Road to Cybertruck | Baja

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[Music] we do a lot of testing at Proving Grounds and Proving Ground is a very controlled situation you know what the course is it's designed to be something specific but the difference for this trip is it's a real world test I think it's considered one of the off-road Proving Grounds most dangerous race most difficult race comes by many names but the Baja 1000 is challenging if nothing else I think we're all pretty excited a little nervous more than anything but I think everyone's looking forward to getting going tomorrow uh every volt check is loose but it's fine we can tighten them try again how about now is this louder I think the answer was the mic needs to be inside your esophagus and then it HS try to minimize your stops as much as possible everybody stay together we want to make sure that everybody's safe that everybody's having a good time but that we all know where everybody is at each moment well we're going to see how this goes it's exciting start oh yeah [Music] did you get a sa phone somewhere yeah I have it here still good to go for ct2 whenever you're ready are we all good all good okay ct1 is [Music] goodal on the first day we took a steep Trail down to the coast which was very loose with embedded rocks but the Cyber trucks clearance and Overland mode Plus Great traction control really built up our confidence enough to unwind a bit on the beach as we hit the [Music] coast you can see the whole Coast for Miles you can see there's no one there's no one around and that's kind of the feeling you have of like all right we're about to be on our own we've got some serious traffic right now basically gridlock [Music] off-road oh man watch for that that watch out yeah keep going all right now cut it right yep you're back tire is going to drop in the ditch and you're good we're trying to make sure that these trucks are really prepared for the off-road use cases that we expect our customers to use them in you could be going straight from a Sandy track straight to pretty Rocky stuff straight to like a water crossing it's impossible to predict in in one way and we kind of have to be ready for that this is the best real world testing that exists [Music] [Music] let if we ran right on the margins we could leave now and probably get there with zero s so so basically any charging we do from here on out is like our buffer MH so I guess we charge for another [Music] hour yeah we drove through a Soro Forest some of these Soros were huge they're 80 ft High 200 years old pretty enormous the road is super wide it opened up and we were able to turn off traction control we were able to get up the speed and really test out the [Music] truck despite driving super fast through some of these really uneven surfaces adaptive damping really stepped up the game and kept the vehicle super smooth when we're off road we go through energy a lot faster than on road it's a lot more fun but it'll be challenging to make it the whole [Music] distance yeah we've actually been quite impressed with uh cyber trucks efficiency on this trip so far on on the highways at least we're we're getting really good wat hours per mile um on the dirt we're definitely running through it a little quicker but we're planning for it and just you know taking time to to charge and we have such a great destination charger set up that you know we're just staying at a hotel hanging out for a couple extra hours at night and we hit the roads in the morning and it's been it's been pretty awesome so far we had some challenge getting all our spare parts across the border uh eventually we were able to get the paperwork worked out and they shipped it down here ahead of us while we were headed our way down we just talked to the front staff and they said oh yeah this morning someone dropped off parts for you and they brought us in here and uh it's a bit dark a room full of Tesla Parts um and this is an old industrial freezer that apparently is now a closet uh Ross was asking if there was a power outlet that we could plug into oh I just got to make an adapter that goes from a 1450 which we have a UMC plug for to an L 1530 that plugs into the local grid trucks are fully charged because we have to hit we're basically going to use every ounce of energy we have to get to the next charging and fortunately we have really good data quality from the starlink so everything's going to be [Music] ready [Music] hey uh big berm coming up we we cracked our glass we might have to stop and do a quick inspection oh you guys okay yeah yeah yeah that's a big burp [Music] yeah big well the windsh still glass broke oh broke oh yeah many he broke oh there there I was surprised we didn't have airbags another big [Music] so we came to find the trail had some pretty significant and unpredictable damage from the recent hurricane which meant driving fast was really tough because you'd come up upon a section that was flat and even and you could drive 50 60 70 mph but then suddenly there'd be a wash out the size of the car it's solid underneath everything under here is empty [Music] okay it's like buried in me oh ouch oh all right that's why we don't right one two three oh me that's they got some knife hooks on the back Edge dude I think slow and steady is the oh [Applause] [Music] yeah watermelon growing on the vine is that a baby watermelon yeah you guys hungry considering we didn't bring much food take a bite I'm not I'm not going to do that fine do you know what you're eating that's not good let's see what you got oh wow [Music] two bumps baby bumps very [Music] [Music] high try not to fall off the cliff [Music] please approach TI right [Music] there mhm that's 25 miles of mostly hopefully yeah um fire road gravel so I think we'd be under 500 W hours per mile yeah um I think we could I think we could definitely do that yeah as we made our way further south the predictable hurricane damage really increased and the trail became rockier we often had to slow our Pace but the Cyber trucks continue to have no problem uh with the pretty unexpectedly challenging conditions no way to tell what's coming up in one section it's Rocky it's smooth it's washed out and you don't know what's around the next corner [Music] [Music] uh if I'm being honest I'm being very picky the cruise control isn't working are you kidding me so we've got into the Sandy section it was really wide open and given the comfortability of the team we really let loose started hitting jumps getting sideways getting speeds up to over 100 mph the washboard and the bumps were really intimidating at those speeds but the chassis and suspension just soaked it up and it was a great ride we didn't have any issues throughout the [Music] [Music] day [Music] what time is it was it's too early I'm not stressed guys all right let's go so far we've spent 5 days driving through Baja um the trucks have done really well been really impressed both on-road off-road sand gravel rocks it's excelled in every case we've got a a huge tuning lever in our adaptive suspension a ride height with air suspension the torque availability just from EES and of course our powertrain being particularly powerful as [Music] well double starlink for extra reliability in the deserts of Cabo for a live stream that's going to hit tens of thousands hundreds of thousands of people Millions yeah that we found out about yesterday we are coming to you live from B Baja California sir in Mexico as with anything on a live stream success is uncertain but excitement guaranteed to go right there what we've really learned is how the real world is very different than the proven grounds it's enabled us to really close loop on our design cycle we've designed for these conditions we've gone to the Proving Ground for these conditions but now being able to see it in the real world has really kind of check that last box on making sure that this is like a really awesome product for our customers this is the border of Los Cabos this sign here so we just crossed into Los [Music] Cabos [Music] for
Channel: Tesla
Views: 656,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla, model s, model x, model 3, powerwall, electric car, elon musk, ludicrous, battery, tesla cybertruck, cybertruck offroad, cybertruck testing, cybertruck baja, tesla baja, cybertruck baha testing, cybertruck bts, cybertruck behind the scenes
Id: qLWxjtIpJz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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