Am I the A**Hole?? | fresh

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what is up my aesthetic boys it's fresh back with another video today we have the new separator for the channel our /mi the [ __ ] be sure to vote in the polls and let me know what you guys think am I the [ __ ] for thinking a divorce announcement due to an affair was in April Fool's joke this might not end well let me preface this off by blaming all of you the entirety of reddit for desensitizing me and giving me major trust issues on April Fool's Day I'm sure my YouTube viewers will agree with that sentiment so here goes yesterday I got a group text from my wife's Sara side of the family stating there was an emergency family meeting happening that night over dinner at my mother-in-law's Barb's house I immediately had April Fool's spidey-senses starting to tingle but we haven't all gotten together since Christmas so I overlooked it and said we my wife and I were in we were the last to arrive and it was pretty somber when we walked in we all sat down at the table and my wife's brother Tim informed the family that his wife Ashley has been having an affair and that they're divorcing the affair was with a longtime close family friend Chris who lived a block away Chris's wife Jen had caught them when she came home early one day last week and broke the news to my brother-in-law Tim both families have been friends for years they live less than a block from each other and they have been married for 15 plus years have four kids right around the same age honestly I've always thought both of them were picture-perfect families held all four of them and their kids were at our house two weeks ago for a barbecue anyways after airing a lot of dirty laundry and their plans to divorce how it could affect future family functions and opening it up to the group for any questions there was silence I broke the silence with laughter and a slow clap saying this was the best April Fool's gag I've ever seen but I wasn't falling for it I told Ashley and especially Tim they need to consider going into theater their performances were top-notch and tears seemed genuine being the newest member of the family my wife and I married six months ago this was probably not the best thing to say in hindsight I probably should not have said anything everyone in the room looked horrified my mother-in-law who'd been crying the entire time lost all composure she left the room in hysterics and did not return before we left Tim just shook his head and his cheating wife actually let out a brief chuckle before calling me out for being a dumbass for thinking this was a ruse then berating me for being so insensitive the rest of the family sat in silence shaking their heads as my wife berated me for trying to make a joke out of a serious situation I'm still dumbfounded in hindsight I probably should have sat in silence but I honestly still feel like I was calling out an April Fool's gag am I the [ __ ] now for those of you who haven't been on the subreddit before let's to familiarize ourselves with the acronyms and lingo commonly used we have y ta 4 you're the [ __ ] n ta 4 not the [ __ ] esh verb everyone sucks here and NH 4 no [ __ ] here ok so I find it fairly remarkable that Opie could be considered an [ __ ] in this situation when we're talking about people who literally ruined long-standing family units involving children on one hand yes Opie genuinely upset his mother-in-law because this is a horrible situation all in and even if he did think it was an April Fool's joke that's not the right way to approach it now I can totally see why he might think it's an April Fool's joke I mean he'll people make pregnancy scare April Fool's jokes it's kind of a messed up world we live in right now but there still may have been a more sensitive way to approach the subject I think apologizing for upsetting the mother-in-law might be an appropriate thing to do I'm not sure if that makes you the [ __ ] in this situation what do you guys think am I the [ __ ] for giving my son money without my wife's knowledge when my son started University it wasn't very far from our house so me and my wife agreed to let our son stay at our house while he's still in uni before I start dotting down my story let me tell you something money is definitely not an obstacle in our household we have way more than enough but the disproportion of each family members money is huge for example last week my son went to a place to eat spent roughly $7 and paid by his debit card when he came back home my wife had a go at him for spending $7 on a meal I came back from work and she told me what happened I said I'll talk to him about it but when I went to his room I just told him don't worry about it when I came back to the kitchen she told me do you like my new perfume I told her it was nice and all and when I asked her how much she paid for it she said a hundred and sixty dollars that was when I was displeased I closed the kitchen door and said you just started boiling at our son for spending $7 on a meal whereas you spend a hundred and sixty dollars on your perfume where's the fairness in that she got upset and went to the bathroom two weeks ago I started giving my son money without my wife's knowledge my son isn't the type of person to spend it on drugs or some of their toxins in fact he uses the money as a mature adult and entertains himself with food or other things every now and then all right there's the problem the problem isn't you giving your son money the problem is you not telling your wife you need to have an actual conversation with her and I don't mean why are you spending a hundred and sixty dollars on perfume kind of conversation where obviously your wife seems to have gotten defensive like in actual grown-up adult conversation about the problem I definitely don't want your marriage to end or be in any jeopardy because your son wanted to buy a seven dollar meal which while it may be perfectly reasonable you decided to defend without really telling your wife but more importantly viewers do you think he's the [ __ ] am I the [ __ ] for telling my wife that I get to make the financial decisions because I make more than her now my wife graduated from Princeton on the other hand I am a community college dropout we've