ROAD HOUSE (2024) MOVIE REACTION! Jake Gyllenhaal | Conor McGregor | Full Movie Review

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thank you to all that have  been supporting the channel   by checking out our merch at reject  naations and becoming Royal rejects real rejects got invited back to WonderCon  come geek out with us in person Sunday March 31st   reject Nation citizens of the reject Nation I  say this without hyperbole without exaggerating   without even pretending to have any inclination  of untruth this is the most excited I've been to   do a reaction on this channel right now this  right here cuz we do a lot of TV shows and I   love them but I'm a movie guy and this movie  was something I couldn't see in theater so I   was like you know what the best possible way to  see this since I can't see the is with Greg yeah   for you Roadhouse Road House Road so excited  I did two bicep girls before filming prepared   complete Jake gyen Hall Conor McGregor two of my  favorite hyper masculine dudes brawling it out   in Roadhouse guys Doug Lyman he made the born  movies there's so much to about exit movie he   made the born movie made jumper he made jumper  Edge of Tomorrow Mr Mrs Smith I know his movie   three of four of those I love think he made  swingers did he make swingers I think he did   I think he was director by great philography  anyway we're going to talk about roadh house   after CU we're about to get into it but before  we do I want to thank the folks at prepper for   prepping this video making it glorious making  us look good I want to thank the patrons for   supporting us if you head over to patreon you  can watch all of us watching Roadhouse beginning   to end no edits the full Roadhouse experience  do they rip throats will find out the patrons   will definitely find out cuz there will not be a  moment cut so head over to patreon and also over   at patreon exclusive videos of Greg and John  where they react to things only for patrons   because they're the sexiest of the rejects  and without further Ado in three two one Ro house oh that's a that's an opening damn oh  cool post Malone oh [ __ ] A POV post Malone   opening not what I expected yeah I I'm looking  for Carter forward do you mind pointing him out   to [Applause] me oh she going around recruiting  is she the recruiter I hope he's not the bald   one with the he's taking all coverage oh my  God this one's grittier so gritty south paw   Jake chillen [Music] hole I like how it went to  his fist on it oh [ __ ] I'm very happy with the Vibes damn those bare knuckle punches  sound effects pack a punch in the most   literal way oh who like the little  camera Jitters whenever he hits fantastic oh my god oh the like spray yeah added  VFX shots there a little back of the envelope says   that's six in a row for lustrious Carter Ford  who wants to get in there make it seven it's   winner take all tonight y'all it's just a bunch of  money and a bucket oh my God is post bone going to   have a cameo to get his ass kicked this is of  man Cameo right here have you ever done this   before all right we got a superhero here close  it up come on he's always taking on the Eminem had cool reveal shredded like post milone actually  looking a little afraid in that moment you know   who that is the legend n nope I'm not fighting  that guy no way no way there's got that smile I   don't give a [ __ ] I'm not he's that fight  that guy get out of here I don't want you so the exact opposite direction  of the first movie not stopping   fights but but willing to  fight but still the legend is oh my God a man's ABS have abs how easy for  him to win the vascularity and obliques is really   hard to get that is impressive body fat percentage  commendable don't where you going you just lost me   500 bucks [ __ ] whoa whoa he got the stab on  you sure you thought this all the way [Music] through hey where you going  yall going to take your knife mmer what a moment oh his car's all scuzzy and dirty this  is the Modern Day remake not going to take your   knife it's a nice little scam you got going  on in there all you need is for the opponent   to know who you are know your history and then  they'll be too afraid to fight exactly brilliant   man well it's working you know it actually took  me a second to to recognize you oh oh God do you   need an ambulance or something nope you know  you got a big ass knife sticking out of you   old this Stitch himself up it's going to bleed  when I take it out oh yeah oh [ __ ] so listen   I I own a roadh house out in the Florida Keys  Hemingway used to drink there you know Ernest   Hemingway good for you it's always been a Rowdy  place people come to blow off steam but lately   it's been attrac in the wrong clientele coming  every night they trash the place the cops are   noing help all my bounces have ran off like so  many more efforts this is today modern I can   pay you good money 5K a week just for a month  and I can put you up damn 20K okay that's got   to be more than you're making for whatever the  hell you call this do that the work here 500   bucks to do nothing I don't that pretty good  buddy I'm Frankie think about it my Drifter   look at him Coy he's a dead beat has been  he's just like that end of the tape there   hanging by an edge God he tempted to drive his  car no over those tracks how far is he follow no he just shows he doesn't care  oh maybe not he's got a choice   to [Music] make he's haunted by his pass  koi it's a real Martin rigs move right   here it's got to find a higher purpose  to live koi maybe not 20 grand wait a minute take the paper wa I didn't expect it to hit him wow that was unexpected that was a completely  different way of handling that moment than I'm   used to I like how many movies have that Trope  but I don't think I've ever seen the rare end get hit time to make a call what  a cool way to convince him I   like that that was beautiful look at them  Whit sand lot of whites I like the shirt double Deuce it's a restaurant did you see Fred  on your way in what's that that's Fred the tree   got a book on him you're interested I'm Charlie  by the way hey Charlie what brings you to Glass   key I'm here work at a bar the owner's having a  little trouble I guess and I'm here to clean it   up that kind of sounds like the pl to Western  why to become so self-work for hero to help   clean up the rowy balloon you know that crap  Char leave this PO man alone H that guy's a   great actor he's in Walking Dead he's here to  work at the road house uh really great way to   World build told me it was a roadh house but she  never told me the name it's just the roadh house   oh so no no name it's just up the highway past  M Mar 77 huh I'm going to have to accept this   movie on its own merits double Deuce is kind  of a gray title I like that there's not even   a double Deuce they can't mess that up so  to speak like they're literally making the   movie their own to the point that it's like they  don't even go to the double dece it's the roadh housee I like how it's  embracing this Southern Gothic flare damn this one's right on the beach that's  why you want to pay to clean it up add is some   property what a great place to have a bar oh my  God I love that have a strawberry margarita just   sitting on the Wind you get a black coffee  doesn't drink yeah we don't have [Laughter] that hey this place is a disaster hey oh  he's got a black eye I think at night it   shifts I'm guessing CU in the day it's chill  I know who you are Atwood D in big fan man   is he like a former fighter I'm assuming  that's what we're going to find out is like   a legend of instead of bodyguard one like an  actual yeah cuz he hasn't said cooler yet be blind to you don't have to be  blind is the first line ah good catch wow they just started  this kind of like a random fight that that fence needs to be wider guys jeez I think that's that actor that got  the audition where it like leaked during the   pandemic that he was like living in  a small apartment the cast director   made fun of start so I'm happy for that  guy working with Jak chall that's [Music] great okay mini [Music] boss it's such a beautiful  place and these guys are just ruined oh hey who   let go go I'm not hey come on chill chill  out chill out oh Billy oh my God 30 seconds   all we need