r/maliciouscompliance | Inspector RUINS Expensive Electrical Equipment...

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hey everyone and welcome to story time my name is Jake and today we are gonna be looking at the Sun brighter are such malicious compliance so sit back relax and enjoy some satisfying stories I know I over time and you work for hours of it but I'm only approving one last job I had was an overall mass but the particular manager I had wanted to try and introduce more structure such rules to the place he'd moved here from out of state had a long resume of help desk slash IT supervisory experience and at first seemed like a decent skilled guy then came the overtime policy previously overtime was allowed without needing approval because sometimes calls run long as long as it wasn't excessive excessive meant more than five hours and even then all you had to do was explain what took so long and management was happy to approve it because sometimes tech stuff gets messy and takes a while the previous manager never had any issues approving air and the CIO never had any issues approving the approval one of the new managers changes was that all overtime had to be approved and if it wasn't approved spoiler it was rarely approved it meant telling a customer you had to cut a support call sure when your shift was over terrible idea but ok pal I'll help you dig that grave for yourself I ended up getting a call about an hour before my shift ended and it was a call that was a bug in our software that was fixed by a particular Windows Update the clinic closed at 5:30 and the office manager asked us to do it after hours I talked to the manager he gives me written authorization to work all a and get Windows updates run on 30 some computers I do that and it takes roughly four hours as the clinic's internet connection started to bottom out if I had more than four to five remote sessions going on at one time big deal I get it done submit my time punch for that day and think nothing of it he calls me in the next morning with I can't approve this much overtime CIO would never authorize it I remind him he authorized overtime for this and that he knew it was one of the larger clinics he says well you should have just started some clocked out checked on them then clocked buck in when others were ready you didn't need to babysit them Oh authorized warn hour I explained to him that that's a stupid idea and also that it's not legal to pay me for time worked when he authorized that time and I have it in writing he says he doesn't care and I'm only getting one hour of overtime authorized fine from now on I will clock in exactly at 8 a.m. and out at 5 p.m. he snaps a good thus the policy at me and I leave instead of reporting him to the CIO who I was on friendly terms with right away I spent a few weeks collecting things like really ticked off doctors and clinic staff and every time they got understandably angry that I was dropping a call when the issue wasn't resolved I'd apologize and tell them it was the managers fault as it was a policy he implemented and not only is it illegal for me to keep working without the company paying me as I was an hourly employee i flat-out wasn't going to work for free I suggested they emailed the CIO and CC the manager on-air telling them exactly what they thought of the new policy and how it affected their practice and their patients opinion of the clinic about a week later the CIO paid a surprise visit and wanted to speak to me he asked me what on earth was going on he was getting all these ticked off emails from clinic sites saying the tags were dropping calls immediately at 5:00 p.m. CST regardless of what time it was at the clinic or if the issue was fixed on our and they all said the same thing about it being managers policy I explained the policy to the CIO also told him about the overtime incident and he just lost it got up opened the door to the empty office he was using and yelled across the whole IT floor for the manager in question to get his butt in here right now the TLDR of that meeting is the manager got torn to pieces forced to apologize to me marched out of the office like a child by the CIO who then called everyone over made him apologize to everyone else for the policy asked us all to email him dates in actual overtime hours so he could check the time clock and see if they coincided with dates that manager had edited and ended with telling the manager you're lucky I don't fire you right now but if I were you I'd consider maybe not selling your house in the city just yet the CIO also sent out a department-wide email stating that the managers overtime policy was revoked effective immediately and we were going back to the original method of dealing with overtime he also reiterated that he would have absolutely no issues with approving any overtime as long as it was clear that it was necessary to get a clinic systems back up and running all the clinic had specifically asked that the work be done after hours which is what the old policy had been anyway manager ended up resigning before they fired him and in one conversation we had after he left he swore it was because the CIO randomly decided he hated me sure Jan some of these managers are very confusing it's almost as if they don't realize that the money isn't coming out of their paycheck like if the company is happy to pay overtime and the employees are happy to do it then why does the manager need to change that you're not making any more money by changing it sure let's ruin the expense of electrical equipment completely unnecessarily this is a story that my friend John told me John works for a utilities company that has a contract to install energy meters in domestic households across the country his division covers an area with a population of about two million people every morning he looks at his little company iPad to see the list of jobs he has and goes off in his van to remove the old meters and install new ones the company has set a very ambitious target for all households in the country to have these new meters by a certain date as it goes with companies that do this kind of work they regularly get audited the company's vans get checked for safety the meters and equipment get double and triple-checked and so on that fateful day was an internal audit for that locale it was a beautiful April morning when all the engineers covering John's area turned up to have their vans and equipment inspected there were many people and vans and John had to wait awhile for the internal auditor mark to approach he noticed that mark left a trail of puzzled faces in his wake alright mate mark said can you just unload all the meters from your van and put them on the ground in front John said looking at the April sky really I mean it looks like is going to rain now it'll be fine no really the forecast this morning said there was going to be rain and also the skies looking a bit cloudy look mark snapped I have loads of these to test while you guys are indoors being quizzed just do as I say and leave them on the ground as he moved on to the next guy John made incredulous eye contact with another engineer and they both shrugged as