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(Fixed title) I have two daughters in  highschool. Sam is an A student and   Emma is a B and C student. Sam has  basically been making fun of Emma   for her lower grades. We punish her when it  happens but she goes back to it every time. Now the difference between the  two girls is that Sam takes the   general classes where Emma takes the  college classes. For example sam took   biology as her science and Emma took  college physics 2. So very different. Summer is here and the final grades came in.  Sam got all As and when she saw she did better,   she started the I am smarter comments  again. I had enough at this point I grabbed one of Emma old tests, it was a geometry  test since Sam took geometry this year and sat   her down and had her do it. Long story short  she was in tears and then I explained again   how grades don’t measure how smart you are. That  she is in much easier classes compared to Emma,   I think it finally got through to her. My wife was informed of what happened before she  came home and she was ticked, about how I could do   that to Sam. She took her to get ice cream to make  up for it while me and Emma are still at home. Edit For those wondering, we  have talked to her multiple   times, we have tried to get the bottom of it, her  answer is she doesn’t think it is a big deal. I   took Emma to her favorite restaurant,  filled in my wife with what actually   happened and not the story sam told. We  are going to have to have a big talk later,   but she basically said on text she freaked up. Not  to mention when Sam was calmer she got a clearer   story and realize she went off the handle without  the facts I (18f) have been dating my boyfriend,   John (20m) for a little under a year. We have  a pretty toxic free relationship but there’s   quite a bit of tension when it comes to me being  vegetarian. I’ve been vegetarian since 11 and I   have very strict morals around it. The one thing  John has a problem with is me refusing to spend   my money on meat. Ever since I started making  my own money, I swore to myself that I would   never spend a cent of it on meat. On our dates,  we usually spilt the bill and sometimes he pays   for it all. I told him if he orders something  meat-free, I’d happily pay for both of us but   he never does. When he pays for my food, it’s  when I’ve spend money on the activity. Normally   concerts and festivals. That’s me paying €120+  on tickets and him spending maybe €50 on food His birthday was a few days ago and we went out  for dinner at his favourite fancy restaurant. He   got the most expensive steak they had along  with a side salad and a bottle of wine. When   we finished our food, I asked the waiter to spilt  the bill and John looked at me shocked. He asked   if I was joking and I said no. Then he told  me he thought I was going to pay since it was   his birthday and he didn’t budget for the meal. I  asked him why he thought I’d pay since I’ve been   very clear about my rule but he couldn’t give  me a reason other than it being his birthday. I told him I’d pay for the wine and the side  salad, but he’d need to pay for the steak. He   was furious with me and stormed off to the  bathroom. I paid for my meal, the wine and   the salad and waited for him to come back. He  didn’t. After waiting for 20 minutes, I left. I found him sitting on a bench near where we  parked the car. I asked him why he left and   reminded him he needed to pay. He looked shocked  when I said that and asked me if I didn’t pay.   I told him I’d paid for everything but the  meat and he lost it. He started yelling at me,   telling me I was selfish, that I needed to  grow up. I stayed calm and told him he needed   to go back and pay. He scoffed and walked  away. I ended up driving home without him. Now he’s saying it’s my fault that he can’t show  his face in his favourite restaurant since he   dined and ditched. It’s a pretty small restaurant  so he’d 100% be recognised and kicked out. So, aita? So I live with my wife, and we have a  blended family. My step kids are usually with us,   although right now they are with their dad for  father's day weekend. He called me yesterday and   said he wanted to talk about something the  kids told him. He said they told him that   my son (from my prior relationship) has his  boyfriend over all the time. He said it makes   him uncomfortable that his kids are spending so  much time around this older boy he doesn't know. To make a long story short, our disagreement  ended with me telling him that he's not   a member of my household, and his opinion  doesn't matter. When his kids are with him,   he makes the decisions. When they  are with my wife, she does. He said   he always gets a say over what happens  with his kids. I said not in my house. He said I was an jerk and he was going to  take my wife back to court. I asked him if   he was going to start using all the custody  days he already has before asking for more,   because that might give him better odds. He told  me to go freak myself. My wife is upset with me,   because antagonizing her ex  makes her life more difficult. I do feel bad for making things  more difficult for my wife,   but I also feel like this guy needed a reality  check. Am I the jerk for how I spoke to him? I   (31F) invited some friends over for breakfast  