Tucker: Media treats Kamala like a demi-God

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Kamala Harris is awful but it's okay because only Tucker Carlson says she's bad and if I didn't hear it on MSNBC then clearly you must sympathize with the alt-right. /s

EDIT: Try not to puke when Sean Hannity shows up at the end.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/GortonFishman 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight was almost two years ago during the democratic presidential primaries that kamala harris appeared on cnn to explain where she stood in the race now at that moment harris had just been memorably and completely humiliated by tulsi gabbard of hawaii during a televised debate so she needed to explain what had just happened here's what she said quote i'm obviously a top tier candidate harris said and so i did expect that i would be on the stage and take hits tonight now if you're following the race at that moment you're chuckled because in fact kamala harris was not a top tier candidate not then not ever not since the day she actually announced now on paper she had seemed like a very serious contender she was a united states senator from the country's biggest state she was a former prosecutor who enjoyed nearly universal support among washington post reporters and msnbc anchors so it seemed for a while like it could work why wouldn't it work well here's why the problem was actual voters found her repellent we don't need to guess about this we have the numbers the more kamala harris they got the more repelled they became by december harris was losing to andrew yang in her own state the majority of california democrats primary voters said they wanted her to drop out of the race harris was even getting crushed in iowa a tiny state where she had spent virtually all of her money so even in a business that is famous for rewarding falseness kamala harris was just too phony to win she was too fake for politics so the question is how did kamala harris wind up effectively in charge of the entire country that's a question that historians of democracy will spend decades pondering democracy being you'll remember from school a system in which citizens get to choose their own leaders yet apart from a few handlers around joe biden nobody really chose kamala harris it's a pretty amazing story actually it's frustrating but it's also deeply amusing so take a moment once in a while just to pause a respite to enjoy the pure hilarious absurdity of miss kamala d harris you will find it refreshing so this is a fully vaccinated person who recently kissed her fully vaccinated husband while both of them wearing surgical masks and then pretended it was entirely normal just like you do at home kissing your vaccinated husband with a surgical mask this is the daughter of two college professors who tells you with a straight face that she grew up poor and depressed under jim crow in california this is a person who can't stop lecturing you about american values what this country stands for despite the fact she didn't really grow up here actually harris went to high school in montreal and yet and this is the amazing part even in french-speaking canada she now tells us quote many generations of her indian and jamaican family somehow celebrated kwanzaa that's a holiday that was invented in los angeles in 1966 and we could go on but let's summarize it for you how fake is kamala harris we'll put it this way she can't even decide how to pronounce her own first name we've heard her say it at least two different ways with maximum confidence imagine being her what would your life be like well among other things you'd be terrified at any moment of being pulled off script because once you were off the script what would you say how would you know you don't even know who you are something like that just happened when harris spoke to her friends over at nbc news watch this do you have any plans to visit the border at some point you know we are going to the border we've been to the border so this whole this whole this whole thing about the border we've been to the border we've been to the border you haven't been to the border i and i haven't been to europe and i mean i don't know i don't understand the point that you're making i've never been to spain but i kind of like the music i don't understand the point you're making of course she doesn't understand the point no one ever asks her real questions when was the last time that happened tulsi gabbard was probably the last person to do it and in almost two years since harris has continued to ascend how'd she do that well purely on the basis of how she looks meanwhile because it is so improbable that someone this unimpressive has become so powerful the people in charge are forced to assure us almost with hysteria that she is brilliant and impressive in order to prepare the rest of us for her inevitable march to the white house they've had to create a soviet-level cult of personality around her and we're not exaggerating look around the la times which was a news organization at one point announced that harris was getting her own section in the newspaper that is news dedicated exclusively to kamala harris readers get their business news their international news and then their critical kamala harris news she's now her own category of news the paper called the new section covering kamala harris not surprisingly the first dispatch from the la times's new kamala harris bureau didn't focus on her policy accomplishments that would have been a pretty thin segment section instead the paper covered the way she looks quote kamala harris is all kinds of firsts the first woman the first woman of color the first black woman the first mixed-race woman and south asian elected to national office so in other words what really matters about kamal harris and what should matter to you according to the new york times is her dna it's really kind of a science project disney went further than that kamala harris disney explained to your kids recently isn't actually a political leader she's more than that she's like a god once there was a young girl who used her voice to make the world around her a better place some say the odds were stacked against her but her mother had big plans for this little flower who had freedom fighting in her blood she led a successful protest so kids could continue to play and became part of a divine group of leaders she rose to places that no woman had from front lawn activist to madame vice president she will use her voice to run this nation and inspire it too kamala harris making her story next time you see someone walking across the top of your swimming pool it's probably kamala harris she became part of a divine group of leaders divine in the literal sense like the dalai lama or king kim jong-un she shot an 18 in her last round of golf now kamala harris does have a kind of appealing humility so she doesn't compare herself to god she prefers the superhero analogy in fact her own book is called superheroes are everywhere that's the book that wound up at the migrant detention facility recently if you haven't seen it or if you're looking for more kamala harris books there's a whole assortment you can get her niece's book