r/MaliciousCompliance - You Probably Should Have Knocked First! - #600

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hello and welcome back to the kcc channel i'm rob and i hope you're having a wonderful day today today we're going to jump into some malicious compliance our first story today comes to us from todd the man annoying karen wanted the exact change and got mad when she got the exact change let's jump right in this happened like five years ago when i worked in a grocery store so i might be paraphrasing a little since i don't remember exactly what was said i'm gonna talk about change in swedish krona one swedish krona equals around 10 cents u.s it was a quiet saturday morning in the store there wasn't barely any customers in the store i was just hanging around the mail checkout in my country you pick up parcels and big letters at your local grocery store since we don't have post offices anymore preparing parcels for return stocking stamps and envelopes whilst keeping an eye out for customers we were under staff that day usually at least two people were out in the store stocking shelves helping customers etc one always answers calls from the checkout and opening the second checkout in case there was many customers and the other one is supposed to be out in the store helping customers and being available in the mail checkout but on this day i was the only staff on the floor it wasn't a big deal since the store was fairly quiet i was just minding my own business and enjoyed the quietness of the store but then karen appeared i saw her slowly approach the mail checkout she was one of the regulars she was a grumpy troublesome customer she acted like she hated the world and everyone in it she was rude to staff managers and other customers very demanding always complained about the most ridiculous things if i'm going to mention everything that was wrong about her we'd be here all day simply put when you saw her in the store you knew that she had some bs on her mind karen comes up to me grumpy as usual starts violently ringing the bell by the mail checkout even though i was right there in front of her and then the following conversation ensued hello service please yes hi what can i help you with i want to buy a stamp yes do you want a stamp with a certain postage amount or a quantity stamp i need to ask this because she didn't specify which kind of stamp she wanted how am i supposed to know you're the one working here a regular stamp how hard is it to understand okay so a quantity stamp is the letter under 50 grams i did know that she probably wanted a quantity stamp but i still have to ask yes how hard is it to understand i picked up a stamp and registered it in the checkout as you do yes that'll be nine krona karen gives me a 10 chrono coin and i open the checkout box and i see that we're out of one chrono coins in my head i'm like oh f me she's gonna make a fuss out of this i'm sorry but we're out of one chrono coins do you have another one crona so i would get 11 krona and can give her a two chrono coin back but why i want my one crono back nothing else you need to go get more change that's your job you're just too lazy to go get me my change i might sound like i was lazy as she said but for some context all the extra cash was stored in a safe in a different building in order to get more change you would need to walk to the other end of the store down to the basement out to the street round a corner and go down another set of stairs and there's the safe the safe was also super annoying to open the combination was long and tricky and it had a timer so if you didn't manage to get the combination right in a certain time the safe would reset the combination and you had to wait a minute before you could try again i wasn't that used to opening that safe since i rarely needed to open it some co-worker would always do it but i knew the combination but since i wasn't used to putting it in it would take some time like i got the wrong combination the first time so i needed to wait and try again bear in mind that we were understaffed that day so i didn't want to leave the store unsupervised just because some karen wanted a one chrono coin when i even saw that she had more one chrona coins in her wallet i explained how inconvenient it is to get more change and that we're understaffed unacceptable i want my change now go get it you lazy brat i'm sorry for the inconvenience but if you work with me we're going to solve it i noticed that you actually had one chrono coins in your wallet she cut me off why are you looking in my wallet it's none of your business what i have in my wallet are you going to get me my change or not i just hatched a plan i'm gonna give her the exact change just a one chrono coin oh i'm so sorry yes of course i'm going to get your exact change the customer's always write with my biggest service smile you wait here well finally so i walked through the store out the back down to the safe struggled with the combination got it wrong twice i did eventually get it open so i took a tube of one chrona coins a paper tube with 25 coins and i opened it took out one coin and put the rest of the tube in my pocket i then proceeded to walk back to the store i walked through the whole store whilst holding a single one krona coin arm extended right in front of my face walking towards karen by the mail checkout a small line had formed behind karen and you could hear the line sigh when they saw me coming with a single one chrono coin i gave the coin to karen with a big smile and said here's your change i'm so sorry for the inconvenience she looked at me dumbfounded and said thanks but you didn't have to embarrass me in front of all the other customers worst customer service ever i'm never coming back here ever again thank you have a nice day she then left with a huff after she had left i picked up the one crona coin tube out of my pocket and filled the cash box with the rest of the coins how's that bad customer service i did exactly what she told me to do she wanted change and she got the change but to be honest wtf is wrong with some people a normal person would have just given me an extra one chrono coin if they had one take their two chrono coin and left or if they didn't have one they would just say screw it it's just one crona i would have said that there's a couple of really good answers for when karen says that she's never going to come back they are generally can i please get that in writing or don't threaten me with a good time karen