earlier today. My husband was out so it was   just me and my daughter (3). One of my friends  “Sandy” (33) is childfree and gets very upset   when children act up in public. She typically  avoids coming over when my daughter is home,   but we are going on vacation soon and she has  a trip planned immediately after we get back,   so this would be the last time we  have a chance to catch up for a while. I had my daughter stay up in her room for the  most part, but at one point she came down to get   a snack. She has a favorite bowl and requested  that bowl, so I got it for her and set it down   on the table while I got the rest of her snack  together. Sandy decided it would be funny to   take the bowl and hold it out of her reach while  I was in the pantry, and I came out when I heard   my daughter start to get upset. Sandy was laughing  and my daughter looked like she was about to cry,   so I asked Sandy to please set the bowl down and  not do that again. Sandy said that it was just a   bowl and it was funny how upset she was getting  over it, and that she could either eat out of   another bowl or ask politely instead of whining.  My daughter got really upset at that and started   to cry and scream. Sandy clearly didn’t expect  that reaction and looked at me with a sort of   shocked face to see what I was going to do.I took  the bowl from her and gave it to my daughter,   gave her a hug, then told her to go upstairs and  play for a bit and I’d give her her snack when   she was calm enough to eat it so that I could deal  with the situation while she was out of earshot. Sandy asked me if I was serious in letting  my child act like that knowing that she   hated children’s tantrums. I asked her why she  would provoke my daughter in the first place,   to which she replied that it she didn’t  expect such a big reaction and there’s no   reason for her to scream like that over  a bowl, and that my daughter was acting   like a brat in front of company and I should  have disciplined her. Sandy left soon after.   Most of my friends agree with me that Sandy  F’d around and found out, but Sandy still   thinks I should have disciplined my daughter for  having such a dramatic reaction to a minor issue,   especially knowing that she gets so upset when  children act out. I also definitely believe that   Sandy didn’t know my daughter would throw a  tantrum and wouldn’t have done it otherwise,   because she doesn’t know much about children and  what can set them off and she hates tantrums and   would never cause one on purpose. AITA? So my  (17f) parents recently came into a fair bit   of money (inheritance from one of my mom’s  elderly relatives I think) and decided to   buy out a local ice cream shop that was going  out of business. They love that place because   it’s where they met and has tons of sentimental  meaning to them. They also hired my 18 year old   brother to work there because they want him to  have job experience before going off to college.   They didn’t offer to hire me, and I didn’t  ask because I already have a fast food job. Anyway, my house is pretty close  to the shop, and my friends and   I decided to meet up there yesterday for  icecream and to hang out. For reference,   we’re a group of four high schoolers. It was  pretty busy, so we got in line. About a minute in,   we brother came out of the back and waved  me over. He handed me an apron and asked   me to help out his coworker in the  back because they had to clean the   machines ASAP but my brother had to open a  second register because of how busy it was. I refused on the grounds that I wasn’t  being paid, and he said that I had to   help out because it’s the “family business”  and because of how swamped the place was and   how panicked his coworker was. He even offered  to let my friends skip the line if I helped out   for ten minutes to give his coworker a hand,  and said I owed it to him to help out because I   “brought such a big group in”. I decided that  that would cause a scene in a packed shop,   and refused again. He huffed and waved me  off, then went to open the second register. I went back to my friends and the  rest of our meet up went well,   but my brother kept giving me dirty  looks until we got our cones and left. Later that night, my parents confronted me and  said that what I did was petty. They told me   to work a shift the next day to make up for  it, but backed off once I reminded them that   I have an actual job that I was scheduled  to work pretty much all day the next day. I ended up getting off scot free, however my  whole family maintains that I’m petty and lazy,   and now I’m wondering if they’re right. So,  AITA? My gf (f20) and I (m22) have recently   moved into our first shared apartment  together. Since this is the first time   for both of us living on our own, my parents  offered that they will pay for our fridge. My parents own a rather expensive fridge that  has a built in ice cube dispenser. For the lack   of better suggestions from my gf, I decided  I want exactly the same fridge as my parents   for our apartment. My girlfriend however was  against it because in her opinion extras like   the ice cube dispenser are a waste of money  and it would be rude to ask my parents to   pay for it. She said we should know our place  and go for something more modest and that she   wouldn’t