r/MaliciousCompliance - General Manager Gets Fired And I Keep My Job

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welcome to our slash malicious compliance where we share stories of people conforming to the letter but not the spirit of a request and today's first story is what do you mean it's illegal this happened many years ago and there's a bit of backstory so bear with me here I had been working in the cinema industry for many years working my way from lowly usher up to full manager I had been working as a manager in a small privately owned cinema making a decent wage but decided to take up a job offer from a big multiplex chain although it was less money it was closer to home and I felt there was more job advancement opportunities worst career mistake I ever made the chain let's call them sh-show cinemas was probably the worst employers I ever had they were cheapskates when it came to wages and were very hostile to all their employees if something happened that could be explained by either honest mistake or malicious act they would immediately assume maliciousness and treat it as such as a manager I was expected and required to work a minimum 56 hour week even though the salary was based on a 40-hour week and there was no paid overtime after a bit of rough calculation I found I was being paid way less than the legal minimum hourly wage so this should demonstrate what a bunch of cheapskates they were on a day that was particularly slow a directive came from above to let workers go home early so as to save on the wages bill I talked with every member of staff on shift that day asking who wanted an early night some took me up on the offer but since most were struggling students they didn't want to take a loss of wages on the next day the area manager came for his monthly criticism visit to tell us all what a bunch of useless lazy C's we all were I'm not joking this is what he would tell us and decided he would tell us off for not sending people home early as instructed AM equals area manager me equals Guess Who I am what the heck is up with the figures from yesterday the attendance figures were abysmal and your staffing was too high didn't you a-holes get the memo to dismiss unneeded staff me yes I went around every staff member on shift last night and sent home everyone who wanted to unfortunately not everyone wanted to cut their shift short a.m. what do you mean you asked you effing tell them they're not needed me but if I do that we must still pay them for the full shift am know you don't if they're not here they don't get paid me that's not how it works if we ask them to go and they agree we don't have to pay if we order them to leave we are in effect putting them on suspension which requires us to pay them he went quiet at that and I thought that was the end of it till later that day when a call from the district manager AMS boss comes through to me DM what's this I hear about you telling a.m. that you won't send staff home early when it's quiet me as I explained to a.m. if we order someone to go home early we must pay them for the full shift DM that's rubbish if we don't need them we don't pay them I don't know where you got the idea was any other way me while I consulted with the solicitor who specializes in employment law and she said DM you did what how dare you discuss confidential company policies with a third party you're nothing but a troublemaker and I'm gonna see to it that you suffer the consequences for this breach of confidentiality with that he hung up about 20 minutes later the phone goes again this time it's the company director basically the head of all operations for the country and she is super peeved see M equals company manager cm write me DM and AM have told me all about you who the heck do you think you are telling us how to run the company me pardon me if I'm mistaken but I do believe part of my duties as a manager is to ensure that the company has not put in a legally actionable position which we potentially could if someone decided to pursue an action against us in a case where we send someone home from a shift without payment cm that's BS who told you that crap me the company solicitor cm after a few moments of silence then in a slightly quieter voice what me remember that employment law course you had all his managers go on that's one of the topics that came up cm well this is the first time hearing of this and this is a policy that's been in use for a while me that may be so but all it takes is for one employee who knows their rights to bring a complaint against us and we won't have a leg to stand on cm that may be so but we're not going to change policy we'll let this go for now but I don't want you telling anyone about this another thing we're sick to death of you stirring up troubles from now on if someone higher up in the management chain than you tells you to do something you bloody well do it without any complaints do I make myself clear me crystal end of call so that's the background now we get to the malicious compliance aspect of the story due to their attitude SH shows cinemas had a high turnover of managers most quickly got tired of the constant integration and the poor wages and moved on quickly as a result of this we had a brand new general manager who had no prior cinema experience now the new GM was a bit annoyed as was Hogmanay New Year's Eve for anyone outside Scotland but