r/maliciouscompliance | Fill out a Survey every 24 hours... - Reddit Stories

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welcome friends to another r slash malicious compliance video did you know hitting the like and subscribe buttons down below makes one random person in the world's wishes come true might want to try it out that said our first story of the day is by revolution friendly 56 i'm glad i can blow up in your face and you don't do anything about it have you ever had such a bad boss but you really needed the job so you swallow your pride and bide your time and wait for the opportunity to rub it in a few years ago i had a female boss let's call her witch who does not believe in leading by example since she leaves by 2 30 or 3 pm each day but preaches on our weekly meeting about how great her leadership is not only does she never give 40 hours a week as head of the company i often walk by and see she's doing personal stuff during work hours as you can imagine this is a failing business that still pays its bills via prioritization of terms and due dates but has at the helm the most incompetent leadership team who got there via nepotism i came to the conclusion each of them are incompetent because of the logic of many individual actions that's turned out badly more often than not and the sheepish mentality of the collective yes man instead of the voice of reason they're supposed to bring often i would voice my concerns at certain directions of some of the policies or actions being undertaken and the boss would blow up in my face privately or in front of others so many times i just wanted to get up and say that's enough i quit but i kept calm and some time later she would come by again and say we work so great together because we can have disagreements and she can blow up in my face and i don't say anything oh just you wait a few years go by and a key customer contract was coming due and we were told to bid on a new contract via the rfp process i was responsible for collecting the data from operations and the boss was supposed to evaluate the data and turn them into a competitive bid rate for the projects instead of using historical data as a basis for input into her model she came up with her own gut feeling inputs for some of the key variables source of data is via chatting with her insiders as the person putting the bid document together i question some of the rates as they seemed unrealistically optimistic her response just freaking do as i say at the very least i wanted to make the bid document look pretty and polished so i actually spent a lot of time outside of office hours working my butt off to make sure we got tables that align perfectly everything is spell checked and sounds nice and next monday i showed her the final product she's like why did you bother making it even nice looking at all look at the customer tender doc they gave us it's full of mistakes i can't believe what she said she also said because i did this without asking her first basically it was a waste of time i wasn't going to get time off in lieu on the last day before the rfp submission deadline i final check the documents and rate sheets and remember what she said about do as she freaking says knowing full well we'll probably get the contracts for the projects we underbidded i said nothing more sent i was there for the big celebration for winning the major contracts i was also there when reality sinks in that they'll be losing money for the next several years we work in a tight industry where bad news travels fast so a breach of contract would be the end of a company i left shortly after i heard that they really had to downsize the overhead and the ownership stepped in and got rid of most of the top heavy management if you worked a job where the management was handling things in a terrible way and that manager told you to do something exactly as they say with you knowing full well it's going to lose that company money would you be the type to try to talk to somebody higher about it or do you think you'd be the type to say okay this is exactly what they're asking of me let me know what you think in the comments down below our next story is by enigma guy fill out a health and wellness survey within 24 hours of every shift after gutting most remaining benefits and reimbursable programs sure thing like many other companies our leadership recently released news of upcoming changes that even though profits for our company are up are eliminating most of the remaining perks that are still standing company supplied phones for anyone except the tops of the departments gone reimbursements for things like safety shoes eyeglasses for those in the medals and fabrication areas gone all 401k matches merit increases and or bonuses frozen until figures reflect pre-pandemic levels i.e much larger profit margins even though workload has increased our direct area had a few manpower losses due to a few folks deciding to retire and a few that decided to pursue work from home opportunities hiring freeze to replace anyone all of this while the majority of the higher-ups and anyone who works with a computer and argue they can work from home are you know working from home which in our eyes is essentially a substantial raise slash savings for those lucky individuals that can work from home fuel day care etc with the cases on the rise again they decided to implement a health and wellness screening that must be completed every shift within 24 hours to the start of that shift and presented at the security checkpoint there's even a nice link to where you can complete it on your phone via an app for our convenience already annoyed at the above mentioned cuts and