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Christmas is nearly coming and I'm sure that many of you is having a problem that: "What could I prepare or accept orders with that is fantastic but not that stressful?" So of course, roast beef wouldn't be excluded in the list. There it is, right? So how are we gonna make roast beef? So to those people that are a bit afraid, okay? Here, it's just very simple. So first, you want to choose a cut of beef. This is rib eye, right? A whole of it is bigger, as big as this and what I just bought is this 5 to 6 inch slab. Since of course, if bigger then more expensive, right? If it's just for a family or if one order that you accept, right? You can also use other cuts of beef but for me, this is really the best to use, right? If you are gonna use other cuts, you choose the one with layers of fats so that you can really maintain the tenderness and the juiciness of your roast beef. So it should be at room temperature. So I thaw it overnight and I pat dry it with paper towel. So very simple. You want to season it generously with salt and pepper. That's it only. You'll just season it generously, right? With salt and pepper. You just massage it like that. There it is, right? You can also use tenderloin, it can also be. And I will have it put in the screen, I will have it included in the post, the baking time. Right? Because the baking or roasting time depend on the size or weight of your meat and then I'm using cracked black pepper, I will remove this rack first, right? While I'm seasoning it. So this is your cracked black pepper. This is what I use for it to have pepper crust. This cracked black pepper radiates so much grandiose and then the next step is, I have a paring knife here. I will just prick it like that. Okay, you just make indentations and then you prick it with a clove of garlic. You just prick it like that. So you prick it. You prick quickly and you press a garlic on it. It's very important that there are layers of fats, okay? You can see my beef, right? The fats on top is thick. That's how you like it. This is just quick, promise. You only thought that it sounds grandeur since roast beef, it's hard to make, no it's not. Okay, there. The clove of garlic is a bit hard, it gets out. It did not came from my farm that's why it is stubborn, just kidding. There it is, right? So you put pressure on it, okay? Although it will naturally get out later when your roast beef is already cooked. But you want to spread it well for your roast beef to be infused with the garlic flavor, okay? So I will just use all of this garlic. So I've preheated the oven to 450 ° F. 4-5-0 I'm going to roast this for 15 minutes. 1-5 So even how big your roast beef is, just 15 minutes because that first 15 minutes that's why the oven is hot, you want it's outside to crust. Remember what I have always teach to you, When the outside crusts, it forms a protective layer to keep the inside moist and juicy. So let's set it up here. Alright, so 450 ° oven for.... It's so hot. 15 minutes, so let's go back on it. So it's been 15 minutes here in the hot oven at 450 ° F so let's remove it. So you will see how nice, right? So you see, very very nice. And then my secret for the roast beef to be moist is you put water. You just put water on your roasting pan, about 2 cups only and this will be also served as the main drippings. So later on, if you want sauce using the drippings from the beef, you may use that. So now, how long I am going to cook this? Me, what I do is, when I develop this recipe, I roast it for 28 minutes per kilo, right? So I will repeat it, okay? 28 minutes per kilo. So this is 2.5 kilo so 28 times 2.5 kg. That's 70 minutes, so it's amazing, right? I memorized that. So we will roast it for 70 minute, you will minimize the oven first, 350 ° F. If you also want your roast beef well done, you make it 30 to 32 minutes per kilo. If you just want it medium only, just like us, what we want in here is medium to medium-well, 28 minutes per kilo so let us do that. I minimize the oven, 350 ° F. And then let's roast it again, I have put water beneath already. 350 ° F for 70 minutes. So there. So let's go back at it after 70 minutes. So the timer has ringed already, the roast beef is done. Okay, the roast beef is done. So there. So let's remove it from the oven. Look. Look how nice. So basically, don't touch it first. You don't remove it, okay? Let it be, leave it alone. You let it rest, give it some time. Right? About 10 to 15 minutes so you will have enough time to prepare the side dishes, okay? So today, someone is going to help me make the side dishes. Call her already. So there. I pulled another guest, so this is my sister Diane. Say hi to the netizens. - Hello. I said hi. So she's the one who help me whenever we prepare Noche Buena when Christmas because our eldest is not really explored in the kitchen actually, right? So now, she will help me to prepare the side dishes. So what are you going to do? It's one of her specialties and it's really delicious. She does have a secret on it, what is that by the way? - This is Buttered Carrots. Where did you learn that Buttered Carrots? - Because I am a chef back then. - My specialty is really Classical Cuisines. Oh yes, actually even before I study being a chef, she studied and she even have a restaurant background in Sydney, Australia, right? She even went to Le Cordon Bleu, so she's amazing, right? So that's one of the Classical French Cuisines or side dishes that you have learned? So how would that be? We sliced some carrots. - Then we will let it soften in the butter and water. So here, we have butter. Because your side dish is French, so I also get French butter. That is French butter, we are being grandeur too much right now. So the carrots has water and then after, we will put it? - Butter. Butter. So how much carrots did you sliced back then, about 2 carrots then how much butter are you going to put? - About 3 tbsp. of butter. Then you will just let it soften? So while you're letting that boil, I have boiled potatoes here too because if steak, it's delicious if there is mashed potatoes, right? So I am letting it soften. So you will cover that one? - Yes, until it boils. How long, if it boiled already then how long you will soften it? - Just very quick, about 5 to 10 minutes. 