r/MaliciousCompliance I ALMOST DROPPED A FRIDGE ON A MAN! - Reddit Stories

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today we've got a malicious compliance story of  nearly dropping a fridge on somebody we'll get   into that in a bit but first fine I'll type it  this is an old one from back when I was in sixth   grade and school computers were still in Labs  there was a guy in my class all call Jason who   was that certain breed of showoff common to the  early 90s the one who totally knows Kung Fu but   just can't show you right now and who makes loud  fart noises every time the teacher turns around   and is more concerned with belching the alphabet  than with learning to spell unfortunately one of   my friends was dating Jason as much as a sixth  grader can so he was always hanging around we got   to the dreaded five paragraph essay assignment and  Jason showed up with a crumpled notebook page he   was a terrible typist and always asked me the nerd  of our group to type his work up for him I being   12 and wanting to keep my friend Happy usually  did it for whatever reason this essay was my   last straw so I typed it exactly as written except  instead of fixing his spelling as I went I tried   interpreting his terrible handwriting literally  and as wrongly as possible Whenever there was   ambiguity it was M unreadable Mass my friend was  mad at me but he never asked again he also had   been held back two grades by the time we turned 18  and is now a tractor salesman so I guess he never   needed that five paragraph essay anyway sure  I completely understand being against somebody   that has bully Tendencies at the same time though  I wonder how much of this might be like actually   just undiagnosed stuff I mean realistically you  shouldn't be having that much difficulty either he   really didn't care about school or was it probably  exacerbated in some way random mutant wrote not   that it was ever your problem but I wonder if  this person was dyslexic op responded that's   entirely possible probably some sort of a learning  disability not that many people acknowledged that   sort of thing 30 years ago also hi I'm stevenh  and if you guys enjoy awesome stories of malicious   compliance why not hit those like And subscribe  buttons down below that said our next story is   threaten to sue me go for it backstory I have  a 5-year-old daughter with my ex-wife we broke   up about 2 and 1/2 years ago we had some ups  and downs during our marriage we never argued   or fought per se but we did negotiate a lot with  strong emotions and opinions yet we always managed   to find some common ground to stand on together  that's why had kind of caught me by surprise when   she told me she wanted a divorce I cried for a  couple days went fishing and then started planning   on how to figure things out because neither of  us had enough income at that point to keep our   car Andor house we agreed that I should take care  of selling the car and she would get a realtor to   start selling our home Well turns out I had to do  both anyway we had more debt than money and she   tried to leave all the debt to me while she would  start from a clean slate I wouldn't let her and I   made sure every everything we owned and every bit  of debt would be split evenly we agreed that our   daughter would live with the both of us splitting  the time evenly as our daughter had the right to   having two parents we promised each other to act  civil this didn't last long we also agreed that   since our salaries were pretty even neither  of us would pay child support we also agreed   that she would take care of buying most of the  clothes etc for our kids since she would get the   child benefit about €100 a month here in Finland  paid by the government to support rais Offspring   after the breakup she started mail ordering new  furniture for herself even before she had found a   new apartment for herself kind of obvious but she  really didn't have the money for it either 2 weeks   later she moved out a week later I heard from our  kid that she had a new man I didn't really care   just raised some eyebrows she would often call  in sick to her work usually BS reasons and when   her boss gave some feedback she didn't fix her  attitude but instead she just quit she applied   to a school and got in after about 2 months she  quit the school too and started demanding me to   pay child support we got a professional to we  in and agreed that I still wouldn't pay a dime   to her because she herself had caused her income  to collapse as a Goodwill act I offered to pay   our daughter's insurance I thought the matter was  settled but then she got pregnant for her new man   a few months after our breakup after our divorce  was Final there's a 6-month reconsideration time   before the judge calls it she married her new  man these things empowered her into demanding   for money again and again and again so now that  you know what kind of person we're dealing with   the case last fall she yet again demanded money to  support our kid she was working again and I knew   she used our kid as an excuse because she had  expressed Envy towards my ability to control my   finances to a point that even when I had the