Robin Williams Kicks Off the AFI Life Achievement Award For Al Pacino

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[Applause] Robin Williams when another day when it's not chess you have another welcome to the 35th annual AFI Life Achievement Award a tribute to Al Pacino the man sitting at that table there at the table that looks like the Last Supper staged by Armani there's a ward that couldn't be more deserved think about it at the very beginning of Al's career he made the following movies in a span of five years are you ready five years he made the Godfather Serpico Godfather true Dog Day Afternoon yes indeed we could have given you this award in 1975 would that be a little early it would be like Macaulay Culkin getting a gene Hirschfeld award not good but Al's career has endured over 40 years so many great films so many great performances the Academy Award for Godfather to the Academy Award for Raging Bull wait a minute I am out of rehab but that's wrong let's Robert De Niro but if you put Robert De Niro in a dryer you get Al Pacino [Applause] that's what your rant right there tonight is about the work and one measure of a man's work is a number of classic movie quotes he has recorded in the history books for example movie insomnia L said to my character you're about as mysterious to me as a blocked toilet is to a plumber Thank You mr. Shakespeare also your head sail [Applause] around the world sad but true a lot of people think Scarface was a little over the top but anybody anybody who's ever done a pound the Peruvian blow nose that is a documentary [Applause] you got Donnie Brasco forget about you got injustice for all the present ministration going I'm out of order you're out of order and then what about hoo-ha what are you for going Leghorn what that's not even a phrase it's a noise you make when you're getting a rectal exam whoo what are the noise the most annoying catchphrases of all time and yet you got an Oscar for Fergie dance but there's one quote that is echoed across all time I want you all to do it with me this is the one that really kind of struck a chord I want you to do it with me [Applause] like what money okay let me explain what we're doing Anika was a prisoner and there are a lot of guys who were pissed off and half will tell you later wants a viagra wears off but enough about me [Music] we're here for you tonight you singular special talents we're all here we're older wiser some of us stripped of our vices you know who you are I'd like to raise the glass to you but that'd be 11 months out the window boxes in the house yes indeed because your workers stood the test of time because you stood the test of time and we stand with you to say congratulations on receiving the AFI Life Achievement Award let's all raise our glass to Alfredo James Pacino or as many of us know you Al Pacino [Applause]
Channel: American Film Institute
Views: 6,175,727
Rating: 4.9236054 out of 5
Keywords: al, pacino, AFI, American, Film, Institute, Life, Achievement, Award, Sean, Connery, Lifetime, Godfather, Scarface, Serpico, Dog, Day, Afternoon, Dick, Tracy, Scent, Of, Woman, Oceans, 13, Angels, In, America, James, Bond, Indiana, Jones, Untouchables, Robin, Williams
Id: fYYYZ2r0RZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 37sec (277 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 25 2009
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