now they're wanting me to use my personal phone and data to complete a survey before working hours i read the requirements again it just had to be within 24 hours to the start of the shift and presented at the security checkpoint we were working on average between 12 and 14 hour days so i was easily able to complete and print a physical copy of the survey at the end of the day for the following day's requirement that next day i showed up to security and gave them the paper she just kind of looked at it and asked what it was told her it was the wellness screening so i could enter the building for my shift she replied oh well it has to be done before your shift this has yesterday's date on it i pointed at the disclaimer that said it just had to be within 24 hours to the start of the shift which it was which to her defense is kind of silly because a lot can happen between the day prior and the start of the new shift looking slightly annoyed she said oh okay you can just use your phone going forward so you don't have to print it out i think during said it was actually easier for me to just do it at the end of my shift so i didn't have to think about it in the morning especially since i didn't have access to the wi-fi until i was already past the security checkpoint third morning i did the same thing she rolled her eyes and put the paper to the side didn't realize it at the time but i was informed afterwards if we didn't use the app version it didn't have a digital record so they had to save all physical papers in a folder and retain them in their office the fourth morning the head of security was at the door and as soon as i showed the paper he asked why i was choosing to do the physical paper instead of the app didn't want to get too in-depth but told them it was easier for me to print it out at the end of the prior workday and these guys don't pay my phone bill so i wasn't going to use my personal phone and data to do a redundant survey off the clock every morning he tried to argue the paper option was really only for the plants and not for the offices and i was the only person printing them out in lieu of using the app told them i didn't see where it said plant use only on the form and if that was the case hr would need to update the verbiage couple of co-workers in the area caught part of the interaction and how the guy was complaining to my boss as soon as he hit the door about 10 minutes later i filled them in on what i was doing and they decided to follow suit all 15 of us completed the survey at the end of the day to bring in the following morning friday morning arrives i'm sitting in my car watching as a line forms and everyone has a paper in their hand can make out the security guard's face she looks pissed finally get out and go to walk in big poop eating grin on my face and say good morning she doesn't say a word just does the temperature check and snatches the paper out of my hand around first break i see our hr rep walk into the shop and talk to my boss he looks over at me and points in my direction oh boy and she walks over and introduces herself we'll call her hrqb because she looks like she can play for a minor league she says good morning i'm hrqb with human resources we received a call from the head of security and they're saying you're giving them printouts of the new health surveys do you need help with setting up the app i say oh no that's not necessary i actually already told them it's easier for me to do it at the end of my shift the day prior instead of doing it on my personal phone in the morning i don't get very good reception here until i'm on the wi-fi and that's past security she says well you don't need to be on wi-fi here to complete the survey on the app you can even do it at home before leaving for work and take a screenshot of the confirmation that way you don't have to waste paper and the security team member at the door won't have to keep it in a folder and drop it off to the office every day it'll save a lot of time and energy i say ah well unfortunately the company has taken away all of the company issued phones except for select individuals and i'm not going to do the survey on my personal phone or during non-work hours i agree doing the survey every single day is a bit redundant and wasteful but it isn't my paper and proof is required for me to enter the building while it is tedious i'm pretty sure that security's on their phone for seven out of the eight hours that they're stationed at the door think they can take two minutes to walk down the hall to drop off the papers at the office pretty sure i could have poked the vein on the side of her head and caused a stroke i thanked her for her time and my team lead came to pull me to help him with a job save me the first few days of the following week most of my co-workers kept printing out the physical copies which i thought was hilarious but it was pretty short-lived hrqb must have worked harder than she's ever worked in her life because wouldn't you know it come that following week an email came out with a link to a new survey that only had to be completed one time online and if after that at any point you had flu-like symptoms tested positive or were near anyone that tested positive they held you to the honor system to report it to supervision hr so considering the circumstances of the world right now i don't think what the company was doing here was necessarily wrong the only thing they did wrong obviously was try and force op to use the app everything would just go swimmingly as long as the security guard could take the two minutes to lock the papers down our next story is by doom to barnec too unexperienced to contribute all right i'll