Slow Roast Lamb (Leg) and the gravy

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hello again my name is john i'm a retired chef from the northeast of England in the UK and welcome to my latest video and in this one are we making this fantastic slow roast lamb recipe it's very easy to do and absolutely delicious you can view the ingredients list and full written method for this recipe on the recipe page on the channels website I leave a link in the description under the video or you can click on the I icon top right of the screen to take you directly to the recipe page before I go any further I'd like to give a quick shout out to this week's patreon and PayPal donators and they are francis de palma andrea rolls mayor's Sarah Parker shemot Ben Gartland and Linda Thompson and there's also one who wishes to remain anonymous thanks again guys I really do appreciate all your support and with that out of the way let's get on with today's recipe before starting the recipe pre-heat your oven to a hundred and seventy degrees Celsius that's 340 Fahrenheit or gas mark three right to get started I prepare this 2.7 kilograms that's a six pound leg of lamb with the bone and the roasting pan that you use we'll need a lip around the edge to fasten the foil to begin by place in a roughly chopped large onion all around the lamb next I rub the oil and thyme all over the surface of the leg and Ollis this is three tablespoons of olive oil with one teaspoon of dried thyme mixed in [Music] now add the rosemary and salt are shown unlucky enough to have a great rosemary mush growing in a large pot in my garden lemon rosemary go very well together and finally I pour in 300 grams that's 300 mils of water all of these ingredients combined with the meat juices will make a fantastic gravy or source at the end to protect the surface of the lamb in this slow roasting process are covered with a small piece of nonstick foil if you haven't got this nonstick foil just grease a piece of ordinary foil with oil or lard then I need to seal the whole thing with a couple of layers of ordinary foil [Music] [Music] and as an extra precaution I place another piece of foil across the tin and tuck it well into the rim as shown right that's all prepared so I'll get it into the preheated oven and set the timer for three hours the way I work the roasting time out for lamb these 30 minutes per pound and an extra thirty minutes added at the end but I'll show you that in a moment [Music] [Music] and while it's cooking I hope you don't mind if I give my very first recipe book a bit of a plug the book has lots of our favourite recipes from our kitchens in it and is available in the channels website shop along with loads of other equipment I use in the videos it's just another way you can support the channel I leave a link in the description box below the video or just click on the I icon top right of your screen if you want to order a copy today [Music] okay the lamps been slow-roasting now for the last three hours but it still needs another 30 minutes to brown off without the foil so I'll get it out and increase the temperature to a hundred and eighty Celsius that's 355 Fahrenheit Oh gas mark 4 now I'll carefully remove the foil [Music] and before it goes back into the oven are given a good pasting with those beautiful meat juices [Music] and bucket goes into the oven for a further 30 minutes and this extra time will give the meat more color and extra flavor [Music] right time's up and that's the Rothstein done and to prevent a blast of steam in the face open the oven door slowly especially if you wear glasses like me it does nothing for the camera - and doesn't that look nice and the aroma in this house is absolutely amazing okay I'll carefully lift it out of the pan and onto a plate and loosely cover it with a little foil and let it rest and I'll show you how I make this outstanding gravy and just looking at that little piece of meat there you can see how tender and moist it is okay now on to the gravy first I'll remove the larger bits of rosemary and onions with a slotted spoon they've done their job I've squeezed the juices buck into the pandal [Music] [Music] now Lum meat juices contains a lot of fat and it needs to be removed so I pour it into a clear jug while it's still hot and that way the fat will settle if the top and all you've got to do then is simply skim it off with a ladle as shown and that's a good shot where you can see there's about an inch of fat floating on the top of these meat juices and it really has to come off [Music] [Music] if you discarding this fat don't be tempted to pour it down the sink or you'll end up clogging the drains what I do is either use it for roasting potatoes Yorkshire puddings etc or let it solidify in the fridge and get it into the normal trash bin once all the fatties off add an extra 200 mils of water or white wine I'm just using water and strain it into the pan on a medium heat once again squeeze out all of the liquid it's too good to waste now bring that to a simmer and add the one ounce of 30 grams of butter the butter will give the gravy a wonderful glossy appearance to slightly thicken the gravy add a couple of teaspoons of corn flour you may know that less corn starch to a little cold water and mix them together if you know how to make a simple root thickener using equal amounts of butter and plain flour by all means do that but I'm keeping it simple now pour it in a little at a time until you reach the required thickness that you like and that's the required thickness that I like and that's it the gravy's done so I'll get the lid on and turn off the heat right it's been resting for about 20 minutes so I'll carve a couple of slices off and not a little of that gravy and give it a taste how better gets a thumbs up [Music] and just by the way it's carving you can see it's tender moist and it looks so appetizing okay I think that's enough mate now for a little of that gravy all you would need to add to this would be some steamed carrots and broccoli mashed potato yokes are put in and some homemade mint sauce on the side oh yes absolutely gorgeous you can taste all those ingredients in that gravy the rosemary the onions the time all combined with that beautiful meat it really is an incredible combination told you as the thumb and once again please consider supporting my patreon appeal for as little as two dollars per month or if you prefer you can make a one-off small donation using my paypal page it really does go a long way towards ingredients and production costs as every penny pledged goes back into my videos and whether you've donated or not thanks again for your wonderful support in watching the channel well thank you again for watching please like share comment and subscribe by hitting the circle above if you do subscribe activate the bell icon next to the subscribe button on my channel page and by doing that you'll be automatically notified every time I upload a new video and in the meantime here's a few of my other videos and playlists that you may wonder watch so until the next time be safe in the kitchen and bye for now
Channel: John Kirkwood
Views: 182,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lamb, Leg of lamb, slow roasting, roasting lamb, meat, roasting meat, making gravy, Gravy, meat juices, cooking meat, roast tutorial
Id: KeaUJlLv5RU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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