Ritchie Valens - His Grave, School and Wayne's World??? 4K

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is that is always I was driving through Pacoima California the other day and I came across a whole bunch of amazing wall art mural art along the street along the main road through Pacoima and I've always said wall art street art is something that heavily influences me when it comes time to creating a video for inspiration and of course Pacoima is the hometown of Richie Valens then I realized I haven't done a video on Richie Valens in his birthplace in his home and where he's buried that's what we're doing today [Music] her name since you left me I never been the same but I know [Music] that you're gone [Music] the amount of love that this community has for Ritchie Valens especially here in his hometown of Pacoima it's absolutely beautiful like everybody that I have met has had has been absolutely amazing and very helpful and very kind so take as many photos as you want take as much time as you want there's a park named after Richie Valens a highway and even though there's no plaques around town you kind of have to know where to look there are murals of Ritchie Valens especially in his hometown at Pacoima let's find a resting place is right there I can't believe I'm standing here at the final resting place of Richie Valens blows my mind first we visited the place where he last performed with Buddy Holly and big bobber Waylon Jennings was there at the surf ballroom we went to the crash site on a snowy day out in the middle of the field got to visit the final resting place of Buddy Holly and now Richie Valens born May 13 1941 died February 3rd 1959 otherwise known as The Day the Music Died and there's a little note there come on let's go I love that song and right next to him is his mother Concha and she died I think it was at 1987. a little note underneath there and for La Bamba right now we are in Pacoima in this building that's to my left is the Pacoima middle school but back in the day this is where Richie Valens went to high school during his time it was the high school and they actually did some filming here foreign to see if we can see the mural or try to line up where they took a class photo in 1957 you can get it done we'll try in the photos you can clearly see the word auditorium on the side of the building which means they're standing at least in front of the auditorium and I was hoping that we can see it from the road since we can't get on you know campus aha I found it the auditorium is in the very back right next to the cafeteria the cafeterias to the right of your screen but right on the other side of this wall you'll see it peek through here you see it mccoyma Middle School Visual and Performing Arts it says the auditorium see if I can uh zoom in there a little bit there we go it's a little bit better how crazy cool is that 1957 Richie Valens stood on those steps with his class class of 1957. there's a lot of people there but Richie Valens is standing right there man that's cool a fun thing about this Richie Valens before his death actually came back here and performed here at his old school and there's no video of it I don't think there is but I know that there was a recording of it and Richie died so young that all of his fans they were clamoring they wanted more music from Richie so his manager I think it was his name Escapes Me took four of those songs from those performances from that performance here at Richie's very own school and put them on the side of the record what caused that at some point I'd like to come out here and do a proper filming location video to the movie La Bamba the story of Richie Valens but I was out here doing you know tracking down the school and trying to line up things and then I saw this and it gave me chill so I had to stop and show it this is the playground in the back of the high school that can be seen in the movie when Richie Valens is having the dream the premonition of the plane crash it's a little hard to film over top of this fence especially looking into the sun but that's it such a chilling scene from the movie so sad [Music] foreign [Music] didn't expect finding this I mean I knew that they filmed the movie around here you know where Richie Valens grew up I didn't expect seeing this I came around the corner I saw the back of it and I knew immediately what it was We Now find ourselves in front of Castle's music here in San Fernando a music store a historic music store that's been in business since 1948. it has some really cool ties to both Ritchie Valens and Wayne's World when it comes to Castle's music this is where Richie Valens would come and buy his guitars his mom would take him up to the local music story and you guessed it it was castles but here's the thing Ritchie Valens actually never stepped foot on this property well inside this store his time was actually across town in a different location this one here if I remember correctly they moved here sometime in the mid 80s we could line up some things from Wayne's World in the movie The guys would have pulled the Murphy bill right up to this side of Castle's music and parked right about there next to the curb and you can actually see that light post the other ones are gone but that one is still there and Wayne gets out and he walks up to the window not again [Music] does this every Friday as soon as we walk into the store it should start looking familiar to the movie Wayne's World it's just standing here nothing has really changed now if I come right around this corner I can point out a few different things from right about here the first one being a sign that said no Stairway to Heaven would have been right above the door off to the left hand side of your screen those colored plastic rectangles hanging from the ceiling they brought those in for the movie and they left them and then right over here to the right that's where the guitar was there it is Excalibur wow hi I'm Eden tagliata I'm the owner of Castle's music and I'd like to welcome you here to the store where Wayne's World was filmed okay let's take a look at some of the Wayne's World memorabilia that I have I've created a little Shrine here and I'd like to point a few things out to you this here this is the Plexiglas case that Excalibur was held in and this is not Excalibur this is a replica guitar signed by Dana Carvey and Mike Myers and over here part of the little Shrine I've built is the uh this is the may I help you riff guitar that Mike Myers played in the movie where's the clerk no I'll