r/maliciouscompliance | Fire me in the Middle of a Project? Good Luck!

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welcome all you lovely people to another r slash malicious compliance video our first story of the day is by an anonymous writer my in-laws wanted an updated family picture cue photo session with an urn so let me set this up for you my husband is the oldest out of 11 kids they were all super close homeschooled church three times a week kind of family very close-knit and way too involved in each other's lives they were shocked when they were introduced to me a catholic who really doesn't go to church drinks curses and just wants to be left alone back to the story my in-laws have this huge wall of family portraits they haven't been updated in ages but just full of all kinds of cute baby pictures the two youngest girls were going through all of the pictures and decided they wanted to update all of the family pictures as most of the siblings have gotten married had kids yada yada see six month old son passed away over a year ago due to a lot of medical complications that happened during his birth i'm just now coming out of a severe depression and am still mourning i have hundreds of pictures of him but not as many family pictures i never even got an easter with the kid but i still have his outfit i told my in-laws i'm super uncomfortable my family has drastically changed over the last year so tell me what you want do you want my family now hubby and i or a year ago hubby myself and cute dead baby she said pick what i want so i asked hubby who said to just send a cute picture of the two of us well that pissed off the little sister she wanted a picture of the baby and us how dare we not read her mind and send her a picture of our whole family so cue malicious compliance i picked up my cute dead kids urn grab my hubby and start snapping away all kinds of cute pictures of us and an urn acting like a picture-perfect family even included some with his favorite animals and toys all smiling matching with our kids urn for some reason they're mad at me and are refusing to put it up on their wall my husband and i got a great laugh and some well needed space what do you guys think do you think this was a bit much for them to do or considering how hounding the family might have been was it a little justified just to get that space they needed let me know what you think in the comments down below our next stories by pw nanny gaming can appreciate the help you were given fine do without this happened a few weeks ago i've been working at the same job for almost two years but i got very comfortable with the position and have been helping some colleagues every once in a while it turned into a daily thing and i was helping a few people daily not thinking this could blow up in my face after all i'm taking free time out of my day to do something i don't have to do that doesn't fall in my job description recently one of the people i was helping was excited as something big had happened in their portfolio and so i asked for the information and took a look i found out it wasn't legitimate i had the same thing happen to me before and my boss had told me it wasn't legitimate so i told them to be careful with it and that we'll check with the boss to see what's up the next day we're all in a meeting with my boss and i advise my boss hey this happened in this person's portfolio we need to be careful my boss appreciated it and told me to elaborate and share with everyone so that they can all be aware of this event and advise the boss asap i proceeded to do so and the person didn't even chime in the whole time this was in the morning literally 12 hours later i get a message from the person stating that they did not appreciate that i brought this up to our boss as it was their portfolio and to never do it again now i just agreed inside i understood but i'm really feeling like if that person really never wants me to do it again then i should really just leave them to themselves so i did got back to work the week after and got busy wasn't answering calls or texts asking for help or even just to talk and figured my stuff out i was respectfully declining everyone's requests and ended up finishing early don't worry i'll never do it again definitely sounds like something that the person got a little too uptight about i don't think there was any drama that came out of it honestly the other person started something more than there ever was this next story is by liam h 101 game-changing coveted guidance turns the tables on kevin i work for a certain swedish furniture store and this swedish furniture store is horrible in terms of controlling anti-masters as there's nothing we can do to throw them out i work at the location across from the mall of america so we get hordes of tourists in from across the upper midwest unfortunately this includes an army of anti-massacres finally i have a way to put those idiots in their place however as weak and cowardly as the company is and curtailing anti-masters they recently sent out some game-changing coveted guidance for the staff staff are no longer required to help anti-masters it's glorious i'm working in the lighting section and up comes kevin he asks me how to get out of the store i swear these morons get dumber and dumber as there are well-marked signs that can direct you to the exit i say i'm sorry but i'm medically exempt from interacting with maskless individuals as it poses a risk to my health under the ada i am not required to disclose my condition kevin starts boiling like a tea kettle then he replies this is horrible customer service whatever makes you think you can treat the customer this way you are discriminating against my rights and blah blah blah kevin then storms off and i realized that i could more than likely get fired for this the thought sticks with me till i go up to take my 30 minute break as i'm punching out one of my supervisors comes up to me and asked why i was so rude to a customer i tell them what happened and the man is on the floor laughing literally on the floor laughing his butt off he then said that was one of if not the funniest things he'd ever heard there wasn't much in the way of fallout i wasn't fired my supervisor got a good laugh out of it though i'd imagine kevin made an angry video in his car about how the evil employees forced me to wear a chin diaper and how they refused to help me usual kevin stuff i love that way of describing it chin diaper there's something especially goofy calling it that that said i would rather stores like this just refuse entry to people without masks rather than telling their employees hey you can just choose not to engage those people it's just definitely not the safest thing this next story is by goldibobs baggage handlers handle baggage i work as a baggage handler at an international airport during the icelandic ash cloud of 2011 most if not all flights were grounded for about a month this meant a lot of my company's staff had absolutely nothing to do the company made a very generous offer of letting staff go home unpaid this led to a lot of staff refusing and coming to work as usual with no flights there's a lot of people with nothing to do collecting cones counting chalks tidying up rolling stock clearing fod from vehicles nothing we wouldn't normally do in the winter when