ROBBING a BANK in a BOARDGAME (Pummel Party)

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so dudes this game is one of the most fun games I've played so do me a favor if you guys want us to play this again on another map hit the like button down below if we get to like 60,000 likes in a day we'll definitely do this again also do me another favor a lot of you guys that watch my videos aren't subscribed for some reason so I hit the subscribe button to be my friend hope you enjoyed the video all right so just what the heck is this game and why am I here listen well I can't but this game is basically like listening party if it was made by pet people either you guys know Wario party Cory how this game works yeah you look on the left hand side you see those keys so I got a hold on let me let me do my give me the highest number yeah I go first boys right ok so you see this chest that has the Goblet in it you look on the top left you see those empty table spaces whenever we get a goblet that counts as like our overall currency right whoever has the most goblets at the end wins and you get goblets by using 30 keys it's my turn boys do I have an item probably I also check this out if you press F or might yasmine those are all the items we can use on each other to troll each other are you boys ready yeah so you see this here I'll show you I'll show you after I stab and and you see I lost six health if I die you respawn at a random spot and far away from the chest I lost three keys ding hey bevel don't you take oh no before just to buy those squares now I'm kidding make it give me keys if you land on yeah so any lads like that we have to give them keys dang all his money alright go ahead we're never gonna be my turn ya know well you roll the zero not a zero you bought hey Pam Pam those key Oh families you just took five six keys bro yeah you're a first you smell like cheese first so remember my game after every round there's a total of ten rounds like you just saw we play a minigame in between you boys okay dodge the spikes by jumping or ducking to be the last remaining player this is hard okay I'm blue I'm blue I got this boys I got this that's gonna be easy sure oh we're all good oh you got a dodge at the time oh gosh it doesn't hold hold yeah it does not hold I learned that the hard way oh it's trying to eat my face Oh whenever you get hit it pushes you back what kind of presents well I just I got six keys and a present that was so straight okay so real quick I could use this present if I want to right yeah but you see this gold line going along the path that's how you get to that chest to get the Goblet boys [Music] what is it oh he's going he's going wait what's a black dude oh why did I just get sucked I missed my turn I got sucked into the present day you dude that presents doodoo I stopped giving people key oh my gosh although I turned a lookout Oh goodbye this got hit by a wheel a new mini game boys what is this I'm just a lot of somewhere in the pit of sand is the treasure you seek dig in all directions using your sand vacuum to be the first to find the hidden treasure okay Joe this doesn't look easy oh we got it Kate oh we got a dick okay we gotta find the treasure I'm gonna be a sand sucker ume-san sweat dude is this pummel but it's my weight at this hour doughnut what'd you get a diamond got another diamond Jess I am lagging like crazy better guys get out of my hole where's the chest dude where diamonds give it give it give me a ton I've been hitting them diamonds hitting them diamonds I'm a hit okay that diamond those guys I am lagging like crazy in this game oh my no where is it how did no one find it I don't know dude we have 20 seconds top right I got another diamond diamond give me that dummy give me that diamond I'm gonna make a pickaxe I make I'm gonna make diamond armor make some diamond boots what's that did we all miss it oh sorry bout the treasure wait what's that well you got a shotgun bit wait what does the portal do oh yeah so so however well you do in the mini game that's who goes first so I go first since I won then this thing is so far away super far all right hi so whenever you die it sets you back you see how we're racing to that chest if you die Oh who's about to use the magnet we would watch this watch this boys or the left dude you just you like so many keys yeah like I said when you die you get set back so you yeah it takes even farther get to the thingy oh yeah hey Nico it's nice knowing ya are you gonna use it are you shotgunning him just buffed the pump dude I got a sorry double pumped you see how he just died and went back to the beginning well you wear a Nidoran last boy you got 25 keys what's okay I get a key right there all right get a clue Nico and then maybe get something guys know like one of you think Nico's on foot most liked video of all time dude wow you're gonna be on YouTube rewind Dodd Nick incoming vehicles as you move up the slope the player who makes to the further oh this is like the the fortnight now avalanching yeah auto clicker what what'd you call me nothing is it take we have 48 seconds 40 seconds top right you can see down bottom how far we've gone oh he's got the high score yes I don't there are so many Priya card 22 so I see what you did 53 I got 78 boys are you gotta be kidding no I'm not kidding you I'm not kidding you at all boy are you meow by the witness Dodd's bird wait what is it I got an eggplant with mechdesigner okay okay so if I go if I trade with you that takes my turn though doesn't it yeah if you have to turn crap okay sigils has to roll at 9:00 so I'm not gonna do that to you say play Biffle it might kill him today planet boy say you love me hey hey