that's called kamala and maya's big idea what's the idea we couldn't find it and if your kids are interested and of course they are they can buy the quote youth-oriented edition of kamala harris's ghost written memoir and of course because why wouldn't there be we now have kamala harris-themed food in this case baked goods apparently made by the united states military on our way to guatemala this weekend on the plane kamala harris walked to the back to hand out cookies not just any cookies not oreos not fig newton's cookies in the shape of kamala harris one usa today reporter who was thrilled excitedly snapped a picture quote the vp made a visit to the back of the plane and delivered cookies decorated with the shape of her likeness so kamala harris isn't just a vice president she's a star she's a major historical figure indeed she's god and if you say that enough you tend to kind of believe it that's where media find themselves they believe it unquestioningly so as she headed to latin america this weekend they had the highest possible hopes from the night that kamala harris made history as the first woman the first person of color elected vice president she made clear that winning a seat at the table was just the first step and her highest profile assignment so far a solo trip to guatemala and mexico this weekend to tackle the root causes of the surge in migration the symbolism of having a mom a mom of color up there talking you know about these situations i think it is important the child of immigrants first black first south asian woman is going to represent us in guatemala today i mean i would really kill to be a fly on that wall in those meetings remember she is the first woman vice president she's the first woman of color vice president and this trip will start to shape how americans view her the fact that kamala harris is visiting there is the first woman female vice president the first woman of color to visit that region herself a child of immigrants that speaks volumes as well to the people of those countries well in addition to everything else she's a mom now we didn't know that but most to the point really the nub of the theme here is that she is a quote person of color so when a person of color goes to latin america to be around other quote people of color it's a love match they're going to love kamala harris in latin america it's obvious that's how our credentialed class thinks people of color love people of color unfortunately for kamal harris that is not actually how latin americans think latin america is not america latin america is a traditional society people in latin america are still allowed to their great credit to say obvious things they haven't been trained by their leaders to censor their unapproved thoughts so sometimes they just go ahead and utter them as kamala harris found out yesterday when she arrived in guatemala her motorcade was mobbed by protesters not trying to get her autograph or buy her superhero books but telling her to get the hell out of their country kamala would go home read one placard another sign near the presidential palace this one really hurt read this kamala trump won now to a certain kind of liberal this was shocking and some of the press pool seemed shocked by it but they shouldn't have been shocked guatemalans of all people know what political corruption looks like because they live in a corrupt system and they looked up to the united states and they saw the presidential election wasn't exactly on the level because it wasn't they knew that all the powerful people in the u.s were on one side joe biden's side and so they trusted the outcome less and then they said it and by the way and this maybe hurts most of all and msnbc is gonna have a lot of trouble digesting this but it's true some guatemalans actually support donald trump and that doesn't shock people who've been paying attention who does your average guatemalan have more in common with let's be honest kamala harris or donald trump come on it's not even close among other things latin america to this day is still a vigorous patriarchy so it turns out that gender bending academic postmodern feminism doesn't make sense there it's totally confusing to your average campesino they think it's absurd and they're right it is so in guatemala it's pretty hard to sell kamala harris as a god if kamalier says look and be treated like god she ought to go to london or some other population center where people hate themselves and hate their own culture that stuff doesn't work in central america the white house should have known that the state department too isn't this their job but they didn't know it because it turns out that in addition to being hard-edged ideologues which they are a lot of these people are actually pretty incompetent they're not quite sure what they're doing and you can tell by watching carefully they're flying blm flags from american embassies around the world why are they doing that so people will love us but in real life no one outside america is impressed by a blm flag outside the embassy in fact they think it's pathetic why because it's an intentional self-conscious display of weakness and guess what no one on earth actually respects weakness if you wanted the world to like you you would show strength you might fly the gazdan flag don't tread on me people in guatemala would get that they'd respect it they might even like us more you know what they don't like cringing self-hatred that's disgusting to them and to most people it's a feature of human nature it's universal now tony blinken is the secretary of state you think he would understand that he's america's top diplomat apparently he doesn't at every opportunity he self-flagellates in front of the entire world here's a selection for the united states to be a credible force for human rights around the world we have to face the realities of racism and hatred here at home we can't sweep our shortcomings under the rug or pretend they don't exist we need to face them openly and honestly even if that's ugly even if that's painful that's how we live up to our values it's not painful for the rest of the world to watch a like tony blanken talk about how terrible american is is not painful it's laughable it's ridiculous the administration sincerely believes the rest of the world deeply appreciates when we get up and beat us ourselves up for sins that took place a hundred years ago they think central americans are impressed by our blm flags no they're not impressed and they're not impressed by kamala harris they just laugh and tell us to go away brit human hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 3,514,616
Rating: 4.8528504 out of 5
Keywords: guatemala trip, kamala, kamala harri sguatemala, kamala harris, kamala harris media coverage, media coverage kamala harris, tucker kamala harris, carlson, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, tucker, tucker carlson, tucker carlson monologue, tucker carlson monologue tonight, tucker carlson tonight, tucker monologue, tucker monologue tonight, tucker reacts, tucker tonight
Id: YomUYWnfAOc
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Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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