Don Rickles Carson Tonight Show 1978

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God I miss Johnny Carson

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/quaybored 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2017 🗫︎ replies
you we are back well what can I say about wrinkles that I haven't said before that's not to offend him before he comes out mr. warmth mr. warmth has I dubbed hims some years ago I've know Don for 1718 but but 20 years I guess and he as you well know is the the star he told me in the hall he said I am the star of CPAC Pio Pio I just gives him something to get CPO Sharkey it's seen here as far as we know on NBC Friday nights at 8:30 yes and on top of that he will be opening at the Sahara Hotel be in Las Vegas on March the 9th yes well I open there this Friday night day after tomorrow just for two days Friday and Saturday would you welcome who was he don don don rickles how good is he shot a bear made an outfit but how I ask you tonight you see that is that that's ultra suede oh good how long have you had this I was waiting for you to sit down oh I thought it was an arthritis attack it annoys I always wait for my guests sit down there you are gonna strap me in oh can I talk first Bob Newhart on an aeroplane we're up hi John my wife thanks so much for the CPO Sharkey plug you're just a sweetheart the way you make my career roll right along I know you now how many years do we know each other well at least 1819 something like that up you started me in the old days in New York Basin Street East that'll be right at four that's right you hung around New York Rand every club in town Buddy Rich is your idol in well we paid a few rounds yeah you buddy rich in all those days ed you weren't there then you you're in Jersey with your wife saying one more taffy and dumb how's Victoria likely when things got a lovely white 11 she doesn't have anything 11 years old I found a yesterday in the parking with my Eddie I married a nice conservative Jewish lovely girl lovely boss some 400 whatever she don't like to bring up the age but it's starting to show the neck to start to hang a little bit gets up in the morning with the robot we got to tell it like it is Jon oh you're married to Joanna but I don't you know you guys have had problems in life wouldn't mean problems hey you know you guys been about a lot of times you know I took one shot at the big sky you know and scored wife just laid there when it's Halloween anyway yeah but you didn't get married you won 3730 I mean I didn't get married I mean you got a my a Mau Mau fighter pilot because I got married but you waited until you were 37 or I wanna go through it you did your honor now I say there's the spin on time don't be nervous guys on between two guys it's right but you got to find yourself see you came out of Nebraska you came out of Jersey you were young mixed-up confused I wasn't Heat 24 hours a day I used to go on the highway go I'm lonely help me anyway a monkey a dog a rabbit anybody help me I remember you back there yes you're singers I always went for Sudhir's I remember the names of that was my bacon now let's not bring her all right that's you know you make a little trouble you bring up names okay cuz I could bring up a couple of things about you and you'd be in court again you're never mind that I'm not head sitting there laughing going oh I hope you don't bring up any names see Johnny can handle it better than you he acts casual here you folks don't know this man I tell you about the inside of both these guys they sit on here like his blood brothers blood brothers blood brothers they love it or coach issa suck wrist blood brother then the show's over see you later challenger but america think I keep walkin around like I'm wrong but America doesn't know these guys when you work together you don't see each other that much although I heard you went out to see Buddy Rich together yes we go out again I get I get me and you know you go out you call me a few times you said don't tell Johnny well Johnny has two groups you and I have the basic people he has the a group is like Sinatra now he and Johanna sit with Gregory Peck Greg Greg Greg I'll tell Frank about you those Sinatra likes you yeah I don't you know it's a strange thing you've been in Sinatra's company many times you asked your wife Joanna to say introduced me to Frank and Frank oh we stood in the corner when uh whoever made em Frank doesn't talk like that that's the guy behind him of course he always has a lot of Italian guys around I only talk about Sinatra mainly because she's been so very kind to me you know what he did did you get invited to Israel yes by Frank yes it's on the list never figured he was on do you invite us so what good is the trip there 500 all Gentiles are the only Jew on the trip all these people were invited there in the audience everything I thought I was a big deal then Frank invited everybody to don't forget it oh no Gila how we race no no become a rally and then we'll have everyone's money have you ever Google is real everything yes you have been to Israel it is it will take your breath away it is my new heart and you know Oh Bob is German Irish a good Catholic the best Catholic in the world as you are a good Catholic you trip once in a while but sometimes when the priest want to hit you with the watery one yeah better not anyway uh none of on Easter when you guys eat those cookies oh don't worry about it the Almighty laughs there's a sense of humor of course I'm a Jew I have nothing to fear lare it's a like Broderick profit in a bad movie you're gonna notes once an oil fire - no I'm gonna sue you a kidnap look at this the man has fan mail Dear John I'm 11 I'm lonely help me with a letter I was gonna read earlier and I didn't this night feb 2014 marry this I have to explain what it's about cause it's and I'd rather the greatest super this is crossed out here like I'm locked in a cabin find me how long's your show be nah nah Sharky is this the first season hey I can't believe it no the second second season we're rolling it kidding three executives at NBC when it's on twice but I am delighted with the show we got a great cast and I am just proud of the Don thing because the Navy I was in the Navy you were in the Navy you were an incident that's right and you were kind of hmm all right hiker Mosiah as a