the schedule drops after all the usual ground handling jobs had been completed multiple times the manager started to think of other ways to get the staff to work at first it was pretty basic new ropes and chalks are tidying the crew room but then a manager had a bright idea of us repainting the electric baggage trucks a colleague who we will call keith took exception to this and went into the office to complain keith's reasoning was that he was not a trained painter he was a baggage handler he had no experience with painting rule number one of my firm is you never operate or do anything you are not trained to do the manager told keith it was not an unreasonable request and if he refused he would be disciplined keith accepted and got to work he painted the ebt good he painted the body the doors the wheels the tires then the windows the headlights tail lights hub light wiper blades he painted the entire thing in heavy duty white paint the manager sacked him on the spot i'm not sure if he appealed or what happened to the painted vehicle poor keith i feel their pain though i wouldn't necessarily mind painting but if i worked as a baggage handler i probably wouldn't want to go painting you didn't tell keith how to paint it our next story is by the flexmax i'm not the one to tell people how to spend their money some background i work in a home part store for washing machines ovens showers all that kind of thing so we know quite well the operation of all these devices and we usually stop to explain and solve all the doubts that a client who cannot or does not want to hire a gas operator has and in general they're usually grateful many times they come looking for a piece that despite being worth some money is not inaccessible but we go from crisis to crisis so most are very grateful when we test the device and it works but it's not always like that in this case it's a person who came to change the thermostat and the resistance of a hot water tank as usual we test everything and despite not being in the best condition due to scale a problem we have with the water where i live everything works fine but this person insists that this is the problem with his water heater when we're showing him that clearly both parts work perfectly he does not care he insists that we sell them the new parts and i will not be the one to stop to tell people how to spend their money i tell them the price that would be around 18 000 pesos about 200 usd and even though this is the most expensive type they swipe their card and pay it not even two hours pass before he comes back demanding that we return their money because what we sold him clearly does not work we are surprised so we tested it and it works perfectly so we flatly refuse to return the money in all cases where the error is ours we return the money he retires furiously and never returns it's an anti-climactic ending but that's what happened in the end he lost a crap ton of money for not giving a crap about good advice if somebody qualified is telling you you don't have to spend money i'd definitely be willing to trust that a lot more than somebody that says you do have to spend money any qualified person that comes and looks at your equipment and says yeah this stuff actually looks fine works well you don't have to spend nearly as much as you think you have to why would you personally disagree with that and try and go against it i'd be like oh thank god this next story is by snoo hobbies3488 do i smell bacon back in the 70s i was a teenager and working the graveyard shift as a fry cook and an all night diner i had been pals with the old night manager but when a new one replaced him we didn't hit it off i resented that he had replaced the old boss i liked and he resented that i was an arrogant smart butt it was an open kitchen picture a denny's that evening it was hot in the kitchen so i cranked up the ventilation but the night manager said this made it too drafty out front and told me to turn down the fans i argued with him and he repeated the order i kept arguing until finally he said i'm in charge here not you now just turn off the darn fans then he stormed off to do something in his office like i said i was an arrogant smart butt so i turned off the ventilation entirely and then i cooked up a pound of bacon on the grill i may have overcooked it a little it was very late at night and there were only one or two customers drinking coffee at the counter by the time the manager returned to the dining room there was so much smoke it was hard to see but a rich inviting bacon aroma permeated the dining room got fired for that one had a new job the next day in those days we had an expression oh well i was looking for a job when i found this one you gotta love working somewhere that's so worthless that you can just get a new job to replace it in a day's time no biggie i think that might be a difference between now and the 70s though i'm assuming op was definitely already looking around probably put some job applications in at places but even then i imagine it definitely was a little bit easier to get a job back then but what do i know and our final story of the day is by tglinn89 i can't take cash for my canteen allowance okay this is not my story but my brother-in-law's and it came to a very satisfying conclusion today my brother-in-law has been working remotely since march of last year as part of the i.t department for an insurance company as part of their compensation they get canteen credit every month the company didn't stop these payments while everyone was working remotely and gave the employees no chance to spend the credit as the canteen was obviously closed my brother-in-law got a new job recently and had just over 1 000 euro left in his canteen credit he asked the company before he left could he take some of it out in cash or transfer it to a co-worker they would not allow him to do this here comes the malicious compliance he looked up the canteen website and they allowed you to use your credit to send a wine and chocolate gift set to someone you see where this is going so he decided to purchase as many as he could and gift them to himself this morning he received 20 gift boxes well that's one way to get a year's supply of chocolate and wine it's a pretty convenient way to be able to spend all those credits if you can't use it actually in the canteen or transfer to somebody that's pretty darn fortunate if you ask me better than probably anything they can get in the canteen but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know which story and why in the comments down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider giving it a like and if you haven't subscribe and turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video no matter what you do whether it's just viewing the video liking subscribing turning notifications on i appreciate the heck out of it every little thing that you do helps the channel grow that much more and i can't thank you enough for it so until next time i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll be right here next time on the story time channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 19,872
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Keywords: Storytime, r/, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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