r/MaliciousCompliance - I Walked Away With $1.8 Million Of His Money! - #553

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hello and welcome back to the kcc channel i'm rob and today we'll be jumping into some malicious compliance our first story today comes to us from the breakup 2013. short me seventy thousand dollars in violation of our written agreement it'll cost you 1.8 million let's jump right in disclaimer the names and some of the situations have been changed to protect the identities but the dollars and general nature of the situation is completely true background a year out of school in the early 1990s i procured a job as a business analyst for a large family-owned tech company this business was located in the booming heart of technology at the time and was very profitable as tech took off over the next decade the company thrived and remained family owned what was a rich family and company became exceedingly wealthy with evaluation and net worth in the high 9 low ten figures the family that owned it was quite neurotic very moody and had a reputation as very ruthless greedy when it came to financing deal making employees etc i truly believe this is what held them back from ultimately becoming a household name as a company as i progressed in the company i gained more and more face time with the owners i worked on some projects directly with ownership that really paid off and gained me even greater access to their inner circle now like a lot of people at the time and particularly those who worked in tech i was heavily invested in tech stocks i discussed some of my investments and gains with ownership as casual conversation though investing had nothing to do with my role in the company that is until one day in late 1999 when the owner came to me and asked if i would invest some of his personal money he wanted me to take big risks to see if they would pay off using 1 million dollars of his personal money i was a bit hesitant but still being in my late 20s and wanting to prove myself i said i would i asked for a written agreement where they acknowledged this wasn't my role in the company was a personal matter between the owner and me and to document my compensation for this side arrangement 20 of all profits around this same time and by working in the industry i started to notice the weakness associated with a lot of tech companies they just weren't living up to their hype and stock price and some seemed like they were starting to run out of money i had no inside information just a strong sense of what companies were struggling based on my work in the business based on this sense i started using both my money and the owner's money to short tech companies just after the new year in 2000. for anyone unfamiliar with shorting it means if the value of a stock decreases the value of the investment increases i had a few long positions but my overall position was very short since the owner wanted big risk and big reward i used his money and obtained leverage or margarine from the financial institution where i maintained both his and my trading accounts the accounts were separate but both under my name again i documented this and gained consent well both my accounts and his suffered some moderate losses in the first two months of 2000 before the bubble began to burst and both accounts but his in particular began to skyrocket ownership's pettiness in june the company began to suffer a downturn we were still profitable but since we provided tech services and products we were not immune to weakness in the broader market i had not informed the owner of my short strategy he came to me one day and asked how his money was doing saying he suspected it was way down like the general market to his surprise i informed him that while we still had some money tied up in options puts and shorts but based on the positions i had closed there was 1.35 million in cash sitting in the account that belonged to him again i still had a bunch of open positions which if memory serves were worth about a million on that date but the positions i had closed had yielded 1.35 million in cash just sitting in his account which was in my name the owner either through ignorance or lack of attention said great 1.35 million fantastic work in this down market will you please wire it to me i responded that i would but would be taking my twenty percent of the three hundred and fifty thousand dollars profit or seventy thousand dollars before wiring him the two hundred and eighty thousand dollars i also reminded him i still had open positions that had yet to pay off or close but i didn't state the amount he once again appeared to not understand or comprehend the open position statement but instead totally focused on and became incense about my rightful claim for 70 000 he went on and on about how times were tough i should be grateful for a job particularly at my young age and the entire 350 000 was necessary for him and the company i knew this wasn't true based on my position within the company worse this was my first time personally experiencing the greedy and corrupt nature that served as the basis for ownership's reputation the revenge now comes the revenge since after two separate conversations the owner didn't seem to grasp that the open positions would yield at least some income and thus additional profit i decided not to mention it again i sent him back the entire 1.35 million and continue to manage the open positions to the best of my ability and here's the kicker the owner never brought it up again he seemed to think the 1.35 million payment was the entire value of the account and never understood or remembered that open positions still existed he never asked for records tax documents or any kind of audit or financials given the fact that he was dishonest with me i didn't feel the need to disabuse him of that notion ultimately after a bit more net gain i covered all of the shorts and exercised all of the options puts in this case for an additional 1.8 million i worked for the company for three more years and owner never asked about it during my tenure after i gave notice or since i know it's a bit crass and even shady af but given his dishonesty with me over the 70 thousand dollars i felt justified in keeping the additional 1.8 million i paid taxes on the gain long-term capital gain and went on my way with a fantastic nest egg nobody has asked about it since and i have only told the story to a few people and even then only after the statute of limitations passed the final ironic cherry on top of this sunday is that during my remaining three years i gained greater influence with the ownership and position within the company because they considered me loyal for giving the 1.35 million back and not making too much of a stink about the 70 000 profit little did they know i got the better of them the company eventually folded due to family disputes but my understanding is that the ownership walked away in a very good financial position they likely could have been a much better and greater company had they not practiced the same dishonesty that they showed me with their vendors clients and employees thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed oh wow reading the comments on this one you'd think this was posted in our slash legal advice and not in malicious compliance my gosh there's a lot of people that think that op shouldn't be posting their story because of the legal implications however op comes back with that it's past the statute of limitations and they have absolutely no worries about it do me a quick favor have a look down below the video if that subscribe button still red it means you're not actually subscribed to the kcc channel please hit that subscribe button for more daily reddit stories our second story today comes to us from danny d zhang tell me i'm wrong about how to dilute a chemical go ahead and do it over and over and over again let's jump right in had my first day of