do me a quick favor have a look down below the video if that subscribe button still red it means you're not actually subscribed to the kcc channel please hit that subscribe button for more daily reddit stories our second story today comes to us from zerio syad want to play office politics play stupid games win stupid prizes let's jump right in early last year i started working as a contractor supporting one of the many government agencies here in the us my job description was pretty simple act as administrative support for a particular federal employee in effect i'm a glorified secretary i push papers schedule and file things and act as a gopher when necessary the job wasn't particularly difficult but it really helped that the fed and i got along like a house on fire the problem is the fed i work for doesn't get along with another fed who works in the same office their job descriptions have nothing to do with each other and there is really very little need for them to interact with each other but for some reason which i still don't know there was bad blood between them cue the pandemic our office went from a steady workload to a maximum telework position and just like that there was no work for the contractors to do no more pushing papers no more scheduling or filing things and no more acting as a gopher just long days sitting in my cubicle reading reddit on my phone the fed i support decides that we'll take the opportunity to clean out two offices in another building that haven't been used for years so they can be repurposed they'd sat idle for years because no one wanted to clean them these rooms are filthy with electronics that were old in the 90s old break room food cables everywhere the works as we get started i'm happy to be there as cleaning these rooms means i finally have something to do better yet the fed i worked for was right there with me elbow deep in garbage after the first day we have made solid progress on one of the rooms but it took eight hours of hard labor to get there i go back to my cubicle to gather my things to go home and find the other fed waiting for me where have you been all day i've been in the other building helping my fed clean out a room that's not in your job description you don't need to be helping this person do that i really don't mind it's better than sitting around on the government's dime doing nothing and besides my job is to support this person if they want me to help clean out a room i'm more than happy to help no you can't be doing that if it's not in your job description then it's not your job this fed should know better than to take advantage of your good nature and make you do work that you weren't hired for i'm sorry you're gonna have to take that up with my fed as far as i know my job is to support this person in whatever way they need including physical labor we'll see about that the next day my fed and i go back to the other building to work we're 10 minutes into cleaning when the other fed shows up with a member of the union in tow the fed then rips into my fed for forcing me to do work outside the scope of my duties and brought the union representative to back up this opinion the funny thing was the union rep had no idea what he was doing there neither my fed nor i are members of the union and his opinion really had nothing to do with the situation the other fed brought him in to use as a prop to his credit he seemed to know that because he just gave us an uncomfortable shrug with a look like i have no idea why i'm here either and said nothing at all rather than fight about it my fed surrenders gracefully and the two of us reluctantly leave the unclaimed rooms behind a week later i was sent home after guidance came down from washington saying that since there was no work being done contractors were no longer needed to support the feds on staff until the pandemic ended i sat home for about a day before getting a call from my company telling me another division needed me this would be a permanent change of office and as long as i didn't mind the risk of kovid i could start immediately fast forward several months to november i'm happily working away in my new office when the fed who had a problem with my helping clean the rooms comes in to speak with some of the employees in my new office this person is absolutely livid because the two rooms had finally been reassigned but still needed to be cleaned before they could be turned over to their new owners this fed was called in to work specifically to clean the rooms despite still being on maximum telework status because there was no one else they could call all of the contractors who had supported them had already been reassigned and there was nothing in this person's job description that said they couldn't be assigned to this particular duty apparently it took almost two weeks of back-breaking labor to clean out the rooms until they were good enough to transfer the best part was this person seemed to have completely forgotten what part i had to play in this little drama because when they came to my office to complain about the injustice of it all to anyone who would listen they stood right in front of my desk to do so i got to hear every word of the story right from the horse's mouth really opie if they forgot you should have just rubbed it in and then thanked them for getting you out of doing that rather dirty job our next story today comes to us from sean nj222 evict me without cause and only give me till midnight to be out no problem let's jump right in so once upon a time i was living in a not legal basement apartment of an old hungarian woman's house i was poor the place was cheaper than what was around so i took it how bad could it be she was horrific at first she was an okay landlady but then things started to turn first i noticed that things were off when i got home from work ever get that feeling someone was in your room that so i asked her if she'd been in there and she denied it then i set up a camera and caught her on camera asked her again and she denied it saying she's never gone into my apartment without telling me then i showed her the video and she got mad at me i worked nights one time she came in during the daytime and i was there in bed naked under the sheets i woke up when she came in and asked if i could help her she said no and left after that she would call me lazyboy when she saw me assuming i didn't work since it was at night things kept getting worse she'd sometimes shut off the water when she thought i was using