Robert The Doll & Annabelle: Most Haunted Dolls?

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[Music] hey guys and welcome back to another day of freak week so recently on my podcast mile-high our podcast if you do not watch it what are you doing we did a whole episode on haunted objects and I found it to be really interesting because it's not something that I actually know a ton about we talked about two different haunted dolls and I was so interested in the stories behind them that I wanted to do it on this channel because I know a lot of you don't watch my podcast or listen to my podcast I should say and these stories are really really interesting I tend to be someone that can be very skeptical towards the paranormal I do believe in the paranormal for sure but I'm very skeptical about all stories and all content related to it and these stories you know it's hard because a lot of the times you're not going off of facts you're going off of people's recollections of something that happened to them and their experiences so you will definitely have to be the judge if you think that these dolls are haunted either way the stories of these two dolls are really really creepy and just fun to hear about so first of all we're gonna talk about Robert the doll I think this is the creepiest looking doll on the face of the [ __ ] planet but this story actually dates back to the 1900s there is a young boy named Eugene Robert Otto or gene as they called him for short and at some point he was given a hand me doll miss doll was really tall like three feet tall really creepy looking like honestly the creepiest looking doll ever and the doll was actually given to him by one of his parents servants which is interesting because you think like mmm did they know what they were doing were they getting back at the parents for treating them badly or something like that so gene and his family lived in this house in Key West Florida known as the artists house and it's still there it's located at 5:34 Eaton Street and was built between 1890 and 1898 so here they are living in this house and they bring this doll into the house and a gene really likes the doll he gets very attached to it very quickly any names it Robert he kind of treated him like an imaginary friend he would call him his best friend and stuff he just really really liked this doll I mean it's a pretty big doll he got very attached to it almost like it was a person and at first Robert seemed like a pretty normal doll but it wasn't long until Robert started acting like a fool and that is when some really scary stuff started happening to Jeanne so one night when gene was about ten years old he was sleeping in bed like any other normal night and then he woke up in the middle of the night and he saw Robert just sitting on the end of the bed watching him sitting upward the doll so obviously you'd be terrified from something like this so gene started screaming wildly for his mom and she heard him woke up and rushed to his room however when she got to his room the door was locked she could not open it but inside she heard what she describes his furniture flying around like things being rearranged and crying from gene finally she was able to open the door somehow and that's when she saw gene just curled up in fear on his bed his room was totally like ransacked in shambles and Robert the doll was just chilling at the end of the bed and apparently the only thing that gene said was Robert did it and this wasn't the only thing that his parents notice happened they noticed quite a few things with Robert the doll that were weird for example whenever gene would talk to Robert like as if it was imaginary friend or something like that sometimes they would hear someone actually respond to him in his room they also said they experienced singing the dolls impressions change in his face and actually seeing him to speak with their own eyes they claimed that they literally would see him laughing sometimes and sometimes moving around and what's so creepy is Robert actually continued to live with Gene throughout his lifetime like until he became an adult and eventually you know he left the house he moved on he got married and when his parents died he actually moved back into the house with his wife and this is when gene decided that it's probably best that Robert goes up to the attic for a little bit for the rest of his life maybe this was mainly because of I mean she was sketched out by this doll it was really big she was like mm this thing needs to go out of the house and if you don't want to get rid of it you know be out of sight but apparently one gene put Robert in the Attic he became pretty pissed off about it they claimed that they could hear him stomping around pacing back and forth and giggling in a devilish way and kids in the neighborhood also said that Robert would wash them out the window and taught them make fun of them mock them they would just be walking to school and Robert would be up in the window trolling them literally so the kids started telling their parents and the parents told gene that there's a doll watching kids out the window and making fun of them gene thought he had locked Robert up in attic and thought there was no way that he was sitting in front of the window he didn't place him there now the weirdest thing about this whole window thing is the window was in their master bedroom so this is very odd because robert's supposed to be in the attic eventually word got back to gene that there was a doll up in his attic haunting kids on the street so apparently he was shook by that because he was like I definitely had him locked up and he odd it helped me be at the bedroom window and that's when he went upstairs and he actually saw Robert by the bedroom window in a rocking chair just sitting there looking out according to gene he kept putting Robert up in the attic and Robert just kept coming back down to the bedroom window so gene ended up dying in 1974 and apparently he did nothing with Robert he actually may have just forgot about him and left him up in the attic so eventually a new family moved into the house and a little girl went up to the attic and found Robert however apparently it wasn't long before this little girl discovered that Robert was alive somehow and evil she said she would wake up all the time to robert throwing things around her room and scaring her so it wasn't long before the family was like nah finish it and got rid of the doll and they actually donated him to the Fort East Martello Museum in Key West Florida and word got around quickly about Robert the doll being in this view and visitors came from all over the world to see him and after doing some research the museum actually traced Roberts origins to the Steve company which is a toy company that is the same toy maker as the first manufactured teddy bear in honor of Theodore Roosevelt and one of their historians said that Robert was probably never intended to be sold as a doll he was probably some type of window display piece and now even though Robert is in a museum behind glass he is still thought up to be very haunted and very cursed people who work at the Museum and people who have just come to visit say that Robert has brought like habit into their lives they think that Robert does not like to have photos taken of him and that even if you ask what you're supposed to ask permission that he could curse you at the Museum there's actually a bunch of letters behind Robert from people apologizing to him for taking his picture there are people that claim that after they saw Robert their lives were ruined especially after they took a picture of him people have experienced car wrecks accidents loss of people and other