physical college classes today and we can only come back for practical classes for my science subjects so no lectures i've never seen my classmates only shared online classes with them previously and only know their names but not what they look like so today was the first time seeing them and the teacher split us into groups of five to do some preparation for a simple experiment chemistry so what we were doing first was having a chemical with a known concentration and we had to dilute it to four different concentrations and we needed 250 milliliter volumes of them so pretty much like a cordial drink if you want it stronger you put more cordial into the water so for this you had to calculate how much chemical you needed and you put it into a volumetric flask which has a fixed and very accurate set volume 250 milliliters in this case and a thin neck at the top so you can't really make a mistake by overfilling it that's what we're supposed to do and anyone who's ever been to a lab and done the tiniest bit of chemistry in there would know it's the obvious thing to do however what my group was doing was putting the chemical into a conical flask that stereotypical looking flask in a lab with a very thick neck and approximate values for volume with a thick neck you can remove 5ml or add five mil and it'll look like it still meets the volume marking on the flask after adding the chemical into the conical flask they diluted with water to the 250 ml marking and then putting it into the volumetric flask by doing this the difference in volume will keep making you miss the mark in volumetric flask the teacher was crap and the drawing she made on the board looked like a conical flask so i can't blame them but i've done this before many times and assume they have as well but i guess not so i explained the above to them and told them why it was wrong and i was met with the faces of two members looking at me as if i had just told them the moon is really made out of cheese i am very shy in real life and wouldn't talk if i don't have to and after telling them why it was wrong one of the two members that were listening just said no that's not what the teacher said and she will just tell you to do it this way fair enough go ahead then the second member pointed at the uncertainty on the volumetric flask 250 mils plus or minus 0.15 mils and said see this is not accurate and then proceeded to point at the one on the conical flask and stuttered as he read 250 mil approximate value as if he read something in another language and still continued about the preparation they did it two more times overfilling the volumetric flask and they knew something was wrong i had nothing else to explain why it was wrong so i just asked if they were sure they didn't want to just ask the teacher and this girl just turned around and said in the most condescending way oh my god can someone just please explain to him and the other guy tells me they're fine and to maybe help the other members so i just shut up and let them do their thing over and over and over and over again and decided i'd go help the other two members with another part of preparation while watching the first two members they did the same thing eight times measuring the volume of a chemical in a measuring cylinder going drop by drop at the end with a dropper to you know be as accurate as possible and then pouring that into a conical flask filling it with water swishing it around pouring it into the volumetric flask saying oh man and then repeating another five times before going to the teacher in another room helping other students not sure what they asked but like 10 seconds later i hear the teacher shouting no from that room she comes out of there and sees what should be just four volumetric flasks after what would take 15 minutes max were now 10 volumetric flasks on the table filled with varying intensities of blue liquid after over an hour of class and she says what the hell have you guys been doing this whole time i'll again give them the benefit of the doubt since we haven't had a physical class in over six months and that the high school where you learn how to do these things was even longer before that they were standing around the table and the teacher pretty much explains what i said and asked where the hell they even got the idea to use a conical flask from well i stood across from them with a beaming smile under my mask if something doesn't work the first nine times that you try it it's gotta work on the tenth time right right come on our last story today comes to us from nate golan give me a hard time when i'm serving you and your friends okay let's jump right in years ago i worked at a busy corporate sit-down burger restaurant one day i'm hustling through the lunch rush and i have six college guys sit down one guy flags me over and loudly pronounces that they're ready to order right away what are you guys having i ask guys the same guy says with a smirk on his face guys that doesn't sound very professional greeting to me i worked at a restaurant too and if i walked up to a table and said what are you guys having my manager would definitely let me know that this was inappropriate the other guys at the table look kind of uncomfortable at this exchange and just silently sit there the main guy looks around at all of them and keeps going why don't you come up to us again and do it right at this point i'm looking around at my massive section of tables and getting the distinct feeling that i'm going to be at this table forever i'm trying not to lose my cool so i smile sure i say i take several steps back and walk up again gentlemen how you all doing ready to order the main guy smirks and nod i look directly at him how about you chief what are you having today some of the other guys laugh he looks angry at me but orders his burger and a drink i get everyone's order and hustle off i return with drinks a little while later i set everyone's drinks down and do the main guy last here you go boss i leave before he can say anything through the course of their meal i call him a different nickname every time you need a refill pal how's your burger buddy need more ketchup bro can i get that plate out of your way dude any dessert for you amigo need me to split your check brother make sure to leave me one signed copy muchacho so by this time this guy is boiling his friends are loving it though as time has gone on the rest of them keep looking at me expectantly what nickname next finally they all get up to leave lunch rush has ended and i'm chilling at this point i casually walk up to them thank you gentlemen for coming in the rest of the group is smiling i look at the main guy and you have a fantastic day haas the rest of the guys cheer they all head out i grab all their receipts on the table surprise surprise the main guy left me zero for a tip i didn't care it was all worth it so i think the main question here is the friends were looking uncomfortable with what this one friend was doing why would none of them stand up and say something i can tell you for a fact if i was out with a group of friends and one of them was treating a server this inappropriately i would call them out on their crap nobody deserves that thank you to all three ops for posting their stories in the malicious compliance subreddit they are linked in the description down below please go check them out check out one of these other stories and if you haven't yet please hit that subscribe button for more daily reddit stories [Music] you
Channel: Karma Comment Chameleon
Views: 29,924
Rating: 4.9629941 out of 5
Keywords: karma, comment, chameleon, karma comment chameleon, reddit, funny, funny reddit, reddit funny, r/entitledparents, entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled, parents, top posts, reddit top post, best of reddit, comedy, r/, rslash
Id: eog80JvWmn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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