to hit the this guy you want another  black eyy another Billy right yeah there's some   thirsty customers waiting for you I can handle  these gens oh who the [ __ ] are you Mr Smiley   Mr smiley yeah we had this idiot grin since I  walked in oh he took notice of him can I talk   to you guys outside for a second I got some work  to do it's actually really hard to break up very   hard show all right strong knees those are your  bikes out there right yeah M are red one on the right answer so casually oh wait what wait  got him outside I just wanted to get you   outside so I could ask you and your friends  to leave the premises I we'll leave after I   can kill you sure before we start do you have  insurance you medical insurance your coverage   good like you have dental cool hey Frankie  yeah is there a hospital [Music] nearby love   it is it like too far is it close about  like 25 minutes I'd say like depending on   the traffic what time of day this guy shut  the up how is he in the game you don't have   to do this man I you don't you don't have  to lose you're going to lose in front of   all your friends oh they're not here to just  watch oh well that's hardly fair life's not   fair oh my [ __ ] slapped slapped you are  you all right what oh my God he's slapping him this was good choreography the out SL there's like anime camera work here let's  call this a draw draw it's kind of like a win   man didn't hit the guy yeah like we win together  you know F you ooh [ __ ] man I'm going to kill   you wa W wao yeah oh we're never going to get our  adults in Cinematic Universe hey Frankie you got a   car I could borrow I do yeah but not for them come  on these guys need medical attention I don't give   a [ __ ] I'm going to sue you I'm going to sue  [Laughter] you this I like this take this is funny I just love how like dejected and lacad isical  his whole attitude is so neutral dislocation   he's giving the prognos thanks for the ride man  thanks for the ride he's so differently Zen but   it works so great she's in this Suicide  Squad girl yeah R catcher too before you   go she's the doctor still doctor thank you  for all the new patience you're welcome I   just love when my ears packed full full of  irresponsible idiots that way the normal   people with real emergencies have nowhere  to go oh she's not as gravitated towards   him right now he's got to earn it in this one  that's not something you'd care about being a   rage fi C who likes to hurt people for fun  technically I hurt people for money you're bleeding old wound pain don't hurt so you like to f wait you ever win nobody  wins a fight no one ever wins a fight he said   the line he said it he sh it it's not infected  but I'll need to search for this oh no no no no   no thank you it's my fault I want to pay for it  self- punishment it wasn't his fault you must to remember must have done like a weighted  kettlebell abs for months like they're   so bulpus got a beautiful spot here Frank  imagine having a drink right there with   some special you could even get married here I  like that this road house represents something   that actually looks hopeful like you'd want to  fix this fix this yeah we don't have to wait   till the third act to see it come together  we see what hope there is why is it called   The Roadhouse The Roadhouse one one word yeah  that's a joke it's a road house but it's called   the road house get it is this movie called the  road house I saw that there was a house B for   sale at the marina so I thought maybe i' go  check that out it barely floats it's mine it   came with with the bar but I highly advise you  sleep with a snorkel okay also watch out for   the crocodile the crocodile and heads up my  uncle named the boat too The Boat House the boat flashback yeah yeah oh right I knew this was  UFC cuz he did this at UFC 285 like he actually   filmed this oh yeah that whole phot and a half  ago totally forgot about that I was in the movie   I forgot about the real world introducing the  Challenger l so he really is like a hasb been   what do you like kill a guy in the ring or  something yeah I'm curious they're going   to slowly do flashbacks I should put something  on don't worry about it I got Brothers where's   Jake's Gyllenhaal's ass we have demands see we  got tostadas breakfast burrito damn his abs are   a character they're crazy they're like in the  profile of it's insane how the depth thank you   for the food it's good to see like jillan all in  a happy role like after prisoners and he's usually   just so like intense he's playing a sad guy he's  sad he's got a levity to him I found your life   story Death at the Double X by Martin Holly double  dece the Intrepid Wade wo never met a scoundrel he   couldn't bring to Justice You're Intrepid right  honestly I couldn't tell you it's it's four zeros feel like I'm watching a weird cut  scene in a video game he's about to buy his armor hey get out of here all of you found it  really interesting that they keep calling this   they're just drawing attention to the fact  that road house isn't need a western but   they're doing such a meta way yeah I think when  you make a remake that's one of the directions   to go yeah self-awareness sees him where's  your dad the bookstore was actually at my   mom's idea and where she oh she died last year  you should join The Madam Webb crew that's all   it takes I'm sorry to hear that [ __ ] happened  only here it always happens on a beautiful day   o that's a dark line plot twist Dalton killed  the mom third act reveal hey D smell you later   Carl how does he know his name was there like  a town me or something how does everybody know   my name that's just how it is around here  man I mean it's a it's a gossipy sort of Island oh he doesn't like that he prefers  discretion he's a man of subtlety let's finish   this I got half a sh get go shave on a boat hold  off on that shave till we get the shorts pretty   rough relax Captain assure me it's going to be  smooth sailing smooth sing I mean smoo sing what   I heard is that you're all bunch of scared of some  bouncer [ __ ] it was Dell he wasn't sure how to   handle it let me talk to this genius Dell then  you can't he's still in the hospital he's got a concussion sorry it's fine it's fine let's keep  the wrist nice and loose okay sounds good okay   perfect you can go ahead can someone just tell me  or remind me whose idea was it this is so stupid   you're all supposed to have this job done I still  think we can scare him off what did I say I said   keep it Loose okay this guy's such a dumbass yes  it's it already introduced it's baffling tell me   about this bouncer oh well it's kind of strange  you know he acts all nice and [ __ ] like Mr Roger   or something but then man he holds on he beats the  living [ __ ] out of you so really interesting guy overall oh he's dead Barber  dead let me talk to you for a second oh he's blame the captain why is it attract these kind of this  guy got a knife under his shirt wor red this   such a peaceful place handle it takes it  out you just take a big step back and pop   me in the face you can do it they don't  have the rules here you actually po the face what now [ __ ] what's  up pop him in the face whoa nice CH brought a concealed knife in here  and that is a no no I mean Dalton can never   leave yeah he's got to like get out the  root of the problem cuz it's all sorts of   people once do leaves it would just attract  people don't forget to lift your knees with   my Full Table guy GRE can't just have this  one guy he's got to train him like he did in   Road House this woman can't afford to pay him  $20,000 a month yeah I don't know what that   place makes the land is worth it training  montage yeah I need a see train o planks was a very short training montage I want  to know what Jake gyll andol did to prepare man I like that it's still hitting some of the  Beats but in a different way I do feel like it's   lacking something though and I'm not quite sure  what it is yet like oh boy like it's not as fun   nor is this drama as dramatic enough for me to  take it seriously you know like it's just kind   of this weird middle ground that things are  happening I care but not as much yeah Jake   Gyllenhaal is really saving this movie a lot  though yeah his his performance a lot is saving   it