use the ice cube dispenser anyway (if  I want cold drinks I should just put my drink   in the fridge beforehand). She never said  what kind of fridge she would like though   and so in the end she dropped it and my parents  bought us the expensive fridge when we moved in. It’s been a while now and I frequently use  the ice cube dispenser while she just keeps   all her drinks in the fridge and takes up loads of  space, so yesterday when I tried to fit in other   groceries I bought, I took out all her drinks so  she will have to use the ice cube dispenser now if   she wants a cold drink. When she found out, she  called me a petty idiot and hasn’t been talking   to me since. AITA? My cousin Nancy bullied me  severely during middle and high school. Nancy   would call me names in the hallway, start rumors  about me, and pressured other girls into not being   friends with me. In my sophomore year, I ended  up having a mental breakdown at school because   of Nancy and my parents stopped talking to hers  for a long time. I still avoid Nancy and don't   have any kind of relationship with her, as the  only "apology" she ever gave me was not sincere. This year, my parents insisted  on preparing my birthday dinner,   because were getting reservations to one of my  favorite restaurants. For every potential guest,   they confirmed with me whether or not I wanted  them to attend. This included Nancy. I told   my parents that I didn't want Nancy there.  Seeing her brings up a lot of bad feelings   and memories for me. Plus, it was just meant  to be a small family dinner with my parents,   sister Grace, and grandparents. It wouldn't  be odd to not invite a cousin anyway. My parents told me they understood, and that they,   Grace, and our grandparents would be the only  people there. But when I arrived last night,   Nancy was sitting at the table between my  seat and Grace's. My parents were begging   me with their faces to just sit down. But I  looked at Nancy, shook my head at my parents,   and then walked out without saying anything else.  I was incredibly upset because I specifically   told them to not invite Nancy yet they invited  her anyway knowing how miserable she made me. I kept getting phone calls from my parents and  Grace, so I shut off my phone for the night.   But when I turned it on this morning, I  had many text messages from my parents,   saying they were disappointed in me for  walking out of my own birthday dinner.   They said that I made things difficult in  front of my grandparents, and I could at   least tolerate my cousin since Nancy's dad  (my uncle) did die only a few years ago. Even Grace texted me saying I could have shown  respect to my parents because they waited weeks   for those reservations, and I could have just  "called a truce" with Nancy for a few hours   since he hadn't said or done anything to me then  at the table. My friends and boyfriend told me   that I was within my rights, because it was meant  to be my birthday dinner and they invited someone   who I specifically asked them not to. So now I'm  conflicted. AITA? I (32f) live out of state and   flew home for my moms birthday to surprise her.  She was away on a holiday with a friend and was   arriving home on her birthday so I arranged to  take a day off, come home a day early to organise   cooking dinner and her cake. Dad goes off to the  airport and they both come home and I surprise her   with the dinner cake and a present. Dad has done  nothing for her birthday, no present, nothing. When mom arrives she’s happy I am there to  surprise her, and we sit down and have dinner   and wine and hear about her trip away. She even  has gifts for us from her holiday. As we are still   catching up and having a wine, dad stands up,  turns off the dinner jazz playing through the   TV and put the game on. Anxiety runs through me  and tell him this is not acceptable and to turn   it off and come back to the table. He sulks and  says ‘no one cares about what I want it’s all   about you’. I’m we continue to sit and chat before  dessert (cake) and a few minutes later he leaves   the table and does it again removing himself to  sit at the couch and put the game on full volume. This angered me and I began swearing and asking  him how he can treat his wife like this on her   birthday,how he had done absolutely nothing for  her special day and how he would never watch TV   during a celebration with his extended family.  He argued back saying that picking her up from   the airport (15 minutes away) was enough that  that ‘no one cares about me or what I want,   It’s always your way!’*. Mom is so down  trodden at this point in the marriage she   even began to agree with him saying ‘he did do  something, he picked me up from the airport’. AITA? Should I have compromised and accepted him  watching the game during a dinner I arranged and   flew home for? About a month ago, my (32m) SO  (33) made plans for father's day where we would   spend the day with the kids including our newborn  son. The idea was to chill at home with the family   and then we would make a nice dinner  together at the end of the day. Skip to today, and this morning my  brother texted me and our dad if we   had plans on or around father's day for us to  get together. I offered my place for the spot,   and we set up a time around noon to meet. This  wouldn't infringe on my plans too much with my   SO since the main event was the dinner and  the meeting with the guys would only be 3   hours or so. Plus, my brother would get  to meet my newborn for the first time! I tell my SO the new plans and at first she seemed  fine with it, but later she is ticked. She wanted   the whole day with me, demanding to see the  group chat, saying that she's going to take   the kids to her cousin's place on father's day...  