seaman first class kissing you know you know what sealing first glance is what the provision one wish don't work too late what provision when division while the division was painting painting I don't know what I'm talking about division all of a sudden became a chemist were you what the vision was the basis of your Navy career were you in gunnery communications gonna rain no no no we didn't have in those days as you know we did have radar it was no radar read you up yes it was go right back okay you were a fighter pilot right how did I get him in a cockpit do it Oh your iguana canal ed you're fat and get out of my life who are you in the Navy I was a seaman first class in the name I went over the side of the ship I had a I had a Coxon Navy expressions and he was a guy that was in charge of the deck crew they went all heads all hand put that put that down close to me the boom man the one with the hearing problem 40 million boom men we got to get Johnny Ray's uncle Oh hand you're gonna run home and the whole crew went you and we're talking with Donald Rickles yeah we kid around you know well you know what I'm I don't know why I get very I said - surely would one of your staff and who's been with you for years now you would we go back to Rockville Centre New York when I used to come on and just perspire for the sake of perspiring you know malaria was forget about it a disease that I had automatically and I realize now that we know each other 14 years or at least and you started me on this show and flip Wilson's the only other guy that he ever said started on the Carson show you know and you hate to get like thank you John II think I mean you know I've thanked you for many times you oh boy did I thank but you were always a great guy you always kept saying did you thank me and it always it all dad always backed it up by saying to just make Johnny and my whole life has been thank you and now I tell you guys I don't need to if you guys got your own hats the old joke get on AG but I got knows you need everybody that's business but you have signed a three million dollar deal to appear once we know what do you dump with a clause in if you're Moody maybe cuz ed told me that is it what a deal he's got I got a sit on accounts like a and I was a colonel this guy was only an inch yeah boy world war toots start again it's not salute me and do that old trick again you know bother shining the old Apple you know really what you tell me and how you fed up you want to get your own show a guy wants to walkouts fake up bad let him know it here and now it's a joke Johnny let's get up and do our usual thing Johnny did you really did you serve a board ship while you were in the service yeah I was on the AGP 13 we did two knots an hour the Japanese at that time came in went oh ho look and all of us went to your gun stations we went the other way no I big thing did you see did you rise in a ranking is it you want in as a seaman trying to see buddy with the CIA I just my up on some type of charge ever talk to you I never did if you're right let's gear service right now you ask you in rebuttal what you did okay I'll tell you first of all I went to Samson New York where were you stationed all of them Turning Point North Carolina so is manure but that what do you we told wild Charlie hero whole cloaks he's home oh wait did he and I were doing he was an instant gone I wet my pants and I was a seaman first place going I don't like fighting and those other guys went over here and Japanese you are my dear friends really tell me you know cut well how many Japanese do you know bright I never know I saw one prisoner at the time of the war and there are now our dear friends in fact I love them so much my kid has all their toys I didn't dawn leading host 1 that's right but really I tell you I was frightened to death but it was a great experience you have two kids two fine sons three oh is that the trailer camp that was it how many kids you have I have four they're gonna phone you in the morning anyway uh and I have two and I have one in the Philippines but uh hey the war was on I was lonely reading through a truck what did I know you want candy like a dummy I stopped I think my original question was did you did you arise above seaman first class original question right no I never went beyond seaman first class uh primarily because I wasn't bright enough I put myself down a little bit because I respecting Newhart and you you College I never went to college it was dry didn't mean to bring I wasn't no no yeah I think no you didn't bring it on saying it myself I mean I need help doctor but I always respected education I really did I came up without from middle class America without having too much of education in other words I was the only guy during the Regents in high school that was caught doing this and the teacher said what are you doing and I said I'm cheating and the teacher who was a lot of fun then and little boils on the neck one of those teachers will know what how to be here and say your brother class and I would blew it and I went back to I went to Newtown High School and I was that at Dramatic Society and there's a lot of fallacy about actors you know that we skip around you know you know the stories when we were kids as an acting Nebraska they didn't have those you never saw a guy you know skipping the woods in Nebraska we did huh I can't picture that Sam where's the tractor oh I didn't know I thought they were too busy milking all the time huh but uh in you're a colonel wake up Hannah battle stations go I know you you were saying 15-minute hours anyway I was married once you gay guys don't face reality I'm married to a lovely Barbara really I'm gonna go home tonight she'll probably be in heat they're always in heat when you are not ready isn't it the truth I can see in a hi pussycat and I gotta go by the Bengal yeah are you still doing that ridiculous game yeah one night I was a werewolf but that got out of hand I know where it is okay cheer up go ahead read the commercial thicket of Six Million on you we'll be right back Oh matches so drift you
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Rating: 4.7400427 out of 5
Id: cUI72AWj-pc
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Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 02 2016
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