been married for six years together for ten she made more than me all these years ergo she made all the financial decisions I never got much say in what she decided for us she vetoed most of my decisions that's fine because you know her money her choice but she always hit me with this line I bring in more I went through many failed businesses before I found my niche in real estate and interior design now I make significantly more than her and I'm really happy that I finally achieved something we recently moved to a new place where everything is somewhat more expensive she started telling me how we should spend now I told her something different and she disagreed with me I told her the since I was paying much more and made more than her I should get more say in how we spend the money she got mad started crying and called me an [ __ ] am I the [ __ ] here honestly I think this is another case of you guys need to talk it out like adults I'm not sure exactly if you're the [ __ ] here because I don't see this necessarily as a revenge situation I see it more of a quid pro quo using the same rhetoric that she used but if it upset you then you might understand why would upset her now maybe that gives more dialogue about why it upset you back then and why you can both move forward more productively in the future of your marriage so are you the [ __ ] I'll let the viewers decide am I the [ __ ] for wanting my daughter to take down her Instagram post which she made after she came out to us first off I'm not homophobic neither is my husband our 16 year old daughter just told us yesterday that she was gay we're really happy that she decided to share that with us and we told her that we will be there for her no matter what we have no problem with her sexual orientation and we fully support her but my daughter made an Instagram post which red just came out to my ultra-conservative parents it was the most difficult thing to do I'll fight no matter what most of the comments were calling us [ __ ] and bigots and she seemed to be fine with that my husband's parents called him and just told him that they were disappointed in him for being homophobic they even told us that if we did not like her they would take her in he was in tears I got really mad and asked her to take down the post which she did but she told me that we were being unfair we are not conservative at all I'm religious but I'm not obsessed I've never forced my beliefs on my husband he doesn't believe in the church or my daughter am I the [ __ ] oh my word this post is a mess and a half first of all do I think you're the [ __ ] I don't but there's a caveat to that the two possibilities as far as I see it for why your daughter would post this on Instagram and be upset at having to take it down are that one she legitimately believes you to be unsupportive parents possibly due to perceived conservatism whatever the case may be or she's looking for attention I'd love to believe it's not the second one but I'd also like to think it's not the first one because you guys seem supportive maybe that post and her coming out to you guys is a good chance to start a dialogue about how religion has affected her growing up in ways that you may not have seen and on the flip side of that an opportunity for you to further explain to her how supportive you and your husband are of your daughter's decision to come out to you so it's possible that there are no [ __ ] here and it's also possible that both you as a parent and her as your daughter could be the ones at fault I don't think there's quite enough information for us to determine that what do you guys think am I the [ __ ] for going to my sister's dream school when she got rejected so I got into Cornell last week honestly I think it was a fluke I'm not smart at all I got a 28 a CT a decent GPA because my school grade inflates considerably I had some decent extracurriculars but nothing remotely competitive enough to get me into a school like Cornell anyways my twin sister is the opposite of me she's a genius she is way more impressive stats 30 for a CT and she only took it once compared to my three times she is way better grades way cooler extracurriculars everyone always looked up to her as the smart one I didn't and still don't mind but it's true the only reason I can fathom I got in and she didn't is that she applied to the engineering college while I applied to Arts & Sciences I don't know if too many of you guys are familiar with Cornell but they have a bunch of different colleges you can apply to each with their different admission criteria well last week decisions for Ivy's came out unfortunately for my sister she didn't get into a single one including her first choice Cornell she checked as soon as it was available and called me balling I consoled her and told her everything was going to be okay that who cares what school you go to that she was brilliant and was going to be successful no matter where she goes well anyway I pretty much resolved that I was getting rejected so I didn't even bother to look at my mail until later that night well I guess surprises do happen sometimes because I'm a Cornell yet I got in I just don't know how but I did I really want to go guys but this would devastate my sister all week she's been crying and solemn and sad she's been angry at her friends who got into top schools especially the ones with lower stats she's decided to go to NYU but she just hasn't been herself I haven't told our parents I think they assumed I didn't get in because she didn't am I being selfish should I just go with her to New York we always thought we were going to school together but like it's Cornell I couldn't in a million years imagined I'd get in I've been researching obsessively about it and I can't shake the desire that if I don't go I'll regret it Anika looks beautiful it's a small town which I would love to get away with from the huge city that is New York it seems like a dream opportunity am i being a bad sister I know she would get upset we were supposed to go to school together it would crush her I really don't have anyone else to talk to am I the [ __ ] for going to her dream school especially considering how much harder she's worked compared to me update so everyone here told me that I should go so I decided to