting the green bik and now I'll do the no I won't do it it doesn't work bro we're too fast the second I press W it's like nope nope not happening wait maybe go backwards hold on hold on let's just try the S key just go slowly backwards it's not working it worked for me but I'm still super slow it obliterates me every time wait I'm making progress no the W key exploded me what the heck this is so weird maybe it's the trail all right I'm going to choose a new Trail this little guy right here now let me explore NOP it's not happening melon we broke the game well uh I guess we both lose sunny I can accept that actually as long as you lose I'm happy what yep you heard me but if you guys don't want to lose make sure you like And subscribe and click the next video on screen quickly before it launches up yes
Channel: Sunny Melon World
Views: 317,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ftOjqUB5zQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 54sec (6834 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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