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So let's prepare Roast Chicken with 40 cloves of Garlic. Since I have lot of garlic, I am from the farm. Just kidding. I love this recipe. As long as anything that is whole chicken, when you are going to roast it, cook it, It seems like there's always a celebration, right? Even though it's just an ordinary day. And it should always be like that, right? We should celebrate and be grateful everyday. So before we put the seasoning on the chicken, let us pound some garlic first. So how are we gonna count the 40 cloves? To be honest, you need to count that. Because if you, when you are gonna eat the restaurants or you will order Chicken with 40 cloves of garlic, are you still gonna count all the garlic? So normally, you're gonna use about 2 to 3 heads of garlic. But if you want it super garlicy, then you put 4 heads of garlic. But when I develop the recipe, I only use 3 heads of garlic. So there. So when you're pounding it, you remove all the hard skin and you just left those soft parts of skin, right? I always include the skin because the skin of garlic is very tasty. It's very aromatic, right? So you just pound it. So I'm using this very nice pounder. It looks so good to take a picture of it, right? When your pounder for garlic is like this. So there. Just like that only, you don't need to be stress too much. Right? When you're making this, do not be stress. It's the other way around, you release your stress. So you release it, right? So there. And then you set it aside. And then next, we're going to prepare the spice mix. So I have here, this is garlic granule. You can also use garlic powder. I'm just going to put around 2 tsps. Okay. You can use garlic powder as well. And then I'm going to put, this is cracked black pepper. Around 1 to 2 tsps. as well. So again, 2 tsps of the garlic powder or the garlic granules. 2 tsps of your cracked black pepper. I have said tbsps. back then on the garlic. Just teaspoon only. A 1 tbsp. is equivalent to 3 tsps. that's why don't be confused. I've been cooking for a long time, here. For a while since I'm gonna show it to you. Even I've been cooking for long time, I always use this. 1 teaspoon is 5 ml and 1 tablespoon is 15 ml. Right? 3 teaspoons is the equivalent for 1 tablespoon. Your Roast Chicken may also be too garlicy so just teaspoon. 2 teaspoon of salt. If your chicken is a bit small then you minimize the amount, right? And I'm just putting rosemary. A bit rosemary. So this will be your spice mix. And we have here a whole chicken that I've washed. I didn't remove the leg because some people in our household do like the leg. Right? So there. I just put it paper towel for the excess liquid to be absorbed so that our spice mix is gonna seep more. Okay, and then this is calamansi juice or lemon juice. You just put 1 tsp, right? Just to make it- 1 to 2 tsp. to the chicken until the inside to remove the stench because sometimes, chicken naturally have a bit of stench. And then you just massage your spice mix generously on to your chicken, all over, and of course the cavities. Until the inside. I like using this cracked pepper so that it looks so grandeur, right? That when it's cooked, there are whole peppers. It radiates so much classiness. Very important that you put seasoning on the cavities of the chicken. So there, as you can see my hands because I really reached it up to the inside so your chicken is really tasty. So you won't put the garlic because normally, you're gonna stuff it inside. No. You fill it on the cavities of the chicken. It's okay that there's an exposed part on the skin but the garlic, you put it inside because you don't want it burnt Because if it will get burnt, there would be a bitter taste. Later on when I'm going to put this on my air fryer. So I'm going to air fryer it. So there, I really fill it to the wing part and I am hiding it, see? Okay, so my chicken is almost ready. I already put all of the garlic and it really looks so good. So now, I'm ready to put it into my air fryer. So this is my new toy. I really love this. This is the Cosori Air Fryer that is really perfect to my kitchen. Very minimalist. So I will get the basket and then I'm just going to put the chicken. Normally on oven, it's roasting time is about 60 minutes but it's quicker here. Around 40 to 45 minutes in the air fryer, That is already cooked and the cooking is really even. That's why I love using this, right? Well of course, you can also bake this into an ordinary oven but you are gonna see the very nice result later. So I'm going to show you: The breast side down, you put the breast side down because the breast part is going to dry quickly, right? So for it to be not that exposed on heat, you put it down. It will stay really moist. And then I'm going to put it into the air fryer. Okay. Very simple, I love it. Touch screen so you just press this. There are many options. So you go to the menu, let's choose the chicken. So that is the chicken because what we are cooking is chicken. So normally in the oven, I roast my chicken at 375° F. So that is degrees Fahrenheit. So that's around 185° C. So there, 185° C for 45 minutes. It radiates so much fanciness. This rates so much fanciness. So there. We will just leave it there and then let us visit it. After about 30 minutes, let's take a look at it again. So while the chicken is in the air fryer, right? Let's also make a very easy Java-rice like that is gonna be partner of our roast chicken. Of course, putting potatoes also radiates fanciness, right? But even for roast chicken, what still delicious to pair- Well for me, okay? And I'm sure that many of you too. Rice. Rice is life. So you just open your stove and you just put some olive oil and butter. About 1 tablespoon each of olive oil and butter. And then I have here bell peppers, red bell peppers. About 1 to 2 pcs, you just put there. This is just easy. Actually, you can also cook this in a rice cooker. Even though you are not going to saute it actually and then you just put some turmeric powder, around a tsp. And banana ketchup, you can also use tomato ketchup. Around 1 to 2 tbsp. of banana ketchup. You put in the rice, 2 cups of