r/MaliciousCompliance | fresh | STORY TIME

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what is up my aesthetic boys it's fresh back with another video today we have a nice storytime episode of our slash malicious compliance a favorite of mine I hope you enjoyed just how petty it is our IP your inbox tale of a production manager backstory I'm a production manager for a theater company that uses IATSE labor my call steward comes to me and asked me to CCD on every email because he believes I'm withholding information typically I'm talking to four to six different tours at once so I'm constantly firing off emails to multiple tours about multiple productions daily for two weeks straight I see see him on every single email we're talking sometimes 50 emails a day all with information about different days and different tech writers and different production details I've been doing this for years I have an organizational system and keep everything running seamlessly as I am the production manager and it's my job his job is to put out the labor call and make sure we have the labor needed for what tor requests fast forward to three days ago he calls me about a show next week can't seem to keep all the emails straight too much information asks me to send him attachments that had been cc'd weeks prior I gladly oblige quote per my last email here's the attachments and send it off to him he calls me the next day regarding a different show again I bumped the email that I had already cc'd him on today he comes to me maybe I don't need all the information just send me what's necessary oh you mean exactly like I had done before tours can take a while to return emails they're on the road and sometimes do not get me those schedules lighting plots and line set schedules the minute my call steward needs them I was never withholding information I was waiting on tours to reply so now we are back to before I email him after I've gathered all the information he needs from tour tell him my labor needs and he lets me do my job alone in peace it was nice to give him insight to what I do every day though asked me how I keep it all straight easy buddy it's called show folders in the inbox musta left that detail out when you asked to get cc'd on every little thing man the best part is the subject that he included on the first email that he had to resend with the information that was needed to his manager because of course he'd already sent it so we included a little like I mentioned previously I mean seriously if you were gonna ask this guy for every email he received what's the point of him having a job that's his job to aggregate that information send it over to you what's important what you need don't micromanage more military malicious compliance require reflective belts get ready for the most fabulously adorned PT group you've ever seen I was in the Air Force assigned to a unit attached to support the army we had all kinds of additional training to be able to work with our army brethren weapons training combat training equipment and vehicle training etc basically enough training to function as an emergency infantryman if anything ever went down your average air force unit never got nor ever needed this additional training we were an autonomous unit on the Army Installation but in an effort to beef up our relationship with the army units we supported we would participate in their training exercises weapons range qualification sessions and physical training sessions the airport PT uniform looked something like this notice how the uniform has reflective stripes and an insignia our uniform regulations said that reflective belts weren't needed because the uniforms were inherently reflective individual units could make adjustments to uniform regulations but our commander just didn't care we tried to PT with one of our supported army brigades about 4,000 soldiers or one of the subordinate battalions 500 to 800 soldiers once a week one such morning we planned on running with one of our supportive brigades during their BCT Rome stands for Brigade Combat Team about 4,000 soldiers this was their whole unit running on mass we were in our Air Force PT uniforms as we always were we were actually kind of pumped to run with them because the first time we were going to run with so many people in formation as we got to the staging area we were approached by some soldiers who looked pissed the command sergeant major highest enlisted ranking person in a unit and a few senior officers told us we couldn't run with them if we weren't wearing reflective belts this unit required all members running in formation to wear a reflective belt draped over their shoulder like a Girl Scout sash it was ridiculous but whatever we sent a few Gophers back to our building to grab some reflective belts we all kept our reflective belts at our desks or in our unlocked lockers they were also bedazzled and things because there were no rules regarding reflective belts mine was bright pink with silver dots on it one gay guy this was after da/dt was repealed had a rainbow one one lady had a pink and black zebra stripe one our commander had a silver one that you couldn't even see against his PT shirt most of our people had yellow or red ones but some of us who had been there longer had grossly personalized ones that were as garish and ostentatious as possible while still meeting the spirit of the intent of the reflective belts I should pause here to point out that not only did the army require reflective belts but they also separated ranks by colors junior enlisted were one