r/MaliciousCompliance - Child ticket

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so here in the UK a 15 rated film means that you have to be 15 to see the film no exceptions back a few years ago we had to ticket types at my cinema adult and child it's since changed to incorporate a theme ticket child was under 15 and adult was anything 15 and above this guy comes in with his mates back of the key to get in but can be heard throughout the foyer being all loud and obnoxious and the generalization I found in my experience in the cinema is that if they're teens on their own and they are loud and obnoxious in the foyer there's a high chance they will be the saint during the film and generally be a nightmare in the screen I start to notice some other people in the queue looking over at him and rolling their eyes I get the pleasure of serving the sky comes up to me still shouting over at his mates who are getting served by some of my colleagues and asks for a ticket to see this 15 rated film can't remember which one of these low-budget crappy horrors that have come out in their many sequels recently insidious or sinister or Annabelle or whatever he looks about 16 / 17 but since he said a ticket work script autofilter takes over as I asked how old he is so that I can sell him the correct ticket type and being the person he is and probably since he's gotten away with it before to get the cheaper ticket price said he was fourteen the moment he said that a massive grin washes over my face sorry mate this films of 15 holding back my glee at not having to deal with his [ __ ] for the next two hours I can't let you in no amount of begging and pleading would make me budge so he asks to speak to the manager manager comes down sides with me and he's on his way they ruined the entry about Bob wearing a suit reminded me of mild job I worked for a computer warehouse type superstore right after I was hired I learned it was not a great job almost everyone hated it but you had some potential to make good commissions in sales so people kept their heads down and never questioned anything most competent people never stayed longer than a year and employee turnover was huge truly a terrible place to work I had recently sold my computer store and was taking a year off after a few months I got bored and got this job as a part-time to get me out of the house and supplement the cash out from the computer store sale being in this position gave me some freedom some of the other people who worked there didn't have if someone was complaining about something I was more than happy to bring it up with management since I didn't care if I got fired I'm pretty sure the store manager hated me dress code for guys was white button-down shirt tie and some form of Dockers type pants since this job didn't pay much for non sales staff many employees had cheap ill-fitting button-down shirts and one cheap tie honestly the staff would have looked better in a store branded shirt or polo shirt but since this store was crazy cheap that would cost them overhead and you can't have that I've got a collection of some really nice ties I'd collected over the past 15 or so years mostly vintage silks from the fifties and sixties I actually hardly ever wore ties but collecting them was a little hobby of mine if I saw a particularly nice one I'd nabbit one morning I was getting ready and managed to forget my tie it was about a 40-minute drive to work and I noticed my missing tie when I got out of the car at work no big deal I thought no about a hour into my shift I get pulled aside by my direct manager I explained I somehow forgot about my tire and didn't really think it was a big deal I also explained I was 40 minutes away from home and didn't have time to go back before my shift started my direct manager was pretty cool but he has his stupid rules to follow so I got passed over two hours in the store manager the store manager acted like I just poured efficacy into all the toilets he was crazy pissed at me he lectured me for 25 minutes about the importance of the dress coat how those fat don't follow it on Team players and how if it happens again I'll be looking for a new job he actually made me read the section of the employee handbook on the dress code so I knew it and could follow it to the letter all this over a tie I got written up and sent home to get my tie since I was 40 minutes from home I just went to a local store bought a cheap tie and hung out at a cafe for an hour that weekend I went thrift store shopping I spent all day hitting every thrift store I could find I found the ugliest widest [ __ ] s ties I could find massive 1970s brown vomit colored toys ugly green avocado colored ties as large as a lobster bib patterns that made eyes bleed polyester atrocities time forgot I also bought some Christmas ties with Santa and holiday wheeze it was summertime to top it off I bought some terrible oversized white button-down shirts a few we're just off-white enough they looked almost dirty my next day at work I went from being the guy who looked fairly sharp to someone who looked like they escaped a mental ward in the 70s my direct manager saw me and started to laugh he got it he just patted me on the back and I was back to work the store manager saw me later in the day and was not pleased but since there was no wording in the employee guidelines on ties being within reason or shirts fitting he couldn't do anything I sure he thought it was just a fluke for the day sadly he was wrong my ties just got worse and worse as I uncovered them in thrift stores and garage sales over the next few weeks I'd try them short or on Evan so the back hung lower from the front I'd triple wrap a four-in-hand knot to make it look wrong in sideways I found so many I started giving other people these terrible toys and within a few weeks 1/4 of the people in my department looked completely ridiculous I ended up quitting about a month or so later my last day at work I distributed all my atrocities to everyone I knew at work to let my tile see live on I was working at an amusement park during my first year of college there were three adjacent food shops near the park entrants and we would often switch between them as our schedule changes