r/QuitYourBullsh*t ft. r/ThatHappened | fresh

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what is that my aesthetic boys it's fresh pack with another video today we've got a real zesty episode it's got a bit of spice to a baby a little kick on the back end but I sure as heck hope that you're gonna enjoy it I'm not angry lil nah sex addresses those who bullied him for coming out hey wait nobody bullied me big boy yeah as an environmental health inspector I am not thrilled about whatever this post was about yes dudes a fraud I'm not thrilled yeah but your post history says you're 21 and work at a kebab shop with a Turkish owner Willie got 269 down votes but at least he got his gold medal tell me something I don't know hashtag new profile pic okay this woman changed your profile pic what's I don't really get the oh you thought I'd never find out that you're using my picture oh okay it's a catfish the lesser-known of the nickelodeon hybrid animal cartoons man you quit the game that early ragebaby hey sorry my girlfriend was trying to suck my you-know-what while I was trying to play and I couldn't concentrate and I'd rather have that than wait 30 minutes until the game's over you know my bad for leaving bro hope you understand man imagine thinking anyone would believe that yeah guys you know I want to apologize again for the sporadic upload schedule I've had over the past couple weeks you know it's because the outrageous amount of sex that I've been having you know it's just been it's been so much and it's been hard to to concentrate on editing videos because the you know the girl is going after more you know what you know the usual I tend to cut the errors of employees with liberal-leaning bumper stickers Wow you're an [ __ ] yeah and according to your post is true you're a policeman pet sitter teacher lawyer and the second biggest manufacturer of livestock equipment in Texas imagine having to invent such a fantasy life in your head because your own life is empty wow what an inspiration he's a lawyer a teacher a pet sitter policeman and a local industrialist and he still finds time to be an [ __ ] I just broke up with my boyfriend - I'm feeling free and better already hey read redacted you don't have a boyfriend yeah you don't not this again no one cares wait again this has happened before this is a repeat incident she is a multiple time offender what cloud do you expect to gain from lying about leaving a relationship keep calm and watch Conan O'Brien wing his show after Kumail Nanjiani bails 30 minutes before episode begins who could be rough for Conan Hey bail is not correct makes it sound like I didn't show on purpose I was shooting another TV show and they couldn't get me out in time Conan knows this and even mentioned it during the monologue I don't know man should I really trust the guy who started arguably one of the worst episodes of the new Twilight Zone we got anime death anime bloodshed and anime beating comments should be good I beat up a girl and I became 10 times more popular now I go to school like a badass listening to this with headphones on and now every day I go to school and the girl I beat up is looking at me scared I just give her an insane smile and this is what I repeat 1 nothing is wrong with me - nothing is wrong with me 3 nothing is wrong with me 4 nothing is wrong with me I went insane I'm awesome like this if you agree now I would ask if this was a quote from somewhere but I know so little about this kind of stuff that when someone in my discord server made an undertale reference I said I said I don't watch anime customer is that your engagement ring no it's a promise ring for myself guys aren't blind if they haven't married you already you're so sweet and kind legit almost started crying what a brilliant not so subtle subtle double flex because now she's saying both she's incredibly sweet and pretty or whatever the hell the customer said that she should be married and also she has enough money to buy herself a nice ring a symbol of risk benefit analysis quickly tells any rational person that Gardasil is one of the biggest medical scandals in history it only takes one fact to explain this cervical cancer death rate 0.23 in 10,000 CDC's average death rate for all causes 4.37 and 10,000 death rate from the Gardasil product during merrick trials 8.5 in 10,000 the death rate from the Gardasil product is nearly twice as high as the US background rate and over 30 times as high as that of the cervical cancer it fraudulently claims to protect you from case closed well that sure seems pretty cut and dry I'm gonna not do any other research oh wait you're telling it is another side yeah the 10 deaths during the trial were to automobile accidents one plane crash one suicide one case of all one septic shock in unexplained sudden death two years after the last dose one gunshot wound one stomach cancer and one cerebral hemorrhage none of those were caused by the vaccines you know as much as I kind of you know speak out against anti vaccine rhetoric this one I'm gonna have to stand behind I actually did get Gardasil at one point the HPV vaccine and like a day after I had left the doctor's office I