Robin Williams Salutes Robert De Niro at AFI Life Achievement Award

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SandpaperScrew 📅︎︎ Oct 25 2013 🗫︎ replies

That was kind of an awkward place to end the video.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/kbillly 📅︎︎ Oct 25 2013 🗫︎ replies
ladies and gentlemen Robin Williams [Applause] [Music] yo what's up Pete first of all Bob I want to congratulate you on the new look the Sun Hussein mission thing you've got going on that's really looking good man hello hello very good they have not taken the airport it is still open okay also uh Marty nice going don't put on the glasses now let's see the caterpillars bring them out don't they look like two caterpillars trying to mate like come on we can do this come on do this don't be afraid mom move on move on also many people don't know what one of one of Marty's eyebrows we're used to make the mohawk look at his eyebrow and tell me that's not that same mohawk that's also being used as a stunt Birkin my Madonna right now thank you I'll never be able to go to their house now I'm here tonight actually because and Jodie Foster thank you for wearing those two napkins they're beautiful thank you any moment I'm David Copperfield I won't I promise she's looking me like I'm here tonight to talk briefly about a movie called awakenings or as it's known in Florida wake up I had the opportunity of working with Robert DeNiro of an interesting thing and among all these people here now you've done a lot of movies with him but none of you bastards broke his nose I broke his nose yeah mr. method prick bastard there you go yeah I'm a comic you pieces you want to do another 10 tapes with a time and there's no it was a wonderful movie to be doing with him because we were working with a lot of mental patients and well there was us and there are also real mental patients and he would finish a take and sometimes the parkinsonian patients would be going that's some good so you know you're really kicking you if the real people are going [Music] you
Channel: American Film Institute
Views: 9,772,375
Rating: 4.8763161 out of 5
Keywords: robin, williams, awakenings, robert, deniro, de, niro, goodfellas, godfather, raging, bull, cape, fear, martin, scorsese, joe, pesci, al, pacino, movie, AFI, laa, life, achievement, award, lifetime, actor, hollywood, los, angeles, kodak, theater, deer, hunter, meet, the, parents, taxi, driver
Id: hgT707uizYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 42sec (162 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2009
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