they started unloading the meters sure enough as they sat in a conference room during their knowledge and aptitude tests its started pouring like really coming down a few minutes later muck ran in grabbed one guy and they went outside John is not only a responsible person in general but also happens to like his job so he spoke up should have we all go out there to help the manager in charge of the tests said tersely mark only got that one guy John shrugged all right after they finished what they were doing they went back outside the hundreds of electrical meters were still on the ground and Mark was still running around looking a little nervous John called him over me what'd you do in none of these are usable now no no mark said see the ones that you put down upside down will still be fine a few other engineers came over and stared mark John said taking him by the shoulders these are all electrical meters they are not waterproof literally none of them are usable now compliance would kick our butt if we even thought about putting them in a customer's home you do realize another engineer said that because you insisted we dump our stuff out in the rain no one in this area of two million people will have a meter to fit for at least the next three days as Mark looked around him the reality of what he'd done dawned on him John later describes the color of his face to me as just pure gray six months after John told me this story I asked him what happened to mark he said no one had heard of or from him again uh-oh guys I think Mark might have made an oopsie there no sick days allowed okay so I worked in a bike shop for eight years and it was a brilliant and awful job awful being that I hated my boss proper Richard when it came to your well-being if you were sick he'd drive to your house and knock on your door tried to convince you to come to work this was mainly because he'd want to leave early in the afternoon and do paperwork and couldn't leave the other staff member on their own there was only three of us including the manager I gave in to this bullying for years coming into work throwing up out of the back door while selling a bike was one of my personal favorites especially when the customer expressed his worry to my manager and got laughed off let's call my manager Richard anyway one December the viruses were going around and everyone was getting at obviously dealing with hundreds of customers a week I was bound to get air I got it and I got it bad I ended up bedridden on my day off and text Richard that I wouldn't be in tomorrow as I'd need to go to the doctor's phone starts ringing off the hook messages left right and center then the knocking at my door I couldn't answer it as I could barely walk downstairs to do so he was there for a good twenty minutes before he finally gave up he messaged me later on that night saying if I didn't commend then I'd lose a day's pay because I was on a part-time contract at the time but I was working full-time hours then it hit me I can really screw him over here I didn't need the money at the time as I worked in a pub on night as well which topped my wages of quite generously so I messaged him back no problem I'll go on to my contracted hours see you in two days when my shift starts again all I got back from Richard was aha okay I came in two days later still in an awful condition but able to get on with some work whilst coughing my lungs up Richard starts reeling off the Christmas orders now for a bike shop it's a military operation of booking so many bikes in a day to build and be collected you'd get 10 to 12 bikes in to build for the next day then make sure today's bikes were picked up or moved back into storage that alone is a full day's job on top of selling bikes and parts etc we also did car auto parts like bulbs and batteries so in the winter you can imagine how many of those we were changing on top so you'll build around 220 to 270 bikes in December alone just for Christmas on top of any other sales you might get on the day so roll on my first day back get my bikes bill get customers served all sorted this was the Wednesday so I tell Richard I'll see him Friday as that was my next contracted day say what no you'll be here tomorrow galah on this month no I'm part time I won't be in contracts says so stop being daft get your butt in tomorrow sure enough I don't turn in come Christmas Eve it's the biggest mess you've ever seen bikes everywhere no one collecting them and those who are their bikes haven't been built worst Christmas ever recorded in that shop no one was paying for bikes because they couldn't collect them due to not being bill or they're in storage 15 minutes away that Richard can't get out of the shop to go grab them for the customer so guess who got handed a lovely shiny full-time contract with sick days a higher wage and an apology on New Year's Eve I was there another year and I never got bugged for taking a sick day again this guy was saying they're doing so much work and why couldn't they just get one more employee surely that would fix everything but now he's probably cheap classmate asks me to help him cheat I comply I'm a high school freshman and we had just finished our biology quiz and were trading papers to grade I pull out my pen but my classmate whom I don't really like stops and tells me grade it with pencil I'm catching on to his desire to cheat but I say that pen is more aesthetic he continues to insert saying he'll pay me and a plan forms in my head I accept the bribe of Warren dalla and pull out my pencil the first two answers are wrong so I get my pencil and push it across the paper violently ensuring that the pencil mark was thick and dark I continue with the marks and Jack's grinding the pencil led across the paper every time we finished greeting the papers and hand them back he furiously tries to erase but the mark is smudge and the teacher sees what he's doing she takes the quiz away and he's left with saw arms from trying to erase I asked for the money but he claims he doesn't have any as expected it was only a dollar so I'm sure he doesn't care that much but you should always say oh I want the money first hey everyone I hope you all had a really good day and that you enjoyed that video if you want to check out some of the videos then click on screen right now or check out the playlist down below if you enjoyed that video then please do leave a like and if you want to submit your own stories think you can do so by joining the discord in the top link in the description but thank you so much for watching and I will see you very soon
Channel: Storytime
Views: 112,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, Storytime, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, episode, story, time, stories, reddit stories, reddit story, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/prorevenge, r/choosingbeggars, Storytime 2, FakeJake, Storytime2, Imagine if, malicious, compliance, malciouscompliance, r/malicious, r/compliance, reddit maliciouscompliance, rslash maliciouscompliance, r maliciouscompliance
Id: RPEO5ny2Fx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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