Roasted Potato Wedges | Cooking Italian with Joe

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[Music] good life full of fun seems to hey guys my kitchen another big exciting day in my kitchen where we going we're going to go to Puglia one of my favorite places and we're gonna make something that is just fantastic it's a it's a recipe and a dish that I had in Puglia Italy two years ago what we're gonna make is we're gonna make roasted potato wedges alright getting started you want to get your oven hot and I mean hot so so we're you know 475 500 would be great all right I may need greeted the name on the marquee the big guy the center stage the Big Kahuna we got I'll stop we've got our roasted potato roast potatoes are perfect in that they're they're moisture content and flavor is gonna be great so I'll show you how to prep those we want to make sure you clean the outside really good which already does secondly I got something tallien parsley so I grabbed a bunch of it so we have flat Italian parsley so you got a small handful of parsley now in this case we've got rosemary rosemary adds just a really phenomenal flavor goes with so many great meats most people are familiar with a lamb but it goes so great with meats so what we've got here is one full tablespoon of dried rosemary fusing fresh rosemary you're gonna want to use dull dry there's always more concentrated so you're going to use less okay and I'll have my rosemary bush from Italy boy I wish I could walk outside and just grab something that'd be great I've got 1 teaspoon 1 teaspoon now of dried thyme the same advice if it's fresh Dublin but those two flavors along with a parsley that's what's going to give you that rustic flavor of Italy it's it just puts you right into that old old village town with some hot crispy and man it's great ok we're gonna need some salt so what I've got here is some pink Himalayan salt kind of matches my shirt yeah it's sexy ok so we're gonna choose up we're gonna use a couple of handfuls of pink Himalayan secondly we've got look at that puppy now normally I'd use about two cloves of garlic in this case that baby is huge right it's like an Arnold Schwarzenegger garlic so we're going to use two cloves of garlic we've got about two and a half three tablespoons of melted butter we're going to mix that inside as well and then I've got some Parmesan Reggiano cheese I mean that is just oh it's great sometimes you guys rip on me for for smelling stuff I don't know why wouldn't you smell it I don't even understand something does it some other stuff I mean that's the aroma that cheese oh that's so much part of your flavor we're gonna use about 1/4 cup of grated Parmesan cheese if you get parmigiano-reggiano I mean now you're rocking and rolling we always want to use fresh ground proper whenever possible so I've got some fresh ground pepper and then we're using our olive oil some of you guys that are new to our channel I want to farm in Italy in Puglia Italy it's just above the heel and we make we make our own elbow so we work with a group of farms to bring you what I consider to be some of the best olive oil you'll ever have it's it's grassy it's earthy no it's peppery in the back of your throat Alitalia now is grown in Italy right in the Sun the air and the breeze of the Adriatic Sea oh it's beautiful and we bottle it we drop ship it right to your house I call it a trip to Italy right in the bottle you can get it right on our Facebook page there's a link right below here in the description you can click it right on our cooking Italian mojo page makes a great compliment to any kitchen certainly love for you to grab a bottle all right what do you guys say we cook them or I start on those potatoes I got to get a sharp knife here so I'm gonna take a steel for that night so task number one we want to cut these into wedges okay so what I'm gonna do is just cut this right in half so we're gonna push that knife right through the middle and then how I like to do it is I'm gonna come right down through the middle again and then with the other one I use the other potato as a lever right so I can hold it in place same thing I push this one up against the other one it just goes makes it easy to cut them into wedges and that's what you're looking for you're looking for those perfect beautiful four wedges okay I'm going to set those aside next where I'm going to do is that grab a big bowl and I'm gonna grab something stir with okay and I'm gonna basically start putting all the ingredients short of the potatoes I'm gonna put all the ingredients inside of here in prep first I'm start with olive oil obviously be doing Joe's I don't think ice went online the bar Bobby yeah I think I'm just saying it's a good idea so I'm using about a third of a cup fill that right up Oh doesn't that look good I might go a little bit more you know why because that Vito Jose is so good next I'm gonna take my tablespoon of rosemary I'm gonna take my teaspoon of thyme now I've got my parmiggiano reggiano so I'm just gonna go ahead and put that right in there that's that first one so good I'm just gonna date the garlic right and I'm just gonna go ahead and microplane that right in there you can use a press you can smash it whatever you want to do this work are great you guys wanna see something beautiful oh-ho-ho look at that that is just pure garlic right there now I'm gonna take my melted butter yeah my pink Himalayan salt remember it's sexy so I'm gonna use a good heavy teaspoon maybe teaspoon and a half got my fresh ground pepper so in here I'm gonna