r/maliciouscompliance *NEW* Manager FIRES Me... So I FIRE Him...

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hey everyone and welcome to story time my name is Jake and today we are gonna be looking at the subreddit our such malicious compliance where people conformed to the letter but not the spirit of a request if you new around here please do hit subscribe down below so that you never miss out on another video but for now let's sit back relax and enjoy some malicious compliance the new manager I work at a call center usually government research things like doing surveys on behalf of government agencies like the Centers for Disease Control or departments of health if the contract isn't to reach a certain number of companies then the contract is most likely over a certain period of time anywhere from just a couple of days to over a year of gathering data in which case they are paid by completes for example if they have a contract that is to be enacted over a period of time then typically they would get paid considerably more for getting 15,000 completed surveys as opposed to five thousand so completes are a big deal but all the senior interviewers site managers supervisors basically anyone working there for more than a month understands that dial Rae is extremely important and in the eyes of our site manager was more important than completion rate to put it in perspective and these aren't actual statistics obviously if the company generates a hundred thousand random phone numbers say probably forty five percent of those aren't even going to be in service in which case they get taken off the list another thirty five percent might be people who don't even answer and after how many ignored calls they get taken off the list five percent might be a business or non-residential and in most but not all cases they get taken off the list this would leave fifteen percent of people who answered the phone and that's probably generous in which case most of these people are going to either decline tournai raid or not even qualify for the study in which case are going to get taken off the list this is quite obvious to anyone who's been working there for longer than a month or it's actually how to explain to them so this is tens of thousands of dead numbers that we have to sift through it doesn't take much thought to realize people with a high dial rate will sift through these numbers faster leaving good numbers for many people who are more likely to get completes my manager the site manager going into his 80s staight having health issues and probably should have retired long ago had to retire because of an injury he couldn't train a new site manager so they opted to train a new guy straight out of college I know how typical at the main side basically on the opposite end of the country when he actually comes around he comes in professionally trying to leave a good impression and show respect then he settled in and started reading into everyone's work and seeing production and says that he sees some critical issues he needs to address that there is going to be some changes and he will be transparent with everyone I was really concerned because I was placed into a study for my high dial rate a study being done by the company I work for I was one of the four people across all sites that were placed in this study I assumed they didn't want to invest too many interviewers into a study they didn't directly profit from for the next year they wanted to generate sample in different ways trying to find a way to get the most efficiency out of the sample they generated I don't really know the details of what they were charging but I do know that I was being paid double for the same work basically less work because if someone answered I would just say oh I'm sorry is this a business sorry I have the wrong number then hang up and write down what they said so basically I felt pretty secure well the next week rolls around and I'm the first one called into his office my supervisor looked just as surprised as I was I go in and before I even sit down eeep with so I've noticed you haven't had a single complete in months but before that it was several per day what's that about I said that I was placed in a study and before I could get further he says I don't care what study you're in or how slow it is there's no excuse to not having a single complete in months I say because of my dial ray I was placed in a study and he cuts me off again dial rate means nothing sure if you go through more numbers you're more likely to come across respondents more often but your dial rate means nothing if you don't get completes I just blurt out I was placed in a study because of my fast dial ray it isn't a survey there are no completes as fast as I can because I know he was just going to cut me off again now I'm not sure if he was just not listening or simply didn't care but his response was that's not an excuse there is no excuse for an interviewer to not get completes this is where the malicious compliance kicks in I was quite dumbfounded that this brand-new guy still learning the ropes would come in and act like he knows exactly what he needs to do and would really risk making such big changes to the leading site right off the bat but I was done with it I knew the site manager can't just fire someone who has been working there over a year and that the supervisors are supposed to be consulted basically after your first year you get promoted from interviewer to senior interviewer comes with a 50 cent raise I know woo but you are offered benefits and the supervisors and site manager come together and the supervisors must all agree with the termination and the termination has to be recorded as much as I knew if any supervisor was there or any