r/MaliciousCompliance - I can solve this bullying problem

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let me be clear at no point did Mikey dassault another kid a simple story and it still makes me smile a couple of years later a little background my ex is awesome her and I just were not meant for each other she loves a son but she hates confrontation she also works for the school board so she has to behave a certain way I on the other hand have a tendency to scare people I'm a large person and since I work in the trades I do not have to look or act in any way whatsoever the story my son who had been taking tea pandu for about four years at that time was being bullied at school he did the right thing and told a teacher I guess the bully was her relative in some way because she told my son not to be a tattletale my son once again did the right thing and told his mother he lives with I work in the oil fields so I'm not always in the city she decided not to follow up because she doesn't want to stir the pot at work my son called me and told me what happened I talked to his mom and verified the story I asked her why she hadn't done anything about the problem and she said that if I really cared I would do something you want me to take care of this okay cue the malicious compliance I made an appointment with the principal for my next week off myself and my son met with the principal and the teacher in question I explained the situation and asked what was to be done the principal said that this was the first he was hearing about it but the teacher claimed that it did not happen I then turned to my son and said the next time that kid bullies you I give you permission to punch him in the throat the principal and the teacher both looked at me like I was about to kill them the principal said he can't say that I asked - you sure let me try again and find out hey boy the next time that kid bullies you you have my permission to punch him in the throat holy crap you were on I totally can say that the bullying stopped so for a little bit of pre context I used to go to the Mormon church every Sunday my mom is super religious while I'm not this happened a few months ago for whatever reason Mormon Church makes teenagers attend seminary and young men's seminary is an hour lesson every morning before school which is stupid and young men's is an event every Wednesday night or other day depending on the activity basically I had to go to most seminary and young men events because of my mom there's a bunch of things I disagree with what the church does and I mentally not in the church anymore quick example is that they take ten percent of income as tithing which is against stupid pointers they also take up a lot of your free time demanding you contribute and invading your personal space if you refuse I was tasked with a project in seminary and organizing three events for young men's honestly I planning a hiking trip and cross-country skiing and worklet when I got really busy with school I stopped going to seminary as I wanted an extra hour of sleep guess what the church pestered me and harassed me for not going to seminary oh it's so important my assets important blah blah blah I didn't go to seminary and they continued to harass me come time they start encouraging us to use our agency they made a whole three-hour long service talking about agency and the importance of it agency to my understanding is the ability for an individual to make one's own decision to find out the truth they started saying this as a motivator to be more active in church and find stories that prove the church to be true but I did the opposite here malicious compliance so instead of researching about why the church is true I found out about why it's a whole god damn corporate life for money basically I used my agency to find the real truth about the church for my seminary projects I made a whole presentation about the negative aspects of a church and why we need to be more careful with what's happening our /ik swarm and I thank you I talked about Joseph Smith and his 30-something teenage wives the hypocrisy in the church and the the amount of suicides and wild net that came of the church then I left they didn't have anything else planned for young men's they invaded my house to try and get me to go back they gave me calls to bring me back it was pretty simple what I would say I'm utilizing my agency please respect that they didn't have young men's for a month because I wasn't there to organize anything else not only that my presentation also encouraged other people some of my acquaintances to stop going to church too it may not seem like a big deal but this is a big church and bringing it down as much as I can brings me joy especially after all the pain it's caused me I'm glad to say that I've gotten my hour of sleep back and now my Sunday is free for whatching and Jane just a quick intro before I begin I'm posting this here instead of one of the revenge subs because even though the consequences this individual faced were amazing they came about solely through his own decisions and actions in fact I warned him not to do it but once he set his course I followed his instructions to the letter now my story it's the long one but worth the read I think no TL DR either you'll read it or you won't several years ago I worked as a local delivery driver for a steel processing plant we would take stock units of plate and structural steel and process them into parts out customers could use some processes such as painting would go to a third-party vendor and then come back to us for shipment to the customer I worked on a set routine deliver to the paint shop in the morning and bring back the orders painted the day before while that trailer was being unloaded I would hook another trailer and deliver finished orders to a customer about 70 miles away from the shop this delivery had a hard appointment time of 2 p.m. and I could not miss it when I returned after making that delivery I would finish the day with short deliveries or pickups as needed and then go home it was an easy stress-free job as long I stuck to routine and made my appointments on time communication between departments was poor though and it disrupted the entire process for example the shed Yuling department