we were opening for midnight screenings new GM would rather be at a party getting SH faced so he decided that he was closing early and if anyone actually tried to buy tickets for one of the midnight screenings he would just tell them that there was a technical fault as I was on shift with him that night I tactfully tried to dissuade him but was overruled of course he got caught after head office received a complaint actually from another branch which decided to do the same thing but they cried that my GM did it as well as if that somehow excused their actions I was hauled in for a disciplinary with the DM I knew they were planning on firing me as they had fired the assistant on duty at the other branch as well for being complicit DM so you were on shift that night me yes DM did GM discuss with you that he planned to closed early me he did DM and what did you say me I strongly advised him to run the screenings as planned we had advertised them in advance and thus had a duty to remain open DM and you didn't think to bring this up with anyone higher up in Management me I would have but I have been expressly ordered by cm that if anyone senior to me in the management chain tells me to do something I'm too bloody well do it without any complaints DM oh looks awkwardly at notes you can go now so GM gets fired and I keep my job but obviously I know my career with sh-show is going nowhere I receive no further promotion I'm not ready for more responsibility but I am expected to train new management employees with no previous cinema experience who have been hired straight into a position senior to mine thankfully not long after I managed to move into a much better paying IT position and could wave goodbye to the worst employers I have ever had the second story is don't tell me how to do this let me learn croquet I had a boss who told me not to tell him how to put a computer together because he already knows how and I don't need your unsolicited advice ok strap yourselves in for the back I'm a woman in the tech industry do you already see where this is going not only was I a tech at this place I was BTech the one who trained 80% of the tax had the highest numbers in district and top ten in the territory but I always went by my last name so everyone who wasn't physically in my store thought I was a male due to circumstances we ended up getting a new manager from another store out of state his first day was on my day off my co-workers told me he wanted two hours with each of us to learn our thoughts on diagnosing issues and he was really eager to learn from us he was especially interested to learn from the top tech who he had heard about in his previous store until he learned I was a woman he did two-hour sessions with all the other text but me he always went to the male text with questions he tried to make me work the counter to just check computers in when I was one of only three full-time repair techs and we had seven counter techs he tried to make me do his paperwork on several occasions he also started trying to repair computers by himself even though that was not his job he would leave computers half repaired with no notes then write up whatever techie thought should pick it up where I left off hey the whole team hated him and started making remarks of well Opie could fix this if you asked her or I think Opie fix something similar in an hour and you've been at this for two days and other phrases to peeve him off that a woman knew more than him this was the perfect setup - one of my favorite moments of my career manager got it in his head that he was going to do something to prove he knew his stuff so when a customer came in wanting a custom-built computer which we weren't supposed to do he grabbed the opportunity he helped the guy pick out the parts compare prices and sold him the labor to put it all together he also told me he was going to build it in my repair space and he was doing this alone and I will never forget this don't tell me how to do this let me learn oh I will cue the manager putting this machine together on the bench behind me while I continued my work just waiting manager has it together hits the power switch computer turns on then off then on then off he unplugs then takes it apart then together again same result I can hear the wheels turning behind me but he told me not to give him advice so I keep working with my mouth shut let him ask me when he's good and ready he then beliefs parts must be bad so he asked the customers send parts back wait for the new ones then try again same result continues for two months he has the customer who's obviously very angry at this point send every single part back then have a whole new set of parts delivered he has promised the customer this is the last time this time it will work he definitely knows what he's doing the day arrives where the customer brings in the parts the manager is there I am there I stopped repairing computers as he puts the final part in and I leaned against my bench to watch what's about to happen how could I not he hits the power same result he is furious he throws the screwdriver across the bench denting the wall and curses so loudly I'm sure a customer heard he puts his hands on either side of the machine head down shoulders slumped utterly defeated in a quiet oh so quiet voice he asks Opie what's wrong with it me the motherboard and processor aren't compatible