too much or when i refused to share my wifi password with her other tenant finally one night i had some friends over for a birthday there were six of us total it was around 11 pm and trust me when i say we were not being loud at all literally just hanging around the coffee table eating cheesecake talking and laughing she came into my apartment and started yelling that i was having a loud party with too many people in the middle of the night she actually came and grabbed my shirt telling me everyone had to leave oh hell no that was it so i pushed her off of me and the police were called that monday she left a really poorly written eviction notice on my door seriously hand written telling me to be out by saturday by midnight here's the malicious compliance by 11 59 pm that saturday i had all my stuff in the u-haul my friends and i were just working on bagging up the trash and other stuff for the dump when she came in and yelled at me that it was past midnight no problem i got up and left leaving a huge pile of junk in the bedroom and storage room easily two pickup trucks worth of crap i wasn't taking she actually called my father who was my emergency contact on my application to tell me it cost her 400 dollars to haul it all away and that i owed her money he blocked the number the end bonus story she was showing the apartment when i was still living there she didn't tell me so when she led two strangers in the daytime waking me up again i stood up fully naked fully staffed and said i wouldn't rent from her if it was the last apartment in town the couple quickly left oh oop way too many people get shafted by bad landlords you just need to stand up for yourself i mean it's hard not to and in the end it's great that you stiffed her on the trash i'm totally gonna get cold cocked in the comments our last story today comes to us from cherenkov's wake if you want to micromanage me you've just doubled my vacation budget let's jump right in i took a new job within my company during the pandemic that was 100 work from home which i was pumped about despite a 20 pay cut i got an awesome new boss i'm now a manager myself i have a healthier working environment it is a day shift only job and i didn't have to make my 100 mile round trip commute every working day in a car that gets crap gas mileage all that plus i get to work the office shifts office personnel only work monday through thursday but 10 hours per day so we get three day weekends every week it's been that way since before i was hired all around wynn despite less money the pandemic was awesome for my working life all good things must come to an end though people were getting vaccinated in addition to new cases in my area starting to fall i can do my job 100 remote 100 of the time but being on site makes 25 of it easier my department started coming to work for the 25 of our job that really should be done on site i have no qualms with that and i'm happy to be back on site for that since it makes my life easier that was status quo for a few months the pandemic has changed many companies permanently in one way or another for better or worse depending on the company my company elected to set guidelines for working from home or remotely as an option for 50 of the time going forward this will be the new standard as our company has grown culturally and modernized during the pandemic my department director said these company standards were on a case-by-case basis but the director was going to enforce the new 50 maximum remote work standard for everyone unless there are extreme circumstances it was completely arbitrary decision and i am convinced was made only to micromanage employees and empower old traditional style managers especially since my department can do 75 of our work from home extremely efficiently and effectively my malicious compliance comes in with my vacation hours and realizing how i can double my destination vacations soon after the new work from home rules were announced and it was communicated that they would be stringently enforced on tuesdays and wednesdays i cancelled all my vacation on mondays and thursdays and rescheduled all those cancelled days on tuesdays and wednesdays following or preceding my already scheduled vacations i get nearly five weeks of vacation per year plus comp time for anything worked over 40 hours my new supervisor who is an awesome supervisor approved all of the changes i made the same day i took off every day i was required to be on site and plan on working remotely on mondays and thursdays while extending all four of my week-long destination vacations already scheduled by one week each i now have 10 weeks of vacation combined with holidays and comp days scheduled away from home in 2021 since earlier this year was so busy and i haven't taken much yet i still have to work on mondays and thursdays but it is a lot more fun to work from the beach or mountains or jungle or desert while visiting family for 4 out of 16 days then only be in a given place for 8 days travel on friday since i already get those off plus an extra friday i don't have to take vacation for plus an extra weekend working mondays and thursdays also helps me keep up and avoid falling behind which lets me avoid anxiety on vacation that comes with not working and staying on top of stuff yes i know i'm broken for not being able to enjoy time off i really like how this worked out it's not really extra vacation it's just time spent away is longer but it's the same amount of time off in the end unfortunately over here in canada and in the usa from what i've heard work time and home time really aren't separated as much as they should be people really should be able to turn off the work brain when they leave work not think about it at all until their next shift starts and then when they go back in just turn back on the work brain and only worry about it while you're there unfortunately it just doesn't work that way check out all four ops linked in the description down below thanks for watching have a wonderful day and we'll see you tomorrow [Music]
Channel: Karma Comment Chameleon
Views: 39,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karma, comment, chameleon, karma comment chameleon, reddit, funny, funny reddit, reddit funny, r/entitledparents, entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled, parents, top posts, reddit top post, best of reddit, comedy, r/, rslash
Id: JTWZg-xDixU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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