same  amount of money I could eat in restaurants Etc I   told her that if she needed child support for leg  legitimate reasons I would of course help but all   the expenses would have to be calculated properly  to know the right amount she would need instead   she demanded I would pay her €200 a month and she  would take care of all the expenses regarding our   daughter she didn't have any real reasons for the  demand other than her need for control she had   always been someone who wanted to have the last  say in things on top of her demand this time she   threatened to sue me if I didn't pay her I pretty  much laughed at it until I got a message from her   lawyer at that point I messaged my ex telling her  from now on I would only discuss this matter via   our lawyers and started looking for a lawyer  myself during the next couple months things   started to look really bad for her case after  getting the papers from the court I noticed her   case was based on false data she and her lawyer  hadn't asked for my income and expenses before   they sued me and she had estimated my income to be  a lot more than it actually was also my expenses   were estim to be smaller than actual at this  point I messaged my ex back and asked if she's   sure she doesn't want to settle she didn't so I  decided to go with some malicious compliance and   didn't try again after we both calculated every  income and expense of both parties with the help   of our lawyers I and my lawyer confirmed that she  had enough money to raise our kid not only that   it turned out she actually had more money than me  for it monthly income minus living costs medicine   etc etc ET I burst out laughing at the absurdity  of her case even more so when she tried to twist   things to her favor by sending false evidence  to us and the judge which we noticed instantly   a couple days go by and my lawyer calls me she had  gotten a call from my ex's lawyer saying he had   noticed my ex is lying and the whole case is based  on lies and the lawyer wants to settle it looked   like my malicious compliance wouldn't go through  until my lawyer got a message that for some reason   and they won't settle after all game on the  Judgment we went to court the judge was annoying   but composed he asked my ex's lawyer about their  demands the lawyer started by saying first I'm   going to tell a bit of the backstory and the judge  cut him off telling him to just State the demands   after a few seconds of Silence the lawyer told the  judge no demands the judge was both dumbfounded   and livid asking then why are we here to which  my lawyer said something along the line lines   of that's what we're asking too then the judge  asked my ex's lawyer to be clear didn't you want   to settle and the lawyer sheepishly told the judge  that my ex wouldn't agree to settle they were so   embarrassed it was so glorious like some kind of  divine Karma being served right at my Karen of an   ex the judge ordered us to go to a meeting room  for 20 minutes and to come back with a settlement   agreement because she had more money we negotiated  that she would pay for our kids Hobbies Insurance   Etc to compensate for the difference the judge  verified it and my party left the courtroom very   happy my ex on the other hand was balancing  between angry and embarrassed The Fallout   a couple weeks ago my ex demanded that we would  make changes to the schedule on how our kid would   swap homes I declined saying we have an agreement  she threatened to sue me to which I just reminded   her about the last time she wanted to get what she  wants by suing me asking if she really wants to do   it again she got mad and I just ignored it about a  week ago she sent a message saying that she had a   fight with her husband police were called because  she attacked him and she wanted a divorce the   police had to inform Child Protective Services  since there were kids present mine included   basically her whole life has gone down the drain  two kids to different fathers two divorces before   she's even turned 30 a lot of debt and expenses  and looks like our kid will be spending the   majority of her per time at my place which is what  our kid has wanted for the past 2ish years after   everything that's gone down you go back and think  about feeling devastated when she's like I want   a divorce and all of a sudden you're thinking  to yourself thank God she asked out imagine if   you didn't and you were dealing with that person  as your spouse for the last 2 years I think it's   pretty rare for them to force their way out before  their true colors actually come out nanny nanny   boo boo wrote sounds like your divorce was a good  thing for you maybe consider whether your child   would be better off living with you and visiting  the mother occasionally Opie responded yep I've   never been happier I also have a new wifey not  married yet and my kid loves her new stepmom   also I'm seriously considering pursuing for our  kid to stay here most of her time depending on   the outcome of the CPS report our next story is  this is a cute one a few years back my brother   had married a walking Power Trip of a woman who  had him by the short hairs everything was her way   or