r/maliciouscompliance | "IGNORE ALL OF THE CUSTOMERS?! SURE..."

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hey everybody my name is Stephen and welcome back to story time without wasting any time let's get into our first story of the day I ignore customers because the boss said so after graduating college I worked for about six months as a cashier at a local branch of a chain sandwich shop mostly it was a great job customers were mostly polite my co-workers were friendly and helpful and I genuinely believed in the company's products even my bosses were pretty great except for one we'll call him the jerk the jerk was belligerent vindictive nitpicky and pretty much an awful boss in every way a boss can be awful he had the type of annoying no excuses policy that defined excuse as literally anything besides yes sir of course sir I could go on and on about all the different ways he was terrible but this story is about one specific flavor of his awfulness during our shifts each employee had a certain section of the store they were assigned to keep clean in addition to their duties the cashier section was the front counters and displays and the coffee kiosk I don't know if it was officially the manager's job but as long as I worked there whoever was the shift manager always took care of the outside patio area except for the jerk at first you would just say things to me like I'm really busy right now could you clean the patio which was fine part of the job description stated that if you had free time and the manager asked you to do something extra you did it he was well within his rights but one day he suddenly started asking me why I was shirking my duties by not keeping the patio clean after all the patio was part of my section it wasn't and never had been I asked the other cashiers and they all agreed they'd never been told anything about the patio being part of the cashier section I didn't mind helping out with the patio of my other cashier duties were done but it hurts me that he had taken something extra I was doing to be helpful and turned it into something that I was neglecting my duties if I didn't do it felt like a bait-and-switch and I felt cheated the bigger problem though was that keeping the patio clean through my entire shift was a huge pain for me as a cashier in the afternoons I was often the only one at the counter and customers would trickle in with a few minutes between each group this meant that I was constantly having to run back and forth between the patio and the register which confused customers and made it hard to get any actual work done on the patio one day when this was particularly bad the jerk came up front and started asking me why I hadn't cleaned the patio I started to explain that I kept having to come back inside to serve customers but he cut me off I don't remember his exact words but it was something along the lines of that's no excuse cleaning the patio is your job now go outside and do your job don't come back inside until the patio was clean that last sentence was music to my ears I assured him that of course I would do exactly as he said went outside and started cleaning a few minutes later a family walked past me through the front doors into the store through the large front window I watched them stand confused in front of the register there was no one added to serve them the jerk had gone back into his office to attend to his oh so important manager duties I continued to clean the patio a few minutes later another family came in and joined the first standing confused and now annoyed in front of the counter at this point the jerk must have noticed them on the security camera because he came out of his office and started ringing them up then came another set of customers and another the Jurek was at the register so he had to serve them he was now being forced to cover my job because I was too busy doing his I finished cleaning the patio and came inside and the jerk immediately tore into me asking where I had been why wasn't I at the counter couldn't I see there were customers I put on my most innocent smile but you told me not to come back inside until I'd finish cleaning the patio I assumed that menu would take care of serving customers since I couldn't possibly be two places at the same time he just glared at me for the longest moment then mumbled something about how I should have known what he meant and I was never to pull a stunt like that again and shuffled back to his office not much of a victory in the grand scheme of things but seeing the momentary flash of panic in his eyes as he realized his do as I say no excuses policy had backfired had me giddy for the rest of the day so as a person that doesn't really handle confrontation that well personally my question for you guys here would be how would you handle it if the jerk manager came up to you and started making cleaning the patio out to be your job when it was always his to begin with let me know what you would do in the comments below super petty story from the restaurant world back in college I was waiting tables at a local place nice place open for lunch and dinner quick note I went to a college and a small to medium town large college smallish town it was very noticeable who were students and who were locals and the locals did not like the students to the point where if you went to a locals bar you would be given the stink eye anyways the restaurant was nice for the area and tips were good the general manager was a good guy and really worked around my school schedule this meant a lot of nights and no lunches during the week everything was going great and summer was coming up this was going to be my first summer staying at school since I already had a good job my plan was to work as much as possible and save a bunch of my buddies were staying as well and figured we'd hang out play some disc golf drink some beers and have a good summer after finals I told my manager my new schedule and started working lunches during the week this is where the problem started there was a Karen that had been working there forever and being a local despised the students that work to the restaurant she would complain that we never had to work lunches dinners made more money and that we were spoiled and didn't want to work hard I don't know why she was complaining because she only wanted to work Monday to Friday lunch closing oh well first the lunch I work and you can tell she is excited to boss around the college kids I worked my shift and she is constantly in all our faces telling us we are doing things wrong and we don't know what to do closing duties were especially brutal everything took twice as and would have to be redone at least once funny that I never had an issue when I work dinners after a couple days of this grief I talked to my manager and asked not to work lunches rightly he says that wouldn't be fair instance I didn't have classes he couldn't play favorites big smile time heal compliance I log on to our colleges website find any class that has an opening and enroll I go back to my manager show him that I am now enrolled in bowling 101 Monday to Friday 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. never worked another lunch that summer I did need a PE credit and I'm still a decent bowler guess he went and got a spare class and split from the lunch shifts alright let's just go on to the next story book me up fine no