got hit by a car checkmate atheists when I'm on my jetski I see sharks dolphins and whales all the time it's a beautiful sight last time I saw a group of dolphins I jumped off my ski and swim with them beautiful experience now I see sharks I go the other way fast is it July because I have a feeling July on actual exchange from a recent job interview well he said it's actual so it has to be true interviewer well the CEO is kind of chaotic good if you're at all familiar with Dungeons & Dragons I'm a DM I just became about 15% more likely to recommend we hire you yes I found out yesterday that I got the job oh yeah well if the interviewer was really into D & E he should have said roll one D 21st scale that's right I'm geek keeping a game I don't even play no no no I am eight and this made me kill her I killed 48 people because of you I I don't know what this means but it is kind of intimidating aura to it so my sister just went in to take a bath a tiny wanted to join and she closed the door in tiny space my blessed three-year-old goes you're such an [ __ ] FeO not only did you say every word correctly but used it in the right context I should be more upset but I'm impressed all right boys time to head over to Google how do you report a parent for being an attention-seeking idiot taking a little extra care taping off sections at work was totally worth it oh wow look at that the stripes line up I'm sure the internet loves things like this yeah but it was worth it for whoever actually did this you can't tell in a video nor can I really tell in a screenshot but the fact that he added a link at the end means that it's linking to the original post where someone posed this before the guy who posted it to whatever subreddit the screenshots taken from the point is the guy didn't do the taping at all five minutes into family dinner and my uncle says he wants all Mexicans to go to California when all the earthquakes happen and it falls into the ocean I hate my family I didn't hear that and I'm your sister I was there at the family dinner I I'm just not gonna say anything I'll be in my corner singing having a nice evening why would you even type anything that Oh God wait voice did text was actually doing something for once the voice the text doesn't put hyphens though huh hey dude though what alright guys let's play a game you go into the comments right now and tell me one thing more cringy than someone that faking a stutter over text here I'll get the ball rolling someone faking a stutter over text and then trying to lie about it I just forgot the saying funny bone and my brain automatically replaced it with comedic calcio haha you're so quirky why don't you just say that you thought of a funny joke or maybe you heard a funny joke do you thought it'd be funny to say comedic calcium instead of funny bone 'it's it's not ashamed to say that that's that's ok just just cringe you when you say like this so i was at home doing nothing special my baby girl was watching cartoons on youtube next to me and that's when I noticed didn't add about vaccines played I was ready to skip it but that's when Kael spoke up wait a minute mama me about to skip it anyway why Kael grabs my arm and pulls it back I want to show you something what Kael hushes me and pauses the ad a first of all they said that measles and polio are known to kill hundreds of thousands of people every year but they are wrong when I had measles I was fine measles is like chicken pox but it's just more contagious then they said that vaccines can prevent that from happening to your children but they're still wrong vaccines make the chance of getting sick 10 times worse she pressed play and I sat in amazement of her knowledge for a six-year-old the ad continued for a while until she paused it again see the thing is the local hospital is paid for by the state our Mary is known to lie and deceive the hospital has a large death count from their vaccines she watched the last few seconds of the ad as I was getting ready to praise her kale looking from the screen and at me now I'm glad you're my mommy and not brainwashed like daddy I love that you got custody he is dangerous oh my word I thought it was just like a vaccine thing that's like a it's a custody thing what is this I love that you got custody he is dangerous oh my god of all the things that are in this story and there's a lot of things in this story that's what I latch on to I'm glad that you got custody he is dangerous well anti-vaxxer daughters adoration while you have it because pretty soon she's gonna realize that you named her kale and she's never gonna want to talk to you again thank you to everyone who watched this video be sure to subscribe for more daily reddit content drop a like if you liked the video and I will see you all tomorrow [Music]
Channel: fresh
Views: 429,856
Rating: 4.935998 out of 5
Keywords: fresh, fresh reddit, reddit, f r e s h, r/, fresh r/, r/quityourbullshit, r/quityourbs, quityourbs, reddit roast, roast, fail, reddit fail, win, cringe, reddit cringe, r/thathappened, that happened
Id: Gw_u6H2B5NU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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