the highway and she could hardly be reasoned  with as an example she called me up one morning at   5:00 a.m. to tell me my brother had been cheating  on her and her proof was junk mails in his inbox   you know the ones this one trick will have your  eggplant explosion all the women will water Emoji   or do you like Russian women click here for SED  Lana she's waiting to meet you and when I sent her   a screenshot of my own inbox to show that I had  that junk mail too she blocked me on all social   media and my phone number so that's the kind of  person we're dealing with don't get me started   on when she Uninvited me to their wedding for  reposting a Humane Society PSA on my Facebook and   this control extended to his three young children  so my 7-year-old nephew was at my mom's house and   playing in her Rock Garden he had happily filled  two sandwich bags my mom had given him with his   favorite River Rocks from the garden and was just  pleased as punch well his new stepmom told him he   could only have one bag of rocks and that he had  to choose now for a little context my brother's   kids are not perfect little angels who get  anything their little hearts desire but it's just   a bag of rocks it doesn't do any harm and Mommy  Dearest in training had been a total nightmare   all day so the bag of rocks my nephew is seven  and this just breaks his heart she holds firm   and demands that he only take one bag of rocks  so my mom went to comfort my nephew and tells him   she'll help him fit his favorites in one bag she  ushered him inside and produced a quart-sized bag   dumps both bags of rocks into one bag they both  go back outside with one bag and Mommy Dearest   was incensed my mom just smiled her sweetest  Grandma smile and said there one bag of rocks   while my nephew delightfully remarked that he can  fit even more now since there's room in his new   baggie she didn't say a dang word now to be fair  to play Devil's Advocate where is the kid going   to take a bag of rocks and what is he going to  do with them because I'm afraid that we're going   to go back home and that kid is going to open his  bag of favorite rocks and he's just going to rain   them all over his bedroom floor it's all fun and  games and just rocks until you have to play 120   Rock pickup pig is equal wrote after wallowing in  the rabbit hole that is r/j just no mother-in-law   for too long today this was so refreshing to read  a mother-in-law with brains and a sense of humor   this next story is want to write me up sure I  have a patient who deals with occasional mental   confusion he usually has a personal aid so he's  used to getting whatever he wants when he wants it   I pride myself on being able to get along with and  even build relationships with the most difficult   of patients but he has proved difficult to me  due to the combination of entitlement and his   confusion he had his son visiting him today and  was severely under the impression that his son was   taking him home and attempt of explanation fell  on deaf ears his son left but he didn't give up   he insisted i' take him to the front door and let  him leave despite there being freezing rain and no   one to take him anywhere eventually after three  times of him telling me to take him to the door   and my futile attempts to redirect or reassure  he told me if I wouldn't take him to the door he   would write me up for insubordination CU malicious  compliance I figured why not at least writing me   up would keep him distracted from trying to leave  and it truly seemed like the only way to calm him   down there were at least five witnesses to what  was happening so I wasn't worried about facing   any discipline I grabbed the Complaint Form a  pen and a clipboard for him as I did this the   nurse caught on to what I was doing and started  just laughing I brought her the form and even   helped him fill it out spelling my full name for  him and showing my name tag as proof that I was   giving my real name eventually I have to move to  stand behind him because I can't hide my laughter   my director of nursing comes over and the nurse  explain the situation I bring the patient over   to her and he hands the form in I just have the  biggest crap eating grin as everyone is going   purple trying to contain their laughter my do  was a total bro about it and played along with   it while also taking him to play Bingo satisfied  that I was being appropriately reprimanded the   do let me keep the complaint form as long as  I completely scratched out his information   and I framed it next to my employee of the month  certificate if it works it works I mean when you   consider that there's actual things going on with  him including confusion I don't know if I would   go as far as framing it I think it's more worth  just keeping it as a funny anecdote Lori 2345   wrote I think that's more wholesome compliance  as it didn't hurt him doing that it sounds like   he felt better writing the complaint and gave him  something to do it was nice of you to do that our   next story is when I was a kid I let a baseball  hit me in the face to prove a point was playing   catch with my dad and he kept telling me you don't  need to move your glove I will