use the may I help you riff yeah help you we have the location agreement the Certificate of Insurance and over here I have a collage of photos of the day of the filming we have some Stills I took that's me and Dana Carvey and another uh guy who worked here this is the setup this is Dana actually he had some time to practice the drums because he had a big drum solo which which he actually really did do and one interesting thing is one of the assistant directors asked me if I wanted to be in the movie as just an extra hanging out in the background stupidly I said no I don't know why but I wished I would have done it so I could put extra in Wayne's World on my resume but anyway it was a great day of filming it was very hard we start at six in the morning and we ended at midnight but it was uh just a great day and it's really put us on the map and I hope you enjoy your tour of where Wayne's World was filmed now you're leaning on uh this giant blue piece that look that's from the movie we already talked about it but why don't you talk a little bit about that yeah in order to just create the visual they wanted of the store they line the whole border where the ceiling and uh wall join with this sort of a cloud graphic they put it all around the store and then when they left they forgot to take one piece with them so I hung onto it and it's a pretty cool thing to have on display now I knew that the guitar scenes were filmed here you know The Stairway to Heaven but I I seriously thought that was a drum sequence with somewhere else no but that was pretty much right where you're standing right right here right here if you you see the uh see this middle column here that's that's this this middle column oh okay right here [Music] [Music] so the drum they had another um green display Riser right where I'm standing was three times as big as this one in order to house the drums and they had lights underneath it they brought a guy in to do like a fog for when they uh did kind of the dream sequence of him playing the drums and um yeah this is uh Dana practicing and this is where the drum set was this display right here makes a great background for when people come and take selfies I put the Hat on them and they give they give the old rock and roll sign and get their picture taken I gotta do it I gotta do it when I had a girl thought I was her name said she left me I never been the same [Music] I was just thinking I have to ask this go ahead as a music store owner yes how do you feel about people coming into a music store and playing the Riff Stairway to Heaven we totally approve of it totally cool [Music] no stairway denied okay well you know the Waynes real thing is great but we have another claim to fame which I'd like to talk to you about that is we were the store that Richie Valens shopped at when he was in his prime and making all the recordings of La Bamba Oh Donna all those great hits and he bought his guitars here and would like to show you something very cool that I have from that what I have here is a photocopy of a financing receipt for the guitar that real Richie Valens purchased here at Castle's music seeing how he was under age and could not legally sign a contract his mom had to sign for it this is her name here Concepcion Valenzuela and it shows that they bought a Gibson guitar model ES 225t for the price of 221 dollars Richie traded in his old guitar for eleven dollars and so he financed 210 dollars plus sales tax and twenty dollars and eight cents of Interest and this was signed by his mom on October the 10th 1958 Castle's music center Albert Castle the original owner signed for it now what's really neat about this this isn't that far away from the time that he died no it's actually just a few months before he died and we know that that guitar he did not take with him on that tour but who knows what happened to that guitar it maybe be in somebody's closet somewhere nobody knows maybe it'll show up one day so there's a lot there's a lot of like these like mythical stories yes from you know Castle's music absolutely we have a tremendous history and we've been in business since 1948 have served many famous customers and we want to continue to do so thank you for your time you're very welcome Mike if you find yourself in Los Angeles and you want to visit a piece of history when it comes to Richie Valens or track down the filming locations the Waynes world you have to stop here very nice people I can't wait to come back and do a Wayne's World filming location video properly with that being said I'm not going to say there is I'm not going to say there's not but there may or may not be some merchandise Wayne's World merchandise on the inside that you can pick up if you come here in person and what you're looking at right now is the last residence of Richie Valens and I read a few things online the first one being that this was his childhood home and then the other one being this is the home that he bought for his mother but one thing for sure this is definitely the home the house that he lived in the time of his death it's quaint it's beautiful it's peaceful [Music] and when I pulled up here the owner was coming out and you know politely asked if it was okay to film the house and he said you're more than welcome to the one thing about this everybody here that I've met who's a fan of Ritchie Valens happy to see people coming home remembering is that our lemon tree yeah it is oh would you look at that it's even a chicken in the yard oh this is fun this is really nice to just kind of take a step off the main road about two blocks that way is the main road Van Nuys I think it is that goes right through Pacoima not too far down the street from there is where Richie Valens went to school and where they filmed part of the movie La Bamba this is nice [Music] gonna pay what [Music] whenever I call my man that's always
Channel: grimmlifecollective
Views: 125,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ritchie Valens, Ritchie Valens La Bamba, Ritchie Valens We Belong Together, Ritchie Valens Donna, Ritchie Valens Come On Let's Go, Ritchie Valens Sleepwalk, Ritchie Valens Live, Ritchie Valens Death, Ritchie Valens Ooh My Head, Ritchie Valens Interview, La Bamba, La Bamba Ritchie Valens, La Bamba Song, La Bamba Los Lobos, La Bamba Soundtrack, La Bamba Lyrics, La Bamba Karaoke, La Bamba Movie, La Bamba Full Movie, La Bamba Ending, Waynes World, Waynes World Full Movie
Id: LmkH1eqbUwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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