Am I crazy? I didn't think she would care about   the change since this is my special day, and it's  not interrupting the important part of the night.   Now we're talking about ending things. Where did I  go wrong? This happened during the recent college   semester and I'm still quite confused. I(20m)  would eat lunch with my friend(20f) and a few   other friends nearly every week day. Basic college  cafeteria food. Every time my friend would take   some off my plate. Which I don't mind. It's crapy  college cafeteria food and I'm on a meal plan. One time I ordered a little extra fries  and tenders. When she finished her meal   and started reaching over for mine. I just slid  the extra portion over to her. I genuinely don't   see how this could be seen as malicious. I  was just thinking "she will eat it anyway so   why not?" and that was literally the end of my  thought process. Thought it'd be a nice thing   and I was a bit hungry that day because I had to  skip breakfast so I thought it'd be a win win. She looked at the extra food with disgust and  said "what is this?" I said. I ordered it for   you. She said "what you think I need more food?"  I just told her that since she usually takes some   of mine I would just get her a side portion  of her own. I explained about how usually I   don't care but I was a hungry that day. She  was like "what you think I always take your   food?" I said "every time we eat together you  take some" and I explained that I don't care   and just tried to move on with this. I asked  a friend about his product or something(don't   really remember) She got really ticked like "oh  so you keep track of when I take your food?" I   said no and that I just thought it would be a  nice thing and a win win for the both of us. She went on about how I was thinking ahead  and how I must have been sick of her eating   my food. She said how she doesn't need  to eat less food. She is not overweight   or anything so I'm genuinely confused as to  how it got to that point. She is generally a   calm friendly person I get along with and talk  to frequently and the day after that it went   back to normal. Just really lost. I didn't  even think about the things or situations   she brought up. I was just like "hungry  today, order her more so I can eat more,   win win" and that was the end of my thought  process I (28m) had a friend (29m), Brian,   over almost three months ago where he brought a  12pack of coors and only drank half of it. When   he left, he left the remain beers in my fridge  despite me reminding him to grab them. Since then   he came over twice for little things and I told  him to grab the beers he left, but he didn't. Come Saturday I had a couple people over and  they asked if they could have the coors which   I considered abandoned at this point so  say sure. They drank all of the remaining   beers that night. Last night Brian came over  for a minute and asked to grab his beers and   I told him they were gone. He got angry that  I gave his beers away and demanded I pay for   the remaining beers. I refused because I felt  he had plenty of time to take or drink them   and that he abandoned them at my place. AITA? I  (37m) am engaged to my fiancée (31f), planning   on getting married at the end of this year. My  family takes a Christmas card photo every year,   usually around big events like graduations or  parties when everyone is together (which isn’t   often). Years ago, my mom instituted a “not until  you’re married” policy to including SOs in photos,   and applied that rule to my brother when he  was dating, and engaged to, his now-wife. My fiancée has had significant issues with this.  Last year, when the family took photos shortly   after she and I were engaged, she directed  many snide comments to me about how excluded   she feels. This year, she flatly refused  to drive with me to a family graduation,   saying how hurt and excluded she felt by  this policy “since we are getting married   this year and the card is coming out the year  we are getting married.” I’ve tried to explain   that this isn’t our card, this isn’t our right  to tell others who can and can’t be on their   card, and we could always have our  own card to start our own tradition. She’s made several comments around how  surprised she is that I haven’t stood up   for her to my mother, even telling me that  she’s discussed the issue with others and   they also are surprised that I wouldn’t  take a stand with my mother on this. She also made a point multiple times to  say “good, less time to spend on photos   with them at the wedding,” implying a  tit-for-tat response to this policy. I don’t really know what to do. AITA? My husband   (m47) and I (f40) are getting divorced, we have  three kids together Amelie (f17), (m15) and (m4). When my husband and I met we both were married  to other people, he was my ex's husband coworker,   we met in one of their company's parties,  we hit it off and we had an affair before   we got divorced to start dating. Amelie  was born shortly after we got divorced. We never felt like we should tell all of  this to our kids when they were growing up,   mainly because they were too young.  