shut up from now on i started as a nurse a few years ago after being oriented in the er i got a position on a cardio unit in the same hospital the manager of this particular unit was one mean old nurse pretty much everyone hated except for a select few on the day shift i was night shift now a little personal background when i started studying as a nurse i had the chance to meet and spend a day with a primary care nurse practitioner she inspired me to become one as well so very early on in my training i knew that's what i wanted to be i worked hard to have good grades in class and even outside of my classes i was reading on the merck manual learning with osmosis and reading scientific articles to increase my knowledge faster knowing the job i really wanted required more advanced knowledge than what is required of a starting nurse one night my colleague is checking up a patient's file and asks out loud why the cardiologist prescribed colchicine for a patient with pericarditis i knew the answer so i informed her she looked at me for a few seconds and said okay on the morning of the next day my boss calls me in her office and sits me down she said she received a complaint that i was speaking out of turn at the station and she agreed that i was too unexperienced to offer advice counsel or information to nurses with more experience she said i should keep my comments to myself until my place is secured in the team now keep in mind i didn't intrude on a conversation or read over her shoulder she asked a question out loud and i thought i was helping her by answering what i told her was right the following nights i didn't peep a word nor any other night anytime my colleagues had a theoretical question or wondered something aloud i stayed quiet and kept my head in my files if they needed physical help i'd give it without a word once they even mentioned how quiet i was and i told them i was told not to offer my opinion at the station and it cast a chill but they didn't push anymore after a few months i left that unit to go back to the er where i was truly appreciated and felt a part of the team i'm now in an np program there's nothing like encouraging aspiring people in the medical industry by saying literally do not offer any opinions thoughts or advice to anybody that is remotely above you i feel like that might motivate people to achieve higher positions but only because they want the privilege of being able to say stuff to people and answer questions they know is right and our final story of the day is by papi 317 so you want me to put it in the tray this happened several years ago so for a bit of background i lost my left leg from the knee down over in some jungle so they let me have a bionic one anyway i got a new one just a couple of years back the dock at the time told me in order to save myself some grief when traveling especially when flying i should let the tsa agent know that i have a prosthetic leg they even gave me a little card that looked like a miniature x-ray to show them so anyway i'm in line waiting and i finally get to the table where the plastic bins are at i start loading all my stuff in the bin and tell the tsa lady behind the table that i have a prosthetic leg she gets about half smart and says put it in the bin i said excuse me to which he goes full on smart butt and says just put it in the bin and keep moving so here's where i'm not sure if this is malicious compliance or am i the jerk i hop up on the table while she's facing away putting more bins up and start removing my leg just to show how smug this lady was she didn't even notice of course i make it look a lot harder than it actually is been taking it off and putting it on for years so i'm pretty darn good at it to the amusement of all those in line behind me and the tsa guy on the other side of the walkthrough scanner i drop it in the bin making sure that it gets the attention of miss smug tsa lady then i start hopping two and threw the scanner on one leg i think it was at this point judging from the look on her face she realized what i had said but sorry miss smug damage done all the people who saw it all go down were chuckling as was the tsa guy who waited for me to hop through the scanner with a big smile i heard a couple of people say i guess i'll pay more attention now life goes on i slapped the wheel back on and as i was getting the rest of my stuff out the bin a lot of them gave me high fives including the tsa guy who also said that it made his day i just find it quite impressive that any airline employee whether it's tsa or whatever i know they don't actually work for the airline would stand by their smug joker saying yeah take off your leg and put it in the bin do you know how much bad pr that could cause that would be an awfully great news headline for that airport if so and so airport tsa forces person to take off their own prosthetic leg and put it through scanner was out there i think you'd probably get a good few clicks but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so of all these stories i've read today which is your favorite and why let me know in the comments down below and if you haven't yet if you could like and subscribe that would mean a lot to me whatever you do whether it's liking subscribing turning notifications on all of it helps grow this channel and i appreciate the heck out of it so until next time i'll see you all tomorrow with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 18,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Storytime, r/, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: s0_8K9X7owo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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