yeah we also have Matt Conor McGregor yet  and there are some choices that are happening   that I I I like a lot but yeah there's I guess  there's like a personality touch that's sort   of missing about the movie it's not even like a  comparative thing I'm just kind of like there's   nothing really there's something missing for  me and I I don't know what it is yet at this   what I'll call you a cab no no boo [Music]  boo no what what I'm Batman the action's   really cool though yeah yeah Doug Lyman there  it is that's what the shot that's went [Music] viral did he kill this guy or was he like a  lose was he sh yeah did he get destroyed like   I do like the B plot of the mystery of him  po or you know your general unresolved pain   so why I H make a good Batman unresolved  trauma if you cause trouble to the wrong   people you could get hurt or Worse none  of this is covered in my Fred the tree   book you know that KS produce pearls and that  they have ornate spiral shells yes everyone   knows that one in every 15,000 produces a  pink pearl sounds romantic unless you're a   conk is the conk gets a bit of grid inside a  shell which causes extreme irritation we see   something beautiful how is that not romantic  what are you guys talking about what's the   subtext here it's a good line I like how they're  building that up little meat cute they got good chemistry wa wa W that was a crazy shot  what a great shotam that was [Music] impressive Dam how'd they do that that like  splice my wow that's a crazy shot man oh my God get out of the way of the  truck truck's coming about the   truck we got wow that's what it takes  to take down this guy throw a truck at him you're a real pain in my ass okay he just  sees him it's annoy to see him I'm going to   just shoot you I ask a question why all the fuss  I mean I'm just some guy oh hell it a't you it's   the [Laughter] Roadhouse come on [Music] man  that's cool you often don't see a good lived   in detail like that glass crack first s throw  through that was cool so you going to kill me   now why would I kill you I just empty the  gun well that was stupid I'm just going to yes oh he's saving him no he's not he was trying yes was just like a crocodile there  I'm so happy that get crocodile killed that guy wow the body maybe I shouldn't have  thrown the gun CLS hide their foot didn't   know that deliveries by boat to the back of  the Roadhouse and no it's can you you're Z   no enhance it's not a touch screen that's  right there is the back deck right of the   Roadhouse so if you want to get deliveries  by boat then it'd be a plum by luck why you   see this area by the Roadhouse it's just not  deep enough boats would running ground oh my   God he's becoming a full-on detective right  now he cares about the town he's invested is   that a good bookstore yeah I like it yeah sure  looked like you and that girl were having a   grand time in there get in the car boss wants  to have a war with you who's your boss Brent Brent that was such a good line reading  you don't understand how this works do   you yeah I do but you have a gun tuck  to your waistband so it's really not   that intimidating is it I mean all I have to  do is break your index in your middle finger   and you wouldn't be able to hold that  gun technically you'd be able to hold   it but you wouldn't be able to fire it so  it's really not that big of a threat is it he said exactly what he was going to do fing  I love these little cowards very specific fingers   see what I mean it's really painful you're you're  not like a piano player or anything are you you   don't have a gun too do you I think I left it in  the car tell your boss if he wants to talk to me I   work at the roadhouse and I'm there every night  friend is going to need a doctor now but good   news is there's a hospital it's only 25 minutes  away this is like an Owen Wilson roll this movie   is entirely how Charming Jill it all is it's  a leading man movie like it's one man he and   his friends terrorized us for months I just don't  get why he was so focused on the Roadhouse I mean   some of these guys they get real territorial who  knows why these [ __ ] do what they do but if I   were you I wouldn't read too much into it you got  Secrets lady so you think it's nothing I hope you   done those when he sleep over it well I did uh a  little UFC turned Rogue detective it's Batman this   bouncer is standing in the way of mying dreams  and you're here laughing as everything I've been   trying to build is going down the train that  guy's hair is so slick back this is a prep call from is his dad Conor McGregor I hope so  didn't sound Irish enough that would be   great I think he hires Connor because of his a NEP lackies there he is [Music] [Laughter] yeah he gets the ass shot what an  intro highest paid athletes actor of all time open some hello this is AEV call from an inate where you hell I got a serious problem Florida hang on the giddiness it's like Terminator oh god wow  we just s this whole place on fire what   a character in Dr cut away and everything's  on fire is Conor McGregor going to be a more   magnetic performance Than Jake Gillen I don't  it's going to be a lot of that' be expected   a lot of screen nice boat exboyfriend  but I know where he hides the spare key   I'm kidding he lets me use in he's a cop  hope to go get mjos on the speedboat to Cuba this is a totally Odd Movie I think that's  what it is it's very all over the place but I'm   enjoying watching it so I don't know what I'd  change I think you could use some self-awareness   besides the every 5 minute reference to  they're not going to find that guy's body   Crocs hide their food do they teach that in  kindergarten around here this is why I warned   you you obviously stepped on someone's toes some  guy named Brant who told you that you know him   he comes from one of those old Florida families  they buildt most of glass key it's all lining up   detective work where are you from Montana oh  he's got PS on his forearm for Patrick suy oh   really really I think so SC CPS I heard you got  a tattoo in honor of him like for the movie is   it a nice place look I think maybe we should  head back oh he is such an avoidant hides it   with his Charisma I was just asking simple  questions I didn't I didn't realize this was   a date what's wrong with you he's so trapped  I know what happened and you know this is a date oh God they're both  so hot it's true good work casting now grab singular RAB play the xylophone like that  guy earlier just off the jillen   Hol ABS yeah I heard an interview he  got a tattoo and I that's cool the character oh yes so happy Conor's playing himself oh he's just a maniacal  force of nature he's a Mamoa he's   our Joker yes who put those B in me  [Music] way who put those bikes in me way I'm back in the game it's going  to be a I feel like this could be a   huge turning point for this movie  for about to have a charm off yeah   I'm sorry who are you I got a message for  you from your father what what is this message boom this is where I'll store my stuff  and that master bedroom up there is mine says   you been things up he asked me to lend a hand  how would my father know he's in a prison your   father has spies everywhere well you can tell my  father he's got this Dr so where's this bouncer   [ __ ] we uh let's take a minute you can't  go and shoot this guy in the middle of town   square you understand that right he won't shoot  him so if we're if we're going to kill this guy   he's already dead once KNX is on the job it's  over I'm going to try to do this uh the easy   way one more time is that okay you thank you  thank after that you can set it all on fire man he's just like in his own world so in his own I love that they let con Play  Con they're like let's just unleash him pull him   back and unleash him you have a few questions  about the other night need you to come with us   sure are those rented cops like what are those the  uniforms of cops there his abs are bigger than his   chest he got I've never quite seen that before and  they're so like def like literally pastes it's not   even like he's overweight he's just like he's  that are pushing past his chest that's strange   they're crazy to find for like being 3D and most  people call me Dalton sir most people call me big   I'm