put the ball in it   and he was getting increasingly annoyed with me  in hindsight he probably meant I was just moving   around too much but nonetheless I got tired of  him telling me to stop moving my glove so when he   threw the ball to me I held completely still and  let the ball smash into my face giving me a bloody   nose and a nice bruise he immediately asked why  didn't you try to catch it and while I was trying   to pull my myself together I said you told me not  to move my glove you said you would throw the ball   right to it he was absolutely dumbfounded probably  because he was coming to terms that his kid might   be stupid I think this story is great and it's  a very literal way with dealing with somebody   like that I mean it's kind of sad if his takeaway  was wow my kid might just be stupid and him just   not having the self-reflection capabilities to  realize that your kid might be doing it because   you're just being so abrasive with the whole  don't move your glove Jessica ariadne wrote   I'll give you my I was a dumb child story when  I was little maybe seven or so my dad always   called gasoline pushwater I asked to go visit my  Grandma's place and he said we couldn't because   we needed pushwater being a little genius I knew  how to get unlimited push water from the water   hose and I filled the car up when I told him  the car had plenty of push water I think his   soul just sank into the floor thankfully I think  most modern gas tanks they try to have some kind   of system so that you can't just fill it full of  water but to be fair I'm the farthest thing from   a car gu so maybe I'm just talking out of my rear  here and honestly if it is the case that you can   still just put a water hose up to a gas tank and  fill it full then I say we need to investigate the   five other people in the world that would call it  push water and just make sure that stops therefore   crisis averted right our next story is don't touch  anything electrical if you're not an electrician   let me preface this by saying I'm not sure how  malicious this is but but it sure was funny years   back I used to work on the Melt deck at a Foundry  in the area it was a union job so everyone had   their own roles to do I was in melting and one  of our jobs was to melt the iron for another   department to pour into the molds every so often  we would trip a breaker on one of the furnaces and   had to call an electrician to come up to the Melt  deck to fix it the panels for the furnaces opened   up and the electricians would just flip a switch  and it would be fixed the problem was sometimes it   would take 20 plus minutes for an El rtion to show  up and fix it waiting a few minutes wasn't much of   a big deal but when it would be over 30 minutes  it would start cutting into our pay since we got   paid based on tonnage melted and when we couldn't  melt iron no money eventually our ATF assistant to   the foreman got sick of it and would open the  panel and flip the switch himself so we could   keep going the electricians found out what we were  doing and had a meltdown Noe pun intended and told   us we weren't allowed to do that and not to touch  anything electrical if we weren't an electrician   some words were had and we agreed only for the  electricians to go right back to taking forever   responding to our calls everyone on the Melt deck  decided that anything electrical was out of our   pay grade we then proceeded to call electricians  up to the Melt deck to plug in and unplug our   phone charger stating it's electrical I can't  touch it of course we wouldn't tell them that   over the radio just that we need an electrician on  the Melt deck for an electrical issue they didn't   find it as funny as we did and eventually we all  agreed to stop calling them for our phones and   their response time significantly improved I just  love the idea that realistically they're sitting   around doing nothing most of the time and the  workers then getting fed up with that and flipping   the switch themselves all of a sudden means they  all of a sudden don't have any Alibi to prove why   they should still continue to get paid for sitting  around all that time KN manager wrote I worked at   a railroad plugging the network cable into a wall  was a union Telecom work order 3-day wait our next   story is when my ex learned to not ask me to do  anything for him anymore a bit of a backstory I   divorced my ex a little over 9 years ago after 14  years of marriage I won't go into the specifics as   to why but suffice it to say that he was a lying  cheating jerk early on in the marriage I tended   to not be all that assertive until I finally had  my fill and grew a backbone he hated that he did   not like hearing the word no from me or in doing  things my own way so fast forward to a month after   we were officially divorced he was in his new  place and I was in my house formerly the house we   shared with our sons but he still had a ton of his  stuff there stuff I didn't want even though I paid   for a lot of it but stuff I knew he really wanted  he finally reached out and demanded not asked   demanded I send him his stuff just toss it all in  boxes and send it over to him his exact words mind   