tell my sister well she started screaming from excitement and got not actually mad that how couldn't I tell her earlier and she's so proud of me but seconds later her excitement just turned to sadness she went from like super Guinea to depressed in seconds and she started bawling like uncontrollably bawling I tried to comfort it but she pushed me away and locked herself in our room I'm going to give her some time alone right now and we can talk more about it later so after five minutes of the previous post my sister sent me a text it said I'm sorry for how I reacted please don't be mad at me I'm so happy for you and your accomplishments it's just that after I got rejected I at least had the consolation that I get to go with school with you and we can go together but now you're going to be where I want it to be and I'm just so sad I worked so hard and did everything I could to go to the best school I can and I just feel like all my hard work was just wasted effort I'm sorry I'm ranting I just need more time I'm not gonna lie guys when I read this I cried a lot of you are saying that I obviously have the attributes that made me desirable but I really don't I don't deserve my acceptance I did my homework between classes barely studied for anything and took the easiest AP classes available etc meanwhile I see my sister always taking the hardest classes studying as hard as she can always volunteering she deserves it not me and seeing her so hurt pains me I'm really strongly just considering going to NYU with her everyone at Cornell will be just like her and I don't stand a chance and I know if I do go to Cornell we're gonna drift apart which would suck because we're best friends and I just don't want to lose my sister update three so I told my parents and they did not react how I would have expected them to first they tried to insist the Cornell made a mistake between our applications which would be impossible if we applied in the same school within Cornell like we both applied to Arts and Sciences then it would have been somewhat possible but we applied to different schools with different admission committees they couldn't have mixed them up then they went on to explain how I should go to NYU with my sister I thought it was strange because they definitely would have supported my sister going to Cornell if I didn't get in my sister apparently thought so too because she asked why I would not go to Cornell and they said how it was unfair that I basically slacked off in high school and was able to go when my sister was the hard-working one who busted her ass all of school I don't know if I'm being dramatic but that hurt I knew they always thought my sister was the smarter one they've made that clear multiple times but to hear them say that I don't deserve my spot sucks even though they're probably right I stood there in silence but my sister stood up for me she asked them how they could say something so cruel to their daughter that I have 100% right to be there and that they should apologize for being so rude my parents were shocked because we're both very passive people and neither of us ever talked to them like this before this started an argument and long story short we're currently in our rooms I'm just so thankful to have her stand up for me I realized that I've internalized a lot of the comments they've made over the years I'm glad I have my sister actually believe in me I still don't know if I want to go to NYU or Cornell mostly because I just don't want to go to school without her she's my best friend and going for years without someone who just thinks so positively about you just seems so long at the end of the day I always thought that NYU was going to be the school I was going to so I wouldn't lose much by choosing it over Cornell I'm going to talk about it more with my sister and look into both schools more thanks again everybody for your comments I wouldn't have realized how important of a person my sister is if you guys didn't give me the courage to tell her that I got in now obviously this story is a ton to unpack so I'll just do my best to brush on a few of the major issues and themes first of all o P there's something called imposter syndrome it's a very real emotional and psychological reaction that lots of people have when they go to a very good school for college and you can't let that get you down you got into the school and you deserve your spot there just like anyone else did and yes it does actually make a difference that she applied to the School of Engineering and you applied to Liberal Arts and Sciences those are both gonna have different acceptance rates different committees looking for different things etc etc Ivy League schools are so wildly competitive that there are thousands and thousands of incredibly qualified applicants every year that apply and don't get in that doesn't mean they wouldn't have succeeded at the school it just means that they didn't get in that year obviously the admissions committee saw something in you that they thought would be great at Cornell and the fact that other people who may have worked harder in high school theoretically or gotten higher SAT or a CT scores it doesn't mean that you don't deserve the spot that you earned but 28a CT is quite low though not unheard of for an Ivy League school I'm seriously way more astounded by your parents reactions and it's pretty heartwarming to see how your sisters stood up for you are you the [ __ ] Opie absolutely not you're not an [ __ ] for even wanting to go to a school that your sister didn't get into are your parents [ __ ] here maybe a bit but audience finally make sure that you guys let me know and let everyone else know what you think by voting in the polls thank you to everyone who watched this video be sure to subscribe for more daily retic content drop a like if you liked the video and I will see you all tomorrow
Channel: fresh
Views: 229,232
Rating: 4.8793616 out of 5
Keywords: fresh, fresh reddit, f r e s h, daily reddit, reddit story time, r/, reddit, reddit cringe, r/amitheasshole, am I the asshole, AITAH, r/aitah, fresh r/, reddit fail, cringe, fail, win, r/entitled parents, entitled parents
Id: yuAOciAdBNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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