not going to do that there are a few ways this  can go I can arrest you for what it doesn't matter   we'll lose the paperwork we'll find it someday  likely the very same day you get shanked in the   yard that way it will be ironic it will make  a good song get him out of the car get out car what a light k you have a Death Wish son father yeah I'm wondering now there's a  witness but is it family what do you think   you're doing Dad come on Dalton he's my father  the man you talked about Ben Brent his father   is Gerald Brent my dad used to work for him  he put a lot of money into glass key on the   fleet of charter boats that rent tours they  both have different haircuts I think this   was additional photography is in prison and  I guess now my father works for his son you   have to leave glass key this is becoming  convoluted lot going on lot of family High   drinks a lot of pieces he still don't know what  he wants to build a casino I'm assuming yeah I'm   like like what's happened at the roadh house  exactly we haven't been to the road house in a while so this is the uh equivalent  of the mechanic shop but that poor   little girl Charlie out the back quick  I could go for a tuna sandwich no crust we haven't seen the Roadhouse start to improve yet that might be an element that I'm missing  I guess I it's like I think this the action in   this is really consistent Jake Gyllenhaal is  really consistent but the scenes when there's   not any of the action happening I guess are like  really fluctuate between kind of just very neutral   to occasionally somewhat funny you know yeah  and I feel like there's it's there's there's   kind of like an energy and a charm that's sort of  missing I feel like Conor McGregor's bringing that   same can I have a vodka I'm Ben Brent Brent let me  guess it's your turn my turn tell me to get out of   town like your buddy big no I get the impression  that you can't be threat I wish you could be but I   I'd even bribe you if I thought money would really  how much are we talking no seriously how much we   talking no I'm only making here you are fighting  this guy he's your friend and then this happens   right here yeah he's done he got carried away me  he killed the guy so I guess my question is why   right it it can't be just some competitive  thing you you've won the fight it's good tensing you just keep punching and punching  and punching why why don't you just stop grass Blues Blue Grass I really like that last  line P why don't you just stop like that ties   in the mystery of him and the exposition where  we're going and that was genuinely like scene   between two people yeah like actual tension  there yeah that was a solid and this guy has   been like a joke the whole time so I don't think  I took seriously yeah and he didn't have a touch   of his drink like I really like the details  there yeah the villain finally feels like a   villain yeah maybe the last hour like the strong  part make it hurt as much as possible what are   you doing at I play Lads let's go it's been  a while since I've been clubbing I mean Conor   McGregor is a performer yeah he knows it come  on yeah I was wondering what the music would   be for this sequence like once it all came  to a head yeah yeah suddenly suddenly a lot   of things are really starting to click yeah in  the last 10 minutes I'm back in hey beautiful   I'm n Let's Dance KN I hate this song calm the  down hey hey hey hey we just I'm all I'm all oh hey [Applause] oh I was a good Secrets it's  been a one for a [Applause] bit I it's just too crazy  you can't do clean all this [Music] up it might be in his own head after wouldn't  he seen that YouTube video again hey man he my favorite I like that it's the a ticking  talk buildup yeah it's about you know   I got sent here special just for you  I like all the life happening around   them yeah watch me P your face well I  guess I'm going to lose then a don't be   like that I got a tip for you don't let no  one get this close o oh they sold that so   well oh [ __ ] there he is the world's most  notorious figh at [Music] [Laughter] [Music] D oh damn this is cool oh [ __ ] the music too to compliment it this  is great oh that was a great spinning shot   and then behind the Barb that was beautiful  oh oh oh my God he's getting messed up oh my god oh [ __ ] yeah whoa that was that was nuts these last 20  minutes have been like really good incredible   for the last show and this fight has been  incredible there's something wrong with you me too they both have  that like shark eyes that was insane growling the B play oh man what a  sequence that was a cool full sequence top   to bottom that was incredible from him showing  up with the villain actual conclusion of the ABS   don't make sense the actual conclusion of like the  mystery worked leading into that fight which was bananas he also like believes he deserves to be  punished yeah the eye contact he's just staring   at him as getting pel that was CRA I was really  taking like this serious stuff seriously right   you know there was I was feeling the drama of it  I was like oh [ __ ] start click yeah it shifted   br's had a money and he's borrowing from Shady  guys and when he doesn't pay them back they're   end him that guy so what you're leaving now I told  you from the jump you should have hired that other   guy why though are you really that afraid yes  I am afraid more than you could ever understand   he's afraid to embrace the killer within him I  think he's afraid to just like let go yeah and   like just he killed the guy with his bare hands  KN didn't kill the bouncer most of our guys are   pretty banged up Mr knu [ __ ] hey not safe in  there that's me where's the little girl that the   little girl and her her father ambulance took him  him to the hospital I get out of there took him to   the hospital oh they tried to stay they live here  with these people too little girl I'm assuming the   little girl tried to stop it and stayed in and  inhalation or whatnot I'm saying this looks like   it happened at night well remember we we saw them  come in oh yeah yeah yeah before our 20-minute   stint the other movie ago this is getting dark  so you got a little message sure did was that   your idea she's a cute girl she's kind of stubborn  but like you go swimming in the pool Dalton funny   thing is I was already leaving we finally scared  you off huh H not exactly just as long as you're scared I just broke the hyoid bone in your throat  probably also collapsed your trachea oh my god   I've always wanted to do that it's equalizer ring  him and then a cro comes in from the pool no it's   strange somebody else asked me if I was afraid  today I am afraid I'm afraid of what happens   when somebody pushes me too far exactly cuz I  know what happens next save him he's M killing   people he's taking a psychotic things escalated  now he is The Equalizer drive he is equalizing   where's Brent okay I'm going to be honest with  you man they don't tell me much I over heard   some of Brand's guys talking and I guess there's a  meeting at Harvest key Brent's getting some of the   money that he needs for something it's at 500 a.m.  which I think it's early for a meeting am I right I'll see you thank you for normal violence that could easily be  too comedic but it just works   for me he so good he's like Pitch  Perfect I don't know if he annoys   people or pulls people out but for  me I think he's just right that was Dynamic South Wall yeah [Music] exactly still a UFC advertisement yeah oh my God he's lost his mind what I just  let him go like full on psychopath just let   him get in a cooler just a murderer now he's  a cooler I love yeah oh he's a cooler great   catch I hope that I hope that's the intent  he's a cooler now it's becoming like some   Neo Noir art housee action film Everything's  changed since Billy Magnuson came in the bar   Everything's changed okay but now he's got  to be a crocodile and hide his body uh cuz   that's what he's Leed about the keys I hope  the movie commits to he's like becoming a vigilant detective bad past killed somebody  regrets it vigilante my bat oh yeah you're   going to be short one Sheriff's boat oh my God  who is this guy I love it I'm loving this I am   I've completely changed my whole tune on this  entire movie did you just kill him oh