manager would realize it was a mistake I was just done with it and asked him if he was firing me and he did as I'm walking out of his office my supervisor is waiting for me and said you got fired didn't you I told him yes and he asks it's because of your completes isn't it I told him yep and apparently being on a study duct doesn't have completes is no excuse for having no completes within the hour my supervisor calls me and tells me that the project manager basically the big guys that go out looking for contracts and organize the studies is flying in tomorrow that I'm going to be paid for the day that my firing was a process correctly and wanted me to come in tomorrow I go in the next day and I come into the manager's office and there's the supervisors the new manager and the project manager the project manager begins immediately he asks why I was fired the manager says it came to my attention that he hasn't got a single complete for four months and that I believe they were inadequate results the project manager then says so you've fired the man with the highest Dial rate out of all the interviewers of every site a man that I hand-picked myself to take part in an important study on behalf of the company without consulting a single supervisor because of results that you believe are inadequate I don't know how much of this was just him trying to put me feel better making the manager feel like the idiot he was was honest or a combination of them but it made me feel a bit more appreciated the manager was apologizing saying he didn't know and that he was genuinely trying to do what he thought was best this is where I chimed in I said you're right you didn't know but you would have if you listened to me before you fired me you would have known if you would talk to any of the five supervisors in the room next to yours you didn't know you didn't listen you didn't ask but you still felt comfortable changing something that was working exceptionally well already if anything was inadequate it was that I think I pretty much just summed up the entire problem right there because the conversation at that point is kind of just repetitive they ended up firing him the supervisors went back to work and the project manager told me to go get some lunch or something and said I should come back in half an hour and that I'll have my job back and he'll see what else he can do for me when I come back the manager has two contracts he hands me an employment contract first that is basically just my job with a $2.00 raise he was also upfront with me and said that I am liable for compensation for wrongful termination and that if I wanted to get a lawyer I should but that it was a pretty obvious choice the second contract was for a week of paid vacation and a Cadillac in return that I don't sue them for wrongful termination apparently they offered the new manager a car because they were employing him in a stay that he didn't know and would need a mode of transportation but being that he got fired his contract got cancelled and it's no longer his car they were going to give me a check for a lump sum of money but the CEO decided that since the car was mostly paid for and terminating the contract on the car would be more expensive than just paying for the car he wanted to see if I would take the car instead of cash being that the car is worth way more than any settlement I would have gotten basically a win-win they don't have to pay out as much to fix the issue and I get a car that would have probably been getting dusty in some company parking garage not that I would have sued I try to be a fair person and it would have been unfair to punish a company for an individual's actions especially when that individual went against company guidelines of course I took the car and vacation I find it so stupid how people go to college for business degrees I'm sorry if any of you have been to college for a business degree but then they get put into a higher position at a company that they know nothing about and they instantly think because they've got book smarts they know everything but they don't think till I consult people that worked there obviously that they're smart because they've gone to college but they don't know the ins and outs is what I'm trying to say and it's too is kind of stupid paintball producer fails to listen to experienced advice has his rule abused and removed from the game backstory I play paintball with an established scenario team that travels all over the USA playing large scenario games and have been flown to Europe by our sponsors to play over there as well we as a team have existed for over 25 years and have played hundreds of games together these scenario games typically last for eight to 26 hours played over a hundred or more acres and consist of usually two or more sides with upwards to hundreds sometimes rarely thousands of players on the field at once we have consulted and run our own games during our years needless to say we have a lot of experience and when we are invited to games we will typically make some suggestions to the field if they have a rule that is easily abused and can break the game they are running we usually do our best to explain the interpretation as we don't want to ruin anyone's fun with poor execution there is a standard set of rules that a lot of experienced producers will borrow from as is been well play tested I'll leave it in the description if you really want to read it one of the aspects of most scenario games is the field role of a medic a player who can revive a player who has been hit provided some simple conditions are met this allows players a second chance on the field without having to walk off and wait for reinsertion into the game it can help add some fun and usually helps prevent