Neither him or I had kids with our ex's,   so we just throw away our weddings photos  and pretended neither of those marriages   happened. When/ if the kids asked how we met  we told them it was though common friends. Well now that we're getting divorced, Amelie  has picked her dad's side. I can't really stop   her from seeing him whenever she wants because  our custody agreement is not over yet, so she   often goes to his house after school/ spends  the weekends with him. He told her the truth,   he's trying to get her to believe that I'm  wrong in all of this (although all I'm doing is   supporting my son), he's trying to get her against  me and against her brother. She told her that he   has always wanted to tell them the truth but I  didn't "allow" it since it would make me look   bad. That's obviously a lie, but Amelie believed  him. When she came back home she started arguing   with me about why I never told her the truth,  she called a "lying bench". I tried to explain   to her the truth and what her dad is trying  to do, she told me she never wants to see me   again and such. I got sick of that and grounded  her, I took her phone and sent her to her room. This morning she wasn't talking to me, all she  told me is that she hates me and will try to   leave to live with her dad. My coworker  thinks I was an jerk for grounding her,   she's a confused teenager, I don't know what  to believe really, so I'd like to read some   outsider perspectives please. I (24F) have  a half-sister (27F), we'll call her Taylor. My dad had weekend visitation with Taylor at our  house until I was 8, and it was the worst. She   bullied me really badly any time I saw her, to the  point that I would scream every time my dad even   mentioned her coming over. Even if we were kept  apart, she would break my things, upset my pets,   and tell lies about me. Every week her mom would  end up in the kitchen screaming at my parents. Taylor's mom died when she was 11. Her mom  didn't have any family able to take her in,   and nor did my dad. My dad was the only one who  could get custody. When I was told about this,   I freaked out. Screaming, crying for hours,  calling my grandparents and demanding to live   with them, all of it. My mom wasn't willing  to have Taylor in the house on that basis,   and I'm pretty sure she said she would move  out if my dad pushed the issue. Taylor ended   up being sent to boarding school the next year,  and she would go to stay with other members of   my dad's family during breaks. When I was 14 my  parents divorced, and I would see Taylor every   few months at my dad's during school breaks. I'd  learnt to stand up for myself and she'd grown up   so there was no bullying, but we'd bicker -  she was hostile and I never backed down. I   didn't see her much after she went to college,  and then I went to college far away as well. We now live in the same small city (I moved here  in March). It's the kind of place where everyone   from each generation knows or knows of each  other. I had never encountered Taylor socially   and never mentioned knowing her, but I had met her  boyfriend and his friends are part of my larger   social group. The other night, I was at a party,  and Taylor and her bf were there as well. We made   eye contact and waved, but she pretty much avoided  me all night. During the night, our mutual friends   asked how I know Taylor, and I said we are half  sisters. They all looked super uncomfortable and   I pressed for an explanation. Basically, Taylor's  been telling everyone that she was homeless as a   kid because her stepmother and half-sister hated  her and demanded she be shipped off to boarding   school and made her dad ignore her. Were it  not for the fact that it was obviously going   to come out sooner or later that we are related, I  probably wouldn't have bothered to set the record   straight. As it was, I'm going to be around these  people for a long time, and I didn't feel I should   have had to walk around burdened by the weight  of her lies. So I told the group the context. She called me yesterday to yell at me.  Apparently she's being ostracised from   the group, her relationship is in trouble,  her career opportunities are in jeopardy,   etc. I don't see how any of this is my  fault because she's the one who lied,   but according to some people I should have  been a bit more gentle in my retelling of the   facts because it's her 'experience'  and I've basically blackballed her.
Channel: Storytime
Views: 8,334
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/aita, r/am i the a**hole, am i the a**hole, aita, reddit am i the a**hole, Storytime am i the a**hole, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash aita, am i the a**hole reddit, top posts reddit, am i the a**hole stories, am i the a**hole video, r/ aita, r/ am i the a**hole Storytime, Storytime r/aita, funny reddit stories, aita posts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 46sec (1846 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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