color noncommissioned officers were another senior enlisted another etc the Air Force doesn't require its members to salute in PT gear the army does so having a mishmash of colors really messed with them we had army senior non-commissioned officers saluting one of our junior established based on the color of his reflective belt anyway we don't join the formation until right before it's getting ready to run brigade runs are a big deal they're scheduled weeks in advance the division brigades are subordinate units of divisions this entire division and all of its BC T's consisted of over 20,000 active duty soldiers leadership normally participated to running in the front along with the BCT leadership families would come out and line the roads to watch it's actually quite impressive to see if it's done right at the staging area we mold about until the entire brigade formed up and started running Meishan we fell in at the back that's where we're supposed to be anyway so here we are clip-clopping along behind the entire infantry BCT in our psychedelic reflective belts enjoying the cheers and laughter from the people watching from the sides the run was only 5 miles and running in such a huge formation is slow and tedious I think it took close to an hour because the formation that size tends to accordion compressing and elongated at different choke points along the route as we finished and got back to the staging area we get the order to fall out and are messing around because we're parked in an area that's blocked in and can't really go anywhere when that same command sergeant major and his entourage comes storming our way CSM's only have one default setting til they get off on it it looked like he had cranked he's up to 11 we were sure we were about to get a spectacular ass-chewing somehow the public affairs people got to us first they met us snap some pictures and told us that the division commander wanted to meet with us he thought it was hilarious he took some photos with us and said that it was the best showing that the Air Force units on post had ever put on so not only did we get to ruin a crotchety CSM's knot we also got Pat's on the back from the division commander all because we decided that ridiculous rules should be followed to a ridiculous degree and ladies and gentlemen here we find ourselves in one of my personal favorite subsets of our slash militias compliance stories that deal with not necessarily malicious compliance so much as petty compliance there are plenty of stories like it on the subreddit I'm definitely gonna try to read some more and I hope you guys like them ok I'll eat the cheese this happened to my little brother when he was about 8 years old at school his class was doing a taste test to learn about different flavors sour sweet etc one of the food items was cheese which my brother will not eat for what turns out to be good reason he told this teacher he wasn't going to try the cheese because he knew he couldn't eat it and would just copy his friends answer the teacher kicked off saying it was part of the work and he would be in trouble if he didn't complete it like everyone else he was very shy and didn't want to be punished okay I'll eat the cheese shortly after he approaches the teacher's desk to tell her he wasn't feeling well she tells him he's being ridiculous and to go sit down he proceeds to vomit in huge amounts all over her desk and shoes yeah enjoy picking the chunks out of your stationery holy cow if I were that parent I would be irate beyond belief if I knew that a teacher had forced my kid to eat dairy or sling that he was allergic to in a way that made him sick and then after that actively ignored his pleas for help literally saying I don't feel good and the teacher doesn't believe him that's ridiculous lose the chair we've got a problem then this Monday I got a list Frank sprained doing yard work I've had sprains before and I can manage easy enough so by the time I had to go back to work on Thursday I had already adjusted to the injury and gotten through the worst of it time was all I needed now to heal now my type of injury is a little different from an ankle sprain I can put weight on the right side of my left foot but not the left side of my left foot so I do have some mobility without needing crutches but I cannot do so for several hours at a time I work at McDonald's home to a boatload of unusual characters now work there isn't bad in and of itself it's the people that work there that decide whether or not you will enjoy your time I worked at another golden arches and the people were great if you got your work done early and it was slow there was a good chance managers let you leave early if we were good and it wasn't loud we could hook up music to a Bluetooth speaker in the kitchen talk was encouraged as long as it wasn't loud or offensive etc my new store is not so benevolent managers routinely badmouth each other behind their back it's perpetually understaffed cleanliness standards are bad and the wait times for food are literally double my old store needless to say it's a disaster anyway I was shoved in back window on Thursdays so I'm the person you see when you pay for your order I call back window the hole because whoever is there has no other work and does not leave your out of sight from everyone and everything you need to do from cleaning trays to making Happy Meal boxes is back there so even though I literally know every other station my injury limited me to the whole I borrowed a chair from the break room to set my knee on it to keep my weight off my