cheating as a player can attempt to get healed and keep playing instead of having to deal with the moral dilemma of the sometimes long walk off the field to wait to be reinserted if they are eliminated by the result of a boneheaded decision it also allows for some pretty aggressive moves on the field it's the players can sometimes get a second chance usually after discussion with the producer and if our interpretation is correct most producers will heed our advice because it's easier to fix a rule before the game starts the setup for the militias compliance prior to arriving at this particular field we read the rules that were published before hand and after arrival had met with the producer to explain our concern for his interpretation at the standard medic role usually the medics have to wipe off the old hair as to not confuse other players with what is Rison and an eliminating here and to prevent the player if shady from claiming it's an old hair and continuing playing usually medics have a limited number of times they can revive a player and a brief window of time to which they can heal medics also usually are not allowed to heal players who have been hit in the head as to also provide a taste of realism to the event players waiting for a medic I'm not allowed to wander around and have to wait out their time limit at where they were head this particular producer had decided to skip tradition and developed his own role simply put the medic just has to touch the player in question to consider them healed no other conditions of procedure we attempted to discuss the reasons why this was a bad idea who was informed that the producer was an experienced producer and it cannot be abused anything else is overkill that we were unfounded in our concerns we decided we weren't going to get any further with him and left to prepare for the game the malicious compliance during the early part of the game we were making a push up a well-defended hill one of our players had advanced too far to get a prop a piece of equipment unique to the story of the game and MacGuffin and gotten himself here while making a grab for air we needed the prop to complete a different task on the field later we were outnumbered and in a poor location but we had a medic player with us who was enjoying our shenanigans we yelled to the hit player to hold up his location and for him to yell for the medic so the other players would know he wasn't just laying we call the referee over to explain our plan and ask for rules clarification for our interpretation he confirmed and validated our plan was within the rules we implemented it what we did was to form a very tight circle of players standing shoulder-to-shoulder around the medic so that no shots could make it past our wall of players the medic was to continuously move his hand over our backs to healers since he only had to touch us while we advanced up the hill to retrieve our fallen player and the prop with everyone ready including the referee in tow to eliminate the medic if he got here which would have ended our plan we made our march up the hill enclosed the hit player in our wall so the medic could touch him and then proceeded to back down our original gathering point those of us in the front took a lot of paint heads and pain but we knew that going into it the medic was not hair as confirmed by the ref our plan succeeded this resulted in much yelling and complaining by the opposing force the referee calling over a few refs nearby to defuse the situation while also explaining that what we did was well within the roles and with the referees blessing the fallout most of us being low on supplies decided to head off the field leaving another player to move the prop to where it needed to go and continue the game by the time we got back to our tent our field the head ref was waiting for us as he had received complaints from other players and for us to explain why it happened we explained our side affair the referee involved on the situation the head ref confirmed with the field ref and by the end of it was cracking up he made an executive decision and radioed to the producer and the on-field refs that medics powers on the field are to be revoked until further notice the producer eventually came over to apologize and the medic role was entirely removed from the game for the rest of the event as it was easier than reworking them during the game you know what would have been even better if they had two medics that were like holding hands or interlocking arms so that if one of them got shot you're the one technically just healed him instantly so they could just run around and heal each other whilst they were getting shot I think that would be pretty good hey everyone I hope you all had a really good day and that you enjoyed that video if you want to check out some of the videos then click on screen right now or check out the playlist down below if you enjoyed that video then please do leave a like and if you want to submit your own stories think you can do so by joining with discord in the top link in the description but thank you so much for watching and I will see you very soon
Channel: Storytime
Views: 225,230
Rating: 4.8797064 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, Storytime, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, episode, story, time, stories, reddit stories, reddit story, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/prorevenge, r/choosingbeggars, malicious, compliance, r/malicious, r/compliance, maliciouscompliance, Manager, Boss, Company, CEO, Business, College, Fired, Fires, reddit maliciouscompliance, rslash maliciouscompliance
Id: vxIWpbo3HaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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