5 to 10 minutes. So the name of that dish is buttered carrots? So it's grandeur, right? So let's wait that for 5 to 10 minutes and we're also waiting for our mashed potato to soften. Can I take a look? So it's not yet, it still needs to soften more. - Have you put salt on that? What do you mean I put salt on? That potatoes. Oh! I forgotten to put salt on it. So you're really the chef now, so you put salt on it because if her, she put salt on it. - That will soften quicker. Oh, so when you salt it, it will soften more quickly? - Yes. Why is it like that? - The boiling point increases. Oh! I learn something today. So when you put salt on mashed potato, it will soften quicker because the boiling point increases? Oh my! You know what, I will be changed in a few weeks or months here in Youtube. So there it is, right? She and my mom will be the leading queens in my recipe videos. So this carrot of yours is just low flame only? - No, I just let it boil first. Oh, so you're boiling it. - Because the water should actually boil first yet I already put it. So that's the point, so there it is, right? With the boil. So another thing we will do is, me, I'm going to cook Buttered Mushrooms because of course, if mushrooms, more delicious and more healthy. So today, I'm using my favorite Jolly Mushrooms in can. There it is, right? This is so fantastic, you just open it. So you can discard the liquid, I'm going to discard the liquid. And then here also, okay? If you have buttered carrots, I also have my Buttered Mushrooms. So I'm going to put butter here. So there, some butter. And then as simple as that, so there. You just put it, so it's sizzling. You know, the beautiful thing about mushrooms, okay? It's high in protein, high in antioxidants, and high in fiber. So she, she is a nutritionist. So you are a nutritionist by a profession, right? So it is important that the meal is balanced and other than your main dish, you also serve healthy side dishes, right? So you will also do this mashed potato, right? Because that is also her specialty. They have many specialties and since, I've got few specialties left on mine that I share then let's have them too, right? Then you are the winner. So let's saute this. So there. I want it whole, it looks more pretty if it's whole, right? It looks more natural, right? It looks so grandeur in the table if the mushrooms are whole and we may put it a bit of parsley and a bit of black pepper. You really cook French cooking, right? Then you have also worked on a Mexican restaurant, - Yes. She work on a Mexican restaurant, right? And where it is again? Is it on Sydney too? - There also. So you're also gonna cook us Mexican dishes, right? What are your specialties that are Mexican dishes? - Chimichanga. Chimichanga, what's that? - It is a Tex-Mex cuisine. What is it? - It's like a Burito that is... Burito that is fried? So that's it, Chimichanga is like a Burito that is fried. You can also teach us that one next time. So there, so look at my Buttered Mushrooms. So there. This is done. How long will that take? - So there, it's boiling already and you can also leave this if you're busy preparing side dishes. That will not feel bad? You may just cover it then after.... You will leave it? - Yes, just don't overcooked it. When you leave that, that will not be sad? - No, it won't. This one is better. - So since this one has boiled already, Then after? - Since it already boiled, now, we're gonna remove the lid for it to reduce already. So it's like that. - Since it's too watery. So now, you will let it boil in order to remove the excess liquid? - Water, yes. And then that will be ready? - We are still gonna put seasonings on it. What seasonings do you put? - Salt and sugar. Oh, so salt and sugar. So there. So maybe by the time that's soft, our potatoes here are soft too. So there, so while we are waiting that one, let us make Chimichurri sauce. You can also do it on... because sometimes gravy is boring too, right? So it can also be Chimichurri sauce. Chimichurri. Just Chimichurri only. So Chimichurri sauce is like an all around sauce that you can use for steaks, for chicken, right? Or where you are happy to use it. So this is just chopped parsley, I have here chopped parsley. This is also chopped cilantro. Because it's boring if just gravy sometimes, right? And I have taught them a lot of gravy already. So I'm sure that if they like gravy, they can really have that. This is chopped red onion. So you, sometimes the sauce you want for steak is salt and pepper only, right? There's even no sauce, so it's different by person. Garlic and this is lemon juice. Different likes, right? And we are just gonna put that olive oil. So just a splash. So that's your Chimichurri sauce already. I will put that a bit of olive oil. And just don't ask if what's that, the important is it sounds grandeur and it's delicious. Olive oil. And then of course, you have to season it with salt and pepper. There it is, right? Other than working in Mexican restaurant, you have also worked in Outback on Australia. On, what is it again? - I am a waitress there. So if like that as a waitress, you should also know how steak works because the