Robin Williams Carson Tonight Show 22/7-1982

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he's been performing in concert around the country I suppose you knew that don't you and he'll be at the Universal amphitheater in Hollywood August 15th and 16th would you welcome Robin Williams TV the shame and you're walking again aren't you believe there is a movement going a new movie altered suits a Jewish man takes suitor than buyers retail here are the outtakes no wait its feet it doesn't it fits it doesn't yes phone box office yes that's a nice little character is movie I saw that with and I saw like people look like mafia hitmen go don't you die don't let that little sucker - no don't die I hear it's a great picture no it's wonderful reflect Wizard of Oz with Dorothy as Gumby yeah did you did you cry your grandpa diesel said it cried oh yeah you're crying so much money oh I have a big open question when does the does the world of GARP open all around the country so you have to ask it when it opens he's a real he's a real rock when you go for the facts yeah but you don't know exactly I believe it opens Friday hope I'll be out of the country I'll be quick I leave in films open up saying wait go did they like it yeah I'll come back to America yeah really we had trouble finding you today somebody told me you were hiding out in somewhere in Topanga Canyon and a loon to or something what is that no I live up there so when do you live there it's kinda like the places where people are still livin the 60s up there people for Alan how you doing / me you know what you're it is there lots of guys have done just feel like wow Nixon he's gone man oh I'm sure a lot of people running around with one wheel in the sand hey did you see the Eclipse yeah look at incredible I'm supposed to look at it I know no man how is out of town can't you see it I'm not a guy surfing on the highway good god no way so I'm gonna catch up here bill to San Diego isn't a Topanga Canyon where they had that kind of freewheeling uh very open or the human car wash yeah well something like that yes that place where you're walking in Bob for dimples you'll come in I take your coat no no I just need my coach two-piece outfit socks wonderful people wondering maybe mention the place you can't come in anymore I think it's a I think it's closed anyway I think yeah yell throngs just so nice to walk in the bathroom have little herpes molecules clean how you doing what was nice to see you've calmed down yeah yes the world is affecting me different are you uh you haven't uh you you you go to the improv occasionally go to the comedy store and break in material but you used to do stand-up frequently but it's been a while since you had the Mork & Mindy show that you ran off now ABC said Mork this and I took a hike so sad it's so hard to go around me excuse me sir can you spare forty thousand dollars a week I can't make the payments on the condo I'm out of Dom pérignon I was some girl you ain't laugh I want to know one thing I want to find out what that little sucker Nielsen lives yeah goes I'll keep that 232 sure can't dance to that one get it off here oh I miss it oh yeah do you miss alone that was fun you're very good at it yeah Johnny winters here the last season you were am yeah he's been one of your favorites I mean you were influenced by John mind a lot of people were yeah and he always had that only look at me go and they put me away oh yeah go go did you know John in the real early days in the early days of yeah the rubber the rubber mansion yes I don't know yes a great talks about a character he has one wonderful character does the guy that used to be his roommate called John are you awake he said he's lying they're going here I feel like flipper again so some radioactive material here I don't know about you Oh could you ever go back San Francisco that's where y'all out a lot o San Francisco where god save the queen has a different meaning the only place that's a wonderful city the only place that will to have real drag race is two men going what are you wearing in the police the police has ever just got wonderful that you could stop by the police they put you on go search me I might have a gun they stop and frisk laws away right yeah stop you for all that look at that sure take that off fashion dress ever new drug driving test in San Francisco be careful I should mr. Williams don't be doing that now yeah I'm sorry mr. Corbett I didn't mean to I know he's gonna wrap it up what is the test it's a real simple one basically a simple one afield can I move over here is the second button let the mic follow you there's a guy over there got only 5 feet idiot there else alone if you've been drinking be careful they um they have a quick test for you to if you're smoking a little something they always go behind you get the car ok but a simple thing like this it's drunk driving tested so I was feel like if I feel like Richard Simmons mr. Simmons are so cruel to women now you call those best I've seen better lumps and oatmeal let's go put him together make one good one honey let's go I can imagine him with Custer imagine Richard Simmons with Custer going oh honey that wigs coming off anyway let's go already number for the Indians pasties and tomahawks only let's go here's your choreography first of all that shoot shoot scalp scalp shoots the simple one you know they usually have this then you can blow up the balloon and less course your f lee Bailey who blows up the Luna girls but you have the special drunk driving test it's very simple only make clear metric close your eyes like this there's no thing that you start off like this it's like this one two three four five six seven eight and plus Takashi 152 the mob procedures take a break we'll be back yes down to court anyway the world according to GARP opens tomorrow somewhere yes all right out here I would assume I hope um the book was kind of intellectual it's a special book uh did you like tuna toes that was a wonderful experience yeah it wouldn't let me I can't I couldn't do it want to do here because I really had to he's the first day I tried to improvise I wasn't near the end of the day and I'll sneak one in now was like the end of the day in Georgia Hills doesn't because Alexa doesn't say any just makes a weasel face he got stuck in the improvisation he went that's a wrap plus okay points me in other words I wanted they wanted to just like it was very grounded and we have a as they say a film clip really yes surprise surprise gosh mr. Warner thank you and the usual question you ask a guess is that does this need any setting up I mean is it a particular scene that the audience should know I think it's self-explanatory explanatory that's what I've learned that word I'm using