what are you thinking about what are you thinking about Oh 14 damage okay okay here we go almost dead he's an eggplant away from death now I'm gonna go steal all your keys what is that Oh what is this I thought it'd be looks like my turn alright the bees are dying at an alarming rate would you be quiet hey that's what you get for making fun of me yeah double kill for Biffle out here wow that is a lot of keys bees oh alright so we're on turn four of ten by the by the last turn ten of ten whoever has the most goblets wins right why did you become a cactus you because you guys are pricking me off I don't understand what that means no hey give me my keys no my keys yeah bye dude you get behind it over so he could either steal keys or steal people's blood what is this tickly place bombs to destroy obstacles to blow up your enemies collect power-ups to increase the effectiveness of your mob oh this is bomberman it's Bomberman yeah yeah okay where am i that year in my blue eye my down bottom oh where am i I'm the chicken right yep yeah your big ticket place a bomb and run place Obama round oh yeah Bomberman oh oh oh I just increased my bomb like a the mole oh wait do I revive yeah there's all around there's two rounds oh there is yeah oh no oh no I'm dead oh look at these bums Oh somebody's dead oh wait I got 25 points though I look like an achievement yeah so the the the the skulls that's where you're not safe yeah yeah just like in real life died today all right we're in a 1v1 situation yeah dude we both came first wait what does that punch thing you do hit nothing nothing oh no oh no I feel tired sorry guys I'm gonna get his keys though oh you get the keys because he died all right what items do I have let's see here let's see here but you could I need a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 or higher are you telepathetic I'm pathetic don't worry I'm sorry oh yeah I could buy this okay should I buy it for blood take people's blood or take people's please please I'm gonna do keys I'm taking y'all what does that punch do nothing it does I don't know no at the worst one time heal again boy what is it count the indicated animal combos as they pass across the screen okay what how the indicated animal combos count Tigers riding pandas oh I got it let me tell you which one okay oh no we have to give the number to flounder okay everybody everybody we click spacebar right they got real quiet count foxes riding bears to me that wasn't a wolf okay count rabbits riding wolves okay eleventeen forty seventy three and seven the we're owning right now what is that it I don't know rocket so if he gets gold it does something good right like sends him to the chest or something like right to the chest yes okay one two three four uh-huh I smell like I am not risking it I am using the rocket yep I am the rocket makes it through you move guaranteed ten spaces I am not risking as you just pushes him past I did it and 40 coins he's okay but it wasn't my fault or to move there give me those keys I gotta figure out that buzz are you gonna take my keys don't you use that magnet my keys cuz I can you took so many keys Nico nice boy Nico attaboy nobody not attaboy those are the keys you stole for hey go get exploded boy on crap and now he can roll after ten spaces he can get this right here hey got it wow dude you should go left yeah I got 30 I got 30 keys well yeah sound blonde move right there how do we get there oh that's still so far from us it is your car what what is that what shotgun Oh Nico is coming to the shopkins all right what is this race your plane through the narrow canyons the player who makes it the furthest before the time runs out wins huh no I know everything ASD roll ref left and right I don't have those keys idiot I am NOT an idiot why you boys ready yeah ready okay ready ready as I already now got it you're on your own you know whoo oh I got that good good person oh no I exploded yeah yeah oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no I do not have my life so confusing to drive here we go here we go here we go here we go I got this I got this turn hit that hit it hit it with it forget it way to spin it dude this is so sick hey who's your end hey how about you stop sweating it I'm just flying how many stops wet Oh who's behind me oh no it's me oh no coming in on attack vector seven I don't know what that means I don't either I went to pilot school did you know I got you'll even know where private school is oh he has one lap I was right there Nico got a present I got the magnet yeah I'm presently tired of him - are you gonna use that press bowls and does it get gold okay question can't I steal keys from him even though he's in that present I don't know I have no idea should I try it yes the ranges that is there there you might be able to my gosh - did I still prevail ah he's in there idea hi I'm trying to I'm trying it Oh give me your corpse give me that bag boy 9 oh that's what I'm talking about boys and I need to land on a heel oh please don't make me take damage no no oh dude I have ten he'll look really weak somebody should kill him no please don't don't kill me please don't kill me I'm a friend of a friend I'm a friend of a friend of a friend well that's debatable hey get get get God get guy you just got wheeled I'm used to being the third wheel but I was the first one hey Biffle what you're doing in that box I was hanging out have a good time all right let's see what I got I have him the Beast now far away am i oh I'm oh you might be able to make it if you use your rocket though I know but I really want to give you the bees well I have two health see you later alligator that was an unlicensed you get a