specialty of Outback is steak, right? - Yes. So there, those things, that are partners of steak and Oh my God! because of talking, have I put salt on this already? I salt it already and put some pepper. So this is the Chimichurri sauce. The beauty of this but because, you know.... There in Australia since you have worked there back then. Their meat is really different, right? Admit it. It's really important on steak even on roast beef that you will use good quality meats, right? It's so delicious. Very refreshing, it needs more salt. So there. What's also good about this is that it gives color, right? So your side dish and your Chimichurri sauce is so colorful, right? Is this ready? So that, are your carrots ready? What's really delicious for this is that it's soft but not that it's mushy. So that's it. So I even told her that her carrots took too long. I am already cook all here yet you're carrots is not yet done but French cooking is really like that, right? That it will make you wait for long but worth the wait, right? - Because your slices are not the same. Oh! I'm not the one who sliced that. - Because the others are soft already yet others have thick slices. It's because you are not the one who sliced this back then, you must go down in here, right? Right, netizens? She must have sliced it. Why are you not the one who sliced it? - But as I get down here, it's sliced already. It's just no, there are really things that are not fair, right? We need to accept that. It's just like love, it shouldn't be fair, right? So this one might be good already though, right? Is this good already? - So this is the.... Is it good already? It must be fork tender? - That's also too much though. Then fine, I will remove the water from it. So these are the potatoes. Here, I will put it sugar. Sugar. While I am mashing it, I can put butter already, right? So there. - That's what makes it delicious. For it to melt. - As well as salt. So I put butter on this mashed potato already and then heavy cream, let's put it a bit heavy cream. It's already okay like this. So that's okay already? - Because the others are just too soft. So there, so the Buttered Carrots is done. That's really delicious, that is very soft. It is soft but it's not soggy, right? It's like you can't explain it. She really cook that one even back then. It may be for steak, for roast chicken. Then here, we are putting a bit of condensed milk on mashed potato just to balance. Just a bit. And of course, you put some salt . Dear, can you hand me the salt? So there it is already, your food for Noche Buena is cooked already, right? There's roast beef, mashed potato. Do we still need more? This, you can put it garlic. Where? - On the beef. What? The garlic from the beef. So the garlic from the beef, so here, I will get some. So we have learned something, right? You get a garlic then put on the mashed potato? - Yes. We are gonna mash it the garlic from the roast beef. - As well it's pepper. - As well as the pepper? - That's a new pepper. Yes, I am following, let's move faster. There it is, right? So what other things we need to put? She's correct though, right? I wouldn't know about that if I haven't get you as a guest here that you can put the garlic from the roast beef in the mashed potato. Let us taste it first though. We keep on putting various things yet we haven't taste it. It's already a winner. What do you need more? - You will taste it first. So there, you taste it already. You taste it already, I am already sweating. - Because it is not really mixed. I am even so tired of mixing it, it's like I am.... - You mix it with wooden spoon. It's like I am already doing.. here. So it's very important that it can rest. Oh look. Look how nice. It's like it's very juicy, as you see it's inside. Perfect. It's so delicious. So this, you taste this one with fats. Oh! I removed the fats, do you want this fats? - Yes. - It's so delicious. Right? It feels so proud. It's like this, right? One slice and then you put mushrooms. Very good for you. Mashed potatoes. And then your buttered carrots. And then the sauce. So there, for you. And then here. - That's yours? - Oh yeah. - Then let us have wine. So we are still gonna drunk wine. I will just have a bit because I am on diet, just kidding. So you taste yours because I am going to taste mine especially with the side dishes. With the mashed potatoes. Let us taste it. Her Buttered Carrots. That's what I told you, you cook it for too long yet it doesn't become soggy. Her cooking is really perfect, right? The crunch is still there. Right? So you are a championship, right? Your carrots, right? It is perfectly cooked. - Can I have the...? Of what? - That one, the knife. Oh wait! So knife as per them. No, not that one, the one for my steak. So that one, for a while. Is that just one? What among them? - That one. No, that's what I gave you, that even came from Switzerland while this is made in China. So there it is, right? So your knife is special There it is, right? Let's cheers first before you are gonna eat, cheers! And thank you for guesting here in the.... Cheers! So cheers to more delicious foods, right? You say hi to the netizens again. - Hello. I said say hi. - Let's just have bye. So what are you still waiting for? Prepare delicious meals. Delicious and stress-free meals with your family. Very easy to do, very fantastic and absolutely delicious. So we're going to see you again soon and take care. So you say bye to the netizens already. It's really delicious though, right? - Bye, thank you. - Bye! :)
Channel: Chef RV Manabat
Views: 979,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7YUoxOWlyWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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