without a BIOS update manager how long have you known this me since you first turned it on two months ago he turns he's red in the face veins are bulging and I'm pretty sure he thought about decking me for a second before composing himself with a very very deep breath manager why didn't you say anything then me smiling sweetly because you told me not to and to let you learn so have you learned he stormed off and out of the store he ended up taking two personal days and I ended up building a new PC that actually worked customer was cool once I explained everything and even showed them how I cable managed to allow the best cooling and looks with their clear case it's a story that ended up being the legendary story to tell all new Tech's I left the company a few months later for a higher paying job and that manager ended up getting fired due to my GM believing him the reason for my leaving I never corrected that perspective after all how else will he learn the last story is want to cut my pay cut your business this happened around 2008 when the economy went down hard I was working in a small electric and computer lab where we build some very high-end video computing product I was assistant managing in the computer lab because I was the most experienced guy in the lab basically there was no problem I didn't see before and couldn't solve while the rest of my crew were beginners economy went down hard but this business didn't suffer much there not that many people who knows how to handle dedicated hardware in a dedicated field so we were not too worried about our job however our Richards CEO thought it was a great opportunity to save some money first he fired almost all my crew leaving me with one guy only to handle all the work second he announced a 20% cut in work time which means 20% cut in pay he gave us this offer you can work 7.5 hours a day instead of the 9 hours in our contract or skip one day a week we worked Sunday to Thursday my crew member agreed to cut the daily hours I however decided to cut the day one thing he neglected to decide is which day I'd cut I did ask him but he just said you choose so I figured it's my decision now and I decided to take the last day from this week and the first day the next week getting me a long four-day weekend every two weeks great it worked nice for a month my pay was reduced but I had a lot of free time and I already started using this free time to improve myself first thing look for another job at the end of the second month the boss noticed something odd the new guy got a call to solve a problem on Thursday and he couldn't figure it out until Monday noon a long time for a problem to be solved and the client was not happy he called my crew in and asked him why the delay and the guy said he couldn't fix it and I wasn't available to fix it until Monday so I get called in first things first why am I not available on my days off simple I don't get paid for that so screw you second why the long weekend well I explained to him that he gave me the authority to decide and that's my decision bossman was peeved he tried to eff me over and found he got screwed back he claimed it's not right and that I should change the days back and be available while I'm not at work I asked him if that's a management decision because if it is it's three strikes against me and I'm entitled to a month's salary in full compensation which at that time was worth another six months salary he understood that he was royally F by me and withdrew his decision he didn't give me my day back so I continued looking and by the end of the month I gave my notice in my notice I specifically stated the pay cut is my reason to leave and with the other argument I constantly had with him the last month demanded six months compensation as per my contract bossman refused to budge but I sent him a formal letter threatening to sue him he tried to make things right again and finally offered my day back but too late I already had another job with better pay and better boss not much better though bosses will be bosses at the end of the month I finally left my last crew member was promoted to assistant manager instead of me but they didn't give him the he was peeved and being a better man than me he quit after only a month and opened its own business directly compete the old boss his main target was to harm the old boss and he succeeded very well his business grew and he makes good money now while the old boss had to pick up the pieces of his business now unable to service his clients it got a major hit last time I checked he closed the computers lab and shrank the business from ten people to three two of them are sales reps don't get cheap on your best employee it will destroy your business thank you for watching have a good one
Channel: Slash Start
Views: 73,879
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, funny, comedy, funny reddit, reddit stories, reddit posts, reddit cringe, maliciouscompliance, Malicious Compliance Stories, /Start, malicious compliance, reddit MaliciousCompliance, r/maliciouscompliance, malicious, compliance, reddit true stories, reddit story, funny reddit stories, storytime, reddit top post, best reddit posts, r/MaliciousCompliance fired, General Manager, Manager, r/MaliciousCompliance Manager
Id: 0aXdffJ7vDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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