you he was only about 10 Mi away from me at that  point and could have easily have come over to do   it himself he didn't want to do that because he'd  have to see me something he was actively trying   not to do cue the malicious compliance now a lot  of what he had were Collectibles no details but   some of it was fairly expensive and fragile so  I did as he asked correction demanded I tossed   it all into numerous boxes now some of the truly  expensive items I did take great care in packing   them only because I knew my sons would probably  eventually want them but for the stuff I knew my   ax really wanted and cared a lot about nah I just  tossed it all in a box without a care in the world   now I did inspect everything and while I just  dumped them in boxes nothing was damaged by me   I also took pictures of it to prove it so once I  closed them all up I told them to either get his   butt over to pick it up or get someone to do it  for him he got someone to do it now I was not a   at the house when this person picked everything  up but my sons and sister were they didn't know   how everything was packed they only showed him  the boxes they told me that the person who picked   up the boxes quite literally just tossed them  into the back of his pickup without a care in   the world and then sped away later that night  I got a call from my ex who started calling me   a bench for destroying all his stuff I told  him that everything was fine before I closed   the boxes up and I had proof of it I then said  that maybe next time be a bit nicer to me when   making requests and reminded him he demanded that  I toss it all in boxes but he didn't tell me to be   gentle and doing so I hung up on him and proceeded  to enjoy my celebratory glass of wine that evening   hoping that he was enjoying the shattered remains  honestly I don't think I would have even have gone   as far as putting everything into boxes I would  say listen that is too much dang work if you   want your stuff get your butt over here and pack  them up or shoot I'm going to have a free giveaway   garage sale soon in the next couple months like  it's not on me to back up and ship your stuff out   10 miles away Dragon child wrote now this is a  truly malicious compliance Spirit ignored letter   conformed well done Madam pool Montreal said  Spirit confirmed too X's Spirit was that this   was a low effort request and that op could easily  just do it without thought if x had acknowledged   they were asking op for a lot of work acknowledged  to themselves and to op the interaction would   have gone quite differently since the spirit and  the letter were both that this was a low effort   request op put in low effort what x secretly  wanted was for op to be a saintly mind reader   and to voluntarily put in a large amount of effort  that would never need to be acknowledged it's very   possible that the marriage had involved lots of ex  secretly wanting things and not communicating them   directly and lots of op accommodating them without  acknowledgement now that they're no longer married   op no longer needs to play that toxic game secret  desires aside the spirit of the request was that   op would not be putting much effort in so they  didn't our next story is dig until you tell me   to stop sure thing pops this happened back when  the Earth was young and MTV still played music   videos in the ancient age known as 1997 I was  13 and spending yet another weekend helping my   dad with yard work and home improvement projects  not complaining I learned a lot about home repair   and rather than get a crappy teen job in retail  my Dad paid me to assist him up until I left   for college now just because I didn't hate it  doesn't mean I was a little 13-year-old crap   however on this day we were putting up a trellis  in the garden for plants to grow up simple job   sink two posts cement them in place and fit the  trellis between them my dad gave me a post hole   digger which if you're not familiar with looks  like someone glued Chopsticks to a pistachio   shell so you could open and close it with a hinge  he showed me the spot for the first post and said   dig it as deep as you can so I went and made a  foot deep hole thinking that was enough to sink   the 6-ft posts we had he comes back and tells me  not to be lazy and dig deeper in fact keep digging   until I tell you it's deep enough so that's where  my malicious compliance came in I knew he would   be back from the garage in about half an hour so  I went to town on this hole I didn't stop for a   break and just kept digging until the post hole  digger fit in the hole completely and I couldn't   open it to lift the dirt out at that point I taped  a spade to a branch and made the hole even deeper   when he came back he said something along the  lines of let's see if you did it properly this   time and he drops the 6-foot post into the hole  where it promptly disappears there was a momentary   look of shock on his face then he started laughing  like bent over can't catch your breath laughing to   this day I have never seen the man laugh as hard  as that when he was done he told me that I guess   I did what he told me but now I would have to  figure out how to fish