one is a bakery the second an ice-cream parlor and the third a hotdog spot I worked a ton of nights of the ice cream parlor which by far is a stickiest most hectic place compared to the other two we worked the earliest and latest shifts out of all the areas because we're at the front of the park I was at the end of a 16-hour day in my hair net was fraying my employer pays out over time like tic tacs people would stand in a long line and wait up to 45 minutes for our ice cream it's not that our menu is to die for it's because that's all people know in theme parks lines you wait in lines occasionally we have guests complaining to us about the line but haven't taken that time to look at the menu and know what to order other times we have guests who have special requests for their desserts we fulfil their orders as best as we can but if it's not a good idea well try to suggest an alternative we had allowed ins to kick it who was screaming bloody murder in line nobody was into it her family was over it she made a beeline to my register without waiting for me to call them over my guests left and I was still counting my change when the kid let out a demanding helo to call for my attention as her family made their way over to my spot I asked her nicely to wait while I finish up she said I should be done by the time she comes up her parents were out of earshot when I replied in a pleasant bud stern tone that she should have waited until I called her over she was a little shocked to hear anything said back to her but on with the transaction the parents ordered their waffle bowls two siblings ordered their sundaes then the kid in question she asked for a double scoop of rainbow sherbet in a sugar cone now think of rainbow sherbet and whatever memory you have of it soft mushy and never in a staff or hardened state and as delicious as they are sugar cones are teeny tiny compared to traditional waffle cones I asked if she was sure she shouted yes in exasperation and complained to her parents they were tired and told her to just finish ordering I warned her that it might melt and asked her if she wanted me to turn the double-scoop sugar cone upside down in a cup so she can eat it without worrying about it spilling off the sides she grumbled and gave me a resounding now said a couple of other unruly complains to me her family didn't react so I went ahead and gave that sweet sweet girl the biggest double scoop of rainbow sherbet I can fit over the small sugar cone I couldn't even bring it to her fast enough across the counter before it began melting and falling over the sides she ambitiously tried to lick it while walking away it was time for my break but I saw her cry over the fallen top scoop as I got my chill out and left allowed a scream echoed through the shop and I turned and see that the second scoop had dropped as well I know I know this is a kid but sometimes kids are [ __ ] stupid and all we can give them is exactly what they asked for I work in a factory doing maintenance a lot of what I do is told to me verbally recently our new general manager brought up to my boss how he thinks I do not do any work and what was the point of having me employed my boss asks me and I tell him that my jobs including the ones the general manager gives me do not get paperwork done up for them because the office can not be bothered to file it he tells me to fill out work orders for the work I complete that the office can handle some extra paperwork anyways a week later I get told to please stop making work orders because the office couldn't keep up I had filled out 237 for every job I did big or small so this happened a couple years ago I was getting into home mead making and I wanted to buy a bottling machine to make things a little easier I go on Amazon and buy one that is the best from the price but was still a little over $300 so not a small investment either the merchant sends it out it was through a third party not Amazon it arrives an it's defective the nozzle on it was manufactured wrong and liquid couldn't pass through it which was the point of the whole thing I contact the company about it I was very relaxed about it it's no one's fault really but I'd like a working one and I asked them to send me a new valve or I can send the whole machine back or whatever they want they m/l me back instant agro they say I set up the machine wrong and I probably broke it et Cie we go back and forth a bit it's very obvious that the machine is broken and he thinks I'm a giant idiot so it's obvious he's not going to let me return it and I go through Amazon then to get a refund they sent me another and they're leaving more aggro saying that I was ruining his Christmas and that I was too stupid to use a machine he actually used the word stupid now here's the compliance bit I elevated the complaint on Amazon and there's a kind of monitored contract between me anas on and the merchant in his first message in this exchange he claims to have received the machine and it works fine and I really am the idiot he claims me to be and I'm harassing him unfairly cutter me and my kitchen staring at the totally unreturned machine very confused look on my face I mean we had been troubleshooting the thing that morning and he was pointedly not giving me return information so I'm not sure what play he was going for I come back with well if you receive the machine and it works fine you can return my money and we can be done with the whole thing then how the Amazon rep agreed the guy never said she talked about the money shows up in my account and the guys at a bottling machine because he couldn't wait for me to return an item before trying to say he was right the whole time I spent my refund buying a new nozzle for about $35 works great if you enjoyed the stories slap the like and subscribe button for more of them and don't forget to support the original writers with an upvote links are in the description peace out and catch you tomorrow
Channel: PerStories
Views: 36,693
Rating: 4.9066873 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, MaliciousCompliance, funny, child, ticket, can't let in
Id: htvByVq4D9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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