grant for you then I work with financing my work consists of looking at my appointment calendar to see if I'm booked for a consultation usually your day consists of checking your calendar to call people for their employments which can get pretty busy since people need a lot of help and such well about a few months ago we got a contract at a different state all we had to do was call a list of people and offer them the services we were told to do so my manager basically told me and six other people to stop the normal day-to-day operations and jump on this project which I happily obliged empty calendar meant I could work on my own pace as a side note most of the people on this list are actually listed down as speaking my language I'm the only one in my whole department who could speak it which meant 50% of this project relied on me completing it well it just so happens that for this month's list we were told to put on pause because of the whole virus issue so we did in proceeded to help with the local calls instead there was one problem though my coworker who we will call II decided to be lazy about it instead of helping clear the calls and help concern two people she decides to dump all the appointments on me and the rest of the crew for the special project she saw my empty calendar as an opportunity to lessen her burden onto me which was not following protocol since we had a system to go fill in and it randomly selects an agent to book the appointments to this way it's somewhat fair and of the person needed a specific language we can speak it problem is although I was asked to help out with the incoming calls of Q&A I was also expected to finish this list by the end of the month the way it goes every project gives our company more grants more grants means more money more money means happy boss so I told my manager about a and how it wasn't fair that she was directly booking me for the foreseeable future manager said they'll talk to e but to no avail I was still being booked so I complied I stopped messing around with the list and did all of the scheduled appointment II decided to mess us over by calling out an entire week so I decided to book each and every call I got from the incoming calls for any small matter I booked it he comes back with a healthy glow from vacation and is shocked to be bombarded with so many notifications all pointing to me she goes to my manager and starts to bicker so of course they pull me aside the manager says did you book all of these appointments for E yes I did see what I mean she's not following protocol yes I am you've been booking me for weeks and I still do my appointments wait you're not working on the list the due date is next week I told you he was booking me and he told me to help with the calls so I did needless to say I'm now back to doing my special project and E is still trying to clear her schedule that's what II guess for scheduling their stuff on Opie's time and what the manager gets for ignoring the complaints fine I'll take notes in your class perhaps my first ever story comes from my AP US history class circa 2008 this was the very first ever AP US history class of the school and so it was a bit of a pilot program the teacher mr. K was a favorite of most students in the school but as I would learn always seemed to have trouble with one specific kid every year here is where I come in I took the class not because I needed it but because I had a hole in my schedule and couldn't take another study period I'm a big history buff and had a feeling it would be a breeze it was in his class I never took notes one because they didn't need to it was almost all stuff I already knew not a smart brag should see me in math 2 I learned better as an active listener when I take notes I'm more focused on writing than learning one day he says something off the cuff like Opie am i boring you or do you think you know everything he didn't expect me to answer with the latter but I got a chuckle move on - a few days later and he asks me to stay after class apparently I was disrespecting him by not taking notes I explained my situation I'm on the debate team I get a lot of practice in learning by listening stuff like that he Huff's and tells me I need to take the class more seriously it's worth noting I had a perfect score in the class several weeks in the next day I show up and do my usual thing sit and listen no notes he tells me to go to the office and wait for him after class a whole thing happened there and naturally the vice-principal just says is it that hard to just write some stuff down to make him happy alright yeah I can do that it's Friday so I have the weekend a plan I show up to his class on Monday incidentally very front up against the side wall and hide my malicious compliance props beside the desk the biggest memo pad the office supply store had four feet by 2.5 feet approximately and a pen that I had constructed that came out to be around four feet long as well he starts the class shoots me a dirty look turns to write on the whiteboard I whip them out in the entire class erupts and laughter he turns to see me deadpan ready to take notes Oh pee what the heck is that it's my notepad mr. Kay I'm ready to take this class seriously what was that you were just about to say about the invention of the assembly line God kicked out again this time talked to the principal he laughed asked if I thought I could pass the AP test without the class I said yes and I was pulled from the class permanently and given an extra study hour for the record I did pass the test also worth noting that this teacher had earlier accused me of plagiarism which flew back in his face as well everybody has their own learning styles and I do believe finally it's starting to come to the forefront but uh somebody gets distracted taking notes they shouldn't be forced to do so almost six years later my mom is tired of me obeying a command shortened kind of silly but I think it's funny when I twenty year old female was about 14 my mom worked eighth son and I was in charge of my younger brother's 12 and 10 at the time and the household one of these jobs was getting the mail now you can probably guess that kids that age aren't the most responsible so mail would just get left places sometimes one day my mom got tired of trying to find the mail rightfully so so she told us to only get the mail if it was addressed to one of us we complied and six years later I still only get mail out of the mailbox if it's from me even if she's home it drives her nuts but I just find it kind of funny so I still only grabbed mine and my brothers do the same wouldn't you just want to tell the kids to keep it in a consistent place if you were Opie's parent in this situation what do you think you would say to them let me know in the comments below also let me know which of these stories I read today are your favorite but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so thank you so much for listening to and watching the storytime channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to let me know which one of these stories were your favorite today thank you all again for watching and listening to the storytime Channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 41,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: XZYgY3WvZ0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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