multiple syllable words now mr. Hausman I think he's ever gonna go back to acting I mind you selling cars and you're an oil and he's wonderful yeah elegant okay this is a little film flip the world according to GARP starring this one fellow right here you don't usually find homes quite this lovely in this quiet a location is this nice isn't this a beautiful street yeah and my firm will even finance the mortgage my mother's paying court she's become a firm these days well what do you think College is it a home plus the college where I'll be teaching yeah coastal supermarket where I'll be shopping just like our house I work and my husband putters around the house but my husband doesn't putter he's a writer this novel was just published procrastination by TS gar TS garbs not the bastard son of Jenny fields oh oh loved it I keep finding my husband keeps burning them right - isn't that nice oh you won't be so proud of your mother oh very very much Quotes all right down there yeah I'm okay we're all right are you all right oh I'm fine you mind if I use your phone honey honey the chances of another plane hitting this house are astronomical Justin pre-disaster gonna be safe here let's see probabilities of complaints hitting the same huh yeah yeah like getting to check from they have a big woman right now yeah sure I get the feeling you but you probably felt more subdued you really wanted to times didn't you cut her to play I really wanted electrician is it's the type of parties are very very straight man very yeah straight ahead and the things that are funny to happen him like that he takes very seriously yeah he's a bizarre man but it was wonderful to do I really helped yeah trying to have wonderful scenes in it did you see your folks often yeah my papa it's cria to call home sometimes you'll mom hi its Robin Williams should see the colonel if she's one is Robin even given neighbors a shorter Robert or a chunk lumpy no was a real name in here so hard to fight through get through high school that name are you doing bird yeah kids are cruel but ours I go back home a lot to San Francisco and I live up in Napa now I have a ranch up there yeah a beef jerkey ranch which is so hard just to wait till the cows get so old and then hang them up yeah it's so hard to stuff in those little jars do it they don't like that yeah we have a gestalt cattle ranch how do you hurt him this little greens with the energies right you go find out it'll really don't deal with it sure okay what is it Fred commercial yeah then we'll check and I'll take your advice oh oh that could be trouble oh yes yes all right well some illicit photos I'd be fine okay okay we're now people in the back are going is the Enquirer here we'll do this and we'll be back and we'll have some advice with Robin Williams you're crazy for living fun to have you here you're really really crazy you you get a lot of your material I know how things are going on in the new there's uh I was out of the country when Hague disappeared in Alexander yeah strange human who's dealing with the Falkland Islands yeah that there's only had the news brokers about the Falklands it sounds some off the coast of Brooklyn where you going to Fargo and Ireland where you say hey well with the fog an island all right travel about sorry yeah very I like it on television they played it like a a football game for us it's like ABC's Wide World of war and they had these Admirals coming in saying now if I was mr. Cosell going and incredible performance by the Royal Murray so hard all those Argentinian war brides coming home now what's your name little children run your own Argentina brookside don't tell me you don't never need a sweater wasn't it guerrilla alexander haig they sent him down to negotiate the peace it was like having Charles Manson as a male nurse Julian is Margaret Thatcher George minds me of Julia Charles on producing looks like she just smelled something awful but they won one in alexander's gone so sad he'll be on late-night TV come on come on if you want a better deal go see alimony won't you look we've got even we've got cruise missiles yes cool allowed boom I expect to see him home how about that lei how about the guys sneaking into the Queen's bedroom can you see somebody sneaked in there for 20 minutes iMessage she was sitting in the bedroom going there nice to have you here somewhere down below in the security room this guy eros the Queen's bedroom again oh it was one fairly nobody witness she was pressing the buzzer and nobody uh nobody came nobody reacted Oh Oh she wants tea oh that's the Red Alert security has to take care of that one don't you wonder what they were talking about for 10 minutes and they don't know whose it you look very you know hip-hop he said my brother's a queen too well under for me he was there but 20 she was right she's up with a very elegant man finally when he said me have a cigarette yes I'd be wonderful would you mind if of several Royal Marines brought it up would you mind if the SAS spot in the team you know all they charged him with was stealing a half a bottle of wine really apparently had been there before with the wine was from the 15th century Henry day ah what are you gonna do now if you finish the movie yeah I guess I'll go back to selling vibrators door-to-door have you seen these attachments don't sign the door whammo let me show you this lovely thing from Black & Decker down his new mother from Mattel we're talking sanding honey I'm home I figure some time in it of course they're gonna sue the Eveready battery is a correspondent or Zeljko as a protip isn't all fun syndrome struck again I don't know what I'm gonna do next second make sure are you gonna go into vacation I'll just go we do that for very long the waiters I think I go to England and then if they let me in after what a decision yes mr. Williams thank you you'll be staying underground for a few days Tower of London Tower of London this is a lovely chamber here the other guests with you will you please inform the Labour Party I'm still in here there's no elegant English is so elegant oh they play baseball but they call it cricket it's like baseball and it takes four days it's done I've never understood I keep watching you just don't understand it an automatic weapon you're really amazing you're a funny funny man yeah have mercy lord have mercy yes yes you will walk they'll get let us in those people now they're a little weird aren't English a lot of my lord in minutes to have a satellite he wouldn't have given us cave over there are some people with had one guys on 24 hours a day going uh-huh yeah yeah don't tell me
Channel: Archy M
Views: 991,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2016
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