rice. You just saute it for a bit. But again, you may not saute this also. You just throw all of it on the rice cooker and then water, 3 cups of water. So you can adjust the color now. If you want it more reddish, you put more banana ketchup. I feel like I want it more reddish. Let us put it a bit of banana ketchup. You can also put a splash of soy sauce. Around a tablespoon. For added flavor. Look. How nice the color. Okay. So you just cook it. So when this will be cooked, this will gonna be cooked first and then our chicken is in the air fryer. For the sauce: The drippings of the chicken that will go down into the air fryer, that is the one that we are gonna make as sauce. It's really perfect especially with your Java Rice. So let's go back to it. Alright, so 10 minutes left into my air fryer. So you pull it. Just look at that, right? It looks so professional. Right? So last 10 minutes, what I'm going to do is: I will just flip the chicken because I want the skin on the breast part to turn brown as well. So you just flip it like this. Because you can see that it's a bit white now, right? So you want it to turn brown and then you also put butter, around 2 tbsp. You just put it there. Okay. So if you want to put olive oil, you also put a splash of olive oil and then it will not be a waste because again, That's the sauce and drippings you will have later. You return it for another 10 minutes. Okay, so it's even automatic, right? So that will be cooked continuously. I just weaken it a bit, I put it down to 180°. Later, I'm going to raise it to 185° again so that the skin of the breast part would brown quickly, right? So this is the rice. Oh! It's fantastic. Look. There it is, right? Just the perfect color. You can still put that a little bit of butter. Let's say around a tbsp. I turn off the flame already because it is cooked. And there it is, the chicken. The chicken is already calling us. So there, look at it. My Gosh! So look. There it is, right? Who would not be attract with this? Right? Actually, you serve it directly in here. This side already. The reason why you just cook the breast part on top on 10 minutes so it wouldn't be dry. Look. And this is what I'm telling you, so those garlic over there. You can still use it for garnish. It's so fancy, right? Are you gonna thought that you just cook that for 45 minutes and then this is the drippings that I have been telling you. When you press this, you can remove this. So it's very fancy, right? This is the drippings. So let's get it. And what I love about this air fryer, it's very easy to clean because it's main body is non-stick surface. So this is the sauce, you won't make gravy anymore and you will not have hard time. That's it already. Let's just separate it. There it is, right? So what can you say about that? And then let's prepare also the rice. Okay. Your dinner done in 45 minutes but just look at that dinner, right? Super fantastic. So there it is already, the moment of truth. The 40 cloves of garlic. So this is what I've been telling you that would you count that. When you are questioned that it doesn't look 40 cloves of garlic. It's on the inside, there it is, right? So I'm going to give you a tip. As soon as your chicken gets out from the oven or air fryer, don't cut it right away. You just left it there for around 5 minutes, right? Because there is what you call "carryover cooking." It's cooking would still continue and to let the juices stabilize. There it is, right? Sometimes things, in order for them to be stable, you just need to let it be first. Don't shock it suddenly. It's fantastic, right? That's also the chicken, the roast chicken. For it to leave juicy, right? You leave it alone first for a while. And now, let's try. So there, so juicy. It seems like I want to eat it with my bare hands already. You can really taste the garlic. I have a- It feels like I really feel the farm. Oh! Kiara. You want chicken? She smell the chicken. But garlic is not allowed for you, it's not allowed. Look how juicy. It's not allowed to you, you just hi to the netizens. You say hi. This, you can also put it with your sauce and of course, the life, the rice. 45 minutes is just really good actually. This is also not allowed for you, I won't give it to you for there is garlic. Let's try the beast part. Because this will be the basis for the verdict if you know how to cook chicken. It must not be dry. You can see it, right? You zoom it. It's not dry, it's moist, right? I am so good or the air fryer is really good because it is convection, the heat really faces it. So the cooking is very perfect. It's very moist, the breast part. Don't forget the secret, okay? First 35 minutes, the breast part is on the down side. After 10 minutes, you flip it, right? Because if you put the breast part on top, it will be dry. And it's so good. Restaurant quality at home. And the rice, so perfect. I will get some. Of course, the skin is very flavorful. I know that someone from you would ask. I will answer you already. "Can we just soak the chicken first?" Right? "And then we will air fryer it the following day." It can also be. You just also need to put the garlic the following day because remember, garlic is acidic. If it's oversoaked in the chicken, what happen is it's like the meat would be cooked already. For dishes like this, you want to really feel the freshness of the chicken meat. So what are you still even waiting for? I didn't really touch it because I want to serve it later like this and then this one, I will cut it so that it won't look like I taste it. How would it be? You can't really stop yourself if you have chicken in front of you, right? Even these two. They already sense that there is chicken. So I am going to finish the video already. Do not wait anymore. You make this Roast Chicken with 40 cloves of garlic. Best when prepared in your Cosori Air Fryer. Take care and I'll see you soon.
Channel: Chef RV Manabat
Views: 432,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chef, chef rv, recipes, mukbang, food, food recipes, celebrity chef, pinoy, pinoy vlog
Id: jPYrML7y1O8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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