no he's   already dead I killed him hours ago is  that my gun yeah sure is he's going to   make it look like the cop killed him your boss  and brand really pissed me off oh my God this   is why they got Jake chill night crawler  drilling hole I'll tell him it was you oh okay there's a real possibility you won't  remember any of this anyway when you've   been fighting as long as I have you know the  power of a concussion oh my God real whack can   really knock the short-term memory out of you  something about how it takes a memory couple   minutes to get to the long-term party brain I  don't know anyway you and I been talking for   oh what's that over there oh [ __ ] William how  can I help you yes hi I just thought you should   know that there's a dead body in suspicious  sheriff's deputy stranded on harvest ke can   I get a name number my man what a turn it was  like ever since that barsy this movie's just   been like progressively getting so much better  beautiful escalation halfway point of this is   like changing everything for me Sally they have  her want his money the money you took oh [ __ ]   yeah I did take it you told him I took it if my  daughter means anything to you you'll help me   get her back he wants the money by noon or he  says he'll kill her he bullshitting yeah don't   buy him okay let's get the money how long will it  take here I don't know I hit it it's going to take   a while oh that's my V buddy hey you must be the  ex-boyfriend I'm just looking for the key I'm a   cop you idiot don't worry I'll bring it right back  no hey you're not going anywhere man okay F okay   you got 2 hours come here money's not on the boat  if that's what you're looking for oh yeah and you   were supposed to bring the money with you br's  going to be disappointed that's okay I'll just   tell him you took it oh yeah nice nice work might  as well take them all out he wanted to make sure   she wasn't there mhm so where's my money I don't  see Ellie anywhere guy looks pretty comfortable   for a guy who just had his daughter kidnapped  there's no kidnapping dumb ass oh double cross   you actually believe that Ben took my daughter  we are Partners about that I did kind of take   her what ooh another double crop I'm trying  to build something you keep on pushing me just   pushing me and I just it's like I'm just like  I'm going to have to have Sam here hurt you oh no [Laughter] [Music] M the music C it's just so  insane I do know one guy is's going to be pretty   pissed about this whole betrayal thing I  just some [ __ ] cop what the hell is he doing oh that sound design was cool oh wow that overexposure was she actually taking yeah she's   said double double cross yeah I was  making sure maybe like maybe he's bullshitting hey whoa whoa that was a cool effect oh least you got the window open  thanks for that helping out is Connor   going to literally be a shark  you're going to die murder him wa love how they like how they managed to blend  that into a one shot the CG is super insane so   impressive move I'll just destroy Road House  myself oh she he's going to come up on the reef   maybe he can convince Conor McGregor to fight  for the Roadhouse I want the team up at the Sentry W oh man our own little octagon who T you shapes there's so many cool shots yeah I feel  like the main reason to make this movie   was he had a vision for how to do some hand  toand fight scenes yeah I they hired the UFC fighter C his eyes out whoa the hell that was an insane stunt even  with the CG blend that was nuts like   where did the human body stop in leaping over to a [Music] [Music] [Laughter] boat come [Music] on oh the Poetry wow these very specific  cameras they shot with [Laughter] wow he's alive and on the roof of  the building he wanted to destroy   appreciate this boy for constantly having his  his like body exposed whoa tried to Harpoon him fishing oh it's back everything  worked for all God me off [Music] this son of a [ __ ] man that  man loves driving through [Music] stuff oo amazing cam work these extreme close-ups are awesome oh what  the hell po actually works when they use [Music] it be nice be nice be nice he said be  nice they work in [Music] there oh my   god oh oh [ __ ] that's cool the musical  instruments going Pi's Out Of Tune sounds to me oh God I'm doing that concrete oh jesz oh  there so many deaths already in this fight   you're going to kill me now I thought we have to  be friends for oh that's what I was saying oh that   is such a dope whoa amazing camera work yeah  this Fight Cory has to be studied like this is incredible you must have a moment  where you're like I'm doing a   fight to with Conor McGregor yeah  right that POV oh right in the same spot that is punishment kill him  [ __ ] kill this guy doesn't die   doesn't die maybe yelling at him  isn't the smartest thing I wouldn't   bring attention to them what does it  take to shut you up you killed the son oh as he's [Music] leaking oh my god wow grab I want to eat one this franchise should be the new stars  born just remake it every every 20 years plot   new famous new celebrity new fighter it's time  for you to go Dalton you were never here I got   you covered you're a good man go oh she's an  undercovered cop this whole time it's not so   bad yeah no it's fixable fixable there's a truck  in the bar that is correct but as soon as this   is clear and we it's going to be good as new how  they get rid of the bodies cops are C they took   care all the cops are just so dirty sheriff took  care I mean they are pretty dirty so dirty come   on move it hey are you guys open today yeah we're  always open it's too bad to kill off knock could   use a knock spinoff yeah maybe a prequel how  we got [Music] there hope he left the money to   the bookstore and to the bar split it hit it  in their basements or something I don't know   if they have basements he needs the money and  you got the 20K it's going to go a long way for   his medical care yeah hey you're alive you're  just going to just going to ride off into the   sunset all here the Greyhound sometimes the  hero stays makes his own little Homestead I   don't think I'm the hero in this particular story  Charlie so maybe you're not the hero I got news   for you you ain't the villain either you're the  supporting character character with ambiguous morality it's actually the prequel to  Southpaw now he becomes a box there's the tree wow that was a crazy directed film The Action  itself yeah I just wish the first hour of the   movie ma like the drama scenes match the  energy of the second half the second half   and the fight's over yeah I feel like there was  like 10 minutes that could have been shaved in   the first hour somewhere or just something  with the toner P it was it was like it was   really making me wonder like am I not going  to like this movie ultimately um but yeah I I   think once we got Connor in it accelerated  cuz he's insane he's like an injection of   energy that the movie definitely needed cuz it  was hinging on Jake gyllen all's performance   entirely which he was carrying but I needed  more I wasn't here going like oh I need you   know the The Original Roadhouse mov like you  can't you can't replicate that Masterpiece no   and don't try plain and simple and I think that  Roadhouse movie works because it's like sometimes   so bad it's mcregor sometimes so bad it's good  sometimes it's just good good yeah and somewhere   in between you know but it had a consistent like  entertaining personality and that's to me all you   really need for a Roadhouse movie I think if  you're going to do this and so that was like   the one part that's why I kept getting like um  stuck on it cuz I'm like I don't need the same   plot I don't need the same script I all that  stuff I like this whole UFC background thing   I like how he's a little bit more like dejected  and ashamed and more sad he's not you know a god what is this what is happening at the hospital  oh nox [Laughter] lives shot he's got his and he   exits he's got such a specific one he exits as  he joined brilliant beautiful oh wow that was   that was something special citizens of the reject  Nation or should I say Royal rejects say that is   who we call those who check out our RR apparel  at reject naations we come out with new   designs every month or every two