use a good heavy teaspoon as well a pepper and that's gonna add flavor but that pepper will help work with the salt and just bring out that beautiful flavor the potato last I'm gonna chop up a little bit parsley and that parsley is gonna give you just a beautiful flavor it's peppery and it's gonna be that grassy and citrus and now what we're gonna do is we're gonna stir that right up get everything is equally distributed as you can oh that's perfect and now gently you're gonna take your potato wedges you're gonna set everything right inside now you're gonna stir everything really slow you want everything coated now everything's mixed up perfect remember I held back a little parsley just to finish you know that garnish now what we need to do is we got to spread it out I've got a cookie save yourself the cleanup grab yourself some parchment paper pop it right over were there okay and then what you're gonna do is you're gonna take these out now I've done it where I dump the bowl but it makes a mess and then spreads all over so get them close you just want to remember that we're gonna have to flip them about half way through got everything spread but I've got some cheese and sauce so what I do is I just take that spatula and you know don't be shy any of the any of the pieces that maybe don't have a lot of herbs on them or you see some that maybe the cheese isn't on there as well just spread it right on there all right well it's ready to go just a couple of quick tips what really makes these come out phenomenally in a month the ball is if you subscribe to our channel so there's a red button right down here in the bottom left-hand corner when you click on that what you do is you get notifications if you've got a new video coming out a new recipe trip to Italy any travel tips they'll come right to your inbox and I'll tell you it really means a lot to me when you subscribe to our Channel and hey makes you part of the family I'd love to have you part of the family and next while this is cooking co-write I'd like to grab yourself a bottle of olive oil we'll drop ship or rent your house now what we need to do is put this right in the oven middle rack 500 degrees as closer as you can get to 500 and we're probably looking at about 25 minutes and you're gonna need to flip them about halfway talk to you guys in a few minutes about 15 minutes I'm gonna flip them I just want to show what it looks like see all that cheese and goodness so I'm gonna just turn them really quick okay oh boy they're good look at that they're already breaking apart perfect you want to do this quick cause you want to keep the cooking process going okay everything's flip back in the oven but it smells good in here I'll tell you that ladies and gentlemen is perfection or does that look good look at that so I've got a serving dish here so I'm gonna real challenge just put it right in the dish now I'm going to take that that oil that flavor and I'm gonna put it right over the top now I'm just gonna finish off a little parsley just give it a little bit oh eight is that odd so not only is a kitchen filled with that oh goodness well today the crisp Venus the flavor my mouth water whoo I gotta get something even one of them puppies I got a crew wait in there so I'm just gonna grab one ooh first up it's just perfect you know crisp you can feel a little bit of that salt on there you can smell the cheese the olive oil the garlic and you got that crunch Texas burger oh just immediately you get that crunch that texture and then the cheese the pepper the garlic the olive oil the flavor of the potato the the rosemary the time it just marries perfect hmm well let me have one more bite I'm a normal man I'll tell you the potato it's cooked just perfect so we're about 30 minutes from start time in the oven done and that's such a great sight for really anything you know you want to put it on the side of meat or burger anything you think of infect that ball right there you put that in front of me I'm eating that puppy you don't I'm saying I'll tell you what a great recipe to enjoy their family and that's really in the end that's what's most important isn't it you set this down on the table and you guys shut off your cell phones and your television and shut off the computer and you'll spend some time with your mom and your dad or certainly spent some time there kids you know celebrate your heritage and set some new traditions certainly last a lifetime I know they did for me no doubt about it guys remember to go right to that red subscribe button if you like what we're bringing it means a lot to me makes your plot of the film you know what I'm saying and make sure you go right online grab yourself a bottle of Vito and Joe's extra virgin Italian olive oil we drop ship it right to your house I call it a trip to Italy right in the mouth I really enjoyed having some fun with you in the kitchen guy like real hot La Petite all full of fun seems to be the idea
Channel: Cooking Italian with Joe
Views: 107,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, vito and joe's italian extra virgin olive oil, Joe Borio, Roasted Potato Wedges Cooking Italian with Joe, baked potato, french fries, potato soup, potato salad, potato recipes, crispy potato fries, Potato fritters, pasta, pizza, meatballs, italian food, italian recipes, giada, mario batali, food network, food channel, World's Most Delicious Roasted Potato Wedges Cooking Italian with Joe
Id: 24nUjhc_CvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 19 2018
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