Roast Leg of Lamb | The Naked Chef | Jamie Oliver

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I really really like roast lamb I mean I like to roast anything but I love roast lamb and I think do it quite often I love it just we've got more than Cecil over and roasted in the oven that's lovely but I kind of get bored of doing the same thing all the time so I'm always trying to have about new ways against or flavor right stuck in there so first things first what I want to do is get a knife and stick the knife down next to the bone at one end and just push your finger in there all right because that just makes a bit of room and then at this end do the same again right next to the bone stick your finger in there then eight places around that the lamb you want to get your knife about an inch and a half okay and stick it in at an angle okay and then shove your hand in there your finger in there and just do that kind of randomly but kind of equally let's do it on the other side as well lovely so that's that line with an x-ray now we're talking about flaming here so what I'm gonna do is I've got this stage here I want to rip off just half of it so just the leaves and I'll keep that for later and then this half I'm gonna put in the pestle and mortar with a clove of garlic coming I don't expect you to do something incredibly it's almost in their own time they want to kind of be a little bit more sauce relaxed about it I mean so I know as long as I give them a really nice cooked piece of land you know they're gonna be well chef than a glass of wine they're gonna be over the moon so with this age so garlic just smash it up now all the flavors really going and leave the rest of the stage that you got leftover whole and then we're gonna have some olive oil about you know two three tablespoons just to sort of really help the oils and the flavor and the leaves to come out and some lemon juice to give it a little bit of that squeeze that in there so you've got your lemon juice in there and just chop up roughly chop up this Rose me without got with it just mush up in your hands the first thing we're gonna do is get a big handful rub it all over the meat their skins gonna be tasty I'll be juggling in these cuts that we've made kind of push all these lovely herbs all the garlic your lemony stuff get it right in these holes push it right down and there's a little bit salt in there as well so you're seasoning it inside a little bit which is great and then the little holes that you've made and that end up here we're next to the bone we should gone down about four inches you know in their major flavor really get stuck in there David Bellamy in younger one yes all in there and the secret ingredient which offering is a thing called pancetta and basically it's the Italian version of our streaky bacon and what we need really is about three or four slices thin old slices and just shove it down the gaps you know where'd you get it you can get it from a deli get it from the supermarket some packs now I mean it's all over the place but it's got a slight smokiness to it and that's really really nice in there lovely so now we've done that I'm gonna put a bit of salt on top it's nice to have a nice salty skin and basically that's it dies but I know it's gonna be really really tasty all we have to do now is take care of it and take care of it in the cooking so into really really cut up and about 254 whack I'm gonna get the leg of lamb I'm gonna put it straight onto the bars right and put the exit in underneath to catch all the goodness and all the drips and all that kind of mom arty lovely jubbly stuff well I really like to cook the lamb so it's kind of pink not bloody pink but kind of pink pink and to do that I cook it for about 13 minutes per pound and with an additional 20 minutes of cooking at the end of that and then what the trick is then is to rest it [Music]
Channel: Jamie Oliver
Views: 276,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamie, oliver, cooking, food, cook, recipe, tube, chef, foodtube, jamieoliver
Id: 4-CeoHHDYw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 5sec (245 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2019
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