months it is  personally my favorite way you can support the   channel reason being is because we are involved  with every one of the exclusive RR designs that   are up at the shop we got a bunch of designs  already such as our Super Marvel bro shirt   my sister actually designed this one Deadpool  Wolverine inspired my personal favorite one but   then we also got like our number one bestseller  the last daddy t-shirt which has Pedro Pascal   from The Last of Us inspired carrying baby grou  we have Loki's glorious balloon we also have our   Doctor Who shirt which is full of a bunch of  classic Doctor Who quotes on the Taris we have   space babies of the Galaxy we got ourselves  some Star Wars inspired shirts we got a boys   inspired shirt and we have a house of the Dragon  one as well pointing those out because obviously   we have new seasons of those shows coming up and  then of course you got a bunch of other designs   as well like our bat verse one who influences  the influencers another Last of Us inspired   t-shirt and of course you know the classic  reject symbolism t-shirts as well either one   is an amazing way to support the channel and  like I said you get to look good while doing   it so thank you guys so much do consider going to  reject naations and also tag us on social   media if you end up buying a shirt please tag us  we'd love to see it when people do end up buying   the shirts thank you Royal rejects see you guys  soon but the I would say like the last hour of   this movie really clicked for me a lot uh when it  when we do get to the bar when Carl McGregor shows   up and when we get the Billy Magnuson actually  being a villain that turn where he doesn't just   feel like he's an impotent like waste like and I  get that as a villain like you have someone that's   like ah daddy issues and like I didn't do enough  but once he turned actually like menacing yeah and   I like that Dalton just decides to embrace going  like full dark cuz that the movie the first one   kind of nods to like him having reluctance to  kill right like the whole like throat rip is   him like I had to do it this is like 11 like they  were like you had to do it and then it turns his   character into someone new yeah yeah yeah um I  I I I like Jake Gyllenhaal a lot man uh he's a   very Charming guy here the physique that he has  here is bananas like I've never seen abs like   Tom Cruz has that short guy physique where his  abs are like crazy cuz there's only so much room   he like 60 well yeah but like this this is like  Jake Chenal is like 6 foot so to have that much   of a protruding like that's what was he doing  yeah I know it was like looking at a sandwich   or something I don't know what was going on there  yeah it was like bricks like rock climb and his   physicality like obviously Southpaw training he  he trains like I I love his articles in menal and   stuff when he talks about how much like training  means to him it's something I interviewed the dude   like five years ago and we actually talked about  training quite a bit because we were doing a comic   book show and like the the antithesis of that is  training like I was trying to be like guy I'm not   just this nerd like let's talk about other stuff  to try to get him to talk about his whole career   instead of just one thing and the joy the guy had  as soon as you mentioned like anything physical   he lit up and it shows here like why he'd want to  do a role that would be this is an opportunity for   me to have the best dieticians the best nutrition  the best like live this life for six months and it   that's why I think the movie worked when it did  was he clearly wanted the physicality of dton   he wanted to play in that space to fight one of  the greatest UFC fighters in the history of the   sport let him get more physical than I think he  could have in any other way well the opportunity   to do a fight scene Conor McGregor like I would  have like so many out-of- body experiences like   looking at the face this is Conor McGregor yeah  you know I mentioned in the review I I've been in   the space of him twice and once was just out at  a restaurant and talked briefly and then another   time I went to Ireland and he was training in the  place I was training and uh the dude's energy is   like you're around a lion it is so terrifying like  when you're at a zoo and you see a line and you're   like that glass is keeping me alive being around  Connor is like oh I could die if something goes   wrong and it was really cool to see them capture  that energy in a movie because you know a lot of   times athletes turned actors it doesn't translate  a lot of times the dialogue stiff there were a   couple line readings that I didn't love but like  overall his presence was so much more important   and he did act well like overall like overall it  was a it was a welcome part of the experience but   I was really so happy that they captured like  how terrifying it is to be around the dude and   when you read interviews or if you hear him when  he's not in character he's this like I'm trying   to find a piece within the animal that I am like  he's always like he's got that trying to find a   way to direct this energy and he's always about  like what it is to have martial arts be the art   as well but he's like this this animal and like  this movie felt like Jake represented when you   have it under control Conor represented when you  lose control and then by the third act Jake had   lost control so I I kind of like the moment where  the boat slams into the thing of like oh he's like   Conor like these these these guys are running  parallel and it was it was a symbolism I would   have liked more of sure I feel like that's a thing  that it could have used and I think that's where   the movie's kind of at odds with itself of where  to like lean in cuz the action I think Doug Lyman   really knew here's what I want for the action  scenes and part of me was wondering like if he   wanted to do this movie just because it was an  excuse to experiment with the action scenes it   felt like it at times like you know when you see  like Michael Bay with ambulance also starting Jake   chilling hole where he's like I got drones in LA  yeah cuz it's a little it's like aot the the first   hour the scenes fall a little bit flat for me uh  you know and I'm like was that great where's that   Doug Lyman like you know personality you know  he he's done like all kinds of movies Edge of   Tomorrow Mr and Mrs Smith swingers I believe uh  and uh the first born first fight in movies I've   and and those movies are entertaining when there's  not action happening right and this movie to me   I'm like I'm missing the entertainment Factor for  some reason H only in that primarily in that first   hour it would it would fluctuate sometimes it  was like relatively engaging and admittedly like   I the first The Roadhouse to me we went into that  original swayy one hearing like it's a classic and   in my mind it became like an instant classic like  that was undoubtedly one of my favorite reaction   videos we've ever filmed here ever like hands  down so this movie had a lot to live up to in   five days hard yeah we were like just changed my  life okay actors I like and know and love in the   present day now let's watch the next version you  know and immediately try not to compare it right   it was a little it was a little bit challenging  so to I wasn't really comparing plot points I   was really just comparing why was that original  working so well and what are they kind of missing   from here and I think this movie at times wanted  to really be taken very serious and the S and the   weight of the drama it it really would sometimes  just be kind of uh uh slowing things down it was   slowing the movie down I also think it rested  a little on the weight of the first one where   it was like okay the first one had a bunch of cool  bar music scenes we got to show the bar music like   there were things that felt like they did it for  the sake of the first one yeah didn't know if it   wanted to be like a remake or do its own thing  the story didn't do the first one so I was like   why are we showing the bar musicians so much cuz  I know that was a Trope but I did like the literal   love letter of like PS his arm cuz like they  did dco