super good role that gene better hey can you hand me that he'll nope it's all mine hey what is this grab as much loot as you can but don't get too greedy the more you grab the slower you'll move gained one point for each cache pile and two points for each pile of gold you bring back to the getaway truck that's sick this is a new one this is like Frogger for loot grab blue is space okay got it grab Buddha favorite you guys ready okay so I'm blue I'm right there here we go boys I'm green of green they didn't even let us cross the street for free that's fine oh of course not nothing I got so much oh yes oh the police are coming please do come Gold give me that give me that gold I stole ian's gold dude oh no I don't know how did that it was fun I know oh no Niko [Music] portable wines are switchable that much further that goes 10 faces oh oh oh no Mego don't press it Ian this is actually gonna help you because it's gonna move you closer we don't know that if you think about oh no see how far that moved me oh I thought it was gonna be view close yeah well it didn't say you're sorry to meet I'm sorry me I love me though Oh No how did you get that raw talent determination boys he's gonna get zero rola zero God'll except Nico is about yeah well Goblet of Fire yeah good book wait how do I get there I gotta go all the way around you kidding me right now we have a magnet I really hope you don't please tell me I'm a magnet [Music] hey I just got evaporate five yeah okay thank you are you kidding me I did go very far it looks come with me thank you why Goblin seven search the caverns in your attack helicopter and I'm gonna eliminate your arrivals claim victor by shooting down the most players before the end of the round oh I won't play call of duty out here boys or something Oh Oh skittle Street wait am I gonna nuke am I gonna nuke or what I'm gonna do oh wait oh oh my gosh oh my gosh boy no you don't spawn camping I know the rotations are you kidding I literally just keep dying off spawn dudes I don't know where I am oh there we go okay got it oh gosh got it ah where am I this game is difficult oh it's so cool I'm the green one and I'm green and oh yeah I ran into each other got him now I gotta win dude that's not possible did I did so bad I didn't know like that one no no I did not like that one yeah now why why I love you why he said it should I not forget it then no I said it I said you're pretty yeah I was gone you needed something all right said you busy I see you boy now you have 1000 know why I love you Sybil's is in first though but my bees won't reach I know this yeah I remember to Eden was rich and take those keys from an eco Terra there you go I know you go if only do go to get a goblet you know right yeah dude imagine I have 76 keys and no goblets right and friends what all right boys we're ending the ending oh we're right at the end I didn't realize yeah oh crap yep oh it's all coming down to the wire that goes getting your keys I'm in them dude okay what do I do here is anybody even close you have a teleport you can what's this for Nico but I still have a million things away but what is teleport even do I don't have enough keys it was your turn but it swaps you swaps with the other players so you won't be able to roll a die but you will be but there's one more won't be able to use it next turn that's all I'm saying you know what Oh watch me nice try dude obese for me hey don't give me that maybe I shouldn't kill the inertia to use my poor Delilah I've messed up yep you get one two three okay okay either way I'm getting destroyed thank you crap all right what is this hit the indicated buttons as they fly over the marked circle hit as many buttons Oh God Guitar Hero dude oh yeah my feet okay here we go Oh wo w-w-w finally wpe I can get behind damn boy I've been gone any I'm so confused which ones hey I don't actually know here we go dancer that boys owning [Music] which was Adam holidays dude I'm killing it y'all never seen him a musician like me before wrong I've never concentrated so hard it I never realized I don't know which speeds are rich in WASD no God oh dude that was so close Niko you did terrible I got a shot e good for me no no no I got a lot of keys yeah you got you you should kill oh no my last turn three oh that is it's my last turn so I gotta hope you guys lose so many coins whooshing I'm sorry why did you call me up how did it happen Oh what is it it reverses it just turned the map backwards we have to go so there's just no chance of me getting what's the point of that now in a super far y'all couldn't reach never mind I am so close no but I don't have enough keys if I did knock at me please don't yeah Wow six damnit scram oh jeez I think yeah oh wait how many times get no no no one two three um as you look right before it he's close dude go this way you're like so close to this is the last turn to know Nico you can't shoot me wait it's really not surely not there's no way there's no way no there's no way sure that's gonna work I mean it was on I know I was scared and is that it yes it was so close though I'm 84 keys yeah yeah there's that game is fun holy cow like that it's pretty good let us play again hit the like button look at me go make a cage thanks again for hanging out watching this video and once again before you go hit the subscribe button for daily videos
Channel: SSundee
Views: 2,926,347
Rating: 4.9417825 out of 5
Keywords: Board Game, Game, SSundee, ssundee game of life, ssundee board game, new board game, new game
Id: -hvJ_ftaTiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 24sec (1764 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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