tragic hardships and people really believe that it's because of Robert the museum says they even received tons of emails from people trying to apologize to Robert at some point it became known that Robert has some type of sweet tooth so it's become a thing for people to leave like candy and cookies and stuff for him as well some people have reported that when they try to take a picture of him their camera literally breaks in their hands people who work in the museum claim that they see his facial expressions change sometimes and that he will move positions within his box a little bit some people say that they've seen him put his hands up onto the glass and Robert was actually the doll that inspired the Chucky movies which I have not seen I think they're called child's play I don't see those those look way too scary for me so I have not seen them but it's a really interesting story and I'm curious what you guys think about it if you think it's real this next one is also based on a movie a lot of you probably have heard of Annabelle the doll I think maybe she's the most famous doll so this one isn't quite as old but basically in 1970 a woman was out at a thrift store shopping for her daughter and she ended up finding like a ragged and all and she decided to pick it up for her daughter her daughter was actually in college at the time but she just loved to collect dolls so she thought it would be a perfect gift for her her daughter loved the doll and took really good care of her and at first everything was fine there was nothing out of the ordinary with this doll but gradually over time they started to notice that this was not a normal doll at all according to them the doll would move by herself walk by herself sit stand pretty much function like a normal person a lot of the times they would have the doll in one room and then they would find her in a completely different room in the house they would literally see her standing up on her raggedy little legs all by herself they would set it all up in a specific position and like note how she was and then when they would leave the room they would come back and she was like in a new position which was super super creepy they also found scraps of parchment paper with kranj writing on them and this is really weird because they actually didn't have crayons or parchment paper in the house but these little notes would say strange creepy things along the lines of help me or help us I had one point they actually found the doll with what looked like blood on her hands which really freaked them out I don't know how these people end up hanging on to these dolls any longer the first sign of a haunted doll that thing would be out of my house so [ __ ] fast so was at this point that they decided to contact a psychic medium and the medium ended up telling them that the doll was actually haunted by a little girl who had died on the land that their apartment complex was built on this little girl was apparently around six years old and her name was Annabelle Higgins and through the psychic she communicated with them that she really liked their family she liked the doll and she wanted to stay so this is when they decided that they would go ahead and let her stay in their house apparently Annabelle promised that she wouldn't do anything to them she's just gonna hang out I wasn't gonna scare them or anything but she lied because they ended up granting a spirit essentially permission to live inside of the doll this turned a bunch of other paranormal activity in their apartment apparently they had a male friend sleeping over and in the middle of the night he ended up getting attacked by the doll he said that he was in some type of sleep paralysis I've never experienced it myself but basically people sleep paralysis has this weird thing where you're somewhere between sleeping and awake you're like normally waking up from a nap or even during the night or something like that and you feel like you can't move and you're in this like weird state between awake and asleep but you can't move your body at all but you're awake in your head and a lot of people report seeing paranormal things happen during one of these episodes so their friend claims he was in the middle of having a sleep paralysis episode and that's when he saw Annabelle the doll crawling around the room and I can't even imagine I honestly I don't think I've you ever come back from that and he claims that he was attacked by the doll I mean he woke up he said that he was covered in scratches all over his body and they were so bad that he was literally bleeding through his shirt he also said that the doll was literally strangling him while he was laying there kind of asleep so at this point they were all really freaked out and they decided to contact Hera normal investigators ed and Lorraine Warren who are super super famous in the paranormal world and if you look them up online you're either gonna see that they're complete cons or that they are the greatest paranormal investigators of all time it's really mixed a lot of people are very skeptical towards them I don't know enough information to really like say what I think on them completely people are critical of them because they have like made a lot of money but nm Loreen went and did their own paranormal investigation on Annabelle doll and according to them it was not haunted by a little girl at all apparently it was actually a demon who had lied to the girls and I did the psychic in order to get to the girls to get them to trust it and then possess them so this is when they happily gave up Annabelle the doll to the Warrens they ended up putting her in a glass display case and she's now displayed in the occult Museum in Connecticut and there's a sign on the glass that reads warning positively do not open and again just like Robert people who have visited claim that they've had bad experiences or bad luck after visiting and at one point a guy and his girlfriend came in and the guy was trying to like show off for the girl and he started banging on Annabelle's case and apparently after they left the museum they were riding on a motorcycle on their way home and they got in a crash and the guy died and the girl who survived the crash actually says that she firmly believes that the crash happened because they visited Annabelle and apparently even though she lives in a glass case the museum has her blessed and the case blessed every week to make sure that she doesn't escape somehow and in 2014 like I said they did make a movie on Annabelle and I have not seen him but you guys should let me know how similar the movies are to these stories but that's it for freak week for today make sure to thumbs up this video if you were enjoying the week so far did you haven't already watch them be sure to check out the other free week videos I've already posted and make sure you're subscribed so you don't miss any future uploads but that's it from you today guys I hope you're having a great day stay spooky and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Kendall Rae
Views: 629,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kendallraeonyt, kendallrae, kendall rae, kendaily, mile higher, mile higher life, mile higher podcast, haunted, haunted doll, robert the doll story, robert the haunted doll, haunted house, creepy, ghost, paranormal, haunted dolls, scary, doll, annabelle doll, horror, annabelle 2, the conjuring, annabelle comes home, annabelle creation, annabelle movie, evil doll, spooky, annabelle, mysteries, true crime, freak week, supernatural, mystery, halloween, ed and lorraine warren, crime
Id: 6VaHcJQlqIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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