together I read that he wanted to have a   tattoo that represented him and I like that there  were Love Letter moments like some of the dialogue   but that would have been enough they didn't need  to have so many elements that felt like it was   beholden to the first yeah that's what I loved  when he just was like like this is so different I   I love this because yeah the a part A lot of those  plot points that they're aping from The Original   Roadhouse works so well because of who Dalton is  in that movie and is a very different dalon he's   like I need a master being like a taiichi Kung Fu  Warrior I'm also banging people and know I'm the   I'm a cooler uh I'm leading this bar like there's  that great bar speech that classic bar speech and   're talking like we've held R it's just 5 days ago  for it is so magic what he accomplished but it's   like yeah I get why people love this movie and  and and and so when you're pulling over scenes   from there and put it here I'm like well but if  you're eliminating the elements of what of why   that worked there because it's everything around  those scenes that make those scenes work suddenly   these those scenes are just going to be like okay  yeah that's kind of reminded me of the other one   so this movie was actually working on its best  when it was when it doing yeah when it was doing   its own thing is when I thought it was working on  its best and it was when it was being a Roadhouse   remake or just or or like halfheartedly trying  to do its own thing but kind of at odds like I   love the stupid ass henchman guy oh my God that  guy was amazing and he he was KNN from the first   that I remember yeah I don't know new thing he  was awesome I also think it's interesting that   the entire First Act I was aware that I'm like I  really like jessco Williams I really like Danielle   melter I really like Billy Magnuson but I never  was able to be like I'm as captivated by their   story as Jake Gyllenhaal and like the casting is  good and the people they put in those roles like   those are all people I would seek the work of  so when I saw this cast I was like oh greatest   hit what I enjoy right now but I definitely think  there was a magic missing with the the blend of   them because of the First Act trying to be more  like the old one yeah so I was like do are are   you under the impression you're you're trying  to take out like the so bad it's good or the   cheesiness of the original and because then at  times it would seem like it would lean into the   cheese so that's why I thought the movie was a  little bit at odds with itself because to me the   Original Roadhouse doesn't seem like they ever  intentionally did cheesy that's what was magical   of and that's what's so hard to replicate in 2024  you can't intentionally you can't you can't just   intentionally do that you know let's make a  classic yeah so it's like you got to really   Embrace are you going to be like this balls to the  wall thing are you going to be this like ruthless   he's going to go like [ __ ] you know Ryan Goss  and drive and just start murdering people at the   last hour you know what are you doing here but  I think if we had this not as a Roadhouse remake   if you look at the pieces of the whole those  succeed exactly mostly yes yes um and I I I did   I was able to eventually separate myself from the  from the original and just watch this and I'd be   like yeah I still feel like some of these scenes  are a little bit of a bore but the action scenes   again in um the the I love how Doug Lyman chose to  capture with this like following the movement I've   noticed that's kind of a thing that's happened in  a lot more action movies and I and I thought he   infused a lot of these neat blends with like POV  shots that were very effective a little gimmicky   but damn the gimmick would work on me uh when  that boat came at me I jumped out of my seat   yeah sometimes it was it was just stunts you know  I was like yeah not even like fist fights uh like   and the choreography was really good and and the  choreography was elevated by the impressive camera   work and the sound design of people getting  hit and stuff like it felt like bare knuckle   boxing and I really I really enjoyed it for those  action scenes that were that that were here so I   I I like the movie I do I don't love the movie  and I think I think the look like I I only saw   the trailer once so I didn't really remember what  what happened I remember the trailer being like   this is going to be like a freaking like roller  coaster of a fun time and the the movie itself   seemed like it wanted to be taken a little more  seriously at times yeah I I think I would have   shaved off 10 minutes of and I never feel this  way about movies mus like more plot but I would   have shaved off 10 minutes of like one of the  plot lines just kind of move into like one set   of henchmen or like a little l or like 2 minutes  less bookstore 2 minutes less of that henchman   group like just a little cons because I really  think Conor McGregor has a captivating that I   wanted more but I don't know if I would have added  I think that was the right amount which is other   things were a little too much because he was the  right amount Jake Gyllenhaal is obviously a movie   star for a reason but I definitely found that  in the First Act I was like mainly Enchanted by   the charm of the character he was portraying  not really his own story but then the payoff   worked it just didn't feel like by the time  we got there like we needed that boost that   Connor required so there was something to the the  pacing of the First Act that I think it was the   blend of tones they accidentally found in the  first roadh house they had too many tones in a   modern movie that not necessarily we're trying  to replicate it but I think we can look back on   1989 or 91 or whatever the year that came with  like 20 tones worked because we have this like   oh what an insane thing they made yeah now 20  tones were like what why what's going like cuz   some of those tones were too serious I wonder if  in 20 years by the time we get to movies in 2044   or if this will feel cheesy in the same way cuz  it'll feel like a bygone era of like wacky yeah   well I never like laughed at anything for how  ridiculous it was you know what I mean and and   I don't need the movie to be that like we if a  movie decides to be more serious as long as it   if they're going like that's what I mean by why  that I think that moment really clicked for us   at the bar with the who magn Magnuson uh when  he when he confronts Jake Gyllenhaal at the bar   with the footage like that's a very tense scene  and I'm engrossed in this I'm like this shit's   working finally you know the the actual drama  is working right yeah and and like you know we   went from like equalizer to equalizer 2 which  equalizer 2 decides to become this like heavy   drama yeah this was like we loved equalizer 2 you  know and so to me it's it's not that because they   tried being a little bit more serious um I think  their tones were just too disperate what's this on   R Tomatoes this bad it's doing bad well it's like  fresh but like not great like 68 or something like   like just survived fresh but it's not I don't know  if it's made for it's not made for Rotten Tomatoes   yeah I think it's like 7B 68 R in the M something  around there it's doing that like you know it's a   roadh house it's not Road House yeah also I love  that we literally didn't grow up with it but we're   both like road but here's what it made the classic  like everyone has the same tone when they say road   house and we have not earned it yet but we totally  say it the same like we act like we saw it at age   three and it's so it's Roadhouse and this one I  think we'll have an audience and I think I'm I'm   glad to see you know I think this movie will  have the clips you look up yeah I will watch   the [ __ ] out of that last fight yeah the F the  fights I think people will look up the two fights   with Conor and Jake I'm watching where is like  Original Roadhouse you're going to look up the   lines you're going to look up the you're going to  look up uh monologues you're going to have you're   going to look up the action scenes you're going  to look it all up and I mean if there's one