Robber Invasion (Roblox Bloxburg)

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have you ever thought to yourself hey I wonder how I can break into a house in blocksberg and trespass while dressed in a robber outfit if so then you've come to the right place so as implied by the title in this video we're going to be glitching into people's homes and just just giving them a little scare and I'm here with my two other partners in crime east muppet of the Wiest with his high-tech bicycle Oh oh that's me and aquatic moose man with his turkey balloon head thank you will you okay having professional at playing this let's go to this purses house whoa they're driving away right oh they are we can we can always wait in there in his house yeah we can always wait I Drive my lot oh jeez my car's spider Manning he's just looking can we go in this dude's house probably he's following me you guys can glitch in while he's distracted okay so this is how you do the glitch all you do is you sit down and then boom you're in he's spooking me oh there's a visitor at the door ah hi like a car get in mind wait oh we're making a getaway make you a guess I can't get it get in ah you know what let's do a house tour of my house we all call it the team 20 house can I be a roommate so I can make some turkey I found that cheap bag and give him a tour of my room this is his recording setup and this is his egg thing I think that has like a beehive in it yeah bees in my room have they ever gone to your mouth while you sleep no I don't think so every night probably actually they're still making turkeys there's a man my house you can't rob the robbers I'm brushing my teeth through my bandana alright so this is a nice little room right here inside of this fireplace a good place to sleep on the fire in the fire cozy that reminds me of finicky Oh how do you even do that this poor man he just got stocky w touched himself to the door he's like climb a ladder just knock it on the door he's part of the furniture he's part of the furniture this is his TV he's watching he's watching the Fred movie just edit Fred screaming on that television the guy in the door died all right so this is the kitchen it cost three dollars to make coffee you know I think it's pretty nice this is a radio where he plays all his sick tunes thank you very much that was highly enjoyable all right guys welcome to my bedroom this is usually where I keep my bike but I couldn't bring it in here for special reasons mainly because somebody stole my bike but we don't need to talk about that so this is my this is my office this is where I do most my thinking how many days has this been here for about a good 365 actually like exactly in a year now let's go let's go check on aquatic I wonder if he's using his telekinetic powers again whoa oh he's very good at this wait a second I go you were taller what about the secret room when Jake Paul's looking at oh yeah there's a secret bird I will I will open the entrance give me a second I'm holding my turkey I need to cook it okay so I actually put a secret on a second come here come here come come over here and inside this room is where he keeps all his prized possessions as you can see he has a lot inside of this wardrobe this Bureau whatever okay follow me I put a secret little room it's it's pretty good if you go in my closet you'll see I move the carpet and this is my wall of good pictures how do we get out you see yeah you got you got I'm terrified get me out of here which which posts are do you not like the Wiggles I need the Wiggles wait I got a better idea I'm gonna change this picture one second okay guys are you ready yeah whoa what what what mary had a little lamb just really changed over the years you know that's not Mary and that's not al and I got it I got an even better one it's the good old mustard oh no not the mustard oh yes all right let's go rob houses now since that's what we're supposed to be doing I'm Steve let's go guys this guy can listen to music someone is hashtag someone is G are you a key yo this guy's probably trying to say drunk and he's probably talking about me let's go to this house with the exact same the Santa is hovering above it sad it doesn't exist anymore I'll become Santa I am the real one all right I'm going around back you see me yeah oh no I broke into the wrong spot I'm inside of the counter whatever that is that's the fridge stuck in the ground why did I get $1 from aquatic moose man well there's people in my home I'm scared you guys have been spotted somehow oh the homeowners outside you just come outside now I'm just in the geyser up dad's like dance up the window good idea the homeowners there oh no no crap hi I'm a health inspector it's how we communicate oh no I won't let the armored-car there's this guy here I can Becky dance though oh this is a this is east beautiful house as you can see he has a fireplace outside and a dead tree my house is very good seriously guys and then there is a big wall help help oh I see her oh hey he's my arm I see you in the bathroom I'm just tucking this thing Oh oh no a glitch Oh left go around with a dress fool is they have a dog collar and a microwave and a coffee maker and a TV in the pool truly there's two of them got another they had though I see him though they're upstairs I'm stuck in the ground all right let's go in whoa I'm in a block room what the heck this is sketchy perfect I'm surprised oh I think I got in oh wait no I'm under the mat wait no I did get in hey I got an idea hey I'm gonna go in here no I can't we can't fit why isn't not making me sit why are you dancing in the fire what if we all just sit by the fire and they come down oh my god I'm so close to getting it I'm gonna hi guys can like screw around and when