foot and we were fine cue the next day and exactly an hour ago the store manager who was there on Thursday and both said nothing saw my compression wrap in crutches I brought them just in case and told me I needed a doctor's note for the chair this is so stupid because policy at the store is you need a doctor's note to miss work days not come to work on schedule granted I didn't have one but I didn't need one on Monday when the injury occurred because I didn't work that day everything I need is already in the hole we're never short on chairs no one goes in the hole and thus I'm not in the way and I can still kind of walk regardless also consider the understaffing I talked about before someone is always sick or their car won't start or there's a family emergency or there's a spider near their door in fact the store has actually been shipped people from another store because they can't keep the damn place staff during lunch hours and now they want to take my chair I can stand for maybe 20 or 30 minutes before my awkward standing posture starts being painful I need that damn chair so I tell them I might as well go home because it's physically beyond my ability to stand for that long so he tries to call my bluff and says I should go home I hobble to the break room got my things and left have fun during lunch hours ooh little R slash malicious compliance meets tales from retail I like it the police wants us to follow the rules they can do it too voluntary fire brigade station small town in Germany the station was nearest street and you couldn't back up in the garage without blocking off the street because maneuvering in front of the station was nearly impossible the firefighter was blocking the street for traffic when a driver in a Mercedes came along he braked at first but then accelerated and forced the firefighter to jump out of his way to save his life or at least his bones they went to the police and sued that driver what they didn't know the driver was the police chief of a station nearby and sued the fire brigade himself the fire brigade isn't allowed to block the street only the police's what they did is essentially impersonating an officer the case went on and on till the brigade chief had an idea if only the police is allowed to block the street then they can do it from now on every time a truck leaves or arrives the station the police were called cleaning the trucks police fueling up police training police joyriding police more joyriding you know it the local station had to get two more officers from other stations to handle the volume of the requests until the other chief was persuaded or threatened to take back his accusations since that day no one has ever complained about blocking off the street while backing up and the relationship between police and fire brigade has normalized again what truly is malicious compliance without a little bit of abusive power seems kind of the bedrock of this subreddit if they'd only sorted that scanner I needed in February I work in transportation so we do a lot of sending documentation scanning and all that jazz around Christmas the scanner with connection to the computer is broke but the company makes money hand-over-fist a flat desk scanner should be easily replaceable February rolls around despite multiple queries the desk one was never replaced and our big scanner one of those four-foot tall super printers still wouldn't allow us to scan documents to be emailed a query comes in someone needed a damage report for a shipping trailer that had been totaled they're very expensive so I was handed an a4 carbon copy pad the kind that makes multiple copies with a damage report that must have been from the 90s and while filling it in I spotted the wonderful opportunity for malicious compliance I finished the form pulled up the company's details and as the form clearly stated at the bottom faxed the company a copy April rolls around in email from my sales manager I've been queried by invoicing regarding a damage report you completed I have our copy but xxx are saying they never received a report to start the claims process I emailed back explaining that I had faxed the report as stated then filed our copy which he had I soon got a phone call asking why didn't you just scan and email it yeah why didn't I just do that we still don't have a scanner mind you but with my sales manager behind me and invoicing chasing him on an insurance claim about 40,000 we might just get somewhere hey guys before I end the video I just wanted to thank all of you again who came out to watch the csgo charity stream yesterday along with all of the youtubers involved we were able to raise over two thousand dollars for charity which is absolutely incredible as for this particular aesthetic community we contributed well over a quarter of that amount of money including $400 alone from you guys is paying for me to sing songs thank you again so much for the support it's always great to try to use this platform to do some good in the world thank you to everyone who watched this video be sure to subscribe for more daily reddit content drop a like if you liked the video and I will see you all tomorrow [Music]
Channel: fresh
Views: 265,188
Rating: 4.9412451 out of 5
Keywords: fresh, fresh reddit, fresh daily reddit, fresh r/, r/, reddit, reddit cringe, cringe, win, fail, reddit fail, reddit stories, story time, r/malicious compliance, f r e s h, malicious compliance, fresh story time
Id: laJKeH67Csk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2019
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