the post out of the hole   luckily it was only a foot or so below the surface  and we got it out easily enough to this day my dad   still tells the story as a warning about giving  vague instructions this is a beautiful story and   honestly if I were a kid back then being told  to do it I feel like I would do the same thing   honestly if not for the malicious compliance  just cuz when I was a kid I love digging holes   to nowhere I love the whole game as a kid of  digging to China a relevant American wrote oh   man I love this story The malicious compliance is  awesome but your Dad's reaction made my day thanks   for sharing JD Patrick wrote sometimes you just  have to chuckle a few years back apparently our   household got a little LAX on our dental hygiene  and my youngest maybe four to six at the time came   out of her bathroom and said hey Dad remember  floss like it was some long lost Relic after   after I picked myself up off the floor I went and  got her some from our bathroom flossers ever since   still makes me laugh though our next story is  you want me to drop a refrigerator on your face   this is an incident where I refuse to maliciously  comply because it would have resulted in someone   getting hurt and was then proven right I work  in the distribution center for an electrical   Appliance brand I'm a forklift operator we use  Fork trucks to transport smaller appliances on   pallets such as microwaves and vacuum cleaner  ERS but we use counterbalance trucks with clamp   attachments for transporting large appliances such  as washing machines and fridges our fridges can be   packaged two different ways sometimes they're in  boxes with poyene for protection and sometimes   there's just plastic over the poyene the plastic  packaged fridges are slippery and can sometimes   slip from the clamps while the boxed fridges  don't slip easily because there's more friction   this is important to the story this morning I was  tipping a Container full of fridges they were all   plastic packaged to fit as many as possible on the  container the loaders put fridges lying on their   side on top of fridges that are standing upright  these top fridges can be fiddly to take out and   once they're placed on what I call The Flipper  which is a pile of palletes stuck together with a   flat board stuck on top we use the edge to rotate  the fridge upright as I was taking one of the top   fridges out it slipped within the clamp I still  had a hold of it but it was now an angle with the   top pointing towards the ground and now impossible  to put down without damaging it we don't get   in trouble for damages management accepts that  stuff gets damaged sometimes also most damages   are just to the packaging so they just need to be  repackaged however we try to save something if we   can this was not one of the times where this would  be likely one of my co-workers still wanted to   save it and was standing behind the flipper ready  to grab it he told me to open my clamps slightly   and let it fall slowly this only works with boxed  fridges there is no friction to stop or slow down   a plastic wrapped fridge even with the tiniest  amount of slack where he was standing he was in   danger of being hit by the fridge and I told him  so the other guys chimed in and told me to let   it go and I refused until he moved away which  he finally did as predicted I opened my clamps   the tiniest amount and it dropped fast with the  back back end bouncing upwards right to where his   face would have been had I maliciously complied he  might have ended up with a broken nose or jaw told   you I said despite the drop there was minimal  damage just a small crack in the polystyrene   I imagine if your forklift certified they teach  you no matter what do not allow yourself to get   into a position where you may cause bodily harm  to another person no questions asked if I'm the   one operating that heavy machinery and I have this  stuff and I know it is possible that something bad   could happen I'm not taking that chance I would  sooner turn off the forklift toss the keys to the   person that wants them to drop the fridge take  my vest off and just go home I'm not going to   be the one to cause serious damage to another  human over something stupid like that but with   that being said that's all the time we have for  today now if you want to hear another awesome   malicious compliant story check out that video on  the left or if you missed my latest video check   out that video on the right that's said I'll  see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 11,510
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/nuclearrevenge, r/nuclear revenge, nuclear revenge, nuclearrevenge, reddit nuclear revenge, Storytime nuclear revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash nuclearrevenge, nuclear revenge reddit, top posts reddit, nuclear revenge stories, nuclear revenge video, r/ nuclearrevenge, r/ nuclear revenge Storytime, Storytime r/nuclearrevenge, funny reddit stories, nuclearrevenge posts
Id: kRpiY0r4EEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 31sec (1771 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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