they see you film the reactions I got the creeps are in this guy's trying to get in with you go go go go go go go go way you just ran out what is there door open no oh I just saw that they're just having a normal conversation wow there's a guy just burning inside their fireplace wow this is this is great set up gaming so that's not dancing gets hashtag nice oh my god they're gonna drop you up I'm not a pancake I apologize cuts Oh too late East come back to us I can't we need to go to aquatics next-door neighbor's house just drive in I don't think they're all there must be I I drove from there they're puddle they have in the back puddle oh whoa found it oh we've been caught Oh tonight like drink this Oh God you're gonna burn I'm late easily you have a fire hydrant in your garage use it rules of my house I won't give you money so go away no you can't and you can't live here so don't ask me don't get inside my house without permission that rule is going to be challenged let me hear no you let me in there's a woman at your house oh no you're just kind of walking around he'll be running a white house right here and she looks like she has a restaurant going maybe we could steal all the food the idea actually I'm Rob food and drink food so your name is Rob food your name is drink food and I am what food yeah I will be food food I am in the ground oh wow woah look at me up drifting around what where how uh-oh you were quick from this game an error occurred okay think I just cried there's an alien where get in my car MV Bob the capture the aliens pins banana down oh where is this happening oh I see you guys like pizza planet wait let's add some music in here hi juicy dancing music hello we are home in scepter inspector where rum instapass no you're dumb boys I'm having a fist fight currently holy crap they're beating you I like I'll have to sir what it just popcorn they left all the doors open there must be more than one person living here are you doing I lost connection to the game oh that's what you were floating how do i click on myself oh crap they just they lock the door they just open dude I was hiding behind a painting in the corner smell like poop and they never saw me Oh [Music] they're looking for us yeah I need it do you see me do you see me no there's no I so I never see me so we are the best criminals ever um mm-hmm I shall allow the world why cui we got our what do you mean we got booty oh you got poop the train goes right to the house well bro me you guys don't know oh hey guys I I broke it I broke the car are you freaking yeah I'm sitting you keep going up and down my screen stop slid stony what your ploy how am I gonna drive uphill well that's nice I see you guys like on two wheels Oh whose house is this I say we rob it yeah let's rob this house I bet a dumpy head lives here don't be a yeah I literally eating it with my eye remaining come here look guys look guys all right everybody watch me eat buy a great food through my eyeball oh this house is made of magic yeah team team 20s sub subscribe and share on Facebook today what the frig the aliens at your house and you've got it in your house she has the aliens are in our house I brought a pie for remaining I'm gonna bring the country music we've been inside vows yeah this this one this one will fit I'm certainly oh I kind of broke the bike where Wow look at your front door oh hey keep the turkey with my eyeball again do your Busbee alien is in my secret room secret anymore the entire tire alien race knows about what have you how we went from robbing houses - they have a shrine actually I'll just leave the door to my room open and they can do whatever trapped yeah they can get trapped this person is looking down upon us they just see a pink guy dancing discovered well this this shrine is on YouTube now so I'll give your comments about what what do you can I should put in here if I do another video I will give you guys an update this is this is the community shrine I could I go back to my computer and someone's walked in the bathroom I don't know why but I'm still dancing all right everybody I spent I spent at least $1,000 in all $30,000 of Turkey basically over there like three days I've lived in the team 20 house and from ones eating turkey this is how I end the video this is basically like every Thanksgiving Kelly hit the hamburger - and the taco and the Baha I know we will keep in the bathroom well you always see some guy think that enough then you have this one girl that's on the stairs a SWAT raid raid thank thank you for watching this I don't I don't even know what this video is anymore we were supposed to be glitching into people's houses but it where we're dancing in a shrine I made as a joke anyways thanks for watching be sure to follow me on Instagram to see some very good pictures that I post and yeah that's gonna do it for this chaotic video I don't know what else to put here so here's a video from two years ago that I thankfully never released hey guys it's me cheeser TV - we're gonna be pranking the people in the audience at the boxes in the hood hope you guys enjoy hey guys I hope you enjoyed that video don't
Channel: Remainings
Views: 1,391,605
Rating: 4.9302363 out of 5
Keywords: remainings, hilton hotels, roblox gameplay, roblox lets play, roblox commentary, roblox funny moments, no swearing, bloxburg, roblox bloxburg, blox burg, Robber Invasion Roblox Bloxburg, roblox, bloxburg wall glitch, bloxburg glitch tutorial, welcome to bloxburg, bloxburg robber, roblox robber, bloxburg burglar, bloxburg how to glitch into houses, bloxburg house tour, team 20, bloxburg house, telekinesis tutorial
Id: _wqE7OlSmFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2018
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