thing   you're going to learn that the doctor is actually  his wife I didn't know that swayy actually married   her really that's amazing I mean see I researched  I'm probably good just know this movie it gave   me what I wanted is uh I'd give it like a b it's  in like in all in all ways it's a b movie that's   sometimes accomplishing a b movie but it's also  a B for me like it's not quite an a like as good   as the performances were there were moments that  didn't work but it's not a c it's not average like   to me the stunts the performances the magnetism  the the delivery of a new Dalton the the chances   it took goes above average I I I think this lands  at like a four star like a B for me maybe three   and a half probably four yeah I think the interest  of where their hearts are really at and in terms   of the action scenes and and con and making Conor  McGregor uh you know like just pulling him over   here was so smart cuz it's like they they're not  trying to sell you on he is this character like we   know it's Conor McGregor camera everyone knows  he Conor McGregor we're not going to hide that   fact just put make him Conor McGregor yeah and  I think that was a great call but it wasn't it   didn't pull me out to so much to the point like I  was always aware I'm watching McGregor yet he was   effective in the movie experience and you know  me who that reminds me exactly of Arnold in the   beginning Arnold like Terminator in earlier Arnold  okay you don't they dubbed over him his first   movie like it was just Arnold for the sake of that  literally naked Conor McGregor reminds me of naked   Arnold DET Terminator like theat just let him go  and let him be him and look how good like by the   time Kindergarten Cop rolls around like Arnold's  a really good actor I'd love to see Conor like I   don't think he's got 10 years left fighting in  I'm on a PS5 but if he does want to pursue this   it'd be cool to like he's not bad I think he can  improve and he's not a bad starting point some   people should never act I think Connor brought  something special yeah yeah it's like because   we've seen Conor because Conor McGregor is he's a  performer you know like all the promotional stuff   that he's been doing when like uh with with when  it comes to fight like who can he learned another   language to tease Jose Aldo enough that he beat  him in 15 seconds he learned another language to   make fun of him in his home turf so you could feel  that there was a bit of like cuz CU using dialogue   is completely different than improvising and doing  a guideline and performing with a crowd so at   times I felt that there was a bit of a restraint  in his voice yeah where I'm like oh there's like   kind of something that's holding back a little bit  not like an intentional like oh this performance   is subtle like but you could tell there's not  as as com yeah yeah yeah and like the repetitive   dialogue and you're performing and and I noticed  it when it was one-on-one when he had a crowd like   or a fight scene he did great cuz then it was like  I'm fighting a guy but like him with mey Magnuson   I was definitely like okay we're learning we're  he's still like playing a character and doing a   scene but I thought he was still like just fine  enough right and and I do think he has room to   improve and I've seen like the Conor McGregor  documentary that was on Netflix and like he's   not just you know a maniacal Irishman like that's  what I was saying about like his Persona versus he   can be a very like serious smart hardworking  intelligent philosophical guy even when he's   quiet and calm he's terrifying yeah exact I I  would love to see that version of him really   brought to the screen that's not just relying on  the the smile the charm yeah yeah because I the   part that I endeared me to Conor McGregor was more  of that documentary [ __ ] that I saw cables man   that guy speaks in like poetry at times and and I  think they showed his potential of what he can be   as a as an actor and uh yeah I just love watching  him and Jak Gyllenhaal square off so this was a I   I had enough fun with it but but no but you can't  like I I thought that this movie would just like   aim to be like a really fun movie like like Fast  and Furious tone or some [ __ ] yeah uh some some   were more that kin and um that's why they cast The  Fast Five villain and I would have fine I would   have that's where he's from I could place it could  not place it yeah see um and I and I wish that and   there some like Doug L was like trying to make  like a semi Michael Man movie at the same time   that's ijit he wanted to go get Mojitos in Cuba on  the speedboats so I I I feel like this was still   a streaming movie I do too and I and I know the  rumor is that they offered him one budget if they   wanted theatrical a higher budget EV straight to  streaming I don't know how true that is it's just   a rumor but I do feel like if it was a smaller  budget cutting a few minutes and releasing this   in theaters it would have done better because this  movie with a crowd would be insane yeah I would   love this movie with a rock as crowd yeah yeah  needed like a little punch up on personality in   the script and a little punch up on editing and  some of the other scenes but for the most part   the thing you show up for with the fight scenes  delivered like never it never got to the point   where I was like oh yeah I can't really enjoy  this action because the other scenes were like   not not Jing enough for me the action itself and  then the last I guess we I'm so caught up in that   first hour but the last hour really worked for me  but you're like well the last hour would have been   even more if if like we got there quicker if if we  got there in a way that was like this is already   so much fun yeah yeah but overall like a be for me  I think uh I'm curious what everyone else finds in   it because like I said this isn't a movie for  critics this isn't necessarily something it's   going to be for everyone but let us know in the  comments below what this was for you uh we had a   great time Road House is hard to follow but uh on  its own merits had a great time let us know below   please like this video please subscribe please  share all those things much love reject Nation Ro house Michael B Daytona Beach listen I've seen  your picks all right I've seen you out here going   to conventions and whatnot you seem like the kind  of person who would plan like a busy spring break   itinerary you would probably do a lot of nerd  stuff but I have a feeling that you got a wild   side and I want to see what that wild side is  like my friend you got to come out here sometime   all right we got to go hit the town Michael  B we got to go Forge bonds that will never be   forgotten in a hangover style hij Jinks my friend  I know that you're hard at work on your channel   Omni media spelled with a one instead of an i in  the Omni part of it it and that everybody should   go check out your channel And subscribe to it and  watch your videos and sit through the ads but you   know what life's not just about your thriving  business as a reactor and commentary provider   life is about getting out there and just staying  out there for a while until you were out there   long enough that you could say that you did it and  then you go back inside and continue what you were   doing which is being a prolific reaction icon my  friends so hey you know treat yourself once in a   while that's all I'm trying to say Michael we love  you stay productive up your channel shuts [Music] down
Channel: Reel Rejects
Views: 127,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: road house 2024, road house remake, road house, roadhouse, road house movie review, road house movie reaction, first time watching road house, first time watching roadhouse, roadhouse reaction, road house reaction, road house quotes, road house scene, road house fight scenes, family guy road house, road house family guy, reel rejects, patrick swayze, jake gyllenhaal, conor mcgregor, movieclips, movie clips, fight scenes, commentary, blind wave, connor mcgregor
Id: 1cCwmrdbEug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 12sec (4692 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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