might think a certain production run had been finished and was gone for outside processing when in reality the production department hadn't even started the order yet I spent a lot of afternoons driving around in an empty truck chasing phantom orders that I knew I had never delivered because some office drone wanted me to check and make sure or running hot orders out to vendors that were overlooked during my morning trip into my main antagonist one of the first shift production supervisors I was constantly butting heads with him because he forever tried to hold up my truck for last-second add-ons this wouldn't have been a big deal except that they almost always interfered with my 2:00 p.m. delivery the one I had to be on time for I kept explaining that I could do his errands in the mornings or afternoons but he couldn't mess with the middle of my day he was arrogant and condescending with everyone but he took a special dislike toward me because I wasn't in his chain of command and wouldn't bend over backwards to accommodate his wants it didn't help that my direct superior was a milquetoast little man that avoided conflict at any cost I ended up taking a lot of heat from this production supervisor even though he couldn't really punish me for meeting my other work obligations things finally came to a head when the supervisor came up to shipping with a large order that needed to go to paint I was about to leave for my 2:00 p.m. customer and told him so that I had room left on the track if he wanted to load his parts on I would deliver them on my way back from my primary delivery this wasn't good enough for him these parts were behind schedule and had to get painted immediately if I delivered them in the afternoon they wouldn't get painted until the following day which would put him further behind to top it off this will to required a special marine grade paint that had been mistakenly delivered to our company location instead of the paint shop and it all needed to go as soon as possible we began our usual back-and-forth I had a delivery appointment I could do what he wanted but I couldn't do it on his schedule after a heated conversation where he devolved into rudeness and name-calling of a nature unbecoming of his position he said fine I'll take it myself in the other truck in addition to the tractor-trailer that I drove we had a smaller delivery truck on-hand for occasional use he decided to drive it on the down-low loading up and heading out without telling our shipping department this would have been a grand idea but driving either truck requires a commercial driver's license which this supervisor did not have I pointed this out to him to which he replied that he was only going up the road and everything would be fine I pointed out that he didn't have an hazardous materials endorsement to transport the paint again he was just going up the road and I needed to shut the hell up write him up directions to the paint shop and get out of the way since I was F I'm useless anyway so did just that and wrote him out a perfect set of turn-by-turn directions how is that malicious compliance well this paint shop was about 30 miles up the road but I knew and he didn't that about 15 miles up the road was a dot Waystation that always had at least two state troopers inside and at least one of them was a commercial enforcement officer the truck this supervisor wanted to drive wasn't equipped with an S pass transponder that would allow him to bypass the scale and I knew given his already demonstrated ignorance he wouldn't know that he was required to pull him I figured he would blow right past and that one of those troopers would put down his coffee long enough to chase him down and find out why to my great delight that is exactly what happened the trooper saw him drive past and pulled him over then they escorted him back to the weigh station for a thorough inspection for those unfamiliar the transportation industry is highly regulated some might say it's over regulated but any one that makes it a career knows it's best to follow the laws or face some serious consequences the supervisor didn't know any of this and was like a lamb to the slaughter the dot inspector ripped him to pieces among the biggest infractions he was cited for no CDL $2,500 fine up to $10,000 to the company misdemeanor charges 90 days suspended driver's license no hazmat endorsement no documenting paperwork for the hazmat no placards identifying the vehicle as carrying hazardous material $50,000 fine to the company more of it results in illness injury or death to another person as a bonus when the trooper escorted him back to the weigh station the scalamaster saw him talking on his cell phone the dude was making a panicked call to the company manager using a handheld device is also in big no-no point that's another $2,500 dollar sign 10 - 11 comma zero zero zero dollars to the company the truck was put out of service at the weigh station until it had the proper Bill of Lading hazard paperwork and a driver with a valid license the supervisor wasn't allowed to leave himself until someone came to get him needless to say he lost his job immediately I suspected that would happen so I hung around the shipping office after my afternoon delivery I got to witness his walk of shame as he was escorted out of the building I was never officially told just how much his fines were with an educated guess puts it at thousands to him personally and potentially close to $100,000 to the company I do know the company tried to sue him in civil court to recoup their losses although I don't know the outcome I left to take another job shortly after I figured that even though I wasn't the one at fault my role in the fiasco wouldn't be looked upon in kind fashion the best part though was that after months of watching him swagger around wearing a big hubris cowboy hat I was the one that got to swat it off his head if you enjoyed the stories slap the like and subscribe button for more of them and don't forget to support the original writers with enough votes links are in the description peace out and catch you tomorrow
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Id: GG_jwGohV6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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